Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Apr 1914, p. 5

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. April 9, 1914. 4 §§zz§z§z§§§§§§§§§ 6660QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQQ O Its sure and Inexpensive, Costs when ready for use a trifle over a cent a gallon. . MACFARLANES’ DRUGSTORE ‘ ‘ V\e keep 0111\ the pu1est and at the same price as some sell a cheap grade. Save disappointment by using ours. Dont buy your Seeds before seeing our grades and getting our prices. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. ls None L.P.R. Ticket Office Now is' the time . ’ To Let that Cohtraét (J. R. Gun’s Old Stand) Tinsmith, Plumber and Steamfitter Durham, Ontario Get Our Prices : Satisfaction Guaranteed Leave Your Order for Eavetroughing IT PAYS TO GET THIS WORK ATTE \TDED T0 BEFORE HOUSE CLEANING THE BEST J. H. HARD'ING FOR THE PREVENTION OF SMUT TRY KRESO DIP FOR ALL LIVE STOCK THE REXALL STORE FORMA LIN for the Plumbing. Steam or Hot Water Heating System or the Furnace. .fi. PINKERTON.â€"-In Durham, on Fri- day, April 3, to Mr. and Mrs John Pinkerton, a daughter, ADL‘AM.â€"-In Bentinck, on Monday, Agril 6, to_Mr. and Mrs. David Mrs. Lillian M. N. Stevens, Pres~ ident of the National Women’s Christian Temperance Union, died Monday at Portland, Maine, aged 70. She had been ill for several weeks with kidney trouble. If your druggist should not have‘ KEPHALDOL, a 50c tube of tab- lets mgy be obtained by lemitting the mice to Kephaldol Limited, 31 Latoul Street, Montr.eal I Canadians, visiting the Old Country, heard of KEPHALDOLâ€" tried 'themâ€"and brought them ; back to Canada. So great became the demand for KEPHAL-DOL here that a Canadian office was es- jtablished to distribute these tab- ;lets on_this side of the ocean. ' ____ - n \rvulJ. utlAHUDU Cl] gi‘jggm or any Eden-tide journal. Terms for Canada $3.75 a. year postage prepaid. Sold 33 au newsdcaiexs. NNJNN Co. 36.9mm," New York Branchomce. 625 F St. Washln mztomD KEPEALDOL is absoiuiféi'y safe', having no iHâ€"effects on the heart ornother \{ital organs. 'Wâ€"V_'-v" A fiands somely fliustratcd- weekly. Largest cir. nn‘ IO'nn ’.+ An" nnznnth‘A .9- _ --_ So what one famous physician did in Austria, has resulted in thousands and thousands of sin- ferers 'peing cured of pain. itth '9 WW ‘4‘ Cvm'ns zz'rs 6w. ' n'nm , Randi mg n 17.1-9th and dimer. 'rrflm: mm 'ui my HSCPrtCUIl (V. EL‘ “I" {1101) free) “54.1.10? 8.1 :1 inn is 1 rohnblypdtentuhm. Communica- 21' «on "ictlymnml on 1.3. HANDBCC‘K on Panama A . ‘.. (fines: a .10: (y for scent; '2g patents. pram ts taken throum Muxm t8; Co. receive :29 networks? Without: charge, int be 3m flamacan R L_‘.’-n_. .\ .- _ -- A.--" '1‘ 1-9-‘« ‘ i “KEPHALDOL” CAN NOW BE HAD AT YOUR DRUGGIST’S. Herr Doctor Stohr, the famous {Austrian nerve specialist, first used KEPHALDOL prescription in “his private practice and» hospital Work in Vienna. Othernoted physicians and surgeons adopted this formula in treating severe cases of Rheum- atism, Sciatica and Lumbago, La Grippe and Colds, Neuralgia and Headaches. The wonderful prop- erties of KEPHALDOL became known in En.gland,_where a com- pany was formed to prepare KEPHALDOL TABLETS and sup- ply them to the public at a n'om- inal price. Adlam, ' a daughter. k0 MORE? PAIN é'é'é'fé‘é'é“?*E"§$*I“§‘~I"§*°i“'§‘°§"§"§"§"§”§'+'§'~§°*} BORN. living'. the tragedy made so deep an im- pression [on him that he turned over his whole fortune to the fam- iliea‘of‘ the_ girls, and started out R. B Freeman, of Binghampton, N.Y, has given away $3,000,000,000 and entered an office in New York as a » clerk, to begin life over again. Thirty girls lost their lives in the burning qt his factory, and LL A'l“"-â€"â€"â€" â€"â€" ~ ~ 'â€"-"_h a medical certificate foohi any child absent three days , from school. \ The Mt. Forest Board of Educa- tion passed a lyesolutioq requiring Upon subscribing to The Chron- icle and The Toronto News for 12 months at $2.50, a copy of tlns fine picture will be mailed to you tubed and postage prepaid. 'lhis is a great opportunity to procure a picture absolutely jree and we would advise our subscribers to take advantage of the offer im-fi mediately. - . i i A GOOD OPPORTUNITY. _ The Chronicle has just conclud- ‘ed an arrangement with” The/Tor- onto News under which it is able to offer to its subscribers an ex- cellent photogravure recently pro- duced, of the Dominion Cabinet at Ottawa. This photogravure is 17%” x 22%", and carries not only, of course, the pictures of the sev- eral members, but also their names and the departments over which they preside. We have one of these pictures in our office and shall be glad to show it to any i of our subscribers who are inter- ested. l ihas long been endorsed by suc- lcessful physicians. Here they are {for the first time combined. The ,result is a remarkable nerve. blood and strength-building rem- edy that is both food and medi- cine. For all Who are nervous, run-down and debilitatedâ€"n0 mat- ter what the cause, for“ old people: for convalescents; for puny child- nen, We know of nothing that will give health and strength as quick- ly as Bexall Olive Oil Emulsion. It is a real builder of good blood, 'strong muscles, good digestioni Pleasant to take, it contains ‘no alcohol or habit-forming drugs. It you don’t feel Well, economize both money and strength by be-’ ginning to-day to take Rexall 01â€"! ive Oil- Emulsion. Sold only at, the Rexall Stores, and in this town 1 only by us. $1.00. Macfarlane Co. ‘ ' A11 Rexall olive Oil Emulsion is composed principally of pure Ol- gve Qil .an_d HypOphosphites. Each - You know you can’t 'afford to get sick. Keeping in good health means flood and clothing for you and your family. It is up to you to take care of yourself. It isup to you whenever you don’t feel right, to take something to make you right, to strengthen you, build you up, ward off worse sicknessâ€"protect you and your family. That thing we have in Rexall Oil Emulsion. In offering it to you, we protect you against money-risk, by personally promis- ing you that, if it does not res- tore your health, we will give back your money without word or question. We believe it is the best builder of health, energy and strength you. can get. It is help- ing many of your neighbors. If it don’t help you, We Will give back your money. ‘ WHEN YOU’RE SICK YOU’RE- WAGES STOP. You know What that means-â€" mggeryfworryâ€"big billsâ€"debt! ‘I-‘Jv " 5 Although the weather is wintry, yet people seem to be satisfied, and say it is better now than later on. ' Mr. Alex. Allan was so unfortun- at-e as to lose his brood mare last 1 week through indigestion. The ; loss, at this season of the year, is much felt. The death on Friday of Mrs. Ann Chapman removes another of the old pioneers, to whom so much; respect is due. She was 81 years!l old, a native of County Mona-‘ ghan, Ireland, but has spent 66 years of her life in Canada. ’When a girl of 15 she emigrated with her parents direct to the township of. Normanby, and on reaching mam turity, married the man of' her choice, William Chapman, and came over to reside in Egremont, lot 17, concession 2, where she has, been a constant resident' everl since. Her husband predeceased her 26 years ago. The union re- sulted in four children, Wm., in British Columbia, Elizabeth,‘ Mrs. Peter Black, Maggie, Mrs. James Eden, and Ann Jane, Mrs. S. T.l Orchard, who died a few years ago. She was a faithful and de-, voted member of the Anglican!I church, and her pastor, Rev. Mr.. Hartley, conducted the services on Sunday, in the home and a}; the graveside, where the remains were, laid to rest. There Were a largei number present at the funeral, [0’ pay'a last tribute of respe’ctto an esteemed old friend and neighbor. - __ -...... uuuub c v cry uuug and anything that he Was some- times glad to use _ his Gaelic in answering in a mild form, or at least as much as to say, “Oh, how tha‘gevfl _do I know?” Mrs. ’I'hos. Grasby of St. Marys, came up to attend her grand- mother’s funeral, and is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Black. The annual Vestry Meeting of St. Paul’s church, also the reorgan- izing of the Sunday school, will be held on Wednesday, evening, APl‘il 15. Owing to Sunday funer- 9159 the announcement an “canning-"l 4% a ' m 5:» CORNER CONCERNS. r: to' Ltd??? his f CottOn valued at nearly $500,000 A murdered Midland was foil. was destroyed «by fire at Bombay. buried in a manure pile. The joining of a .broken spinal The members of the Strathroy. :column and the waehing of the public school board, who resifned fspinal cord is the criti2al and suc- in a body recently, when a vote ’cessful operation that Dr. J. M. of the people on a by-law sub. Elder _of Montreal has performed mitted by the council did not meet on Mrs. Leonardo Maffei, hurt with their a proval, met yesterday when a wall was blown upon her and accepte their own resigns. in the storm of March 1. tions. { 5E ”Jill. The Chronicle and Farmers’ Advocate, 1 year... .. The Chronicle and Canadian Farm, 1 year... The Chronicle and Toronto Daily News, 1 year ... The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Star, 1 year .. The Chronicle and Toronto Daily World, 1 year .. The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Globe. 1 year...'... The Chronicle and The Grain Growere’ Guide... .. The Chronicle 1 year, and The Daily World to Sap-i” The Chronicle and Weekly Mail and Empire, 1 year $1.75 The Chronicle and Weekly Globe, 1 year.-. 1.75 The Chronicle and Family Herald Weekly ”Star 1.90 The Chronicle and WeeklyWitnesa, 1 year”... ...... 1.90 The Chronicle and' Weekly Sun 1 year...... 1.90 NEW REVISED CLUBBING RATES Advocate, 1 year... ... Farm, 1 year... Daily News, 1 year .. Daily Star, 1 year .. Daily World, 1 year .. Daily Mail and Empire Daily Globe, 1 year...‘... 4.75 4.75

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