Implement Agent and Auctioneer. Democrats and Buggies (Rubber and Steel Tires.) McClary 9coves and Ranges. Raymond Sewing Machine-s Boll Pianos and Organs. Farm Implements Mmminery. MANURE SPREADERS HAY LOA DERS BIIs JERS MO W ERS RABIES SEED DRILLS DISC HARROWS WAGGONS GASOLINE ENGINES. 200 acres. Glenelg, Frame Dwelling, Bank Barn, Good Farm, ought to bring $40CO Will Sell for $3000. :30 acres. Glenelg, splendid location. extra good Buildings, cheap at $7500, will take 5565300 100 acres on Durham Road, B’entinck. good Farm. Bank Barn, Fair Dwelling, snap tor 32" . 100 acres, extra good Buildings, alone wor- th nearly the $300 asked for the farm Near Crawtord RD. 3; acre building lot in Durham. for sale cheap, or trade for anythipg a. man can eat, wear, or through a stick at. Property bought and sold on Commission Money to hand Debts collected. C.P.R. Tickets and Ocean Tickets for sale. $300 of stock in Du: ham Cement (.30., placed in m 3' hands for sale cheap. Aim-L55 Prompt, Never Negligent A FULL LINE OF THE Bearing Harvester Co.'s Then do business with H. H. MILLER the Hanover Conveyancer Implements AGENT for DOYLE JULIAN Monuments and Tombstones owns SOUND. ' Do you want to make money and ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK 0F we are giving in N ew Dress Goods, Furs, Boots 8: Shoes, 'and Underwear etc.- ' 2,,Camé 39d see hQ_w C WI ~ .\Vlll .: . 118wa to wait on yen. C. Li GRANT' Durham Ont John Clark across . the river in Town is causing a great deal of talk since it.w'as started. Many are predicting that it will not stand the test when the floods come in the spring; others that there 'will be a big jam when the fresher comes, and will he carried away. Well we would not like to have that come to pass, but we would like to see ï¬enple jam and fill our store up, and get the BARGAINS The New Rail road BRIDGE NOV. 149 1907 H. H. Miller, SAVE MONEY ? The Hanover Conveyancer He offers: Berlin Pianca 81' Iâ€"Sterling Lamb George Wil- son. Bella McQuarrie. Adrian Noble. Jg. Iâ€"Archie Wilson. Aircrage attendance 25. ,Sr. II--Howard McDougall, Roy Lamb, John Clark, John Smith. Pt. II‘â€"â€"Celia Honess. Carrie Grier. son, Carlyle McDonald. Wixlie Mc Donald. Jr. 11â€" leesie Clark. John Grier- son. Cora. Lunney, Bertha Houses. IVâ€"Pearl Wilson, Ross McDonald. Sr. IIIâ€"Mabel Smith, Marjorie Clark. Philip McDonald, Robert. Pntherbough, May Grierson Jr. IIIâ€"Clara Honess, Gladys M0. Dohald. Will the good boy-get: all the cred- it for his good deeds. and the bad boy all the blame for his evil deeds on_t_.he Laet Great Day ? If they do it: will b5 a. clear case of good fortune and hard luck. ’ “/38 in luck, or what, that guided 01:9“be into the broad path ? The other little boy is going to a home where all his native good will be knocked out of him. and a lot of outside deViltr) knocked into him. He will learn no manners. He will breacbe through his mouth. he will eat noisily and with his knife. his ï¬ngers rendering frequent assistance; he will be profane and vulgar; he will never read Dickens nor Long fellow, and the Bible and Shakespeare will practically be unknown to him. He Will not be able to tell the diï¬er- ence between a carnation and a petunia. ' And he will do damage to himself and others. before he is done. He maydie in the penitentiary or on the shameful tree. The ï¬rst little boy goes to a lovely home in the sweet, clean country, where there is a. womanlywoman who will rub his hurts with linimeut, who will keep him clean. who will feed him good. wholesome food. end who will tell him Stut'it’S about the youth who had the coat of many colors. and the boy who slew the big brag- gmt with the Stone. and the story of the man who was swallowed by the “hale, and the story of Jack the Giant Killer, and Sm had the Sailor. and the Forty ThieVes. end all the rest of the clear delightful rot. And he will grow up to be a good man and a. worthy. I knew two little orphans who were for sale jusr like the puppies-â€" but that is a brutai thing to say; they were for adeption. They were nice little boys, good boys. boys that one could love even as one’s own. And one was taken and the other left, and he founda foster father soon. The other puppy was carried home under the arm of a foreign looking person with one white eye. I was sorry for that puppy. It will be well for him if the foreign looking cuss merely eats him; but he likely won’t. One thing is sure; the puppy will grow up a. tough citizen, if he sur- vives. _He will be always hungry, and he will never look nice. He will have a bang dog look about him. and will be continually dodging kicks. brickbats. the insuatmg kid with the can, and the dog catcher He will never have a tag, and he will be caught some day, and shot, or hang ed. or smmhered. Poor deg Tray ! l When the day was far spent Ipass- ed down the thoroughfare, and only one puppy was left in the boxâ€"a sad, pathetic, drOOping little ï¬gure with never a wag in him. They will both be sad and lonely to-night, those puppies. They will weep and wail, and each will feel about in the straw for the soft, warm. loving brother that is not there; and the big tears will roll down their sad and foolish little faces, and they will be so mis arableâ€"oh! so very unhappy. And they will forgetâ€"ah, yes, they will forget. Happy is the puppy. or the man who can forget. To forget is to forgiveâ€"to forgive is to be forgiven. To forget wrongs, injuries, sorrows, disasters, tribulations wounds, traps, enemies, treacheries, is to shed one’s skin; it is to moult, it is to be born again. One of these puppies will go to the home of a nice woman and two love 1y aflecionate children. He will be well fed, he will be treated with respect and consideration, he Will never want for good food or a warm. dry bed, and he will be an ornament to the neighborhood. I said that they wagged their tails. But they couldn't do that, for e ekil ful deg surgeon had bitten 0E quite recently; but they wagged what was left of their tails in the most extrav- agant manner. Whenever their admirers stopped to gaze at them,"’the puppies wagged their tsils and the tails wagged their fat little bodies till they fell over in the straw in the exuberance of their JOX. The two puppies set together in the big box in at wide window. and watched with big, soft, moist, intelo ligent eyes the pessing throng. They were handsome puppies, and it is no wonder that many people stopped to gaze at them. The little boys and girls were perticnlerly interested in them, and many e peter lemiliee wee worried that sfternoonlhy entreeties to buy those puppies. Meny e poor men was solicited to buy one of these puppies for the children. when there wasn’t any flour in the house, and it was nip end tuck to give the cenine teeth in his own kennel all they could do. S. S No. 10, Bsx'rmcx. IS IT LUCK OR WHAT 3 MA 3on Mouton, Teacher. HONOR ROLL. The Khan. If neglected it will weaken the throat and ï¬nally reach the lungs. Nothing: simpler than inhaling the magic vapor of Catarrhozone. Ite action «is like magic, so helpful. so easy to apply. Be done with bron- chial trouble for all time! Catarrh- ozone does cure the worse cases. will care you too. Sold everywhere. 25c. and $1.00 under absolute guarantee of satisfaction. ran my comm 13 mon- cams. Ottawa, Nov. 6.-â€"-Hull is suffering from a serious outbreak of typhoid. It is traceable to the intake of the' water supply, which does not reach mid~stream in the Ottawa river. The matter is serious and Dr. Bryce has investigated the cause and reported thus. Dr. Bryce Says it is Traceable to the Water Supply. Zam-Buk heals sores, cures eczema, skin eruptions. ulcers. ringworm. itch, barber’s rash, blood poison, bad leg, salt rheum, abrasions, abcesses, cuts, burns. scalds, and all skin in- juries and diseases. Of all stores and druggists at. 500, or from Zam- Buk 00.. Toronto, for price. 3 boxes tor $1 25. The value of Zem-Buk, either as a protective or a corrective, cannot be overestimated. A box should be on every dressing-table. Hand's that are chapped may be restored to the smoothness of health by judicious application,of Zam-Buk. Over and over again the value of Zam-Buk for chapped and cracked places has been demonstrated Mrs. Yellen, of Portland. adds her testi many, and says: “My hands were so sore and cracked that I could not put them near water, When Itried to do so they would smart and burn as if I had scalded them. I seemed quite unable to get relief from any- thing I put on them until I tried Zam-Buk. and Me balm succeeded when all else had failed. It closed the big cracks, gave me ease. soothed the inflamation, and in a very short time healed my hands completely.†HANDS TERRIBLY CRACKED. The young men’s names were Fred Meloche, N. Trojan, John Zimmer» man, Bert Conroy, Dennis Fowler and William Spindleman, and the com- plaint was made by Postmaster Chas. C. Chauven, of Sutherland’s Corners, in Sandwich Wesc. Chauven charged them with destroying fences and sidewalks and using abusive language to him when he told them to stop, and in the course of the trial it de veloped that the crowd, which num- bered about 50, contained several married women dressed in men’s clothes, That, according to Chauven, was where the trouble Started. One of them went into the post ofï¬ce. which is also the general store, and asked for cigarettes, but instead of selling her any cigarettes Chauven gently escorted her to the door. Windsor, Nov. 7.â€"â€"An echo of Hal- lowe’en, characteriscic and rather humorous, was heard in the police court this mornmg, when several young men, none of them more than ‘22 years old. and some of them as young as 17, were ï¬ned $1 each and costs of anozher $1.75 for being dis- orderly laet Thursday night. Echo of Hallowe’en Pranks Furnish Revelations in Police Court. Perfectly safe even for children. absolutely sure to restore anyone nervous, unscrung and hysterical. Ferrozone cures not by stimulation. but by nourishing and feeding the nervous organization with the ele- ments iL lacks ; cry Ferrozone sold in 50c. boxes by all dru;gists. No matter how nervous you are or how long this condition has pre- vailed, nae Furrozone, and in a month you will have convincing proof of its tonic and restorative power. Fen-ozone imparts to the Whole orgamsm vim. endurance, buoyancy. Ferrozone does not. eflect the nerves as hypnotics or sedatives which lull them into obedienceâ€"it. makes them among, became it contains the con- stituents that are necessary to make nerve strength. Fen-ozone makes blood, Fen-oz me gives strength Fern 2 bus forces appetite, assures assimixatiun Ol food. N o remedy has ever been devised that will compare with Fen-ozone in nervous maladies. ikm m muss smua. If you say that a women’s nerves are week. you aï¬rm what is abso- lutely true, that her whole physical condition is so far below the par that collapse may easily follow. If you say a man is strong it im- plies that his nervous system is Strong. Modify its activity, we have var- ious forms of hollucinscion, msntsl depression, sleeplessnsss and by- atsria. The nervous system ministers equally to men’s physical es contri- butes to man’s intellectual powers. Zam Buk Healed Them TYPHOID IN HULL. Neglect of the mm. IN MALE ATTIRE. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE To enable all to learn. we touch on cash or instal- ment plan. We also teach a. pereoncl class at school once a monthâ€"class commencxnz last Tuesday of 00611 month. These lessons teach how to cut, at and put tOEOther any garment. from the plexnest shut mt suit to the most elaborate dress. The whole faintly can learn from one course. We have taught over 1. 000 dreSsmekers and guarantee to gave 3500 to anyone who cannot learn between the ages of M and 4.0. You cannot learn .dressmakinzï¬s thorough as this course teaches i‘. If you work 1n shops for â€are; Beware of hnitatgons, as we employ no one muscle- the school. Thu 13 the only exponenced Dress_.cuttinz School m Cannon. and excelled by none In any other country. Wnte at once. for par- ticulate. as we 1 have cut our rate one-thud for a. short time. - Address ' 3AND£RS DRESS CUTTING SCHOOL ' 31 Erie Street. W. OIL. Canada. said: “You bet.†There was a grand piano in the house, The girl was very fond of Richard puref’ The worried Hardware Clerk re- sponded: “Sure." “And Browning,†said the maid. “His Sonnecs seem As light. as fancy, airy as a dream. And as for ‘Pippa Passes.’ ’tis divine. No other Modern’s- work is half so ï¬ne. You’re fond of Browning?†said this young brunette. The Clerk then swabbed his brow and Strauss, And dwelt with special ecetrsy upon The many beauties of his Don J uan. “How do you like him?†Thus the maiden 5 aka. A sudden glanceâ€"and the Clerk awoke. In Your Spare Time at Home. Or Tithe a Pmonal Course at School. so bright, 80 full of epigram and pungent wit Such irony, I am so fond of it A well of English. undeï¬led and young man: “You know I ï¬nd exceptional delight In Bernard Shaw. His work appears noon, And how a cold December was a boon To business men. She gently waved her fan And thus she paralyzed this poor The pretty maiden and her Shuday dude, A Hardware Clerk, with sentiment. unbued. Set in the parlor talking of the wea~ ther, Non far apart, and not too close to- gether. For they were non engaged, you un- derstand, Though each one thought the other "elmply grand.†The pretty maiden was a. “culchaw- ed†lass, And wearied of the ordinary gas About the rain last Monday after. The Suï¬â€˜erings of the Hardware Clerk. Your back aches and fairly groans With distress of kidney trouble. You’re discouraged, but you mustn’t give up. The battle can be quickly won when Dr. Hamilton’s Pills get to work. These kidney specialists bring new health and vitality to young and old alike. Even one box proves their marvelous power. Con- tinue this great. healer. and your kid- neys will become as strong, as vig- orous, as able to work as new ones. Remember this. Dr. Hamilton’s Pills are purely vegetable; they do cure liver. bladder and kidney trouble They will care you, or your money back. Price 250. per box, as all dealers- WHAT ABOUT YOUR KIDNEYS? it. EB for the elephant they looked for in \nin. F 18 the fellow that was out in the rain ‘G is for George, who ran very fast H for the hawk that saw him go past, I for the Indian that gave them the fright, J is the jigger who Stayed out all night, K is the knowledge the boys should have had, - L is the lad that stayed home with his dad. M for the man who couldn’t shoot straight, N for the name which we will not relate. The Welbeck mill is completed and is a very ï¬ne establishment. Mr. A. Campbell has completed the bridge at Welbeck, and made a very good job of it. Mr. Charles Shewell was seen going east last. Friday evening. A is for Albert, who Carried the gun, B is the bear that he shot on the run, C is for Charlie, who Shot the rabbit, D is the man: who said he would have Mr. Donald Corlett is at. present in Toronto working for the Government. and as he has always proved himself to be a. business men he will likely ï¬ll his situation. Mr. James Lister took a. trip to Hayward’s Falls the other night. Must be some__attraction, Jim. Hunting 151 a thing of the present and it is not at all surprising to meet a men with a large head and no game wandering through the woods The weather is very cold and win- try at present, and by the looks of things I think we will soon have white“. Mr. Abe Mink visited the Shewoll family for the last couple of days Mr. Editor,-â€"â€"Ic is quite 3 while since you heard from our burg, so I thought I would write a few of the latest happenings. (Received 1300 Rate for hat week.) Welbeck. pain. For cramps. vomiting or in- digestion, all you need is ten drops in sweetened weter. Sick or well you’ll ï¬nd Poleons Nerviline invalu- 5‘8516 in your house. Get. e large 250 I bottle to-day. MISS LOLA McLEOD. B. A. Hon; r Graduate of ï¬een'a Universi y. (Ir eeics. Moder. s, and Eng 11. ‘ MISS M. S. HOLLAND. First Class Certiï¬cate ind third year undergraduate of Queen’s Unn'er- sity. Science. History and Geography. Intending students should enter at the begin» - ning of the term if possible. Board can be ot- talnedat reasonable ratea. Durham is a health and active town, making it a must desirabl} place of residence. Foes, 81.00 per month. < W. J OHN STON. C R A M AGE Chairman . Secret: 1') The school is thorouhly equipped in teachin ability, \in chemiool and electrzcal supplies an ï¬ttings. etc., for £111: Junior Leaving and Matric- uhmon work. The following competent. out are in charge : Is whet you want when sickness hnppens at night. Can you possibly ï¬nd the equal of Nerviline ? No for it stsnds unequalled in curing pain intact! or local. Esrnche, toothâ€" ache and neuralgia disappear in s jiï¬y. Eu!) it on and sway flies the An Aerated ï¬ver? into the aerated ï¬ne and heated to the exact temperature of the oven before it enters it. Discuus or a sponge came in of cold air strikes themâ€"â€" they fall flat at once gm] ‘ the whole baking is Spoiled. 4 The ventilating principle of other ranges simply draws in cold air direct to the oven, beats it and allows it to escape. Suppose you have a pan of biscuit? 0f a sponge cake in the oven. and a gust The DURHAM SCHOOL. THOS. ALLAN. lat Class Certiï¬cate. l’nn. N.B.-â€"â€"-A nice Pencil Case containing slate and lead pencil and pen 1.â€"â€"Prices will please you. " iâ€"Groceries will suit you. 3. ~Promptness of delivery will surprise you. Many lines of our Fall Good are now placed if] stock ready for your inspection, and we invite you to come and see for Voursclfs what we have to offer you. “’3 have no hesitation in saving om- stack of In me and shoes is, larger than you can ï¬nd anyvshere else 121 tmvn. \cu judge Prices and Qualitv. Egg5 8 taken 5: une as cash at the Down To“ 11 Shoe Stow. KATE COCHRANE, Agent, DURHAM. MATTHEWS LATI MER FROM Groceries MATTHEWS 8’ LATIMER Limited. Hamilton. Winnipeg. ,Montreal and Vancouver. MMATKAID. Every Souvenir is absolutely guaranteed by the makers. STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. GURNEYâ€"TILDEN CO. This Aerated Oven can only be had on the J. S. MCILRAITH Oglivie’s Flour Always in Stock THE George H. Stinson. Is the place to get Model Goods Our Cakes and Pastry are of the Best Quality and excelled by none FOUR REASONS MODEL BAKERY why you should buy your The Aerated Oven :‘0‘0‘0‘. F Pee of the Souvenir completely changes the air therein every few minutes without lessen- ing the heat one iota. Pure. cold air is drawn W. T. CLANCY, Prin. QDAY and EVENING classes. Get the Best. IT PA Y8 Attend the Popular and Progrmive €47"): HOT" Ix I// // and in placing all its graduates. Each student is taught separately at his own desk. Trial lessons for one week free. Visitors welcome. BOOK-KEEPING SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING COMMERCIAL LAW COthgqlfgalAL CORRESPOND- PLAIN BUSINESS WRITING ORNAMENTAL WRITING 4.~â€"-You can always depend on getting full measure, correct weight; and ent're samsfaction. TRY US. Corner Yonge and Alexander Sg’s. and be THOROUGHLY â€ducated far bus- iness life All graduates of this school are absolutely sure at getting positions. The demand is can iderably greater than the supply Now is an excellent time to enter. Write for catalogue Mount Forest Business College. W _q ELLIOTT, Principal â€EOROHTO, CU . to each schoolboy or girl purchasing a pair of boots. LEADS 1N