Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Feb 1914, p. 3

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' February 1-2, 1914. ; What About Spring? +001“ ‘YOil . ,Want ' .a ' ' - Farm? LOOK HERE! 100 Acres Near Listowel. one of the best farms in Perth. Extra. goood ‘buildings. orchard,â€" water in stable. p . . 19, Bentincli, 1(1) acres. 80 cleared, 20 125, Acres Scotch Block, near Haplpdfigingood soil. little bit hilly, 300 Acres Egremont. Lots 2 and 24, Con. 14. Dr. Fettis Farm. 200 Acres near Louise, Good Farm extra good bulldin s. timber worth nearly price asked, ad for nothing, beats the west. all hollow. 1 50 Aam qutinck,_ North of Dur- -Anmm 'v' TI-- “ uâ€"vâ€"'_---_, . ham. good buildings, about $4.000. 300 Acres Glenelg, near Dornocb. Mr. Geo. Twamley’s Farm, owner in West. bound to sell, will not stick for a dollar in the price. Get busy. 100 Acres Egremont. towards Mt. Forest. fair buildings, good 'soil, well watered, very cheap for quick sale, I have many other Grey County bar- gains Kind some North West land for lens or ex'hhange. You are not fair to yourself if you buy without: seeing me. LARGE S'JMS OF MONEY T0 LEND fl.fl. MILLER, Hanover Canadian Pacific Raihfiay Time Table Trains VV 111 am 1Ve and depalt as fol lows until further notice: -- P.11 .-.\ M. P.M. P.M. 3.00 6 20 Lv. “’alkex Lon Ar. 1.00 10.30 3.14 6. 34 ‘ Maple Hill "12.43 10.13 3. 24 6. 43 ‘ Hanover ” 12.35 10. 05 33$ 6. 52 “ AIL-m Park “ 12.25 9. 55 ZENUS 'CLARK DURHAM The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that. he has his Planning Mill and Factory cmnpleted and is prepared to take orders for .7 ‘ Dmham “ 12.11 9. 41 .8 M c‘Villiams“ 11.59 9. 29 .'1‘ Glen “ 11.56 9. 26 .‘1‘ Pricev ille “ 11. 46 9.16 .45 ‘ Saugeen J. “ 11.35 9. 05 11 1.20 At Tmonto Lv. 7. 45 5.05 IACFARLANE. - Town Agem At Right Prices. Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To SASH,DOORS -- and all kinds of â€"â€" House Fittings -â€".a. 0.. '- id Trunk Railway {IME-TABLE . \ Durham at 7.15-a 01.. am at Durham at 10.30 am 50 D m DAY- EXCEPT SUNDAY A E. Dufl' mt. . D. P.- -Ag?‘nt. _ -A- the former pos- a leVel crossing epot Agent f. 1‘an A29” ofile ataxia fiifich ,. other. Proteaants king 2:83in tile ONTARIO m3%.w. ammm 12.11. 11.59 11.56 11. 46 11.35 Forum: 9.41 SUNDAY. ‘ ‘ SflHflflL THE lNTERNATi’ONAL SERIES liesson VILâ€"QFirst Quarter, For - Feb. 15, 1914. , Text of 'thc Lessoh. Luke xi. 37-54. Memory Verse, 42~Go|den Text. Gal. VI. 7â€"CommentaiysPrepaI-ed 'by Rev. D. M Stearn‘s. Win-n \t'v retumutwr that nttr tiles» 9d Lord km.“ :tH mm: :m‘d ktww what was in 1mm and vvvrw Ilium-1'“! ut' mz'ms hezut (Julm ii. 2-1. 25; Flek xi .‘u “v \tundvr hcm' HP in His "twin and. l’if‘kilit‘flliSllPSS‘(“fluid live “mum, mm) as ”9 did and nut be utterly dis- (-mtmgvd "ill He mine to Save -‘in'- twrs knmxing that (“PI“)? imagination uf the tlmughts at m: tn 5 heart is utilv mil mtttintmtt} «tint that GYM luau ‘v- ‘V‘--‘vâ€"â€" at his lwst state is ailing, IHItlIe ‘anityi and that at! man'. righteousness is only h'lthy rags (Gen vi. 5'»: Ps. xxxiXI. As to these Pharisees. if we note.l what He says of them in'Matt. xxiii as Well as in our lesson we wonder that He (-ould think of entering one of their homes ‘ if He was only a man. however gum]. He I-ould not tolerate them. hut being find in human form. God IIIaIIit‘est ill the flesh. He was not willing that 'even stlI'h should perish andwmxld save them if thev would. let Him But thev lIein;..r ignorant of God's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousnessi thld nut sulunit themselves unto the ; righteousness ot Hod (Rom. X. Rug 'I‘hev Ieietl letl the counsel of 'Gnd‘ af'ainst theIIIseIu-s and detided Him .\ et \\|lt'll they imiled Him into their lIoIIIes He went. as in our lesson and in Luke vi). 36. but he was al- ways “the l'a‘ithl'ul witness" (Rev. iii. HI testifying to the love of God and the sint‘ulness ot man. The word "I’harisee" IIIezIIIs a separated one. but their separation was not troni sin unto Gut]. hut fl'utII all who (lid not think as they «in and were to them t'ulllllmu and nut-lean. as when one of them said. "that. I": thank thee that i am not as other men * * * or even as this publican (Luke xviii. in. “e Ina} hmome “ell :II-qualinted with them by considering our Lord's estimate of them in the “woes" of our lesson and Matt xxiii and Isa. v. They knew not the love of God. but they did love the praise of then. Theit religion was wholly outward. seeking only human approval. utterly regard- less of what (ind thought of them 0! knew them to he (Matt. xxiii, 5'). 28I. Like their :IIII-estors, they regarded not the Wul'ls ot‘ the Lord. neither con sidered the operation of His hands. They east away the law of the Lord of hosts and despised the word or the Holy One of lsrael tlsa. v.12 24L - ._-__, ---.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"M'â€"_â€".â€" - -‘ They honored God with lhvir lips. hm their hearts wvrv far from Him. and they made His wurd ut‘ mule efi'evt by their traditinns (Mark vii. (3. l3; Isa. xxix. 13: lu‘zvk sxxiii.31l. ‘l‘heir reli. gimz was frum Cain. who was the hu- man foundl-r nl‘ all false religiun and wlm was evidently iu the mind at mu The greatest hindram-e to the gas pel is not the. worldly world. whit'h lietl‘: in the wicked one cl John v. 1th. hut the religimis people whose religion is all out-ward. who know not what is to worship God in‘ spirit and in truth. and who think more of what others think of them than of the approval or the Lord Jesus. and Who are more sensitive to a reprmwh against them selves than to a‘ reproach against the name of the Lord. These are the wicked who plot against the just. Whu watcheth the righteous and seeketh to slay him (PS. xxxvii. 12. ’23, even as these men lay in wait fOr our Lord. seeking to catch something out ot'.[li.~ mouth that they might acense Him Ahel (Mutt. xxiii. 37H Lnrd in the great mm vlmpter when He spuke or Un- lyluud ut‘ righteous The self xighteousness of such new pie could not take them into the king dom of heme!) (Matt. v. 201. but would doom them to the. «inter (’lurkness where then» shall he weeping am» guashing of teeth (Matt. viii. 12» Never did our Lord turn away or say :1 severe wm'd'to 3 trqu neuitent sin :1 severe wm'd'to :I truly penitent sin- ner or one honestly seeking the truth but to thusv who professed to be What they were not aud‘yet were righteous in their own estimation [19 was se. vere. Yate’vvn such. who thought they had need of nothing. He ('oun $9196 to buy of Him guld tried in the tire and white rainwnt and eye salw to must» them to see (Rev. iii, 17. 18). Ramtifitzltiou mid delin’mm-e‘ (Wey~ 'momh's tmnslntiom. . 7" \\ hen "we uur eyes are opened to m His pprfpt-t rigmpnnsness and tc éfieive Himfitlwn all swms nasnoth- God requires an z-msuzutely perfect righteousness. sm-h as was found only in Jesus Christ. the Lamb of God. witbunt blemigh' and Without spot; with Whom the Father was always well plezmed..:md anything less than this will not suflire. We ran never attain to sue]: rightemxsness by our own efl’nrts. but how glorious is the truth in It Cur. v. 21."'He has made Him who knew naming of sin to be sin for us. in nrder that in Him we may berome the righteousness 01 God." 01‘ as in | Cur. l. 30. "He has bet-ome for us :2 wisdnm which is from God. ('onsisging of. righteousness and " figynm'pnwd with His PXI‘PIIt’flI’y. ano “glam umy In Him (Phil Iii 8-10) WEE- .II'9.IIIIIIIIIIII: III the blindness- and dark new at am own pride and self Ivm “II I :III we no IIeIIIItI In Him Ming “hull? Iu-I-IIIIied with ourselvéu‘ any] m}!- nwr Gain?!“ and will (301139 quehtly why! the . realise? of GO" mist oursélves‘ (Luke vii. , 30). .i it" I! "v “av- ain and on: the Continent, brings to all who are - “tos’t on the thorny bed of pain” a means of .spgedy 51px} ,gr§}eful“1:elie.. _'.-jl__.___ This remedy, new to Canada, though_ well known in_ Great Brit‘- KEPH A LDOU ”THE Kephaldol offers the s'ufierer from Lumtbago, Sciatica, or Rheu- matism quick and certain cure, even Where, the case is-of long standing. ;__,L- -_. "w.- â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"a v No more is it neceSSary to -en-‘ dure the agony, enforced immo- bolity. backwracking and ex- haustion of Lumbago attacks» the torture of Sciatica-ridden limbs. the cramping ,grip of Rheumatism. Kephaldol is not only 6' a sure, safe and, natural remedy, but an exceptionally promptâ€"acting curer Kephaldol may be taken with- out fear. There is nothing in it to .give rise to bad after-effectsâ€" nothing to injure the heart or other organs. - â€" ll ‘ __77 ‘7‘-J V ble-L V; Dwaâ€" Thousands of letters from med- ical men testify to the wonderful power of“ Kephaldol to dispel pain and banish agoniging digease. Get “-5â€" up w- wâ€"â€" a 500 package of Kehpaldol tablets yourself and experience these benâ€" efits. Kephaldol Limited, 31 Laâ€" tour St., Montreal. ‘2 NO. 8. NORMANBY. “XL-I Marshall, C. Young. IY-C. Thompson, C. Robinson, D Wldmeyer, E. Young. A. Robinson. 0 Mctzger. ' Sr. IIIâ€"N. Anderson. Jr. IIIâ€"M. By-ens, H. Young, L. 883m. 5. Thompson. Sr. Ilâ€"-M. Gdrvew. A. Pfeffer, R. Fritz. ' Jr IIâ€"M. Whiteford, M. Robin-I son A. Dyslock, E., Miller. Sr Pt IIâ€"M. Seim, C. Whiteford G. Miller. F Kreller. F. Schenk. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"S. Garvey. P. Young. Sr. I-N. Byers, B. Byers, V. Pfef- fer. R. Feick. Jr. Iâ€"M. Gilmour, M. Pfeffer. Average attendance 29. Jr. IVâ€"K. M‘cNally, R. Paylor, W. Ritchie. Sr. IIIâ€"C. Paylor, G. Williams, L. Morrison, J. Morrison. Jr. IIIâ€"J. Ritchie. Jr. IIâ€"H. Ritchie, ,J. Boyd, T. Morrison. Jr. Iâ€"M. Boyd, W. Morrison. Sr. Pr. â€"â€"E. Ritchie, E. Anderson. M. Anderson, L. Paylor. Average attendance 14. GIVE THAT PULNY CHILD THIS GUARANTEED REMEDY. If your child' is under-weight, listless, ailing, liable to get sick easily, it needs a medicine to build its weight and strength. For this purpose there is nothing else we know of that we can so strong- ly endorse as Bexall Olive. Oil Emulsion. The remarkable success of this splendid medicine is due to the fact that it ,contains ingred- ients that tone the nerves, enrich the blood and furnish to the en-} tire system the strength. weight; and healthâ€"building substances it needs. And it does .all this with- out injuring the stomach. In fact, Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is not only pleasant to take, but even the most sensitive stomach is benefited by it, .and the digestion improved. On the other hand it ‘icontains no alcohol or habit-form- iing drugs, which most parents gobject to giving their children. It ldoes its good work by taking hold Jof the weakness and builds the lbody up to its natural strength, , at the same time making it strong [to resist disease. , . ° If Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion does not build your child up, feed the sstunmted puny muscles, and make the little one lively ostiong, well, and full of the animal Spirits children are .meant by nature to have come back and tell us and get your money back. We don’tl want you to lose a cent. We! think this is no more than fair, and it leaves you no cause to hesâ€" itate. For ‘ old people alsoâ€"for convalescentsâ€"for all who are nervous, tired-out, run-down, ,. no matter what the cause, We offer Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion with the isame guarantee of entire satisfac- 'tion or money “back Sold only at ithe 7 000 Bexall Stores and in this :town only by us. $1. 00. Macfar- ilane Co. ' A4 HONOR ROLL FOR JANUARY The nronrietors of smaller gro- ceries in London presented a netition containing the necessary 30 per cent. asking: for the reneal of the early-closing, by-laW which went into effect in December last. and the Board of Control acquiesced. Mrs. Lydia Pritchard, Wife 'of Wm. Pritchard - of ' Tillsonburg Ont, was shot and instantly killed bv .a-n admirer in Cali-stoza, Cali- fornia, on February 3. .The mur- derer then. committed suicide. The woman’s 10-year-old son was a Witness of the shooting. Thunder Bay riding is to be diâ€" ‘vided into two ridings in the forthcoming Federal redistribution. Fort William, Fort Frances ' and Rainy River will comprise. one of these districts, and Port Arthur and* the'balanee of the .- present IdiStrict of Thunder Pay the; other. i Some ,.score of stea-inshifi) .sirbei- idies affecting services etween O i‘Canada â€"~ and - different countries BIDS PAIN DEFIANCE. NO. 3. GLENELG. -'â€"M'. A. Mortley. Teacher. â€"W. Binnie, Teacher. Dr. Gail at 'One‘Tinio' Had the Whole l of Europe In a Furore. . 1139,th Imhllv “Mite u! the "Father of I ureuuiug . " :11 .'1_wau-d m \\ «3!: “his :lmtvh Mm-rury" an Aug H. Imzs y «an “cm a [rm-tiring pm‘sivizm u! \‘imnlul. ‘mm 9““) III “15 run-M' 'u- hu . s‘auw a firm hmihw' m Ilw “Iva LINN” the humus and dis-pawl...“ n‘. mm: :Ue, dvgwudvul mum the rum-[inns uI' Ill.- Iimm :Imi. HH‘IIIH‘HIHI'V, Hm! In“; mm I'm NIH-rim! “'Illl [WI'IM'I PMI‘ IIIIHIP um III'r-rtmnh Ilium Ilw «Mensa: :u- ,vau'uurma '0' Hit- slum Ham was an :Ihh- Imus 'Il'tl‘t suI Iurxu His llleul') in :I gruphiv. um'muns man ner. and in a verx m-ivI [wand he mm .m Hulupv :II the luv IIUII II HI (‘3‘ Hr uwut uhe xdva sprvud like \Hldfilmt .uul in all grzuivs uI' sm-ipu pmmle “LI-H- discussing "the g'Pmest uf all oiisvuxw'ies_" 'I‘IIP new Illmu')‘ had I0 :nva the rustulunry mmusithm I‘rmu the vuslmliuus of truth and [he [Il't‘ <vl'\‘vl‘.~' nl' lunl‘aiity. but ”)9 ummsiliun .ml} ilfi-reusml the pulml:n'it3”nf Hw sham-y. :Iml Hull's (-ehalu'ity im-reimm by leaps and lmuuds llis iwtures ware lllh‘l‘IU-“IHL and he was lhl‘c'atvl) M! with Hw (lirvsl pvuultios unless he vmsml his "imumrm :md atheist/inn warnings, hm he ke-m m: with uis prupug'nudu. visiting: ail the large tuwm ..t‘ (:m'mnuy and Mn- vuutiuem. and My Hui all ur' I'lm-ngw was iulm'eslmt m the Vimmn dm-nn'. in 1528. tllv )‘vle' 01' Gail's death. _-In'4-:m!u;:y was In \‘ugzw eW'el'XWllt-sz- lint after n :1er and u'lm'iuus numl- :ide ul' pupuim'm it ln-u‘un tn want; 4w! twim it is Inn whluzu heard of» \mV York Auwrimm They Are Not Oniy Disease Carriers. , but Thuchs as Well. Alums! Hnlwlievzihw are snme of UK. Wing's dmw by the mt- [lie muwuling. :iilhy. g‘ltnllmmus an pervading. 2H”. .h-stmyiu; lu'uwu mt Rats utteu gnaw 1m» luml's nl‘ lmrws until the Maud mums, They haw lu-eu lumwu [U at mvk fut hugs and mu lmies In their undies. musing dram. They will tight mmmu [wings it mruervd ‘l‘hoy uften <h-at valuable articles to use in mud inc: nests. ’ FATHER 0F .PHRENOLOGY. 'l'he {allowing wvre found in a sin :z'le nest: Three demum towels. two wrviettes, rive dust Moths. two pairs of linen Kuickerlxn-km's, six Hum: [pm-Ii v! haudkvrvbiet‘s and «me silk handker- viliefi This same ml. whirl) was a xuudel of industry and thrift. mm (-m' vied away and sturvd near its next a pound and :1 half of sugar. 3 pudding. In the last dozen years over 5.001», ”00 human beings have died of plague in India alone. The India plague mm mission. after varel'ul inquiry. found lhat bubuuiv plague in man is entirely dependent on the dismlse‘ in the rat! ‘l stalk 0f ('Plerfi‘, aim: and putalovs. Marveluns in its destrlwtivenoss is the mmmon 'hnnse mouse. «lowly re mtud to tho rat. and. like it, imported from Europe The field mmme. tau. 1.»: highly destrIu-tive. the must dostrlu- live to agrivullure uf all the rodents. ~ l-‘nrm and Fireside Missed the Bird and Lost The Glzlsguw News l"t‘(0l‘d< a Sinwn m' ill(‘idlâ€"'UI during a: lawn tennis tie 'l‘lle tsvu playvrs. who may be term 2-1! .\ and B. wvre wry evenly mntvn ml The gzlllle \\’:l:~‘ luu'r. and sumo- rinws .une and sumetimes tl'w utller narrowly led At lmlgth when A was within a stroke of l'lvl‘enl he I'Hlll'llm‘! ll hall softly, and it looked as lf his (Me was mulled. .. Sn it Wunld halve Ill-v11. but just at Hull ulolm-nl :l mm flew :ll'l-nss the («mm in a I‘uu- parallel with the hall As all gmad tennis [HHNPI’S mm well understand. H tlHr-‘inuk the him for the ha!) and “smushvd” at it' vigor-nus. !y. It swiftly l‘us'e and [he missod It by a feuther's m-mnlth. and em: he would I'm-over his lmmuve the mu had dmpped on his cum‘t This struke pmvml the turning 1mm in the tie. as A the-rmt’tvr played up drongly and run out wimwr mm The Sheep hathe Grass. ‘ Lord I 'allut'rstnn um'e insywrted 'Summer in the l.«'»\v:ax)(ls." a pivture by Sir Jupn Watson Gordon “Luuk here." said Lord l’aimerston to the artist. "why should the grass in that field he so longs. when there are Sn 0". umuy sheep in thv tit-Id . ”My lord.“ replied the artist. "muse sheep were only turned mm the mm as: night!" A moral. Sensible. well bred man will not? insult 'me. No other cans-e h Lord Palmerston bought the picture at a high prime. Penny Gone! No Warts. Maurice. aged sis. was weeping bit- terly. and 11101119!“ inquired as to I'll» muse of the deluge. "I lmugbt [Wu warts from Vim'em fur a penny." he waited. ”and \‘inc-eut hasn‘t given me the varts and won't. give my penny b:u-k."-â€"lndiauapolis News. ' ' \ Round and Square. "The [nude of expression plays a very impurtmxt part in dimumatio ne- :rutizltinns." - "Yes. but' more is not mlwh use of trying to make a well rounded sen- wm-t' ta‘lkethv [Hm-e of a square deai. ' - Washingtuu Star. ‘ eqe'rtaining. One of flw must entertaining sights 5;) life is 10 we two people Wm» knuw it an attmuptiug w ulstruct eavh’ otn‘et. â€"-'I’u<'k. '» U I?) l. beet. mrruts. tur ., '1- .132 ++$+++++WM++$$MMMM 4‘%WWWW+W 'WI aéiiréfléi firédigested that the ‘blood absorbs. its strezigth and carries it t9 every organ and tissue apd fill-c. Pint it inane... their appetite. than it Add; flesh wengthens the bonesâ€"makes than sturdy. active and healthy. Nodmhlumcofichsw’sfillkbmjustwityndsb‘ength. 7‘35 ,13-79 The Chronicle and Weekly Mail and Empire, 1 year The Chronicle and Weekly Globe, 1 year" .. The Chronicle and Family 'Eerald Weekly" ”Star The Chronicle and Weekly Witness, 1 year.-.... . The Chronicle and Weekly Sun 1 year..... The Chronicle and Farmers’ Advocate, 1. year... The Chronicle and Canadian Farm, 1 year... The Chronicle and Toronto Daily News, 1 year . The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Star, 1 year The Chronicle and Toronto Daily World, 1 year The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Globe, 1 year ...... The\Chronicle and The Grain Growers’ Guide ...... The Chronicle lyear, and The Daily World to Sep- tember 1,1914...... .. .. .. ... The Chronicle and Daily Mail and Empire on rural routes,cl year... .. ... .. The Chronicle and Daily Globe, on rural routes H. H. ENGEL 6; CO. NEW REVISED CLUBBING RATES . , If your child is languid, bloodless, tired when rising, with- out ambition or rosy cheeks. Scott’s Emulsion is a wonderful he». _ lt possesses More’s moses! Wilt-Mimi“! foes so n n .*I, _A..__I_‘_.I.4l (W are dependent on nourishment foi- growth. Their health as men and women is largely established in childhood. WE pasSess unexcelied facil- ities for the prompt and satisfactory executim of ordprs for. Ladies’ b’uits and Dresses of all kinds. Satisfavtion Guarantee}. Prices Moderate. Dress Goods, Silks and Trimm- ings our specialty ' - A Trial Soiicited. Hanover Hanover Growing Children Ont. THREE. 1.90 1.90 1.90 2.50 1.90 2.50 2.50 3.50 1.60 4.00 4.00

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