Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Apr 1907, p. 7

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HONyoR GRADUATE, UNIVERSI- of Toronto. Graduate Royal Collegey Dental Surgeons of Ontano. Dentistry m 31': its Branches. D Office over Gordon’s new Jewellery Store. Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm prepertv. D veyancers Etc. Monev to, Loan. Oficesrâ€"In the McIntyre Block, over Standard Bank: Lpte Assistant .Roy. London Ophthalmic Hoe. Eng" and to Golden Sq. Throat. and N080 Hoe. Specialist: Eye, Ear; Throat and Nose EXCLUSIVELY Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. OFFICE: Over J. 85 J. Huntefis A. G. MACKAY. K. c. _ W. F. FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. Garafraxa. and George Streetsâ€"at foot of hill. Oflice hoursâ€"941 a. 111., 2-4 0.111., 7-9 0.11:. Telephone No.10. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- fice in the New Hunter Block. Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and 7 t09 p. m. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence opâ€" posite Presbvterian Church. Will be at Knapp House, Durham, the 2nd Satmdav in each month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"G p.111. FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lamb ton Street, Lower Town, Durham Ofice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. Ofice.â€"Calder Block, over ‘Post Ofiice Will be at the Mid laugh House lat Wednesday of each month. from 12 to 4 p. m. er, Conveyancer, ' c. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Mar- maze Licenses. A general financial busi ness transacted. _ OBN CLARK. LICENSED AUG tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Orders may .be left at his Implement Warerooms, MgKmnon’s old sand. or at the Chronicle Oflace. ”1 1mm“ ‘m ““8 mum “It? ILL ACCEPT PUPILS. IN . Voice culture and sinmnz. Studio Advent mm» :3 armo'n 3M: mun. walkpubfiabed t s {wail antcnav: u. "we, Transient not:c:a-“ I 05!," “ Fou- .i “For etaâ€"39 cent»- fur first insertion, 25 run belchmbtequen: truer: ton. “advertisements ordeud by strangers must be 71 n hinadm Mme: {dandy at. eniscmcms fwrnisucd o C maths-o "All advent“: :1: m, to emu"- imenicni. c “should be brouflu. m not la::r than Tue: - V _ Voice culture and singular. 'Stuaié at Mr. Latimer’s Uppertown. Feb tf. HE W1“ flfififlfllflu THE JOB : : mm formkn' adv-nis'cvnents 8 cen- a»- . M for (Le first inscruon: 3 A -_. -. Jm Q 0 I ‘1“ flCh zabscqucm "Litluvh ' tutu '- m Messiomd (art‘s. 1 0t caccenlwz b .c ::.\.: -â€"â€""' I West, containing % feet frontage by 78 feet in depth, next to Gordon’s residence. lip-town. An excellent . building site. Will sell cheap to a. ' quick purchaser. Apply to . Tun Can-mm. will be sent to am aide-s. free of postage, for 51.90 p: o o o’er payable at advanceâ€"SI. 50 Na #61? not-9.3:: d. Tht due to whxch we; is dmed by the numb" a :‘n §EW_ difit twinned mm 31! az. a: . ART of lot 2], Garafraxa street,~ West, containing 36 feet frontage 1 Drs. Jamieson laclaurin. Nov. 9, ’03. l. G. Huflon, J. F. GRANT, D. D. 8.. LI). 8. MacKay Dunn. fARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, CON- l. P. Telford. tARBISTER, - SOLICITOR_. Eire. L. R. C. P., LONDON, ENG. .RADULATE of London, Nuw York 4nd Chicago. OTAQY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- '_ vvu . _ ' I: completely stashed win EPARTnEVT all N¢W T.(PE. thw J: W facilities for turning out Fits-mas. Duane: of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. DURHALL ONT. (Lower Town. Town Lot for Sale. Miscellaneous. April 4, 1907 pagan. “Advcn; ;mc- EDITOR AND Pnornm'ron. Medical Directorv. Arthur Gun, M. D. Gen. H. K. Midtord Dental Directorv. DR- GEO. S. BURT. DR. BROWN Legal Directory. A. H. Jackson. .â€"-‘â€", {BI-oaks Up a Cold in Ten Hours ,1. a . 8. .Brutho Hy tn got Quick Boliof. 0mm 31 nohnl Troubles. E Al? druggists sbmild be able to Supply mm with Hyomei, or we wiil send it by maii on receipt of mic», aw}. every package is sold' With Hm distinct undersrandina that in cows nothing uniwss it, cums. Write H.- to dav fora symptom blank. which we wiii send you frpe, togsther with treatise on Casarrh and how to cure it. When vou fill in and recuru to us the symptom blank, our consul ting phyaician will give your of" the best care and attention audfivritw you a letter of admce without chargw Booth’s Hyomei Company. Buffalo. Should extra bottles of Hyomei be needed they can be obtained for only 500, the inha!er lasts a. life-time. A complete Hyomei outfit, cousist~ inz of'a bottle of Hyomei. an inhaler that can be carried in the vest pocket or ‘puree, and a medicine dropper. coats but one dollar with a guarantee that ifir. does not give satisfaction cbe money will be refunded No other medicine for the cure of of coughs, colds and bronchial troubles is. as rational as Hvomei. Breathing it throngn the neat pocket inhater which goes with every outfit, it can be used either in the nose or mouthgthus getting full medication into the nasal passages or the throat and lungs as desired» It gives al- most instant relief in all afiectione oi the bronchial tubes, and is guaran teed'to break up a cold in ten hours. When Hyomei. however, in breath ed quick relief is obtained in anatural way. Its healing medication goes right to the snot where the disease germs are present, at once soothing and healing the irritated mucous membrane The action in this way in similar to spreading a- Soothing salve upon a burn. Asa. usual thing; I. remedv tbs: has immediate action coutujgsmcwog lul drugs tho: should be used sparing 1y. This is one of the reusons why the ordinary tablets that are sold for coughs and colds should not Do taken by people with a wash hurt. as thev hove. a dangerous strmul'stiu-J: 930cm. The formula of FERROL is freely ex. posed, consequently . “ You Know what you take ” ~For Sale in Durham by an emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Phosphorus (phosphorized fat)together with Iron, the recognized blo'od builder â€"making FERROL the ideal nutrient it claims to be. For the prevention or treatment of nervous prostratlon PERROL is abso- lutely_ unequalledâ€"it 1s safe, sure and Durham Nervous Prostration IT IS WORRY THAT KILLS. NOT WORK Work without worry usually tends to prolong life. On the other hand, worry, with or without work, is fatal, because it uses up what the Doctors call the “Lecithin,” a phosphorized fat which is the chief constituent of the brain and nervous systemâ€"a waste which, if not stayed in time, means complete ner- vous wreck. The evident moral is “don’t worry ”â€"advice easy to give, and in these days of stress and strain practically impossible to take. The alternative is: find some way of re- placing the wasted .Lecithinâ€"the phosphorized fat. ThlS absolutely essential element will be found in its most perfect, palatable and assimi- lable form in ' ' FE RROL Your presence is respect- fully requested at our Spring Millinery Opening Wed. and Thu. Mar. 27 and 28 and following days. We have a complete line of ail the latest Millinery Novelties Millinery MCFAARLANE G: CO. MISS DICK Opening Ontari' \ :4" - .irh‘ .. l along the Whole river cotes from Ta- dousac in the east to Sault la Marie, and even the great plains of the Da- kotas, who have all taken the cross as their token. Marquette has passed down the river of the west to preach among the Illinois, and Jesuits have carried the gospel evefi to the warriors of the Long House in their wigwams at Onondaga.” “I may add, your majesty,” said Pere la Chaise, “that in leaving the truth there they have too often left their lives with it”. “Only death itself, sire. would be cold enough for that.” “Then I trust that it may remain to us for many long years. \Ve would thank you for the care and pains which you have spent upon our province, and if We have recalled you it is chiefly that we would faiu hear from your own lips 110v all things go there. And, first, as the affairs of God take preced- ence of those of France, how about the missions?” “They prosper, sire. There are Iro- quois at the Sault and the mountain, IIuro at Loretta land Ain‘ouquins “Yes, sire, it is very true,” cried De Frontenac cordially. “Your majesty has many brave men within his do- mains, but none braver than these. a cinder Where their eye should be and the scars of the pine splinters as thick upon their bodies as the fleurs-de-lis on yonder curtain.” “And you have suffered this?” cried Louis 110th; “You allow these infa- mous assassins to live ‘2” “I have asked for troops, sire." “And I have sent some}? “One regiment. More is needed, sire.” “There are the Canadians themselves. Have you not a militia? Could you not raise force enough to punish these ras- cally murderers of God’s priests? I had always understood that you were a soldier.” “It is $1181: because I am a soldier and have seen _son}ething';ot war that I “We are glad to see you once more at our lever.” said the monarch as the old nobleman stooped his head and kissed the white hand which was ex- tended to him. “I hope that the cold of Canada has not chilled the warmth of your loyalty.” Louis possessed in a high degree the [03111 faculty of recognition. “It is years since I haxe seen hi1, but I re- member his face well,” said he, turn-. mg to his minister. “It is the Comte de Frontenac, is it not?” “Yes. sire.” answered Louvois. “It is indeed Louis de Buade, comte de Fron- tenac and formnrly governor of Can- The stranger who had attracted Ra- cine's attention was a tall, thin man, with a high aquiline nose, stern, fierce gray eyes. peeping: out from under tuft- ed brows. and a countenance so lined and marked by age, care and stress of Weather that it stood out amid the prim courtior faces which surrounded it as an old hawk might in a cage of birds of gay plumage. “Well, heaven send him a safe way out of it! But who is this gentleman? His face is somewhat grimmer than those to which the court is accustomed. Ha, the king catches sight of him, and Louvois beckons to him to advance.” “Ha. then the king does indeed mean mischief. That is why his brow is so cloudy this morning then. By my faith, if the marquise has the spirit with which folk credit her, he may find that it was easier to win her than to slight her.” “Aye, the Mortemarts are no easy race to handle.” “My dear Boileau, I say a «rain that her sun is setting. Have you not hEard the news? Her brother, M. de Vivonne, has been ,refused the entree.” “From Whom had you it?” “From De Catiuat, the captain of the guard. He had his orders to bar the way to him.” “Pshaw, Racine, you know our dear master well, or you should; far you seem- to have been at his elbow since the days or the Fronde. Is he a man, think you, to be amused forever by sermons? No, no; it will be the Mon- tespan or, if not she, some younger beauty.” years with tact will hold the flelEl against . nine and thirty with beauty. Well, when your lady has won she will :loubtless remember who were the first to pay court to her. ” ~ “But I think you are wrong, Raeihe.” “W ell, what then. 9” “Then it may he a_ little serious for You.” '2‘: r: - . ‘ “And why?” - ' ' “Th'e Marquise 'de Montespan has a memory.” A . . . U“, .V “Her influence may soon bé‘nothing more. Maintenon is the cl'everest wo- man in France.” ‘ - see ivheTherâ€"é'bage or two of the Phe- dre may not work a change. Madamc la a wonderful woman. She has brains, ahehaaheart, shehaltact-ahelaad- mirable.” . “And yet ahe haa one gift too many- use.» .. - “Pooh! What matter her years when she can carry them like thirty? What an eye, what an arm! And, besides. “Very true. but a young man con- sults hie eye and an older man his ear. Over forty, it is the clever tongue which wins; under it, the pretty face.” “Ah, you rascal! Then you have made up {our mind that five arid forty ‘6 r u. ,L. .. a ‘ 5"; THE DURHAM CHRONICLE :35". 1:. y. 1 is} s. 1.. 68 cl u 500 u Bleached Table Linenvét inches wide ' 35c. a. yard. ' ' Ladies’ black sateen \luderskirns at $1.00 each. Lad‘es’ White lawn underskirts at 750. each See our ladies’ fancy collars at 25c. each.â€"â€"Ba.rgams. See our new Prints and Dress Gmghams. Table Linen 54 i metres wide, 25c a yard FLOOR OILCLOTH~1 yd., 1;, yds. 2 yds, wide, 25c}.‘a. square yard. SMYRNA BUGSâ€"30360 inéhes $3.00 FLAN N E LE T'l E BLANKETSâ€"Larqe 11-4 3228 in white and gray, $1.20,pr. each. TEAâ€"Salada Ceylon Tea, black and mixed at. 250., 300., and 40c. a. Ib. Pure Canadian Honey in 250. Jars. He Sells Cheap But the ext-governor shook his grizâ€" zled fits-.3. “You do not know them, sire," said he. “They are a stern folk, these. We in Canada, with all your gracious help. have found it hard to hold our own. To put New England into your majesty’s hands I would ask 15,000 of your best troops and twenty ships of the line.” “Then it might be a service to the holy church to send them packing. Tell me now, Frontenac, what force would you need to clear these people outâ€" one regiment, two regiments and per- haps a frigate or two '2" Louis sprang impatiently from his Chair and caught up his cane. “The matter may stand until our council. Elmwu‘end father. it has struck the hour of claim. and :11: else may wait until l: we paid our duties to heaven.” The Big 4 W. H. BEAN a thin strip of English farmers and fishermen. Turn your thoughts there, sire, and in a few years you would be able to stand upon your citadel at Que- bec and to say there is one great em- pire here from the snows of the north to the warm southern gulf and from the waves of the ocean to the great plains beyond Marquette’s river, and the name of this empire is France, and her king is-Louis, ‘and her flag is the fleurs-de-lis." “On my word, count," said the king, “you have caught something of this gift of Indian eloquence of which we have heard. But about these English folk. They are Huguenots, are they not?” “For the most part, especially in the north.” - “Ah, sire, I would that you could see that great land. It is so vast, sire, so rich, so beautiful! Where are there such hills, such forests, such rivers? And it is all for us if we will but take it. Who is there to stand in our way-â€" a few nations of scattered Indians and The old nobleman stooped his head and kissed the white hand. a country much largerthan the LOW- lands, *3]! thick with forest and bog, with a savage lurking behind every tree. You are ‘a soldier yourself, sire. few censitaires straight from the p10w; and a troop of coureurs-deâ€"bois Whose hearts all the time are with their traps and their beaver skins." “No, no; I am sorry if I spoke too hastily,” said Louis. “We shall look into the matter at our council. And yet you must not look for too much for Canada has been a heavy cost to us, and we have many calls in Eu- rope.” 1" 0‘ - ‘ ' '° . . I~1514)I1g,2011‘lc 66 Q6 6‘ (JA LDIfl R B]JO()I{ o 3 o 4‘ o o i.) 50 30 6s he»; w :de, t6 $1.00 $1.40 000. 700. Zoe. Barclay Bell The undersigned begs to intimate to farmers and all users of Harness that. he is opening out business for himself in Mark’s old stand. New work and all kinds of Harness repairing attend ed to with promptness, neatness and despatch. Mhnufaqturer of Fur Mits Repairer Binder Canvas, Buggy Cushions and Tops .* A TRIAL ORDER SOLICITED C. P. Kinnee/ -- - Proprietor FLOWS EA ND HA RROWS FARMERS! Farm . L. Machinery 'MATTHEWS l.â€"Prices will please you. 2.-â€"4Groceries will suit you. 3.-â€"â€"Promptness of delivery will surprise you. Opp. Middaugh House Scabies. G roceries MATTHEW?OL£’ LATIMER IL, IN J. McKechnie GIVE US A CALL :New Harness Shop And every other kind of machinery that is wanted on the farm. Spring will soon be here, and you will be thinking of tickling the earth with a plow. We carry the best in All New Goods and very Popular CALL ”IN AND GET PRICES Oglivie’s Flour Always in Stock FOUR REASONS mee - - Proprietor BETTER KNOWN AS JACK THE POPUMB CASH SHIRE why you should buy your v John Bell. No. 67. 3rd Con, E G R: N023 and 4. lst Con N D R Chris Firth N0 5, lst Con N D R Wm Young No3Con 1. S D R; No 6, Con ' LND R All perspns are warned not to trespass on the followmg lots wzth dog's. guns or other- wise. for the purpose of hunting or prosec- utions will follow :â€" Abraham Grutchley, No.62. 3rd Con. E. G. R.; No. 3, 4th Con. S D R. Wm. Walt, No. 3. 4th Con. S D R. “1:303. McGirr, No. 61 and 62. 2nd Con. E H “_ Globe for ....... 4.50 " “ World for ...... 3.10 “ “ News for ....... 2.25 . “ " Star for ........ 2.25 “ ‘Veelzly Mail ......... 1 70 “ “ Globe. ..... . 1.70 Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.75 Montreal Witness ............ 1.65 Farmers Advocate ............ 2.30 Weekly Sun ............. - ..... 1.75 and other papers at equally low rates. To cash in advance subscribers we give the Chronicle and Toronto Daily Mail for ...... . $4.50 4.â€"-You can always depend on getting full measure, correct weight and entire satisfaction. TRY US. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. CLUBBIN G RATES. (1 Weekly Star is ............ :e ............ 0H mommoommo wawwwtoww oawbllllslioi

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