Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Apr 1907, p. 8

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’ YOU’LL SEE THE Most Stylish and Most Artistically Tailored Ready-2-wear Garments Ever‘ ’ Produced You’ll find just what you want in our Grocery Department. Our Groceries are always fresh come See the New Snring Styles For Men, Young Men and Boys A blend of 1, Manitoba and .1. Ontario wheat and is a strictly first; class family flour. People’s Mills Our pure Manitoba flour. made from No. 1 Manitoba wheat cannot, be beat for either bakers~ 01' domestic use. 15 made. from selected winter Wheat and is u. supermr article for makmg pastry. etc. (Dunstamly nu hand the best brands of Elnliml Outs. .- lsn our make of 1%}le ('c‘nwfl. the. best. on the market. Aim Chopped Oats. Mixed Chop. Peat Uhup, Bean Shorts and Feed Flour. Special Reduction on Flour in 5 and 10 Bag Lots. Goods delivered anywhere in town. Chopping Done Every Day All up-tn (lute flour and feed and guwexs keep on flour for sale. If your grace: clues not keep it come to the mill and we will use vou right. Call us up b} telephone \0. S. All kinds of Grain bought at Market Price. {aided to. ALL WORK GUAm'rEnn at “Live ant let live” PRICES. GEORGE WHITHOBB. I have been appointed by the Do- minion Government to place immi grants from the United Kingdom in positions as farm laborers or domes- tic servants in this vicinity. Any person requiring such help should notify me by letter stating fully the kind of help required. when wanted, and what wages ofi'ered. The num. bers arriving may not be suficient to supply all requests. but every efiort will be made to provide each appli- cant with help required. Pumps. I BEG LEAVE TO INFORM MY CU?» '1‘OMERS and the public in general the: I m prepared to furnish NEW PUMPS AND REPAIRS. Wm.) Dame, Rn-Cmmo AND Pnnsacunsmc done with Cement concrete. 6" ALL ORDERS taken at the old stud near McGowan’e Mill will be promptly a John McGowan Farm Help Coming! PAS TRY FLOUR TRY OUR NE‘V CHOPPER. SOVEREIGN ’ nt display of Clothing for men, young men and boys. Every new style, fabric, pattern and coloring is in the collection. Our prices are sure to surprise you. ECLIPSE WE- KEEP '1‘ H E NEIL MCCANNEL. Box 114 Durham, Ont. ROBERT BURNETT The People’s Store A BIT DIFFERENT A MITE SMARTER \ A SHADE NEWER READY £4? WEARS THEDURHAM 08301310158 ‘ , 93.14 V‘ W f.“ u. I xi“ DeALVA CONCERT COMPANY Town Hall One Week COMING MONDAY, APRIL 8, ’07 Auction Sale March 26. â€"â€"tf. THE HOTEL PROPERTY :AT Varney. Good rough 0356 build- ing, Good ‘stabling shed and other conveniences. AbOlh. three-quarters of an acre of ound; The owner is anxious to se and a quick urchaser mil get“ a bargain. . : OF : . Farm Stock and Implements Tuesday, April 9th, 1907 1 mare, eight; years old, heavy, in foal; 1 colt, gelding, two years old, “Merry Mason”; 5 cows, calve’s at feet; 4 cows due to calve; 1 farrow cow; 4 two year old steers; 3 two year old heifers; 5 year old steers: 4 year old heifers; 12 ewes in lamb; 1 ram ; 1 Berkshire sow in pig; 4 pigs‘, .th‘ree xg‘onth 011d; 1 bug- THE FOLLOWING : 1 Horse, six years ol(_i,_ heavy draught; gy, new; 1 binder, Peter Hamilton. new; 1 mower, Deeringz; 1 set; boh- sleighs; 1 wagon; 1 sulky rake; 1 Di- amond hat-row; l sprmg Booth ham-ow; 1 set: double harness; 1 set single ham 'ness; and other articles including a quantity of hay. TERMSâ€"A11 sums of $5.00 and under. cash; over that amount, 10 mouths’ credit will he given on furnishing ap- proved juint- notes. 6% per :mnum discount, allowed for cash in lieu of Everything must he sold as the pro- pnetor is going west. No reserve. DONALD MCMILLAN. JoHH CLARK, Proprietor. Auctionee 1' All persons interested will govern themselves accordingly. THOMAS DA'vxs, Inspector. South Grey. Dated at Durham this first day of April, 1907. LICENSE DISTRICT OF SOUTH GREY. NOTICE is hereby given that: the Board of License Commissioners for the License District of South Grey will meet at License Inspector’s office. Town of Durham, on April 16th, 1907. at 1 o’clock p. m., for the purpose of considering applications for Liquor Licenses for the License year 1907 and The undersigned auctioneer has been authorized to sell by public auction at. Lot; 30, Con. 2. N. D. R. Glenelg, “ Scotchtown,” on Entertainments Given to Advertise the Great East Indian Remedies Sale at one u’clock sharp. CREDIT For Salg. Notice. 1. Wu. CRAWFORD, Varney, Ont Admission First Night Free Gibb Sisters, cleverest Children in the world RICHISON’S DOG CIRCUS \V 523$“ saw; éa'eam *Efié fifiw 5;“?MWfiWWW‘WZIFW 7157152132»- 722$ 75W \ W745? $3, fie ’45“ 3%: Hunter’s “High Quality” 3% Grass and Cleaver Seeds y]? every lot of seed we ofier which is done according to the standard 5“ methods employed by the Department of Agriculture of Ottawa. %% Washington, and by European seed testing stations. To further protect our customers a duplicate sample of each lot is sent to the * seed testing branch at Ottawa for check and comparison. With * such unusual case users of Hunter’s Government Standard Brands in Clovers and Grasses have the strongest assurance of *6 securing the very finest grades of seeds to be had from any known sources for purity and value. In Red and Al " Our “Government Standard” um * Timothy Seeds have given unqualified sa'iafgctlion The most % persistent care isgiven to supply the highest. quality and purity 533% obtainable. High Glassed Co. PRICE TELLS ! QUALITY SELLS ! “Germination Test” THE SAME careful germination tests is given to every variety of garden, field and papered seeds. We know that. Hunter’s seeds grow. DeALVA’S SELECTION We decline to purchase rough and * uncleaned seed and refuse any lots containing such noxious weed seeds that cannot comply * with the Seed Act. * % High Quality is the first and strongest recom- mendation to every buyer and user of any kind of seed; the price is a second consideration when estimating its value and worth. When w comparing both quality and price of any seeds 95‘ we offer they Will be found in the buyers’ best we 3‘12 interests. . s. , HUNTER; Call and Examine our Seeds Cash for all Kinds of Grain A most thorough germination test is made in duplicate of ir Vigor and Purity age

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