Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Feb 1914, p. 7

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_ -_-__..Ov bylaws“: lift!“ ll ll‘ 5. L cw UUlleI'S. Dwam ‘ Etta-s supplies. Engines and Threshers. Sash and Doors, Planing and nail-AMI mnha “TAâ€"L _ SMITH 31205., [mu and Brass Castings and general Repairing. Feed boilers; steam “LL-“ hgp-__‘3 _ _ h 06909999909900 9999999999 9999999999 9999999 999999999 LONDON. ENG... OFFICE NEW YORK AGENC' Bank Bldgsâ€"Princes 5!. Cor. Milieu a: DURHAM BRANCH: S. HUGHES, Manager. THE HflYAl BANK OF CANADA Soveeign, Eclipse and THE DURHAM FOUNDRY 500 Tons Mixed Chop Every bag 110 u cultoed if not sntisfactorv we “ill return vour monev. JOHN McGOWAN 325 Branches Throughout Canada. All Kinds of Grain Bought at Mafket Prices on Flour and Feed in Ton Lots. \Vheat Chop- also on hand Crimped ()ats, for Horse Feed , $23.00 per ton Chopped Oats at $2300 per ton We have. lots of other good feed in from $12.04) to $25.0!) per Lon. If v« any kind call and see us :-: do 3 4° If you want Good, Heavy Feed it] will pay you to see this feed before you buy “'0 are paying frum 34 to 360. elevator. Remember' \Ve have a, car of ground Feed~-~-\Vheat and Flax now in stock that, we are offering while it lasts at $25.00 per ton Cash and we will allnw omenwh for :11] sacks returned in good Older. Capital Authorized Capital Paid Up Reserve Funds On the car at $34.50 per ton Savings Department at I" Branches. General Wood Wbi-E mm 34 to 360. for oats at; our Remember the place INCORPORATED i869 -I° ++4°+++flé+++++$é-§‘+'§"’"§"}'+°§"§"§ ‘ DURHAM, ONT. d in stock at prices If you need feed of NEW YORK AGENCY Cor. W'illiam cud Cafe: .93. $25.00 per ton our Prices. Pastry Hours x. Special Reduction TELEPHONE No. 8 8 25,000,000 1 1,560,000 I 3,000,000 4040+.“ka ‘. .‘ 'L¢¥o sheâ€"Inn‘s :"o .30 ‘MM¢¥M$$*vfi++++4o+4o++ ftl'éuto-tuhotvlnhénio ( c ’1 v h~l H .l A. ’- "‘ I 1â€"0 _ h i" h P in: I been :1 WL‘ den] like 1 I guess. , shoot Edd There w inspector's a solitary ed on the I questioned tense of 1 Wise fled was blossc that a ma] ly. 'Her w haste. “He did: him!” she the most ‘ You shan‘ hurt him! life for Di. Burke w. “Well. t] he said, wi' then. who got every all crooks. you this ti] By now hand agai. -e. “me new um. encouragmg t0 watg 1o saye yne me or a girl em- astute individual. but he persevered played In his department, W. A. P. manruny. LHowe, aged 70, .a ahlpping clerk “J net you wait." he went on cheer- .‘ lgvéngmqmlighge fgcgy’tedute: « 9 o l hm e 18 on fully. and Ill prove to you that I m ‘0‘ the building, plunged back and on the level about this, that I'm really {was burned to death, The girl was your friend. There was a letter‘camo saved- ‘ é “He didn’t kill him: He didn’t kill him!" she fairly hissed. “Why. he’s the most wonderful man in the world. You shan't hurt him! Nobody shall hurt him! I’ll tight to the end of my life for Dick Gilder!" ' Burke was beaming joyously. “Well. that’s just What I thought." he said, with smug content. “And now. then. who did shoot Griggs? We've 8013 every one of the gang. They‘re all crooks. See here." he went on. with a sudden change to the resDethu‘ in his manner, ”why don‘t you start fresh? I'll give you every chance in the world. I'm dead on the level with you this time." By now Mary had. herself well in hand again vastly ashamed of the short period of self betrayal caused by the omcial’s artifice against her heart. As she listened to the inspector’s as- surances. the mocking expression of her face was not encOuraging to that astute individual. but he persevered manfully. ‘ ‘; “Just You wait." he went on cheers ‘ fully. “and. I’ll prove to you that rm polse fled from this girl whose soul was blossoming in the blest realization that 3 man loved her purely, unselfish- 1y. 'Her words came siumbling in their haste. There was coarseness u-plenty in the lnSpector’s pretense. but it possessed a solitary fundamental virtue; it play- ed on the heart of the woman Whom he questioned, aroused it to wrath in de- fense of her mate. In a second. all Grimm. of course. But i'm not taking any stock in that burglar story ~~uot a little bit! i\'o court would either. What was really back of the killing? Was he jealous of (j‘rriggs? Well. that's what he might do then. He's always been a worthless young cub. A rotten deal like this would be about his gait. I guess. Tell me. now. Why did he shoot Eddie Grimm?" :33 i And that industrious writer or smart- l‘hand notes. absorbed in his tnnk. :lnnwered Instant-1y from his hidden “You ought to know, smce you have 91590 in ”1“ "m‘fld‘m arrested him." 1 "N0. mn'um. not (3111116... 9 . “Are you?" Man's tone was nonâ€" ; Mary laughed aloud, whlle Burke (-<»mmitta1 ’ sat dumbfounded. She rose SW1ft- . IV and Went to the nearest Window Yes." Burke declared. heartily. - _ . , and Wlth :1 ml at the .cord sent ”And ! mean it! Give up the truth p the shade flyino upward. There about young Gilder. 1 know he shot ‘3 _ was revealed the busy stenographâ€" l_.:-:'ia‘;:s. of course. But i‘m nut taklm; er, bent over his had A Grnn'n A: "va," ho mm whnu they were» alone together. "I'm going to be your friend." Burke asked Gilder and thé district attorney to withdraw. while he should have a private conversation with the primnor. ,Cassidy came hurrying in with a grin of satisfaction on his stolid face. “Say. ohief." the detective said with animation. ”we've got Gannon.” “Yes." Burke agreed. “you’ve guessed it right. the first time." yâ€"“fi .Iv D useless for me to claim my constitu- tional rights. and demand to see a (‘90 la wver : é Within the Law ’v â€""v- u UM“ desk. and. when the doorman appeared, ordered that the prisoner be returned to her cell. “He told me that be had never seen one. Surely. if he had had anything of the sort. he would have shown it to me." “What did he tell you '3“ Burke ques- tioned. "But he told me"â€" she began. then checked herself. For the first time. Mary was caught 00’ her guard. “Oh. you know better than that,” Burke declared. truculently. “You see. we’ve traced the Maxim silencer. Gar- son himself bought it up in Hartford." ed thus 'l""J gain a diversion. he re- verted to his familiar bullying tactics. “Who shot Gricgs?’ he shouted. “My husband shot a burglar." Mary said languidly. “Was his nameGrig o'8?" Burke pressed the SUDpose," Mary said Continued from page 6. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. button on the "that it’s v “V“; ‘0“. Get a“ tut; 3f- ‘ie‘fihaldol tablets from your druggist, or write for them to Kephaldol Limited, 31 Latour Street, Montreal. 3 .. , â€" rw-â€"- ----v-7 \vVlfl-GIWHK nothing to injure the heart or anv other bodily organ. ' For colds, influenza, catarrh and similar complain-ts, Kephaldol is unequalled. A tablet or two tak- en at the first indication of trou- ble, will unfailingly [check its de- veloyment _and yegtore health. "â€"" "'V‘ ”“14 LUIS. At last the victims of these tor- turing complaintsâ€"men and ”wo- men Whose lives are long-drawn- out agony-may look with hope- confidenceâ€"certaintyâ€"to pain’s most glad departure. In Kephaldol 'is now offered to Canadians, for the first time, a remedy which not only has med- ical endorsement for its efficacy, but is also guaranteed to be aper- fectly safe pain-killer, containing nnI-k:-m L- 2â€"1---- A HAS NOW COME TO CANADA. Sufferers from Rheumatism. Lumbag'o, Sciatica, Neuralgia Headaches, Neuritis and kindred ailments may now find Speedy, welcome. nelief _and certain cure. AL 1 v“-\'“ vAAv UHU.Y DLCUUgl'apll- er, bent over his pad. A groan of distress burst from him, and he fled the place in ignominious rout. The smiling Mary Was returned to her cell. - To save _She spoke in a most casual voice, despite the dancing delight in her face. The tones were drawled in the mat- ter of fact fashion of statement that leads a listener to answer without heed to the exact import of the ques- tion, unless very alert indeed. This ls what she said: “I'm not speaking loud enough I, stenographer?’ Mary met the graze of the inspector fully. In the same instant. she flashed on him a smile that was dazzling. the smile of a woman triumphant in her mastery of the situation. Her face was radiant. luminous with honest mirth. “Nobody but you and me.‘ Burke declaied. all agog with anticipation of victory at last. I give you my word!" “Are you sure no one will ever know?" “Just tip me off to the truth.” Burke went on ingmtiatingly. “and I’ll get the necessary evidence in my own way. Now. there‘s nobody here but Just you and me. Come on. now-put me Wise!” That single involuntary glance was enough for the keen instinct of the woman to make a guess as to the verity. “They‘d believe this. Why. this let- ter sets you clear. If old Gilder should see this letter. there’s nothing he wouldnt do to make amends to 1011. Hes :1 Square guv himself. if it comes to that.e1en if he 11:1S hard on you \‘i'h1‘.1hiS letter Wipes out everything. " Ti.1en the 111S1st1 111 question heating at his brain f-or1'ed him to speak 11111311111 buildin' hope 011 the letter's i111-1S'tin1z1hie 1.101121 to the woman be- fine him. ”Who killed 1:11:33?" T111111. nus 1111 111;)!31'. And. presently, he 111-111 on, ha!“ ashamed over his own intrigue against her. "S111." h1- S:1i(l. 111111. for (mice, his voice wnS 1-111°iouS11 SUDDI‘QSSUd. “you to)?! 1111* \1111) Shot (}Ii""S, and I 11 Show [hiS 11211.1 to old (211.11111‘ NOW iiSten.' 1111111011 11113'e1'l1'. 'l gi1e you my 110ml o1 hono: that 111111111115,r 1ou soy in here iS inSt b11111 een 1011 and me” Uncon- s1 innSh his eyes 1]: 1rted to the Window. behind which the stenographer was {HIS} 111111 his notes. Burke’s [)3er voice, cadenced to a singular sympathy. brokein on her reverie of pleasure and of pain. “You knew this?" be inquired. “Yes. two days ago." “Did you tell old Gilder?" be asked. B‘Ihry shook her head in negation. “What would be the use?" she re- minded him. “I had no proof. No one would believe me." Mary’s eyes were luminous in the joy of the realization that for her. after all, rehabilitation might be in a mea- sure possible. though nothing could ever repay the degradation of years infinitely worse than lost. I can’t go Without telling you how sor-, ry I am. There won't never be a time that I won‘t remember it was me got you sent up: that you did time in my place. I ain’t going to forgive myself ever. and I swear I’m going straight always. Your 'true friend. HELEN MORRIS. For once, Burke showed a certain delicacy. When he had finished the reading. he said nothing for a long minute. new development Then. as she listened. quick interest touched her features to a new life. This was the ietter: 101' you to your apartment. My men brought it down to me. I‘ve read it Here it is. I’ll read it to you!" He picked up an envelope, which had been lying on the desk. and drew out the single sheet of paper it contained. Mary watched him. wondering much more than her expression revealed over for you to SUFFER NO LONGER! Continued next week a WWW mammmmmem; The Down Town'Shoe Store : l. S. Mcllraith «'3 a «5 ca 0 Our Classified Short Adi. on page 2 are interesting and profitable. stock. Le gi Subbers. 001 all seasonable close prices. C examine good: Our Aim is not. to be known asselling the cheapest shoes in town, but; rather we prefer to give good goods at close price. We have a very large stock of Boots and Shoes for all classes in diflerent styles and prices, as well as some extra values in hosiery. Trunks, Valises, Suit: Cases. Ulub _ -.â€"----\.-- ., vv U\' Ibll U‘ I‘ l‘l‘, I‘ve; Yes and our Men s 1nd \Vomon’s and B 1y S. 1nd (1‘ all good goods’ and sold at; the low est; mices. Our Groceries are all the best and all fresh. Yun in buying here. Spent, with us benw 3911 now and (3111 receive :1. p 1dr of Mocha Gloves V To those spending Five Dollars :1 given as a premium; and Lhi~ is not largest, value oft gawk will get A Ha “at! .L...___ ‘-- vu--~\_V\. l ‘V receive a, psul‘ or Mocha Gloves milled at One Dollar. To those spending Five Dollars :L pound of our Best Tea will be given as a premium; and this is not all. File pet-sun buying the largest, value of g00d~ will get A Handsome Silk Necktie over and above all other premiums. Our Prints. Cottons, Flannels, \Voolen Goods, Yes and our Men’s and \mem’s and Boy’ all 200d “llnlqé’flhlq ut\l.; “6- o-l‘.‘ I_-__ a - Ready-Made Clothing 5 and (in 1’s Sweaters are ANOTHEHHANCE TO MAKE MONEY In oi'der to misc money we The Hi Poultry must not; be f brought; in. Bring in And are paying the Highest Price. Cash or Trade. H pay an extra. price for good birds. ' Aim is not. to be vwn asselling the apest shoes in town, rather we prefer to eqood goods at close :e. We have a. very :e stock of Boots and es for all classes in arent styles and prices, well as some extra 188 in hosiery. Trunks, ises, Suit Cases. Club 8 and Telescopes in k. gings, Spat-s. bers, occasins and seasonable goods at: 3 prices. Come in and nine goods whether purchase or not om Work and Re- pairing as usual 3W {'11 . A. ROWE \Ve are \Ve confidently believe we are Durham. Prospective custom But there is no chance work in on than that there are no two prices. at; our store pays the same as his me: less ighest Prices for Skins it) good Will receive ea Iowa] also any quantity of rawâ€"skihggM-i'fi-l: Fox, Coon, Muskrat or Skunk ccasins and e goods at: Come in and is whether In Ladies’ Coats, Suits, Skirts, Underwear and Dresses Men’s Suits. Pants, Under- wear, Snirts, Sweaters. etc. Also a full line of Bovs’ Furn= ishings at close Prices. m all kinds of Bakery Goods Cooked and Cured Meats. \Ve will also purchase any qu. For Every Ten Dollars ive Poultry Wanted the market for any quantity of Live Poultry tly believe we are under-selling any other store “respective customers §hould look over our lme Hens, Chickens, Ducks, Geese and Turkeys. 1 door south of Burner/S Bakery Garafmxa. St. Durh 11.11) . GLASER :u un- m, was twelve hours t your Fowl on any day of the will buy them. and Christm‘ts E are giving special redmi-tions in all lines n good conditiun: poorer qua a lower pnce. m our game, and more Cash‘o‘qude. “"0 will "v"- . Extery one buying elghbormno more no .zmtity of L‘JVG Elle purchaser will make no mistake Confectioner and Grace;- efom being week. W e :tli by SEVEN. In of

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