Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Mar 1914, p. 2

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._...-â€" 1oo ACREQJEâ€"E'ING LOT 4, CON. 3, Normanby, about 4 miles from Durham 1% mikes from Varney. â€"-Lnn1 and BRING LOT 53. CON. 3, Glenelg, containing . on premises are new fr brick house, sheds and u -A._,H_“ 3 mode, :'- perches of good iaxxd, all seeded down with tim- othy; good brick house; hard and soft water, barn, orchard, sheds. etc. Apply to T. Baskins Ratio A. E. Jackson, Durham. A 0A H To Rent GOOD HOUSE ON ALBERT ST“ Durham; hard and soft Water, good garden and orchard, elect- ric lights, good cellar; possession March lust. Apply to W. John- n‘nn Q9 Durham- 212tf barn. and good w.e11. Will be sold reasonable. Apply to Wm. Wall, Durham. 12913pd I. For Sale stable, buogy house and other C conveniences; iust outside cor- poration. Determined to sell at once. Easy terms. Apply on the premises to John Wilson. 12 13 13t 0181181)“. Lusluu-_.-_" on premises are new frame barn. brick house, sheds and outbuildâ€" ’ running stream through Draperty: about 10 acres hardâ€" wood bush, rest. in good, state of cultivation. Possession giVen on Nov. Est 1913. For further pal-- ticulars, apply on premises to Mn. John "Staples, Rural Route No. 1. Durham. Ont 944pd‘tt TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the building of a new brick school in S, S. No. 3 Bentinck. New plans and specifications will be open for in- spection on the 18th instant, and may be seen on application. Tend- ers will be received up to Tuesday, March 31, 1914.â€"J. W. Vickers, R. R. No. 1, Hanover. 312 SYNOPSZS 0? Cgfiaman NOR’EI WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old may homestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at the office of_ any Local ,Agent of Dominion Lands (not aub-agent),__on certain conditions, ”“1me A“ â€"â€"-v _ Convenient to school . and church‘ well fenced. Well Water- ed, and in good state of cultiva- tion; brick house, bank barn and good buildings. For particulars. apply to David McAuliffe, Sr., 122tf Durham. - “avâ€"v', Duties.â€"â€"Six months residence? upon and cultivation of the land: in each of three years. A home~ steader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres. on certain condi-. tions. A habitable house- is re- quired in every case..except when; reSidence is performed in the; - l vicinity. _ a ‘. ‘ . Lâ€" A ‘-Aâ€"AA V 59“--“ . In certain districts a h-ome-‘ steader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter-section along- side his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Dutiesâ€"Six months resi- dence in each of six years from date of homestead entry (includ' ing the time required to earn homestead patent) and 50 acres extra cultivation. A homesteader who has exhaust- ed his homestead right and cannot obtain a preâ€"emption may takeoa 332‘; â€" Sr?! 901321599 E ‘uél‘iviaâ€"dbliév works; néwly dec- orated; cheap rent. Apply to N. McIntyre, Durham. 612 Machinery Wanted 'ANTED.-â€"SHINGLE MACHINE. at once, in ,good condition. Ap- ply to Wm. R. Clark. Durham. 53 Tenders W21 11 ted insertion. ROOMY, DWELIJNG .â€".-: §MALL ADS. ft :1‘ 5:3 19- an!" inch cultivation _is men or less, 25 coma-for first'insertion, and 10 cents for each over one incl: and under two inches, double the above amount Yearly ‘rates on applicatxon. 100 acres: 11218 Itpgtf of rough. 42411 , )FFICEuâ€"Over .3 P. Telford’s office i. nearly Opposite the. Registry office. ReSIdence Second house south of Registry office on east: side of Albert Streft: Oflicenflours- 9-11 13111., 24 p. -4- g..- r-Ai‘n‘njll L} short distance amt of lxnapp’s Hotel‘ :Jamb ton Street, Lu N8! .Town. Durham :m‘ce hours from 12 t1.» 3 o’clock m.. 7-9 p. m. Telephon'e co'mmunica- tum between office and residence at all hours. Arthur Gun, II. D. PHYSICIAN AN D SURGEON, OF -' ' fice in the New Hunter Block. Oflice hours, 8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and? 1.09 p. m; Special attention given to diseaser 1f women and children. Residence op- oosite Presbvterian Church. Law aasxetant Roy. London Ophsnalmlc Boa Inga. and $0601.19!) Sq. Throat and None 803' SPECIALIST . 2:52, pm THROAT . NOSE nâ€"-‘ 3-.....1 L. R. C ‘P. LONDON ENG RADULATE of London. New 1' York 4116 Chicago Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. ‘Vill he at the Hahn House, Julv 20 Oct. 19, November 16. Dec. 21. Hours, 1 to 5 p.m. {31‘s. jamseson. lamieson. 19mm; AND RESIDENCE A Officeâ€"Over Dnuglas’ J ewellei'v Store. J F GRANT,D.D.S .L.D S. ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Roya Dollege Dental Sqrgeoqs of Ontario. Dentistry In all Its Branches !’â€"(Ifiice. nearlly opposite the Regisfry office, Lambton ‘4t..Durham. Anyamoum )f mouev m man a* 5 per cent. on farm i. G. fluttan, M. 0., ampertv. .1. P. Telfora’. ¢ ARRISTEI., SOLICITOR, ETC 2 Office, nearly opposite the Regisfry \ er. Conveyancerf 8w. Insurance .‘ggent. . Money to Loan. Issuer of Max:- nage Licenses. A general financzal bus: aess transacted. DURHAM . ONT. (Lower Town.) Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Llcenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. _â€"â€" 1 gang plough, 1 long plough, 1 set iron harrows, 1 turnip pulpcr, 1 steel land roller, 1 wagon, 1 sleigh. 2 setsdoubletrees, 1 bug- gy, 1 cutter, 1 buggy pole com- plete, 1 cutting box, 1 Chatham fanning mill with bagging at- tachment, 1 sugar kettle, 1 set double heavy harness, 1 set dou- ble light harness. 1 back pad, 1 pair horse blankets, 1 robe, 1 canthook, 3 cross-cut saws, 1 logging chain, 1 binding chain, 15 cattle chains, 1 grindstone, 1 heating stove, 1 table, 1 Daisv churn,. 1 couch, forks, shovels, grain bags, silo Wire. and other articles: a quantity of timothy hay, and oats, for cash, if not previously sold: a quantity of good dry hemlock lumber: about a hundred drain tile, 19 bunches first class shingles, 9 bunches second class shingles, 1 King cooking stove and. pipes, 1 bed-stead. of Farm 8m x Implements and House 1101 Furniture The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by Public Auction at LOT 4, CON. 3, NOR- MANBY, on ' TUESDAY, MARCH ‘24, 1914 the following: 1 general purpose mare 12 years old, 1 aged mare, 1 colt rising 3 years, 1 cow supposed in calf, 2 farrow cows, 3 steers rising 2 years old, 2 yearling calves, 1 Massey-Harris binder, 1 Deerlng mower, 1 seed dril‘l, 1 hay rake. Everything must be sold, as the farm has been disposed of. SALE AT ONE O’CLOCK SHARP TERMS OF SALE: Hay, oats} shingles, lumber and all sums of $5 and under, Cash; over that amount, 12 months’ credit will be given on approved joint notes. Five per cent. discount will be al- lowed off for cash in lieu of notes. DAVID McAULIFFE, Pr0priet0r. ROBT. BRIGHAM, Auctioneer. A. H. Jackson. 50mm PUBLIC, COMMISSION Credit Auction ‘ Sale NUMBER ‘ OF TAMWORTE also 1 Tamworth for service._â€"H. W. , Office 1.3, Fr. I? l“ Owen s‘onnd. Med 15a! Dzwcmrv. Dr. w. 6. Pickering Dentist. Dental Directorv DR. 3320 WN W. J. SHARP Legal “Dire 10W Pig's for Sale DR. BURY. Over J J Hunter’s .There is \a little art in manag- ing new clay pipes. If you would have them smoke cool, they should be kept tin Water. Put a bundle :of them, ‘ebowl downwards, in a Ping half (filled with water, and keep them so, and you will always ,have them in pleasant condition, 'andpexpecrian-ce none of the disâ€" agree-ableness of tfeeling the roof act the mouth covered with pow- !derâ€"one \of the sensations attend- gin? the smoking of a new dxrv ‘pipe. In Bristol they adopt 'the ~p-1an at some inns of placing a lsunall vessel of Water before each femoker; into this he dip's his pipe, before or after filling it; keeping it there an .instant only‘ and the effect of thus regulating the heat is very good.â€"-London Dail}r Chronicle. A w- -.' 'â€"â€"â€"vâ€"--'â€" India buys vast quantities of American lanterns. YOU CAN’T EARN MONEY WHEN YOU’RE LAID UP. There are a lot of people in this town who can’t afford to be sick. Perhaps none of you feel! that you can, but certainly some of you can’t, for as soon as you are sick you’re wages stop. and worry and debts begin to pile up. The sensible thing for you to do as soon as you feel run-down and wocrn out, no matter what the cause, is to take something just as quick as you can to build up strength and health. Make your- self more comfortable and provide against serious sickness. We don’t believe there is any! other medicine 'made that will do' as much towards saving your health and thus helping you save your money as Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion. It is a medicine that gets right at the trouble and re- lieves it by toning the nerves, en- riching the blood, and giving new. strength and health to the whole. body- It doesn’t do this byi means of alcohol or habitâ€"formingl drugs, because it contains none.I Its strength and healing power is due to pure Olive Oil and the Hy- pOphosphites, long endorsed by successful physicians, the one for} its food value, the other for its tonic value. Here, for the first time. they are combined, and the result is a real nerve, blood and body-building 'medicineâ€"a real strengthener that we are proud to ;te.ll you about. You don’t need to ihesitate in using it, because if it doesn’t do all we say it will and satisfy you in every way, it will cost you nothing. If it doesn’t make you strong and. well again, come back and get your money. It will be given t_o,you without word MANAGE NEWCLAY‘ PIPES. HONOR ROLL FOR FEBRUKRY or question. Sold only at the more than 7,000 Rexall Stores, and in this town only by us. $1.00. Macfarlane Co. A25 Chas. Jones, poolroom proprietor in Brockville, pleaded guilty to allowing gambling. Eight players or Spectators also pleaded guilty. andd fines aggregating $231 Were pa1 . of Farm Stock and Imp ements The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by Public Auction at (LOT 21, CONCESSION 5, BENTINCK, on FRIDAY, MARCH ~20, 1914 the following: 1 horse '7 years old, 1 horse 5 years old, 2 cows, registered, sup- posed in calf, 2 cows supposed in calf, 4 calves rising 1 year, 1 brood sow, a {number of hens, 1 Frost NV00d binder nearly new! 6ft, 1 Frost Wood 13-hoe drill nearly new, 1 mower,' 1 horm- rake, 1 hay rack. 1 dis: harrov' 1 spring-tooth barrow. 1 set iron harrows, 1 Cockshutt 2-furrow riding plow, 1 walking plow, ‘2. sets bob-sleighs; 1 buggy, 1 mad cart, 1 fanning mill, 1 2,000-11) scale, 1 bag truck, 1 hay rack, ‘2 wagons, 75 feet hay-fork rope, 1 scuffler, 1 grain cradle, 1 horse- power and drag saw, 1 gravel box, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 flour bin, 1 set heavy double driving harn- ess, new, ,_ 1 set light double harnâ€" ess, 1 set single harness, whiffle- trees, neckyokes, chains, forks, shovels and other articles too numerous to mention. Everything must be sold, as the farm has been rented and the pro- prietor is going to town. SALE AT ONE O’CLOCK, SHARP. TERMS: All sums of $5 and un- der, Cash; over that amount, 10 months’ credit on approved joint notes. Five per cent. per annum discount Will :be allowed off for cash in lieu of notes. Credit Auction Sale :10? 8c" A Ean'djsdm‘éif' Viiififimtzid'ieeklâ€"y.’ Largest; éir. amation <32me scxcmmc Journal. _ Terms :0: CW3, 32.5...) a year. postage prepmd. Sold by C35333s ..... 3 3: ea: stae re «UDBVdeaerQy 0P0 8 p Paid. 801d!” WIN" 8: ”80. 35‘3““ New Ymk suWumnnomD. ROBT. TRAFFORD, Pr0prietor. ROBT. BRIGHAM, Auctioneer. one :3 ....ing a r .zte c‘:.. “.14 5090‘ man may or; ‘y ascertain 0 :r or 12110:). free 0 he met :.- mmn 1'6 probab Iypzzae ~11mh10. “0:::1 mnicn- ~3“::ist‘yconndcuti 1. H:_,QUBQG'(O1P:R ms t, .u a. (Most 31': e‘ncy for securmgp p.3cems. :3. 11.3 take-n throu ‘11 31mm Co. receive sumo ice, witpput- 0111-29, mtho ' Last Call thxea‘ n_qt ppid 99 .or b_et0_r§ THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. 9‘? '1' .5 ‘4 A .,.-.2 [‘13. Lamgrill. ' ' 1 Jr. IVâ€"E. Sharp, 8. Lawrence, M. Smith. Sr. IIIâ€"M. Webber, C. Mountain, Jr. IIIâ€"I. Alexander, M. Law- reznce. , Scr. IIâ€"H. Mountain, 0.. Ritchie, A. Armstrong. . Jr. IIâ€"M. Langrill, P. Noble, Iâ€"M. Alexander, G. Ritchie, Primer Câ€"H. Lawrence. 1. Arm- strong. Primer Bâ€"E. Noble, A. Noble. _H. H. Willis, Teacher. NO. 3, GLENELG. Jr. IVâ€"K. McNally,"R. Paylor, W Ritchie. Sir. IIIâ€"C. Paylor, G. Williams, L. Morrison, J. Momrisen. . . Jrr. IIIâ€"J. Ritchie. Jr. IIâ€"H. Ritchie, J. Boyd, T. Mocrrisom. NO. 3, GLENELG. he could do nothing more for me. I ' r . - Y may add that I used a great deal of me- Jr. IV-h. MON ally, 3- Paylor, W dicine, and strictly followed my physi- thchle. cian’s directions regarding diet, etc., but Sr. . IIIâ€"C. Paylor, . G. Williams, without avail, until providentially I. L. MOT 1‘ 150'“, J,- Morrison. - learned of your .most excellent remedy. - '3‘: IIIIâ€"E'IJ. Egg: J Boyd T I am recommending Gin Pills. Mayhem, ‘ ’ ‘ ’ ' (Sgd.) LE.WIB MACPHERSON. Scr. Iâ€"M. Boyd, :W. Morrison. Sold by druggists and dealers every. Scr. Pr.â€"E. Ritchie, E. Anderson, where at 50c a boxâ€"6 for $2.50, or M. Anderson, V. Paylor. sent direct. Write for sample, free i! Average attendance, 14. - you mention this paper. â€"M. Mortley, Teacher. mm. 9:30:31“ (3:730! U.S.S.- NO. 10, G. E Vâ€"I. McCuaig. Sm. IVâ€"W. McCuaig, N. Short- reed. er. IVâ€"E. HOOper, M. Tucker, M. McEachea‘n. -I- vâ€"â€"‘â€"â€" v- IIIâ€"A. McCuaig, C. Tucker, E. McEachern, J.~Shortre~ed, J. M. Mc- DOugall. ' Ilâ€"n‘. McLeod. F. McDougall. 'Iâ€"J. A. McCuaig, A. Menacnea‘n, A. Shomtreed, J. M. McDermid. Jr. Iâ€"A. Lefever. â€"W. L. Dixon, Teacher. NO. 9, GLENELG. Sm. IVâ€"E. (Patterson, M Lindsay, M. Bell. Jr. IVâ€"E. Ritchie, J. Bell, M, Haley.“ . Scr. IIIâ€"M. Atkinson. Jar. IIIâ€"V. Ritchie, M. Davis, G. Bell, A. Lindsay, A. Ritchie, 0. Bell, M. ENeWeII. IIâ€"H. Sills, R. Davis. Iâ€"G. Lindsay. Scr. Primerâ€"M. iBell. Ja'. A Primerâ€"W. Cox. Jr. Primerâ€"E. Hargrave. -â€"E. Scott, Teacher. NO. 8, NORMANBY. Vâ€"I. Marshall, IVâ€"A. Robinson and C. Thomp- son equal, E. Young, C. Robinson and O. Metzgecr equal, D. Wid- meyer. Sr. IIIâ€"N. Anderson. Jr. IIIâ€"M. Byers, H. Young, R.‘ Thompson, E. Horst, H. Ball. Str. IIâ€"M. Garvey, A. Pfeffezr. 1 Jr. IIâ€"M.1Robinson, M. White- fard, A. Diplock, G. Widme-yer, A. Pfeffetr. '81. Pt. IIâ€"C. Whiteford, M. Se'Lm, G. Miller. Jr. Pt. (IIâ€"S. Garvey, P. Young, T. Feick. Sr. I4-N. Byers, B. Byers, V. Pfeffer. Jrr. I-M. Gilmour, M. Pfeffer. Average attendance, 25. â€"W. S. Binnie, Teacher. ‘NO. 1, GLENELG. IVâ€"A.. McGillivray, ‘D. McArth- ur, F. McFarlane, M. MEK‘EQWE' "Sr. IIIâ€"T. Edwards, N. McFar- lane, _L. CM'_._cKeown _.- _ ‘l‘ “'V Jr. IIIâ€"J. McFarlane, M. Ed- wards. Sr. IIâ€"E. EMcInnis, A. McInnis. Jr. IIâ€"A. Edwards, W Edwards. C. S‘mellie. _ Book Iâ€"A. McA-rthur, N. McAr- thur, M. McFarlane, H. Edwards. Mayor Shaw, of Kingston, pro- poses that the city shall sell ice to the residents at cost. Quebec City Council passed a resolution of sympathy With Lady Minto on rthe death of Lord Minto. Demaise Paquette was sentenced at Bracebridge to 11 months in the Central Prison afor bigamy. Seven cars [loaded With railroad ties ran loose down Caledon Mountain, and crashing into others near Mono Road, caused a bad smash. Henri Bourassa may run for the Ontario Legislature in Prescott. The by-election in Jacques-Car- tierr, caused by the resignation of Hon. F. D. Monk, is not expected to take place until aftea' the close of the mession of Parliament. Under Government supervision. the Goderich lighth‘ouse, which was erected over 80 years ago, is being partially demolished to acâ€" commodate a revolving flash- light. The Grand Trunk Pacific reports that work on the mountain section is proceeding day and night now, with gangs of men aggregating 5,000 in number. There is a gap of some :91 miles. Doukh-obors in British Columbia have notified the Attorney-Gener- al that 6,000 of them will parade naked in various cities if the Gov- ernment imposes fines for refusal to register births and deaths. At a meeting in Nanaimo 700 miners unanimously adopted anew schedule of Wages with the West- emn Fuel Company. They get a .10 per bent. increase, but nothing is said about union recognition. Claiming that (the publicity the case has mecedved makes it impos- sible to aaecume an unprejudiced jury, comn'sel for Bagel and West- lake, of Winnipeg, aiding in the Krafchenko eoca e-, will ask that the case’be hea by five judges. NO. {11, BENTINCKQ IVâ€"I. Vollett, J. Langrill, ’D. McDonald, Teacher. nu; DDGTOR SAID . “I GAN’T HELP YOU” Suffered 10" Manths with Kidney Complaint. Gin Pills Cured. I am perfectly cured of Kidney com- plaint after using Gin Pills“ Six hours after taking the first Pill I obtained re- lief, and now after three months I feel as well as ever. I suffered ten months and the Physi- cian attending me advised me to go to the Victoria Ho_spita.l at fialifax, ag Mount Forest Business! College I A superior school with compe- tent instructors ,and thorough courses. Affiliated with Central Business College, Stratford. We do more for our students than does any other similar school. All grad- uates in positions. You may enter at any time. Write for particulars or call at the college. D.A. McLachlan, W.E.jV_ilson,_ A letter received at Quebec states that Paul Chevre, the well- known sculptor. whose nor}: is shown in the bust of Sir Wilfiid Laurier in the Chateau Laurier at Ottawa, has died at Paris. Fiance. He was on board the Titanic at the time she was lost. California. Florida and the Sunny South ette smokers. Mr. Broder says that it is not the adult smoker he is aimin g at. Edward Sowinski, aPole, bought a bottle of beer from a junior bartender of the Grand Central hotel, St. Catharines, and then took it away with him and laid a charge of violation of the law. The hotelman was fined $25 and costs; so was the Pole himself, and he couldn’t pay. TO THE WEST For WINNJPEG Leave Toronto 10.20 PM, DAILY e i Comimrfmem Library Observation “A Car, Standard S‘uepmu ‘Im'. Tourist Sleeping Car. Dining ()ar. First," Class Coaches, ()oionist Car on both Trains. '1 Full particulars from any C,P.R.~ Agent. or write M. G. Murphy, ‘ District Paswnger Agent, Toronto . R. Maofm'iane. 'l‘own Agent E. A. Hay Stmzinn Agent 1 For VANCOUVER Cult on hand and in Centrll RETURN TICKECS U‘ LON RU‘ES The STANDARD BANK of CANADA ' GoldRueweand Nomad Chgquesof other Banks . GolmgegtDepoc’ttom “Will-l0“ o o o o DuebyBanh . . . . Chumâ€"cum H dc. MW nil-Ho Mildly“; o ' 2659. 645 .86 'â€"','""â€"s I) 856.0923?» , 30,664 664..507 4| WINTER TOURS 4‘0-â€" Leave Toronto 2.30 PM. DAILY Mount Forest, Ont. 33.5908“? /- _ 201053650 ] From Report to Dominion Government, 3!“ Jam, 4914 THE LOGICAL ROUTE President; Dunvegm, Inverness Cd. 37.915.545.95 STA TEMEN T Principal. HHE DURHAM EHBUNIELE At the Chronicle Printing House. Garafraxa Streetk ° ° Tan: Cunomcnn will be sent t Snblcnptmn ‘ny address, free of postage», 10: Rates . . 81 OOper your, payable in advance â€"$1.50 may be charged if not so paid. The date to which ever) subscription is naid is denoted by the number on the address labial. 380 paper (11. continued to all arrears are paid. fitnept at a, option of the proprietor. Advertising- For transient advertisements cents per line for the first inset Rates - . tion: 3 cents per line each snhse qnent insertion minion measure. Professions cards, not exceeding one inch $4.00 per annnm Advertisements without specific directions wil be published till forbid n .1 charged woman 1y Transient noticesâ€""Lt st. ' ‘J-‘onnd.’ ”For SJ .' etcâ€"50 cents for first insertion. 25 cents for such snbseq nent insertion. All advertisements ordered by strangers man be mid for in edunce. Contract rates for yen-.y advertisements tut niehed on application to the oflioe U N DERTAKER and Funeral Director\ chture Frammg ("1 notice. DURHAM. ONT. Full line of Catholic Robes, and bla" and white Caps for aged people. British American Bus ess f College Yonge and McGill ‘5” , T Out. is the pioneer high Business School of Canada. work than ever. Write us 1' you Want to prepare for a'good , va'y. C. \Vard, Prim: a1. Mr. M. Kress has opened a shop at the rear of the furniture show room and is prepared to do all kinds of. tinsmithing. Undertaking receives special attention New Clothing For Men and Boys .3 SHOW ROOMSâ€"Ne Barber Shop. R1 door South of W. blacksmith shop. IS PUBLISHED VERY THURSDAY MORNING Rugs, Oilcloths Window Shades Lace Curtains and all Household Furnishings FURNITURE EDITOR AND Paopmm‘on. EDWARD KRESS Embalming a Specialty C. L. GRAN New boots and Shoes just in and opened out, this week from the 1399!; Make. See us when you need enf- of both lines. Come and will try thing in our line. “'0 A. BELL W. IRWIN TINSMITHING ROOMSâ€"Nex t1 to : ‘“‘“M March 12, 1914. AND to please you. Next to Swallows RESIDEXCE~Nem W. J. Lawrence’s 3.”!33457 2.652.645!” 35.0mm. W M ”.5355.

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