Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Jun 1903, p. 1

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CATHERED DURING THE PA T WfEK CHRONICLE READE 8. Local News Items MONEY st 3970- MacKay dc Dunn, Durham.â€"tf. PLYMOUTH Twine at Livingston’s. Order early. Ir you mid? to buy a good form horse on” and see Barclay Bell’s horses. I'r’s impossible to best the sum- mer clothing Theobald is showing. Bicentenary.” ()2: Sunday evening the pastor will preach. Su§ject, “ The Methodist THE 1. 0. F. will attend Divine Service on Sunday morning next at the Methodist church. \VAXTEDâ€"Immediately, good gen- eral servant, highest wages. Apply to Mrs. Bryon, Lower Town.-â€"â€"9pd. Tm; Hon. J. R. Stratton is billed to be at the Roman Catholic picnic. Mount Forest, on Dominion Day; but he may " forget ” to come. ....4 pd. Fm: SALE.â€"â€"A camping tent, almost new; used only six weeks; may be seen at. The Big Store; size 9 ft. by 10 ft” sides 1ft.hl;,h, willsell cheap. Miss BANKS has Opened a fancy goods department in part of Miss Dick’s millinery store and gives a cordial invitation to all ladies to in- qpect her goods. Tm: Knapp House has again chang- ed hands. Mr. Hahn, late of the Middaugh House. is the new pur- chaser, and will take charge the first of July. A Gums}: PARTY under the unapices of the Ladies’ Aid of the Presbyter- ian church will be held Thursday evening, July 9th. on the grounds of Mrs. Gun. All invited. Mr. WILL MUNRO. electrician, had his hand seriously burned, his face scorched and his hair singed by an unpleasant contact with some of the electrical works at the cement plant Sunday night. Tm: Quarterly Social Evening of the Epworth League and their friends will be held in the parsonage on Monday evening. A good pro- gramme will be rendered and refresh- ments served. All are cordially in- vited. Silver collection at the door. THROUGH the kindness of the Coun- ty Clerk and Editor Rutledge, we are able this week to give the ofliciel re- port of the County Council proceed- ings in Markdele last week. 'We were an eye witness to the ceremony of laying the Corner stone in the House of Refuge. and the report furnished is so complete that there’s no need to add anything to it. FREE To LADIESâ€"All the ladies in-l terested in the movement for a high-l er physical life for their sex. and all those who wish to learn something concerning the cause and treatment of diseases peculiar to women are cordially invited to be present at Calder’s Hall on Tuesday, June 30th. at 3 p m. Under the auspices of the Hygienic Department of the Viavi Company. PRINCIPAL BLAKEsrox, of the Public School stall, was in Merkdale yester- day afternoon. He is an applicant for caretakership of the new House 0! Refuge being erected there. and if the County Council are looking for u reliable and efficient men. they could not do better than lecure Mr. Blake- oton’s services. We would be sorry to see Mr. B. leave Dundulk, but would be glad to know that we will be well taken care of when we go ” over the hills to the poor house.”â€" Dundulk Herald. TOMATO catsup, 10c. can. at Grant’s. THE garden party under «the nus-l piece of the Durham B. Y. P. U.' came 03 very successfully on Friday evening last. The beautiful grounds of Mr. B F. \Varner were again thel ideal spat for this annual event, and 3 large crowd took the opportunity of being present. The grounds were; lighted by electricity for the 00-} cusion. Tables were dotted over the} grounds with pretty bouquets and willing weiters who were kept busy during the .evening serving refresh- ments which consisted of sandwiches, n variety of cnk.. tea, coflee. ice ,crenm end etre‘berries. Mr. Alex. XcArtbur- was in the booth and had u ”roofing sole of everything in the candy line, not even on “ell-dey sucker” being lett to keep him eompeny. During the evening the Bend rendered eppropriete music. he proceeds amounted to over 880.. THE store for men. Every want can be satisfied with quality and price at Theobald’s. IF you want a beautiful polish on your stove come and get some Quick Shine sto've polish at Grant’s. COME and get a. nice sugar siftor full of baking powder, only 15%., gt Grant’s. Sncoxn hand Buggies and Bicycles at. low prices at Livingston’a :goncy. I'r’s easy seen that for nice-looking, fine-fitting clothing Theobald has the lead. 11“ you want to get agood cook stove (coal or wood) examine Barclay Bell's stock. EZE washing compound, six 'puck- ages for 250., at Grant’s. THE Chatsworth people are pre- paring for a Dominion Day Celebra- tion. \ dared suits. The very besc. bald the Clothier. Tum annual union Sunday School and day school picnic will be held in A. Derby’s Grove, near Hampden, on July lst. Sr. MARY" 5 Church, Mt Forest. will hold their annual woman the church grounds on \Vednesday. July lst, 1903 ~52 IF you want something handy call and see the new combination stock and hay rack handled by Barclay Bell. OWING to Wednesday being a holi- day. Dr. Burt will be at the Middaugh House. Durham, from 1‘2 to 4 p. m., Tuesday. June 30th. for consultation in Eye, Ear, Threat and Nose cases. SOME more buggies Just arrived at Barclay 85 Bell’s show rooms. They are the right kind. what they call the Tudhope. One earload has already gone. DON’T miss the Strawberry Social in the basement of the Presbyterian church Thursday evening. A good program and a pleasant evening is assured. Admission 15c. Du. BROWN, tho gifted singer of Holstein, sang a couple of solos Sun- day evening in the Baptist church here which were greatly enjoyed. The Dr. has become a favorite here and will be welcomed at any time by the music-going people of town. -V-‘-O.. W -._â€".._ An enthusiastic meeting for the purpose of organizing Cricket for the season of 1903 was held at Mr. J. P. Telford’s law office. when the follow- ing officers were elected :â€" Hon. Presâ€"Dr. Jamieson. M. P. Presidentâ€"J. P. Telford. Vice-President â€"-Dr. Holt. Executive Committeeâ€"Messrs. Mc- Farlane, Cochrane, Dunn, Hind, Mc- Dougall, Garrow. and Dr. Pickering. Sec.-Treas.â€"A. Will H. Lauder. The members are enthusiastic for the success of the grand old game, and look forward to many enjoyable friendly matches. The first of the season will be played on the home grounds, on Friday. 28th inst., when the \Viarton club will be the visitors. The Secretary will be glad to hear from any outside clubs with a view to arranging matches. DEAR Em'roazâ€"Kindly have that Poet and Raven put into‘ a box (a cracker box would do for both) and placed on ice'for €57 remainder of summer, u the weather is quite warm enough here without import- ing such has etufl as we have been getting lately. THE CHRONICLE is always a wel- come visitor out. here. but. Charlie Leavens is afraid that if things get much better we will be compelled to call out Bob Torry’s fire brigade, so we hope our two little birds will be careful in future and give us a little more common sense and not so much had temper and hot. air. Hoping our education will nos criticised tob severely, we remain, Yours truly. We, the L. O. L. of South Grey, wish to intimate to our friends and brothern of Ontario that we will cel- ebrate the Battle of the Boyne on July 13th at Harriston. Come and enjoy 3 good day with the Hnrriston L. O. L. 1152. Hurhton, Juno 15th. The Chronicle for the Balance of the Year for only Fifty Cents. Battle of the Boyne. Calggry, Alta... June 15th, ’03. Cricket in Durham. Call: It Hot Air. E. Joaxsox, W. M. W. Jonnox, Sec. Mr. and Mrs. J. Henderson. of Chatsworth. spent Sunday with the farmer’s cousin, Mr. Jae. Carson, and family. The prime object of their visit was to see Mrs. Carson. who is now in the hospital in Fergus. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Traynor, of Walkerton. are visiting the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John \Vright. THE GOING AND COMING UP VIBITORS IN THE MONTH OF JUNE. Miss Jennie Spears and Miss Clair Dinuey, of Csledon, accompsnied by Mrs. Hommor Dinney. are the guests of Miss Maggie Speers. Mrs. McRae, accompanied by her sister, Miss Cousins, has returned home after a month’s visit with rela- tives. Miss Latimor, of VValkerton, is visiting her brother, Mr.- John Lati- mer. and family. Mrs. James McAuley and two children are visiting relatives at Lions Head. People We Know Miss Olivone Marshall, of Ottawa. is spending the summer with rela- tives in town. Miss Flora McKenzie and her brother, Duncan, left Thursday morning to visit their brothers in Flint, Michigan. Miss Annie McKenzie returned from Ottawa Normal College last. week. Miss Laura McKenzie returned from Chicago Thursday last. Mr. Adam Brown, of Parry Sound. is spending a few days with friends in town. Mr. Harry Meredith will accept, congratulations over an item 10 our Birch Notices Ye Editor and his daughter, Maud. attended the ceremony of laying the Corner Stone of the House of Refuge at Markdale. A very pleasant fea- ture in connection with the visit was afforded by Editor Rutledge, who gave us untrammeled freedom to look through his magnificent office. which is justly spoken of as the neatest. cleanest and best equipped in the whole country. The office is certain- ly unique in these respects. and the class of work done is deserving of credit. Mrs. James Atkinson is taking a. trip up the lakes to Gore Bay. She was accompanied by Mr. Joseph At- kinson, Sr. Mr. Wm. Lawson went to Bramp- ton Tuesday morning to see a. brother who is seriously ill and not expected to recover. Rev. Wray Smith Spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Fergus and Elora. Editor Ramage is in Brentford this week as a delegate to the High Camp of the S. O. S. Mr. P. D. McRae. who has been visiting his son-in-law. Mr. Wm. Moore, for the past month or 30. left last week for Ottawa and points east before returning to his home at, Carberry, Man. Mr. George Wright is now engaged as clerk at The Corner Store. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ehrhardt and children will spend the summer in Detroit and Cleveland. Mrs. Wm. Hopkins was in Fergus the latter part of last week to see her mother. Mrs. Carson. who is in the hOSpital. Mrs. Carson. we un- derstand. is improving so rapidIy that. she is expectod home the last of this week. Mr. Adam M. Brown, of the Mariné Service, Parry Sound, was in town fora few days attending the wed- ding of his sister. Miss Cora Mofl'at. of Owen Sound, is the guest of Muss Jessie Lsxtidlmv.J Mr. and' Mrs. 'I‘. J. Sheppard, of Flesherion. were in town Wednesday on their return from Mt. Forest where they attended the wedding of his cousin. Miss Jessie Scott. to Mr. Berry, of Port Arthur. Mr. and Mrs. Morlock went to Mt. Forest W'ednesday to attend tho marriage of Mr. Morlock’s cousin. Miss Jean Brown is spending s couple of weeks in Parry Sound. Rev. and Mrs. Mshsn. of Mt. Brydges. Mrs. Pritchsrd. sister of Mrs. Mahan. of Wyoming. sud Miss Policy. niece. of Petrolia. were pres- ent at the marriage of Dr. Hahn and Miss McIntyre. Mr. J. Cochrano, of Toronto, is visiting in town. Miss Edith Everitt. of Palmerston. is visiting her sister, Miss Grace. Mrs. N. W. Campbell and two children. Willie and Inn, left yester- day afternoon to spend noonple‘ of weeks wish friends st. Worminster. Miss All: Patterson. of Flint, Mich” attended the wedding of her cousin. Mine McIntyre. Mr. John Pourio. trovollor for Frost and Wood Co., Smith’s Fan. Ipont a. week in town. DURHAI, 0NT., THURSDAY, JUNE 25, Tenders will be received up to the 26th. June 1903, by the undersigned for the building of 14000 equnre feet more or less Grenolithic sidewalk; also 1000 eqnnreleet of crossings for the town of Durhnm. June 8th. Tenders ere asked for, for ditching and pipe laying from Springs in rear of Creamery, to the Durham Ceme- teryâ€"distance about 300 rode. J. P. TELFORD, Secretary, Durham Cemetery Co. Notice is hereby given that parties owning or harboring dogs in the cor. poration of the Town of Durham are requested to call at the Clerk’s office on or before Tuesday, June 30th. After that date ten per cent will be added according to By-law. MARSHALLâ€"In Normanby. on Sauna day. June 2mh, Mrs. Alex. Mar- shall. aged 71 years. 6 months. CRITTENDENâ€"Jn Egremont. on . Tues- day. June 23rd,]903,19aacCritteu- den. aged 75 years. June 8thâ€"2Sc. June 7th ’03. MEREDITHâ€"On June 18th, at. 9852; Yonge St... Toronto. to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meredith, a daughter. Bnowxmanln Durham. On Sunday. June 21m, to Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Browning, a daughter. MARRIED. C()RLE'I"I‘~â€"-HUGHESâ€"â€"On Wednesday, June 17th, at the residence of the bride’s parents by the Rev. Wm. Farquharson. Edward Corlett, of Barrie. to Mary B. Hughes. daugh- ter of Arthur Hughes, of Sullivan. S'roxsousnâ€"Bummâ€"At the Presby- terian church. Durham. on June 24th, by the Rev. Mr. Farquharson, Mr. Herherr '1‘. Stoneouse to Miss Grace Brown. MAnAnâ€".\1(_:I.\:Trunâ€"-In Durham. on Wednesday, June 24th, by Rev. , John hidllétu,’ Mt. Brydges. assist i ed by Rev. Wm. Farquharson. of | Durham. John Wesley Mahun. M. D . of Cleveland. Ohio, son of the OlllCl‘dIlug elurgymnn. to Miss leatrice N-vrma McIntyre. only daughter of Mayor McIntyre. of Durham. Smasâ€"Wsnmnnâ€"â€"Iu Bentinck. on Wednesday. June 17th. by Rev. \V. L. Newton, at the residence of the bride’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. G, VVebber, Mr. John A. Sirrs. of Durham. to Miss Susie Webber. of Bentinck. Specialist: Eye, Ear. Throat and N050 EXCLUHVELY Late Assistant Roy. Lomlnn Ophthalmic 1105.. Eng” and toGoldeu Sq. 'l‘ln-uat :uul None 1108. Will be at the Middaugh !!mm- 18! Wednesday of each month. 1mm f? In 6 p. m. June ... Weddings SOLID GOLD Wedding Rings in 10k. 14k and 18. n. all (116 lutest styles. Big Suck of Engagement Rings to choose from. ' Nothin as Silverware! mw‘i SILVERWARE for Wedding Presents. and at Keeler’s is to be found the Ian-gees stock of good Silverware in the county. GRAB OUR SNAPS in Brooches. Necklets. Long Chains, Bracelets, 006 Links, Pins and Wrist Begs. Big bargains all this month at Keeler’s Big Jewelry Store. R. B. KEELER SON TENDERS WANTED. TENDERS WANTED. ‘ THAT RING. DOG TAG NOTICE. DR. GEU.S .3URT.‘ \V. B. VOLLET, Clerk. 30 W. B. VOLLET, Clerk BORN. DIED. $1.00 PEI! YEAR.

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