Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 May 1907, p. 7

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FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lunb ton Street, Lower Town, Durham Ofice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock OFFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. Garafraxa. and George Streetsâ€"at foot of hill. Oflice hoursâ€"941 a. 111.. 2-4 p. 111., 7-9 p. m. Telephone No. 10. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 0F- fice in the New Hunter Block. Ofice hours. 8 to 10 a. m., to 4p. m. and 7 to9 p. In. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- posite Preshvterian Church. m! WEI" “HUMBLE bad: subsequcn' Till Cnlwucu till he an: to mm “from of wage, f0: Snoopc. . . . . . m.paygk4ca'zadvanco-$fi.5o mm b” u u so paid. 1.3.0 datetownich a-Vorrx W~b id 3 (1:10:11 by :5: numbr.’ on m: h w o pan-er vb ~c Miami: mm! «3: aux-2m. -flWal the v.-H\,.- u! .r; man-ricm: an" taut-emu loam-o a...” m m M“. Intr- THE JOB: : ”533de Contract rat‘s 10 -‘ 4'" " Qpficaxim to the 06- ‘ VUOIIPICLCA .I-Il‘oawv I: I DEPARTnENT ‘5 NM mpg m “to Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic Koo. Inga. and to Golden Sq. Throat and Non Hon. Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Rose '7' a An advert-‘5‘ il'. 6‘, lncllwllfc Instruct. {L fluff: . 'f' mkfihould be 5'011'“; m .:,; m". man .33..- d IXCLUBMLY Will be at the mung]: Home 3111 Wodneodsy of each Ionth. from 11“ 4 p. n. ONOR GRADUATE, UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Roynl College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its Branches. Ofioerâ€"Calder Block, over Poet Ofioe ‘1 York and Chicago. Dismal of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Will be at Kna p House. Durham. the 2nd Sunrdsy in month. Hours-14 pan. Dr. w. 0. Pickering Dentist. OFFICE: Over J. J. Huntar’o. ABRISTEB, somorron, ETC. Ofice over Gordon’s new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, CON- veyancers, Etc. Money to Loan. Oficesrâ€"ln the McIntyre Block, over Standard Bank. A. G. MACKAY. K. C. W. F. DUNN. OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- er, Conveyancer, c. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer .of Mar- nage Licensee. A general financral busi- ness transacted. DURHAM. ONT. (Lower Town.) d tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales prougpfly attended to. Orders we .be left at but Implement Warerooms, M on’s old stand. or at the Chronicle Ofiee. Drs. lamieson flaclaurin. ILL ACCEPT PUPILS IN Voice culture and siumng. Studio 'An Voice culture and singmg, Studio “Mr. Latimcr’s Uppertown. Feb tf. l. G. Hutton, M. D., C. I. M. Glaser DURHAM, -â€" - ONTARIO Dealer in Metal, Rags, Rubber, Copper, Brass, Horsehair, Sheepskins and Junk of all kinds for which best prices will be paid. Save your stuff till I call, or give me‘ me notice when you have a quantity finding utilities fer {tuning out Fire. 1;» Nov. 9, ’03. J. F. GRANT, D. D. 8..L.D. 8. L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG. RADULATE of London, va 'OBN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- May 2, 1907 Enrron AND Pnorm'ron. '. 19.- Medical Directorv. Arthur Gun, II. D. Dental Directory. MacKay Dunn. Geo. H. K. Midfonl DR. BROWN Legal Directow. A. H. Jackson. Miscellaneous. .I. P. Telford. DB- BURT. ls completely 3:033:36 .I c-rv 0| ‘ ”tun. 0-. IF.“ : .ayb .7! Q GLASER o: . s ""3:- .I‘. 38“. gun wf' I All persons. they say. who have a : weakened digestive system and safer 3f girom sick headache, dizzy spells. dis- ' 'trese after eating, specks before the eyes, bloating nervousness, sleepless- ness andthe many other symptoms of indigestion, soon lower the tone of the whole system and are most susceptible to a fatal illness. It 18 not the acute attacks that in fluence the insurance examiners alone but the constant feelings of weakness, headaches. indigestion and stomach troublesâ€"these things. physicians say, kill more people than many more serious diseases. We absolutely agree that your money will be refunded should you buy a 50 cent box of Mi-o-na Stomach tablets and not be' satisfied with the results. Mi-o-na is sold by druggists everywhere, or will be sent by mail on receipt ot price. 50 cents. Boath’s Miona Company, Bufialo, N. Y. For curative power in all stomach troubles, nothing else is as safe yet efiecfive, nothing else can be thor- oughly relied upon to relieve all tron. bias from indigestion as Mi-o-na, It is unlike any remedy heretofore known. and is really one of the valu- able discoveries in modern medical 801600} . Medical examiners of inenrnnpe companies any the: the reason 3 women ”ye more for the privilege of inenrnnee then 3 men. is from the {not the: women more rendily fell victims to indigestion end etomech troubles end the foul eilmente thnt spring from these causes. “ Yes.” remarked a country mer chant, " I certainly have a snap. The wholesale houses send duns every month and draw on me at. sight, but if I send a bill toa farmer he becomes swearing mad and quits trading at my store While I am hard up for money, many of those who are owing me are sending cash in advance to mail order houses. If I contribute money to any cause people say I am bidding for trade. If I don’t they say I am a hog. Every day I am ex- pected to dig up for everything that comes along. from a raffle ticket to a church fund, by people who claim I ought to do this because they do partl of their trading here, but our friends1 Robert Simpson and '1‘. Eaton. neith or buy tickets or help the church ;fund,,aml yet get the cash in advance business; and if I were to circulate isubscription paper among the whole- :sale houses where we trade. I would ' get the laugh proper. If Isell a pair Lef pants I must treat the family to candy and cigars; if I bu}, a load of potatoes I must do the same. Cus- tomers. who are able to pay. hang on to their monev while I pay 8 per cent. at the bank to get ready cash. I have a big business during hard times and poor crops from people who are willing to trade with me, providing I can duplicate catalogue house prices and wait until harvest for money. My scales weigh too much. when I sell sugar, and too little. when I buy butter. I am a thief, a liar and a grafter. IfI smile I am a soft soapy hypocrite. and if I don’t I am a grump. Yes, certainly this is a snap ” And he lookod over $10 000 worth of accounts, all good, and wonders how he could raise $350 to nay a sight draft due tomorrow. WOMEN PAY MORE. Nervous Prostration 1'! IS WORRY THAT KILLS, NOT WORK Work without worry usually tends to prolong life. On the other hand, worry, with or without work, is fatal, because it uses up what the Doctors call the “ Lecithin,” a phosphorized fat which is the chief constituent of the brain and nervous systemâ€"a waste which, if not For the prevention or treatment 0f nervous floatation EERROL I! ll!”- [ugly unequalledâ€"4t us safe, 5“.“ and “ You Know what you take ” For Sale in Durham by ‘ stayed in time, means complete ner- vous wreck. The evident moral is “ don’t worry ”â€"advice easy to give, and in these days of stress and strain practically impossible to take. The alternative is: find some way of re- placing the wasted Lecithinâ€"the phosphorized fat. This absolutely essential element will be found in its most perfect, palatable and aSSimi- lable form in FERROL an emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Phosphorus (phosphorized fat) together with Iron, the recognized blood builder â€" 'ng FERN]. the ideal nutrient it; THE COUNTRY MERCHANT. Two Ion Killed and Another Serior sly Injnrod. A fatal accident. occurred Saturdw morning at Conn. bv which two men were killed. while A third lies in a critical condition. About nine o’clock in the morning the boiler at Bishop’s chopping and saw-mill «uploded, entirely wrecking the building and almost instantly killing Norman Gilstorf, an employfie aged 21 years. son of Mr. Fred Gile- torf, a councilman of Arthur town ship, and P. Cannon, a prOSperous Wesc Luther farmer. about 45 years of age. who had just arrived with a load to the mill. and injuring the owner, Mr. Bishop, so seriously that his life was for a time despaired of. but we are glad to know that he is now recovering. The cause of the accident his sup- posed to have been a defective boiler. The shock was so great as to be felt in the other buildings of the village. Gilstorf was unmarried, but Cau- non leaves a widow and seven: children to mourn his untimely end. An unfortunate part of the acci- dent was the absence of the local practitioner, Dr. A‘. R. Perry, who had been called away shortly before the accident. and a telephone mes- sage hat. to be neat to Mount ForeSt for Dre. Jones Jones, who left im medietely, but the roads were so haul that considerable time elapsed before the doctors arrived on the scene. Mr. Cannon was one of the best known farmers in the locality. His farm of 200 news was a. model one. His death will be a. loss to the com- munity. The heartfelt sympathy of the whole district is extended to the rel atives of the unfortunate victim of this disaster. as was shown by the large crowds which attended the funerals on Monday. many attending from Mount Forest. Mr. Cannon was interred in the R C. Cemetery. Proton, and Mr. Gilstorf who was an Orange Young Briton and Indepen dent Forester, was given an impos- ing funeral by those Orders. On Tuesday Dr. Perry. coroner, held an inquest, which adjourned in the evening for ten days. The most important witness was Mr. Fowler. Boiler Inspector, of Toronto, who was sent out bv Attorney General’s department in 'compliance with the request of County Crown Attorney Patterson. of Guelph. Mr. Fowler in his evidence attributed the cause of the eXplosion to the steam pressure being too high for the boiler which was an old iron one, and was not due to low water or burning of boiler.â€" Mount Forest Rep BCIATICA CURED AFTET TWENo TY YEARS OF TORTURE. ,For more than twenty years Mr. .I. B. Massey. of 3322 Clinton St., Min- neapolis. Minn, was tortured by sciatica. The pain and suflering which he endured during this time is beyond comprehension. Nothing gave him any permanent relief until he used Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. One application of that liniment re- lieved the pain and made sleep and root possible, and less than one bottle â€"vâ€"-râ€"___v-‘ has efiected a permanent cure. If troubled with sciatica. or rheumatism why not try a. 22 cent bottle of Pain Balm and see for yourself how quick- ly it. releevee the pain. For sale at Perker’e Drug Store After you have won the lady, Cinched the damsel that you choose And the whole afiair is settled, It seems easy to propose. I But before you reached a climax And she kindly named the day, Then the labor seemed much harder Than‘a job of pitching hay. E Had you known she was so willing When at last the coast is clear, E You the subject might have mentioned Without waiting for a year, But you wouldn’t now acknowledge, With the invitations out And the wedding garments ordered, That you ever had a doubt. How it strains you to remember E Of the days that used to be, .When you thought your name was E Dennis. With a large and ornate D. Now you walk around as chesty As a chap in ancient Rome, Just as though it had been settled Since the night you took her home, BOILER EXPLOSION A'l‘ CONN. NOT IF AS RICH A8 ROCKE- KELLER. If you had all the wealth of Rocke- feller, the Standard Oil Maguate, you could not buy a better medicine for bowel complaints than Chamberlain’s COhC. Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme- dy. The most eminent physician can not prescribe a better preparation for colic and diarrhoea, both for children and adults The uniform success of this remedy has shown it to be an- perior to all ofhere. It never fails), and when reduced with wster and sweetened. is plesssnt to take. Every funily should be supplied with it. Sold at Psrker’s Drug Store. BEFORE AND AFTER. THE DURHAM UllltUN lCLE WILL KISSING _ BE PROHIBITED The Osculntory Process Denounced by Scientists as Extremely Dangerousâ€"How the Den- :er Can be Removed. A keen discussion is being carried on b some of the best scientists as to the anger and “crime” of kissing, led by Dr. Somers, Health Oficer of At- lantic City, and Dr. Nalpasse, of the Medical Faculty of Paris. They charge the kiss with spreading grippe, scarlet fever, measles, mumps, whooping cough, typhoid fever, diphtheria, ery- sipelas, meningitis, tuberculosis, and many infectious skin diseases. They suggest legislation on the subject, and the posting of notices in railway sta- tions, street cars and other public laces, but they say it would be use- ess to post them on verandahs, in cosy cOrners, porches, shady, nooks, or moonlit lawns. They also propose compulsory legislation for methods of disinfection of the mouth and purify- ing the breath, especially with a view to the protection of the innocent babies who are particularly subject to infec- tion. The greatest and most effective purifier and germ destroyer known to medical science for the mouth, throat and breath, as well as for the blood, stomach and lungs, is Psychine, that triumph of the medical world that is attracting almost universal attention rbecause of the wonderful results at itending its use. One of its recent tria {umphs is told as a matter of experia gence in the following brief statement: E Dr. Slocum Co. I am sending you photo and testimonial here- with for your great remedy PSYCHINE. Your remedies did wonders for me. I was about 28 or 80 years of age when I took PSYCHIN E. The doctors had given me up as an incurable consump- tive. M lungs and every organ of the body were terribly iseased and wasted. Friends and nei h- bors thought I’d never get better. But PSYCHI 3 saved me. My lungs have never bothered me since. and Psychine 1s a permanent cure. MRS. LIZZIE GARSIDE, 519 Bathurst 8t., London, Ont. Psychine, pronounced Si-keen, is ad- mitted to be the most wonderful of all disease and germ-destroying agencies. For building up the run-down system and curing all forms of stomach troubles and diseases of the chest, throat and lungs or head, it is simply unapproachable. It is a reliable home treatment. For sale at all druggists, 50c and $1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 179 King Street West, To- BRUCE COUNTY RURAL ’PHO NES Farmers Offered These for $12 Per Annum by Company N ow Mak- ing Canvas. Walkerton, April 27.-â€"â€"A company, known as the Bruce Telephone Com- pany, has been formed, and agents of the company are now going from place to place throughout the county, making contracts with the munici- palities for the right to erect poles. This company is eatablishing “ rural telephones,” that is to say. they ex- pect to get the bulk of their business by giving phone connection between farm house and farm house. and again between the farm houses and the towns and villages. Already the company has made an agreement with both the village of Teeswater and the Township of Culross. and in all prob ability will soon be negotiating with Walkerton, Brent. and other munici- palities in this vicinity. Farmers. especially are taking a keen interest in this rural terephone proposition, as it promises rural phones for $12 ,per aunum, The agreement made ‘with 'l‘eeswater provides that the franchise is to expire at the end of 20 years, that subscribers are not to be charged more than $12 a year, and that the company shall pay the vil- lage the sum of $48 per year for the \use of the streets The Big4 He Sells Cheap 2_Yards long, 29 inches wide, 29c. pair 3; u u 50 n u $1.“) u 3% u u 54 u u $1.40 u Table Linen 5} inches wide, _2§c a. yard Bleached Table Linen 54 inches wide 35c. a yard. 6 Ladies black sateen under-skirts at $1. 00 each. Ladies’ White. lawn underskirts at See our ladies’ fancy collars at 250. each. See our new Prints and Dress Ginghams. FLAN'NELE'I'IEBLANKETSâ€"Iarqe 114 size in white and gray, $1.20 pr. FLOOR OILCLOTHâ€"l yd., 1% yds. 2 yds. wide, %c. a. square yard. SMYRNA BUGSâ€"30x60 inches $3.00 each. TEAâ€"Salada Ceylon” Tea, black and mixed at 25c., 30c., and 400. a. 11‘). Pure Canadian Honey in 250. ‘6 75c. 6‘ ‘6 l6 . [1. BEAN 66 LACE CURTAINS. 66 6‘ CALDER BLOCK (Toronto Star.) U 6‘ 6‘ 66 H 6‘ 6‘ ‘6 The undersigned 1 1 we to intimate to farmers and all useu of Harness that 11:9 18 opening out business for himself in Clark’s old stand. New work and all kinds of Barnes rfibairing attend-e11 to with promptness, neatness and despatch. - . Manufacturer of Fur Mits Repairer Binder Canvas, Buggy Cushions and Tops ' A TRIAL ORDER SOLICITED C. P. Kinnee FLOWS A ND HA RROWCO Farm . . . Machinery FARMERS! Barclay 8: Bell l.â€"-Prices will please you. 2.â€"Groceries will suit you. 3.â€"Promptness of delivery will surprise you. .IS'HUM Groceries MATTHEWS 5’ LATIMER MATTHEWS LATIMER Opp. Middaugh House Stables. GIVE US A CALL And every other kind §0f machinery that is wanted on the farm. Spring will soon be here, and you will be thinking of tickling the earth with a plow. We carry the best in New HarnesS Shop Oglivie’s Flour Always in Stock FOUR REASONS mee = --- Proprietor BETTER KNOWN AS JACK Why you should buy your m Toronto Daily Mail {or . . To cash in advance subscribers w. give the Chronicle and “ “‘ Globe. ...... Family Herald and Weekly Star Montreal Witness ............ Farmers Advocate ........ . . . . 2.36 Weekly Sun .................. 1.75 and other papers at equally low raea All Persons are warned not to trespass on the fa lowing lots with dogs. guns or other- wise. for the urpose of hunting or prosec- utions will fo ow :â€" Abraham Crutchley, No.62. 3rd Con. E. G. R.; No. 3, 4th Con. S D R. Wm. Wall. No. 3. 4th Con. S D R. __ 13108. McGirr. No. 61 and 62. 2nd (Jon. E John Bell. No. 6?. 3d Con. E G R: .No.8 and 4. lat Con N D R Chris Firth No 5 let Con N D R Wm Young No 3Con 1. S D R; No 6. Con 1. N D R 4.â€"You can always depend on getting full measure, correct weight and entire satisfaction. TRY US. ‘( t‘ 6‘ NOTICE TO TRESPASSEBS. CLUBBING RATES. “ ' Globe for. . “ World for. “ News for. . “ Star for . . . Weekly Mail. . . . V «.15 ‘.,{,." \ t':-’~n-‘N % fig» '. ‘ ' h\ , ‘ U . , . ’ I I WEAK? A

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