Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Apr 1907, p. 5

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“Prevemics” will promptly check a cold or the Grippe when taken early or at the “sneeze stage.” Preventics cure seated colds as well. Pre- ventics are little candy cold cure tablets, and Dr. Shoop. Racine. Wis., will gladly send you samples and a book on Colds free, if you will Write him. The samples prove their merit. Check early Colds with Preventics and step Pneumonia. Sold in 5 and 250 boxes by MacFarlane Co. For Easter could not be better than at the present time We are also showing a. large stock of. Diamonds. Our»; Diamond trade has got to be a by-word throughout the country and our Engagement and Wedding trade has com- pletely doubled that. 01" last year. Why ‘9 Simply because twe buy quality. - WATCHMAKER JE’WELLER Notice is hereby given that a dividend of one and one half per cent. (1% per cent.) for the current quarter, being at the rate of six per cent. (6 per cent.) per annum on the capital stock of this bank, has been declared, and that the same Will be payable at the Head Office and at the branches on and after Thursday, the 16th of May next. The transfer books will be closed from the 1st to the 15th May, both days inclusive. 5 .. Toronto, 30th March, 1907. Gene J. C. TELFORD, DURHAM We keep everything that is manufactured in the Tinware line such as Bread Mixers, Flour Sifters, Patty Pans, Jelly Tins, Cake Tins, Graters, Steamers, Tea Pot Stands, and other articles too numerous to mention. If you intend painting, re- member there is no paint manufactured to equal the Sherwin-Williams. We also keep cheaper paints. We have all kinds of wire for iencma and our Wire Fence is the best in exis- tence. Wire plyers in abundance. W. BLACK. Have you clipped your horses yet? if not, buy a pair of our Horse Clippers at once, ranging in p1 me from 500 up. Our store was always known as the establish- ment that could supply you with everythmg you re- quire from a needle to an anchor, and we are deter- mined to keep up our rep- utation. We never do things by halves. On Friday last car No. 49530 arrived at Durham station loaded with assorted hard ware for W. BLACK. We bought these goods at the old prices. and can supply you any day and every day with bargains. HARBWAHE The Sovereign Bank of Canada April 25, x907 Percy G. A. Webster “DIAMOND HALL.” By Order of the Board, flur Display New music received each week. Songs, ,waltzes M. Glaser DURHAM, - - ONTARIO Dealer in Metal, Rags, Rubber, Copper, Brass, Horsehair, Sheepskins and J unk of all kinds for which best prices will be paid. Save your stuff till I call, or give me me notice when you have a quantity Mar. 19.-â€"-3m. FOR SALEâ€"A good young driver Apply to H. Burnett.-â€"-tf. music. JUST arrivedâ€"a shipment of the McLaughlan’s Buggy Auto Seats. See them at J. N. Murdock’s. WANTED.â€"â€"G00d general blacksmith must be a good horseshoer. Address box 24 Hilman, Michigan. MW. 6 H. webstcr DURHAM. -â€"- â€"â€" ONTARIO Teaâ€"300 for 25c. Pearl Crescents and Rings N eckwear Mufflers Gloves â€"-Cap 8 for Ladies and Gentlemen. -â€"Silk Handkerchiefs 22 to 50 cents. Groceries for Xmas From now until January let the following lines will be run off at right prices :â€" Woollen Blankets from $2.25 to $5. â€"â€"Heavy Tweed. -Sheeting and Flaunelette. -â€"Ladies’ and Men’s Underwear -Ready made Trousers (large stock) Flannelettesâ€"Call and fee my 18c. flannelette for 10¢. XMAS . . SPECIALS D. M. STEWART, ' General Manager. Raisins and Currants, Candies, Peels, Spices, Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, Candies, Figs and Dates. SOLD AT HALF PRICE. 25 gems Per (Zopv 1 have placed in stock a fine line of late S. SCOTT We; and Cwo=5teps 0F M. GLASER OPTICIAN 25c for 20c. ALMOST DEAD OF BRONCHITIS. Few people have sufl’ered more than Jno. P. Taylor of Dyment, P. O. Ont. To-day he is well and writes, -â€""I must tell you how much Ca- tarrhozone has been to me. I was so bad with bronchitis sometimes I thought it would soon be over with me. A spell of choking would come on that left rne prostrated and weak. Since using Catarrhozone I have had no trouble at all. It strengthened my throat, stopped the cough, gave me free breathing and entirely cur- ed.” Just the usual experience. Ca- tarrhozone invariably cures whether Bronchitis, Aethma or Catarrh. Two 81263. 25c and $1.00 at all dealers. From all that can be learned through members of the Legislature now concluding their duties at Queen's Park. work on the farms. so far as preparations for crops is con- cerned, is only just commencing in real ernest, An exception may. however, be noted in favor of the southern por tion of the western peninsula, along the shores of Lake Erie. where Col. Atkinson (North Norfolk) says seed- ingis pretty well under way, and will be concluded by the first of May But that section, he adds, is always acouple of weeks ahead of the To ronto district. North of Orillia and between that town and North Bay, the fern ers have been unable to do anything as yet. The snow is pretty well out of the fields, but all the water expenses in the Lake of Bays district are still frozen over. The general effect is. therefore, one that brings a cold chill to the traveller. and must have some efiect even upon the residents in holding back farm activities. Arnong the evidences of advance- ment. the: have recently taken place in the business world has been the reorganization end extension of the well known proprietary medicine business of Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limit. ed. of Toronto. In other words, each day of the present month has been on an aver age, four degrees colder than a simi- lar number of days in April of all the years since 1849. Comparatively been very little month up to date. Dr. Smellie (Fort William) said that the impression prevailed in the older settled part of Ontario that there were no farms north of Lake Superiou. whereas the fact was that there were hall a dozen townships well filled with cultivated farms. Potatoes. oats and hay were the surest crops, bay. for example, bring- ing $20 a ton all last winter. There would, he added, he no farming for another month, but what would seem to be a late season in Old Ontario was all right in New Ontario. for the rea son that the days in summer were so much longer. Wheat had been known to ripen in one hundred days. Its progress has been so rapid dur- ifik the put few years that it has omgrov‘vn ite capital, consequently The mean temperature for the first eighteen days of the present month was 35. 0. or 3 8 below the average in more than half a century. 001. Clark (Centre Bruce) said that when he was home a couple of weeks ago. the enow was all 03 the ground, and the fall wheat was looking ex- treemely well. There have been recently some cold nights, however, and these may have had injurious efiect. In the eastern part of the Province Mr. G. H. Ferguson (Grenville) says that farmers have in recent years turned their attention almost entire ly to fodder crops. which are not so susceptible to injury as various forms of grain. There has been no snow for two weeks. but it is only now that the ground is being opened up The middle of April last year all the plowing had been done. This is in contrast with the month of March. which was five degrees above the average for thirty-three years. / Allover the Province the condi- tions have been very similar. and as aresult farm Operations have been greatly retarded. (Toronto News.) In fifty-eight yenrs' there has been no April that has developed weather so cold as has characterized the pres- ent month. THE COLDEST APRIL IN FIFTY-EIGHT YEARS. Mr. Wm. Thos. Lsnorgan, provin. cial Constable at Chaplesu. Ontario, says: “ I caught a severe cold while hunting a burglar in the forest swamp last fall. Hearing of Cham- berlain’s Cough Remedy. I tried it. and after using two small bottles, I was completely cured ” This remedy is intended especially for coughs and colds. It will ioosen and relieve a severe cold in less time than by any other treatment and is a favorite wherever its superior excellence has become known. For sale by Parker's Drug Store. CAUGHT COLD WHILE HUNTING A BURGLAB. A PROGRESSIVE CONCERN . Speaking there has snow or rain this THE DURHAM CHRONICLE The Company has authorized us to say that any persons sending their name and address. with this article clipped from this paper, mentioning the name of this paper. and the nature of their trouble, will receive by return mail a large sample bottle of Psychine absolutely free of‘charge. This is an exoellent opportunity to test a valuable medicine and we would advise those sufiering from throat. lung or stomach troubles to avail themselves of this ofler. The Company’s address is: Dr. '1‘ A. Slocum Limited 179, King St. West, Toronto. Scioto. Sdoto means “hairy stream.” In early days the waters or this and other streams often contained deer’s hairs at the season when these ani- mals were shedding and frequently took to the water. \ ' Battle of the Thirty. The battle of the thirty was a duel fought in 1351 near Josselin, in France, by thirty English and thirty French knights to settle a boundary dispute. At first the English were successful. but the French rallied and .flnallrwon the day. ’ Buttons appear to have first come into use in England in the reign of The Yuma Desert. The great Yuma desert was formerly, a salt sea. Seashells and oysters four? teen inches in diameter have frequent- ly been found at from ten inches to. two feet in the sand in various 'partl' of thatdesert. The offices and laboratory of the Company at 179 King St. West, Tn- ronto, are now undergoing recon- struction and enlargement to meet the rapidly growing business. They have erected in front of their prem- ises one of the largest and hand- somest electric signs in Canada. The Arabs of Syria. Among the Arabs of Syria :1 man changes his name after the birth of his first son. He calls himself by his son’s Among the other popular and very valuable preparations put up by Dr. T. A. Slocum. Limited are Slocum’e celebrated Coltsfoote EXpectcrant. Uxomulsion. Dr. Root’s Kidney Pills, and Oxojell. These together with a number of other remedies which they manufacture, make the largest and best line of proprietary medicines in Canada. Petrarch’s Narrow Escape. Petrarch, the famous poet, during middle life lay in a trance at Ferrara for twenty hours and would have been buried in four moreâ€"the time Specified by law In Italyâ€"but a sudden change in temperature caused himxto start up and reprimand his attendants, who had allowed a draft to blow over his bed. Edward I. The first were made or: Babyion. a, Babylon was probably the first cit; to attain a papnlaflon of a mflliom’ Theareaotthecitymzzssqnm Their manufacturing plant is most modern and complete. One of its features is in an automatic bottling machine that will fill 6.000 bottles of Psvchine per day. They have also the finest electric emulsifying plant on the continent, capable of turning out one gross per hour of Cod Liver Oil Emulsion. This is a powerful machine for separating and reducing the globules of the oil into the most minute particles so that it can be readily assimilated by the most deli- cate stomach. The enterprise of the Company is shown in the fact that they are sys- tematically distributing free samples of their remedies in many large cen- tres, between fifty and one hundred thousand bottles being distributed in Toronto alone. name, w “father.” Coins of Gold. Herodotus says that Croesus was the first sovereign to make coins of gold. Wooden Books. Many Chinese books are made 0‘ wood, each page being cut from a block, after the manner of an engrav- ing. the Company has taken out a new charter, with extended powers and enlarged capital. On the Board of Directors and among the Sharehold lers of the Company are some of Tor- lonto’s most prominent anu enterpris- ling citizens. , The Company has built up for itself tan enviable reputation throughout ithe Dominion for integrity of bus- iness methods and excellence of pro- ducts. That gaeat and popular tonic and famous curative remedy. Psy- chine, has stood the test of more than a quarter of ‘a century’s public use and criticism. and is to-day un- questionably the most efiective. most successful and most largely used, of all remedies for the prevention and the cure of Coughs, Colds. Bronchit.‘ is, Catarrh. La Grippe, Pneumonia, Stomach troubles and all incipient! cases of Tuberculosis or Consumption. It has completely proven Dr. Slocum’s theory that while the safest and best consumption cure is by pre. venting and curing the troubles that lead to it, yet consumption in its early stages. and in many cases in its advanced stages, can be cured by preper treatment and the use of Psychine. Thousands of letters on file in the offices of the company prove this These letters are always open to the inspection of all interested. Buttons In England. the prefix of “abu,” or Agents for Ready Roofing, Metal Sheeting and Shingles also the National Portland Cement Eggs taken in exchange for any Goods. Highest Prices Paid. Our stock: of Furniture is continually changing. Now is the time to make your selection if you wish to get first class goods at right priccs. We carry a full line 01 Bedroom Suits, Iron Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Sideboards, Extension Tables, Kitchen Tables, Parlor Tables, Dining Chairs, etc. - All kinds of Picture Framing done on Shortest Notice. Lenahan McIntosh THE NEW HARDWARE AND FURNITURE STORE We are prepared to supply you with anything of this nature whether in Hardware or Furniture. Our stock of Hardware is new and up-to-date in every particular, and ourprioes are right. Buiders would do well to examine our goods and get our prices on what you require. We have a full supply of Our Paint. line is complete in all the latest shades and colors. If you want Muresco, Alabastine, Paint, Var- DiShGS, Whiting, Glue, OHS. Kalsomine Brushes, Paint and Varnish Brushes. Call and see our assortment We also carry a full line of Tinware, Graniteware, Stoves and Ranges. Aluminumware, Nickieware, 21c A few doors south of the Middaugh House. House Cleaning And Decorating Furniture

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