Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Feb 1914, p. 5

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RHEUMA WILL STOP URIC ACID Bridgeburg, Ont. DEPOSIT. ‘ Macfarlane 8: your money if it Rheumatic Complications Checked bottle. Rheumatic Complications Checked and the “Human Sewers” Re- stored. The Kidneys, Bowels and Skin are the «“human sewers” which carry off the impurities in the blood. When these are clogged Uric Acid sediment lodges in the muscles and ioints and Rheuma- tism follows. mm, the great remedy for all forms of the ter- rible disease, checks the deposit of Uric Acid. “For many years I suffered with Rheumatism. I am 71 years old but am proud to say that af- ter using one bottle of yRH’I~3UI§:I.-i the Rheumatic pains are entirelv gone. I daily recommend RHEU- MA to my friends ”â€"W1111s Goff 9 9 9999999 99 9099999 99 9999 909900000 90.0.9009. 0:99... 99¢ 9: 9999999999 99999999999 00 :WOO QOOOOOOQQQOOOOOOOQOOOOQ O§§§§O§§+§+§§§§¢§O +9§§§§§ O O§§§§§§§§§§Q§§§§§§§+O09900 :‘Pebruary 5, 1914. Make Your Home Cheery 0U know 31.11111; {1181' n1eans-â€"\ii.~;er31 \1 011113 â€"â€"â€"big1 >11 sâ€"«D1‘0133Y0u 1111111111 1011 (11113: affmd 10 310151111. Keeping 111 1.100111111111111 1111:1115 10011 and cl0thmg for you and 3011171 "111111131. 11 s 1111 {0 3 011 10 1521110 (12110 of 3"011rse1f.It 5 up ’10 3011, 31 1111113111 3011 (1011’ i. feel righi ’10 1211‘ 1 50111111111110 10 1111111131111 111,1}:1 ’10 strengthen 3'011 131111113011 1,11) 3311111 off 33111.91: 51111111193 protect ycu and your famiiyl T 11.11 11111131 3311 have, and 111 offering it to 3011 1.311. pm 1111.1, 3011 11111111151 money risk. by: personally promismp 3'011 1h111t if ii. 1100.311 t 111101113; you against sickness, we’ifi give you back your money without a word or questicn. 11': isâ€"â€"â€" Macfarlane C0., Druggists and Booksellers When you an» run-(hmn, no matter what the cause. ' It doesn't merely sffmulate you and make you fool good for a. few hours, but takes hold of the weakness, and bUIIdS you up to a healthy, normal conclmmz. ‘ It. is a rm] nerve-fond tonic, :1 real builder of healthy nerves, rich blood, strong musvles, good (.hgestmn. It contains t' no IIV pophosphitcs, to tr ran fine nerves and nge energy. and ppm Olivn Oil to nourish the norms ”.10 blood, the (-ntire sy’b s,tem and give vitaliu, s-m- -n«_;th and healt}. It IS pleasant to take, the greasy flavor of the Olive Oi removed. ' For you who are tired out. norvmxg run-down, dolfilitated, weak. emaciatedâ€"for convalescentsâ€"for old peopleâ€"- for puny childrenâ€"we recommend Roxnll ()liw Ofl Emulsion as the best medicine we know of to make and keep you well and strong. said only at the 7000 Greatest Drug Sold in th \\'11.11 1’111191' 15'. the 1111155 111' 1' 11111' 111111111â€"111 1’1'11 it appropriate by 01111115111}; 11'11111 11111' 51111111111 111111115, 11111 11111151 111111 1111513 designs 111' 1118 5701151111. 1’ 1"11115' 1'1111' 11111 11111'14 11111: 11:1: 1111'111'5111'111g the great- N«'>tl1i11g will alter the appearance of a. mom quicker than Wall Paper, nor will anything add a. more pleasing ail" 0f comfort to tlwlumwtlmnrooms whose walls have been beautified with est value IMSSiMP. tiIrw.â€"â€"-_\'(_)u won't want to look at mm»: It's a selmrtion of The» 301119:me e».\'e.1minw the Quality Via“ Papers here at. any We Guarantee This Remedy to Relieve and Satisnyouâ€"or Yogg: Money Back We don’t want your money unless Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion really helpsigmd satisfies you. If it doesn’t, come ba'ck and tell us, and we’ngive back your money. We Believe it Will pro- tect your healthâ€"if it doesn’t, the money 1s yours, and we want you: to have it. That makes it striking appeal to those of refined taste MACFARLANE é; ' COMPANY DURHAM, ONTARIO It Is the Best Remedy Wali Paper of Pleasing Designs C.P.R. Town Office - Buy Your Tickets Here Australia has nearly 300,000 acres of untouched forests. ‘ Rabbits are becoming as great a pest in Argentina as in Australia. A reduction in duty on farm im- plements is \said to be contemplat- ed at the present session of Parliament. _ A large theatre to cost $100,000 is to be built in Fort William. John Gentile of Edmonton found a black fox in his chicken coop. It is worth $7,000. at: best. Co. will return fails; 50 cents a saw only at the 7000 ME Storesâ€"the World’s _ -_ A‘ AA , L,A:I- zmv uthm ‘xine after a ,‘IIELIICO ,1 having been v---l r.â€" -7 , Greatest Drug §toresâ€"$1.00 a bottle Sold in this town only by us G1 FEBRUARY 11. â€"- At Lot 18. Con. , '2, Egremont, Farm Stock and t Implements. Mary Bradley; f Proprietress, Robert Brigham, i Auctioneer. See full list, page 2. §FEBRUARY 10.â€"â€"Farm Stock and Implements, at Lot 1, Con. 3, Eg- remont. Jae. Matthews, Proprie- tor: R. Brigham, Auctioneer. See full list on page 2. ‘FEBRUARY 17.â€"Farm Stock. Im- plements and Household effects. I at 'Lots .2 and 3 of 30, Con. 1, i E. G. R. Nelson Eden, Proprie- tor; R. Brigham, Auctioneer. HAVE YOU PAID YOUR SUB? out of the drug business Iig‘xf horn m vour town. It is our duty to give you the best remedy we can for uhutcver ailment you may have, and busmess sense demands that we recommend nothing unless we know it’s 000d. {1‘ We know Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is good. We believe it is the best builder of health, energy and strength there is made. We know it is greatly helping many of your neighbors. We believe that it will make you well and strong again, and save you money and worry in the end. We feel it is good business for us to recommend Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion and get 3 on to use it, because We know 3ou’ll thank us after- ward for makimr our confidence in it so plain that you didn’t hesitate to take us at our word. We also feel sure that once ‘ , you have used it, yoxif‘ll be as enthusiastic about it- as “figâ€"fill" or M s we are and will reco‘inmend it to your friends. Read :3"; Min 9 our money-back guarantee and get a bottle today. SALE REGISTER We Make {3w Living TEE DURHAM CHRONICLE. Illustrative Dances. “Dances used to originate from tribal customs. " “Well. doesn‘t It seem possible that some of these popular dancw tend to Illustrate the movements of persons dodging a flock of motorcars?’â€"Wa3h- ington Star. Just a Suggestion. Heâ€"What! Another new dress! That’s enough to make me jumf) out of my skin! Sheâ€" Why don’t you tn it? Then I can have a belt and band has made of itâ€"Ulk. How to Treat a Wire Cut. Never let a wire out on your stock so unattended. Clean out the wound with soap and water. wash with perox- ide of hydrogen and apply a good heal- ing ointment-Rural Farmer. A )mndsom any mum z“ .1 wL-mgly, Largest, up n1 “”0 01.. any “"9 '-- ”(33‘- W‘nal. “(arms for < 11‘ 11111.1?” 1.7 1 a yuan :2 mum: prepaid. Sold by EU new ‘dct lers. '1 mUNN so 3618roadway, New Ym'k “Branch omce. 625 F St... Washin :ton.D 3;. It Would Take 150.000 Sheet: to Mass a Pale an Inch Hugh. (Quid hunting 15 um- 01 the «0de trades m Hil'llllllghuln The work as 'lmw mnirel) h)“ hand. "The mu :23 hammered nut in sum” home \vurk- slums l'rmnfhventy four carat :zuld, mu Is first firm in the mlliug mills. wlwuva. u as n-mrm-d In Jung. thin rilmmus unw and :'. quarter sin-hes wide and a umusnmll}. purl uf :m int-h in tlm-K- ua» ‘ 'l‘lwu it is ready fur the l‘wawr The l'ihlmn is gem-rally cut uff mm <nmll HI iuvh squares. wvig‘hmz: :Ilmnt six grains :Ilmnt sis grains The» thm square is placed in the mm her 01' n \‘vgt'tuhlc parchment pad. run sistin: ut’ hm sheets on top and thv same number beneath. This is heat?!) with n fnnrtevn punnd hummus. and Hm gum. when t-unsido'ahly rvdm'vd n. thit-knnes. is plat-ed between leaves ut goldhta'sner .skin- skin prepared from :1 thin but tough membrane fnnnd in the large intestinv uf the 01:. Eight hundred piet'es of the ham- mered lent are arranged over Pm'h uthvr hetwwn lmvps of the skin. the whnlc [wing planed hetwevn [ml't'lt- mvnt hands and lwnten for u ample ut‘ hours with u sewn pound hummvl' Then the sun picvcs are vut up into ".1300 pit'H-s and again beaten “'th the W‘utk is (lune HIP leaf is lfiHHUH mrt at an im-h in thirknoss and :nâ€" must as fight :is air. ‘l.undon hints One of the Desperate and Winning Chances Make Kelly Took, Hugh S Pullortun. the bnephrli writ- e‘x' fur tlw Anwrivm: A z‘eguzim- thS 3 Mary about Mike Iiclly. the 1:1- Luous pl: xwr ”I I’mstnn :md (‘lm-ngn. :1 :vnvmtiun up». :15 l'nliuwsz "I lu-iiM'P Hm must (it’szwmtv HIM hz'iHimxt hit 01' tmsv running 1 “\c‘!‘ \\‘i11ws>'.e~d :mci Hm viimux uf mliin: ('llalm'vs \\;!..~' hf; K4-H_\' The st'un- \\‘:t.~‘ :: Lll- lulv in llw ammo ltltlziwt's vsm‘v «m sm-mul :lllll third lulsvs. nm- «ml. and [IN umv«_l.<i:l_:: illlivlll was «lmwn in to cut nfl' llu- mmwr l‘mm llw 1mm» "Kelly was llle Illa!) on sawmill AS the ball was pitvhwl Kelly was an a run at (up speed toward third. The ball Was hi! sharply to the shortstop. who scooped it iwl'l'ei'tly and threw home. The mum-r gain: from third slid desperately inward the plate. where the catcher was waiting Kelly lmd rounded third base at top speed and was coming up the path behind the other runner. screeching look out for Kell' at the top of his voice «m sm-mul um! and [he uppusin in to cut HIT llw I ”As the ruunvr from third slid Lm' bind the plate Iryiu" to "err past the; (-utchm‘. be \\ .115 (urged out but before: the catcher could tmuh him and dive! back to protect the plate Kelly slid in front of the rubber. dodged under the vatcber and scored the winning run " Stormy Cape Horn. The waters of Cape Horn have never been nnvisiu'd by storms for more than :1 W001; or [Wu :1! :1 stretch within 1110 menwry of man Standing an the. mnpusts M' the wurhl. Cape Uurn Is the meeting plm'v «:i' mean currents at very different h-nmwnture. from the icy (Tum \\':II(‘!‘.\' Hf the Antarctic drift to the warmth of the Brazilian and I’erux'inn return r-nrrents The pre- vailing winds are from the nurtlm'est and west. and these. mining t'rmn the warm I'vz‘imls of the I’m-ifir. rondense into fogs, whirl! the sailors cull "(‘ape llorn blankets" and which are the t'<-n'erllnnel‘s of storms The extrpmmv A DARENG BASE RUNNER. IT KNOCKS THE DRUDGERY OUI‘ 0F ‘ SWEEP-DAY Brightens Floors Ordera tin to-day at yqur grocers or ‘ «-""f1‘on1 your hardware man FLIMSY GOLD LEAF. lzttv in SAY DUSTBANE IEEOI'e'ans C a r- p e t s Don’t ask for sweeping compound puts the ee’s (ease) in sweeping BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES N 5 Ought to Work. “I‘m afraid these boiled 9228 310'. very fresh." '° "Wriu- the xmnu- 'Hmwviovo' on one E of them." sugm-sh-d the head waiter. §”.\Ir Wupsey is mmumiv. and that wifl dmmrt his nth-“Hun if lbv eggs :H‘e IIHI an :nml " Luzlis‘iille COUI‘iGI‘ Misunderstood. The baby was slow about talking I: and his aunt was depluring that fact. lFour-year-old Elizabeth listened anxi- | Jusly. { Poverty. ,~ “The advantages ut‘ IMH'I‘U‘ are over- irated." Raid :3 nmn \Hm had experi- ? enced it. "The l'ivh «'lvn'iurv Hint DOV‘ ierty brings am :1 man's gumi points. i We“. SO it (luvs by the I‘HHIS" “Because you were not in it then." "he replied. “Ah. I am afraid you wish to flatter me. 1 am nearly twenty-eight." Stung! The amateur gardener saw an ad. to a farm paper. The ad road as follows: “You See. I’m thirty-seven. and l don’t believe that any man ought D be morethan eight or nine years 0!“ than his wife." “Oh. Horace! How romantic M are! I wonder if any other man an: adopted such a lovely way to let a girl know that he cared for her."â€"OM- cago Record-Herald. luw tevel to which thi- m at ’i‘ierra del Fuego descend. the per- [H‘tlm' congelation of the subsoil. tho meeting of conflicting winds at very ditTereut temperatures. are al! direct or indirect causes mmbining to make this we most vonstautly stormy eo- gin” ul’ the world. "Is it possible? Well. in a way I’- glad of it.” "How to remove weeds witbnut la- bor Ten minutes dues the trick Send $2 f or recipe." The amateur gardener sent the $2. Two days later he received the recipe. It read as follows: She Had Money, “And why." she asked. “(10 you think the world is letter now that fit was twenty-five years ago?" "Marry a widow."-â€"Cincinuati lin- quiver. “Oh. mother." she ventured at length. “do you think he’ll grow up Eng- lish? We couldn‘t any of us under- stand him if he turned out to be French.”-Lippim-ou‘s. Reassured. “Daughter." mailed the irnto father from his position at the top of the stairs. at the well KHU\\’H hour of 11155 p. m.. “doesn't that young man know how to say gum] uiuht‘f' “Does he?" (whom! the young law in the darkened lmEl "\VPH. l shOUd 335‘ he (14:08 -â€"I' illx‘hlll'f. h lu<t Remwiy mnr duziwiew-ios and your merits will take mire 01 xljemselveaâ€" BUIwer. lmn'mll HAVE YOU PAID YOUR SUB? HI: U ary H! ':| T hvl‘ “'38 I his- fault hora w hen ‘1

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