Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Mar 1914, p. 7

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THE ROYAL BANK 0F CANADA LONDON. 2N6... OFFICE new 'voaK AGINCY Bank Bldgsâ€"Pfinces St. ' Car. William at DURHAM. BRANCH: S. HUGHES, Manager. March 19, 1914. 1T \ KNOCK S THE DRUDGERY OUT OF SWEEP-D AY c Brightens Floors Ordera tin toâ€" dziy at \our grocers 01 f1 om )1. our hardware‘man Iron and Brass Castings and general Repaitjing._ Feed boilers. 325 Branches Throughout Cdnada. Savings Department at all Bméhes. - ' SMITH BROSO’ Capital Authorized Capital Paid Up Reserve Funds THE DURHAM FOUNDRY Cleans Car-pets Don’t ask for' sweeping compound puts. the ee‘s (ease) in sweeping BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES INCORPORATED 1869 General Wood Work. new 'vonK Aczncv ' " Car. William Cedafis. . ,8 25,000,000 . 1 1,660,000 . ' . 18,000,000 DURHAM, ONT; "It will be a waste of time." said the landlord of the inn. "We carry fire Insurance here. but none of the other kind. You can't give it away." - “1 shall. hope to‘ do considerable busia ness here." was the confident reply, "This morning in driving a nail you hit your thumb with‘the hammer." ' Yes; i was just fool enough." "\‘ou hate it tied up in a rag .but it ’ will be sore for a couple of weeks." “Yes. durn it." I.."'I)o you know how much cash you | would have drawn this very day had you been insured with me?" ”Not a red cent." "l‘en dollars, sir. I told you this , English ’company was difi‘erent from . any we bane. It looks almost entirely I} after the small accidents and cases of 'temporary illness. There are no blanks to fill out. There are no affidavits to 1 be made." One day there appeared in the vil- lage of Highlands a stranger who gave his name as Bacon and his business as opening an agenuy’fur tbé London and Liverpool Cash Down Accident Insur- ance company. L ' Mr. Bacon looked prosperous. "He was smiling and suave. He shook hands with everybody and hoped their wives and children were Well. He attended church .the first Sunday he arrived. . 'On Thursday he intended a sewing society and made himself agreeable to the ladies. On Saturday hg called on the two ministers and handed them $5 each to be sent to the begatben of Afriéa.. Monday morning Mr. Bacon was ready for business. He had hinted right along that his insurance differed from any ever presented before. but had refused to give out particulars. He would now do $0 with the greatest of pleasure. "1 never heard of a company like that." said the landlord. “There is only one company in the world. and that is the Cash Down. It permits its agents a latitude that no othex insurance company does. I‘ or inâ€" stame if 1 had explained its plans to you )esterday you (1 haxe taken Out a policy at once." . “I dunno about that." was the reply. “And when you mashed your thumb this morning you‘d have hezd it out to me and asked, 'Mr. Bacon. now \mucb cash are you going to .allow me on that.’ “A'nd I'd have taken :1 brief glance at it find replied, 'Mr. Boniface. that masb‘is worth $10 to you, and here’s the cash.‘ " Not a person was asked to insure. Mr. Bacon simply watched and wait- ed. Deaeon Pilgrim fell MT 3 load of [my and injured his knee. The doctor advised him to hung around the- house for four or five days and rest it. Mr. Bacon went to see the demon and the knee and said: "Yes. your knee may be all right :1 few days. but i£ you had a policy my company 1 should say to you: ‘Deacon Pilgrim, when a man close to fifty years of age injures his knee it man get well in a week. or it may take a month. I shall insist that you accept this $20. That is $5 a week for four weeks.‘ ” "But W'h) in turnashun haven’t I heard about such a company?" shout- ed the deacon. Mrs. Glazier. wife of the town (-on- stable. leaned ove‘r the pigpen to empc ty a pail of swill into the trough; and she fractured a rib. - "Because I'm not saying much yet. I look Upon it as my fault that you haven‘t got a polivy“. and I insist on making good to you." "Shoo! You .goin’ to pay me $20?” “Here‘s the monpy. deacon.” " “But mebbe ‘tain’t quite fight to take it!” "Don't you worry about that! The Britishers want to Show the Yankees that some things can be done as well as others. When your knee is quite well we'll talk about a policy." “My dear sir.“ said Mr. Bacon to the vsittim' husband. I propose to be lib- eral about the settlement.’ ‘ But what have you got to do about it?" was asked. "You may have heard that 1 am an agent of the Cash Down Accident In- surance company ‘3" And those who had been swindle-d molfiipd those who badn 1: been. Something tor nothing always lead! to something- ’ "I believe 1 did near somebody say so. but my wife was not insured with you.“ "And :why not? Because l'had not called on you and explained the liberal policies we issue. For instance. they (ontain 1.x hat vie call the pig clause.’ w hieh permits every holder. man or woman, to bend over a pigpen as often as they wish. Your wife will be dis“ abled for at least four weeks. It was my fault. Here is 3: .0 for you." ”By thunder!’ "Yes. sir; that's the way We English (10 business. " “â€"Butâ€"~but" ‘ Say no more now. By and by we’ll talk about a policy. " And after two or three more cases like'the above be was ready to talk and did\talk. He talked so well that he sold insnmm-e to 250 different peo- ple at three timeslts value. And when the first accident happen- ed to a policy holder Mr. Bacon slid out. pamy it muldn’t be ton/m1. SOME Amara“; . ENSURANCE . Cbpyright, 1913. by Associated Lit- erary Press. Aud when they hunted for the com- By M. QUAD THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. in in THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson. Luke ,xiii, 18-35. Memory Verses. 18. 19â€"Goldon‘To'xt. Matt. vii, 21â€"Ocmmentary Prepared by Re'v. D. M. Stearns. Lesson Xll.â€"First Quarter, Foi March 22, 1914. The topic of this study is entitled “Lessons by. the Way.” and in the verses for. today we have lessons for all the way, always centering upon Him who Is “the way,” hated by His adversaries. rejoiced in by His people (yerse 17). There is much in the les- son concerning the kingdom, .for which He taught us to pray to our Father in Heaven. saying “Thy kingdom come." We must distinguish between the pres- ent age. during which the kingdom is postponed and which our Lord spoke of as “the mystery of the kingdom of God” tMark iv 11). and the kingdom itself to be set up on this earth at His second coming in glory. . The two parables of our lesson must be studied in the light of their setting not only here, but as first recorded in Matt. xiii. The closing verses of our lesson chapter tell of the desolation of Jerusalem until He shall ~come‘ again. But when the kingdom comes Jerusalem shall be the throne of the Lord. a city of truth and a praise in the ealrtn (Jerk iii. 17; Zech. viii, 3; Isa. lxii. 67}. in Ps. cii, 16. it is written that the Lord will build up Zion when He shall appear in His glory. The kingdom was at hand when our Lord was here in humiliation, as was preached by our Lord Himself. and by His apostles. as welVas by John the Baptist. but because they rejected Him and killed Him He plainly told them that the kingdom would not come till His return from the far country (Luke xix. 11. 12). He did not begin to speak in parables until they deter- mined to kill Him sMatt. xii, 14). Then follows in Matt. xiii the seven parables describing this‘age of the mystery of the kingdom. The parables of the mustard seed 'and of the leaven in this lesson are repetitions of two of those, tkformer speaking of'a great - ln explaining the parable of‘the sow- er- our Lord said that the birds repre- sented the wicked one «Matt. xiii, 4, 19). and a symbol once explained stands. We have seen in a recent les- son that leaven is always a symbol of evil. The teaching therefore is that in this age of the mystery of the king- dom or the time between the rejection and the coming of the kingdom, many followers of the wicked one will pro- fess to be interested. but the teaching will become thoroughly corrupt, and tares. the work of the devil (Matt. xiii. 88. 39), will be found with the wheat till the end of this age. To all these deceived and deceiving ones He will have to say. “I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye work- ers of iniquity” (verses 26, 27). Many shall come from all parts of the earth to share and enjoy the kingdom. while many who thought themselves deserv- ing of it shall find their place where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth (verses 28. '29). tree with‘irds in the branches and the latter of leaven in the food. i In this age of the mystery or the postponement of the kingdom. the Spir- it is, like the servant of Abraham, tell- 1118 0f the riches of the Father and the Son and seeking a bride for the Son. or. in other words gathering from all nations by the preaching 0f Ethe gospel of the risen Christ the church or body of Christ but we must ,uever confound the church with the ikingdom The church will reign with Christ in the kingdom. but the king- 360m will include all nations as it is a said in Dan. vii. 27, “The kingdom and dominion and the greatness of the ikingdom under the whole heaven.” ll‘here may be some great surprises awaiting us when we shall see Abra- ham. and Isaac and Jacob and all the IDI'QDhets in the kingdom of God, and the twelve apostles on thrones judgins the twelve tribes of israel «verse 28 Ind chapter-1x11. 80) .. " His reference to the two days and the third day {82} may point to the 2.000 years of this age, and the noxt We must ponder well and lay to heart the words of our Lord to one of the best and most religious men of his day, “Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot ente’r into the‘kingdom of God” (John iii. 5). Judging from the denial in our own times. of the fundamental truths of the gospel. it is to be feared that many church members and many ministers and missionaries have never been born again. It is not for us to talk about few or many' being saved, but it is es- sential that each one should know for himself that he is saved by receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour, and that appropriating the great truth “The Son of God loved me and gave Himself for me,” “His own self bare my sins in His own body” (Gal. ii. 20; I Pet. ii. 24). He is able to._asay, “1 know that my Redeemer liveth," “1 know whom I have be- lieved” and. “having come to Him, I am not cast out” (Job xix, 25; [I Tim. I. 12: John vi, 37). It is still the ac- cepted time. and the day of salvation for all who will come, but when once the door is shut it will be too late. There will come a time when the de- spisers and haters of truth shall call and get no answer. shall seek and shall not find (Prov. l, 24-31). Our Lord said that unbelievers shall die in their sins, and thus dying, cannot come where He is lJohn viii. 21, 24). As in the days of Noah, it will be shut in or shut out. ‘wmcinwmubaurugnot pi! NOQOOW”“§”O§§O§WOWWWO§§: O O : Call at g E. A. ROWE : E33fe°é§$2§§ 990006900090000000000090600900966000QOOOOOOOOOQOOOOQ #0000 69.90000090000690000009000 000”.”0W000W .00000000000000000000000000 0000000000000 0000000000000 QOOQOQQOOOQOQQOOOOOOOOOOOQ ¢0§§§§§§§§§§§§¢¢§§§§O§§§QO E S. SCOTT, Garafraxa Street, Durham E WMOMQOOOOOQO‘ 09999.0 090”.”QOOOQOOOOOQ ”QWng-agum‘ ‘7’ We confidently believe we are underselling any other store Durham: Prospeccive customers should look over our line For Good Honest Value ‘ You Can’t Beat Us In order to raise money we are giving special reductions in all lines 51 And are paying the Highest Price. Cash or Trade. \Ve will pay an extra price for good birds. Poultry must not be fed for at least twelve hours before being brought in. Bring in your Fowl on any day of the week. We will buy them. POSITIVELY THE lARGESI'. SAlE IN CANARA EOYSTERS AND FRUIT IN SEASON ' The Highest Prices for Skins in good condition; poorer quality will receive a lower price. REMEMBER! This will be for One Week only. A complete change of Bargains will be offered the following week and so on for five or Beef-hides, Sheepskins, Tallow, Horsehides Wool, Old Rubbers, Horse Hair, Copper and Brass, also any quantity of raw skins, MInk Fox, Coon, Muskrat or Skunk six weéKs. The reductons we intend giving will be plain to everybody as we mark our goods in plain figures at very low prices, from Lhese low prices Iurther reductions wil! be made as an inducement that pur- chasesshould not; fail to take advantage of. Next “feel: we will make a Special Run on We are in the market for any quantity of Live Poultry Hens, Chickens, Ducks, Geese and Turkeys. . Hides and Skins Wanted Pants and" Overalls For all kinds of Bakery Goods Cooked and Cured Meats. Live Poultry Wanted Ladies’ Coats, Suits, Skirts, , Underwear and Dresses Men’s Suits, Pants, Under- wear, Shirts, Sweaters. etc. Also a full line of Bovs’ Furnâ€" ishings at close Prices. BIG BARGAINS We 'Will also purchase any quantity of E. A. ROWE’S Watch this Ad. for Bargains M. GLASER The Biggest of the Season 1 door south of Burnec 5 Bakery Garafraxa St. Durh un The Easy Way of Do- ing a Hard Day's washâ€"with Comfort Soap. {‘35 in of 'i't‘fi *1

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