Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Dec 1914, p. 2

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house, and Woodshed; ' cement floors in all stables; small orchâ€" ard; well Watered: about 35 acres of fair hardwood bush; in good state of cultivation. Ap- ply to W. J. Wilson, Varney. Lot 20, Con. ‘20, Egremont. O 3‘“ fimv‘f‘ BEING LO'I 53. CON. 3, E. G. R.. Gknelg. containing 100 acres: on premises are new frame barn. brick house, sheds and outbuild- ings; running stream through prOperty: about 10 acres hardâ€" wood bush, rest in good State of cultivation. Possession given on Nov. lst- 1913. For furthm‘ par- ticulars. apply on premxses to Mrs John Staples. Rural Route No. 1. Durham, nt 9441‘Mt1 SEVEN XEEEâ€"sjm MILES EAST of Durham: small. ab1e_ bljick house. A Li- but comfort- large wood- - -A A“;\';no- REMEMBER THE FAMOUS SPIR- ella Corset; any size, type or price; with perfect laundering qualities, and unbreakable ste ls: positively hygenic. Not so in stores. Mrs. J. C. Nichol, Rep- resentative, Box 107, Durham. Ontario. 4 18 6m REGISTERED TAMWORTH BOAR for service. At Lot 14, Con. 3. Egremont â€"Wm. Allan, Jr., Var- ncv R R No. 1. 10 229pd J. ARTHUR COOK WILL GIVE vocal instruction in singing ev- ery Tuesday afternoon and evening at the home of Mrs. S. F. McComb. Pupils may apply for appointments to Mrs. Mc- Comb at any time. 10 22tf SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. The sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. Applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub-Agency), on certain conditions Dutiesâ€"Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- steader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 3933109 ce-rtain c.0ndi- E3157 X wHabitable house is re- quired except Where residence is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a home- steader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per Dutiesâ€"Six months residence in each of three years after earning homestead patent; also 50 acres extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain con- A settler who has exhausted his? homestead right may take a pur- chased homestead in certain dist- ricts. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties â€"Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house worth $300. The area of cultivation is subâ€" ject to reduction in case of rough. scrubby or stony land. Live stoc may be substituted for cultivation under certain conditions. W. W. CORY, CM.G., Deputy of the Minister of Interior. N.B.â€"Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be mad for- 8514 Some party or parties unknown entered the stable leased by Max W'olfe, a well-known Shelburne Jewish oeddler on Victoria street. on Friday morning of last week. and got away with his entire wagon load of dry goods. iewel- lery. etc. together with a large bundle of goods on the top of the wagon. __Mr. Wolfe at the 1-C'.:- aUlC UIILK‘L ‘AVuwâ€"y _ . shed, frame stable and dmving shed: running water: daily mail service: good locatmn for snap for the man who acts quickly. Apply to J. P. Telford Durham, Ont. 9 24tf , __-, _._..1- ”LC " m vâ€"- __ time was in Toronto, and Irwin Dean was left in charge of the horse. Early in the morning on Friday Mr. Dean went around to feed up‘ noticed the wheel tracks, found the lock on the stable door broken. as well as two locks on as was also M‘r. Wolfe in Toronto Mk- Mme home on the evening GOOD COMFORTABLE FIVE- room house, in good locality. Apply to Dan. McAuliffe. 10 Stf ing .on the c: developments Wolfe offers 1 Advoniaomonts of one inch abutment. insertion. Over ROBBERY AT SHELBURNE. m n 1 . a. to ( )r S e .I‘ v lie .19 Spirella ijsgts s‘arms for Sale. To B ent éénic. Not so)?! in J. C. Nichol, Rep- Box 107, Durham. 4 18 6m Constable Marshall. 3 is at present work- ase. and interesting are looked jor. Mr; parties unknown SMALL ADS. inch, or less. 25 cente for first inset-ti . and 10 cont. for each )ver one inch and under two inches. double the ebove amount. Yearly rates on application. N b ,0 4mpd FFICEâ€"Over .3 P. Telford’s ofl'ice nearly opposite the Regisuy office. Resldence Second house south of Registry office on east side of Albert Street. Office Hmus 9-11 3.11)., 2-4 p. 11).. 7-9 p. m. Telephone cmnmunica- tion between ofiice and residence at all hours. : ()f'fiveâ€"(h)vpr Dnnglns’ Jewellm'v SEC-1'0. Drs. lamieson Jamieson. ~1FFICE AND RESIDENCE A )HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OF- fice in the New Hunter Block. Oflice hours, 8 to 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and 7 :09 .. 11. Special attention given to diseases -‘- waznen and children. Residence or» "mite Preshvterian Church. L R. C P.. LONDON ENG .' V RADULATE of London. New '1' York and Chicago Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. “"ill be fit the Hahn House. July 20 Oct. 19, Nuvmubm' 16. Dec. 21, Hunt's. 1m?) p.11). Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughlv reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages. Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. ‘ er. Conveyaxmer. 8w. Insurance Karen? \hmey to Loan. Issuer of Mar- fiiage Licenses A general financial busi- mun ”mum-ted. 1 P. Teifard ’3 .. L RIS’I‘TL. sour mm E'i‘f‘ uthce. nearlg, opposite the Registr) v'tice,Lambtcn €t..Durbam. Auyamoum ,mmm‘ tr: man at 5 nor- cent. on farn‘ 3"?“9l’tv ' 'l‘enders ‘Wanted TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED In the matter of the estate of Martha Adlam, late of the Town of Durham in the County of Grey, Widow, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuâ€"l ant to “The Revised Statutes of1 Ontario,” chapter 121 that all, creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Martha Adlam, who died on or about the 23rd day of October. 1914, are requested, on or before the 28th day of November, 1914, to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned Executors of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descrip- tions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their ac- counts and the nature of the se- curities, if any, held by them. A. H. Jackson. \TOTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSION And further take notice that af- ter such last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to the. claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said Ex- ecutors will not be liable for the said assets, or any part thereof. to any person or persons of Whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated at Durham this 28th dav of October, A.D. 1914. l ty of Toronto. Graduajb Rays. flage Dental Surgeons ofGntarm Dentistry 111 all its Branches to anyone who can furnish infor- mation that will lead to the con- viction of the theives. The loss is estimated if over $600. -â€"Shelburne bv the undersigned up to Thursday evening, December 10. for the erection of a school for S S. No. 3, Bentinck, during the summer of 1915. Plans and speci- fications may be seen at the cf- fice of the Secretary-Treasurer. The above building is to be bempleted by September 1 1915. â€"J. W. Vickers, Secv.-Treas. 19 ° Notice to Creditors J F GRANT..D. D. S .L.D S [0308 GRADUATE. UNIVERSE. “HRH A.“ ONT. {Lower Town.) mustn‘t Roy.Londou ("mf'xtnalmxc Boa and mGoLleu Sq Throat and Rose Hos. SPECIALIST : 7A3, THROAT NOSE ){nca '3, that St. Owe.“ emmd Medical Directorv. Arthur Bun, M. D. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Bentist. Denial Dz’recforv \V. J. SHARP 97R". 39( W'N I, m?! ‘Dz'rertn-rv WILLIAM ADLAM, Allan Park P.0.. Ont” and ' DAVID ADLAM. Allan Pafk P.O., Ont, Executors of the last Will and Testament of Martha Adlam. deceased. - DR. BURT. Over .1 J Hunter’a (With apologies to Southey. LeWis Carroll and M. T. PigottA “You are old Kaiser Wilhelm ” the juvenile said‘ “But you’ve taken a whale of a chance: Do you seriously think vou can thumb on the ‘head Belgium, Britain, Japan, Russia, France ‘2” “You are old Kaiser Wilhelm ”‘ t}; iuven-ile said. “And the time that is left vou is‘ brief: Will it add to your happiness af- ter you’re dead To act up the cut-throat and “In the udaxs of mv youth’ Kai- seI Wilhelm Ieplied. “Deutchland proer that the Bible’s a joke‘ That man dies as the beastâ€"â€" though it can’t be denied Religion looks wellâ€"as a cl'mk!” “If by that \011 \x ould hint.” Kai- ser Wilhelm re plied. “Meneâ€"Tekel â€" Unharson -â€" for mine. Just note, of the hands I’ve cut off in my pride. Not one has yet scribbled .1 “You. are old Kaiser Wilhplm. oid. oldâ€"” as I sand, “Famine, misery. outrage and pain. Cling fast to your skirtsâ€"um! Your hands, ah! how red \Vith the blood of those mvrinds “In the days of his youth.” the Round \VOl‘lll made reply. “He aspired to be ‘Ox'pr War- Lord.’ But the Judgment shall sitâ€"ho the Sword raised on high‘ “And in Justice shall fall by the Sword!” N.B.â€"-â€"“Auf der Hollweg" is Ger- man for “Upon the wav to verdi- tion.” A woman‘s heart is a savings bank Where the love you deposit lies. Gathering interest day by dav From the sunshine of the skies. There isn't a safer nlaee. mv lad To bury the treasure you’d keep. Than down in the beautiful vaults of dream‘ Where the tenderest blossoms A woman’s heart is the lilace to hide Whatever you’d treasure best; For she’ll give it back as the years go by, In a love that’s more than rest. A woman’s heart is a storage vault. Where nothing breaks in to steal. Except the honor you fail to pay And the love you forget to feel. Girls and Women of all ages want to be beautiful and attract- ive, but unsightly, thin and lifeless fhair destroys half the beauty of a: .pretty face. ‘ a If your hair is losing its natural color, is falling out, dull, streaky, ;full of dandruff, too dry, or if the 'scalp itches and burns do not be .alarmed, use Parisian Sage. Rub it "well into the scalp. It will go right to the hair roots. nourish lthem, and stimulate the hair to grow long and beautiful. It re- moves dandruff with one applica- t~ tion, stops itchin scalp, falling , hair and makes e head feel fine. , l’an81an Sage supplies the hair With what is needed to make it soft, fluff , thick and ‘ gloriously radiant. t 18 sold in fifty-cent bottles by Macfarlane Co. and at all drug counters. Look for A love you have placed there once remains‘ And you may forget, but she Will give it back if you want it so. And smile as she hands the key. Smile. but never forget, my lad That asmile .is the saddest thing. When it’s over the ashes of something dead, And the heart is a broken wing. strong. Where your foes may never come, With prancing steeds and the gleaming sword, And the rat-tat of the drum. For that which you treasure she will defend‘ , And loud as the guns may roll She’ll stand in the breech to the the trade inarkâ€"“Tlie Gii'i wiffi the Auburn Hair.” Accept ‘ no other. X8 0 very endâ€" And then she will fight with her soul. A woman’s heartâ€"I would rather trust My all unto that, I know For the love in the keeping of such a place Will grow as the blossoms grow! â€"Ex. woman-’8 heart is a fortress size.” thief ?” line !” slain !” sleep. KAISER WILHEIM A W OMAN’S HEART. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. GLORIOUS HAIR. F. L. H. Sims. No more tears, no more holding onions in a pail of water. There is a right way, and if you do it there will be no spray. Simply hold the onion in your left hand with the sprout end and root down. Cut off top and with a . few strokes peel downward toward the root. When all the peel is loosened cut off the root end. but never until last. If you turn it round..ond depart in the wrong direction you will be sure to cry. Old fruit stains can often be re- moved by oxalic acid. \ To keep the hands White. Wash them with oatmeal "water. --- ~â€" Cranberries should be nicked over often if you wish taem to kéep long. Natural, or “unapolished” rice is far more . wholesome than the shiny-white kind. A tabIESiDOODIfUl of Human ad â€" ed to a potxoast will mauc .1 more palatable and tender. The annual coat of oil not only prolongs the life of willow and cane furniture, but it keeps it from becoming :50 day that time splinters stick out. Many steps may he saVcd if when preparing a_ >mcal_ you [:33 a smali clean htmd towel to the apron belt on one side. and :1 similar tea towel to the other side Save every bit of meat; it can. be used in a meat pie. stewel and served on toast chomwd fur stuffing peppers, or it may be combined with a little celery for salad. Mix cream cheese with chit} sauce, and serve on lettuce salsa. for a relish. Alcohol softens most fruit stains, especially if it is warmmi ovm‘ hot \xatel‘. When putting away silk waists. take out Ishields, as they are am to crack the silk. When mashing: potatoes or vegetables. never use cold. but hot, then they will be and fluffy. If a t‘asp‘oonful of borax is put into the last rinsing“ water. when Washing clothes, tin-y xvii} be very much whiter. its cracking, mix on vineO'al and txxo of } oil. Apply this 0\ my soft raO‘ then polish ‘ of Old silk 01 \\ 1th a If you wish the contents of -1 saucepan to boil quickly, do not allow a metal spoon to remain in the pan. because 3 Spoon car- ries off a great deal of the heat. To fasten the handles which have become loose on cupboards. doors. or bureau drawers, warm some powdered alum in an old iron spoon and apply it to the handles. pressing them in firmly. If boi led frosting bot: omes 1mm}: and crumbly. heat a lumn of butter into it. The frosting will become smooth and creamy again. Mice will not re-mion 2 hole which has been filled with any mixture containing lye. Flour and lye make a good paste for flu- purpose. When a gaiment is to be dipâ€" ped into gasoline it is a good idea to mark grease spots by run- 111110“ a thread around them: after the article is wet, it is difficult to detect the spots. In closets of rooms Where it is difficult to keep things dry be... cause the air does not mme free- ly. bowls of unslacked lime should be kept on the shelves new the food. It will absorb the moistuie When preparing oranges, pour boiling water over them and let them stand for about five minutes. The peeling will then come off easily, and the bitter white lining will come off with the peeling Brown sugar that has become lumpy from being kept any length of time, may be softened in the following manner: [Fill the tea- k~ettle with boiling Water, and put the sugar in a pan. placing it over the teakettl‘e to steam. Cut bananas in halves. length- ways. and put them into a bak- ing: dish: cover thickly with sugar and flavor with cinnam-oan and a clove: add a very little water. squeeze over all the juice of an orange and bake to a light brown“ The careful housewife will not discard little bits of old milk. but but she will put these small amounts in a jar and set them aside to sour. There are so many use-s for sour milk in cookery that the sour milk jar will be found a great convenience. Marshmallows cut in dice and added to a fruit salad make a pleasant change. Powdered oyster s‘hells cellent to mix with the l potted plants. 'If a raincoat needs cleaning. sponge it with ether and alcohol, with a few drone of ammonia added. In making omelet it is better to add hot water than milk, as milk makes the omelet toug'éh. Crisped crackers are always {good with salad. Dip them in cold water. butter one side. then bro wn in a hot oven. \ Unbleached muslin. with a cross- stitch border in old blue, makes delightful and cheap curtains for a bedroom. Insist on having every speck of the trimmings from the meat you purchase; they make good you purchase; may 1 foundations for soups. HOUSEHOLD HELPS s are soil othvx fi'lA ‘I. .1 lig for Dear Mr. Editor:â€" Thanks for the privilege of appeal- ing through your columns on behalf of the Hospital for Sick Children. The Hospital takes care of sick and de- formed children, not only in Toronto, but in the Province, outside of the city. This coming year, of all the years in the Hospital’s history, has a more serious outlook, as regards funds for maintenance, than any year that has passed its calendar._ So many calls are ’being made on the purses of the generous people of To- ronto and Ontario, to help the soldiers of the Empire, that as I make my daily rounds through the wards of the Hospital, and see the suffering chil- dren in our cots and beds, the thought strikes me as to whether the people will as of old, with all the demands made upon them, answer our appeal and help to maintain the institution that is fighting in the never-ending battle with disease and death, in its endeavor to save the stricken little ones in the child-life of Ontario. Last year there were 394 in-patients from 210 places outside of Toronto, and in the past twenty years there have been 7,000 from places in the Province other than Toronto. It costs us $2.34 per patient per day for maintenance. The municipalitms pay for patients $1 per patient per day; the Government allows 20 cents per patient per day; so, deducting $1.20 from $2.34, it leaves the Hospital with $1.14 to pay out of subscriptions it receives from the people of Toronto and the Province. The shortage last year ran to $18,000. Will You Help the Hospital for Sick lihildroo,lhe Steal Provincial Charity ? Av Since 1880 about 1,000 cases of club feet, bow legs and knock knees have been treated, and of these 900 had perfect correction. Nearly all these were from different parts of the Pro- vince outside of the city of Toronto. Remember that every year is a war year with the Hospital; every day is a day of battle; every minute the 1 Hospital needs money. not for its own ; sake. but for the children’s sake. The i Hospital is the battleâ€"ground where the Armies of Life have grappled with the Hosts of Death. and the life or death , of thousands of little children is the: issue that is settled in that war. Will , you let the Hospital be driven fromfi the field of its battle to save the lives , of little children for the lack of money i you can give and never miss? l “ch lixin; vs came from PAWS Bu 4 M. £15 u ) 'u$901lp91 cwt: Pork to $1}. )0. ..:u nut mthmities believe lhuse prices will --0nt-inne. ARM LANDS. Take. a hint, BUY NOW. H. H. MILLER, the Hnnnvm- Unn- V6} ancex. nffms sumu GREAT BARGAINS in 1‘ nm L: mds in Remit): k. I] gremnut. Nonnanby. Canigk. Blamuud ‘.\'cst- rn Provinces. Send for List. Every dollar may prove itself a dreadnought in the battle against death. a flagship in the floor. that fights for the lives of little (:hiidrnn. Remember that the door of the Hos- pital’ s mercy is the door of hope. and your dollar, kind reader max be the key that! opens the door for some- bodv’ 5 child. WAR 3R 795m: MEN fvéUST LEVE Will you send a dollar. or more if you can. to Douglas Davidson. Secre- tary-Treasurer, or ' J. ROSS ROBERTSON. Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Toronto. If vnu heme ANY MONEY {10111 $301) 11., to any larve esmu, H H. MILLER will 1n- vest it fox you on good 11101t~rage secmity 21nd ( barge V011 nothing ‘Vhy invest V'our mme' with Shmks in \Vestmn ann m (itv lots? 01' Why have it lying at. 3 per cent]. when it, might as well earn you twice as much on first, rate. land mortgage security I“ Have snuw sense. Let Mr. Miller in- vest your nmney on a good mortgage. Farm and 'l‘nwn properties exehango ed. If you szh to BUY or SELL. BOR- ROW or LEND it, will PAY YOU WELL Lo write or phone [1. fl. MILLER. or better still hitch up and g0 and see him. When making the fruit cake try the following method: After the cake is mixed, stand it in the re- frigerator over nig-fht and bake in the morning. By allowing it to stand over night, the fruit will swell and flavor the dough thorâ€" ouzg‘hly and the cake will be lighter. H.H. MILLER, Hanover A novel cranberry sauce has seeded dates added to it. Of side. If roast is to be served hot for two meals, cook it slightly the figst day and slice only from one This must mvm DURHAM BRANCH, JohnKellyo _ an” 6F @ANADA HIGH PRICES for IS PUBLISHED VERY THURSDAY MORNING At the Chrdnicle Printing House, Gamtmao Street. {HE DURHAM EHRUNICLE . - ° Tun Cnnomcu: will be se t to iggzzrlptlon any address. tree of posmg: 0 ‘ -$1.50 may be charged if‘ not so to which even ~ ubscription is paid is denoted Ly the numtm or thn address label. No paper (is- sontluuvd to all arrears are pnid. “new,“ z: e m: u , of the proprietor. Advertising For transient gdvertxgemepu 10 Rates 33..” pe' 1"” “HP“ ”’9‘ "I.” - . than.“ n-.. -. ' 'â€" 5 cents per line for the ti Rates . . tion: scents perlineoa quent insertion minion measure. Pn cards. not exceeding one inch $4.00 pe Advertisements without specific (1' be published till forbid a! 4 charged w Tmnsientnoticesâ€" ‘L( at. "Wound." ”1 4 charged accord“: l: . Transient noticesâ€" ‘L( at. ":Found.” ”For Safes etaâ€"50 cents for first insertion. 25 cents for each snbeeq uent insertion. Alladvertisemonte ordered by strangers mus be naid for in advuice. .Contract rates for youny advertisements in - mshed on application to the oflice HE business man who has mstomers in various nan-ts of Canada or elsewhere. will find the senrices of this bank of invaluable assistance in collect. ingdrafts.etc. - 1. course it requires less sugar. To insure lightness in a cake, it should be put in the oven as soon as the baking powder or other raising medium has been added. Always insist on having any- thing bought in baskets emptied out. By this means you are sure of both quantity and quality. DURHAM. ONT Full line of {Tammie and whitv (hips for :1 3d 1m? memo notice. (I11 shark’s UNDERTAKENG? TINSMITHIN G Mr. M. Kress has npvnvd a shop at the rear of the furniture snow room and is prepared to do all kmds of tmsmithimr. Undertaking receives special attention SHOW ROOMSâ€"Nt Rurbm-Shnp. H 6001' Sunth of \V himeksmith shun. Avoid :: Annoyances and all Household Furnishings FURNITURE EDITOR AND Paupmm‘ou EDWARD KRESS Embalming a Specialty The Remedy ' Buy “Stanfield's” and be happy. No more shrinking ; this is guaranteed by the manufacturer’s. \V hen buving undex wear al- ways: buv the best: it lasts lnnger, feels mme comfort- able and will save your tem- per. IL is very trying on the temperto try and squeeze a. ”40" body into a. "36” shirt. W'e have sold the goods for years and have heard no complaints. W'e stand ready to make good anything that they guarantee. How about an Overcoat \Ve havea few at bar- gain prices. C. L. GRANT Rugs. Oilcloths Window Shades L a c e Curtains Our Guarantee - IRWIN December 3, 1914. AND -chl [n Swallnv Hus: m:xm-:~I‘ ex W. J Lawrvnce‘- 3 Rulws, and blark aged people.

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