Ayton Advance. The Twenty-Ninth Annual Meet ing of the Germania Fire Insurance Company was held in the town hall on Wednesday of last week, the 6th inst. Manager Fortune took a step in advance of any management hereâ€" tofore in connection with this insti- tution, in having the Financial State- ment mailed. a week or ten days prior to the meeting. to every policy- holder of the Company. This was a commendable move as the peeple in- terested have then an opportunity of informing themselves on the work done during the past year and at the annual meeting may approve of or condemn such work. Prior to this, the statement was not handed out till after the me‘etinm'and if a policy holder took objection to anything done by the management. he had no means of redress until the next an- nual meeting or until the matter perhaps had entirely escaped his memory. The meeting was orderly and high- ly in accord with the work of the management the past year. Five hundred and ten policies were issued, which was thirty mOre than last year, and more than was issued in any one year since the incorporation of the Company-not a single policy was lost in the townSpip during the year. The‘cash in the bank shows an in- crease of about $1,000 over last year’s business, Hy neighbor was a widder, an’ had a rundown farm An’ her cows an’ pigs an’ chickens don a mighty lot 0’ harm To my ï¬elds adjinin’ and I stood it quite awhile, Till I wouldn’t be imposed on in no such kind of style. So I looked my very maddest as I walked up to her door. Till she looked up at me smilin’ while aowashin’ up the floor, An’ her cheeks was red as roses an' her hair es black es night; I forgot to scold an’ sass her, for she seemed so sweet an’ bright. But my hand was on the plow now, an’ it wouldn’t never do To iorgit them depredations jes’ by lookin’ at her shoe, So I gathered up my anger an’ I said, " Now, Mrs. Brawn.†An’ my tones put out her eyes’ light an’ the lashes they fell down. But I ain’t no man for ioolin’. and I went right on to say How her pigs at all my melons an’ her cows et tons of hay ; How her chickens scratched my corn out. an’ I wouldn’t hev it so. Gittin’ harder all the time. like amad man will, you know. Then the widder she looked up, with a teardrop on her cheek, An’ a somethin’ in her threat that wouldn’t let her speak But she sobbed an’ cried out in a kind 0’ teary tone. That she had no one to help her, an’ was poor an’ all alone. An’ my hand was ad the plow then an’ a-reachin’ out fer hern, I had learnt a sudden lesson that I never thought I’d learn. Well. my scoldin’ was 'a failure, seein’ what I thought to do, For her pigs an’ cows are all here, an’ the widder’s with ’em too. ._Will F. McSparran in New York Farmer. The Company, of course, was for- tunate in being called upon to adjust only two serious losses by ï¬re, one of which occurred on Aug. 4th to Chas. McQueen’s house, amounting to $500, the other on Aug. 25th to Otto Maes. barn and contents amount- ing to $1,200. Minor losses such as sheep, cattle and horses killed by lightning were more numerous than heretofore, the total, however. amounting to only $2,480.10. This in abusiness of only $100,000. put every one interested in the concern in good humor. All the Directors, both local and from outside. were present, as well as many of the able staï¬ of agents that has been appointed by the man-l agement. Among these latter were: Messrs. W. J. Sharp, Holstein; Bobt. Brighom. Allan Park; George D. Lover-y, Hurriston ; H. Bender. Gow- nnstown ;‘_Adsm Ries. Howick, and others. After the business of the meeting was ï¬nished, the manager took directors and agents through the splendidly equipped head oflice of the Company, showed them the suiety in which all the papers, documents. etc., of the Company are kept' in his ï¬re-proof voult. end they all left ham! and conï¬dent that the Ger-v min is in good hunds. that it is ad- mg in populority and soloty, nnd mhinhio own local sphere will (lei hioutmoutohnvo ohmdintho weld intend promotion of them Minsthooomingye'u. } years. tendered his resignation. Peter Colquhoun oi Minto was re- elected in his stead. The retiring Director has been connected with the institution. in such capacity, for twenty-nine years, and was a staunch factor in making the Company what it is to-day. one of the cheapest, surest and best-managed of its kind doing business in the Province. An. drew Schenk was elected to his old position. that of President. Philip S. Schaus that of Vice.President. The Executive Committee is composed of these two oflicers andRobeLtAMorice, ,The retiring Directors were Messrs. A, Schenk. R. Morice. John Praise and Adam Ries. The former are all local men. the latter is from Cliï¬ord. They were all re-elected except Mr. Preiss, who on account. of advanced Chas. Forbes and Adam Widmeyei' constitute the board of audit. The Germania. HY mamn. Pho§be marked a paragraph with her thumb nail, and handed the paper to aunt Lucy. Instinctively she {cunt the right spot. " That’s right.†she said. when she had read it. “ Tax the old bachelors What good be they, anyways? The tax should be like a dog tax. That is put into a fund to pay for sheep what’s worried by dawzs. That’s only fair. The bachelor tax should be put into a fund to furnish old maids with an income when they getâ€"n “ Worried " suggested Old Twi- light. †Oh, how smart. yer gettin’ in yer old age.†said Aunt Lucy. “ The women folks don’t worry as much as you think.†°‘ ’Twon’t work,†said Old Twi- light, emphatically; " cuz it would- n’t be fair. Thur’s too many wim- men in this land who think that there is a man aomewheres who is bound to support um. an’ they go a-peepin’ an’ a-keekin’ round tryin’ to ï¬nd um. If she doesn’t like him after she’s married to him, she up’n leaves him, an’ then some mossback justice uv the peace makes him hand her over ï¬ve dollars a week. ’Tain’t right in my opinion, an’ I’ll tell you for why. She kin make a better livin’ than he kin. Kin she cook ? She’s liable to be kilt in the rush for her services. Kin she run a dairy ? She’s the _whole push. Kin she look after a young one ? All she’s got to do is to say so, an’ the job is born. A body will give her his man servant an’ his maid servant. his ox and his ass, and everything that is hisn. if she’ll hang up her bonnet and take oï¬ her rubbers. an’ pitch in an’ man- age his house. Gettin’ married is like votin’. 'I‘hey’s talkin’ ’bout bringing in a law to compel a man to vote : Now s’posin’ I’m a Grit (this is without prejudice, understand); ,1- don’t like the Grit candidate. an’ I’m jiggered if I’ll vote Toryâ€"now, what are they goin’ to do to me? They: dassen’t tech me. Same with an ole bach. Mebbe he can’t git the girl he wants; that doesn’t follow that he’s Rotta get married to somebody. There’s gotta he love an’â€"â€. ‘ . Immddedfowï¬mesayear . SavilgsBank WmCmecuon wilhall Erma.- mm aking Witli'dra'wals. THE 8% BANK You can make a. lunch of it. You can make a soup with it. You can You can . strengthen the 1n- valid with it. You can revive yourself when tired with it. You can andis soueful null times. Because it- not only improv- es the taste but adds to the nour- ishing qualities of any dish in which it 18 used. CHRONICLES OF THE KHAN. TAKING THE BACHELOR. always ready BOVRIL make a 7 delicious dish of anything on have in the ouse with its help. ive it to the chil- ren at any time. OF CANADA $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT ESTABLISHED 191-3 N But if he hoe come to see Phoebe -â€"dnng !' He looks so if he bed a psin somewhat-es. or be had been caught stenlin’ chickens. Be sbys at you, anyflm’ he wouldn't look at Phoebe â€"-not for a cow. He feels measly about it I try to jolly him along, but Phoebe don’t help‘him none. It’s a. deed give-nwny‘ when he comes here, becoz there’s only one girl in the house; but it’s diï¬erent up to the Spnlpins. l‘hey’s six girls down there. They’s greet excitement for. to see which one he’s after. It’s like a. game nv keno. The little bell starts n-rollin’ and s-rollin’. Tell one of the girls spueels ‘ Keno !" an’ all the rest any ‘ You mean thing ! you joggled the table.‘ To stop a Gold with. "Preventics†is safer than to let it run and cure it afterwards. Taken at the “sneeze stage" Preventics will head off all colds and Grippe, and perhaps save you from Pneumonia or Bronchitis Preven tics are little toothsome can dy "cold cure tablets selling 1n 5 cent and 250. boxes. If you are chilly. if you be gin to sneeze. try Preventics. They will surely check the cold and glease yon. Sold by MacFarIane o. "That’s you 1" said old Twilight†“ You old married fofke frighten the young fallen. It's gotta be old- faehlon'ed to make love. ‘ When a young feller comes to the house I know what 110’: after. Ef he wants to berry the light Waggon, or a her nose, or a seed drill, or if he wame to sell a hinder or a land roller, he eats up and up. He looks you in the eye. He takes a chew, pulls open the damper, and spite into the stove._ He intimates that he didn’t strike 3 good seeding place ’hout supper time, an’ be has you’n Phoebe a-huetlin’ for him right away. EDITOR WRITES TO THE FORE- Ontario editors who attended the annual meeting of the Canadian Press Association in Toronto last’ week will appreciate the following from the Toronto News under the caption: " The Editor Writes to the Foreman :†~ ‘ If a subscriber should come in, Just lock the door and get his tin, N o matter if he makes a holler, We must be certain of his dollar. Don’t hesitate to smash his face. Toronto’s an expensive place. Ah yes, there’s something I had missed, ‘ Put Peter on the Voters’ List. And keep him there without a. break So long as he can stay awake, And have an excavator hired To clean the towel.-â€"if desired. No more just now. My heart is “He. got; you !†completed Old Twilight, and he chuckled softly to himself as he resumed his reading. DEAR LAWSONâ€"We arrived all right, And found our brethren out of eight. Hugh Clerk and Pense are looking “ Oh, pun; yodlmnko said Ann: Lucy. “ They’e lots of fellere would jine the Ancient Order nv Cheirwnrmera. only they’e afraid nv bein’ blackballed That’s the hull secret. They’e ecairt nv bein‘ turned down. “ Lots uv men would run for oflice but they’ re afraid that they might git beatâ€"-that’a all there’ 8 to it. Hence it is that the majority 11v can- didates is fellere who don’t give a tinker’s malediction whether ther are heat or not. If they win out, all’e hunkey dory; ef‘ they git it in the neck, well, they had a whirl at it, anyhow. “The boys need some encourage- mentâ€"some ihducement. It doesn’t do um any harm to let .um know they’ve got the inside track. Now, when I started epeakin’ you, Lucyâ€"†“ Say, you. Willyum, I wish ye’d shet yer head. â€The best ketch in this settlement was after me, 311â€"†weil, And staying at the same hotel. Burgoyne and others of the gang Stoodfjn the street last night and song, And I was with them all the while -â€"-1 fancy I can see you smile. I’ve bought a. hundred-weight of ink it’s fairly decent stuï¬ I think, Some roller composition, too, I’m sending by express to you. Keep Inn, the devil on the jump. You have authority to thump The lazy little tyke. you know, If he should turn the press too slow. I hope those suction bills are out, They’ll went ’em all this week no doubt. I’m ow 8 1. oiLg â€" c3 8 811 to 4n igh t The Khan. The Leading Commrcial School of Western Oahu-in. As a. tonic and restorative, as a he‘lth-bringer and body-builder, For- rozone is unrivalled. It cures be. cause it foods 3nd nourishes. been†itwoonuina the qlemontg‘ that build up and - strongman.» " It": "*‘i't' yourself-â€" sold eya'ywhonjquQ. boxes. Popular music. 1y. ingtV';â€"pereon in ill-health who I wen’: receive immediate help from Ferrozone. , 'mvymM â€Not a men, women or child need- ing blood. vigor. enduranceâ€"n0} 9. person who is weak, nervous or Blok- .II I, _-ILL _|_- An Oil Springs boy named Dean was shot and killed by a companion while practising at a target. John J. Raymore. a. bar tender, shot Mrs. Mary Charlton a Widow, and then turned the revoiver on him. self, Both died from their wounds. Ferrozone puts you on the right roadâ€"the one that leads to health. New music received each week. Just think of the enormous strengthening power Ferrozone pos- sesses,â€"-conszder what it did for H. V. Potter. well known in Kingston, “I was subject to spells of dizziness. For eight months I had intense pain in my right side between the shoul- ders, I was almost incurable with weakness and lack of vigor. Often I scarcely ate any breakfast and felt miserable all day. Nervous, easily excited troubled with heart weakness, I was in bad shape. Ferrozone re- stored and nourished me back to health in short order.†Whatever your weakness may be Ferrozone will cure. Price 500 per box at all deal- ers. Mrs. Ben]. Werry of Darlington, near Bowmanville, committed suicide by hanging. '\ It grows thin and watery, its color fades. and increasing pallor and sal- lowneee give .the outward evidence of the change within. Ferrozone’s actio‘n aids the three principal functions of the bodyâ€"di- gestion, assimilation, elimination. ' By strengthening digestion it forms an abundance of rich, red blood â€"\this gives good color. ' By perfecting assimilation, Ferro- zone supplies nutritionâ€"this gives strength, vim, stability. Elimination is assured because Fer- . - . C rozone quickens the actions of the liver, kidneys and bowelseâ€"this guar- antees the maintenance of vigorous health. A cable from the American Bible Society in Shanghal pleads for help for the famine euï¬erers in Central China, where a million and a quarter people are literally starving. The Ambition of Every Woman But rosy cheeks, clear akin, bright eyesâ€"give them to a woman and she is happy. In the blood is found the ï¬rst sign of trouble: Soon the nerves weaken. the heart eamly tires and palpitates, strength declines. Songs, waltzes . and two-Steps Hollow cheeks with dark lines, sall'ow complexionâ€"how a. woman hates them. The delicate mechanism of the wo- manly functions is interferred with, and pleasures, activities and even duties are loaded down with the bur- den of declining health. Why is it that women neglect the ï¬rst. warnings? , These conditions are easily checked easily cured at the beginning.-;â€"but even when long established Ferro- zone Will remove the cause and cure the trouble. Usually she waice; till she is ready to drOpâ€"often thezi‘ip’a too late. _. Rosy Cheeks Percv G. H. webster Our oour‘ugs are thoronglg tnd aunties! whde the teaching modpng by able Instructors. The unbmouo young momma women who don-ire {o' in? ih’o béstnoux 331â€"0 603mm '7 ' pining patronm ghia schqol yhile _ .â€"___ â€" __â€"â€" wwwâ€" business men no in search 'of our graduates to ï¬ll responsible posi- tions. The best timgpo to gator our IT IMPARTS STRENGTH. SOLD AT HALF PRICE. 25 mm: Per (low I haée placed in stock a'ï¬no line of late. Elliott Mclachlan gunman, om. PRINCIPLES. D th h d I r ,_ um tagging a (1:110 MANUB '3. The ambitious HAY L1 omen who denim “mg???“ “1‘ â€â€˜9‘ 00 W “0 RAKES h f 35%.: p33; SEED I ime to e tar Buntxtzl 13$: DISCH lclachlan 1mm. ‘1 Dean-in: Harvester 0033 [m plemeï¬g _ Farm Implements Machinery. MANURE SPREADEBS HAY LOADEBS BII§ DEBS MO WEBB chines. Toronto Windmills. Rudd’s Harness, Robes. Furs, . hats and Bella. SEED DRILLS DISC HABRO ws WAGGONS GASOLINE ENGINES. ALSO A 0011?an STOCK OP 30. L. GRANT E: Frost. 6’ Wood IMPLEMENgTS Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Ploughs and Manure Spreaders. mama Ham Block. Democrats and Buggies (Rubber and Steel Tires.) - McClary Stoves and Ranges. 9 Etymond Sewing Machines Boll Pianos and Organs. a: Bargains in Men’s $3 Coats. [N STOCK OR MADE TO ORDER. Engines and Boiler Repairs promptly executed. RIGHT PRICES AND GOOD WORK. éj Bargains in Men’s and g a] Boys’ Clothing. g Implement Agent and Auctioneer. .uamï¬mï¬ï¬ï¬‚muafl C. SMITH 6: SONS 0. Smith Sons PROPRIETORS Millwrights, Machinists, Iron and Brass Founders. and Steam Fitters ..... Cutting Boxes, Horsepowers, Wind Stackers, Stock raisers’ Feed Boilers. Special attention to Gaso- line Engine repairs. DURHAM FOUNDRY Monuments and Tombstones AGENT for DOYLE 86 JULIAN Bargains in Men’s Fur Caps. FARM MACHINERY Bargains in Ladies’ Fur Coats. ' White .Sewing Machines. Sherloch Manning Organs. Heintzman Pianos. Sash 6’ Doors JflHl ZN, MUHDUCK ‘ Bargains in Ladies’ Skirts. MANUFACTURERS OF John Clark AMBIJNIOFTBI" AGENT FOR ‘~ All Kinds of OWEN SOUND. DURHAM. Berlin Pianos ’11 s H ’11 s: H Ha c: "1 m. I ll rwmwmmwwwwwwmwwww Fam 1N NE A_ number a farms in New Liskeard for as cash. Map of given on appli< J. 7-18-06. FAR] EING LOT 5 Containing i868 is a brick box by hot air furnact never failing wel door. Good beari __2A.L -L _. Ma- never failing well at house with wind- mill pum ing arrangement and sprin atrearo 101227. Onlot â€mean brick veneered house, a . k barn 45x60 feet, stone sta. les under- neath. also fair driving shed. Wood- shed 18x24 feet and Other buildings. There are no buildings on lot 23. Good bearing orchard on both places. Lightning conductors on house and with stone basement. Hog pen 16x30. Never failing well at barn. 85 acres clear- ed. 75 in good state of cultivation. balance new land and bush. Fenced throughout with cedar rails and wire. Convenient to Post Ofllce. Church and School. on leading road between Markdele and Durham. 801}! cheap to quick purchaser as proprietor is 301113 West shortly. Apply to W. F. KERNEY, on the premise P.9. address, Waudby. Ont. ‘7-.. 1114!. am ING LOT N0. 27, CON. 2,AN Lot 28, con. 3, S. D. R., GlenelD. Containing 100 acres, 50 acres ineac lot, 85 acres cleared and ï¬t for harvest»- jng‘ machinery, . a. qggnpity _ of gopd ing machinery nantity of bush on gach lo}: ell way; Anumber of improved valuable farms in New Ontario, near New Liskeard for saleâ€"large discount for cash. Map of the locality and terms given on application to J. P. Tnnroan, 7-18-06. Solicitor for Vendor. D. Containing 100 acres. On the prem- ises is {brick house. ï¬fteen rooms. heated by hot agrofurnace. Soft water in kitchen, never figmng wel_l of ggod _hard_ water at Feb. 6th, 1907â€"tf. Nov 13th 1906.;tf. One of the bestfarms in the Town- ship of Bentinck. 208 acres. new brick house, two large bank barns, land ï¬rst class, all cleared except 2) acres. Snap to quick purchaser. $1500 down, balance at 41: per cent. Applv to MAOKAY DUNN, - Vendor's Solicitors. _-.. â€"vâ€"w Vl‘ UIIIW DI". Durham. A p13} to Wm. Laurette. Rocky Sangeen. or ohn Jun. 25. '06 ti. - to. Durham- twen Jive acres 10 bed, four urea in tï¬lal 3.1m. " “3 Possession maybe had after Mar let. For further pamculars apply to A good solid brick two storey dwelling. alongsrde Presbyterian Manse property in Upfer Town. Durham. Corner of Durham an Elgin streets. Seven rooms. pantry closets. cement floored cellor. etc. Good air location in good locality. Good frame sta le. hard and soft water. one acre of land. Snap for quick purchaser. For further particulars apply to J. P. TELFORD, Jan. 3; 1906.â€"tf _ Barrister. Durham. JOHN W. MCKECHNIE. Owner. Aug. 1st. 1%6-tf. Rockv Sangeen P. 0‘ .IJ cession West of the Garafraxa. Road. in the Township of Normanby, m the County of Grey. For particulars apply to Feb. llâ€"lm. A good stone dwelling. in upper town, known as the Parker roperty on Garafraxa street. Go stable, hard and soft water, and good bear- ing orchard. For further particulars a l to pp y W. J. FIRTH, 13-1.. 11 1--- J. of Saddler street in the 'i‘éwï¬â€˜ erD-n: ham. in the county of Grey, containing! acres more or less. For terms and particu- lars applv to ' ON THE GARAFRAXA ROADâ€" about six miles from, Durham. title. Possession at once. Good land. Must be sold. For particulars apply to Jan. 2 PARK LOT NUMBER 13 NORTH Of Saddler street in the Town of “11-. J. P. TELFORD Durham Feb 22nd 1905 â€"tf . J. P. TELFORD. Dec. 2.â€"tf. Vendor’s Solicitor. Durham House and Lot For Sale 0'18 2 AND3OF 15. CON. 1. W. G. I . Bontinck. Buildin lot on Bruce .. Iï¬rham. Bfickngonsg 5n Brnge St" IELNG‘r 991‘ 5‘,‘(}ON. 11, gLENELG, _OT 21â€"IN THE SECOND CON- DONALD BEATON. Prop., ., ‘43“). 193-11" POHONA 1’. 0. Good Farm for Sale. Normanhy Farm to: Sale lo Conéénient Park Lot For Sale. For Sale or Rent Farms for Sale. IN NEW ONTARIO. Farm for Sale. House tor Sale. Farm for Sale. Farm for Sale. FARM FOR SALE. For Sale. 'ing onzéllil:t'_d:w L 1907