Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Apr 1914, p. 2

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_____,___...__â€"â€"â€" IOO-ACRE FARM, GOOD 2-STOR- ey house. bank barm pig pen and; other buildings; large orchard: good Water; one mile south of Allan Park. As the owner is] giving up farming, this valuable farm will be sold at a bargain. ____-:Mrs. Eliza Fizzell, Allan Park. .._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"I _ ..___-â€"-.â€"â€" , T BEING LOT 5.3. CON. 3. E. G. x.. Glenelg. conti- "111313;: 10a" acres: on premises are new frame burn. brick house, sheds anzl outbuild- ings; running stream through prOperty: about 10 LCI‘CS hard- rest in gnozl state of eultzvaron. Possession given on Nov ’st 1913. For further parâ€" .. ;-' on lil‘Qill.SPS to Mrs. John Staples. Rur'xl Route \ Â¥ ‘ .(‘ 1. :l'xtt: 7â€" s. BEING LOT 4., CON. 3, ‘oghfi'g‘nfégby, about 4 m11e§ from Durham 1% miles from’ Varnegg. Convenient to school an church. Well fenced. well Water- __1 _A...4LA A: nnlfi't'fl- IN GLENELG, ABOUT 35 ACRES of good pasture land; well {enc- ed; Well watered. Also 42% acres .in Bentinck: good house, barn. and good Well. Will be sold reasonable. Apply to Wm. Wall, Durham. 12913pd M ,_.__â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" - _â€"â€"â€"._â€". 5305*-ai‘i-{7E-ROOMED HOUSE. Well located; good garden and hen pen. Rent reasonable. Ap- ply to Ed’oWelsh, Durham. 12 18 ltpdtf ______.____....â€"r 'h‘b”; PART OF LOT 28. CON. 1 W. L} 12.; admitting corporation of Dumum. containing 1.3 acres '3 mods. :‘ perches of good fwd, d1} seeded down with tim- A’b otujz; good brick house; hard 1.-.“. nrnhard_ __..flâ€"_.__. .__..._ GOOD SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE ON Mill street; good cellar, garden, barn, hen-house; hard and soft Water; reasonable price to quick urchaser. Apply to John chutz, Durham. 3191f CDUL'CLL \ V' V... v__ _ ed, and in good state 0 tion; brick house, bank good buildings. For p apply to David McAul Durham. L Mart-Han ‘nm gxpng 331‘ H!“ 31,, we!" 'uaquu, v...â€" 1 _ - _ descriptions and a. full statement! of particulars of their claims and; the nature \of the security, if any,1 held by them, duly certified, andi that after the said day the Execu-I tor will proceed to distribute the} assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated the 6th day of April, AD 1914. THOMAS WALLACE, Executor. by his Solicitor, J. P Telford. bAnUL‘J’ L‘VVU-- _ house; large enough to keep bN-zrders: conveniently situated * all pubhc works; newly dec- t mated: cheap rent. Apply to N. McIntyre. Durham. 612 __â€"â€"â€"-________..â€"â€"--â€"-' In the matter of William James Atkinson of the Village of Hol- stein, Livery Stable Keeper, In- solvent. NOTICE is hereby given that the above named insolvent has made an assignment of his estate to me for the benefit of his creditors un- der Ontario Statutes 1910, Chapter Notice to Creditors Farms for Sale. Notice to Creditors All “3‘ H'fi HI To Rent goga-vsiate of cultiva- : house, bank barn and iings. For particulars. David McAuliffe, Sr.., 122tf "III" inch 0 5-ROOM DW’ELL- AA. AA ’x‘ a u'fllna ,- less. 25 cents for first insertion. and 10 cents Mb Jae inch and under two inches, double' ’the above 4;. Yearly rates on application. the FFIUEâ€"Overu ’ P. Telford’s office newly opposite the Registry nfl'ice..-Re.~1dence Second house. south 01 Bee, yism :. ofllcp 01. 9.131; slde 01 Alhmt Sueet. Ot'hGe Hmus _ 9.11 a 111.. 2 4 p. 111.. 7-91) 111. Telephone (:11111111111‘1icas tiun between office and 1esisie11ce at, FFICE AND RESIDENUL .A .- short distance 02.61 of Knapp’s Hotel, 3446:1btou Street, Lower Town, Durham )(tice hours from 12 m. 3. o'clock tiun betw all hours. JHYSICLAN AND SURG EUR, 01“ L time in the New Hunter Block. Ofljce nurs‘ ts to 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and 7 $09 9. 51. Special attention given to disease: of vomen and children. Residence 0p- 9 Mn: Presbvtm‘iax‘ (hum-h. Late Assistant Roy.Londoo ()phI-nmmu: Boa $112.. and to Gol.}en Sq. Throat and Nose H08 SPECIALIST : avg-2:, :m,_ THROAT _ nose B?§.)amiesan Gm lamieson. York and Chicago Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. \Vill he at the Hahn House, July 20 Oct. 19, November 16. Dec. 21, Ham's. 1 I30 5 p.111. Officeâ€"Over Donglas’ Jewellel'v Stow). {1 t\' of Toronto. Graduate Roya Mileage Denta! Surgeons. of'Gntario. Dentistry :11 all its Branches. JR. b”! L. R. C P. LUBDON E\G VRADULATE 0. London Nrw )I-l‘i I-F‘ i) ()flice. nearly office. Lambton 4t. ‘f dun-19V tr: :Jan ropertv. ‘4 er, Conveyanoer. 8w. Insurance Xgeut. Money to Loan. Issuerpf Max:- ciage licenses A general hnancxal bus:- oess tran qacted. Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. 3. P. Teiford. Q wmswmn somonoa. Biro . G. flatten, 1'3. In the Surrogate Court of the Coutny of Grey. In the matter of the estate of, at 1' Alexander Smith, the elder, late of,1914 the Township of Normanby in the‘ 20" County of Grey, Farmer, deceased.‘ NOTICE is hereby given, pursu-I ant to Ontario Statutes 1911, Cap. '26, Sec. 55, that all persons‘ having â€"â€" claims against the estate of the said Alexander Smith the Elder, Who died on or about the 24th day of March, AD 1914,, are required to send by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to J. P Telford, of the SY] {Town of Durham, Solicitor for the [executors on or before the 25th V ld-ay of April, I11914, their names, adâ€" T dresses and descriptions and‘ a ens !full statement of particulars of ho: '.their claims and the nature of “m lthe security, it any, held by them. tob ',dul_y certified, and that after the Thl A. H. Jackssn. \mel TA RY PUBLIC COM MISSION- nuweyam er 8w. Insurance “1 â€"â€"_.' __ __ said day the executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have “notice. -“v-a- Dated the 28th day Of March, A.D 1914. ‘ C. L GRANT _ JFGRANTWDDS LDS !0\0R GR -‘1DUA I‘E. UNIV ERSI- In the matter of the estate of William Robert Cuffe, late of the Township of Bentinck in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursu-l ant to the Statutes in that behalf‘ that all creditors and. other per-1 sons having claims against thei estate of the above named William' Robert Cuffe,, Who died at the Township of Bentinck in the County of Grey, on or about the second day of February 1914, are required to send by post, prepaid or deliver to the undersigned Ad- ministrarix of Lthesaidl deceased, Notice to Creditors Lulu-” v- “- --- on or before the twenty-fifth day of April, AD. 1914, their amines.‘i addresses and full particulars of; their claims, duly verified and the! nature of the securities, if an Y! held by them, and after the said; twenty-fifth day of April 1914, the said Administratrix will proceed to] distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons en-' titled thereto, having regard onlvl to the claims of which she then shall have had notice, and the said Administratrk will not be liable for the assets, or any part “thereof. to any person or persons lot Whose claims she shall not then have had notice. ELEANOR CUFFE, 'Administrajrix, " l t UURHA“ V ONT. (Lower Town.) Dated '_at pug-ban? RTFM day at Medical Directorv. by their Solicitor, J. P Telford Notice to Creditors Arthur Gun, m. Dr. W. 6. Pickering Dentist. no 13’ F!" "‘3 S9. fi'vnn \‘nflflll 0mm! Directorv W. J. SHARP Lem! ‘Dz’rectorv C". u ‘3 W ’N B592. 3%} early opposite the Regis‘ry m 4t. Durham. Aanmount .0211: a? 5 ma- cent. on farm (her J J. Hunter’s and S HAY, Executorg, The school is thornnghlv vquipped in teachingahility, in chemical and elec- trical supplies and fittingm etc.. fur full Junior Leaving and Matriculation work. Durham l‘HOS..ALLAN, Principal and Pro vincial Model Scfionl Teacher lst Class Certificabe. Intending Students should enter at the‘ beginning of the germ if possible. Board can he obtained at reasonable rates. Durham IS a healthy and at- tractiv.» town. making it a most desir- able place f“: residence. The revord of che School in past years is a flatteymg one. The trustees. are progressxve educationally and spare no pains to see. ihat teachers and pupils have evmy advantage for the pro- per m'esvttzuion and acquist/ion of knowledge. ' REV. w. H. HARTLEY. J. F.AGRANT, Valuable EGO-acre farm. clay loam, in the Townshjp pf Protpn, lualu, 111 L-llb .1. H uuAAAl.’ -._-- - .. v -v --11 ounty of Grey, and about ten miles from the Towns of Mount For-est, Durham and Dundalk. 0n the property is erected a detach- ed two-storey dwelling house with large rooms, a large frame barn 55’x66’, and frame stable '24’x55’. There is also a good well. The farm is fenced with arail and 'wire fencing and is but a short dist- ance from school and church. Low price for quick sale. Termsâ€" small cash payment down and bal- ance on easy terms. Immediate possession. For further particulars apply to The Trusts and Guarantee Com- pany, Limited, 43-45 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario, or J. P. Telford, Solicitor, Durham, Ont. Dated April 4th, 1914. And Ali Whom it May Concern NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of License Commission- ers for the License District of South Grey will meet on THURSDAY, APRIL 16th, 1914 in the town of Durham, at the Inspector’s Office, at One o’clock. p.m, when applications for licens- es for the License Years 1914-1915 will be considered. The number of licenses issued for the years 1913-1914 was: Town of Hanover.....- 4. Village of Neustadt.---.. 2-. Township of Normanby ...... 5. The Applications for licenses for 1914-1915 are as follows: Town of Hanover..-... 4. Village of Neustadt ......... 2. Township of Normanby ...... 5 All petitions relating to the granting or refusal of licenses must be filed with the Inspector at least four days before 9:er 16, FEES : £1 per mnnih in advance 1914. Piai'tiesvu interested' will govern themselves accordingly. Valuable Farm For Sale Cheap MUST BE SOLD 9.? ONCE . SYNOPSIS 0F GANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. THE sole head or a family, or any male over 18 years‘ old, may homestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at the office of any Local A ent of -Dominion Lands (not In_ agent),_‘on certain conditions, Duties.-Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- st-eader may live Within nine miles of his homestead on a farm 01 at least 80 acres, on certain condi- tions. A habitable house is re- quired in every ease. except When residence is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a home- steader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter-section alongâ€" side his homestead. Price $3 per acre. -. Duties.â€"Six months resi- dence in each 0! six years from date of homestead entry (includv ing the time required to earn homestead patent) and 50 acres extra cultivation. A homesteader who has exhaust- ed his homestead right and cannot obtain 'a pre-emption may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price, $3 per acre. Dut- ies câ€"Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house worth $300. The area of cultivation is sub- iect to reduction in case of rough. Icrnbby or atom-y land. - W. W. CORY. ' Deputy o! the Minister 0! the Interior. The Pope on Sunday gave an audience to Archbishop ‘Brucheai ot’MJontreal. Spanish residents throughout Northern and Central Mexico are bei as: expelled «by flhe rebels. ' N .B .â€"Unauthorized publication 31 this advertisement will not be Daid for .-37,085. 28 13 TO HOTEL KEEPERS I WM. ALLAN License Inspector. South Grey Chairman. NOTICE Secret-aw \Vell- xnown Novelists Views 031' Desirable “'omen. ,Tastes, of course, differ, but some . men'appear to want a. wife who new-r ' ed except in romantic dreams. She must be a model of all virtues- and possess no failings. She must be “so pretty that we are always prouq, __- _A-.A_ 1‘“ _ and so good that we are never unâ€" easy; a woman Who wears well and looks her best in two-year-old gowns; who applies the adjective important in relation to our work, our food, and our desire for unfettered holi- days; who laughs at our jokes and preserves a marble -ace when we are scored off by others; with whom we have the massively comforting sensa- tion that she will never recognize the plain, staring fact that we are not brave, not wise, no; kind. not clever.” “'6, “UL V‘ Luv, AAV‘, ‘Lbuu v- '__ . The words quoted are those of that popular novelist, Mr. W. B. Maxwell, and “the astounding, incredible thing,” he concludes, in his comments on the sort of woman a man likes, “is that, wanting all that, we some? times get it.” times get it.” A truer note, perhaps, is struck by Mr. Joseph Hocking who, 'er re- marking inat a woman a man does not like is the political woman, says: “vv -nnâ€"v “Man’s ideal of womanhood, as far as I know men, is suggested by the old-fashioned word. ‘womanliness’.’ She is a sympathetic companion, one who desires to share in the joys and sorrows of her husband. She is a lover of home and children, and finds her‘greatest joys by her own fireside. She is far removed from the creature whose main thought is her own pleas- ure. Whether she is intellectual or not I do not think of great import- ance, but she must be pure in heart and life, anl, like Dickens’ Agnes, hers must be the ‘hand that ever points upward’f’ ‘-‘ I -7 ‘_-_.. And both Mr. Coulson Kernahan and his friend, Mr. Max Pemberton, agree with Mr. Hocking. The former, in a Strand Magazine symposium, quotes G. H. Lorimer, the well-known American editor and author, who has given it as his opinion that “Mar- riages may be made in heaven, but most engagements are made in the back parlor with the gas so low that a felbw doesn’t really get a square look at what he is takingfl .‘ “But,” comments Mr. Kernahan, “the woman that the majority of men like may be dais. or fair, tall or short, plump or slim, so long as slfla is, before all things, womanly.” And most readers will probably agree with Mr. Max Pemberton, who gives it as his opinionthat men want “chiefly a womanly woman. She must be,” he says, “the woman in all the world for him, and he must be conscious of the fact. It is quite impossible for one man to convinve another that any particular type of beauty is an ele- ment in the mystery of love. The appeal is from the soul of the woman to the soul of the man. Neverthe- less, it is the quality of womanhood, of gentleness and patience and ca- pacity to love, that is the supreme thin g.” Mr. E. Temple Thurston is some-E what severe on his own sex. “The‘ kind of woman a man likes,” he says, “is the woman who can minister : to his selfishness without obliterating t herself, who can listen to his egot-‘Q ism without making him feel he isl monopolizing the conversation, who; can clothe his thousand faults with the desire to win to his few virtues; she who can be mother and child, mis- , tress and wife, friend and counsellori to his countless inconsistencies.” M. Spiridinoff, a, well-known Mos- cow millionaire, is just about to cele- brate his golden wedding. To the fes- tivities which are to mark the event two hundred guests have been invit- ed. Each of these two hundred peo- ple received the other day a special and appropriate card of invitation, made of pure gold. As each card weighs 20 grammes, which is rather less than 3-4 oz. avoirdupois, it fol- lows that the total amount of gold used is just about nine pounds. The metal was transformed into these uni- que missive, on which the invitation was worked in enamel by a Moscow goldsmith. Each invitation card is valued at about $30. schools may show: Scholarâ€"I’ve left home now, ma'am. I’m living with my auntie. Teacherâ€"What’s her name? “She’s called after meâ€"Fanny." One needs patience to succeed as a teacher of the young, ‘as this brief dialogue in ope of our‘ elementary next door." Cut leaf lard into small pieces and run through the meat chopper before rendering and you will have almost all larc‘l and very few cracklings when through cooking. “A teaspoonful of common baking soda in the water in which you start your lard to render- ing makes its white and sweet. Sprinâ€" kle a thin layer of salt in the bottom of jars before. pouring in your newly rendered lard and it will not get ran- cid. A cupful of sugar, one-half cupful of shortening, two eggs, a c pful of molasses, a tablespoonful o ginger, a tablespoonful of cinnamon, a heap- ing teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a cupful of boiling water, three and two-thirds cupfuls cf flour and a talblespoonful of vinegar. Beat well and bake in a moderate oven thirty- five or. forty minutes. A Lark. I What a lark it would be if an egg came down the chimney. No, it wouldn’t, unless it was a lark’s egg, and even then not nntfl‘ it was hatched. Eggsactly. »_ _ .L..- ’- . f--- IDEAL W V7. Millionaire’s Freak. Rendering Lard. Her Name. H'H __ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Wm cuaumm . Lyon. Brook. N.s.. Feb. 26th. “You are perfectly free to use my name in any way to benefit GIN PILLS. for they deserve the highest praise. My back has never troubled me since taking GIN PILLS, and my wife feels much better after taking GIN PILLS for her back. She thinks GIN PILLS will make a complete cure.” JAMES L. NAUSS. GIN PILLS will always relieve Lame Back, Sciatica in Back and Legs, Rheumatism, Burning and Scalding Urine, Painful Urination, Weak 'or Strained Kidneys, and/always prevent taking cold in the kidneys and bladder. Every box is sold with a positive guarantee to give prompt relief or money refunded. soc. a box, 6 for $2.50. Sample free if you write National Drug and Chemical 4 Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. 177 Mount Forest Business! 3 College 1: A superior school with compe- tent instructors and thorough courses. Affiliated with Central Business College, Stratford. We do more for our students than does any other similar school. All grad- uates in positions. You may enter at any time. Write for particulars or call at the college. D.A. Nchachlan, W.E. yilson, â€"'m-_ Caiiforniai Florida and the Sunny South TO THE WEST For WINNIPEG For VANCOUVER Leave Toronto 10.20 PM. DAILY Umnnartmem Library (H')~‘Pl'\’:ltiln\ Cw, Standard Sivepmg (Mr. 'l‘mlrlst Sleeping Car. Dining (izu'. First Class Coachw, Colonist. Citl‘ on both Trains. Full particulars from any (ERR. Agent. or write )1. G. Murphy, District. Passenger Agenr. Toronto R. M-mfarlane. 'I‘own Agvnt E. A. Hwy Stn‘inn Agent RHEUMATISM. ‘ Rheuma Purifies the Blood and fl‘hrows off Complicating Dis- eases. Weakening of the blood tissues bv continued attacks of Rheuma- tism affects the heart and pro- duces complications which result fatally. RHEUMA puts the blood in condition to ward off other diseases and eradicates Rheumatic conditions from the whole svstem. Recommended for all forms of Rheumatism. 50 cents at Macfar- lane Co’s. This letter will conâ€" vince you of its;gre3t value: _ _ -LI- “For nine weeks I was unable to work owing to my feet being badly swollen from Rheumatism. I also suffered severe pains in the back.= After using two bottles of BEEUMA the Rheumatism has en- tirely left me.”â€"F. H. Morris, Fort Erie, Ont. - [I THE PROTECT THE HEART FROM TBDUBLED ME PU.” TICKEFS \1‘ L')'N RH‘ES Since Taking GIN PILLS Leave Toronto 2.30 PM. DAILY Mount Forest, Ont. 9F @ANADA I DURHAM ERR-Nag; mkeflm. . IUD THE LOGICAL ROUTE NI‘ER TOURS President; Pri’ncipél. at the Chronicle Printing House, Garafraxa Street. ' ' ' Tun Cnn’omcu will behem sumPtmn any adores“. free of postage, 2:: Rates 31 oo - ° ' per 3’0". Sable madn â€"$1.50 my be charged if not :1): paid. The at: to which ever) -ubacription is paid is denoted by the number on the address label. No paper dis continued to all arrears are paid, exoeptgt, the optxon of the proprietor. -' ° For transient advertmemenu ggxztmlng cents per line for the first in”! . man; 3 cents per line each Inboc qnent Insertion munion measure. I’rofeeeiona cardsmot exceeding one inch $4.00 per annum Advertisements without aneoific directions wil be published till forbid a) .1 chanced accorom ly Transient namesâ€""IA at. ' ‘:‘Found.’ “For Safe.‘ etc,â€"_50 cents for first insertion. 25 cents for click subsequent insertion. Alladvertisemente prdered by strangers mun be naid for in advance. Contract rates for year.y advermaemente fur nished on application to the oflice. - and Funeral Directorw chture Frammg (m Shams: ' notice. §FURN1ffiRé DURHAM.ONT. Full line of Catholic Robes, and Hawk and White Caps for aged people. Wm. ‘“WM UN DERT AKIN G SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next to Swallows Barber Shop. IiESIDENCEfNeX§ door South of \V. J. Lawrence’s blacksmith shop. Mr. M. Kress has opened a shop at the rear of the furniture show room and is prepared to do all kinds of tinsniithing. Undertaking receives special “attention _ 18 PUBLISHED VERY THURSDAY MORNING New Clothing For Men and Boys British American Business College Yonge and McGill Sts . Toronto, Out. is the pioneer high grade Business School of Canada. Under new management it is doing better work than ever. W rite us if you want to prepare for a'good position. Henry C. Ward, Principal. Rugs, Oilcloths Window Shades Lace Curtains and al! Household Furnishings EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR Embalming a Specialty EDWARD KRESS New boots and Shoes just in and opened out; this week from the Best Make of both lines. Come and see us when you need eny- will try to please you. thing in our line. We A. BELL W. IRWIN . L. GRANT TINSMITHING 181.3 AND I, 1914.

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