Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Apr 1907, p. 5

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HEAD OFFICE = - TORONTO Randolph Macdonald, President. A. A. Allan, Vice-President. D. M. Stewart, General Manager. Capital Subscribed - - $ 4.000.000 Capital fully paid - - 3.998.000 Reserve Fund - - V - 1,255,000 Assets, over - - \ - 25,000,000 . . General Banking. Sayings Department. WATCHMAKER JEWELLER For Easter could not be better than at the present time Weare also showing a large stock of Dlamonds. Our Diamond trade has got to be a byword throughout the country and our Engagement and Wedding trade has com- pletely doubted that of last year. Why? Simply because we buy quality. ' For East “Prevemics” will promptly check a cold or the Grippe when taken early or at the "sneeze stage.” Preventics care seated colds as well. Pre- ventics are little candy cold cure tablets and Dr. Sboop. Racine. Wis., will gladlv send you samples and a book on Colds free. if you will Writy him. The samples prove their merit.‘ Check early Colds with Preventicsi and StOp Pneumonia Sold in 5 and1 950 boxes by MacFex-lane Co. I W. BLACK. The Plowing Season is now on, and we have a meat many axticles very usetul for such woxk, such as Hmse Clippers, Plow Lines, Piow Bolts T1 (ice Chains. Sweat Pads, Plow Harness and Gall Cure. Our establishment has al- ways been known to sell the best of everything in the Hardware Lines and most paint users are aware that there is no paint manufactured to equal the Sherwin-Williams for all purposes. If you want to paint your house, use the best S. W. P. It you want to paint your barn, use the 1 best Commonweather Bard Red. If you want to paint your buggy, use the best Sherwin-Williams Buggy Paint. If you want to paint your wagon use the best Sherwin-Williams war gon Paint. If you want to tone up the interior wood work of your house. use the best Sherwin Wil- liams Primo Hard Oil Fin- ish. If you want to tone up your furniture use the best S. \V. P. Mar Not. If you want to make your Linoleum look as good as new, use the best S. W. P. Durable Linoleum Finish. Every person their own painter by using Sherwin- Wllliams Paint. i Capital Subscribed Capital fully paid Reserve Fund - Assets, over - HARBWARE PAINTS , {i Plowing April 4. Sovereign Bank of Canada :DIAMOND HALL.” I‘hA our lisplay Durham, Ont” March 28th, 1907. And Notice is further given that after the first day of May, ' 1907, the assignee will p1 oceed to distribute the assets of the debtozs amongst the par ties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given and that he W 111 not be liable for the assets or an) part thereof so distributed to any peison or persons of Whose claim he shall not then have had notice. \VILLI AM CALDER, Assign ee. 4i BiiacKay 8.: Dunn, Solicitors for Assignee. j Creditors are requested to file their claims with the Assignee, with the proof arid particulars thereof required by the said Act, on or before the day of such meeting. A meeting of their creditors will be held at the office of MacKay Dunn in the Town of Durham, Solicitors for the Assignee, on Tuesday the 9th day of April 1907 at the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon for the purpose of re- ceiving a statement and for the order- ing of the affairs of the estate gener- ally. Pearl Crescents and Rings : OTICE is hereby given that Beir- L clay 65 Bell of the Town of Dur- ham in the County of Grey, carrying on business as Implement Agents at the said Town of Durham, have made an assignment to me under R. S. O. 18‘- 7 C. 147 of all their estate credits and effects for the general benefit of their creditors. In the Matter of Barclay and Bell of the Town of Durham in the County of Grey, and Province of Ontano, Insolvents. J. P. TELFORD, Solicitor for Administrators, Daniel McDougall. Mar. 21.â€"-4. Malcolm McEachern. ID. 1907, are requirrd to send by post ’prepand or to deliver to J. P. Telford solicitor for the administrators on or before the 12th day of April A. D. 1907, their names, addresses, and descrip- tions and a full statement of particu- lars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the administrators will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 19th day of March A. D. 1907. in! THE sunnoaa'rn nonm- or f THE COUNTY or am 0-- ' v.9 nu Pub” to R. s. o. 1857 CAP. 129 Se‘éT‘éé' and Amending Acts, that all persons having claims ainst the Estate of the said William nney, who died on ' SEE our white quilts at $1. 25, $1. 50, $2.00, and 83.“). These values will j surprise you at Gran t’s. BILLY Gum: the m bah fun, Town Hall all next week. Assignee’s Notice To Creditors. TRY Murdock for Oils and Greases. Notice to Creditors. 01° OPTICIAN Increase Your vitality and nerve energy, restore vim and force to your overworked body. Ferrozone will do this as it did for Walter Wood of Beauport, N. 3.. who writes: ”I can say Ferrozone has given me a new lease of life. A year ago I suflered so from nervous exhaustion I was scarcely able to drag myself around. My appetite was gone. I bed no color or ambition and felt used up. One box of Fen-ozone eta-ted me back to health. I took it number of boxes ~end my health was completely re- Some of the seedmen from Guelph vicinity have been putting seed corn out in this part in the pob. It is well cured and seems to be an excel~ lent quality and warranted that every grain will grow. Many of our farmers are buying it even if they have to shell it themselves. Some weeks ago we remarked in our items that there was still some doubting Thomas about, the building of the new church. who should thrust their hand into the. work and he believers that it was going ahead The lady Who writes to the Leader made further reference to our item. and one of our citizens who bears the name of Thomas fitted the remarks to himself and went into the Leader columns for revenge, we were too much engaged at the time to more than notice that those items had fitted in one place at least, but the Leader writer took him in hand and gave him such a trimming that. it is feared he will not respond again to: the call of Thomas. not even if it is l asking him to dinner or to come and: have something. l Mr. Robt. Barbour-has purchased one of Archie Hunter’s Herefords 10 try his skill in improving the stock of this part and win a name for him- self amongst. stockmen. Mr. John Pollock is over on a Visit from Pennsylvania and is holding out temptingofl’. to to our young men to accompany him back and work for the summer. He dvclares by every- thing that is sacred and profane that men are only losing their time here. MES» Bella. McLaughlan WEBB to Chesley last Thursday to conclude the visit that; was so much interfered with last fall by sickness. Mr. Herb. McLean has rented Alex. Allan’s farm for this year and has already got. possession while, Mr Lorne Allan will put in the cr0p for his fathe‘r who is busy in the intexests of the Farmers’ Supply Co. Mr. E: Boy is looking forward to the Holstein Show Fair of thorough- breds with conisderable anticipation as he has purchased one recently that is hard to beat. Mr. Joe Lennox purchased a. fine horse lasu week from Mr. Dave Leith of Normanby, to mate one of his own and thereby have a team to feel preud 3f, __ Messrs. Dave Ritchie and Jim Matthews hauled 400 cords of wood from McLean’s mill to Durham this winter. They feel proud of their winter’s work arid certainly they might as it was big work. Miss Esther Brydges. of Belgrave. is over here_ “to Spend a. month wuh their social efforts. we were giving them no end of praise for sacrificing so much for a good cause, but when we got out and found that a wedding was to take place in many of the homes this spring, we are inclined to think that they haven’t been neglecting themselves much after all. The Egremont. Agricultural Society are putting forth their best efforts to make a great success of the Horse Show to be held in Holstein. A very pretty. but qniet wedding took place in Trinity Church last Wednesdsy p. :11. Miss Nellie Gras- by and Mr. Arthur Lawrence being the contracting parties. The Rev. Bics tied well the knot. Both parties have youth and beauth, health and: vigor, and we predict for them a. happy married life and express the sentiment of all in this part in wishes them such at present. They are un- decided ebout the selection of ajob. inoroue the orgen fund. Admit- tance will be. ladies to bring refresh- .mente end their shadow, endgame rtospey ten cents It the door and buy a shedow prior to eating the reireeh- manta. Some of the lending features of the progrnm ere 3 string bend and choice singers and recitere from both ‘ Holstein and Durhem. while the members of the orgenization are quite capeble of giving good enter- tainments if required. the enep'icee _ $¥”€fia_i6'n}"i>935§3 Orgeniution. The object ie to heve .3 good nignt’e enjoyment end further AShldow Social is to be held u the home of Mr. Wm. Mchden on 1‘1)”on evening, April 4th. under BE A STRONG MAN. Corner Concerns. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Save your stuff till I call. or give me me notice when you have a. quantity Mar. 19.-â€"3m. Dealer in Metal, Rags, Rubber, Copper, Brass, Horsehaiy, Sheepskins and Junk of all kimis for which best prices Will be paid. WE sell Steele Briggs Co. Govern- meat Tested Seeds. at Parker’ 8 Drug Store. M. Glasey DURHAM, - - ONTARIO Y , . IV aw musxc z'ccm DURHAM. Songs, waltzcs Teaâ€"30c: for :50. -â€"CinS for Ladies and Gentlemen. â€"lek Hamikorchiefs 22 to 50 cents. Groceries for Xmas From now until Januzuy lst; the. following lines will be 11m off at tight pli< es :â€"-â€" \V'onllen Blankets from .‘2. 25 to $5. -â€"Hea.\ \ Twmed. -â€"Sl1eccing zmd Flannelctte. -’--L11dies and Hen. I ndcl wear â€"Rezuly made ”111111891 5 (large stock) Flz1nnelettes~0ull and fee my 180. flannclettc f1)! lllC. XMAS . SPECIALS Percv. G H. webstcr BRUSHES:â€"â€"‘ctove, Floor, Furni- ture. Whitewash and Shoe. OILCLOTHS;â€"For Floors, Tables and Shelves. CURTAINS:â€"-Lace and Muslin Curtains and all other neces- saries for renovating purposes. Has his temper sorely tried dur- ing the inevitable confusion of housecleaning. To facilitate the work and shorten the period of domestic disturbance we have in abundance the essentials such as : '- -â€"Soap Chips. â€"â€"Liquic Amonia. â€"â€"Powdered Amonia. â€"-Borax and Perline. â€"-Gillett’s Lye. â€"-Lanndry Soaps. â€"Monkey Brand Soap. To remove stains. rust, dirt, tar? nish from iron. steel, tin. nickle. We have EVERYTHING for cleaning, scouring, scrubbing and polishing Raisins and Currants, Candies, Pe’eis, Spices, Oranges, Lemons, huts, Candles, Figs and Dates. tlon, you should begin at once wlth Ayer’s Saruparllla, the Samoa-ill: you have known all your life. Your doctor knows lt, too. Ask him about it. 3 If you are suflerlng from impure blood, thin blood, de- We Trust Doctors Eggs and Butter Wanted. l have placed in stock a fine line of late S. SCOTT SOLD AT HALF PRICE. 25 gems Per {low w. Isaâ€"n no Imus! We the {ox-Inqu- of“: on: an . McArthur z/erfs‘ and Cwo=$tevs waived each week. M. (iLASER ONTARIO 25c for 200. ii For the past week or so we have been endemur- ing to get our Furniture in shape f01 our customeis On or about April 8th \xeiutend Opening out in a, full line of Furniture, Picture \Iouldings Baby Ca1- riages, Go-Oarts, etc. TI We invite all to come and visit our showrooms and we feel satisfied that prices. and quality will suit. Lenahan 6: McIntosh 1] If a113thino' is “anted in H211d\\a1(| T'wimmi. Granitewmme Fu urnaces, Stove sand Ranges “(wi- enware, Floor and Wall V (11111811 Stains 01 Enunwh \Iixed Pamts, 9130., you can save 1110110} i1ybujxing here. 11 That 1s “hat makes buvino 1.1;;15 at This 51:11-11. We havewot the stock the q1iality thu 1151-11: can suit the \\ ants of all. and fl Enter more largely into the act of lmyin;£1l1:111 anything else. If the price is right, the quality mind and the assortment good, Inning: is en xv. A few doors north of the Middaugh House. I We are also agents for the National Portland Cement. : , 15-» v ‘ "5 m3» ~_ Quality . a Assortmeug

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