Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Sep 1914, p. 2

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A ‘verY‘iW-‘n "§3 aboeqm‘fl' in“ SING LOT 03, CU-.\ Glenelg. containing on premises are no“ brick house, sheds a ings; running str prOpertv: about 10 wood bush, rest: in 5 culti‘. at'. on POSSCSS Nov. 19L, 1913. For ticulags._ appl. rty: abou. ‘ . wood bush, rest in good . ' ' Possession given on For furthm‘ par- emzses t0 Urn-a- V__ REMEMBER THE FAMOUS SPIR-i ella Corset; any size, type or} price; with perfect laundering qualities, and unbreakable steels: ' Not sold in positively hygemc. stores. Mrs. J. C. Nichol, Rep- resentative, Box 101', Durham. ‘ " 4186111 0213-3;- 33, Frat»; 1" Owen Sourd l T K a...“ QR. BEN WN ‘ R. C P.. LONDON ENG LJ ,‘RADULATE of London} New ‘ I York «31'; Chicagu Diseases of Eye. Ear N03: and Throat \\'ill he at the Hahn House, July» 21) ()ct. IS), Nnveember 16. Dec. 21. O l i Hum-s, Ito 33 p.11). 1 I I s E __.,.. "â€"4â€"â€" 'â€" ..__...- ,.â€"â€"o.â€"-‘ ””"'" ”i-IOOMY DWFIIQLING‘ the End Concession, Glenelg. Any- so doing will be prose»! ' 0' to laW.-â€"James 3.! Farms for Sale. Ontario. PROTESTANT, FOR 8. S. NU. :.'. Egremont: professional second- class certificate: duties to com- mence at the opening of the term; state salary. Apply 'to James Mack. Secretary, R. R. 3709. 1. \‘arney. in the matter of the Election held on the 29th day of: ‘June, A.D. 1914._in~the Electoyal District or --‘-A_-A ”Q‘nâ€" " v ' -‘v‘v‘ ,..._- -- â€"â€" »«â€"~ ~ , 'IEiOnShF A léabiltable hagse is re-! . . - Iquire excep W ere resi ence is? Provincial Electlon zperformed in the vicinity. 1 ( . 1 J 14 t In certain districts a home-‘ ter of the ElectionT steader in good standing may pre-" the 29th day of: June, A.D.? ernpt a quarter section alongside! 1115113. (‘1): the Electoral District or 1115 homestead. Price $330 per- South GreynOntayio. t t mem iacre. The fonowmg IS a s a e Dutiesâ€"Six months residence in . f\ 'mn‘snmnt t0 the ElecthD Aet’ - -0 .each of three years after earning Arthur Henry'd $365523), Offlc‘al'ghomestead patent; also 50 acres Agent. oi Dav; amle . $ 46 50', extra cultivation. Pre-emptioni Printing.....- 23 00‘; patent may be obtained as soon as Ball rent...-:- -_«--; ----_‘:;: m g12homatead patent, on certain con- .-â€"â€" Spire“; BE EAST PART OF A LOTzDomi near McGowan’s mill, formerIyESub-fi owned by William Whit- ; more. blacksmith. Will sell: DI“ cheap to quick purchaser. Applyiybon for particulars to Mrs. John '; ”1 ea 'stead Whitmore, Varney. RR. No. 1, or: 1 â€"-â€" s ‘ A “__~_an R 59130: ‘11] ’IVLJ "- "â€"' S: Son, Dornoch. Temrher Wanted 1‘. Fl. shiny; Nntice Dated Store For Sale .’:g «f 0 martian ap to qmcz: pun-“aw“ My,” particulars to Mrs. John '; itmore, Varney. RB. No. 1, or '; J. McFadden. Durham. 8 591). Cost of Money Ordersw gel-9993] Expenses-u ‘” To Rent Lot For Sale Over one '3'" amount. Y“ 1). 1914. cit 3’ Apply to ;, Efmwood, R- 7 16 910d Jursots ALL ADS; ll $171 0; day of A0211“- Yearly'nteo on applianon. JACKSON. Oificial Agent. firs. lamieson Jamieson. I FFICE AND RESIDENCE A1 L)F short distance east at Knapp’ a hate}, e ~mmb ton Street, Lower Town Durban ; Mice hours from 12 u... ’ o'clock ‘ 3' FFICE-«Owr .3 P.Telford’s office ‘ nearly opposite the Registry uffice. RESldt‘nCe Second house south ut Registry Ufiicv on east, side of Albert Shrew-t. Oflice Hum-s 9-11 3.111., 2-4 p. 111.. 7-9 p. m. Telemhune cmnmunica- Lion between Mike and residence at all hours. HYSICIAN A ND SURG BOX. 01“ five in the New Hunter Block. Ofiic nuts. 5: to 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and 7 z e .. :11. Special attentinn given to disease. -z apman and children. Residence ups ante Preahvtenan Church. It’ll ‘ICD‘Vana v--- â€"- V. hrvunu-u "-v__ __ ‘1 how's“ ' $3331.; of the Ontario Voters’ List, Act the copies required by 'said . M. D Sections to be transmitted or‘de-t Arthur Gun liv-ered of the lists made pursuant i)H.Y'SI.ClAl\"-‘u 351‘) slit-g??? 0%: to said Act of all persons appear- :t‘ 2393“; “3‘21 m‘fisd :- mffl 0!; 3;“ 13% remd afiessgnegg U. ‘ I. ) . . . o a . . . , .. . dis M99 ro .o e sax mummpa 1. y o .. 5'; 2;:3259‘3‘; figfiggmfigigzmj ”p, entitled to vote in the said. mum- mite Presbvterian Church. clpahty at Elections for Members ._._._. of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections and that! B“ . BUB} . the said list was first posted (up at Late assistant Roy-London Ophthalmic 50° imv office in Glenelgon the 22nd hm, 3nd to Golden Sq- Throat and N08? 308 ‘day of August. 1914, and remains SPECIALIST: :there for inspection Evy: “TAR THROAT "03$ And I hereby call upon all vot- ‘ 4-9 f“ ‘ 2 ‘ ff, n i 8 ms to take immediate proceedinos 013nm: .13, Fm». : ”we" marl . . - " .to have any errors or omissxons .....-â€".| i corrected according to 13W. ,_ _ - - - -.â€"â€" ‘4- _â€" 7â€"... - “cuâ€"“p.“ 'â€"- -4- __... ,. fi’ .‘__;, d..â€"_._.â€" ..â€"..â€"â€"â€"-â€"r .oâ€"uâ€" m Hutton. for first insefli . I under two imam“ 16 51 8 '23 1 50 96 04 Offiveâ€"--Over Doughm’ vaenerv Stor: lo'-‘ I v â€" â€"â€"v h Ufiice. nearly upposita the Registry ofhce. Lambtou MuDurham. Anyamoum 1f munm tr. goan a? 5 pear ceut. on farm 3 TODGI'I'I. â€"_â€"â€"- i The sole head of a family. 01" ARTHUR H. JACKSON Enny male over“ 18 years old, may Agent for the Mortgagee, «homestead a quarter-section . of! Durham R0» Ont. 'rTnVailable Dominion land in llanl-lDurham, Ont., 12th August, 1914. Etoba, Saskatchewan or . Alberta. _ _» * - -1Applicant must appear m DeI‘SOD ' -, i , " i at the Dominion Lands Agency or Notice to Credltors .Subâ€"Agency for the District. Entry ‘bY proxy may be made at any In the Surrogate Court of the »T; Dominion Lands Agency (buFPOtiCounty of Grey. lyiSub-Agency), on certain conditions In the Estate of James Allan. 351‘; Dutiesâ€"Six months residencezlate of the Township of Egremont ' 'upon and cultivatlon of the land-{111 the County 0f Grey, Farmer, gin each of‘three years. A borne-deceased. ' ? steader may live within nine miles NOTICE is hereby' given, pursu- ‘of his homestead on a farm of: ant to 3.8.0 1914, Cap. 121, Sec. 56, at least 80 acres, «oncertain CPDdi-ithat an __per5911,3 heVing claims 90 ()NOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- . ty of Turnnm. Graduate Rays. allege DeMal Surgemas «:‘I'Ontario Dentistry in all its Branches. l. P. TeEfard. 7;)ARRISTBL, SOLIQIT‘OR.‘ Efrc v-0..- â€" .â€" er. Conveyameer, (Es. Insurance \ant. ‘Joney to Loan. Issuer of Mar-. 0 43:29 Licenses. A general financial busi l Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. Medical Directory. ews tramacted. DURHAM ONT. (aner Town.) SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. A. H. Jackson. : mum PUBLIC, conmssxox , ditions. ”Uh-va- ‘Vâ€"v homatead right ‘n'iay take a pur- chased hqmestead in cepfgina djgt- A- -- ricts. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties} -â€"Must .reside six months in, each of three years, cultivate 50 acres‘ and erect a home worth $300. 1 The area of cultivation is subâ€" iect to reduction in. case of rough. scrubby or stony land. Live 5 may be substituted tor cultivation under certain conditions. W. 'W. CORY, 'C.M.G., Deputy oi the Minister of NB.â€"Unanthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid fior. 8514 The Simon automobile battery of ten quick-firing tgurgs is 11va Denial Dim-scion The [Berlin branch \of adian E’au'iqtic..F“99_P?5 am! ’Dz’reciorv I .8. Pickering fientist. Over J Fâ€"v â€"~ 7 andallclaases arerep- . SHARP '9 m 1 Voters List, 1514 ‘ ,nglig TOWN or DURHAM. ‘ 39' “ ‘ Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to -_--:â€"lthe persons mentioned in Section lNine .of the Ontario Voters’ List Act the copies required by said “W” usections to be transmitted or de- Elivered of the lists made pursuant‘ {to said Act of all persons appear-. r ,jSng on the last revised assessment m ‘Br ‘ :roll of the said municipality to be, {entitled to vote in the said muni-' D S. icipality at Elections for Members 'FRSI 301‘ the Legislative Assembly and V ’ * ’gat Municipal Elections and that 5 R03" §the said list was first posted ="up at ’3 {my office at Durham on the 22nd ", lday of August, 1914, and remains V Store. ‘, there for inspection. mu: TOWNSHIP OF ‘GLENELG. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the pereqqs ng‘en‘tioixed in Section TY-4.-__,_9 T 2nd- ‘v-vi-vâ€" w-vv- 7â€"..- J. s."BLAbK, Clerk Dated .Amgust‘7 1.7, 1914. 3 And I hereby call upon all votâ€" t |ers to take immediate proceedings gto have any errors or omissions lcorrectod according to law. ‘ W. B. VOLLET, Clerk i Under and by virtue of the ipowers contained in a certain :Mortgage which will be produced {at the time of sale, there will be loffered for sale by Public Auc- ition on Saturday, the 12th day of [September. AD. 1914, at the hour {of two o’clock in the afternoon, at ’the Middaugh House in the Town lof Durham. in the County of Grey. iby Robert Brigham, Auctioneer, éthe following property. namely: Voters List. .914 Dated August ‘27, 1914. ! Lot \umber TW enty-three in the Second Concession, West of the Garafraxa Road, in the Township Eof Bentinck in the County of Grey. {and containing by admeasulement tone hundred am as more or less. There is said to be about 75 acres of workable land, 10g house and log barn. Terms: Ten per cent. of the pur- chase, money to be paid down at the time of the sale, and the bai- ance within thirty days with in- terest at six per cent. For further particulars and con- ditions of sale apply to ROBERT BRIGHAM, Auctioneer, or ARTHUR H. JACKSON, Agent for the 'M'ortgagee, Durham P.O., Ont. Durham, Out, 12th August, 1914. W. NV. CURRIE PrOprietor against the estate of the said James Allan, who died on or about . the 7th day .of July, A.D. 1914, are required to send by post pre- paid. or otherwise deliver to J.P. Telford of the Town of Durham in the County of Grey, Solicitor for the executors, on or before the ‘11th day 'of September A.D. 1914. their names, addresses and desâ€" criptions, and a full statement of particulars of their claims, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them, duly certified, and that after the said day the ex-e ecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among s the parties entitled thereto. hav- - ing regard only to the claims of qwhich they shall then hayenotioe. \ l Dated the 14th day of August. A.D. 1914. ELLEN ALLAN, The Manitoba Legislature will hold a war session). Russians and Italians are eager- lv enlisting at Hamilton. A new company of the 25th Begiment will be organized at Of the 30,000 at the military E‘" “.‘1' city 101 Valcartier, (only 51 are an beaurt the flick list. 2 . A patriotic league has been fanned at Cheshy. It is a‘ town ' 01 3.000 and pant 4-0 to Valcartiey. 9 10 2 ALEXANDER, ALLAN, and WILLIAM ALLA, Executors by their Solicijorl “2% J. P. Tenord. land, Ireland, and \all ions ‘and colonies! In time of War h< things Look up in queer British Empire! back,” says Ireland, the circumstances kindly f the enemy as \soon 1 Want «to get at him.” “Yours ‘of recent .date received,“ says Canada. “Am sending .men as fast as they can be gotten ready 77 ans time any hatr population justifiably bears to England,” says South Africa, “we are prepared to (1:0 our utmost in the present Var.” _ I u D --J.: 1‘“ 11?;‘] Int- ‘JLCDULl-u vv “â€" “Serious local dissatisfaction will unless Indians are permitted to give their ’lives for the honorable Empire, now that it “-‘ *tu+;l'\~r\ 77 arise, sahib, [De llIU'll‘Ulak/Aw a--.” is at War with 21 says Elndia. foreign nation,” -LAM-, “Ltd v ---_- ,, It’s everywhere the same story In ~peace it’s *“Conlfound your stu- pid, unreasonable, fat-headed. doomed. arrogant soul!” In time of mood it’s “‘Count 'on us to the limit!” .. 71- “tn \Vhich is Why we say that me u British Empire is a queer, queer 11 institution! :3 The Case at Russia and the War E 1i (London Daily News) To sav that the “present War is a war against militarism is to be C guilty {of a platitude For days 3 lpast every leader-Writer in. the 3 country has been saying so Yet '1 the attitude on this subject of a i t C l 'great number of people is exâ€" tremely curious They seem to be oppressed by the thought that ‘ they may have .to cry when the N war .is over, “he 'roi est mort, vive ; 1e roi.” After Germanyâ€"Russia. ‘ l England cannot crush German militarism “alone. TAll of us who have followed the lead of Germany ust strike toa- , gether. ,. i blow. France and Russxa will strike harder: perhaps the bear- iest blow will come from Russia. And 'there is "the rub. For what 2 'f :Russia, having helped to crush develops a psychology -- ‘to that ’of Germany af- - ter 1870. and after tasting power. t decides .to become the greatest of - l allâ€"fosters the spirit of militarism .- which We are mow arrayed against? Let us picture Russia victorious. Thnn- ~90 argues ‘Mr. Bernard Shaw E .bs1 .‘Knu 'LJICLC Au v.-.â€" 'f :Russm, hm he; helped to Germany, de\ elops a pay: analogous ‘to that of (Emma ter 1870._2md after tasting: ‘ .,_- 4-1..“ -N1v0q Let us picture Russia Vietoriuus. Then, so argues ‘Mr. Bernard Shaw (and in the figiven case he repre- sents mot only himself but quite a number 'of other people), the Rus- sian Government will triumph. . Germany will be crushed. . the balance of power will incline in favor of Russia. After that the situation becomes too horrible to contemplate. _ -i . .. ‘ , “find“: Mr. Shaw might be reminded that there is another Russiaâ€"the Russia of Tolstoy. Borodinie and Gorki. But :for the time that is forgotten: or people refuse to realize the extremely important fact ‘that if Russia is instrumental in defeating Germany, it will be largely owing to "the intelligence lof that other (Russia. 5 Against Germa' Millitarism 1 Russians have sunk their differ- ences: they are showing a united front. A month ago there were barricades in St. Petersburg; the day War was declared the barri- cades disappeared, and the men who had held {them "were the first to join the army. They were Will- - O ‘_ LLA:“ “n’flnn.a‘ xsame “u .7 cades disappeared, and the men who ‘had held them were the first to ioin the "army. They were Will- ing to lay aside _ their personal grievances in the ;desire to strike a blow at lGermany; and it is‘mili- tary iGermany at",Which they are aimingP the blow. For those men and Women owe an enormous debt to the culture bf Germany. They know more about it, too, than’rtflhe been instructed to Sell by Pu‘l Auction '31: Lot :25, ‘Oonoession Gleneelg, E.G.R., on; M‘OND; SEPTEMBER 28, 1914, the italic l. malt LIDILHE 4-.- .,_._,, . rising 3 years, 1 mare ri-sdnig ‘2' years, 1 spring colt, 5 cows sup-i posed in calf, 2 pure-bred Short-' horn heifers due in January‘ 4: two-:year-olds. heifers and steers. 3 vyearlings, 2 calves, 2 pigs, 60 hens, 1 buggy, 1 cutter, 1 cream separation and other articles. SALE AT ONE O’CLOCK SHARP TERMSâ€"Credit will be k "givin MIRS. MARGABET KINGSTON ~ Pmprgetress. .‘ROBEBT BRIGEAM» __ LS A_‘A- Credit Auction Sale story in England Scot- d. and \all the domin-l‘$ W'hY “9 H53} that the queer women how sudde nal-y that queer. . Since the declaration of the war? 11 d1 V show me. in ‘Russia there has bee-n the mosti ‘ - , extraordinary spontaneous truce! €15 1305511019- 1 between all parties. In the Dumal ’ ;M«o‘n-s. Pourishkevitch, most rabidi anaestiasta Mask “5-; maing men as '..’ ‘.' ‘ . 1 an i'} en - semitlc mews, announcmg as hlS] 9:0"th ready belief that all should have equal secured.” rights as Russian citizens. What is more ausmci- more important is that the ,Conf- a art of our servative papeg‘, the Nowoe Kremâ€" p ya. has nnoclalmed the beginning {3' bears to of \a new era, the new era being“ th Africa, “we of course, the develonment and in strengthneing of a constitutional regime. - n'l . --.- __--‘Arn lu. A”, - .o,f ffiéfiy Other reminded 'Auctisomeer. p In 'BM‘U ‘UI-LMME, uu-uv.vr..v__ . ma'n militarism is German cnlfnre. Subscription Tun Cnnomcns will be um a; ”‘37 address, free of rFrom supplying the world with Bates M J» ’ ' ' ° ° 3100 1‘ ea . ' , the best musm and literature and .3150 may be chargefieiiyno: gaggelnfim 3 . philosophy, Germany has become 2 to which ever; ubscription is paid is denoted by the number on the address label. No paper div ‘ 0 e I 3 an authoritv on uniforms and . . z , -. , continued to all arrears ' I decorative dinnerware. The Ger-l ”mm, of the proprietor "0 Paid. event st an mans mav have .fashioned -a reatl . . . 2 - Advertising For transient advertisements fl empire, but they haw: become a} R 13 cents per line for the first inset pie. 8. es . mon: 3cents per line each subee small pee . . . . J. NOW, at last, thev may become quent insertxon .mxnion measure. Professions . |eards. not exceeding one inch $4.00 oer annnm Ha \great peOPLe- If Europe suc" '1 Advertisements without s «'15 d' ‘ .' t needs in bursting the bonds of ‘ be published till forbid a) inchsriedl 205331;?g . militarism, the first to benefit bv | Transient noticesâ€"“L031. “:Found."”ForSa e.' _ . > , - , etc,â€"50 cents for first insertion. 25 cents for -e the change WI“ be Germnfi- H0“ |;subsequent.insertion. eeot much, remains to be seen‘th Ellt‘ Allsdyertisemeuts ordered by strangers mun .uV'.Y ‘V“---v r v_ i first culture to dnoop and witheri g in the stifling atmosphere of Ger-' man militarism is German culture. Subscription From supplying t_h_e' world wit}; Rates UCIL, .l'CLLLulLLl-J "v -v-_-, _ it is inbenestmng‘ “to remember Bea bel’s words: “Behind every war of the futuve there lurks a revoluâ€" flan.” Manzy, 011 the ‘iother :handJ .expect a re'frqlqutiorn in Russia. “lust“ __- _-L__-- _-. DQ§M 'CAVUV" u Av - V'- â€"â€"-â€" â€", _ , __ as in everv (other country in Eur- .ope, there W111 be :a rapid evolu- tion of the {present forms of 2mm ternment. J Alba-w Mb , As one of the {meagre proofs ot Russia’s nefarious ultimate inten- tions, it was inevitaM-e that the bogey ‘of a Russian invasion of India should be resuscitated. But that poor bogey is 'fast losing its sawdust. U “'4‘. The «greatest Russian noliticiansi1 and military authorities, notablyi; General K-ouronatkin. have repeat-f edly affirmed that the conquest of‘ India would be the beginning of. the end of 'the Russian empires Owing to the almost insurmountâ€"- able difficulties and the (â€":+.\:trava-1i ugant expenditure which the cam-i paignialione would entail, such an undertaking is altogether outside the range of possibilities. The, world has changed since the day: when General Skobeleff declared‘ that “the road to. Constantinople lies through India.” Certainly Russia will not allow Constantinople to be taken by anyoneâ€"that is why she did not! allow Bulgaria to advance beyond Tchatalja. But Constantinople will ' lose its importance .in the eyes of ; Russia as soon 5as the question of ‘ the opening of the Dardanelles is I settled favorably. When that has I been arranged, Russia’s ambitions Mr. Shaw talks "glibly of the neâ€" cessity of conserving Germany’s eastern frontier. Why? Against : Whom and What? It is not Ger- ‘ many’s eastern frontier that has mattered one jot in. the EurOpean balance of civilization; it is that Russia 12137 beyond that ' frontier; and served as the bulwark not‘ only of Germany but of Eurone.‘ against the Tartars who overran her‘ and put back her civilization\ by a couple of centuries. It is: idle speculation, but an interesting point, nevertheless to Wonder' whether Germany would have maintained as much culture as Russia has done had she been forced to bear the brunt of such ' an invasion. ‘I fl “J ‘4‘ V “VA-v..- Russian bureaucracy, as all bur-l eaucracies, has welcomed militarâ€"l‘ ism, and has counted on it confi- ‘ de-ntly as a support. With a weaker Germany there will no longer be either excuse or neces- sity 'for encouraging it: and thel bureaucracy ‘Will lose ground pro-l portionately. The democracy.‘ having played an important part‘ in the campaign. ,Will not only be' more actively conscious of its rights: it will ‘find them easier to obtain. This applies not bnly to ‘Russia prOper, but to Finland. ‘Poland and the Caucasus, which, I-so 'far, are standing by Russia. A “government financially weakened, ' as is inevitable after any war, beâ€" - comes more dependent on its peo- ’ pleâ€"and.m.ore tractable. 3c “nnmunflfl:\.’o ”MCâ€"uamu 5nv-v -_..-_-- It is obvious that if progressive! Russia has joined forces with reâ€"' actionarv Russia for the moment it is because she feels herself strong enough to postpone her .o-w‘n demands; And in that case she is hardly likely to allow her- self to be 'yoked with a home.â€" xgrown militarism after she has laid aside her own grievances awhile helping to strike‘a blow ati l e..l_ I 0 arranged: Russia’s ambitions ’MMMM longer concern Europe ploitiC- > . _ __ . a mmtarism w’fiic'li,’ though irk-ii sou-me to other nations, has weigh-n ea most heavily on its own peeplegz ,1 R: ssia’s Intentions Progress or Bea ction ©F @ANADA mum (“mum ‘ maumm ? ' ' For transient. advertmemento I Advertlsmg cents per line for the first inset Rates . tion: 3 cents per line each aubu ‘quent insertion minion measure. Profession: | cagds. not exceeding one inchuuqu pet-.annmp‘ ‘___A- _,£4L_ A. BELL U N DERTAKER and Funeral Director» picture Frammg (m shark’s: notice. §FURNITURE ',l O 3UNDERT’AKING‘3 m‘w‘, WWW“ m'wfi. Full line of Catholic Rubes, and blark and White Caps for aged people. SHOW Roomsâ€"Next to Swallow' Barber Shop. Rnsnmxcxâ€"Fex door South of \V. J. Lawrennes blacksmith shun. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR Mr. M. Kress has opened a shop at: the rear of the furniture Snow room and is prepared to do all kinds of tinsmitwhing. Undertaking receives special attention and all Household Furnishings Embalming a Specialty A CLEARING of Ladies White Waists reoeipuforevery paymeqtuiddoa commit: a large deposit to befi- EDWARD KRESS NEW GOODS is now Open in Central Business College, Toronto. and in each of its Six Branches. Free Catalogue ex- Blaingvcourses. Write for a copy. (‘1 , n----22--_o “and: “. vvâ€"v W. H. Shaw, Pfesfiident. Hééd Offices 393 Yonge Street, Toronto. \Ve have a, few \Vakts left about 30 in all which we will sell as follows: in Silk Lisle. Lisle, Mercer- sed Cotton. also in \Vhite. \Vhite Cotton Socks for Children “Little Darling Hose” And some good values in Black and Coloxed Silks just in Come and See Us if in need of any- thing in our line W. IRWIN Rugs, Oilcloths ii Window Shades ‘ L a c e Curtains AUTUMN SESSION $2.00 \Vaists for $1 .50 1.50 \Vaists fur 1 .20 1.2.3 \Vaists for 1 .00 C. L. GRANT TINSMITHING Another Shipment of Woman 5 Hose those are in sizes 34. 36. 38. «10. 4‘2 and 44 inches AND w': $.42 4 rm

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