Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Jul 1914, p. 3

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H G Elliott A. E Duff, G P. Agent. I). P. Agent. “nun-ea}. i‘oron J. TOWNER Depot Agent JAMES R. GUN. Tnvn Agent Trains leave Durham at 7.15 .. :x.., au 3.45;) .m. Trains arrive at Durham at 103“ a. IT 1.50011». and850p. m. EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY 3.43 7.07 ‘ Durham ” 3.59 7.18 ” NIL-\Villiams‘ 4.02 7.21 " Glen " 4.11 7.31 “ Priceville "' 43” 7.45 " Saugeen J. " 7.55 11.20 Ar Toronto Lv 3.43 7. 07 " Durham ” 12.11 9.41 3.59 7.18 ” Mc\\'i11imns" 11.59 9.29 4.02 7. 21 Glen " 11.56 9.26 4.11 7. 31 ‘ Priceville " 11.46 9.16 4.25 7. 4.3 “ Saugeen J. " 11.3.3 9.0.3 ’7. .' 3 11.20 Ar Toronto Lv. 7.45 5.05 R. )IACFARLANE. - Town Agent Trains will arrive and depaxt lows. until furtlwr notice?" 3’. M A. M . P. M 3.00) 6 20 L\'.\\':llkertnn Ar. LU 3.14 6.39. ” Maple Hill " 12.4 3.2-1 6.43 “ Hanover “ 12.; Leads in age. influence and success- ful graduates. Specializes in Gregg and PitmauShorthaud and all Com- lpercitg Subjects. _ F all Term ppens Canadian Pacific Railway Time Table RITISH AMERICAN COLLEG $33.3. “at; fgr'gag 'gqeflsgue Anoo ouch...“ .o woo-“WW-O-O-owOo-Mo-Ouo-M-O Grand Trunk Railway TIME-TABLE fl.fl. MILLER, Hanover I have many other Grey County har- gains and some North \Vest land for eas or exchange. You are not fair to yourself if you buy without swing me. 100 Acres Nvar Listowel. «me of the hes! farms in Perth. Extra goood buildings. orvhard. water in stable. phone. Snap at $7.0“). Lot 30. (Inn. 10. Bentinnk, 10‘) acres. 3” Diem-ed. 2') timber. Fine Stnne House. Cheap. 125 Acres Scotch Block, nem- Halnpden. gnud snil. little hilly under $1560. 300 Acres Egreumnt. Lnts 22. 2.3 «ml 24, (Jon. H. Dr. Fettis’ Farm. 8‘. 1-- man. 200 Acres near Louise. Gund Farm 9xtm gund buildings. timber worth nearly price asked, Land fur nothing bwtts the west. all hollow. 1 50 Acres Bpntinck. North of Dur- ham. good buildings, about, SIJKK). 300 Acres Glenelg. near [Mirnfuj’lh Mr. Gen. 'l‘wumley’s Farm, owxwr in West, bound to sell. will not stick fur a dollar in the price. Get busy. 100 Acres Egremont. towards Mt. Fox-est. fair buildings, good soil. Well watered, very cheap for quick sale. DURHAM ZENUS CLARK 1) U R H .A. M PLANING MILLS What About Spring? . PROMOTE”? gummmaxs , . , DURHAM SCHOOL. Don t ‘01] Want 21 HIGH SCHOOL PROMOTIONS. 9 Form II.â€""Scholarship." â€"Ret Farm 0 Roberts. (A) Teachers â€" Promo LOOK HERE! $£2“1:33er9’§;?{‘05§ m I). “,-_._'_-- A LARGE S'JMS OF MONEY TO LEND Shingles and Lath Always on Hand At Right Prices. The muielsignt-d begs to announce Lu residents of Durham and surrounding country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take Orders for Custom Sawing Promptly At= tended To J 1113' ’O 1914 â€"- and all kinds 0? â€" House Fittings SASH, DOORS RM. RM Lv.\\‘alkertnn Ar. 1.6m 10.3w “ Maple Hill " 12.43 10.13 “ Hanover “ 113510.05 Hanuver 511th Park ONTARIO A. M I) o)" i‘oronb ('15 f0 Bert Foster hf Buwn-anville stepped on a x-nszy mil. wnich penetrated hxs tout and confined him to bed. Harry (fax-sun of Ubntsworth was severely hurt. When the team he was Linug 1..“ uxvazy. They were haul- )8’ it and uf hay, but, still Led to g3]- when gning down hm ; ran under mbme County Council may increase the taritf iq .Lhe House of Refuge;- Sox e of the inmates are navimr £1 93 B dam {ms u ball has been renovato ed and im :-(ne(1. Sir John Gibson opened Hamil- ton‘s industrial exposition on Mon- 11 to Jr. 1114‘1TMéade. H.. W. Marshall. R. Barbour, A. Noble, D. Kerr. I to 11â€"13. McMeekin, H.. E. Wil- son, H.. )1. Pollock. Jr. III to Sr. IIIâ€"V. Ritchie H. )1. Davis. M. Whitmore. A. Lind- say. )1. Newell, G. Bell. A. Ritchie. 0. Bell. I to IIâ€"(}. Lindsay. M. Aljoe. Primary to 1â€"31. Bell H.. J. Bell. E. Scott. Teacher. N 0. .EGREMONT Sr. III to Jr. IVâ€"J. Kerr. 0H,, E. Woods. Jr. III to Sr. IIIâ€"E. Noble, I. Barbour. R. McMeekin.' - 9 NO. 9, GLENELG. Sr. III to Jr. IVâ€"V. Ritchie. M Atkinson. ' 'I‘ ~ Spur. lâ€":\d>l .‘liddlvmn. Harold Sum». Nn-‘lmn \-'w.esi9. Tn sp. P.2um-â€"-I.....e (h-nshy. Clar- “use Naviw. Cmupnwh MrLe-rm. Islay M' Kc-vhnie. '1‘.: JUN“. Px'iruex'â€"F30l'é'n<'9 119:3”?- Genx'4w lmgate Bertie MldtUPIOD- .IUEN A. GRAHAM. TWIChPr. McCloc-klin. ~K. Milne. G Thomp- son, B. McFarlane. N L103d. E Ke°arne3 (1.Donnell3'.31 Burnett J. Billings H. Morton L. Dean, G Trafford E. Trafford. A. Watt. J Mclnnes. Pximary A to Jr. IBâ€"M. Yiixs, M Broun. E. Burnett. E. Smith. F Kzes s, R Jacob, (‘.(.‘}1ap-man M. Montgomen. 18 to J1. .‘1â€"A.\'ossie. H. Mc- :uiden. M. McCong‘hev. A. Vessie. .\1. Mountain H. \\ elsh. S. BMW. 1‘. ('xmdun, E. Falconer, J. Lawson. Jr. I to Sr. 1â€" IV. Bxum. C 131 k A. McDonald 13.891111 McLean. B. Ritchie, F. McKay, MC Rae A. La“ 5031.1. Saandex s, (.umu'on. S. L9\i.ne. VS. Mavne. B. Luvine. M. McDonald B. Gun, A. Havens F. Hogfliins. H. Bovle, B. mwnnr, E. Sharpe, K. BIL-L931). M. --Ll‘.ldtl'. Sr. I to JP. II~K. Kelsey. 31. Cliff, V. Ryan, M. Milligan. A. A1- len. ("1. Marshall. L. McDonald. C. MCCiz‘x‘, E. MCC‘nmb. 'H. McDonald. E .Willis. )1. Duncan. M. Orr. W. Welsh. G. Armstrong. J. Hepburn. E. Hem’itt. )I. M'itChPll. BI. Crutch- 19v. Jr. II to 31‘. IIâ€" )1. BI‘.3'on \V.I Collinson. J. (‘rutchley \ Falke ingha‘m, C. McLean. P. Morris, BJ Pillke3. B. Stoneouse. E. VS '11.? ' field. A. Kress Recommendedâ€" \\ .i Traynm‘ J. Mumu i Sr. II to 'Jr. IIIâ€"\\'. Abraham. J. Davis, C. Gordon. M. McGix‘r. N. Mitchell, M.D. McPhee. 'M. Sproulc. E. Search. C. Wiggins. Jr. III to Sr. III-â€"R. Snell. V. Jacob. W. Koch. A. Smith, M. Holmes. S. Pust. 'M. Isaac. J. Mor- IOCk. M. Snell, C. Anderson. S. Pettigrew. Carson. Raymond Searâ€"cl}; fit‘hel Whitmore. Hazel Hutton, Joe Whitchurch, Ralph Cattom. Sr. III to Jr. IVâ€"Sheldon Abra- ham. George Murray, Flore-nee Lawrence. Alfrida Jacob. Elvin Schutz. Caldon Buschlen, Lorne Smith. Eric Elvidge, Robbie Bell. Harry Kress. Stella McAuliffc. Mil- dred Vollett, Florabel Nichol. Al- ice McKelvie. Lawrence Chapman. Frankie Burnett. Clifford Busch- len. Violet Snell. Nora Sproat. Ot-‘ tilie Limin. C‘lgss _ B_ to_ Intermediate PI'BLIC SCHOOL PROMOTIONS, Jr. IV to 81'. IVâ€"Stella McCrae. Harold Sharpe. “'illet Snell, Edna Browning. Annie Graham. Clarence McGirr. Jemima Lawrence. Myrtle Koch. Jimmie Rutherford, Jack BICKPOhmie. Janet_ McLean Rubv Form I 'to Form 11. In order to pass. 40 per cent. required on each subject and 60 per cent. on total. Those who obtained 55-per cent. on total. recommended. Passedâ€" Linda Teasdale, Honors and Schol- arship. Glenna Campbell H. Herbie Hannam H. Doris McAuley H Kat- ie Kerr. Janet Kerr, Katie Ritchie. Harmer )Iciiirr, Ross Maidfment. Ruth Stewart. Chrissie McGirr. Mabel Beaton, Jessie Clark, Jam-es Lc-esrm. Fred Corbett. Arthur Ha-mage. Brigham LiVingston John McGowan. Sadie Bailey. Cassie Mc-‘ Nally. Vera Allen. Elizabeth Mur-i dock. Mary Smith. Recommended: â€"Annie Smith, Percy Barber-.1 Frank Morlock. Alex. McQu-een.5 Violet Fallaise, Willie. Lauder. i H“ H_‘K Y S.-\. 1°(H'IEN 51 'H()( )I. Form II.â€"“Sc‘holarship"’ â€"Reta Roberts. (A) Teachers - Promo- tions will depend on the results of the Lower School examinations. (Ev Matriculationâ€"Theodore Fal- laise. 5r hr. ”1- V Middleton 11mm. [ILâ€"‘I 1:3... â€"/-:IT4.1.LZJ. 31â€"54.: :22? _/.s..vu:f1_ 33.1.74. II III» -.\It 1'! A. Scott, Teacher. A. “th93“. Rwhhie 'un Psslt‘ 5 For the spm'inl a('(rnnnnodeuinn uf 'pnwengers hum Montreal to llnmil- flan. St. ('athnrmes. Niagara Falls, l Buffalo and ntvlwr stations to the south ;.-md east nf llmniltnn. a, standard jtlx'awing mom sleeping car will he guttnclled to the 11 p.111. train from {Montreal and this will go fox-ward ? fmm Tux-(mm at 8.1021411. immediately ; following the Chicagu train. I I .l.;\'I‘ER DEPARTURE FROM TORONTO. O O “0 ”30.00390 CM... 900.. Oonb'i’ OH. mnmm and UHIPI' stations to the south; An extra. high class wrviw has just! the Cnnmii and east of Hmniltnn. a, standard 5 [mm immgnmu-d hetwvmx 'l‘urunm P this ymr drawing 1.0m“ sleeping 031' Will he :llni Snrnizt. \Vinu'f thrmâ€"I times :i \H‘ek i hzimis and attached to the 11 p.111. train from (fuunecting With the Sqmuuqs Nnmniv. 1‘,” ”f twa< Montreal and this Wm go forward: Harmonic and Hm-(mirr uf IhU Nurth‘ i from Toronto at 8.10 a.m. immediately i em Navigmhm “mummy. This mm; Gen. Ra ft)“()\\'ing the (:hioag!) train. lstitutes the (1“.und 'l‘punk 1'?!“ Hill] Zak”: Of the Con . ~ ‘ . . - . . , - _ 3 route between Eastern :mil “ks-tern ' ranza app LA run. l)h}.-\RI‘LRE Hum mmn'm. a; Canada. linking up with ,h.‘ “H“. mm killing in ‘ The train at present leaving Toronto I improved service of the Gram! Trunk a British fm' DPLI'Uit and Chicago at 1] p.m. via ; Pacific between Fm-t, \V’illimn. \Vinni y Ba-ucih, an Stl'éltfm'd will. under the nex' sex-viva. pug and in yund. f and Who leave Toronto at, “-45 p.11). daily and A new Siowpitig our 591”» in? was also! tragedies. run via H=uniltnn, reaching DetmitS put into npemLiun m; June 321,10“- mav have _,C_vâ€" vuw. ll\ 1' Services to take fn!l adVantage of this : fact. The International Limited West- bound from Montreal at S) a.in., reach- ing Toronto 4.30 p.lll.. Detroit 9.55 p. in. same day, and Chicago next morn- ing at S a.ni., is to have a sister service in the opposite directionâ€"The Inter- national Limited, eastbound. This train will leave Chicago at 5.45 p.m. daily, Uetroit ll p.m., Toronto 9 a. in. and arrive Montreal 5.45 pan. The departure from Chicago will he. two hours and forty-live minutes later than the present service and passen- gers will reach Montreal fifteen min- mes earlier than at present, thus re- ducing the time taken on the journey byflthree hours. “lire Grand Trunk having a doubie .mack‘erll the way berweeu Montreal and .thcago have arranged their new Cur-CV - .-’. \Vhen the summer time tables of the Grand Trunk Railwav fiystem ant improvements were introduced, particularly on-the mam hue between Montreal, Toronto, Hamilton, London and (.‘hicae o. GRAND TRUNK lNAUGURATES IMPORTANT NEW TRAIN i I m Opening of NW fQu aitlyi NEW GROCERY BOOT AND SHOE STORE The House I he International Limited Eastbound is Establishedmwith last word in Equip- ment this train will use Famous Dundas Valley and Burlington Bay Route on way from Chicago to Montreal, Reducing Journey by Three Hoursâ€"Many other New Trains. 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0'00'H0'0'000' '00'0'00000'0'00'0'0'0'0‘00 '4 00 00 00000000000 SERVICE THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. VVez‘shall continue to carry on our repair shop and we hope you will favour us in this respect as you have in the past. Havinw‘ opened a New Grocery, Boot and Shoe Store in \V. Blacks old stand, we beg to solicit a share of your valued patronage. We will be real; at all times to sup- ply \‘0111‘ wants in either lines, and all orders left at our store “ill receive our prompt attention Iand‘ careful (leliVerx. *‘W It IS our aiin to keep an 11p- -to- (late stock :and Vou will find what 3ou want at this store. SAUNDERS ‘ AITCHISON A new smnnwr sex-vive was inzmaur- Med 011 Jm‘w 22ml. hetwwn Mcmtreal and seaside wants at: and reached through New England, (101111., \'I:{ [he (‘cntr'al Vermont Linws. Nuw summer svz'vivvs will :slsn kw ('stwhlishvd ()1) June 28.1) \‘M th Urin- wnre- I-{udsnn Railway and 3hr Men m- t-i-s uf that. line. on L:ka ('hrmnplnin :md (timn-ge, lhvmm tn Albany, New York City and othvr points. ; returning from the Park in the even- ing, arriVe in Toronto in Lima for ; bmakfast. This service will give = splendid connections to and from the '10,; (-abin camps which the Grand Trunk are providing a dim-t; distance from Park headqum-n-rs. “Nmninigan Camp” wac opened last summer and hunch approvinted. thn-tir-nlarly by the visiLm-s fmm the United Stacvs. The inmv camp known as "(2mm Minnv'se 'irgg" (”10.4“ng()l').ii*‘V\\';l.\‘ language “ls- :land") will hehpenml :H-nm July 151;, \Y... ._ 9 -II . . A Parlor Liln-su'yliufl'vt service will bu inaugurated lwtwvun Mona-ml, Ottawa, Algonquin Park and the (1'm‘n'gian Bay at XVIepnt H sx'hur (Parry Sound.) _ . V . .. ....., w... NP“ trains will also by inaugurated from Tmmnm to t‘hv mhw resort: r9. ginns of Dubai”, iln-huiing the Thirty Thmlsa m1 Isl-nub of the (mm-gian Bay, Mnsknkzt Lakes. L:th 01' Buys and Ti- magami, the Inner lwim; in the centre of a, great Ontario (Envernnwnt Forest, Reservation and unly u. shun distance from the fnmuus (,‘uinlt Minvs. _ .. v..-" V\ n ”\c-duu SCVPU [.m. This train from Toronto will also have vex-v desirable connections from stations in‘ Eastern. Northeastern and Nul'thtâ€"‘l'u Ontario. _- ""‘""D"' u it. .5. “CAL (ld}'. This is designed to give I he paswngr - the entire evening in Toronto. yet ai- lowing them to reach I|~rmit in time for breakfast and Uhicmgn at. an hour that will assure conue-riuns with all principal trains for 8'. Paul. Minneap- olis, \Vinnipeg and “Emu-m Canada, Colorado, California and other Pacific Coast: destinations. The railways west of Chicago operate their finest. trains from that city between fiveand seven .n rmr r O . O 0...","1"."‘..."‘ O O O O O O O O on. "‘ O C O ,‘,. O O I An. un ml 1' UL] 'mk which com-3 Algonquin Park On Tuesday Licpme 1e eaxly evening 2 Ba: ketL was (me of d p pun. next dav e the passengt ~ PHONE 45 “mm lBaucih, an American. in Fesruary, ‘and who implicated Villa in the was Ms”, tragedies. has disappeared, and Zliull'w- may have been murdered. Gen. Raxmon FI‘:-msti'('). president of the commission which Gen, Car- ranza appointed to investigate the killing in Juarez of Wm. S. .Benton. 3 British subject. and m" Gustave. yrs of twn cnntinen ts. JHHHN (imhnm of Sm'lgl'nvc (:v-‘Iv- hmtvd his 100th birthday. \ 'i'h DI". \Villizuus and his‘ Gunm- dim' (iunwls Band and (iniSemw (‘l'v' :unx'w and his fummu ('um'vrt hand. the Canadian National Hxl'zihitivm will #his year present. the NW) gmmtusl hands and the twu :nnst fmmms 18nd- Lunmgmuvi. vm'tr- tum. that. if. is in (J Himrs. un Tuesday LiCense I nspeetor Matt I Beckett was one (if a party ()f ten who -'._s‘\V(‘)oued down :m' the town of Calling- wood under the. leadership of Provin- cial Ayearst and made a clean up of the bonze in that town. Asa result Jollingwoou has experienced such a thirst as has nut been the case ia 111 any a day. The thirsty inhabitants in smne instanves are said even tn have resm ted to that unpmsular beverage, water. as a means to assuage the burn- ing sensation down the oesophagus. Be that as is; may the fact remains that no less than forty-fmn- casesof Wet, goods and a keg of lager were seized , and now are lyihg under lock and key ! awaiting the. grtst of cases which will come up befnre. the police magistrate for adjustment at an early date. It had been common talk that fur some time things were rather wide, open in (lullingwmul and that the law was he ing hruken in a must remarkable. man- ner. This lei the provincial inspel-tm- to frame up his descent at the head «if his fnrt'es «m the tmvn. The men whn were in the illiwit sale business were grown .sn l'mld that, they hardl.’ tunk the. trmmle tn refuse a (truck of seat in In a stranger. There was plenty «if it ilir‘l'r'. 'l‘lll-‘fl «mine the Ieiwihle visita- Lmn and the aridily lvl' Cullingwnnd has hum: must niarkwlsinrre that. time. This is pr iimlily the lurg‘eSl. Sillil“ seizure Hlillll‘ in sm'eial ywn-s in any line tuwn where lm'al nptinii is in I‘il‘l'l‘. and the 1310: that there. is <0 m'u'li l‘Wl e\ v :is H” that In s'n’ Hull)- mg: m" 'hw stut'l' :hat mmM nut 2m {mind In Nelle. wmxhl lent]. In 1h:- lwlief lllHT lllH law is :int Very lii'ml)‘ o-nl'm'vmi in (f()lllllg\\'|“yi. 11'?! illil" '\inf V's "IIA :.\' ~ v\.LI|IIfi ll"!!! Portland for the (:(mvenience of tour- ints from New Briglnnd. who will be enabled to reach Quebec in the morn- ing ready for an inspmrt‘iun of the Citadel City and its most interesting environment. For the arscnnlnu‘ulatinn 0f tourists using the (ix-and Trunk service be- tween Chicago. Montreal and Quebec «m Lhe way to the Atlantic Coast 11+ snx°rs,;t summer sle‘r‘ping (Ear seI'Vice will commem‘e on June. 28th, leaving Quebec in the evening and rearhing P.)1‘t-l:U)(l. Maine, for breakfast on the following morning. A similar service will he aupex-ntpd in th «awning {rum 1)-”. . I Tux-(mm and withouf any loss nf Lime 4' Pnjuy all of the. trip [hmugh the-.3 l‘huusand Islands and the Rapids (Iff the St. Lawrence River- on their wan" 30 Montreal. 3 tWt‘vn. 'f‘ 1‘ inns and Kingflun “'harf. ,m-thg dirm-t "-m'wcm hs with tiw R "ht‘litfl and On'ul-iAsteanwz-s. Fvnm June 28th this semi"? WM 19m» Tc)- rontu at. 11 p.m.. connecting: at. Kings- ton \th-f in the mm'ning with [he steamm-s that left Turmmn at 6 run; tho) previous evening. was enabling tourists; who arrive fmm Chicago, De- troit, Buffalo, Niagara Falls. eta. $0,? :‘pend the en tire day and evening in E the smfl‘ Lha! mmld H. \VunM 19m} Tu H! v i< :mr \‘rlgv firmh‘ MADE BIG CLEAN U n-nuse a (track nf scat, to There was plenty of it (name thn IHWiMP Visita- .-I.ridi1.y Hf (lullinanud max-km] sincv that tinw. V th» hwgest, 5511.51“. sum II V arts in an\' 9 1m .2! uptiun is in 11-10. that there is m :1” that. In S‘IV HHYh° 9 0.91 ‘ O O V U 0.1,.0' O 0 ¢ 0 'o o'o .‘ ‘ 0 >79 o o r" ("H mvmc-ial insper-tm' rrent at tho head of vn. The [nun whn sale business wm'e ndcr lock and key f cases which will pulice umgistraw an early date. It ”Humâ€"«U. H O ’.....OCO~... to... .00. ‘ O o 0 6 Sir James Key Caird. the mil-J.~ li-onaire jute manufacturer" of)? Dundee. has donated $120000 to": Sir Ernest Shackleton for they forming of his Antarctic expedi-gL-‘g tion. ‘ .1?! The sellers of roses on London?” streets on “Alexandra Day.” Junp' :25,~ realized $100.000. This is‘ an annual custom and thb proceeds- are devoted to charity. v The (kn-man Emperor. on hearing'f . news of 1110 Austrian tx‘iidodltfhuru'.” -"" 4â€",, “3:“: rwdly 10ft tho yachting regattlgmd -. '5'}: 3 at hm]. ‘ S Nunsuch. Q'xirthshine. Zebra Dome. 1nd irhonpm- \V Mum] y O'Cedm' Polish Mahhless Liquid Glnse Liquid \Pnew. Household Ammonia. Snowflvtke Amumnia. Ban Ami. Old Dutch Cleanser, Drudge. Moudy. Klenz hp, and \Vyandntte. HouseholdNecessities (10:1! 0” SYHYPN, S \Vinduw Svruwxe.t)‘(“ Tetrhrx Oil Mops, 5 Alfipfi. )9“ng was. Hair Browns. (Urn B muistvr Brushes. fl evm'yai'xing np.[“.dat linenf [meinpss 'md “fit,“ week a good as<()x-t,xuent. wr-in 0m», Half Time. The. gvt. and Reliahlv. U'is‘ .(ifw-n The Leading Hardwz in Durham Hard wai‘el Summer Goods" Stovepipe Varnism FROST WIRE FENCE Stove Polish 's Odorless Quirkshine and \mxsuch. Shoe Polish '1 and Bug Finidrin abundance. ”'9 Fem'e ' . 9 0 Q .¢ 0.00.00‘00-‘9. <. Sv-reen .Doors, <, {H ‘edar Oil Mops, vs, Selfâ€" \Vringin2 Taps. Brush anfi; Urn Browns." and A n ViHREE Nugâ€" T,

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