Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Feb 1907, p. 3

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. A blend of § Manitoba. and § Ontario wheat and is a strictly firsb class family flour. 250 ACRES near Durham. 9. good farm, splendidly improved. was asking $7.500, will now take great deal less. 100 ACRES in Glenelg. near Durham, a line well 1m roved farm, will sell very cheap or tra e. ' 1 ACRE LOT near Durham Furniture Factory. Will sell cheap or trade. A PRO PITABLE Blacksmith shop stand, well located. A large sum of money to lend at lowest rates. DEBTS COLLECTED. INSUR- ANCES placed Difliculties arranged. C P. R, and Ocean Steamship Tickets for sale. Everything private. Always Promptâ€"Never Negligent. To change his advertisements butflnow ofi'ers some NEW BARGAINS : 1m ACRES Bentinck. near Crawford, brick . veneered dwellmg, ’ very large barn. frame stables and p15: stables“ good soil ood orchard. . ood bush. Pnce should 6 84“” but w; sell tor less than swoon: sold at once. Our pure Manitoba flour, made from No. 1p Manitoba wheat. cannot. be beat for either hakers’ or domestic use. Made of best, Manitoba wheat. obtain- able is in every respect. aflour of Constantly on hand the best brands of Rolled Oats. Also our make of Rolled Cereal, the best on the market. F'v o S - Also CbOpped Oats. Mixed Chop. Pea ' e R se and Reindeer Chop, Bean Shorts and Feed Float; Manitoba Floors elwaya give util- Specul‘ Reduction on. Flour in 5 and f'mi‘m’ 10 Bag Lou. ' Weoarry also other well Goods delivered “any where in town. hm“ W 0‘ Flour- _.__..__._ . Listowel lionel Bread Floor Chopping .130” Every Day a ' m ‘ ' m 003 m carom Icfiowan's “Eclipse . . . i - _ ‘ ‘-~ .- _ THE HANOVER CONVEYANCER ' : HAS BEE-X : : ’11“: W uvw uw aw? 8” WWW thomill andwe will mayou ' . “can“, bytalopbone No.8. ‘1 Mo on give you whnt you want 7 ha you will find our prices right. Give these flours a trial you will be delighted and will want no other. Is made from selected winter wheat and is a superior article for making A blond of best Ontario Fall and No. 1 Manitoba wheat is a strictly Who by using only best wheat and careful grinding are producing flour of superior quality, second to none mode in Canada. MATTHEWS 6’ LATIMER WENGER MILLING CO. v- wâ€"vâ€" FLOOR OILCLOTH. 1. 15 and 2 yds. wide, 5c 8 square yd. TABLE_ OILCLOTH, 45â€"in wide, 25c 4-Héee able Sets, at $1.75 and $1.85 7-Pieep ater Sets, at $1.85 and $1.95 7-Piece Ben-y Sets, at $1.75 and $1.85 Imitation Cut Glass Water Pitchers, 35 and 40¢ each. Crystal ‘Water Pitchers, 25¢ each. , grim Table Bot- 31: 40¢ each. ll-4size, in white or grey, $i.20 it. rm now in 25 and 350 Jan. People’s Mills WEN}; BLANKETAS‘, lgrge AYTON MILLS (jolt! Nugget CALDER BLOCK He Sells Cheap W. H. BEAN Superior Family Flour February 21, 1907 Are now [being operated by PURE MANITOBA H. H. Miller heBig 4 PASTRY FLOUR Superior Quality and finish, 'au pie'ées " ‘naéé extra heavy pure burnt in gold decorations that will not wash off. Water Pitchers SOVEREIGN â€"FOR SALE BYâ€" ECLIPSE ENCORE 2 BUSY WE KEEP H. H. MILLER. heavy, massive. Nay Punpg AND REPAIRS. WELL "7â€" _ fiâ€"â€" n â€"â€"- I-v It‘ll-Ir“; -I tended to: ' ALL Won Guam-man at. “Live and let live" Plums. The People’s Grocery AND PROVISION STORE That always satisfies the - Cook. Pumps. 9f Kiddey Trouble. 25c per box, at all Koot’s 11dnev 1’11 ls are a sure and rmanent cure for Rheumatism, Bright’s Esme, Pa1_n 1n_1;he Back and all forms TBere is no other remedy “Just as Good ” as PSYCHINE. is for sale at all dealers, at 50c and $1.00 per bottle, or write direct to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 179 King St. W., Toronto. constitution) has had two severe attacks of la mbothof which havebeenspeedn corrected meotPchhine. “channel: thinthe endencyof yourremediectbatua familywe use noother. For toning u a debilitated system, however run down. restorgig to healthy action theheartand lnngl. anduaspeciflcforall wast- ing diseases. your hychine and Oxomulsion are “I?" peerlen. Yours sincerely, Rev. J. J. Rice, 61 other Avenue, Toronto. - PSYCHINE, Pronounced Si-keen, is a scientific preparation, having wonderful tonic prOperties acting directly upon the Stomach, Blood and weak organs of the body, quickly restoring them to strong and healthy action. It is especially adapted for people who are run down from any cause, especially Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, LaGrippe, Pneumonia, Consumption and all stomach or organic troubles. It has no substitute. a i The following letter has been sent to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., for pub- lication. Dr. Root’s Kidney Pills are a sure and I BEG LEAVE TO INFORM MY CUF- IOM ERS and the public in general thnt I am prepared to furnish - wvvuu'u done witti Come-“t cofibhtzw w ALL ORDERS taken at the old stud near McGowan'o M111 will be promptly M F. E. SIEGNER Now 15â€". . THE TIME STOVES PIPES, ETC. ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE AT LOWEST PRICES For Flours \ Oar Grmiteware best and at lowest To consider about getting ready for fall. We have an excellent stock of CALL AND SEE GEORGE WEITMORE. To select from. DURHAM . :-CURBING AND is the prices. The éompleCe Hyomei cure costs but $1.00, extra. bottles, if needed, 50 cents. A few days’ use of Hyomei will show how quicklp it; relieves all ca- tarrhal conditions. and you will not have to use it long before you find it has effecteda. complete and lasting cure. All druggiste should be able to supply you with Hyomei, or we will send it by mail on receipt of price. and every package is .sold with the distinct understanding that it costs nothing unless it cures. Write us today for a symptom blank. which we will send you free, together with treatise on Catarrh and how to cure it. When you fill in and return to us the symptom blank, our consult- ing physician will give your case the best care and attention, and write you a letter of advice Without charge. Booth’s Hyomei Company Buffalo, ‘9‘ w Put several drops of Hyomei in the inhaler and then for a few minutes, four or five times a day, let the air you breathe come through it. In that way all the air that enters the nasal passages, the throat or the lungs, is filled with Hyomei’s healing mediration, reaching the most remote air cells of the respiratory organs, destroying all catarrhal germs and soothing and healing the irritated mucous membrane. In no other way can this be done as naturally as by the use of Hyomei, breathed through the neat pocket in- haier that comes with every outfit. The natural way to care this die- agreeable disease is by applying heal- ing medications direct to the diseased spot. Nearly everyone enfiere' at one time or another with catnrrh. Sensible and Scientific Way to Cure this Disagreeable Disease. It. is reported that Hon. Colin Compbeli. Attorney-General of Men- itoba, will resign and he succeeded by Hon. J. H. Agnew Provmcinl Treasurer. Mr. Hugh Armstrong being appointed to the Treasureship. Five “or six cars left the track at Lancaster and crashed into the rail- way station making a Spectacular wreck. A trollev oar ran into the aerial true]: at Hamilton and both were damaged. Fireman Voeoker was thrown out and seriously injured. Some Toronto manufacturers are discussxng the formation of afmillion- dollar company to erect workingmen’s houses. Reeve Agnewlof Meaford has re- signed. It was charged that he had a gontract with the town when elec- te . NATURE'S BATABRH CUBE. GENERAL NEWS If you have friends in Western. Canada, if you are seeking informa- tion concerning the West, this of- fer Will appeal to you. TO THE CHRONICLE. DURHAM. Macadam. ...tor whichnendmoM-nl- Wmmmmuwmm .. Western Canada 3 Months } Postage 'prepaid'to any addréss 1n the Dominion. .QFFER NO. 1 Manitoba Daily Free Press Winnipeg _ Chronicle, Durham OFFER_NO. 2 Winnipeg Weekly Free Press and Prairie Farmer 3 Months If you want information in re- gard ,. ,to Winnipeg and Western cities and towns, information about the weather conditions, the chances for a situation, the cost of board, business opportunities, take ofier N o. 1. If you are more interested in the agricultural situation, and in quest of information in regard to farming and farm lands, take ofier No. 2. You may, if you wish, with- out extra expense, have the Free Press sent to your address and the Durham Chronicle forwarded to a friend in Western Canada. Chronicle, Durham Postage prepaid to any address in the Dominion; THE DURHAM CHRONICLE m: A number of Justices of the Peace are charged with complicity in a plot to extort money from Indians of the Six Nations reserve by threats of prosecution. Crou p can positively be stopped in 20 minutes. No vomitingâ€"nothing to sicken or distress your child. A sweet, pleasmt and safe Syrup called Dr. Shoop’s Croup Cure is for Group alone, remember. It does not claim to cure a. dozen ailments. . It’s for Group. that’s all. Sold by MaoFar- lane Co. Many‘have tried to, devise a. corn cure equal .to Putnam’s but. after fiftv years nothing has come upon the market thats so painlessly cures cores and warts. Don’t. eXperiment, use the best; and that’s “Putnam’s.” It would be a good act for the authorities of N o. 10 School to invest in having the Corner Concerns writer have his article in last week’s Chron- icle photographed and forward to him a capy gratis. for the able man- der be displayed his eloquence in giving a historical sketch of what he termed the Ghost School and further would admso the authorities to in- form the able writer of the article referred to, to be present so as to have his fine physiognomy included in the photograph when naked. A number of sales are to take place during the coming weeks in this locality. Quite a number of valentines were sent and received on St. Valentine’s Day, the 14th of February. Last Sunday was a beautiful day and reminded us that Spring is not far dictum. ' Professor Konolil is always busy teaching the rudiments of music to the young sud rising generation of the surrounding country. It's a. pity the good Professor is getting older thin he won some years ago, but he is still able to thump the piuuo “at u a good rote. The fresh breezes from the coun- try take good eflect on\ Top Clifl’s hills and our good lady teacher en. joys the privilege of being able to brave the storms on some frosty mornings by coming a. mile or more to ettend to her duties. x n T” ,|»1 o u 3 Months Sick peeple are getting somewhat on the mend, and we hope when the time of the singing of the birds come that all will be able to be up with the lurk at early morn forgetting the things at the past and in the full en- joyment of the things of the present, hoping for better things in future. A few new drifts along the way makes travelling somewhat heavy. but a few fine days will Boon make going all right again. The days are getting longer and the sun stronger, consequently the frost and snow will have to yield to the powerful efiects of both. 3 Months OOQOIOQJ’QOOOO. THEY ALL FAILED. Tap Cliff. ’50c m**%**%%%*%%***%%*%*%*%%*w lThe Only Perfect - Emulsions - Ferrol is the Ideal Infant Food. If your baby is not thriving, give it Ferrol and watch it grow. FERROL is not a. patent mystery. The formula is freely published. It is presen'bed W the best Physicians. It is endOrsed by the most eminent Medical Journals. It Is used!!! prominent Hospitals, Sanitariums, etc. We have a large stock of all kinds of Rubber footwear suit. able "for the present weather. Also BOOT and SHOES in abundance. Our lines of Men’s Women’s. Mieeee’ and Chil. dren’e Slippers were never IO nice as this season. In HITS ““1 GLOVES '0 hove n good nu‘oflmont nt prices tint cannot b9 hum for cum nudity. A tow lino: of HOSIEBYin block for MOD. Ladies nnd Children. We hovo not two tonontiou oll tho goods to be found him. but if, you just not In will doom it .- plounro hound you anything in our otoro nndjot yonjndge the «log THE Y 318821.:- When Going Up Street :â€" Why not have“ a look at our window? Looking is free at all times. But you will want more than a look when once tasted. Our bread and pastry Cannot be excelled. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. KEEP YOUR Leggings for all Classes at Moderate Prices lenahan McIntosh Each dose of Ferrol contains a full medicinal dose of Iron and in no other way .can Iron be properly administered. Ferrel holds the record for increasing the weight. Ferrol contains neither alcohol, “ d0pe” nor dan- gerous drugs of any kind. Sufferers from Anaemia, Bronchitis, Chronic Coughs and Colds. Lung Troubles of any kind, Nervous Prostration, Chronic Rheumatism, N euralgia, General Debility, Loss of Weight, Whooping Cough, Croup, La Grippe or any of the ailments known as wasting diseases, can take Ferrol with the confident assurance that it will cure them if a cure is possible. is finer, more palatable and easier to digest than any other preparation of Cod Liver Oil. Anyone can take Ferrel; few can take Cod Liver Oil in any other way. . Every intelligent person knows that three of the greatest remedial \agents known to science are Cod Liver Oil, Iron and Phosphorus. To get them in combination and in proper proportion you must have Ferrol. There is’no other way. fl ’fiéi-‘r'dn' isnot only made of the best Cod Liver Oil, but it combines with the oil Iron and Phosphorus angi_is the only emulsion that contains Iron at all. Any well made emulsion of good Cod Liver Oil is good as far as it goes, but if it lacks Iron it is not a perfect emulsion, because Iron is even more necessary and more valuable than the oil. Sold in Durham by MacFarlane 6: Co. Moreover m; X'u MODEL BAKERY "hum ON THIS SPACE. REMEMBER “BISSELL.” To: $3.10 by ham. mu? matured by 'r. E. BISSELL, Emu. our. Ask for Booklet “E.” haa made a great record throughout a Canada. Therearegood reasons it this 1890. Balanced Builtâ€"Does not 11:5 12;. Improved Plateâ€"Cuts and turns over. latches Well Back-Myth: ThiaLDig}: has sevpml ygmmbn no ua. one genumo m on man. gtiBISSEIgL" For Sale by mu. Nonn- UW‘ Ell!” IVS \ Lu 3â€" w â€" G. anmeo's Old Stud.

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