Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Sep 1903, p. 4

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o . . 11 Does 1t pay to smoke 11nd chew 10-! bacco is 11 (Iuestion not often asked. ’ and it' put to a thougatless observer of things 111 1111111111111 the answer 11 ould be negative in nine cases. out of ten. U n- 1 F til lately the writer would have gone 1 with the 11111jorit3'and answered “No.’ ' emph: 1ti(1.1 11113', but a little " (1.11t11logue: of presents published by the Empire ; Tobacco (hunpany. of Monti cal. open-' ed up a new avenue of thought, 11nd 1 places the question of using tobacco on _‘ an entirely new basis. The. Company 5 5 gives 1111 sorts of premiums for the tin 1 tags attached to their 11111kes of tobac- co, the 11111111 of the premium being ‘ placed on the number of tags 111t111ned to the ('ompany. O ne illustration will suffice. to demons-1111111 the position. 11nd ‘ as every man needs clothing we. may 1 show how he may clothe himself at no 1 ( cost whatever. the only condition be- i : ing th 1t he must use quite a stock of tobaec o to keep his wardrobe well fill l I: 1' ed. '1 0 get a Gent s Sack suit. manu- l 1 1 l ‘1 f t f t t O l factured by Fit Reform Company, a1l ' you have to do is to send in two thous 1 1 and t 1gs. postage or express fully pre. 1 1 paid. and you'll get in return, free of ‘ 1 charge. a ten (10111111 suit. â€"â€"'Iust thinl' l ; of it! X on need to smoke and chew 3 only; {000 plugs of tobacco at 108. a total cost of a mere nominal $200. and 1 ‘ then you get FOR .\'()'r111\'(1 a ten dollar ' ' suit, brand new. Now it W111 take 1 ' abut three or four ten dollar suits to f 7 do a man a year. Let us suppose. three 1 I and three extra pairs of $3 trousers. " the latter of which can he. got FREE for 650 tags each. Figuring out the whole thingâ€"(3.000 tags for 3 ten dol- lar suits and 1950 tags for three pairs 1 ' of three dollar trousersâ€"that is 7950 tags for the whole outfit. The total cost of 7951') plugs of Empire tobacco is only $795, and by using 70-550 plngs 1n a 5 yea 111ml saving the tags any youno’i man who is not too fastidious about 1 his dress could get along very nicely 1 Without ha 'in g anything to buy except i shirts. neckties. collars, boots, stock- 1 ings, a couple pairs of braces. three 011 1 four hats. underwear, an overcoat, a‘ waterproof and an umbrella. 7950 ten- cent plugs of tobacco a year would be a. little over twenty-one plugs 11 day. 1 and this, it seems to us Would be a reasonable allowance for most tobacco users. ‘1 'ithout carrying the calculation any further there seems no reason why people should buy clothing when they can get it for nothing by smoking in moderation. Does it pay" to use. tobacco. Of course it does: it pays the fellows who make the tobac- 1 l l |. l l 11 l l Good Spices Insure Good Pickles. MacFARLANNz 00. DURHAM CHRONICLE Durham, Sept. 3, 1903. Pure Spices. The bush is full of people who are looking for easy jobs, and the result is that the market for the easy-job-seek- ers is overstocked now. The young man with strong physique and healthy digestive organs makesamistake when he hunts around for white handed em- ployment. .Most situations of that kind are filled with girls, and as girls 28 Often more reliable and trust- THE MAN ON THE STREET “ A chiel's amang ye takin’ notes, An’ faith he'll prent it.”â€"BL’R.\'S. W. IRWIN, Editor and Proprietor. Bv the pkg, oz. or 1b. DOES IT PAY? EASY JOB MFX. i The Lacrosse season is drawing to a 1 close and a word or two in regard to E athletic contests may not be out of i place at this particular juncture. That 9 good healthful sports are most desirable i 1n the rising generation no person will 'deny for a moment, but the CllltiV‘ - ltion of the physical side of a man’s inature without regard to the mental i or moral is nothing short of a one- ! sided development of a three-sided 9 being. What we wish to speak of in Eparticular now is not in reference to 31 the plaayers themselves. The game is j becoming so intensely interesting as to spread out to the whole communi- 5 ty , evidence of which may be seen in l the big crowds that witness the sports I wherever held. Of course there are i two sides 5, and from the strongest fac- tion in particular, one is forced to lis- ten to insulting jeers and uncouth re- marks that ill become the arena of the sport field. This should not be so. and there would be much less antagonism between rival towns if the spectators would treat the visit- _ 01's with a greater measure of cour- 1 {c.j. . and give them full credit for : good playing whenever they deserve The best team should win whether ' at home or away from home, and . there should not be anything in the at- ? titude of the crowd to intimidate the . v isiting play ers. 'lhe pl Lyers in ‘ph} sical (outests are not at all cow- :zti'tlly', but few boys, no matter how 7 brave they may be, have any particu- lar relish for heads or smashed noses, : The visitors are the ones who usually ‘ come out second best, not because of . any lack of grit, but because the sym- worthy than the big majority of boys; as well as a cheaper commodity in the labor market, the result is- that they get positions while their brothers are looklng for work congenial to their ambitions. The young man starting out in life with a desire not to be crushed out of the race must engage in heavy and perhaps dirty work. the kind of job that the great laboring classes have no hankering after. To elaborate on this question is not necessary; the majority of thinking young men can see its force, and if wisdom be brought in as a factor in making a choice of employment many, we imagine, will be disposed to act on the suggestion and learn a trade or engage in a work that requires energy and ambition as well as a fair share of pathy of the crowd is invariably with theZhome players and may soon he fanned to {L flame of active opposi- tion and bodily injury. “The super- fluous exuberance of youth” as one citizen puts it, should not he carried too far. and as visitors in the social circle should be treated with courtesy, so should visitors on the field of sport be treated with respect. brains. Thousands of people will he in To- ronto this week at the industrial ex- hibition, and thousands will have reas- on to he dissatisfied at the treatment they'll get during their stay in the Queen City. \Vhe a person can go to the city ordinarily and get board and lodging from a dollar a day' up, it seems like a huge imposition to have to have to pay from one to two dollars for the privilege of lying on a creaky stretcher and being regaled in the morning with sour ham and ancient hen fruit. Such, however, is the way with the world, and a little state of congestion is almost sure to bring out the tricky element of a mean man’s nature. The law of supply and de- mand has its influence in the regulat- ing of prices, yet there seems no good reason for a man to make a hog of when he has a chauce, other than the natural hoggishness that hitherto lay dormant for want of room to spread it- self. Toronto is not the only town, however Where they keep hogs of the ; two-legged variety. ! DE-\R SIR,â€"On behalf of the \Valk- ‘, erton Lacrosse Club, as well as citizens, ‘ ';I desire to exptess o n legret at the disgmceful behavioux of some of the 3 scum of this town, in t1 eating your ! team with rotten eggs, etc. ., ' While lea, ing town, after having played a nice clean game of Lacx osse here. we E only heard about it a, few minutes ago, i but steps have been taken to prosecute 3. the offenders, a lawyer in town having 3 taken the matter into his own hands. Walkerton after the Scalps of the Scum CHECK SUPERELUOUS EXUBERANCE. W. S. DAVIDSON, ESQ., Sec“ Durham Lacrosse Club, Durham, Ontario. Kindly see that this apology is put into your papers. I rmain Yours truly M. R. COMPLIN, Sec’y VValkerton Lacrosse Club, [The above article is worthy of com- mendation, and our honest opinion is that hoodlumism would be reduced to a minimum if the better element would frown it down in a manner sim- ilar to that inaugurated by the Walk- erton Lacrosse boys.â€"-Ed.] ALL HOGS NOT IN II()(ET()\\'.\'. A VOLUNTARY APOLOGY. Our teacher, Miss Lawrence, is working over time of late. drilling a class of girls to compete for the prize at the World’s Fair, Holstein, Sept. 29th. Messrs. G. W. and J. Wilson have gone entirely out of business having sold their sawmill with the two hun- dred acres of bush land to a Guelph man, Mr. McRae, we think is the name, and also their threshing outfit to Mr. McPhail, of Priceville. Drugging will not cure Catarrh. This loathsome disease is caused by germs that invade the air passages of the head, throat and lungs, and can be cured only by inhalation of medicated air. Stomach medicines, atomizers, snuffs, are ineffectual, be- cause they fail to reach the cause of the trouble. Catarrhozone is success ful because it is inhaled to every part of the breathing organs, and has power to kill the germ, heals the in- flamed tissues and prevents droppings in the throat. Catarrhozone treats more than one thousand square feet of the mucous surface with every breath taken through the inhaler, and affords instant relief. It perfect- ly cures Cata:.rh, Asthma and Bron- chitis. Sold by druggists. Two months’ treatment price \1. Small size 25a, or by mail from Poison 8.: (30., Kingston, Ont. Mr. Jas. Allan attended the nival in Hamilton and visited tives in the vicinity of the city. -0- ._.-1, “a *4 The Extension of Markets for Agri- cultural Products. Mrs. J. Martin and her two daugh- ters who have been spending the summer holidays with her many old friends in this part, return to their home in Hamilton this Tuesday. Miss A. Sirrs visited Mount Forest friends a week ago and witnessed the keenly contested game of Lacrosse between Mount Forest and Owen Sound. For a number of years the Depart- ment of Agriculture has paid particu- lar attention to the development of our export trade in agricultural pro- ducts. During the South African The Hillis family have been adding to their real estate the 100-acre farm on the 15!: con., formerly owned and occupied by Mr. Robt. Coohrahe. Mr. Jas. Bruce, of Tara, spent a few days last week amongst old friends. It is some years since he left this part, but he has not yet for- gotten the old neighbors, and, no doubt, feels somewhat lonely of late, having lost his life partner. war the Department undertook to fill a number of very large orders from the War Office, and as a. result hay, flour, oats. meats, jam. etc., to the value Of over $8,000,000 were purchased in Canada for the mainten- ance of the army in the field. This work was carried on under the direct supervision of Prof. Robertson, Com- missioner of Agriculture and Dairy- ing, but, at the beginning of the present year. it was decided to create a distinct Extension of Market Divis- ion. and to place at the head of it Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Tait, of Wood- land, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ben Grit:- tenden the fore part of this week. Very little threshing has been done yet, but enough to prove that there is going to be an excellent yield. The home of Mr. Wm. Mathews was brightened on Saturday by the arrival of a little daughter. Mr. Wm. Grasby who recently moved from this part to Mr. A. S. Hunter’s farm, Durham, paid a. sad visit back to this part, to bury an in- fant; child in Maplewood Cemetery. W. W. Moore, who was in South Africa for the Department in 1900, and' who has been intimately connect- ed with all the efforts made to in- crease Canadian trade with that country. It need scarcely be added that Mr. Moore will always be found ready to afford enquirers any infor- mation in his power regarding the markets for Canadian agricultural products. During the past few weeks consid- erable correspondence has reached the Markets Division from Great Britain, with especial reference to fruit pulps, particularly rasyberry. The fruit crop in the United Kingdom and on the Continent is very poor. and con.- sequently there is a considerable «le- mand for foreign. or rather coioniai. fruit pulp. The market is now bare of supplies. and as new Australimi will not arrive before March next. an excellent opportunity is ofier ed for Canadian canners. if they have the goods to fill orders. Unfortun- ately, it appears that the Canadian »raspberry crop was also short this season. The canners have, however. been ‘placed in possession of all the information at Mr. Moore’s diSposal, and considerable business has alreadv resulted All the pulp available will doubtless be disposed of at once at good prices. been ‘placed in possession of all the - Barley ............ information at Mr. Moore’s disp081tl,‘ Hay .............. and considorabie business has alreadv Bur. er. , , resulted. All the pulp available will Eggs . . . . .... . ... . . doubtless be diSposed of at once at Potatoes per bag.. good prices. ' .Fiour .vr cwt ...... In View of the Short fruit crop Oatme :l per sack. . there is likely to be a good demand 2 Chop :ntl' cwt. . .. . in Britain for boiling and cidenmak- 3 Live Hugs ........ ing apples. The Department has re- ; Dressed Hogs per c ceived advices from the Canadian Hides per 1b ..... High Commissioner in'London to the ' Sheepskins . . . . effect that one firm would take 5.000 F Wool . ...... . . tons of each of the above sorts, Mr. 3 erb ........... Moore is now in communication with 'fTallow . . . . . . . . the leading fruit shippers to ascertain l L4 rd ............. whether they can fill the order. The ' possibility of shipping cider is also! being investigated. A trade of this ‘9 sort would afiord facilities for selling 3 to advantage the immense quantities 3 ,of cull apples which now go to waste l {in this country. 1. m Recent letters received at the De- partment indicate that on account of drought the grain crops in the Trans- Corner Concerns. Car- rela- Scorn -â€"â€".â€"-..Q. ..*â€".-â€"â€"--â€"â€".~ Women and Jewels. Jewels, candy, flowers, man-«that is the order of a woman’s preferenres. Jewels form a magnet of mighty power to the average woman. Even that greatest of all jewels, health, is often ruined in the strenuous efforts to make or save the money to pur- chase thern. If a woman will risk her health to get a coveted gem, then let her fortify herself against the in- siduous consequences of coughs.colds and bronchial affections by the regu lar use of Dr. Boschce’s German Syrup. It \gill promptly arrest con- sumption in its early stages and heal the affected lungs and bronchial tubes and drive the dread disease from the sysrem. It is not a cure-all but it is certain a cure for coughs, colds and all bronchial troubles. You can get this reliable remedy at Darlings Drug DR. HARTE’S CELERY- IRON PILLS. vaal will be short. this season. and that in consequence there is likely to be a good demand for Canadian food products in the sister colony. W. A. CLEMONS. Publication Clerk. The Remedy we Positively Guarantee will Cure You orYour Money Refunded. There has never been a remedy offered to the public with such an honest guaran- tee of cure behind it as Dr. Harte’s _Cel- 'v' 'â€" ery-Iroian-ills. This remedy is the best treatment in the world for such freubles as Anaemia, Chlorosis or Green Sickness, Pale and Sallow Complexion, Nervous- ness, Sleeplessness, Brain Fag, Impaired Memory, Loss offiAppetite, Dyspepsia, Nerve Exhaustion, Nervous Headaches, Hysteria, St. Vitus Dance, Female Weak- ness, Pimples and Eruptions, Heart Pal- pitation, Shortness of Breath, Dizziness and Faintness, General Weakness and DePiIity. - n n C _ ___L JOHN A. DARLENG cam-1151‘ â€"_ AND _. DRUGGIST DURHAM, ONT. ”â€"wâ€"wâ€"J ' It is a great boon to weak, worn-out run-down men and women, giving them that vigorous health that makes life worth living. There is nothing better for pale, list- less, hollow-eyed girls to make them rosy-cheeked and full of bounding health. If you are anxious to try Dr. Harte’s Celery-Iron Pills, we will sell you 6 boxes for $2.50 with the understanding and with the guarantee that if you feel you are not deriving benefit from the use of the Pills, after taking three boxes according to directions, you may return the 3 empty boxes, together with the 3 unopened ‘ones, and have your money. refundedfi By the single box the Pills are 50c. FA” \VhO *C. Sprinv \“J in»: w Oats ........ "‘2; MISS BANKS will also give Paintinglesson Tuesdays and Thursdays. Call and inspect goods as they are the newest. Fa ncy Goods Battenburg Braids and Patterns, Silkine, Embroidery Silks, Fancy Cushions, Crochet Cottons, and a full line of all Fancy Goods of all kinds. S 0' McIntyre Block. Durham. Ont. Miss Banks Stamping Done to Order. mmmmhwwm ues per bag, ..... 75 .«H' cwt. ........ 1 90 3:! per sack. 2 40 pm'C\vB.....,.. 110 1.1(1'g5...... 6 15 ed Hogs percwt. 7 75 Market Report. Miss Bessie Banks has opened a. Fancy Goods Department in Miss Dick’s Millirery Store where she keeps DURHAM. SEPT. 12 cwt. .1903. 10 00 14 80 2' 2o 2 4'3 50 Vinegar and Spices. Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil. Turpentine and Beuzine, Mixed and Dry Paints. Varnishes and Brushes Alabastine. Kalsomine, Paris White and Whiting. Coal Oil in Gal or Bbl. lots. Harness Oil 600 per Gal Fly Oil 650 Gal. SEEDSâ€"â€"Timothy, Orchard, Grass and Clover Seed P. S.â€"A full line of Schogl Supplies for Sch’l Opening. Late Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic 1108.. Eng., and to Golden Sq. Throat and Nose Hos. EXCLUSIVELY W’ill be at the Middaugh House lst. \chnesday of each month. from 1:3 to 4 p. m. Specialist: Eye, \v v \ \V w 3'! \VI. \Vcsvesfimvmm - -- --. $49§9g§4Â¥g§4€746 >¢é§¢<§¢< 3a. ”39’. :9. >¢< 4? .4» ’5“ .9. .r’x. '4" . $5? '3? s". S I I G O $1 a S}. A; ’11. :_QO;“0;¢:O Le'""'¢”.®é;¢ @oo‘.o‘oo‘ooQ/ooé :‘é’ 74S 4AS 4;S 45S 74S 45S 4aS 4AS 45S 43S ’15? 4AS 4;S 4‘S 4; a \ 5. ,\I Vl‘f LEAVE YOUR MEASURE NO‘W. Fastest Shoe Repairing. "STRICTLY CASH SYSTEM." DURHAM AND O‘NEN SOUND. DB. GED. S. BURT. PARKER’S Drug Store. IT’S HIGH TIME you were preparing your foot comfort for the com- i119; fall. Buy vour fall boots at once and get them well seasoned and voull get mme weal. As ue must have room for our stock we are now selling off our summer shoes, slip- pers, etc. below cosr. Move quick and you’ll run up against some swell bargains Groufid 'Spicés. White Wine Vinegar from 300 gal. up. Older Yinegair,~E_11glish Malt 650 gal. Whole and OILS AND PAINTS. PEEL the Shoeman '. Throat and Nose GEM FRUIT JARS. paper. and give mu address to v v â€" â€"â€" â€" THE 1.18810 00.. 179 King street west. Tomato. hIIâ€"â€"I v-wâ€" or have children or relatives that do 80. or brown. friend that is afflicted. the :1 send fora. free trial bottle in and try it. It will be scntb y bmall mam“. Ithas cured when: ct c: y- n else has failed. When writing mention this paper. and give mu address to HE M5111 E66115 now used by the best physicians and hospitals In Europe and America. It is confidentially recommended to the met. If you suffer from d. EPILEPSY: firs, ST. vnus' DANCE, A. -5 ‘A an A- ham .3 Licbig's Fit cure for Epilepsy and kindred aflcctlons is the only successful remedy, _and is n_ovq usgd by thg pest phyflgkms and A.___.. 4:. w“: w W 45" e)" I v“

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