Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Jan 1915, p. 2

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BEING LOT 53, CON. 3, E. G. R"! Glenelg. containing 101‘ :tcreszi on premises are new frmne burn} brick house. sheds and outbuEld-g ings; running Kfrvam through: proDerty: about 10 acres hzn‘fi-' wood bush. rest in good state 0:": cultivation. Possesslim gix'on on? Nov. lst. 1913. For further par-f ticulars. apply on promxns 10' Mrs John Staples. Rur’fl Route; N0. 1. Durham. Ont 0 3 “film; g. ACRES IN EGREMONT. FIRST buildings, solid brick house. and WOOdShed; cement floors in all stables; small orch- ard; well watered: about 35 acre! of fair hardwood bush; in good state of cultivation. Ap- ply to W. J. Wilson, Varmy. Lot 20, Con. 20, Egmmomq. SEVEN ACRES, 1% MILES EAST of Durham: small. but comfort- able brick house. large wood- shed. frame stable and driving shed: running: Water: daily mail service: good location for tradesman with small family: a snap for the man who acts quickly. Apply to J. P. 'l‘Pl'Im'd Durham. Ont. 9 tilt: REMEMBER THE FAMOUS SPIR- ella Corset; any size, type or price; with perfect laundering qualities. and unbreakable steels: positively hygenic. Not euld in stores. Mrs. J. C. Nichol, Rep- resentative, Box 107, Durham. Ontario. 4186111 REGISTERED TAMWORTH BOAR for service. At Lot 11. Can. 3. 3211 most --Wm. Allan, Jr., Var- ney R R No. 1. 10 :29ud J. ARTHUR COOK WiLL GIVES vocal instruction in singing ev- ery Tuesday afternmm an~1 evening at the home of Mrs. S. F. McComb. Pupils may apply for appointments to MFS.M;‘~ Comb at any time. 10 :Stf f.\ vl‘ \A The sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Mimiâ€" toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. Applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but not Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub-Agency), on certain conditions Dutiesâ€"Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home-, steader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of; at least 80 acres, on certain condi-r tiona. A habitable house is re-Z quired except where residence is? performed in the vicinity. l In certain districts 3 home- steader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per Dutiesâ€"Six months residence in each of three years after earning homestead patent; also 50 acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain conâ€" ditions. A settler who has exhausted his homestead right may take a pur- chased homestead in certain dist-- ricts. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties. ~Must reside six months in each} of three years, cultivate 50 acres‘ and erect a house worth $300. _ The area of cultivation is sub- !ect to reduction in case of rough. acrnbby or stony land. Live stock may be substituted for cultivation under certain conditions. 6666' COMFORTABLE FIVE- room house, in good locality. Apply to Dan. McAuIiffe. 10 Stf Intériér. N.B.â€"-Unanthorized publication of this advertisement will not be maid for. 8514 In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey. In the matter of the Estate of Christina. Huggins, late of the Tomhip of Artemesia in the County of Grey, widow. deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, nursu- not to 3.8.0. 1914. Cap. 121. Sec. 56. that all persons having claima stainst the estate of the said Christina Huggins. who died on or about the fist day of December. A. D. 1914, are required to send b7 post prepaid or otherwise de- m to J. P. Tenord. of the Town of Durham. Solicitor for the Ad- ministrator. on or before the 30th GM? of J’gmary, A. ‘D.‘ 1915.. their \ Hortisomanm .f q ubaoqm‘ufi huaertion W ifirwe'é‘s'éé and descriptions ad a.‘ tunAstategnent of p‘ayticu- hrs of their claims and the 133-? ture of the security, if any. held In them. dulv certified. and that utter the said day the adminis- trator will proceed to deliver the assets 01 the estate among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated the 313': dav of December. ARCEIBALD FERGUSON, Ammtor. b1 his Solicitor. J. P. Tellord. Notice to Creditors Farms for Sale. Boar for vrvivv Spirella (.‘m’svtq W. W. CORY, CM. 6.. )ennty of the Minister or LAND To Rem“ ona inon. 0': 10mm? 101" first “8013i . 1nd 19 out. for each m SMALL ADS. 0:9:- onouiéghribnd 3011er two inches. .dbdbldikm amount You-11 am on spplicsnon. '0 «1de n18. itrv any Fl: ICE -â€"Over 5 P. Telford’s office \) neatly opposite the Registdv offi. v. Remdvnce Sec and house south 0t Regist rv oflic r» on east, side of Album Sweet. Office H nus 9 ll a.m..... " 4 p. "1.. 7â€"9 p. m. 'l‘r-luphone cunmnmi~.n tiuu.hetween offiv-e and rt-sic'leuue at all hnurs. Ors. lamieson lamieson. {FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east of Knapp’a Hotel, Lamb mu Street, Lower Town. Durham ”5138 hours from 12 to : o’clock UHYSICI AN \Nl) SURGEON. O} .. {ice in the New Hunter Block. Office: umzrs 8 to 10 a. m. to 4 M m. and? 20$ 9 m Soon-32;! attention given to disease n" women :xd children Rasideme 0;" » mi 9 Pre~bnvrian hunh. H) .aw Asamtant Roy.Lonuim- (Johrnaumc ‘1 mg“ and co Gotivn Sq Throw and Noye Ho I I n of Turonto. Graduate Rays Mileage Dena! 51:. zzersnsnifintarm Dentist: \ in all us Branches (”firmâ€"{Her Dnuglns’ .vaellel'v SLOW. l. G Hutton. fl. 0., C. II. Issuer of Marriage Lieeme: Muney to loan at lowest rates.. and terms to suit borrower, Fire and Life Insurance placed in thorâ€" oughh' reliable compnaies. Deeds; Mortgages. Leases and Win exemv :ted on shortest notice. AH work promptlv attended to. Pedio'roed Y orkshire Boar 1T Lot 20 Con. Egremont. John J Queen. Holstein. R. R. No 2. 114 9 In pursuance of the powers vested in them the Executors of the Estate of the late James Fal- king‘ham. deceased. will offer for sale bv public auction at Hahn’s Hotel in the Town of Durham on Friday the 29th day of January 1915. at 2 o’clock in the afternoon the lands belonging to the said‘ estate, consisting of the following valuable freehold property: Parcel Iâ€"Lot Number Three. Con- cession Six. in the Township of Glenelg'. in the County of Grey. containing.)‘ one hundâ€", acres. more or less. ' Parcel IIâ€"Park Lots numbers One.. Two and 'Dhree and North: part Four. North of South‘ Street in the Town of Durâ€" ham in the County of Grey, containing twenty-five acres. more or less. iParcel IIIâ€"Lot number Five. I CountessStreet. East, BrOWn’s 1 survey. in the said Town of i Durham. containing one- ?uarter of an acre, more or ess. Parcel IVâ€"Lot number Ten, Queen Street East. .Brown’s survey, in the said Town of Durham. containing one-quarter of an acre. more or less. 'Parcel Vâ€"The Westerly portion of ‘ the First Division of Lot | Number Twenty-seven. Con- } cession One. West Garafraxa : Road. in the Township of E Bentinck in the County of i l I i O 1 Grey. containing Tlhil'tY- three and three-eighths acres more or.less. 'Dhe property will be offered for fsale subject to a reserved bid on {each of the said parcels. r Yfif‘k an; Chivauu. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat \Vill be mt the Hahn House, ‘ Jan. I“. February 21), Marc] Terms of Sale. -Ten per cent. of the amount of purchase money at time of sale and balance thereof within thirty days without inter- Further particulars may b° had from William Calder‘ or Robert Macfarlane. Executors, or J. P. TELFORD, Vendors’ Solicitor. ll R. E. ISAAC. Auctioneer Dated at Dunham. January 7 1915. Exocntnrs’ H‘_I?.~;t8in fl Lonveyance r Medical Dizectorv. mar for Service \URhKAl \ of Tun Arthur Gun. M. D. SPECIALIST .- ZAR, THROAT Sc NOSE GRANT mbt W'. J SHARP )J p.111. m illdl Dz’wcirm’ P U BL I! Sale. of Lands .3. P6035821! Dentist. )UA'I‘ E. UNIVERSI LO :‘4 DO X I}! ¢_;:'pn~;it9 the Durham. A 9% V‘VN >inerf0rl’ afiurd ERR“ I! me 'IIYY’i m O \! MISSION 2'”? \‘ml ml. “fl. 181' lfltkr “Ufa!" H :h 2% 3. Ni :11 busi 9 u. lip Tzhere is one piece of road in of this vicinitv that should have a d.._strong claim on this fund. We re- 'fer to the road from this station to -Eugenia. During the past ETSumm-er and fall the government th. has been using this piece of road -._ to transfer huge loads to their :1 .w-orks at Eugenia. and as a result .y, the highway this fall was in a esfterrible condition. and will be again as soon as the snow melts. ve.’Perhaps no road in the province n’sgwas more severely used than the of‘one referred to. It was also a xeâ€"imost pepular motor route and ortthousands of motors passed over :it during the season. Taking these en 3 things into consideration, our auâ€" 3 gthorities could put up a strong g’ ; claim to a few thousand for road ’an’pmprovement in the townshin of .Artem-esia and the government {could not in justice say them nay. of f ~Flesherton Advance. Mr. Ed. Elder‘ son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm Elder of this place. passed away on Saturda v at: the Weston sanitarium. where he: had been nursed and under treatu' ment for some time. The remains were taken to Cthlatsworch on Mondav for interment in the fun-- ilv plot in tire Presbyterian cem-; et-ery The deceased. who Was mn- n in Fleshzerton, was 30 \years an age, and unmarried. Messrs. C B. and P. Munshaw attended the: funeral. ‘ The huge steam shove-l used 1;:- '. the Hyland Co at Eugenia dam‘ was moved to me station lasc’, week for shipment After being’ dismantled as much as possible 10 was hauled on heavy 51:12.28 by: half a £19291} teams of horses, 3 Rev. W. Din“ oody. 111.110 former- lv {had char;~ we of Lugenia circuic, but \1218 xeccnuy \isi1ing his 3111- ter here, 1311: some days ago to take enargc 01' tue Gordon Lake mission 111-111 in 9110011111, formerly occupied by 111,1. 1111‘. Jones 11:19, supplymo Lugcuia 1111 '111e ‘ cu CI'OSS .50 1cLy hero shipped 111111111 1‘ box 01 9:111:11011‘15 101‘ 1119511111121‘5011 Saturdav. 111111 more arc being prepared 11v Miss Richardson and her willm ers. Sa b is visiting Mrs. Jamil 1-)1'62311. M1'.:1mi Mr‘. Andy Graham and two c21il’z an. of DIIYSVili'J. Sash" arrived last \\ 39k to visit 311:3. Graham’s motm 1‘. 311‘s. ’1‘. W Wil- son E10 :111;i other 1‘:-1.'1tivvs 1n this Vicinity. Mr. Jos. Curnfii‘l-ii of '1'01'rm‘”:1 sni‘nt Friday and Sntumiay last with 013 friends here 311'. Vi 11fr1d \ik enhead an! sis- tvr. Mk3 Ruby Aukonhoad. of To:â€" ontu. spent the past week “ith Mr. and Mrs. Hic‘» 21in" and 0t} er 1):! no 311' week to 1211.111111] here. SUSS Anni? Howard returned to Toronto on Mondav. after spend- in}; {11:1 holidays with her mother. Mi 51‘s E\Ll 11nd 1:113 Buskin o! \‘1. 1110111111511, \isitod l1st W10" 111111 thrir 1111113. )1’1'.1 11111111111 Dentin: :1'11'1 other relatives. MI. Andy Bentham retmned to Toronto on Saturday after spam:- 1119' the holidays here \11 111111 1113. .1 Brooks returned to 11:111‘ifiton 0:1 Monday. 111111' txxo 11'114‘1ks MS“: with the 1111111 1-5 11:11'11115. 311 (1111 Mrs. P (211151;: 11:11 11121101“ I‘»\‘1:1ti\’05 We umittml last week the nunw of Miss June Hadley 0f Tox'nnm from the sm'vixinO' members of the 11b Mrs. Jos. Racllevs family \I'tomosia and Flasherton mum'â€" cipal coumfi met on Monday and after the dulv taken dmclarxtlorv of office entered upon tic busiâ€" ness of the year. The provincial government Ins placed an additional tax ()1) am»- mobiles this year. Cars up to :25 horsepower will be taxed :35 and from 25 to 35 horsepower it mu be $10. This is expected to yield a large revenue to the governm; m coffers. Originally the auto tax ‘was intended as a fund for the upkeep of highways. but this countv has not as yet seen any of the proceeds. and The Advance wishes to point out the nec-essitv of getting after some of it. ill H 1' if eok to visit 1' Mrs. H. V vim 'Dhe annual meeting of the Priceville Agricultural Society Will be held on Thursday the let dav of January. 1915, at 1 o’clock pm. for the presentation of financial report and election of officers for present year. also other important business. '1‘. NICHOL. TAM. FERGUSON. President. Secretarv. AUTO TAX AND OUR ROADS rim-i; TEN ACRES OF LAND. MORE OR less. on Lambton street, east of Durham: considerable timber. fit for poster poles and. wood Will gynoheap. _ Apply to George ht :bers S Holmes of is in with pl to be about Annual Meeting will smmly‘th'e p ml White w;1.~s‘s'~irzei i m: Wailc away on Jmli on duty and shaking: .off ()1 .18 \V O n be For Sale Apply to George Durham. 1 14 9nd tf lutivcs {tin of Irisy, but 01' 311‘ nronto. B (111 [3i u-l tire Miss Belle Lee is engaged at 1Mr Geo. Hargrave’s. Miss Jennie HOOper is enqmed at Mr. Thos. Weir’s A livelv evening: with dancing and music was spent last Eridav at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Caz] Harrison. Mr. Will McFadden is laid up. fr-9_m 1:319 effectsgf laug‘rippe. Mr. Tom. and Miss Jénnin Cook. of Traverston, are Visiting at Mr Will McFadden’s for a fmx (1:125 Mr. Philip Lawrence 50):] driving horse 1.151: M'Onday. war purposes. Mr. John Wilkinson an] Rim) 1\ 898111: Mond av at Mr. \Vill 3321 :u.’ - d’en s. Mrs. Isaac Hoops I spent :1 fmv days With her daugatm' Mrs J. E W‘ells‘ near Holstein. last ““0172". A bright little baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and <Mz-s (2- Hargrav‘e last week. Miss Elizabeth Scott school by giving? tht.‘ c fine treat of candy. “'3: enioyed very much. Mf. and 'Mrs. Robert spent a day last Week and Mrs. W. MQCulIOC‘n. Mr. Neil McCanne'l mm 13115111088 trip to Swint'm P1 ’l‘ur‘sday last. Mrs. Wm. Harm'mm). 311:3 rem spent 'luesday lust wit father. Mr. Jas. Brown. of 1 Place Mr. T;hos. Binnieoof British Cul- um‘oia. is Visitin" his sister. 311's. '1‘ nos. McGirr and other fxisynds Messrs. Robt. and Eddie spent Sunday Wi‘tzl Mr. z Andrew Park. Buntmck. Mr. 'Lhos. Harrison of Egremwn: spent last week with Mr. Wm Jaques. Mr. and Mrs. A Lawrence. and Mr. R. Lawrence, spent (an even- inf! last Week with Mrs. C. Ritchic‘ Mr. John Fallajse and son. Theodore. passed around the burg Saturday on business. Glad to report little Reggie McFadden is better again. Miss Lena Ritchie of tOWn visit- ed last Week with her sister, Mrs. Miss Lena Ritchie ed last week with 1 Wm. Jaques. Mr. 311;! Mrs. Jus Atkinson Spmtt Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs? Ben Coutts. Vickm‘s. mrmafzor, The new arrival at the London hotel owed allegiance to the Kai- ser. “From Potsdam I vos com,” he announced. "A fine place. sir.” remarked the reflectively. “Yes: Berlin.” “Nein: Ohm.” “Ohm? In Germany. of {:01er “DonneI'We tor, vein; in t countryâ€"in Britain.” “Ohm‘” repeated the mnnag “Ya. I \‘08 come. from 1?.»13‘1._2'~i t0 SOC Ohm. I \'()S at (101' gwmceri: in Potsdam, and I hear der grout English soprano sing (Lit ‘Dere is no place like O‘zim.’ and all (1» 1' British people in der goncert cry like der leetle babies. I dink to minoself. I vill go und see dis blace Ohm vot der vos no blaee like. Now. Vioh is der Wav to Ohm?” . The m'oficioncv of the African cross-bow men amazed the Duke of Mecklenburg. who womicrcd how the weapon of William Tell found its Way into the ,Bszrzmâ€" du country. But there it WAS. handed down from a dim anti?!â€" uitv which the natix‘es were. unâ€" able to reveal. Several of the hunting tribes use the woanon. and some of the marksmen are so skill-ed that they can bring down abigh soaring- bird with the same sure action of the man with the gun. The duke was at the head :of the German Central African exp-edition of 1910 and 1911, undertaken to supplement the Work of the expeâ€" dition of 1907 and 1908. Though the book makes a marvellous con- tribution to our knowledge of Central African fauna and flora, anthDOpolog-y ethnology, and meâ€" teorology. and Shows the per- fection of scientific research to the layman there are portions as interesting as fihe most imaginatâ€" ive fiction. One at times. despite flhe unvarnished narration, is re- minded of the wild African stories of Rider Haggard. Even aehapter bearing the extremely practical title of “Research Work at Mo- glundu.” is enlivened by a vivid description of an attack on the expedition by “driver ants.” “Nothing is done to the .'lI'- rows used for killing birds,” writes the duke in his recently published work, “From the Congo to the Niger and the Nile.” “but for shooting monkeys they are invariably dipped in stronchanthus iuicre.L a poison which kills them almost _ immediately? _ Science is not pursued on easy or comfortable terms in these wilds. It is a moment of real terror when the negroes raise the crv of “Ants‘ massa, ants!” “All the spiders‘ lizards, and 'above all. the cockroaches, sought safety in flight. and the boys screamed whenever they were bit- ten. Our combined efforts succeed- ed in diverting the main attack in another direction. The infuriated insects clung for some time to the roof, hanging in bunches to the palm fronds _of which it was composed‘ and dronpifig one bv one to the ground. . oe betide the unwary individual who re- ceived an ant in the neck!” “Dere DARKIES’ CORNER-k ROM [5‘ SWEET HOME. AFRICAN lVlARKSMEN. 2 place, sir.” remarked Li , politely. V05 :1 better.” and Mrs LindS-ljv Lin CV 1111 child- 11 her _:’O‘_ 1211' (01' If you were told of a new discovery for the treatment of coughs, colds and bronchitis, as c.:rtain in its action on ail c12e23t troubles as anti-toxin is 022:2 . , 22’cheria, o \accina ion on 232.713 11- -pox, wo ‘dn t you feel 1'5. «:2 giving it a tri ‘21.? Especially if yc on 001111 try it for fifty cents! Peps is the discovery! Pepsafeii Lie 2:. blots, neat y wrap. ped an air and gw .22- pro 22 232: 2222' £2221. They contain certain :22 2122:2222! ingu- dients, which, when 122.2222 upon the tongue, immediately turn into vapour, and are at 0:22:22 bruathud down 11:23 2222' passages to tho lungs. On timkj-aurnvxg theys ‘ 2241123 H20 inf} amv 2d . ml it‘:iL;1'.2 J mcm': names of ‘i e L~'-22 222: 2hi;l tu‘ 2:5, 112 (inflow .26 “fans Of L220 all I”: wait? :1. . finally enter and czury 22-122 2' 2.2222 2: 213.22: to the capillariw and tin". u 22 mos 2 2 ti: lungs. “A special providence hovers over drunken men and children." As a metter of fact, the main cause of bone breakage from falls is due to the resistance of the tendons more often than from the violence of the shock. the expression of the mind in the face. It is caused by the lack of nourishment for the skin to keep lt‘he circulation of the blood up to its youthful strength. As we grew older we lose the fat that :has accumulated under our skin. ' and which is due to an imperfectly iadiusted circulation in all parts ;of_1_:he body. This saying is frermentlv heard, but perhaps the majority of per- sons nlever thought that it really had some foundation. A child or an intoxicated person rarely ever makes any great effort to recover balance in case of slip- pin" or toppling over. So no speâ€" cial resistinO' force is exercised. and the child or adult simply sinks into a heap without serious inâ€" jury. On the other hand, when an adâ€" ult. with his faculties alive and Working normally. falls. he atâ€" tempts to save himself. He goes through all sorts of contm-tions and draws up every sinew and muscle until it is tense. Then if the wrench or shock caused by falling is too sevel‘e. the bone breaks. {n a word, whiie no liquid can get to the In :3 a W1 they.) Pros fumes gut time (3- HOW HABITS MAKE There are different causes for Wrinkles, which are not entirely due to old age. Habits of thng‘ztt reflect themselves in the face and if persisted in create wrinkles through the repeated exercise of certain muscles in fixing the ex- pression of the features. A con- stantly fretful or worrisome con- traction of the skin of the fore- head Will cause wrinkles there in- dependent of the age of the person. at (1 at 05.9.? Cartmcnc * 1! tops are entire} old fashioned Iii; tid re merely awallowm: an 1 never reach the In persons of a jolly, laughing nature. the lines running outward and downward from the eye. caused by laughter, will become more or less fixed. Wrinkles running across the roof of the nose. between the eyes in- dicate concentrated habits nf thought in general. An over-exercise of deciseive» ness or determination will make permanent lines from the sides of the nostrils to the outer edge of the mouth. The natural cause of wrinkles as thev come with advancing years. lxowever. has nothing to do with When fat": accumulates it makes the skin grow larger, and when the up disappears with advanging age. flhe ski'n' is too large, and iii the act of contracting the Wrink- les are formed. D THE CAN YOU FALL EASILY? 9F @ANADA W OFFICE TORONTO . I DURHAM BRANCH,‘ Kelly. nun M. 500. box. have not yet this arlivle, )nto. return 3b the lungs. 3 and coids is di an A free trmi pack on be sent yo 1 Papa \VRINKLES uni DURHAM cuaumcu 18 PUBLISHED VERY THURSDAY MORNING At the Chronicle Printing House, Garahaxo Street. Advertising For trans: cents p0) quent insettion mimon cards not exceeding one Advertisements withuu! L- . .. - - -â€"- A Subscription Tau CHRONICLE will be sea . Rates ”'3‘ address. {we of postage -$1SO mnw ha n34]. 1518631" 9!. myablp infidvanoe va ‘NPI'I ya!" -$1.50 may be charged if not to which ever) ~ ubacription is the number or Hm address 1a} continued to all stream are i1 0n! 1“] and Euneral Director is an advantage sometimes 00 keepabankaocounthdnnm oftwo pawns,» that élher one may make widndramls. Such an acoumtiscalled a“iohtaccount.” quhaflbepleuedbfmln’shpu- ; FURNITURE For the third time within three months A. Montgomery’s butcher 3110:) was broken into last Thurs- dav night and meat stolen. Mr. Montgomery claixns to 15n0w_ _who and ask for it in the proper way. â€"Dunda1k Herald. EE-Kfigééaarveâ€"rivho make these informal calls. He would gladly 2iv_e them m_e_at_ if ‘ghey would call DURHAM. ONT Mr. M. Kress has npomvd a shop at the rear of I he furniture snow rmnn and is prepared in do all kinds of tinsmithinz. . Avoid :: Annoyances dnm‘ Smut-h of V. blacksmith shop. w v‘" v' 'may no charged if not do 'paid. Tie data: 3!: ever) ~ubacription is paid is denoted -1 mum or Hm address label. No papal-d a» med to all arrears are paid. axe-apt ct 3! e of the proprietor Emnm AND memmou How R~'H‘:MR-N( Embalming lim- whi “'1wa buying undm wwm' al- ways buy the hPM.: it. Ema-ts longer. feeds murv «unfort- able and will save yuur tom- ;)P:'. It is may trying cm the tempera; try andsqnevze a ”44)" body into a “36" shirt. Buy “Stanfield’s” and he happy. No more shrinking; this is guarantowl by the mamxfactm-m-EA. \Ve have sold the years and have. complaints. “79.. stand ready to make good anything that they guarantee. Haw about; an Overcoat We have a few at bar- gain prices. C. L. GRANT Rugs. Oilcloths Window Shades L a c e Curtains A BUSY BURGLAR H :1 ki n TINSMITHIN G For transient advert-moment:- 1 cents pm line for the first in»: Lion; Seems per linereach aubm kn..- Our Guarantee The Remedy £8.73 7117722 . IRWIN Household Furnishings 110111.78 . L}1( AN!) January 14. 1915; vntim a Speciaity ’u dms. and bla" Lana-3 pruple. m V x1 Lu SW‘dllnw' g4 yods for hand no 43 WY" I Shari; s

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