Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Oct 1907, p. 1

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THE Dominion Parliament will open at Ottawa. on the 28th of November. RICHARDSOS. the alleged Owen Sound bigamist was captured at Lon- don, Ont. AX Italian employee in the Cement. Mill at Atwood was instantly killed on Saturday last]. An inquest Will be THE bachelors and benedicts had an informal dance in the towx) hall on Tuesday night, when music was fur- nished by the. London Hampers. \VE stated last week that M t‘. Harry Burnett had purchased Mrs. Peel’s residence. Since then ha bought; out the shoe business and WIN cater to the wants of all who wear boats. TORUVTU users of the Bell Telephone me kicking now at, the poor service "ix en them. at the (,entx (11 thL 1- T ht \' ought to < mue to Din-:11 un \\ ht‘l‘e their joy.» would be full. \VITH hay at 320.0(7) a t(’)n,..l)1xttvx° at 259 a pmmd and eggs at 22c :1 dnzon in the mumh nf October there shuuld be little cumplaint of law prices mnnngst the farmers who have the gumls for \VE cungrzztulatv Mr. John A. “11‘- lin‘t. nt this town whn was married'on Tuwdny last, to Miss Lillian Smith. at; her home near the town of 811100?” No particulars are to hand other than‘! the mere :mnnuncement. ‘ \â€"â€"â€"â€"--.â€".â€"â€"- -. - l sale. MR. .11’111.\' CLARK, 21.11141111113141- f111° the (‘111111ty1’1f(%111_\,' 11:1511111-1111911 {11 leave the thing: of all sale (Ian's to this‘ officv. '1'11is 111134 11111; interfexe with >111e1il'1s 11411131 111111131111 11~e11111~11~1111t “â€"__-_~‘_ 1111f011- 111: 111111;: a1~1ang11u1onts “e 11m~t I 111\1L1131~l_\’ '111- 111118111Led. 111- 111111111 1~ . I11 :11'11111 14111111111111) 11f1111t1-s. It"; 'l‘mc annual harvest home of the1 Varney Methodist church on Honda)" tight last. was a great success both socially and financially. A fowl supper was served in the ()range Hall untii about 8 o'rlm-k when they all proceed~ ed to the church Where a good pro- gram was provided and enjoyed by al1 present. It, consisted of solos by Dr. Brown, of Holstein, Ada Limin and Bertha Sparling of Durham. A due; by Miss Sirrs and Miss Mabel Meade and a quartette by Messrs. McCrae and Davidson and Misses E. and G. Barclay. There were also several well rendered recitations. An appropriate address was 0'iven by Mr. McLaughlan of Hanover which ‘went right to the hearts of many of the. people. Mr. Rogers took the chair. Order very good with exception of a couple of slight disturbances. A vote of thanks was moved to all who took part. \Vr: indeed regret to learn that 311'. 5 . Alexander Me. Donald has another l : sor1'1m'ml1led to his many late ones. I Inside of three years, five deaths have l‘ occurred in his family, two brothers, l Norman and Neil in the States. then his wife in this town. and a beloved daughter only a few weeks ago. One 11. ould think his cup of sorrow was full and flow 111g over and indeed it seemed to he so. On Monday last he 1eceix ed a letter from his sister-in-law at Se- attle. \Vashington, announcing thel unexpected death of his brother Archie who was reported to have died of apo- plexy aft er a very brief illness on the 6th of October. The deceased was born in 1860 in the township of Glen- elg. He lea1ned framing with George Simpson then of Priceville but now of British Columbia. He then went to Manistique. Mich.. where he was en- gaged for some years as millwright for the W estern and Chicago Lumber 00- His next move was to San F1ancisco w here he spent a couple of years till the city was destroyed by the great Earthquake and the fire which follow- ed. With his wife and family he left for Seattle where be secured a position as Superintendent of Bridges for the Everett and Monte Christa Railway a position he held at the time of his death. Though it is twenty three years since he was home the sad news is a severe blow to his brother here who is already in deep sorrow over his several trials. He was a. regular cor- respondent with “Sandy,” and in a Proceeds amounted to about $43.00. Pa ckvd house. respondent with “Sandy,” and in a. recent letter expressed himself as never feeling better. He leaves a widow and one son ”twenty years of age. » ' e w: VOL. NEWS AROUND TOWN Hair, Nail ‘and Tooth Brushes; go to Darling’s Drug Store. MISS CLARA ALJOE has been re- -en- gaged 1n Allan’s School at a salary of FOR Quality and Quantity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of “Bobs” ‘ Stag” and “Currency” Chewing T0- ()UR paper this week is largely de- voted to a. report of the Teachers’ Con- vention, and some of the essays that were read by the teachers. THANKSGIVING Day comes this year on Thursday the $13!; of October. “’6 presume that all business places will be closed on that day, Thursday of next week. A REPORT from Toronto says, “Dur- ing the past week over 500 men, chiefly tradesmen and merchants, have ap- plied for situations on the construction work of the railway." 'l7l-uclmllseholt'l goods of Mrs. Peel will be sold by auction on Saturday next. cmnmencingat onco‘clock. The data has been changed from Thursdl as announced last, week. REY. ALEXANDER Gummy, of the College Street; Presbyterian Church, T(,n°oiit..0, is seriously ill. He was re- moved to the Gexwr..l Hospital on )IOIldz-ty to undergo an Operation. Holws are entertained regarding his recovery. Th9 Reva-end gentleman spent his boyhood days in this county. \VE regret. tn rrport the death of Mrs Alex. Alexander which took place on Sana-(lay night last, after a prulongml illnvss from lung trouble. Deceased was twcntgisix years of age, butat time of writing we have not: been furnished with partimnlars. She leaves a sorrowlng husband and two small Children. ().\‘ Mmzday aft-ernuou last, Mrs. Hunter left, hme for Brandon. M3111- tnML in company. with her dimghter, Mrs. J. E. Smidx. with whom she in- tends to renmin fur some time. Mrs. Hun {or has sum the greater parting of ln-r prvpm'ty ht‘I'P. but we do not knmv \x'hvtlwr she intends to remain long in the- “RM. where her greatvr inter-Pstvs nmv are. Prior to hearing she was entertained by the Orange men of Varn .-y to which society Mr. Huntlur was an hon fired member for many years. “’9 wish Mrs. Hunter everysum-(39mm?! trust she may yet he longspm'wd to enjoy the society and friendship nf thase who are now nearest and dvarost to her. THE death of Samh Elizabeth Kear- ney which occurred on Monday\even-, inglnings deep sorrow again to the, home of her mother. Mrs. Alex Beggs' and family of this town. For the past i three or four weeks the young girl not ‘ yet sixteen years of age, was suffering from typhoid an‘l her case was cogn-1 sidered serious from the first. Sorrow \ after sorrow. coming in rapid sur‘ees-Q sion leaves the poor mother almost‘ heart broken. Some years ago she lost her first husband from pneumonia. Five or six years ago she united in marriage with the late Mr. Alex :Beggs, who also died of pneumonia. About two years ago she lost a prom- ising son, from a similar trouble, and now again she is forced to part with her daughter who was just developing into womanhood, when she would be a comfort and companion to her mother. Words fail to express the sympathy for Mrs. Beggs and family in their sore bereavement. A PRETTY wedding took place at the residence Of Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, Sanlac 00., Mich.. on Oct. 2nd, when- tbeir daughter Cassie was united in marriage to Mr. John Park, of Detroit, son of Mr. Archie Park, of Sandusky, Mich.. formerly of Allan Park, in the presence of about thirty guests, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. Mr. Field‘s, Baptist clergyman; The bride was prettily attired in cream cashmexe. and was assist by Miss ’Clara Lynch, who .alsoifst‘ore cream. Mr. W. Mitchell, brother of the bride, was best man, the wedding march be- ing played by Miss Enlsie .Bowes. The groom’s gift to the bride was a. handsome gold watch and to the bridesmaid a. gold locket and. chain. Af t. er the cerr mony a. sumptuous wed- ding dinner was served. The young' couple left amid showers of rice for their new home in Detroit. The many very costly gifts that the young couple received show the esteem in which. they are held. â€"Com. ‘ lay THE Big Stare has an ad. on the last: yuiqe that means the saving of dollars. . Read it. GIANT TRIPLETS “Currency” “Bobs” and “Stag" Chewing Tobaccos in big i plugs. Quality always the same. SPECIAL prices in Whips, Horse Blankets and Fur Coats.â€"-â€"J. N. Mur- (100k. MR. \V. BLACK sold his first prize horse fm- $300 and he also disposed of the Chas. McKinnon farm to James Paton of Pmmn. THE new church in Egremont is 119 11 ing completion and will be open- ed for public worship some time in Now-111mm . . THE Eckhzu'dt family of Bel] Ringers have been engaged under the 'auspices of the Baptist. church to give one of theirt famous (entertainments on Tues- day evuxingNm.19th. Tn x: Independent Order of Foresters will give a free entertainment on the evening of OetoberZflth when Supreme Organizer, George Mitchell, of Toron- to, and :L Scotch entertainer will be present in the town hall, Durham, to furnish the program. Everybody in- vited. Dr. Hutton, Chairman. .l.\' an article in the Thronto \Vorld in which our inadequz-Lte and inefficient railway survicv is getting :L few hard knucks, it seems tn give the article :1. local Significamée when it Says “The \VOI’Si-sllpplied (:(mntics to-day in the Province of Ontario are puibnhly the \Vellingtlm-Gray-Brave group, served by the Gram: Trunk Railway." VVh ”'1 the matter \\ ith the electric lights? Forsnmc time they were he- CARETAKER \VANTED.â€"-See ad. having themselves pretty well. but, of late they are hum-fully (lim. The Fleshm'tmi (‘UI‘I‘PSIHJDUUHL didn’t, know what, weha-d to show when he said the tallmv candle lmd been discarded for something better. \Ve understand the scarcity of water is the cause of the trouble. FUR the past nine years Mr. James Brown has been an invalid, and about, a week ago he was taken with pneu- immin, from which he is very low at; time of going Ln press. \Ve hope. to see him i'ecm'er. but; :1, man at eighty- twn years has wry little chance to overcome such an attack. His son Joseph is ill also, having been confined to his bed for a couple of days. There is nothing serious in hiscase, however, and a little rest and sleep will set; him all right. Mn. Tues. SWALLUW has all the finishing touches on his new house. and judging from the appearance of the portly alderman himself one would imagine from the lime and grime he carried round with him when he was cleaning up the yard, that hes too had some very artistic finishing touches on himself. The house has a very re- spectable . appearance, and as Mr. Swallow has nothing he won’t sell, un- less it be the members of his own fam- ily we imagine it can be purchased. THE Firth- Concert 00. under the auspices of the Band gave an enter- tainment here on Saturday last to a pleased audience. The singing was excellent and the recitals good in every case. The play with which the per- formance was opened was effectively rendered, but the love scenes were a little on the soft side especially for those who have forgotten the art of love making." On the whole it was a good clean show, and everything was done decently and in order. Though 'the third entertainment of tlfe week, gthe‘ hall was well filled, the receipts i amounting to $65.00, As we write, a couple of tough 100k 1 Extra. Laige Assortment of ing SPeCimens are driving about the Solid Gold Rings. Spectacles and streets, advei‘ tising the product of the Eye Glasses to suit all sights. liquor traffic. However kindly dis- See our Large Assortment of posed 8’ per son may feel towards those China Dinner Sets, China. Tea engagedalin a. legafiized business, .dhe Sets, and Toilet Sets. can ar y square imself to the i av that any business turning out sucha Big St’OCk if Odd Piece China. just finlshed p1 oduct IS a business that can i arrived he of benefit to any community. We ' have no quai rel with hotel-keepers,' l but our faculties would be blunt indeed ware, if we couldn’t see how they abuse their' See our 150 China Window Saturday licensed privileges. It’s not the busi-.; ness itself, but the way it is abused: that biings 1t into such disrepu1e5:R B. Keeler sons we said time and again, the liquor: men themselves are largely to blame Two Mammoth Stores for the way the business 18 disliked. DURHAM . AND , WELLAND' ‘Ve have everything that is New and Up-to- -date in High-class Silver- It! nunHAu; ONT., THURSDAY. OCTOBER 24, 1907. all the Great Newspaper Offer ('24 pages per issue) one of the best! weekly papers in the Dominion $1.00 a year. and The Durham Chronicle ‘ A lixe 10ml weekly, printed all at hnmu. and extensively circulated in South Grey. $1.00 a ye ear. Nexv subscribers will get the balance of this year FREE. Present subscribers to either Mail or Chronicle will have his time extended one year, and {re- ceive the other up to J unuary lst, 1909 on receipt of $1.25 Cash in Advance. Readers of the Chronicle who are an already paid 111 zldwmce up to Jan- 1905) m: by receivv the \Vuekly Mail for one yenr‘pn “Hiking it“ tulkllhluucux payment of La'ic. This offerdoesjnot; include premiums, and all payments mustfigbe in advance covering the year 1608. Either paper alone will cost one dollar. No reduc- tions will he made unly to regular paid-m-advance subscribers to the (lln'imicle. Address all communications to THE CHRONICLE. RITCIHEâ€"â€"On \Vedncmlny, Oct... 16, to Mr. and Mrs. David Ritchie, a 8011. MARRIED. D ’xRLI\(§â€"â€"S\IITIIâ€"- At 11:1irview 1 arm 111-:11'Si111coo (m l‘uead 1V Oct}. 22nd, Mr. John A. Dmling of Durhz-un, to Miss Lillian Smith. DIED. MCDONALD-411 Seattle. \Vnshingwn, on Simday Oct. 6th. 1907, Archie MCDOnaId aged 47 years. .ALEXAXI)ERâ€"â€"In Bentinck, on Satur- day Oct. 19th, 1907, Ella. \Vm'nock, belm'ed wife of Alex Alexander, aged 25 years 9 mos. 18 days. KEARNEYâ€"1n Durhzun, on Monday, Oct. let, Sarah Elizabeth Kearney, beloved daughter of Mrs. Alex. Beggs, aged 15 years, 3 11103., 29 dys. The Toronto Weekly Mail for the small sum of rion making an additional $1.25 A Year Both Papers \Ve offer BORN Durhmn. T was away last spring we made preparation for winter. \Ve searched the markets high and low and bought our stock of winter goods at the very lowest cash price that money could buy. \Ve have assembled the largest and best assorted stock that we have ever had in our store. V'Ve have everything you need to clothe you for protection from the cold wet weather. If you buy one of our NEW Progress Brand Overcoats, you can assure yourself that you are wearing a. strictly up-to-date and perfect fitting garment. “u“ Irv--vv ........ We have them in manv differ- ent styles and prices, including black and grey heave - and Mil- ton cloths, heavy and medium weight tweed mixtures in the very Newest. Patterns. \V c. l1:1ve:11l sizes 1‘-__zoni "9 to 14 they are made from Heavy (hey Frieze :md Bluv loop cloths made with high storm ( 011m and lined \\ ith hem y Italian Clot-11 and Corduroy linings $2.23 to 3.3.111). ()111- Millinmy 1111p111 tment is h11111111in<r with of 11111111111111: 5211111, extra busy turningr 11111 0111111115 ere-Ltinns in Ladies’ head go 111'. if you inspect our stock at the Iowa; price. Men and Boy’s Reefers. Fall and Winter Goods OVERCUATS. §§()1(* Cash and one price :cnt for megress Brand Clothing. you will find Men Women and Children's Underwear. This chilly weather makes you think of your winter underwear. We have an extra large assort- ment of underwear to select from mostly With the Penman trade mark on them whivh speaks for itself. See the Special Lim- 0f Ladies" \ ests we :ue slum my: at" .30. we have the best Quality $1.00 PER YEAR. business. Ourstafl' in the very newest .3 . ffi“fi

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