Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Jun 1903, p. 3

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flow to Get a Homestead in the West. by the undersigned Trustees of S. S. No. 3. in the Township of Egremont. up to the 27th «lay of June. 13. for the sale of the following properties, viz.:-â€" The Public School site and buildings of the above named section, situated in the village of Holstein. Also the property known as the Teacher’s Residence. situated on Centre street. The highest or any tender not neces« earily accepted. For full particulars ap« ply tu Tuos. J. REID. two. F. CALDER. Jonx l). ROBERTS. Moore McFadden, May ‘26, cf. Pluses ALBERT, SASK. llolatei n', J nne 8th.-3w. Public Sch’l Properties for Sale. 'l in» umk rsignecl having been restureil to health by ‘lfllplfi means. after suffering for several years With a seven- lung inflection. and that dread dis-vane Consumption. is anximm to make known to his tc-lluw sum-rem the means of cure. To those who desire it. he will cheerfully send (free or charge) a ('up)’ of the perscriptiuu used. which they will find a sure cure t'nr Consumption. Auk-n. Chunk. anchifls and all throat and lung Mullet. He hopes all anflerers will try his remedy. u it is invaluable. Those desiring the peracndtion, which will cost them nothing. and may prove a blessing. will please address, NEW Puxps AND REPAIRS. DRILL CURB, RBI-CURB, PRESSCURB WELLS. Allordsrs taken at the old stan- uvar McGovvan’a Mill will be promptly at tended to. ALL Won: GUARANTEED at “Live and let live” PRICES. Rev. EDWARD A. WIL’ON Brooklyn New York. Pumps. FU RN [TU RE Shewell Menahan PROMPT ATTENTION TO UNDERTAKING I BEG LEAVE TO INFORM MY CUS- l‘UMERS and the fiublic in general that. I am prepared to lumie NDERS WILL BE RECEIXE-l? T0 CONSUMPTIVES. So many people are settling in this country that in a short time it will be difiicnlt to ob tain land along the line of railway. Anyone wishing to have a homestead here will do well to have us select and enter it for him as soon as it is surveyed. We can locate you in any part of Saskatche- wan. For full particulars write at once to of the best makes For all kinds of DEPARTMENT. GEORGE WHITMORE. In accordance with resolution of adjournment from January session, the County Council of the County of Grey met in Marsh’s Hall. Markdale, on Monday, the 15th inst. The mem- bers were all present excepting Mr. Doyle, who gwas detained owing to ' the serious illness of his father. The ’Warden took the chair at 2 p. m.. ' and after the roll was called and the ‘minutes of last day of January ses- 2sion had been read and signed, he lbriefly addressed tne Council. He said he had attended council meetings :in the past when there were vacant ’chairs, owing to removals by the ' hand of death. but he was pleased lthat this time there were no vacan- lcies from this cause. but all were aable to be in their places through the :ordering of a kind Providence. He {congratulated the Council on the fair Sprospect of a good cr0p ; also upon lthe satisfactory progress being made ; upon the work of the erection of the 'House of Refuge. He judged that a the County oflicials having charge of 'the work had faithfully done their duty. Important business would he laid before the Council at this session, particularly the equalization of the County assessment. From what he knew of the gentlemen who compose Ithe Council. he was satisfied they ,would do what they considered ; would be for the best interests of the County. giving their best thought . and attention to the business which ‘would be brought before them. ‘of the transfer of that portion of Owen Sound which was last fall " transferred to the Township of Syden« hero. The matter was referred to I the Education Committee. The Clerk presented and read tho following documents, which were severally referred by the Warden to the standing commfitees to which they respectively belonged. as noted: County Treasurer’s estimates for 1904, showing that the sum of $39,000 would be required to be levied, being $8,000 in excess of the estimates of last year, largely owing to the ex- pense in connection with the erection and maintenance of the House of Refuge, bridges, etc. A copy of the Preeeutment of the" Grand Jury at the recent sittings of! the County Court and General 803-7 sions referred to the Finance Com-' mittee. the County; Court and General-See? Kerney-Sullivanâ€"That the clerk eions referred to the Finance Com- ' be instructed to norify Mr. Hunt, of mitten. Dornoch. to either fulfil the law in A brief report from Rev. Jamesimgal'd W “Ullway at lot 155. baseline, Lediard, agent of the Children’s Aid 1 or till up the same and lease it as he Society. showing a summary of the ' found "0 and that he attend to this work of society since the last report, "latte" torthwith.-â€"-Carried. and asking the usual grunt of.310l)to’ URVlS--SlllliVflD-Tllflt the reeve is the Society. sent to the Finance Com thereby authorized to draw on the mittee treasure: the necessary funds to pay Circulzu' letters were received from 3 exmnses 0f Midge M 10‘ 20~ con. 11~ the Eastern and VVesteru Ontario.EM work progresses â€"-Carrie«l. Good Roads Association respectingl Kerney '--.-\l‘r0W8mith-â€"â€"â€"'l‘}lat John meetings of general interest-“Rem McNally he paid $233 for damages to ferred to Road and Bridge Co:nmittee.;buggy on defective road a? lot 10, An application was received from Lt,oCol. A. G. Campbell of the 3lst Regiment asking for the usual an- nual grant to the Battalion and ap- plication was referred to the Finance Committee. Report of North Grey Farmers’ In sticute for 1902, sent to Finance Com mittee. An appeal from certain ratepayers of School sections one, five and twelve of the Township of Sydenham. against the action of the Township of Sydenham in refusing to take ac- tion in the matter of re arranging the school sections. This arises out Application from Central Grey Ag- ricultural Society of Walters Falls for a grant to the funds of the Socie- ty. Referred to the Finance Com- mittee. Statement from the Deparment of Education of the amounts granted to the public schools of the county, and the same was referred to the Educa- tion Committee. A statement from Mount Forest High School of account to be paid to that school for extra maintenance for pupils attending; from townships of Egremont and Normanby. Referred to Education Committee. Electoral District Agricultural So- ciety’s annual report was presented and referred to t1' 3 Finance Commit- tee. An applicgtion of Edward Fitz- gould for a free pedlar’s license was referred to Finance Committee. Application of George Ries, of Han- over. to be eppointed caretaker of House of Refugeâ€"sent to House of Refuge Committee. A yequeet from the Board of Edu- cation of Owen Sound to have a. deed of land. granted in 1856 by the Gov- ernment of Canada for a grammar school site. as it is net suitable for the purpose for which it Was granted. Referred to the Education Commit. An application from W. J. Blake anon of Dundelk to be eppoimed caretaker of the House of Refuge. An ncconnt from Owen Sound for cost. of consuncting n granolithic Iidownlk at Registry ofice, Owen Sound. Account from Messrs. Lucas, Wright McArdle for 87.00. fees in the purchase of the Marsh farm; also an account of Messrs. McKay Sampson, County Solicitors. for N4 and 835 respectively, for fees in con- nection with the purchase of site {or House of Refugeâ€"sent to House of Refuge Committee. A letter from President Mills of Ontario Agriculturnl Society re the mutter of county students nt said collegeâ€"cont to the Finance Commit.- An «count from the Mchllnm Co. for 016 {or mincellmooua printing in- Juno Sea-ion Held in Mannie. COUNTY COUNCIL. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. The committee appointed to confer with owners of lots 49, 50 ahd 51, con 3, E. G. R., put in their report and stated that no terms could be made with owner of lot 50. and therefor nothing in the way of drain. ing the road could be done. The committee appointed to exam- ine roads at lot 6. con. 9, reported that a bridge at said lot on the origi- nal road allowance would be very expensive, and that a deviation as proposed would also be very expen- sive on account of the rocky nature and the steep gradients to be encoun- tered. A communication from Lucas, Wright McArdle in relation to townlines and the responsibilities of keeping the same in repair was read. The Council met June 13th pursu- ant to adjournment. All the mem- ber: present, the Reeve in the chair. Arrowémitrhâ€"Sullivanâ€"Tban Ran- ald McDonald be paid $19 for work done at Bathead mills.â€"Carried. Davisâ€"Sullivan~â€"â€"That cheques is- sue for the following road jobszu David Davis $25.50 for graveling at lot 59. con. ‘2, E. G. R, I). J. McNab $22.50 and 319.20 for graveling at Ion-158 and :39, con. :2. E. G R., and Charles Arnelt $1.75) {or repair of bridge at lot 6, con. 2, N D. R.~â€" Carried. A circular from the “ Laure. Secord Memorial Fund Committee ” asking for a smell grunt to aid the fundâ€" referred to the Finance Committee. Continued on page 5. Acard from the Deputy Minister of Education stating the amount of grant to the Collegiate Institute. of $1228.17. and to the Meaford High School of 8800.83â€"sent to the Educa- Committee. Sullivan-â€"â€"Kerney-That John Eek- hardt he alluwed 43; days and John Kennedy éday {or shoveling snow in 1901, and that the same be allo them in their statute labor for 190 . ~Curried. eluding magistrnto’s forumâ€"sent Printing Committee. Dav:a--~5ullivan-â€"â€"-'l‘hat the reeve 13‘ Comr. Robb reported examining hereby authorized to draw on the road lot]. con. 13. and found “I“ treasure: the necessary funds to pay no“ to change roadbed would be eXpenses of bridge at lot 20. con. 11, great. and according to the stakes “5 “'Ul‘k prOgresses -â€"()arriml. ' planted would recommend that Mr. Kernvy Arrowsmit.hâ€"â€"'l‘hat John 2 Smith put his fence out to the line. McNaHy he paid 826') for damages to Mclntyreâ€"McFaddenâ€"That fore- buggy on defective road a? lot loggoing report be adopted and Comr. con..11.â€"â€"-Carried. ;l{obh see that Mr. Smith keeps his Davis--â€"Sullivan~That the reev_e ‘ fence in the right place.-â€"â€"Cerried. Davis-â€"Sullivan~That the reeve and clerk issue cheques in favor of I. B. Lucas for legal adviceâ€"Carried. Salli vauâ€"â€"â€"Davis~-That commission- ers for \Vards I; and 4 be paid $5 each for connnissicn on expenditure.“ Ca: ried. 2, E. G. R. \Vith these changes the R011 was passed and handed over to the council and tshu court arose. J. “BLACK ,Clerk. DR. HARTE’S CELERY- IRON PILLS. Arrow-unithâ€"«Kearneyâ€"uThat the clerk be paid $1. 71 for phs mum .. Carried. Sullivan«Arrowsmibh -â€"-'J‘ioat the reevo and Mr. 1)th he paid $1 each and Mr. Keruey $2 for committee work. Carried. The council adjourned to July 11 at 1Q 51. m. The council then Went into Court of Revision and made changes as follows: The aqsessmnnt of lot ‘24. con. 11. was reducwl to 3900. Michael and John McGrath were assessed for lot. E.Qof16. con. 4. N D. R., in- Steml of George McRae, John Mc- Keuhnie was entered for lot 23. con. The Remedy we Positively Guarantee will Cure You orYour Money Refunded. There has never been a. remedy offered to the public with such an honest gum- tge of cure behind it as Dr. Harte’s Cel- eryolron Pills. 'lhis remedy is the best treatment in the world for such troubles u Anaemia, Chlorosis or Green Sickness, Pnle and $allbw Cgmplexion, Nervous- JOHN A. DARLING cums'r â€" AND _ .DBUGGIs'r DURHAM, ONT. ness, Sleeplessness, Brain Fag, Impaired Memory, Loss ofOAppetite, Dyspepsia, Nerve Exhaustion, Nervous Headaches, Hysteria, St. Vitus Dance, Female Weak- ness, Pimples and Eruptions, Heart Pal- pitation, Shortnee: of Breath, D' ° ess _____ ‘ "7__I,_4- _ ____j Debility. It is s greet boon to weak, worn-out run-down men and women, giving them thst vigorous health that makes life worth living. ' There is nothing better for pale, list- less, hollow-eyed girls to make them rosy-checked and full of bounding heelth. If you ere anxious to try Dr. Barb's Celery-Iron Pills, we will sell you 6 boxes for $2.50 with the unders ' end with the guarsntee thst if you fee you are not deriving benefit from the use of the Pills, after taking three boxes seeording to directions, you my return the 3 empty boxes, together with the 8 unopened ones, end have your money, refunded} By thesingleboxthePillserewo- Faintneu, General Weakness and GLENELG COUNCIL. -â€"â€"~â€".«.o.â€"o Comr. Robb reportedâ€"To Adam Eurig 82 yards gravelling at Long Swamp 16“. per yard, Egt.'s share $3.48; railing 176 feet. ‘8; Comr. Gardiner operating gravel, 82.50; Comr. Robb superintending driving piles for railing, 81; J. W. Walls 42 yards gravel, 82.10; injury to crop hauling gravel. 81; A. Peckover cul- vert 5th sideroad, con.10 and 11,6 ft. span railed $18; anew bridge 5th sideroad, con 8 and 9, 8 ft. span rail- ed, 826; rep. culvert 5th sideroad, con. 8 and 9, 33. McIntyreâ€"Gordonâ€"That report. be adopted and Comr. receive 84 com. fees â€"-Cerried. McFaddenâ€"Gordonâ€"o'l‘hat report be adopted and Comr. receive 36 com. fees.â€"â€"Cerried. Comr. McQueen reported grading 15th aideroad con. 6 according to in- struction. total cost $24.50; grading on deviation con 6. toral cost $16; pathmaeters used grader 7 days in said division, operators pay $14; re- pairs for grader 600.; road jobs. Geo. Keith railing and repairing McNair’s cattle pass, 890; cutting hill same place. 815; John Keith cutting,r hill lot 18. con. 6, $25; Jos. Robb railing Robb’s bridge. $9. Work completed. Council met June 13th. Minutes confirmed Comr. McIntyre reported on road imps.: D. Fergueon 21 rode gravelling lot 23. con. 22 .. nt 600... 812.60; John Colder verioue jobs lot 24, con. 22, 845.75; John Pierson re- plecing 2 culverts lot 25, con. 21 end 22. 84: W. \Vileon railing on bridge lot 26, con. 20. 82.60; D. Muir rep. bridge lot 18, con. 21 and 22, 84; Joe. Laughton new culvert lot 21. con. 20. 88.50 Robbâ€"~Gordon-u'l‘het report be adopted and Comr. receive 85 com. fees, and for notifying patbmastere re grader $5.-â€" Carried. ‘2 ; George. Eakett dc}~ 3‘} days. $7.50: do taking grader to Yeovil for repairs 250.. doubletree for grader. 82. Gordon â€"-.\1cIntyreâ€"â€"That report be adopted and Comr. be paid $5 for notifying pathmasters re grader.â€" Carried. Comr. Robb reported on orderâ€"â€" \V. Bye Operating grader one day, Gordonâ€"McFaddenâ€"--â€"That Comr. McIntyre be granted $15 for gravelo ling on con. 16.-â€"Carried. McQueenâ€"-Gordon-â€"Tbat Comr. McFadden be granted 820 to grade road Gore A. con. ‘21 and 22.â€"Carried. Robbâ€" McFaddenâ€"That the request of Mr. Findlay re sidewalks in Dro. more he laid over till next meeting of council for further information.â€" Carried. Comr. Robb reported on water- course in Orchardvillen-Found cul- vert blocked preventing escape of water, consulted Mr. Finder regard ing the site of his barn changing the natural watercourie. but he does not think that has anything to do with it. Robbâ€"Gordonâ€"-Tbac Comr. Mc- Queen be instructéd to examine the road at lot 28 and 29, con. 10, and report at next meeting.â€"Carried. Gordonâ€"-Robb-â€"--That Comr. Mc- Fadden meat Comr. Davin. Glenelz, to grade and gravel a portion of town- line and railing a. bridge.â€"â€"Carried. McFaddenâ€"Robbâ€"That Comr. Mc- Intyre be granted 815 to grade and gravel 15th sideroad con. 17 and 18. Carried. McIntyreâ€"Robbâ€"That Comr. Mc- Fadden be granted 820 to expend on Varney sideroad.â€"Carried. McIntyreâ€"McFaddenâ€"Jl‘hm fore- going report be adopted and Comr. receive 81 com. fees.â€"â€"â€"Carried. McIntyreâ€"Gordonâ€"I‘hat W. Has. tie. assessor. be paid $4 {or equalizing U. S. S. 14, Egt. and Normanby‘ said sums to be charged against said S. S. respectively.â€"Carried. McIntyreâ€"~31cFaddenâ€"~That the reeve and Comr. Gordon and Robb be a committee to emmine the Russell bridge end allo Drewrey’e bridge and report et next meeting.-â€"_Ca.rrie§. BBbb-Gordonâ€"Th“ we now ud- journ to meet in Holstein on Wad. neu-ity, July Stanâ€"Curried. D. ALLAR, Clerk. Valuable Advice to Rhenmtice. Eat meet eperingly, aleo very little auger, ovoid demp feet, drink weter abundnntlv. and elweye rely on Nerviline no an absolute reliever of pein. Five timee etronger then any other. ite power over pein ie eimply beyond belief. Get a. bottle nt your druggiete, teet it and eee if it ie not eo. medicine deelere cell it. eVery- where. Robbâ€"Gordonâ€"Thet the clerk be instructed to notify Mrs. Kelly to remove her fence ofl base lineâ€"Car- ried. -Robbâ€"-McFadden:â€"â€"Tbat Comr. Gordon inspect the driving of the piles at Fergugon’p bricige.â€"â€"_Carried. McIntyreâ€"Gordonâ€"That the reeve be appointed to examine the road at lot 10, con. 10, and get legal advice to see if fence should be moved or not.-â€"Carr° . Resolve that the following accts. be paid :â€"Joseph Campbell gravel. $2 10; reeve 2 days distributing path- rolls. .4; clerk do, 82; clerk’s quarter salary. 835; do postage. stationery 6 months, 84.50; Comr Gordon tele- phoning, 40c.; Mrs. Taylor use of ball, 500. Eamon canon. f SOUTH GREY The excursion will start by regular morning trains from the following Grand Trunk Stations, and tickets can he had at the following rates for the. round trip. leaving Guelph at 5.45 p. Ill. will reach Durham and Hanover at. 8.30 p. m. \Vill be held under the Auspices of the South Grey Farmers’ Institute on SATURDAY. JUNE 27, IBM. Per Grand Trunk Railway to Model Farm and College DURHAM, VARNEY. “()LSTEIN. MT. FOREST, I)RE\V, ELM \VUUI ), H A NOV E R. N E USTA I )T, A YTUN, A LSFEL] )T. All are invited and all shuuld tnkv this npportunity of visiting the farm. which in all its qlitferemt dvpartlnvnts, is well worthy of a visit. Bring your wivvs and daughters and give them a Lunch Provided on the Farm V 7 pleasant aha, px'ofimhlé holiday. JAs. ALLAN. Pros. (mu. BINNIE. Sue. EXCURSION J mu- 15th, 1903. Farmers’ Institute TheKingEdwatdCigalStole. I lend money at lowest rates, smallest cost, shortest notice and on your own terms. All kinds of debts and claims col- lected. No charge if no money made. Any and every kind of business transaction attented to carefully and with strictest privacy. MOTTO: “ Always prompt. never negligent.” Four years in David Jackson’s oflice in Durham ; 20 years in the same business at Hanover. That experience should count for something, shouldn’t it. For Choice THE undersigned begs to inform the people of Durham and our. rounding country that he is pre- pared to drill welle [through rock. sand or any kind of coil and guaran~ tee satisfaction. References may be made to Mr. Edward Kreee and Mr. Furneaux. of Durham, for whom he recently drilled wells. doing the work rapidly and furniahing aatie- faction. Particular. as to coat of drilling, piping and pump may be had on applying at The Chronicle ofioe, Durham, or writing to WM. BARTLEY. July 8rd.â€"3w. MABKDALE. HANOVER, p -â€"-.v that is a particularly good snap. It has fine barn, dwelling and other im- provements and one of the best pieces of bush in Bentinck. Price about $2,000. Farmers of South Grey I Have 100 acres inst now Varnvy l’.( ). Do any of you want to sell your farms? Have you got rich and now want to retire? Do you want to sell out and go West? Do you. for any reason. wish to sell? Then let me place your property on my list. No charge if no sale. I have sold a great deal of land lately and have just now but little left thought I al- ways have inquiries from per- sons wishing to buy. It will pay you to deal through me. Con. Knapp advertised his {arm a long time 111 several papers but couldn’t sell it. He placed it with me and I sold it at once. I have had many similar ex- periences. Well Drilling. Tickets good tn return nu any train on the 29th. GUELPH H. H. MILLER "l‘obaccus, Cigars and Pipes, try GRAND ADULTS. Hunessan 1’. (‘HILDR EN. ONTARIO. .(HD 09’!) 31'. .60 .55 . ()5) Massey-Hams Showmnms. (WEST OF HIDDAUGH HOUSE.) The Hygeine Cushioned Frame along with the new style Morrow Count Brake makes wheeling a plenum. We have them on ALSO_ pTgEn MAKES and good second-hand wheels for sale Kore. The New Era Gas Lamp is a dandy. Shows 100 feet ahead All kind! of repairing promptly attended to. Bicycles! The Agent. Don’t forget as when you wont a good pair of Shoes to wo out: a full line of Sterling Broo’. Shool. 2§Ayds lpng, 30" wide. taped ed”, 400 pair. 3 yds long, 36" wide, taped edge, 65¢ per puir. 3i yde long, 4‘..." wide, teped edge. 90¢ per pnir. 3} yde long, 48 wide, knitted edge, 81 ..00 35 ydl long, 54" wide, knitted edge, 81.40. The Big4 Floor Oil Cloth. l yd wide, 25c yd. “ 2 yd wide, 50c e yd. Colored weeh Silk weiet lengthe in white, bleck end oolore. 32 up to 33. 50 eech. Bleak memorized Seteen Underekirte et 81.40. 81.50. 81.75 end 82 eech. Best Groceries at low Ptiqos. Lace Curtains. Roller Window Shades, 35c «ch. Tnblo Linen 54" wide, 25c yd. " 64" wide. 500 yd. Whigs Bod Sprudu. 85c sud 81.20 SHOP open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and prop. erly attended to. W. D. CONNOR;â€" Pumps of all Kinds. low Prints and [my Gin‘hm M““~‘~‘v< Our Motto: “ High Glade Work Duly." “ lie Sells Cheap.” BOOTS and SHOES. Galvanized and Iron Pip- ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. Something New in Bicycles. Gas Lamps. Call and See Us. JUHN LWINGSIUN Pumps from $2 upwam. . l1. BEAN. Calder Block. Durham. Manufacturgr of And Dealer 111 ~â€" Massey-llarris Cleveland Perfect and llyslop Bicycles. W. D. CONNOR Durham.

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