+ . . $++++%++++¢¢¢+¢+++¢+¢++¢+++++++++++++¢¢¢¢+¢++¢+++¢+ ’4'? § Large Sales Small ProfitS g We are showing a larger and better assortment than ever at the lowest possible prices. You will not make any mistake in sending: your chil- dren here for their books, for young and old will receive the same courteous attention as they have in the past. MACFARLANE 8: C0. The Rexall Store P. R. Ticket Office. Buy your tickets here. THAT WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR E'm" “'â€" ï¬â€™iécn‘hospm" refused me 1 .actly half 1 2 | Shoes. Uur nesn maxe 2 50 .E. y . . ’~‘ " o o§o . ......... . Regular $3.00 for . . . . . 3: i . 'on. Nobody wants me. For a I *l' | lil‘ of Shoes in the store REDUCED ‘ mm. 1°°m°8tayo†. «:- Thismsnhadbeensnihu conductor. for th's Sale '3‘ Hehsdmoneyto for his goods; so he 'edto the Mus 0 Cottage Senatorinm for treatment of the disease which held his °§° 1 i ' ,. ‘ : 4‘ life in its ‘pâ€"consnmption. But those A rah am 0 2%: 'Iuï¬etetsvgmub moneyandwithoutfriends, . g g 0 ~§~ §vhnt of them? With their hopeless know- ’ ‘" Wm $132.33“ I??? if†“1“" ; u to ' air 'ves are to eurew-ioe-e-i-wwwewwwee aԠany mmbewugub out and up ' ' with nourishment, medicine, and - t. ‘To do this costs mon . Will you contribute a trifle to help in ° 05011 to save lives 2 Please act quickly. Winter has lax-ought keen suffering. ' Lieuti-Col. Wm. ~Hendrie left; Hamilton. “to join: the 48th High~‘ landers as major. The Chatham relief fund is well on its Way with a contribution 01 $1,000 from the council. ! B-orace Goodwin shot and killed a fellow employee at the Ward’s Mine- near the village of St. Pierre- de Wakefield. Ottawa county. Goodwin surrendered to the an . thorities at (once. ‘the Municipal Ass‘ex‘nblg. -1â€" Tnla‘j ï¬b.‘ -v- wâ€"-_â€" v.... His career ruined ‘by 7drink, John 3 maI‘Keung we L'r-U'p. Thomas. in. '28 Wears [bf age. son': It is announced that the Porto of a one-time railway president;Bicanâ€"Am-erican Tobacco 00. Will Whose family is wealthy. and-build a $50,500 plant at Perth prominent in the south. pleaded! Amboy. in the clock for a Philmtlceilphfar1 In 1909 Anne Tut-one gave her ' e as '20 to the Brooklyn mar- iudge to send Shimtfto jail to brace ; rig triage license clerk. Now in 1914 "up. . . -____ lit is still 20. eExecnï¬iveaï¬xniittee, 84 Spi'dina. Avenue, or R. Dunbar, Secretary - Treasurer, 347 King Street West, Toronto. Contï¬iutions to the Minskoka Free Hos- pital for Consumptives will be . y acknowledged bv W. J. Gaze. . Avvnno swans: :2. mm (:11 nit-"1("'-~xcr"~.‘!nn mm quiche)? :gsqi-rzum (Wt own; :1 in»: sums-:1 - mvcnunn vs probmnyynzzonr-mtm C ":rvl'y‘*"‘- -- .. ‘ 14‘ .n"). ‘13.; , \(u.\.-.v) h\~a- » -“-â€"-~.- - ‘ . , invetzt inn is probahi.“ Tumour-min, ‘ _s“~ "um-1v“ - :: ')3'3F - ' .LKU'II'OnUhczlzi-xio “AK-L htl‘ 0.1! Alisa...) amt. 1; m. v'niest 320'.ny for Pi‘f‘urfllï¬: pus. mm. l'nttrzns mien throuuh Muzzn 5; Co. sccetve 8pc;_.'a£72.:it.i‘.a, wkhgutchav'c, in the Abrmd. 0" JV “‘4 i 3 ~ ‘- J “Ck/«13‘. Lam-cat. cu ("3 1‘ ~" "’ ' 515' 5‘“ 5?" l-IC 30:17:19.. ‘lcvns f L txza111t.$1.".:1 a year. pustuge prepaid. Sold .11 all nCW‘ .0;- fab ‘HR £309,052; 36%Sroadwav, New gcï¬g Branct‘o 6251? St. Washington.D C. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. 'i‘em lui-ked in his “I have braveleé 11). UL \ \bv drink Johnimarketing the crop. .rs [0f age son. It is announced that the Panto may preside..31t HRicanâ€"Amexican Tobacco Co. “in wealthy. a 1d buil_d a $50,500 plant at Perth left NEWS FROM THE USA. Colorado Wants 12,000 cars for the shipment of 'her fruit. The United States has refused to recognize Mexican Constitutional- i'st postage stamps as legal. Harry Mandell was stabbed at striking painters refused to join. Peaches are So plentiful in War- ren county, New Jersey thzt growers are; having difficultv in! An unidentified man with a bu]- let hole in his temple was found dead on a bench near the ele- plant house in the Bronx Park. It "is proposed to hold the fur auctions. which have previous-H been held in London, in New York. because of the war situation. ~ vâ€"““ \V hile trying to leap from her father’s barge to one mooxed alongside, Nancy Olsen fell into the Hudson River and was drown- ed. His mind affected by the heat John Finnegan, a baker, com- mitted suicide by jumping from the window of his room in New York cit y. ‘V..- V-‘ Lemons condemned and dumped into the sea a month ago are reappearing in Coney Island lemâ€" onade, according to the health in.spe_cto-rs _ _ . --- . 0.1. 1 -u-Iw " _ Laden with 11,000 tons of food- stuffs for England “and with her four 6-inch gums ‘swathed in tar- pauh‘ns, the Adriatic left New York for Li_v_erpo_ol. Q I." ‘ ‘ L’Uln 1V1 4.41va I 0 VVV‘. ' LfolgeS-agggrcforfig Mr.- Firâ€?! E.F.L. Sturdee. M.G. Murphy. 1 Return limit two “3 1‘ . 9‘11] ‘ - 1 lea a "' ‘ASSt. U.P.A. D.P.A., Toronto ‘ F1111 particulars f“ bush. -N.Y.‘ cou lie, and then de- ca'mped with $23 in cash and a R“ Macfarlane, TPWD Agent tiCkEt agents. gold watch and chain valued at E' A' Hay, Manon Agent: W. Calder. Town A $125. According to the report of Oscar A. James, adjutant-general of the ‘ J. Towner, Station Q OOOOOOOO Grand Army of the Repubhc, there 1 ,3..:..3..§..§..:..§..§..3.§..;..;..§..z..g..§..;..;..z..§.....;..‘..§..3..3.{p}{03.3.....;........‘..‘.... ‘ Q are 173,335 members in good stand-v ling in the "organization. The Loss. 4' glrilgavccount of deaAth m 1913 . was‘lé The paris Millinery Par The widow of a white man murdered under revolting circum- stances by a negro, at Stark- ville. Miss.. will spring the mur- derer’s trap, not 'an uncommon procedure in the :district. iL-â€"â€"â€" \A __--.-. .IL VVVVVVV â€"â€"â€" __ _ New York glove cutters have! ioined the strike begun by their†fellow workers in Gloversville and Jamestown. N.Y.. several days ago. . The strike now, involves 10.000 3‘. Workers. ' ~ .g. Because ‘she removed her hat in“: do a â€ï¬e-W York cafe, and refused to l 3: pur it on again when requested ta); .g. do so. Mrs. Florence \Vitte \V:w.s{+ denied food and ‘now sues thee: proprietor of the cafe for 355.000. .3. % .§. '9 % + + * 0:0 +¢véwl l l A memorial buoy .has been niac-E iand to mark the position of the; iold frigate. Mindend. in Baltinmre; ,harhor. “The Star Spangled Ban-g ner†was written on board the Min-' den. ‘. The American Society for the} Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; “was issued a statement urgingw flmrchasers of coal to buy now andt¢ iszive the horses-from danger durâ€"' § line: the period 30f slippery streetsl* l O qnd deep snow. '0 ,_ A 1 a \v" ‘0 \-~ '1 w-â€" \Vhen the RidgeWood. NJ“ polâ€"1 ice were, notilied that a young‘ man 'had been {killed on the Erie. railroad tracks, Sergeant James 15.: Hulihan was sent ‘ to inyestigate} and discovered that. the Victim: was his own son. ' E “I never thought that. beautiful: instrument could utter such un-i musical sounds,†said pretty Mrs. ‘Ethel rL-orrakee, of Jersey' City. who is suing her husband for di- ’\'orce, alleging that he spends all his time apart from business, 3 fiddling. To the Farmers of the Tou‘nship} of Egremont: l Gentlemenâ€"We are now appeal-l ing to you on a matter of great national importance. On the 22nd. of August there was a meeting? held at Owen Sound by the Board; of Trade and a great many repre-l sentative farmers of the Countyi of Grey were present. The move-] ment was ‘promoted by a number! of these representative farmersl ! and it was felt that the farmers of} I the County of Grey are anxious toâ€, do something in aid of the British' Empire in this 'most serious crisis.‘ It is believed that a small dona-g tion of oats and potatoes froml each and every farmer who feels able to give, will mean very much to the Mother Country. It was proposed that the Reeves bring the matter up at their Council meetings. As your representative. I have done so, and it was unani- mously agreed to “take. the matter - ‘-:.J L... Luuucug WELV'VV- -v -v._ _ up and have the question laid be- fore the farmers ‘of the TOWnship of Egremont inuthe near futureso that every farmer in the township will «get a chance to contribute to this much needed and voluntary ggi t. The British Empire is nowfqgn the greatest yari‘m‘the history of the A __ __. - _~:n‘-n and) “Dhflpr- gut. The British Empire is no-ergn thel greatest Wariin‘the history of the! World and every assistance render-' ed will be of service, “whether great or small. It is hoped the Township of Egremont Will res- pond ‘noblv to .the call and be prepared When the 'time comes to sacrifice a feW bags (of oats and potatoes for the “benefit of the 1 British Empire. ‘ r_L_ .1.3... “v. nun arms folded enjoying the freedom. the blessings, the protection of the British (mg, The time has â€" â€"L --L A“, cvvn Trusting the farmers of Egremont will give the matter their deepest consideration, and that when they! are asked to contribute they will! do so willingly and cheerfulljn be-' lieving it to ’be for a inst cause. Yours . reapectfully‘ , JOHN. McARTHUR, . Reeve of Egremom, 0W WHO WILL GIVE? of Williamsburg Greenpo-int by whom he had w. . K‘MEQ 'Becauwse' her 7-year-old daughter 'j ‘ Rose, refused to 'Work in the gar-1 den. ‘Mrs. Marie Desmarie of B 13'- onne. N.J.. suspended the child 1:1: gthe arms from a cross beam in 1 'the goat -.shed 1 Norris ’Bennese, five years old. was instantly kiiied by a team oi irunawav horses uhiie playinz “111‘: 71a Passaic, N.J., street The driver! ' 10f the team. who “as in a sto: e, 1 when the animals started on theiré mad career, has been arrested.i -, charged with criminal negligence-i Canadian Rational Exhibition 3 royoxro I: {rt-ti. 7’7 4-«4‘1'! .7“? â€~¢¢W.¢r¢w “NW7 trad†~5â€"«suy‘m ï¬ï¬x‘a .I p I.“ RETURN LIMITâ€"Original start- ing point must he reached not, later than Tuesday. September 15, 1914. Fare and One-Third September ll, 12, l3, l4 and 18 SPECIAL EXCURSION EARES, SEPT. 15-16-17 RETURN LIMITâ€"Monday Sep- Daily until September 11th, inclvsive SINGLE FARE ON CERTAIN DATES é+ééé§é+ééé%é 0,-9.3. 0.9 J. . ' 6 § 5 o O O tember let, 1914. Particulars from Canadian Paciï¬c Ticket Agents or write E.F.L. Sturdee. M.G. Murphy. -Asst. U.P.A. D.P.A., Toronto R. Macfarlane, Town Agent E. A. Hay, Station Agent: ¢§§+¢+§§§§§§§§ §§§§§§§§§§M + 9§§§§§§§§§§§§¢¢§§§§§§§t O WESTERN FAIR London The Styles this Fall are NEW. E. E. MOON EYS STAN D, Lambton Street, (one door west of Standard Bank\ Mrs. T. H. McClocklin Fare and One-Third TORONTO UNION STOCK YARDS Lower Prices on Ford Cars All retail buyers of new Ford cars from August. lst, 1914. to August 131:, 1915, will share in the profits of the com- pany no the extent of $40 to $60 per car. on each car‘they buy. PROVIDED: we sell and deliver 30.000 new Ford cars during that. period. Ask for particulars Buyers to Share in Profits FORD MOTOR COMPANY_ of Canada, Limited Ford, Ontario 0. SMITH 85 SONS, Agents, Durham, Effective August, 131:. 1914, to August 131:, 1915 and Guaranteed against any reduction during that time. All cars fully equipped f.o.b. Ford. Ontario Runabout - - $540 Touring Car - - 590 HORSE DEPARTMENT Runabout - - $54 Touring Car - - 5S Town Car - - 84 (In the Dominion of Uanyda, only) INSPECTBON HORSE DEPARTMENT .3 i From Kingston, Renfx-ew and stations. west. thereof in Cauadm also Detroit and Port, Huron, Mlch. ¢ Mt. Forest BUSINESS COLLEGE And train for a better situation. \Ve prepare you to occupy lur'ra- tive positions. Decide Ln LEARN HOW. \Ve are afï¬liated with the (Jen- tral Business College. Stratfnrd. Our free catalOgue gives particulars \Vx-ise for it at once. D. A. McLachlan. G. M. Henry. President. Principal. Homeseekers’ Excursions Round trip tickets to points in Man- itoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta via Chicago, St. Paul or Duluth. on sale' each Tuesday until October 27th. in- clusive, at low fares. Return limit two months. Full particulars from Grand Trunk ticket agents. 1 W. Calder. Town Agent, Phone 3a l J. Towner, Station Agent Phone 18 REDUCED FARES, TO ENTER ANY Tl “E +¢¢¢++%++++¢++++¢+¢+¢+¢¢¢ Return Limit September let. 1911 FARE AND ONE THIRD SEPTEMBER 1142-13.14.13 SPECIAL EXCURSION DAYS SEPTEMBER. 15-16-17 Q§§¢¢§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§QQW §+§§+§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§Q+940 ACCOUNT “WESTERN FAiR†JUNCTION 4600 LON DON Call and See Them. September 10, 1914.