Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Dec 1914, p. 1

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Since last report We have re- ceived only fourteen dollars on subscriptions, some of which were paid during the present month. Of this we have given over ten per cent. to the Belgian Fund. Our readers will please note that we do not wish to advertise these small contributions as a measure of self praise. but simply as a means of getting our readers to help us to help the Belgians. We extend the time to December 10. and hone We may be able to do better during the next Week. 1‘ ‘ Mrs. J. C. Capper, of Mason City,! Iowa. in sending in her renewalt exDresses anxiety to have it reach bereuin time to have part of it go; t0 the Belgian Fund. We are pleased to acknowledge its receipt and advise Mrs. Capper that ten per cent. 0f the subscription, but not of the postage. has been de- voted to that purbose: She further .tells us that Mason City has con- 'tributed over $1200 to the fund and also sent 'a large box to load the Christmas Ship, “Jason.” She also says: “This county and almost all the adjacent ones have given shelled corn in car load lots. The monthly meeting: of the Zion Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Cook, on Thursday, December 10. at 2pm. The tonics. are “How to entertain at home in the Winter .‘months"? by Miss Jennie Cook. and “Bread-making.” » by Miss Jennie Davis. All ladies are cor- dially invited Lucille Love, the story now running in The Chronicle, will ap- pear'at the Happy;Hour theatre in motion pictures, two reels a week. for the next 15 Weeks. Read the story and then see the pic- tures. The first instalment ~wfll appear on Friday and Saturdav nights. December 11 and 12 Every lady attending the Happv Hour theatre on Tuesday. Decemâ€" ber 8. will get a free sample botâ€" tle of the “Dolly Dimple” per- fume. All bottles are numbered. and the lady receiving the luckv number will be given a dollar bottle free at the Central Drug Store. ' Walkerton is to have a bi}: Christmas Fair on December 16. Two hundred dollars will be given in prizes for horses, cattle, sheep, live and dressed poultry, meats. etc., etc. Watch for big bills. or Write for a complete prize list. N. C. MacKay, Secy. 3 We have on hand a number of History Charts for professional nurses. They are indispensible for keeping records in the sick room. Get them While they last at a dollar a hundred, large size. The Christian Endeavor of Knox church, Norman‘oy, contributed $ 7.75 to the Red Cross fund, which is hereby acknowledged with thanks by the treaSurer. Mrs. David Jamie-son. Those wanting stockingette can ., get it now at Grant’a. The largest stock of perfumes 1n the county.â€"Central Drug Store. Leather hand bags. mesh bags, wallets, purses, portfolios, etc.-~ Central Drug: Store. The query is: “How can you soil such beautiful goods in Durham?" The answer: “There are as good people in old Durham as in anv other place. â€"Ce ntml Dun: Stow Mr. Dan McDougzzll of 031mm. son of our old friend. Dun Mc- Dougall, of Bentinck, has (loci-ind to go with the second contingent. We hone he mav return safely. I For Sale.â€"â€"An Edison {thono- w1u C10 well to examine our 191.03 ”If your eyes tire w 1en reading: ‘ graph. with 16 records: a good Stock and leave their orders We 01‘ sewing you. need glasses Coma cmachine Apply to Miss E. Cauldâ€" have up-tO-date st3 les in station-T to us. We guarantee satisfac:ti011.gweil. concession '7’ Banting-3:. near ery and type anfi Pnces moderate. Maciarlane (30.? Durham. 151' Toys! Tovs! Something new in W, J, McFadden has a fine Photooraphs. -Don’t worrx over CIUdinO‘ the new Hess roller pa 1t- display of pianos. org-ans ,mdiChristmas gifts this )ear. Remem- ent. Come early and get your sewing machines, any one of Iber each of your friends with :1 Dick. Nothing over 250. The which would make a nice Christ- ; new photograph 0f yourself. Milk? Variety Store. mas present. See his stock. iYOm‘ appointment now. F.W. Kel-' ; sev, Durham. In“ “-4 ‘t_-r\, __ 11 ,r r\.- _-._ - n Lostâ€"A gold chain between 'If your eyes tire when reading! or sewing you need glasses. Come; to us. We guarantee satis action." | Prices moderate. Macfarlane Cm} Bread went up to lie. Monday last for a 2% 1b. loaf. The ore- vious price was 10c. For salaâ€"A seven-horse-powcr gasoline engine. Apply to C. Smith Sons, Durham. VOL 47â€"N0. 2493 m 310g “Is Sam Hughes San-e?”'is a (hacisuiluuestion asked in the bulletin ingmt :sheets of Jack Canuck. Off-hand. 1y. .Iwe would say he appears to us jto be quite as Well balanced as :ou 51 {I the fellow who aSks the question. 1 )111m?‘ 5 goodl A box social will be held in the in am- ,Ebenezer school house. Vickers on StL-nc‘. IFridas, December 4. A good program will be given. Admission 0 cents; ladies with boxes, free. ributed fund Proceeds in aid of the Belgain Re- 2, ,1 -, ,glief Fund 9 E Knox; and there was no difficulty seeing the temperance attitude Mr. Morris. - asm in his desire to curtail the evils of the liquor traffic, His re- marks were forcefuland pointed A temperance mass meeting was held in the Baptist church on Sun-‘ day last after the close of the reg- lar evening Services. In the ab- sense of Rem‘M’r. Morris, Rev. Mr. Wylie took the chair; and dis- [charged his duties very efficient- ;ly. Rev. Mr. Poole, of 'Granvd {Valleyi spoke thoughtfully and well on the good effects of local option since it came into effect in his town. He also gave a number of statements from business men‘ expressing pleasure over the im- proved conditions, both morally and financially. He was of the opinion that any.municipality vot- ing for the repeal of local option. was taking a retrograde step; and strongly advised its retention in Durham by a substantial vote at the next election. Rev. Mr. Morâ€" ris. the new rector of Trinity church, manifested much enthusi- . Mrs. John Heughan of Walker- ton. an old lady of 90 knitted tWO pairs of socks for the boys at the .front. The old lady attached a Lcard to each pair with the followâ€" ing text written in her own hand: "‘Be of good cheer, be not afraid it is I” and on the reverse side of the Card: “From Mrs. John Heu'ghan. 90 years of age, Walk-. erton, Ontario. Canada.”_ 'Rhe Toronto World says the parcel was sent to Miss McNab, of that city. for the McNab Red Cross League. and will be- sent to the front With the next consignment: At a patriotic concert in Toronto; Controller McCarthy held the} socks up before the audience. which gave three hearty cheers for Mrs. Beughan ; 2:0 on in the even tenor of his ways. Worry is Wearing and war is hell. It isn’t work so much as worry that makes a man die before his time. The Kaiser is said to be aging rapidly, and we have no doubt the worry of the past four months is telling on him-much more effectivelv than if he Drac- tised peace and was satisfied to Mr. Dan. McLean Who has had over 20 years’ experience has taken out an Auctioneer’s license for the county of Grey and is ’pre- pared to make engagements for sales at any place in the county. Dates may be arranged with him- self. or at The Chronicle office. 2 Mr. John Kennedy. brother of Chas. Kennedy, Bunessan. a member of the Queen’s Own. Tor- onto. where he has been a resi- dent for some time, will go to the war zone with the second con- tingent. Surprise fifteen or your friends by giving them a lovely photo- graph this Christmas. We are éiV- ing you three extra photographs with every dozen. F.W. Kelsey. Huvler’s chocolates are still the leading candv of America. Onlv at Macfarlanue’s See our assortment of hand mir- rors. Direct import from Belgium. --Central Drug: Store. Only .three Weeks more till andfisee us Christmas. I of a change of opinion, We would like to see it adopted. We believe 1t would be a great benefit to the town if light and power could ’ be obtained from a source cap-a: ble of filling all our needs. We do} not think its introduction would interfere materially with existing concerns, as proper and adequate: compensaticn would be made.’ perhaps on the basis of arbitration if not satisfactorily arranged otherwise. - i We have no definite information to give concerning the introduc- tion of the Hydro-Electric. We are iconfid-ent. however. that Durham 'will fall in line with other towns when the time comes. Data is be- ing gathered and ere long we may expect to have the question submitted to the electors. It would be well to have, the vote re-‘ corded at the time of the mum-4 cipal elections in January, but the; time is getting short and it may? be held, over for a time. We are: not sufficiently posted on the conditions and costs, but judging from its general adoption in other places and the satisfaction ex-9 pressed, we think it would be.aj good thing for Durham, and un- less circumstances arise to cause Dr. Taylor has a lengthy letter in this issue on the Miller-Ball controversy over ,that hundred .dollar contribution. The evidence Iof a couple of mother’s boys will ’scarcely alter the situation, and Ipeonle Will think just the same as they did before. We don’t believe the entrance of Dr. Taylor into the controversy will strengthen Mr. Miller’s case. nor Weaken Mr. Ball’s contention. Mr. Miller says he tried to correct the omission. and Mr. Ball contends the omission was an'injury to his business as a manufacturer. Mr. Miller max'xbe' telling the whole truth, but from! the fact that he and Mr. Ball Were' former political Opponents there are many of the public who will not be convinced of Mr. Miller’s sincerity. We are personally of the opinion that the making of such an error intentionally would be a; very short-sighted policy on thel' part of Mr. Miller. On Tuesday evening December 15 in the town hall, the. Choral Society will give a musical pat- riotic concert consisting of chor- uses solos. duets, etc. Admission 25c. Tickets may be obtained from any member of the society. Pro- ceeds in aid of the Belgian Relief Fund. ' A special song service will be held in the Baptist church on Sun- day evening next, when a dozen selections will be rendered by the choir, from the new Canadian Hymnal, being introduced. The sermon on the occasion will deal with the importance of praise in church service. The publication of the Harriston Tribune is to be resumed. The new proprietor is Mr. A. Finlayâ€" son formerly of Woodstock. The Tribune has been out of business for the past four or five years, and in the interval another paper died in an effort for existence. Lost.~â€"A gold chain between Cameron’s livery stable and Miss Rutherford’s residence in “unn‘. r town. Finder will be suitably re- ward-ed by leaving it at Edward Kress’s furniture store Ladies requiring calling cards will do well to examine our large stock and leave their orders. We have up-to-date styles in station-e ery and type A meeting of the local Council of women Will be held in the armouries on Monday afternoon. December 7. at 4.15. Carr’s Cough Cure cures colds. Fully guaranteed at M’acfarlane’s Drug Store. and see us.-â€"Mrs. Beggs Son. ‘ Select your presents early and avoid the rush. Goods are moving lively.-â€"Central Drug Store. flour at a- bargaih price. Call Buy goods from Scott, and sup- ply yourself with free tea. DURHAM. ONT., THURSDAY. DECEMBER 3. “"4 offer 500 bags Manitoba . The remains were interred on Monday afternoon in Trinity church cemetery, the Rev. Mr. ;Whaley officiating in the services ”at the home and graveside. The Chronicle extends sympathy to the Borrowing Widow and mem- jbers of the family. Through his industry and thrift the accumulated considerable property, and was able to live in comfort during the period of his retirement. He was a member of the Ancient Order of United ~Workm'en. and always a consist- ent and devoted member of the Presbyterian church. About 1879 {he moved to lot 21. concession 22‘ Egremont, and re- mained there till he moved to town about :20 years ago, where he remained to the time of his He was married in 1866 to Elizabeth M'cComb, the only daughter of the late Alexander McComb. and a sister of Samuel and Thomas M'cC'omb of this place. In addition to his Widow. he leaves two sons. Donald of Wilkie, Sask.. Archie. of Tucson, Montana. and one daughter, Mrs John Burgess. in town. He also leaves two brothers, Hugh. in Glenclg, Neil. in Priceville and one sister: «a, Mrs. Adam Weir, in town. OBITUAPY ALLAN MchINNON. The death of Mr. Allan McKin- non on Saturday last removed an aged and highly esteemed nioneer from Durham and vicinity. He was born on Tiree. Scotland. in 1837‘ and came to Canada with his parents and other members of the family in 1850. and settled in Fergus for a couple of years. 4-..- in dealing- with strangers of whom vou know nothing, and manv of the agreements contain concealed clauses that may later cans: t:o._:- ble. It is always better to deal with the home merchants, and if Wrongs occur 'you know wh- re to seek for redress. Peidle'rs go- ing' round the country, nevi?!" board and horse hire, are not charitv concerns, and the bum-rs invariably pav the expenses. we learn. signed What were. sun- Dosed to be harmless orders, and now it turns out, if rumors are correct. that the thoughtless sig~ natures resulted in monetary o'h- ligations. There is danger alwavs Tf the. Deonlo will be g‘nllr‘d nil ter repeated warnings from the press. there can be Very little) sympathy for them in their t1'()u~ bles. A few Weeks 39:0. a gang: of canvass-ers overran the country and got a number of suckers to fall in. wtih their scheme. Some. Information was 1ecciv:d 11.“:‘4: Fridn) morning“, last of 1111* death of Mrs. David H011::ins in H;111‘1§lâ€" ton. She was 68 years of age, and is survived by her husband but leaves no family. The re .1119 .1118 were brought zlwre Saturday ano interment at Hutton Hill carne- terv took place on Sunday aft.r noon, Rev. Mr Morris of Trinity Church officiating at the ser Vic-15. , Dr. Cecil Wolfe {mound some time ago fora position on the Veterinary Corps in the Burma-01m conflict. A few days ago he rm- ceived an acceptance from O ‘tmva, and having filled out and return- ed the necessary Dil'I‘IOI'S. the cal} mav come at any time. A lady organizer of the ENS Cross movement was h°re on Sundav and deliverod :1 mmt o?â€" fective address in the Pros‘nyit‘w'ivn chum-h on Sunday night. She. has; been spoken of as one of {In hat ladv speakers ever apnea arise: 129- fore :1 Durham audience. The snow of a Week 39:0 has entirely disappeared.‘ and we. have weather more. like. April than December. It is liable. howm'er, to change Without notice, like a certain politician we have. in varied From now until Christmas w are making fifteen photos on 3% dozen. Call and see the new 5 F. W. Kelsey. The Methodist Sunday school will hold their Christmas enter- tainment on December Slat, not the 3ls-t as appeared last Week. for Job Printing :s from the )8 Very little I). their trou~ ago, a gang: lrlllll i.‘ Il'lllpl ‘I r. .9. Hols ~5:§vfl"fllfllfl.0fh‘hhhÂ¥h. CS. It was only natural that we in our endeavor to offer you real values, should become inter- ested in the sale of Underwear whose makers have had quality and value their watch work for over 25 years. This not only holds good in Underwear, but throughout our entire store you. will find proofs of careful buying for your benefit. on the market, the many other fabrics and weighs of Stanfield’s Unshrinkable linderwear.â€"â€"the hats, shirts, ties, shoes, etc., we have here for you S. F. MORLOCK The Store of Honest Value all and See Them W e I frmnthe usual run ungommonly Imx' features .sm'h Th prises Our Showing: of Select F Fabrics, Colors, Styles and Prices €{\' 1‘ A) O( ii H ig'h Class in Swemlid range as Cut, Style e have what you want N, Style, Trims, Bub: yS; they are diffmwnt of Coats, and 1-):‘ices several eLli Coats com- of l‘hnice in $1.00 PER YEAR individ 11:31

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