Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Apr 1903, p. 2

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"ENS OF INTEREST CLIPPED AND BE- WRITTEN FROM OUR EXCHANGES. The [)l'lCQ Of cement has advancedl there is g buyer.â€" and a further advance ap- in the near future“ A pretty weddi Cement which sold at $1.92 per bar- , Carlsruhe on Tue rel a year ago. cannot be purchased ‘ Annie Hoffa“); o ”.256 to-day. and it 18 l united in marriagc for less than >3- predicted by cement companies that l ber. formerly of N within the next two weeks this pricet was neatly attired will have further increased by atgand was waited on least 20 per cent The cause of the l while Mr James] upward tendency is that the demand waited on the gro« is far in excess to the supply. .ering of friends ’ assembled at the 1 April l7.â€"-â€"Tbl‘86 more befittingly celeb] arried here to-day. Among the guest: One for twenty thousand dollars for Wm. Kenna. Mr. permanent roadways carried by a hanna Lynch, at vote of 354 for and 58 against. A Walsh, all of th second by-law for the extension of pleasant time was water services and electric lighting The bride receive« for six thousand dollars was carried of valuable and u by a vote of 361 for and 56 against. : the young couple A third for the election of two com- best, wishes of th missioners annually. who. with the, prosperity and he Mayor. will constitute a Board of take up house 1;“ ment for the electric light and Park hotel, latel‘ waterworks, carried by a vote of 338 \ growthâ€"Amati A recently. pears certain St. Mary’s. by-laws were c “-sn:n:-.nl nmn The oil drillers have reached a |depth of a little over 1100 feet. The progress has been a little slow. but the indications are very encouraging. According to a geological chart, which the secretary has received. the various formation through which the drill has passed, have occurred in the regular order, which are to be looked for where oil has been found, and they are now in the medina for- mation. which is next the oil bearing formation. The strata has been thicker here than at Formosa. so that if oil is found at all. it will be at a greater depth here than there. A few weeks will tell the tale.â€" Walkerton Telescope. l pov‘ His Honor Judge Morrison has been presiding at the local masters court thi week. the case under con- sideration being the estate of the late Alexander McPherson. of Artemesia. Among the documents was a signed paper purpm‘ting to show that a. lady relative in Chic-ago \VnS owed from the estate $23700 borrowed money. Expert testimony was called to show that this signature was a forgery, the gentlemen giving evidence to this effect being Messrs. C. A. Flem« ing. James Shaw, Ewing Buchan and District News. clared vhat it was one of the most glaring cases of forgery that had ever come under his notice. The woman claimant, who was at the court. vesterdav. could not be {ounw Exmrr tvs'inmny was called to show for, however. from the lam. that urou . . . 'hi" *i‘Ah'cW-H't' “"45 a forgery, ! ther Whitlock wasn’t in the newspa- Pt“ II (blâ€""“11”” Knox, Jennie ”W L',"“'l“lm'll giving evidence to l per business when the scene was laid. McNalty, Grace 1\“0"- ' fl1i83-l'l°°'~'t lwinL: ”New. C- A. Firm? Following is th letter which he re- Sr. luBert Knox. Jim Meazher. lib-t. Jilin” SlHtW- Ewing “Helm“ and ' ceived:â€"-“About twelve years ago 1 \Villie Aldcorn, Richie Hannam. A. l" .\l‘llih[l‘uhg. .\Ir. Fleming tie-1stole from your shop in Tara some Jr. Iâ€"Maagie Aldcorn. Elmer clarml 'lmt it was one of the most. things, though small, still I pay you Richardson, Abbie McNalty. that l Ma. ' ,l‘ n; llt‘ ‘ 9’ I .‘ m ., ,. 'l a ‘. " ’ , ,1 E. J. \VILSON, Teacher. wonmz: ('lztimdnt, who was at the . and forgive. I believe in the doctrine COIH'Y .Vt'stt-l'tlzo)’. c )uld not he {Dun ~ l of Restitution as taught in the Bible, this warning. .I. \V. Frost appeal-etrliaxul am following along that line“ for Hm i'lnimunt. '\\'. il. Wright for;Ulory to God. I guess you will re-' the rxi'cutors umi II. E. Sampson for ‘ member me if not my past record, ' What the benenmries. -â€"()wenSouml’l‘imes. 1 remain yours in Christâ€"JOHN E. y ‘: SMITH. Owen Sound. April 6. 190'?- â€"‘ n9 Difrhpr’a W Somw oi the papers in the country ‘ Hanover Post. 1.]! o I It'l-v- u I! are still harping about the Sugar Co.‘ . hein.’ in ditliculties, and doint.r the Fifty years of married life was the, BackaChe Kidney I fat-rm t: ntuvh hat In. If the thing is occasion of much joy and brightness not stopped, the directors propose at the pleasant home of Nortnanby’s issuing writs compelling; retractions. township clerk. Mr. George Hopf, on Tablets {or the. company has settled every Monday last. The veteran and worn thin ». All the farmers are paid in thy township clerk and his good wife . full in cash. and everything is run have experienced many of the vicis» cure . Him: ~‘tn00thly. with good prospects situdes of pioneering during their for a very successful season this long residence in Nortnanby town- year. If newspaper men were onlyi'seip, but although their hair shows aware of it. they aredoinp, farmers the sign of advanced years, their harm hy (“Schilil'ilglllfl the culture of bright personalities make them a bet-ts) thorn is no cropltlmt ran be ‘ pleasant acquisifionf u;- any gatlltir- lleyS, bladder. and urinary organs, raise-i that gives as goot returns as [11‘1ng where {.100 cc mg preval 8"a11tl symptoms traceable to derange- beets. Last year tsadnntted to have, lhe epoch marked on Monday was { tl ._ 0, vans such q. been a had one. and when farmers celebrated by the presence of all their ment 0 law 5 ’ a‘ ' coul-l gPt such returns as they did’children and grandchildren who could Backache, Lame or Weak Back, under the adverse circumstances. make it possible to bethere, and the Pain in the back or between the what. may not be expected when event was marked with most felici- Shoulders. Swelling of the Feet and weather and other conditions are re- tous tokens. The marriage of this Legs. Bloating, Pufliness under the versed '3 Nothing but beets will pay most worthy couple was blessed with 1 Eyes, Pufiy and Pasty Appearance of from 5,30 m $50 per acre, and theyfiten children’wthree sons and seven the Face. Dropsy. Bright’s Disease will â€"--\\'ierton Canadian. daughtersâ€" six 0‘ these being pres- i and Diabetes (except in the last '~, cut on Monday. Those in attendance 1, stages). Gravel, Stone in the Bladder, The trial of George Monkman on were: Archibald of Minto, William.Brick Dust Deposits in the Urine, the charge of as:aulting Alfred 801- on the homestead, Mrs. bchuus, 0f38calding or Irritation of the Urine, stridge came before Justices of the Normanl)y,.\lrs. Geo. Price, of Minto.IFrequent Calls during the Day or Peace I), .\l. Halliday and Henry Mrs. George Binkley, of Neustadthigm, Inflammation of the Bladder Brown at Chvsley on Tuesday. 21M and Mrs. Louis Hipel, of Hanover. or Cystitis, Catarrh of the Bladder, inst The witnesses for the Crown The other members of the family arezi Milky Color of the Urine. High (301- were heard when counsel for Mr. George. in Dakora, Mrs. Garret, in ored or Foul Smelling Urine, Sudden Moukman without offering any evi \Va:erloo.Mrs. Steinocker, in Harris- : Shoppage of the flow of the Urine. dance for defence, submitted there ton and Mrs. Young, in Michiganfscauty flow of the Urine. Dribnling, was no evidence to commit .\vlr.=Rev .‘.ir. Zoeliner. pastor of the Lu-litheumatism. Neuralgia. Pains in Monkman for trial. but the JuSticestheran Church, Nonstadt. made an i the Joints or Hips, Uric Acid in the expressed the Opinion that they did ; apprOpriate Speech at the function. 3 Blood. Heavy Feeling or Pain in the not. feel under the circumstancesi'l‘he presents the old couple receivedlfieud, Impure Blood, Drowsiness, justified in determining the casewere very fine and showed the res- Rapid loss of Flesh, Great Thirst, there. The counsel for Mr Monk- pectin which they are held by the Excessive Quantity of Urine, Specks‘ man and for the Crown held a con- donors. Of course it. is unnecessary Floating Before the Eyes, Bad Taste Inltation with the result that thel to state that the rcpasts were most in the Mouth (capacially in the morn- dofcnco was not gone into by mutual i excellent. Mr. Hopf has during his ings). Constipation, Torpid Liver, consent. Bail was accepted for Mr. ‘ long residence in Normanby won the Dragging Pains in the Lions. Sonia lonkman to present himself for trial respect and liking of allâ€"as indeed of Weight or Pressure in the Region at the next court of competent juris- I has his wifeâ€"and his good work in of the Bladder, Kidney Troubles of diction to be held at. Walkcrton. The l the best interacts of the township Old People, Bed-wetting of Children. Crown did not alter the original will long be remembered with the Kidney Troubles of Woman, and all very kindlicst feclings.â€"â€"-Ayton Ad- symptomatic indications of Kidney vnnce. . Derangement. l Dr. Pitcher does not claim that his 'Backache Kidney Tablets will cure everything. They are designed for diseases and disorders of the kid- weather and other conditions are re- versed? Nothing but beets will pay from 3.30 to $80 per acre, and they will â€"â€"-Wiarton Canadian. The trial of George Monkmun on the charge of asanlting Alfred Bol- Stritlge name before Justices of the Peace l), .\l. Hallidny and Henry Brown at: Cliwsley on Tuesday. fllst inst The witnesses for the Crown were heard when counsel for Mr. Monkinan without offering any evi dence for defence. submitted there was no evidence to commit Mr.- Nonkman for trial. but the JuStices expressed the opinion that they did. not feel under the circumstances: justified in determining the case, there. The counsel for Mr Monk} man and for the Crown held a con-l sultation with the result that the ‘3 deience was not gone into by mutual ‘ consent. Bail was accepted for Mr. Xonkman to present himself for trial at the next court of competent juris- diction to be held at Walkerton. The Crown did not alter the original charge of assault against Mr. Monk- .an. and it is understood that Mr. I. will apply for immediate trial he. tore the County J Dd...-°Tll" Leader. [This is not the evangelist who held revival services here last lane-Em] ‘Efect being Iames Shaw . Armstrong :_______'__â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€".â€"'â€" According to his enemies, Mnl, last Saturday when the Spirit of Bar- Gamey firsc sold himself to Cap. Sul- 1 bara Julina Winkier. relict of the late liven and his colleagues in the 3 David Winkler, departed from its cabinet; then he sold himself back } mortal habitation. Death came while to the Tories ; then he again sold deceased was spending her aged years ' himselfâ€"the third saleâ€"to the Grits. l at the home of her son. Mr. Valen- _ And they are so overjoyed about the . tine Winkler. M. P. P. of Mordén. ‘ last sale that they don’t ‘st0p to i Manitoba. She had reached the ad- think that where there is a sale Vanced age of 76 years. 4months and = there is a buyerâ€"Dunnville Gazette. 8 days and had been ill since Christ- ; mas The deceased lady and her bus ‘ ; A pretty wedding took place in : band are said to be the first settlers Carlsruhe on Tuesday when Miss * of Neustadt. David Winkler started 'iAnnie Hoffarth of that village wasrrhe Neustadt flour mills and he is ‘3 united in marriage to Mr. Peter Hu- ; credited with doing a a good deal of her. formerly of Neustadt. The bride I the hard up-hill fighting of Neustadt's awas neatly attired for the occasion, t early days. He passed away about , and was waited on by Miss Schwan ' twenty-five years ago. The late Mrs. 2‘: while Mr James Lynch, of this place t Winkler is spoken of with the kind- 1 i waited on the groom A large gath- - liest feelings of respect and afiection i prime of friends and acquaintances', which always associates with fine and was waited on by Miss Schwan 1 twenty-fiv while Mr James Lynch, of this place % Winkler i: waited on the groom A large gath- . liest feelin ering of friends and acquaintances', which air assembled at the bride’s old home to a character. befittingly celebrate the occasion. 3| many. she Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. » ers and si: Wm. Kenna, Mr. James and Miss Jo- é Her maide hanna Lynch, and Mr. James L. 5 early year Walsh, all of this place. A very l after the c pleasant time was spent throughout. ' travelled ‘ The bride received a beautiful array l ded Neust of valuable and useful presents and‘. blessed wf the young couple received the hearty 2 whom an beet wishes of the whole party for I. Browh of prosperity and happiness. They will: Winkler, take up house keeping in the Allan are: Enoc Park hotel, lately purchased by the , of Morder groom.-â€"Avton Advance 3 Morden. _, _ \1 Municipal ownership in Canadian! towns is the subject of Special in-f vestigation by the council of the; town of Renfew. The mayor of theii town ls Mr. Smallfield, publisher of j the Mercury, and the reports from‘ various municipalities where muni- cipal ownership is being tried are published in his paper. We learn from a late report published that the town at Bracebridge has a municipal plant, all operated by water-power, for supplying water, light and power for domestic and manufacturing pur- l, poses. The plant has paid an annual :profit of between $1.500 and 82 000, l as well as providing free street light land water for fire protection. but water power development was greatly ! increased recently at a cost of about ”37,000. so that now there is an ;annual deficit of 8500. When the power comes to be all in use it will zyield a constant and large revenue. land is besides attracting some first lclass industries to the town. Muni- ‘cipal ownership has been a decided ; and gratifying success in Bracebridge. It is not often that editors are the'i recipients of Conscience money. Sub-g scribers of weekly journals whose. rates are a dollar a year, cash in ad. ' vance, or produce, whenever you can get it, who hie to some distant scene,‘ become a number of years in arrears and get their postmaster to drop the newspaper office a card saying the paper is “Refused.” do not often awaken to the fact that they hate been “doing” the poor printer this side of the great line. No doubt the awakening then is vivid enoughâ€"yes the light will he very bright. But brother Whitlock 0f the \Viarton Ga- natlian,tmt some oi this money and the event Was so unique in the an- nals of newspaperdom that he pub- llished the fact in the last issue of his Â¥ paper. The affair can be ncoounted for. however. from the fact that bro- ! ther Whitlock wasn’t in the newspa- ‘ per lmsiness when the scene was laid. A human .link which connected the now progressive littla village of Neu- atadt with its infancy was severed :character. Born in Monnheim‘ Ger-' 3| many. she emigrated with her broch- ers and sisters when a young Woman. EHer maiden name was Lang. In her T early years she met Mr. Winkler and 1 after the courtship and marriage they ‘ travelled up to these parts and {oun- l ded Neustadt. Their marriage was i blessed with eleven children, two of i whom are dead, namely Mrs. (Dr.) l Browh of Neustadt, and Mr. William j Winkler, of Hanover. The others 1 are: Enoch, of California; Valentine, ! of Morden, Manitoba; Mrs. Potter, of Morden. Manitoba; Mrs. Wahn, of iGretna.Nan1toba; Mrs. Wagner, of lPlum Coulee, Manitoba; Mrs. Clock- fholtz, of Marquette, Manitoba; Mrs. 'l Euler,of the Canadian 800; Mrs. Ash- Igley, of Wiarton; and Julius. of Mar» ' squette, \llan., Mrs. Sheufie. of Neu- l ', stadt, and Mrs. John Klein of Well:- - l erton are sisters of the deceased ai'l‘he remains are being ‘brought to I. Neustadt for enterment, and the fu- alneral will take place this afternoon 1; from the residence of Dr, Brown to , ' St. Paul‘s cemetery, A memorial r g service will be conducted in Rev. Mr. - ; Zettler’s church after the intermen t. l . â€"Hanover Post, of April 23rd. Valuable Advice to Bheumatict. Eat meat sparingly and take very little sugar. Avoid intoxicants, keep away from dampness. drink water abundantly and always rely on Ner- viline as a quick reliever of Rheuma- tic pains. Being five times stronger than ordinary remedies, Nerviline’s power over pain is simply beyond be- lief. It cures also Sciatica. Lumbago, Neuralgia. and all pain. whether in- ternal or external. Large bottles, price 250. S\VINTON PARK P. 8. Report for the six weeks preceding Easter. V-H. \Vatson, H. Campbell. IVâ€"Maggie Knox. Lizzie Aldcorn, Willie Knox, Jennie Hardy. IIIâ€"E. Ferguson, Flossie Camp- bell, Currie Knisley. Sr. IIâ€"Viua Knox, Rob McNalty, R. Knox. Pt II (a)â€"â€"-Rita Kinnel, Jean Aldv COI‘II. Joe Richardson, Rhena Richard- Jr. lleklary Aldcorn, Vernon Meugher, Jessie Campbell. SOIL Dr. Pitcher does not claim that. his Backache Kidney Tablets will cure everything. They are designed for diseases and disorders of the kid- neys, bladder. and urinary organs, and symptoms traceable to derange- ment of these oxgans, such as: Price 50c a box. at all druggists or by mail, THE DR. ZmA PITCHER 00.. Toronto, Ont. I HONOR ROLLS. Mr. Editor, we would judge you to be an Irishman, and a good one ; also we’d judge the Bunessan Raien to be an Englishman and a good one ; again we’d judge the Saugeen Valley Poet. to be a Scotchman and a good ‘VVV '- â€"â€" one. Now {ehâ€"ion of these three shBuld be chosen to build a shanty over the temple? Mr. Arch. McMillan and Miss Mary F. McLellan visited at the farmer’s brother’s, M. McMillan. of Gambol lately. Miss Maud McGillivray, Saugeen Valley. visited at Mr A. Beaton’ s at the summit. The writer of Gambol is a. fair respectable young lady. a daughter of Sc’otladd and full of education. Who will be her husband we can’t tell. It might beâ€"we can’t tell. Arch. McArthur of the Glen called on friends here lately. Arch. is a hustler. Archibald McLellan, Scotchtown. passed through our burg lately. We were all glad to see Arch., for he is a refined young gentleman. liked by all and by one especially. Therefore we are waiting patiently for the expect- ed invitation. four-cornered gold warnings. The Bunessan Raven of late was by all appearances trying to fly up a mighty, mighty height. How far up he got we c’an’t tell. Anyway we believe him to be down at the gresent Now. Mr. Raven, please take our ad- vice. We suppose your answer to that would be, “ What advice ‘9’“ Well, for your life don’t venture up again for fear you get caught by the Poet’s line and get taken do ND again. We don’t doubt that you have a fair share of that which we call education I but Great Scott ! and for goodness sake ! don’t boast too much. for there are in Glenelg peOple who say little or nothing about their education and smartness who \vould, before you could get together your senses, have you sold and bought back again. In Gambol on the north side of the concession is a white-faced stump, and by all appearances if not blacken- ed over it will cause trouble. Jno. McGillivray lately sold to Mr. Arch. McLellan four Lwc-year-olds for the handsome sum of $100. We wish both seller and purchaser suco cess. Any one that couldn’t; read lately would judge by the appearance of our corner that an exodus was going to take placeâ€"no less than {our sale bills were tacked up at once. Now in closing we would like to say that concerning the “ mink his- tory ” which now is confined to the wwâ€"a ‘ wee few” if needs be explanations will be given freely. Now for the present adieu. ' Pom Take Laxative 151mm) Quiuixm 'l'nblms. Al (ll'llgglsls rvluml the mum-y at it tails to cum E. W. (irch's mguatuw in on each box. 250 Mr. James McDonald, who is known as an early riser. got up one morning before it was daylight, Jumped into Jim Banks’ pants, which were placed near his own. but linding them on the small side he had to back out of them and try his own and decided to strike a light in the future. A young married man who is very fond of work, on his arrival home from Durham seeing the churn standing in position and half full of fresh buttermilk, started to churn a- UV-- and kept at it tor about half an hour, gave it up and pronounced it very poor cream. A young man from Bentiuck who visits this neighborhood occasionally had better have his buggy insured or help his friend to patch up the read he likes to travel. Mr. John Quinn and his partner have moved to Glexu‘oadeu and they like the place well so far. We are very sorry to hear of the illness of Mr. John Mcliechnie who has just returned home from the North-west. It is to he hoped he will soon he himself again. He came home with the intention of working their farm owing to his brother, An- gus, not being well. John, as he is called here. is a hard working young man, and is sure to get his share of the world’s goods. We were sorry to hear of the death of Miss I. McQuarrie who died at Lyons Head. Her remains were brought. here by Mr. Wm. Butchert and “menu! at the Rocky. She was a sister of Mrs McCormick, of this place. She was well and. favorably known in Durham TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Miss Bessie Banks has returned home after an absence of about, two months in Toronto and other places. Mr. James Banks is down in Pro- ton putting in his crop on his estate there. His brother, John, went with him to assist. and to make it, more expidicious. Mr. Wm. Kenny is on the hunt for a :Lyaar-old colt. that strayed away about a week ago. Saugeen Valley. Mr. “’11). Billings, of Bentinck, not Josh Billings of newspaper fame. Was Visiting ”hands at Glenroaden one day last week. Your Gleuroaden scribe got up all by himself an old Virginia corn cake One evening lately and it was plo- nouiiced first class by those who won [urtunate enough to get a slice. J. Q. went at it very wicked. Glenroaden. D an..- afalm |mplements. Hafiz Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a remedy, to cure disease of the byeaghing ‘organs, than to take the ’14 ’14 remedy intocthe ”stomach P Recomnfindod and Sold by MacFarlaue Establislmi 1879. Cures While You Sleep It cures because the air rendered strongly gntiseptic is carried 0\'cl‘ the diseased sur- _.___l___-A Whooping Cough Bronchitis Group Coughs (Saturn, Colds Grippe and my Favor “IIIrIWlI.I»IV Iv vwâ€"â€"--â€" â€" __ . ,. {ace wnh every breath, gmng prolonged and constant treatment. It is invalu- able to mothers with small chlldren. The Vaporizer and Lamp, which shou‘d last a lifetime, together with a boztle of Cresolene .50. Extra sup lies of (‘rcsolene 25 cents an 0 cents. Wtite or descriptive booklet contam- mg highest testimony as to its value. . VAPO-CRFQOII’INE IS 501.!) UV DRUGUBTS F3 ER’U’WHERE. l 880 Fulton Street New Yak DURHAM FUITNURY Call and see the I) Steel Rollurs made of Elura. Gut- \ 'vvv- . Anyone sending a shot oh and descfl tion may Ickly asoermin our opinion free w etbel an invention is probably pate-Mable. Communion. tions strictly (-onfldem in]. Handbook on Patent. lent free. “Most agency for securing patents. Patents iakon thrnuL'h Munn a; C0. recelfl mortal notice. W '11 hunt charge. in the For Summm' Fallows groundn or on .5! uhb most perfect. impb nu ' Tim Puts ta mega! notice‘ Sylvester farming Implements. Tndhope Cutters. Tolton Pnlpers. Adam’s Waggons and Sleighs. Clare Stoves and Furnaces. Brantford Windmills. Robes, Coats, Rugs, Etc. v v v v A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest. ctr» culation of any scion! mo mmml. Terms. $3 Q year: four gumths. $1. 50 d by all-rewadaalem yo: gr: four mnmns. n. r mu m, u . ‘ MUNN Co. “WWW. New York Branch 011’:ch 6251? St... Washnxtuu.“ [LC Proven Steel Rod Traclfi K, A \SI’ZMIAITY. ӎ Next to Post ()tficeâ€"Iu Calder Block. Built in 6. 8, S! and 1:! foot; I» with many veal good improvew Full particmms will hH giw don’t hesitate to inquura. g'é'iéiit'i'fié ‘fim‘cri'ggp: DISK “ARROW. . SMITH 8: SONS Summer Fallows or Fall wheat nude or on Sluhble fields. The bperfect. impb meat for working Sod, Fall P10 wing or Pfairie. THOS. NOBLE STEEL ROLLER- Vapofircsolcne Co. FULL LINE OF the Disk Barrows and smade by 'l‘. E. Bissvll. )t “'9 handle them. 165: Notre Dame Street Nautical 1‘2 foot langths. 0d improvements. ill hv given. so HOROUGHBBED _‘ Bull ‘1Lord..9f..“‘2 ' ‘UUWUUMUuâ€"â€" V 1. Bull“ Lord of Aberdeen ” Registered Ped' ree No. 31841. Dominion fiburthorn Her Book, will be he t for service at Lot 19. Con. 2..\W. G. R.. entinck. TERMS:â€" 8}.m. payable on or before Feb. l. 1““. (Iowa diffused of or not returned. if noose- “lt‘Y. ml be charged for whether in cult or no . llsxar ALEXANDER. “ A _--- All“ .- V‘vâ€"â€"â€" . ” Newten Prince ” will be kept for Vice at Lot 2!). Con. 12 Egremont. Thorou hbred Shorthorn Bull. “ Golden Victor," egistered Pedigree. bred from Imported Stock. Also other young short- horns bred from Imporwd Stock. GEORGE 855:an -1; March 9. 2m. pd. ' OUNG CLEAR GRIT STALLION “ Prince Bobs.” Anyone wishing to - ‘ ‘ ' - ' ‘ I I ‘ A,A_I ‘ , I “ Prince Bobs." Anyone wishin to use a horse of this kind would do we! to this colt. Matthew Scott is always in M- tendance. one door east of Crown hotel. 11. WATSON, Fnh’v :lfi--â€"2m. Priceville. March 10th, 2m. 13d. Feb’y 26.â€"2m. MPORTED saowruoax B_ULL. HOBTBORN PEDIGREF/ BU LL ‘ for Berta at Lot 9 Can i Bentinck. one mile 8 ii of the Corporation 01 um- ham. Pedigree shown OH application. Terms 75c at time of service 81 at end oi year. No insurance. JAMES 8‘ RT I’m priemr. April 14th 2mo. â€"pd Durham Unt. Mar. Mh. -‘V â€" A just outside the corporatiml Limit on Lambton street about. 6 acres cleured and in good stgte of culthatien. well watered by ' “"“ :II I“ 1- II'AI III ”I-uu DWI-‘1 u. vu-r- -.._-.._-, -_ Say , n River. and n never-failing well. Gm brick, seven roomed house. good burn and stable. and a good young Orchard. Will :81! Or rent on right terms. Apply to J (‘5. LICNAIJIA"' HE l for sale the “Mar puwer known as “ Hayward‘s falls,” (ileuelg. NEIL MCKECIIXIE. Durham. Ont. August 19th. 1902 A Street. the property uf Mrs. Browne. The hum-u cuutains l‘.’ coveniently situated. and quite now make an excellent boarding [mum particulars apply tu July 10th. 1901 4Ul’ and 59 nu the first mm" X. D. 11., and lot 54 on the. 2nd cun.. N. D. R . Ben- tinc , \wll watered in gnud suite ufcnltiva- tiun, mind barn, and mlwr um buildings, («mifurmbiv limise, well fenced. young hear- ing orchard. thrms miles {rum Durham. within lmlt‘a mile fruni church. N‘lmui and post ufiice. 1300 anximm to Evil." apply to Terms reamnmblv : Cash payment! dawn. balance (secuwd by nmrtgagm hmnit pur- chaser. Will be mld in separate luts «:r on blue. The pl'upriemr i9 guing \\°e:~t and is nuxinlm m w“. Fur further particulars Jan . 23...“ Mar. awnâ€"3.. rnuomrmucn HEREFORD _1_;1,'_LL ' April 22-“. lpd. HORTHORN PEDIGREED ’_I‘\_N(_)_- 1 will be kept fur servive at, Lot 50. (Jun. 3. W. (1‘. R.. lhmtim'k. Terms 8!, payable on or befum Feb 1M, 1904. ('MH dhpusvd “if M “of returned if mmewary M“ be charged for, whether in calf or nut. Water Power For Sale. ALEX. April 13th, 110 i. "v The “Fraser l’rmmrty ". vumaining‘ Fifty acres. nearly uh clean-ml and in good state at cultiwuimn. Brick dwelling. frame barn. smallorchard, beside Dost-«Mice and wiflniu half a mile“! Church and School. Apply to 'I‘uouAs ll. LA \vumxuw, Vickers pan office,“ n. Mus. A. ”was. 200 Mac- :uhy Street, East. Hamilton. March 11th, â€"6m. HI“ BAR\ ON LOT H AND 14, (Jon. 5 \. I). I: i-s for rule. For fur- ther partiv. ulurs apph to W. S. STAPLES. Hanover, or to (£150. STAPLES. Edge Hill. April 17th. tf. U \‘W uld (mt straved h'uIII the [MCI]!!- osof the undenigned Inn 3'... (Jun. 3. E. G R" (ileuelg. Una while. hind I'M dgrk mane mid tail [under will be rewarded by communicating with owner. WM. KENNEY. Ed“ Hill P. O. Bull for Service. Bull for Service. *v"-.-'â€"vv WM. LEGGETTE, \ickers. For Sale or Rent. LOT CONTAINING 1+1 Mums, House 6: Lot for Sale. )EING LOT «(1an in x. 1). 1a., Bull for Service. HOUSE Axu LOT 0N QUEEN BULL FOR SALE. N SUNDAY LAh'X‘ A BAY 2. For Service. Bull for Sale. A CR ES B E] N G LOT DURHAM IH‘KE. UN DERSIG N El) OFFERS Farm for Sale. Farm for Sale. Bull for Sale. Barn for Sale. Colt Lost. ALEXA NDEIi. Durham. SHORTHORH .l. L. BRUWXE, H \VM. LEUUETTE, \‘ickers I’. () 1‘36?“ 1’. 0. l’r U priet o r t f. tf. Domoch- I’lmtugrapher \\ ill 1‘ or UH

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