Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Feb 1914, p. 2

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N .B.â€"Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid tonâ€"37085. 2813 tomâ€"Must reside' aii’ ’mefitha â€" in each of three years, cultivate 50 gcres and erect a house worth Duties.â€"Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- steader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres, on certain condi- tions. A habitable house is re- quired in every case, except when residence is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a home- steader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter-section along- side his homestead. Price$3 per acre. Dutiesâ€"Six months resiâ€" dence in each of six years from date of homestead entry (includ- ing the time required to earn homestead patent) and 50 " acres extra cultivation. The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrubby or stony land after report by Homestead Inspector on application for patent. A homesteader who has exhaust- ed his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price2 $3 per acre. Dut- 115 tf SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. TENDERS will be received by§ the undersigned up to Monday! February 16, for the buil ling of a‘ new brick school in S. S. No. 3.‘ Bentinck. Separate tenders for red brick, and pfor red pressed brick. Building to be completed before the end of the present yea1. Plans and specification may be: seen on application at the home of: the Secretary. The lowest, or any; tender not necessarily .accepted. THE sole head or a family, or any male over 18 years old; may homestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba. Saskatchewan ' or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at the office of any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not sub-agent), on certain conditions, ON THE CORNER OF SADDLER and Kincardine streets; $5, acre. with good house and stable; also For Sale BRICK HOUSE AND FIVE AC‘nES of good land good garden, well stable, buggy house and other conveniences; just outside cor- poration. Determined to sell at once. Easy terms. Apply on the premises to John Wilson. 12 13 13t A LARGE. ROOMY DWELLING muse; large enough to keep nmrders: conveniently situated : all public works; newly dec- orated; cheap rent. Apply to N. McIntyre, Durham. 612 Goon FIVE-ROOMED HOUSE. well located; good garden and hen pen. Rent reasonable. 'Ap- ply to Ed. Welsh. Durham. 12181tpdtf ". LAWS Ukih LA [1 IN GLENELG, ABOUT 35 ACRES 11- it D ~ ‘ of good pasture land; well fenc- "j RADULATE «72’ London 3”... ed; well watered. Also 421-; «‘5’ York And (Yhil-am. acres in Bentinck: good" house. mseascg “Byte“, Noseand Throat barn- and gOOd we” “111 ,‘k‘ mu m. at. mp Hahn Hunse, July 501d reasonable. Apply “.3 W11“ 2“ 0M. 1!). Nuvemhm' 16. Dev. 2]. Wall. Durham. 1:29 13pd Hmu's. “”3 “.m- 0 100 ACRES. BEING LOT 4, CON. 0, Normanby. about 4 miles from Durham 1% miles from Varney. Convenient to school and church: well fenced. well water- ed, and in good state of cultiva- tion; brick house, bank barn and good buildings. For particulars. apply to David McAuliffc. Sr.. Durham. 1 '2th BEING LOT :33 CON. V' '13:: P\ RT OF LOT 25, CON. 1 V. L": 137.. adjoining corporation "‘1‘ aux-mm. containing 15 acres ‘3 mode. :- perches of good ;‘.r::’.. :le seeded down with timâ€" othy: good brick house; hard :-.n.i 90f: water, barn. orchard, sheds. etc'. Apply to T. Baskins, or to A. E. Jackson, Durham. 1.116: ii 'E’i'ré’tlél'ééé' Qén'." Will be' sold cheap. Apply to. the owner, J. A. McDonald. 1 22tf C Glenelg. containing 7 on premises are new {7; brick house, sheds 27171 ings: running stream. Draperty: (flout 20 :r7 "-‘ood E77757 test in gym “ultix ati OI‘. P05813360}! NOV. Ist. 101.5. For 7377". ticulars. apply 07; we Mm. Joim Staple-fa. -: No. 1. Durham. Ont .X'lvertiwments 0f one inch or less. ‘25 cents for first insertion and 10 cents foreach “lb-*quwnt ”nu-flint; Ut’v-t‘ mm- inch and under two inches. double the above amnnu: Yearly rates on application. House for Sale Famns for Sake. TENDERS WANTED J. W. VICKERS. Secretary-Treasurer. Vickers. R. R. No. 1, Hanover. Ti) REN W. W. COR Y, Deputy of the Minister 0! the Interior. --» .,. "â€"‘SMALL ADS.= 3, E. G. R" 109 acres: frame barn. n1 outbufidâ€" am through zeros humi- gm‘yi state of on gh’en (m fixt‘tiu‘a' U111- premzsw I!) ’r-{mnil Roqte 3‘ INH- (.9 I!) Pout e .: m'hf 4 '34 tf A bottle of condensed gas being used in making repairs on . the Mauretania at Liverpool, exploded and killed four men; There is a -smallpox outbreak at the Michigan 800. - TWO ABERDEEN-ANGUS BULLS 10 months old.â€"-H. W. Hunt, R.R. No. 1, Hanover. - NOTICE is hereby given pursu- and to “The Revised Statutes of Ontario” 1897, chapter 1‘29, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said George Aljoe, who died on or about the let day of October 1913, are required, on or before the 2lst day of February AD. 1914, to send by past prepaid or deliver to Robert Aljoe, and David Jamieson. executors of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased, their Christian and surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any. held by them. And further take notice that aim ter such last mentioned date the‘ said Executors will proceed to; ‘ distribute the assets of the deâ€"gTHIS S ceased among the parties entitled; thereto, having regard onlv to’ Alma the claims of which they shall; ‘ ' then have notice, and that theiand te' said Executors will not be liable' from ti for the assets or any part thereof Tablets to any person or persons of whose; they h' claims notice shall not have been ing' w]; received by them at the time of| feel 5“] such distribution tha f is Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates. and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. Dated at Durham this 17th dav of January AD. 1914. In the matter of the estate of George AIjoe. late of the Town;- ship of Glenielg in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. D Uffice. nearly opposite the Rwisfl'y office. Lambton St..Durham. Anyamoum )f monev tn man a? 5 ("3- cent. on farm grrmertv. “Hive-«(Her Douglas" Jeweller? SLOW. ‘4 er. Conveyancer. c. Insurance Xzent. Mnney to Loan. Issuer of Mar- :iaa’e Liam.» A general financial busi 'IBSS tra n «acted . . ["FICE ~0vc1- .3. P. 'l‘elfox-d‘s office \} nmu-Iy nppusite the Registry office. Residence Second house south of Registry nfiicv on east, side of Albert Street. ()fiiw Hum: 9-1] a.m., 2-4 p. u‘... 7-“ p. m. Telephone cmmuunica- Kim: hetwccn orifice and residence at all hmn's. -_Z-.‘5Y51U1A-' \ANUSURGEON, or i. zice in the New Hunter Block. Oflice man's. a tn [0 a. u)., to 4 p. m. and 7 :08 )__ u Special attentum given to disease: J vowel) and children. Residence 0p .. osi‘ we"?! esbvtc: iax‘ ()hm ('h ty of anonto. Graduate Roy?» tnllege Dental Sgrtzeoqs oiOntano. Dentistry 111 all Its Branches )F' ‘ V '0 .I. ‘1". E'i’fi‘b AND RESIDENCE d ) short dlStche em: or Knapp’s Hotel, Mum rm: Street. Lu we: Town. Durham 32.!ch hours frum 12 to 3 o'clock ..-_ Aasmtam Kn)“. Landau ()ubanalu’u'. :1; mm tn‘hpliwn Sq 'l‘hnmt and Nam: A. H. Jackson. QOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION NUMBER OF TAMWORTH Brood Saws; also 1 Tamworth; Boar, fit for service.-â€"H. W.» Hunt, R. R. No. '1, Hanover. . 1 ms. Jamieson Jamieson. 39‘19161‘12; AND RESUJENCE J F; GRANT, D. D. 8 .LD 8 I‘nNnR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- l. P. Telford. \RRISTEL. SULICITOR. DURHAM ONT. (anm‘ annfl NOTICE TO CREDITORS a fiufion, M. 0., C. M. f v \) .103“. Dr. N. C. Pickering Dentist. Bulls for Sale Arthur Gun, M. D. ROBERT ALJOE, Durham P. 0., Ont, DAVID JAMIESON‘ Durham P. 0., 0nt., Executors of the last Will and Testament of George Alice, deceased. :Vbzd ital Directorv. W. J. SHARP Pig's for Sale Dan/d! Dz'i‘ec'forv Legal ‘Dz‘rectorv SPECIALIST.:' in, mean NOSE HR. BURT. ()VP!‘ 0] J Hunter’s m )I\ DON ENG \ 'va" {nn 1; d BTU. I. 03 L08 ,When .a young Widow i-s ‘ wise and a.;.,bach_elor is otherwise 'it’s up to the; parson. A memorial equestrians'tatue' to King Edward VII was unveiled last week in Paris; ' v â€". a‘nv‘ll'h.’ . We couldn’t endorse anything more strongly than We do Rexall Dyspepsia Tab-lets. Contain Pepsin and Bismuth. two of the greatest digestive aids known to medical science, they sooth the stomach, check heartburn and distress, pro- mote a natural flow of the gasâ€" tric juice and help regulate the bowels. ‘ Remember, if they don’t make your digestion so easy and comfortable that .you can . eat whatever you [like whenever." "you like. we want you'to com‘e‘iback and tell us" and get your money. Sold only at the more than 7,000 Rexall Stores, and in this town only at our store, Three sizes, 25c. mg what they are made of, we feel sure they will help you. So great is our faith in them that we urge you to try them entirely at our risk with our personal promise that if they don’t do all you ex- pect them to do and make you‘r stomach comfortable and healthy and your digestion easy, We’ll hand back‘your money. ' ‘17. A â€" A meeting of the Women’s Home Missionary Society will be held on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. O. M. Snider left the farm last Week and moved to Hanover. The neighbors gathered in unex- pectedly on Tuesday nigh-t. and gave him a farewell visit. before leaving his old settlement. THIS STOMACH REMEDY HELPS YOUR FRIENDS. A meeting of the young people a few nights ago decided on havâ€" ing :1 box social in the Hampden «school house on February 13. They also decided on giving the two most beautiful and daintily trim- med hoxes :1 prize. Now girls is your chance to win a prize. A good program. consisting: of Violin selections. singing. ,dialogues. etc.. is being prepared. and will be renâ€" dered afte_r_th'e boxes are sold. _ â€"“â€" \A V JLVL’ All .I. LIIACI'LUII on Suinda}: nrext. R V. Mr. Mason of Pinkerton will preach in the Hampd-en church. ‘V- ‘ tau \. The Wedding of Mr. Jae. Byers and Miss Marietta Anderson took place last Wednesday at six 0"- clock. There will be more said about it next week. Rev. Mr. McLean preaches the anniversary services in Pinkerton TERMSâ€"All sums of $5 and 1m- dei Cash; m or that amount .12 nouths’ credit will be given on appioved joint notes. 5 p91 cent. discount will he alloued off for cash. 1 mare rising 7' years. in foal: 1 colt rising 3 years. 3 cows in calf.’ 5 calves. 2 sows in pig, . 14 pigs 3 months old. 5 pigs J‘mos. old. 1 colt rising 3. 1 binder 6ft. cut. 1 mower 6ft. cut. 1 seed drill nearly new. .1 disc harrow. 1 drag harrow. 1 set To-lton har- rows. 1 hay rake. 1 set sleighs almost new. 1 wagon. 1 buggy nearly new, 1 cutter nearly new. 1 fanning mill new. 1 scuffler. 1 .set heavy harness. 1 set light harness. 1 motorcycle. 1 hay fork and slings. and other articles. Everything must be sold. as the qumfietress has no need for them. Of Farm Stock and Implements The undeisignod Auctioneei has been instructed to sell bx Public Auction at LOT 18 CONC‘ESSTON 2 EGREMONT.011 SALE AT ONE O’CLOCK. SHARP TERMS-)1] sums of $5 and un- der, cash; over that amount. 12 months’ credit on approved joint notes. 5 percent. discount off for cash in lieu of notes. 1 horse rising 9 years 1 mare rising 6 years, 1 aged mare in foal, 1' colt rising 2, 1 COIt rising 1 year, 1 colt rising 2 years, 5 cows supposed in calf. 1 Cow due to calve vl steer 2 years old 2 steers 1’ year old 3 heifers rising 2. 4 calves, '1 Tamworth boar 6 months old, 1 sow due to pig 1st of March. 70 hens, 1 Deering bin- der, l1 Frost Wood mower near- ly new. 1 land roller,1 seed drill, 1 ten-foot horse-rake new 1 long plough new, 1 set spring-tooth barrows, 3 sets iron harrOWs, 1 scuffler. 1 root pulper, 1 fanning mill and bagger, 1 lumber wagon, 1 single buggy, 1 set bob-sleighs, 1 cutter, 1 stoneboat. 1 set dou- ble harness, 2 sets single harness one nearly new. :1 set plough har- ness, 1 pair horse blankets, 1 rob-e, 1 boring machine, 1 grain cradle. 1 hay rack, ‘2 logging chains. 1 Daisy churn. 1 dash churn. and a number of other articles too numerous to mention. SALE AT ONE O’CLOCK SHARP 0f Farm Stork and Implements The undersigned Auctioneer has received instructions from Mr. James Matthews, to sell by Public Auction at Lot 1, Con. 3. Egremont, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1914 “the following: Credit" Au‘c’fion Sale MART BRADLEY. Proprietress. ROB'I‘ BRIGHAM. Auctioneer. Credit Auction Sale ESDAY. FEBRUARY 11. 1914 the following: ROBT. BRIGHAM. Auction‘r HA MPDEN. Financia'. Mrs. Knickerâ€"Are you going to take a course in a business college? Mrs. Backerâ€"Yes: 1 want to find out how to get more money out of Jackâ€"Judge. Couldn't Help It. "Papa. did you ask mamma to marry Von?” “Yes. sdn." “Because you loved her?” “No. bngause I knew she would marry me whether I asked her to or not."-Houston Post. Fruity. Artist (angrilyâ€"No; I tell you I don’t want a model. I only paint flowers and fruit. Model (sweetly)â€"That’s all right. Every one says I’m a peach... Cornell Widow. On the. Way. The man who sits around waiting for somebody else to discover and develop his ability is sure sooner or later to be- come a wearisome grumbler.-Chicago Record-Herald. New Use For Salt. “1 have seen salt put to many usages.” says a local writer. “but the other day to an entirely novel one. A man. obviously 'under the weather.' entered a shop and called for-a packet of table salt. On being supplied. be swallowed a couple of mouthfuls and then took a quantity after the fashion of snuff. Then he departed. 'He often does that.’ said the shopkeeper; ‘it is a grand thing to sober himl' ”â€"Oarditr Western Mail. The Sublime Porto. "Sublime porte." frequently used to denote the government of the Turkish empire or the country itself. is de- rived from the French and means lofty gate. It had its origin in the gateway of the outer court or the seraglio at Constantinople. from which justice was supposed to be administered. ” 'Humpb,‘ snowed Winterson. 'if the book showed me how to be somebody else’s lawyer I might take it. But what's the good of teaching me now to bleed myself ?’ ”â€"I)etroit Free Press. “‘l have here. sir, :1 book that will show you how to be your own lawyer.’ Signs of the Times. True. it does sometimes seem as it the world were going to the had. it we judge from the daily news. But we must consider the enormous in- crease in population. the fact that “many- are running to and fro:" that there is no corner of the earth so dark or distant that the spurt-blight of mod- ern enterprise does not find it out and explore it; that human nature re- mains unchanged amid all these chang~ ing conditions. retaining still its weak- nesses and passions as well as.its grand and noble impulses. To sum it all up: This world is not so bad a. world As some would like to make it: But. whether good or whether bad. Depends on how we take it. And. taking it from the viewpoint of one feminine mind. there was never a generation better worth living in than the generation of today.-â€"l\lrs. Mary E. Dustin in Boston Globe. "Yes. the old idea about Iawyers‘ crookcdness. as illustrated in the Win- terson anecdote. is :1 thing of the past.” resumed Mr. Ledyard. His View of Lawyers. Lewis Cass Luiyurd said at the Knickerbocker club in New York: “The old idea about the croukedness of lawyers is dying out." “True. true.” a group 01 lawyers chm-used heartily. The old mountainm-r sh'uflvd his feet. changed his quid :md stn-tvlu-d. "Oh. well." be said as he started to leave the Witness chair. “I dun't give a 201- dzu'n about this trial uuyway.”â€" Every- body’s. “A book agent. you know. sought out Winterson in his office and said: “Hmv fur Wore yum t'run. the spot where it took Marv?" "'Bmlt :a qunrlvr mile." “What Why was it wl‘n-n this deed was done?" ” 'Bmlt half past 8." ”On the date this murdcr was SUD- posvd to he cummitu‘d it would he alnmst totally dark. and you uwan to say you could see distinctly what hap' penotl at that time at a quarter uf a mile distant?" Change of Front. On a murder ('USH in we of the southern states an old IllUlllllzlillPPf was called as \xitm‘ss 'l‘hv den-ending lawyer was cross vxnmiulng him. "You say you saw this murder vom- mit‘ 9c. Bulls In Calf Stories. .\lr Clmm'ellur of Hoxtou (or Hag- :rersmu or §.»zue uther corner of north- east Lvndum was dilating before the connnittev one day on the horrors'of imwulatiur and vivisectioh. writes a! member «If parliament in London Opin- . ion. and hurruwed the feelings of his ? hearers by telling them about some- culves which had been inoculated and assuring the (:oxmnittee that two years I later the valves were still sufl’eringi frum the effects. 3 It happens that on this committee is Edward Kelly, a cultured and witty young Celt. "Kelly. from the isle of Erin." at once sprung to his feet and elvrtrilied his fellow members by say- ing; ”Mr Chairmanwon :1 point of or- derâ€"would the lufuumhle member kindly explain how the valves could still be calves txvu years later?" Mr. Chancellor must. I fear. he first cousin to the pn-ucher who. dismurs- ing on the prodigal son and the t'utted calf. informed his congreguriou that the calf had been the cherished pus- sessiou ol' the family “fur yuu's and yea rs a nd yea rs. .0 A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the Sacred Heart church. K-enilworth. on Monday. Januarx' ‘26, at eight o‘clock. when Miss Teresa 'M'cNaney of Arthur townâ€" ship was united in the holv bonds of matrimony to Mr. John Garney of the township of Normanbv. The bride was assisted by the groom‘s cousin. M’iss Mae Taylor. of Nor- manby, and the groom by the bride’s brother. Mr. Thomas Mc- Nanev of Palmerston. The bride was beautifully attired in awhite satin dress with Wreath and veil. and carried a bouquet of maidenâ€" hair farn and white ca‘rnations. After the wedding ceremony the bridal party returned to the home of the bride’s father. where a sumptuous Wedding breakfast awaited them. The bridal party was driven to and from the church by F. O. “Henry’s white livery beam of Mount Forest. The afternoon and evening were joyfully spent in music and dancing. The pretty and useful presents show the es- teem in which the young couple are held. They left Tuesday on the half-past three o’clock train for Toronto, Niagara Falls and other points. On their return they will reside on the groom’s farm near Ayton. While making her way through 'a snow storm late Sunday night off the northern coast of Van- couver Island, the C.P.R. steamer Princess Sophia, touched a rock off Port Hardy. She floated of]. a few hours later. In the meantime. all thepassengers were transfer- red to another steamer. Minimize scandal in the home of your neighbor and pulverize it in your own. D 0F]: gnvaluable assistance in c v‘iéxnacngE l “‘8 M“ 6“ DURHAM BRANCH, J_olm Kelly, W, _f f DUE I Why Do Women Suffer It is so easy to be well and strong and able to enjoy life, that it is surpnsxng how many women drag themselves through the day suffering tortures from lame back due to kidney trouble. Mrs. Wilcox found the way to cure herself and gladly Writes about it so that others may be induced to use the same remedy. BIG LORRAINE. "Durin g the lastwinter, I was bothered very much with a Weak Back. I was advised By a friend to try GIN PILLS and I did. The first box I found helped me very much and I found when I had taken the second, I was completely cured." MRS. F. \VILCOX. If GIN PILLS do not do all that we say they willâ€"Jet us know, and we will cheerfully refund you your money. Send for a free sample and see for yourself that they will do you good; Then buy the regular boxes at your dealersâ€"5°C., 6 For $2. .50. 202 Nationél Drug and Chemical 0076? Canada, Limited Toronto. (‘ ”u Stand. ml S wpnig (‘ :u'. Tum 15C Sleeping (‘ :11. Dining (7m. Fiist Class (‘nachw (‘nhmis‘l (,‘m' nn hath Trains. Full patticulan hum :mv (_‘ .P..I{ Agent. m_ wxitv M. (n Muiphy. Dish i(t l’us-vngm- Agvnr. 'I‘m'nntn R. Mar-Farlnnu. 'l'mvn Agent *3. A. Hay Stu inn Agent 9F @ANADA Whoa 1'th Gould 30 Well? GARN EYâ€"â€".'\I(_°.\'A NEY. 711;! Lady. feeding tramp-You seem gto have a good appetite. ofi Hungry Higginsâ€"Ah. mum, dat’s inéall I have left in de world dat I kin rightly callgne own. 5 CUSIOMCI'S m vanous parts of Canada or elsewhen will find theservices of this bank of invaluable assistance in collect. ing drafts, etc. [HE flUflHAM EHHUNICLE V... W “out “ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" r "" gnv addreim: ige'of postage, ‘0‘ Rates " . . :1 00pm year.payableinadnno¢ â€"$1.50 may be charged if not so paid. The date _ '. paid is denoted by the number on tha address label. Kn paper din continued to all alfrears are paid. except“. tbs mmnp of the prom-notor- I8 PUBBISHED LVERY THURSDAY MORNING At the Chronicle Printing House. Gan street. Advertising For transient ndvernaements cents per line for the first ineer Rates . tion ; 3 cents per line each anbge quent Insertion mmion measure . Professions cards. not exceeding one inch $4.00 per annum Advertisements without specific directions wil be published till forbid a! J changed accommfly ansie at-notacesâ€" ‘L( at. ’ ‘:F‘uund,' “For S: e.‘ etc,â€"50 cents for first insertion. 25 cents for excl mbseq uent insert-ion All advertisements o rdered by strangers mus! be naid for in advuu-e. Contract rates for 56313; adv” nished on application to the affine ~M ‘“ ‘45 - ISHING all my cus- tomers :L Merry Christmas and extend- ing to them a Cordial Invitation to visit my store for Ulristmas pur- chases. r‘uu line of Calhulic RUDPS. :md hl:\"k and White ("ups for aged people. GRANT’S AD. TINSMITHING Mr. M. [(11333 has opened a shop at the rear of the furniture show room and is prepared in do all kinds of tinsmitliing. Undertaking receiws special attvntic m and '31” Household Furnishings SHOW RUUMH~ vi1 In SW Barber Shop. RES! mcxcm door South nf \V. .l l 1;: w blacksmifia shup EDWARD KRESS EDITOR AN!) Pmm RIP TOR . L. GRANT 1 am, Yuurs for business, (3. L. GRANT ALL THAT’S LEFT. Rugs, Oilcloths Window Shades L ac e Curtains . IRWIN AND February 5, 1914. 56m“ advertmemenu tux ’1‘ C“-- -- ‘. Gamfmxa

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