Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Mar 1914, p. 5

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Dear Friend,â€"We are here to- night to spend a social time with you before you leave us for your new home. We are sorry indeed to part with you, sorry to bid you good-bye, when we know that in all probability you will never re- turn to reside amongst us as a comrade and friend. We are sor- ry that we are to lose such a useful and valued member of our community, you took an active part in everything that tended to benefit the people. In Sunday 0 On Friday evening, the 27th of ' February, about 40 or 50 of Miss Eva Redford’s young friends as- sembled at her home to say good-. by before she left the neighbor-f hood to take up her residence in? Durham. The evening Was spent in music and games, as well as the reading of an address to Miss Redford, to whom they presented a beautiful hand-satchel and Bible as a memento by which she. might recall the happy days and happy associations of youth. The follow-; is the address: ' : To Miss Eva Redford: ' l ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. A few of the' Hampden Sports took in the skating at the Duzr- hqxp rim}; or} Saturday night. Mrs. Henderson, an, is nursing hea- niece, Miss Janet McRonald, who fell, and was unable to do her own work. Misses Marietta Park and Mary Mather are spending a Week’s hggiday among fcriends at Price- Mrs. Andrew Derby spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. _John_C_<_>ope_r. Miss Margaret Gilmour returned 'home one day last week, after a prolonged visit With her sister, Mrs Sam. _Anan_, oi: Chesley. M}. Bert. Marshall, Who is teaching near Mildmay, spent the week egg With Ahigflparenzts here. Mr: and Mrs. Thos, Young spent a pleasant evening at the home of Mqu'm, Derby! squt}; line._ Mrs. Jos. Derby and Mrs. Bradley visited friends in Egremonut- re- ceiqtly. HAMPDEN. ~ Mr. Harold Lougheed of the West is \isiting at the home of Mr. “’11). Marshall. Newest Spring Shoes : See ours before buying 0090000009 ¢¢o§+oo¢+¢o9+o+o Rennie’s X X X Clover and Timothy § § 0 § 0 0 0 0 0 9 March 12, r1.914. Near Garafnaxa Street Bridge, Durham, Ontario Call and see our New Line ()fngp-t()-date Spring Shoes for Men, Women and Child- ren. We have the very newest lasts in Patent, Gunmetal and Tan Calf, for Men and our stock of Womens’ include Suede in either Grey, Brown 0r Black, also Pat- ent, Wilt, Gunmetal and Kid. We have a number of other lines which we would be pleased to Show you when you call. . L. SAUNDERS Quality should be a farmers first consid- eration in the selection of his Seeds. Our Motto is “Often the Cheapest al- ways the Best. t See Our Samples and Get Our Prices Before You Buy. ' : Next Garafraxa Sthridge The Shoeman 1,. fix. 44's? Durham I The young peOple of 8.8. No.12 have gone to great pains prepar- jins! ‘the program for their concert tombe llgld 0.1) Fmidgy night. I I Mr. Wm. aAll-an, jr. had a very successful wood ibee last Wednes- day. He also has the material out for an addition to his home. Mrs. Geo. Lawrence will be ac- companied by her physician, Dr. Gun, to the Stratford Hospital, As a consequence of the ex- treme weather there are some cases of :la grippe. Mrs. Jas Gor- don has \possibly the worst attack of it, butp We trust she will so-no recover. their nameawould indicate, But What could be so nice at this season of the year as to see" the Robins come? And that is the way this {neighborhood is treated. Mm. Pete Robins and family have moved into (the house he recently purchased. ‘ img a kind and obliging friend. . and we hope that Wherever your ,lot may be cast that the same gkindness may be returned to you 9that your kindness deserves. We Wish you in your new home many happy days, and may heaven’s richest blessing descend upon you I an]: mA-â€"â€"‘- .___.d â€"â€"nwv' The Chronicle Welcomes to town those with Scriptural names, and when they come from Egremo-nt they are sure to pe a_s good as Mr. Geo. Sharpe, Who has been spending the winter With his nnothem and_qth_e1_‘ relatives, as well as many old fmiends, xiiii~fifefurn in a few days to his home in Cayman, Manitoba. U.P.R. Ticket Office Get Your Tickets Here a 'vâ€"â€" v.â€" -- Signed on behalf of tfiéms‘andav school.â€"Ale-x. MgDom-ald, . Flo. McDonald, Mary McCallum. from us may the): awiké kihdly memories. of yqur old friends. v d- and youra ‘ In this spirit we ask you to. ac- cept these gifts and as you look upon them :Whep you are away We Will miss you for your lormg words, for your kindly acts, an you Will always be remembered us With deepest affection. We fe . that im you? degartulfewe are 105â€" school work you were ‘ always ready to assist a om’rade when assistance Was nee ed. w:¢¥b"£§‘wgg. ."‘ ' mum-ASH»; ‘ CORNER CONCERN-S. STORE A 7251 you Will Learn ‘ Map of / . i“The Island of I the Stairs.” WATGH FOR THE OTHER HALF an Operation, WhiCh We may be very successful, and which 5th soon recover. here is a great dis ion at 'esent over money I; by the Iovezmment for ro building, Some Who 'live on. a good road near a market, who do not give the matter any real thought‘ say One HaEf of the YE LONG. If 1°30 W THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. “-V third season. He and Ev. are to meet in Winnipeg and travel the reat ‘ of the- journe-y .together. Ernest Cook and Herb. Pette'rs. leave on Tuesday to? gammhthe ‘1‘“‘. ‘A â€"A---“- ‘ 7â€"... ~_â€" â€"â€" â€"--â€"â€"â€"â€"’ .- Ev. Jack left a week ago for Elbow, Sas:k., buc Was 'to visit Fort William friends for a week on the Way. Geo. Gray left this monning to re~en~terr the employ of a, .fagmer near _t_he El_bo_w for the Grandina Mcélocvlilin spent couple of days last Week at 509 Arthr’g home, near town. Everybody is pleased to see March go shgjng by. 5 WE HAVE FAITH IN THIS ; STOMACH REMEDY. 2 A woman customer said to us the oth r day, ‘Say. you ought to tell cve1yone in toun about Rex- all Dyspepsia Tablets. I would my- self if I could’ ’lhat sets us to thinking So many people have used the m and have so enthusias- tically sounded their praises both to us and their fIiInds, that we had an idea you all knew about them. But, in the chance that so 11c of you who suffer £10m in- digestion, heartburn, dyspepsia, or some other stomach complaint. don’t know about themâ€"we are {writing this. Sold only at the more than7 ,000 Rexall Stores, and in this town only at our store Three sizes. Qdfic, 5.0:: and $41.00. Macfarlane o. - 'lhey contain Bismuth and Pop- sdn, two of the greatest digestive aids known to medical science. 'l‘hey soothe and comfort the stomach, promote the secretion of gastric juice, help to quickly di- gest the food and convert it into rich, red blood, and improve the action of the bowels. We believe them to be the best remedy made for indigestion and dyspepsia. We certainly wouldn’t offer them to you entirely at our risk unless we felt sure they would do you a lot of good. If Rexall Dyspepsia Tab- lets do not relieve your indiges- tion, check the heartburn, and make it possible for you to eat What you like Whenever you like, coine‘back andget yourgnoney. While an Owen Sound girl was engaged in the [round of kissing her friends at the' station the train pulled out and left her to wait for the next one. Kissing in public is one of the things we never did care very much for anyway. l Aberdeen. Alsfeldt, Ayton, Arn- !ott. .Allan Park, Berkeley, Beaver- Idale Chesley, Carlsrhue, Chats- rworth. Calderwood, Ceylon, Cedarâ€" ville. Clifford, Clare, Deemerton, Desboro, Dornoch, Dromore, Drew Station, Elmwood, Ebordale, Eu- genia, Flesherton, Glascott, Hano- ver, Hollford, Holland Centre, Hopeville, Harriston, Irish Lake, Kingscote, Lamlash, Louise, Laur- iston, Maple Hill, Mildmay, Moltke. Marmion, Mt. Forest, Neustadt Orchard, Priceville, Proton Station, Rock Mills, Riverstown, Swinton Park, Traversiton, Varney, Vande- leaur, Walkerton, Waudby, Wode- house, 1 lb, 50.; 2 lbs., 60; 3 lbs., 70.: 4 lbs., 80.; 5 lbs., 100.; 6 lbs., 120 : 7 lbs., 140.; 8 lbs., 160.; 9 lbs., 180 ; 10 lbs., 200.: 11 lbs., 220. Beyond the 20-mile zone, the rates in On- tario are 100., 140., 180., 220., 260., 300., 340., 380., 420., 460., and 500 respectively. a centre The following are the weights and rates on parcels post- ed fgr delivery in this radius: POST OFFICES IN THE TWENTY MILE ZONE share of consideration. But w would not agree to a specified kind of road for all parts, but to suit conditions. If the farmers to organize for tile work, other: Wise the pleasu e-seekers may persuade the Government that their needs are all that are re- quired. The delay through the- Semate’s objections is only tem- porary. They have not known anything done Olf- late for the strengthening of the real prop and support of our country, and old chaps cannot be expected to change their ways for better ones as readily as younger men; but it is coming. er market ban a good dry road. At our township annual meeting this year the matter -Was well discussed by ‘both Grit and Tory, ’both of the opinion that steps should be taken to secure as much 'as possible to build good roads from all outlying sections, and thereby improve the value of the country very ‘much. Just as rural' firee delivery 'of our mails brings us next floor neighbors to . the post office, so to speak, so Would a good road shorten the distance to market. Of course, to spend all the money building good roads; connecting cities and large tOWns: for. pleasure driving would bene- fit only a few, as a great ma-. iomity use the roads only for busi-. ness purposes, and all their long- distance tnavelling is done by train. Yet those who run autos, motorcycles and other such de-; vices have a right to a fair, We don’t ‘W-ant it, But there are many others'who live eight or ten miles from ‘markgt Who want it bad; 'but srpemt in a right way and in right places, and a con- elusive evidence of it is that we see man quite frequently, selling good farms so located-and buying poorer‘omes at higher_ pri-ees near- A- M- TRAVERSTON. her 999999999999 9 999 99999 99999 99999999999999999999999999 ' fQOOQOQOONOOONWMQO‘ J. C. -DAMM,.Agent' Durham - - Ontario; A memorandum book giving complete details of the Company’s anions can be had on application to The Interstate Commerce Com- mittee of the United States House favorably reported the bill to re- peal the Panama tolls exemption clause. - ,The new school at Elk Lake op- ened With 1150 pupils. A‘ hydro-radial conventlon is bejpg held at Stratford this week. \Vhy our NET SURPLUS for this year shows an increase of Well Secured Assets and Substantial Reserves Give P holders Absolute Protection. Security for each $100of Liability to Policyholders $139 To Show in a Nutshell The Dominic-n stands pre-eminent. Ksâ€"a cbnséqdenéé “Iâ€"{éthâ€"rns have been UNEXCELLED. h In berest Rate Mortality 01 8.11% 2‘ of expecI The three main sources of Profit to Policyhoiders are Earnings, Savings in Expenditure, and Mortality Gains, ' three elements the Year 1913 1903 l 893 (J. R. Gun’s Old Stand) Tinsmith, Plumber and Steamfitter Durham, , Ontario Get Our Prices : Satisfaction Guaranteed Leave Your Order for Eavetroughing IT PAYS TO GET THIS WORK ATTE NDhI) T0 BEFO HOUSE CLEANING ' " """" tember 1, 1914...... ......... The Chronicle and Daily Mail and routes, 1 year... ... ....-.... The Chronicle and Daily Globe, The Chronicle and Weekly Mail and Empire, 1 year The Chronicle and Weekly Globe, 1 year................ The Chronicle and Family Herald 8: Weekly Star The Chronicle and Weekly Witness, 1 year...... ...... The Chronicle and Weekly Sun 1 year...... ...... The Chronicle and Farmers’ Advocate, 1 year ...... The Chronicle and Canadian Farm, 1 year... The Chronicle and Toronto Daily News, 1 yea -.‘- The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Star,- 1 year ...“ The Chronicle and Toronto Daily World, 1 year The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Globe, 1 year ...... The Chronicle and The Grain Growers’ Guide ...... The Chronicle lyear, and The Daily World to Sep- Assurance Company HEAD OFFICE W'ATERLOO. ONT. S. BRICKEB. District Manager. Drawer 10 Lisa.“ $139.483.32 344.15 7.67 847,546 50 l. 621), 361.68 3. 32‘) 588.22 NEW REVISED CLUBBING RATES “The Best Insurance at Lowest Net Cost” Assets The Company’s Popularity is well attested by a DOMINION LIFE . HARDING $69,817.81 252.617.81 658.540. 44- 2.483.076.28 Reserves for the Plumbing. Steam or Hot Water Heating System or the Furnace. Full particulus at Grand Trunk Ticket Offices. or write C. E. Horn- inq, D.P.A.. Toronto, Ont. W. Calder,:'l‘own Agent, Phone 3a. J. Towner, Station Agent Phone 10 From Tommto and stations Nut and \Vest of Toronm. Proportyg ate low fares from Stations [fist of Toronto. Return limit 2 months WIN N [PEG and Return $35. 00 EDMONTON and Return 43 .00‘ Each Tuesday, March 3rd jto Oct. 27th inclusive. via Chicago, Sc. Paul or Duluth 3 HAVE YOU PAID YOUR SUB? Homeseekers Mortality 0111 y 277! of expected Surplus Empire on rural $69.(Xi5.51 162237.16 268500. 57 691,911.12 To Manitoba, Alberta and ' Saskatchewan! rural routes Policvholders Business in Force 333 per (1/1“; Excursions Interest In these Policy- oper- 4.00 4.75 4.75

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