Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Apr 1903, p. 5

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Mr. Ramage was voted to the chair. and an address was read to Mrs. Bothwell. She was also pre- sented with a beautiful gold watch, which shows the esteem in which she and her family are held by the neigh- borhood. Brief speeches were made by Messrs. Harrison. Watson. Jack- son. Dixon and others. in which reference was msdeto the‘half cen- tury Mrs. Bothwell hulived here. her msny kind and neighbori'v acts. and the sincere regrets we :11 feel because she and her son are for the present, at least,. l’eeving the neigh- borhood. The tenor of the remsrks may be briefly summed up in the following verse :â€" " When we asunder part. It gives us inward pain, But we shall still be joined in heart. And hope to meet again.” Thomas erlied in behalf of himself and hie mother. thanking their many friends for their kindneae shown to them. and also for their hearty good Viehee. - Thomas it. going to the Weet in a h weeks. He will be missed verv m because of hie public epirit and M nature, and also beeeneea he On the eveningef March 31¢ a large number of friends and neigh- bore of Mrs. Bothwell and her son. Thomas, assembled at their house on lot 17. con. 2‘3. Egremont. to spend a pleasant evening with them before they left the old bomesread. where Hrs. Bothwell has lived since 1854. As we were saying the value of (arm lands has increased in this part. As an evidence. M'r. Jae. Johnson purchased Mr Jas. Vessie’s farm last week for $3.300 whereas the deal hung fire for some time over a twelve- month ago at something less than three thousand. o week on three poor meals a day. filling the soil in day-time and doing chores during the night. Some men are'even going to work two hundred acres alone. Every Cottar house on the line will soon be vacant and hired help not ob- tained {Or love or money. Farming in this part will have a striking re- semblance to the description once given it, as being an occupation 'n which you work ninety hard hours in It has been suggested that the Boss of the menagerie get married and give the boys a jubilee. You may do as you please about it, Mr. Editor. but we,think at the present time it would seem more consistent to set your cor- respondets an example of dignity by refusing to indulge in anything so frivolous, more especially as the Chro- nicle of late has been censuring so se- verely everything that seems non- sensical or silly in its scribes. The uev. Ryan will conduct divine service in the school house on Friday m. and would like to see a few men present as wall as the faithful women. Mr. Robt. Hillisis moving: his fami- ly to Durham this week. The Hillis family attended the fu- neral of their uncle, Mr. John White, of Bentinck, on Monday. Mr. Jas. Vessie is going to reside with his daughter, Mrs. Dave Eccles, as he has sold his farm and retired from active life. He has been and is yet one of our fine old men. Mr. John Vessie had a business trip to Toronto last week. A social gathering is to be held in the home of Mr. H Lawrence on Friday night. It is, we think, the first since the erection of his new house. so it will be a house warming orahot time. just as you wish to put it. His ART STYLES are known an?! worn by all classes everywhere. Be sure to visit his Show Rooms at the Hotel and see his new designs. He will, free of charge, demonstrate by fitting you ,i what is the most suitable and becoming to you. ' 9i; m- Their use adds HEALTH, COMFORT and YOUNGER appearance. GENTLEMEN WHO ARE BALD should investigate and see his FEATHER WEIGHT TOUPEES and WIGS worn over 35.000 heads. Please Remember Day and Date. Durham Middaugh House, Wednesday, April 15th With every kind and style of LADIES’ and GENTLE- MEN’S Wigs, Toupees, Bangs, Wavy and Plain Fronts, Switches of all long hair in every length and shade. Wednesday, April 15th The Famous. . . . We Meet to Part Again. Prof. Dorenwend CORN ER CON CERNS. HAIR GOODS ARTIST fl” ,. Is COMING ! OF TORONTO F‘fii!’ 33 He will be at a my Durham Middqugh House l Mr. Will Bell’s barn when completed will be one of the best in the country. It will he 55x72 with 2:: feet side posts and,3:3 feet centre-p05“. Mr, John Duncan and sons have contract of both frame and mason work. Mr. Livingstone’s barn is to be 4536?. mouth 20 feet pirate. A Mr. McKeehnie ; of (ilenelg. has- the contract of the frame. '. while 'l‘iunnins Bros. have the stone work. _ Bachelor Will Bell while out driving. last rb‘unday evening called at J. Priel’s and tied his horse to the fence. After a friendly chat heretnrned to his horse. or rather to ythe place he left it, to find it was gone. l'l‘he horse went home probably faster than if Will had been with it. The gate being a high one. the horse preferred going over the fence. The noise attracted the atten- tion of the hired man. who came outjust. in 9 time to see the horse jumping hurdles over ? the barn timber in the yard on his wav to 1stable. Fortunately little harm was done . to either buggy or horse. l _Mr. Will Prjel has gone into 'the mercan- tnle business m Dornoch. We Wish him success. . Master Willie See“, who has been en- gaged for the past two years an the Ritchie farm, left hut, week to seek his fortune elsewhere. see what had happened. On going back the hum she met her father creeping or rather pulling hiniselt'along. She then went for dr Spruul and Mr. Livingstone who with a team and stone hr at brought him to the house. A doctor was then sent for, and fnund the muscle had been moved from its place both above and below the knee. and he will be laid otl' work for the most of the seed- ing. lie was just starting to put in a big CI‘UD alone. as his son George had hired with one of the neighbors for the ”summer. Mr. Bradle ' has the sympathv of the communi- ty in t iis his time ot suffering. as he is a favorite with all. Mrs. Joaeph sproulo is at resent Visitil her parents, Mr. and Mrs. . Whitmore. Egtemout. -r -.., mm...“ ll. down at the same time. He then tried to get uphut found himself unable. llis next move was to unhitch the traces. but he only got five ofthem loose when the horses becmno unmanageable. However he hung bravely on to one line, turning the horse» round short. and upsetting the 'harrow just clear of him and at the same time giung him «unto a mauling in the whitlletrees. After ( ragging quite a distance by one line, the bit broke and he let them go, The horse.“ ran to the barn where fortunately Mrs. H. saw them and agent her daughter to Mr. T. Moan: sold a fine colt last week {or $1.60. Mr. llubt. llraclley, while harrowing last Thursday. met with a very bad accident. How it. happened he can scarcely tell. One of the three horses got its feet over the trace and while attempting to put it to rights again a dispute arose bemeen the nther two in which both fell, lgnoqking Mr, A A‘ - Mrs. M. C.S.cott, ufPriceviHe, is spend- ing a few days at he! sou Sam's here. A year nr so ago the 'l‘raverston man raved at the Durham Board of Health for their carelessness in properly attending to their duties; now he raves at the Glenelp: Board fur uver faithfulness in discharging theirclnties. We recommend the Glenelg Council tu appuint the (Seat t0 the Board: then things will bejust right. Charlie Kennedy. Jr.. < Turunto last Saturday to farm. Mr. I). McFarlane and family are now settled on the Beaten farm. We welcome them and hope they may be always content- ed and prosperous here. S, F. Mchnb has moved his family to town this week. Mr, Shortreed moved from the Glen to Dan McKinnuu’s farm in Egremout. and his place here was taken by Mr. I), McAr- thur, who has nmv moved in. “Tod” makes the fifth McArthur family in the (Men. Mr. W. Bell, of Toronto. visited his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Bell, recently. He has been unwell for some time. We were much pleased to have a visit from Tom Godfrey. of Duluth. Jack Kennedv has hired to work at Spring Bank for the summer. A pleasant hour was spent in games, songs and instrumental mus- ic. Although taken by surprise. Mrs. Bothwell served the guests with ample refreshments, after which Auld Lang Syne was sung, and the guests left for their homes with best wishes for the happiness and prosperity of their friends.â€"~Com. is a man of honor and tries to follow the Golden Rule to do to others as he wovld have others do to him. He will be a valuable acquisition to any community, and his loss will be much felt here. BUN ESSAN. GLASCOTT. *ame hmne from , work the home ~Sr.:IIIâ€"+*Beasie Chrk. Mabel Petti- grow,'E$el Hutton , ..o.eq. Jr. III-éEua-Blyth, Jennie Bar- bour,.EtheL-Pett.igruw. Sr.vIIâ€"‘Robina'Gadd. Fred Heard. James McIlvride. Sr. Pt. II-Annie Pettigrew, Mina Gadd. Willie Bogle. Jr. IV-aMaggie McCalmon. Sara Bryuns.‘ Ra Barbour. Inter. Pt. 11â€" Willie Petty. Charlie Pettigrew. Earl McC almon. Sr. Pt. Iâ€"Wiunie Blyth. Harry Gadd, Allan Pettigrew. Sr. IVâ€"Ethel Mornson, Alice Morrison. Mabel Dunn. J 1‘. Pt. Iâ€"Alister Lauder, Florence Kerr. Sr. II-â€"Archie Allan, Jos. Morrison. Clara. Pollock, Harry Hide. Esther Tucker. Jr. IIâ€"Edna Dennet, John Brown. Pt. II-Maggie Woods, Hazel Den- Jr. Pt. IIâ€"Ella Barbour, Margaret Kerr. Edith Morrison 1â€" Andrew Gray, Samuel Morrison Willie Gray. \Villie Wilder, May Allan. â€"â€"-34. Jr. III-A2gie Marshall. Maggie Crittenden, Nettie Pollock. Maggie McLauglin. net. s. 8. NO. 14, NORMANBY. Vâ€"ques Blyth. Mary E. Blyth. IVâ€"Jobn Blyth. Victoria. Cornish, Tilly Gfiorson. IVâ€"Mabel Mead. Janet Marshall John Queen. Sr. IIIâ€"James Barbour, Nellie Alt Ian, Katie Morrison. Lottie Eden. Jr. filoâ€"Maggie Travis, Fred Waltz, Annie MtcNumug. U UU Ulfl‘JLUHo . . Jr. II (a)-â€"Sadie Langrill. Florence I--Lance McGlrr. James Atklnson, Mountain. Willie Wells. Susan Bell, Herbie Atkinson, May‘ __ , ‘ ) .7 Paterson. Clara Main, Tommy Bell.‘ Jr. 110’) RObble («‘15. 19“) A1 dred, Arthur Morice. II. F. TYERMAN, Teacher. Pt II (a)â€"Bessie Webber. s, 8.. x0 2, EGREMONT. ; Pt. II (b) Jean Picken, Maggie V-â€"Thomas Allan, Edith Allan, ' Mountain, Leila VOIIBt. Tillie Pollock._ ‘ Sr; Pr. T..-T.oal:n “Ayn... \vmz- Pt. IIâ€"-Maggie Ritchie. John Weir, Blanche Mathews, Myrtle Crutchley, Joe Staples. Jr. IIâ€" Clara Ritchie, Earnest Mc- Girr. Victoria Aljoe, Annie Atkinson. Willie McGirr and James McGirr aeq. Sr. [Iâ€"l‘zfaggie Weir. Kate Ritchie and Lizzie Weir aeq., Pearl Hopkins, Willie Atkinson. IIIâ€"Ethel Weir. Agnes McGirr, Dan McFadden, Alexander Aljoe. » IVâ€"Arthur \Veir. Maggie McGirr, ; Annie McGirr. May Scott. Fred' Ritchie. Sr. lIâ€"«Charlie McDonald, William Hooper, lsaac Hooper. Sarah Mc- Eacliern, Nellie Sullivan. Jr. IIâ€"oliate McCuaig. Pt. IIâ€"-Annie McDonald. Charlie McKinnon. Eddie Sullivan. IIIâ€"\Iary J. McCuaig, Lizzie Mc- Cuaig, Edna Chislett. Alexander McEachern, Melinda Grasby, Harold McDermid. NO.10.GLENELG. Vâ€"-Hector M cDonald. IVâ€"Bertha Heaper, Sarah McKin- non, John L. McKinnon, J. S. Mc- Dermid. Jr. Pt. II (b)-â€"Ufie Walls, Zatta Marshall and Gerty Smith, aeq., Wil- lie Clark, Milton Mills and Campbell McLachlau, aeq. Sr Iâ€"Agnes Marrs and May Clifl aeq , Carl Lenehan. Annie Vollet, Irene Lawson, Mamie Mountain. Intermediateâ€"James Lloyd, Earl McDonald and Vivian Crawford. aeq. Jr. (a)â€"John Harbottle, Marion McKenzie. Jr. Pt. II (a)â€"Marjorie McKenzie. Aggie Becker. Gladys Whitmore. Annie Ector, Ruth Moran. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"Laudell Lauder. Rita Darling, Jamie Farquharson, John Vollet Raymond Ehrhardt. Average attendance for the month Jr. IIâ€"Nellie Hepburn. Elma Holt, Nina McFadden, Mary Wright, Har- old Aljoe and John McNallv. Sr. IIIâ€"Maggie Mitchell. Elvis Ries. Clarence Darling, Bertha Har- vey Vaddie Caldwell. J r IIIâ€"Foster Saunders. Ella Kin- nee, Bertha Downs. Hazel Marshall, Mirna Saunders. Sr. 111â€" Bessie Telford, Irene Lat.- imer, Stanley McNally. Eflie Hunter, Ella Ector. Jr. IVâ€"Wm. Lawrence. Bertha Sparling, Edith Allan, Fanny Moran, Wm. Campbell. PUBLIC SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. Sr. IVâ€"Mamle Munro, Mamie Douglass. Frossard Benton, Keith Newton, Easel Laidlaw. Jr. Leaving Pt. II (b)â€"-Sera Mc- Lean. Lillian Walker, Arthur Web- ber. Carmen Aljoe, Belle Cameron. Jr. Leavin Pt. II (a)â€"-Jobn Mc- Niece, Bella innie. Maggie Grant, Llowyn Moran and Charles Farquhur- son aeq., Kate McDonald. Pt. Iâ€"Cassie Sullivan. HIGH SCHOOL DEPABTXENT. Jr. Leaving Pt. IIâ€"Mey McClock- lin. Susan McClocklin, Margaret Cald well, Margaret Hutton, Laura. Huc- ton. Jr. (b)â€"Janet Marshall. Average attendance, 306. s. 8 NO. .0, GLENELG. VA RNEY SCHOOL. A. LAWRENCE, Teacher. M. T. DERBY, Teacher. HONOR DURHAM. . DIXON, Teacher. :. _ pursuant to “ The Revised Statutes : of Ontario” 1897. chapter 1'29, that all «creditors and others having claims against :the. Estate of the saidl'lfhomas Brown. who ~ died on or about the 16th day of; February A.D. 1%3, are required on or betore the $1)“: day at A ril A. 1). H133. to send by post '~prepaid or eliver to Adam Brown and ' Joseph A. Brown. of the Town of Durham. the Executors of the Last Will and Testa- ment of the said deceased, their christian and surnames. addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any. held by them. AND further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the de- ceased amongst the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which the shall then have notice. and that the sai Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or minions of whose claim notice shall not have n received by them at the time of dis- tribution. All persons owing the said deceased must settle at once. IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF GREY. In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas Brown, late of the Township of Glenelg, in the County of Grey, Gentleman, deceased Da‘teq‘atuligrbam the 23rd day uf Marci Take Laxative Bromo Quinina Tablets. All drug ists refund the money if it, fails to cure. E. \ . Grave’s signature is on each box. 25c. Notice to Creditors Sr. Pt. Iâ€"-Leslie Malice. \\'i_llie Langrill, Jr. Pt. Iâ€"Sadie Lawrence. Ella Cufl, Maggie Donnelly. JOHN A. GRAHAM, Teacher, â€"â€"â€"â€"HO.0‘â€"4â€"*_. Sr. IIâ€"Bessie Millignn. John Pick- en. Edna. Reid. Chas. Lawrence, Will Noble. IV George Hutton, Bella Petty Joe Reid. Alfred Ashley, Elsie Pettv Dollie Hopkins. IIIâ€"Edward S. Lawrence, Wm Morice, Selina Hopkins. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"J. E. Henry, Cecnl Davis, Roy Eccles, T. Brown, Maggie Eccles, Belle Lee, Bert Ferguson, M. Hamilton. Sr. Pt. II- Martin \\ 118011 Charlie McKenzie. John Davis. Mable Eccles G. \Vilson Jane Ferguson, Goldwin Lawrence, Arthur Lee. Sr. II-â€"-Blanche Reid. Belle Fergu- son, Fanny Patterson, John Brown, Farr Lawrence, Mary 8. Reid. Jr. IIIâ€"John Ferguson, Victor Adams. B. Lawrence. Agnes Adams, Ethel McKeKenzie. Jr. Pt. II-Robext Putherbough, Pearl Wilson. James Brown. Iâ€"May Grierson. Perry Caswell. D. E. DAVIDSON. Teacher. S. S. No. 12; EGREMONT. VMRichard Henry. IVâ€" Sarah Brown, Grace Reid, Bella Patterson, Gladys Lawrence, Annie Nelson. Sr. 111 â€"â€"- Mary Brown, Maggie Hamilton. Harold Hunter. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"â€"Clarence McNally. Ross McDonald. Sr. II-John McDonald, May Mc- Donald. Robert Howell. Jr. IIâ€"Arthur Wilson, Clara Cas- well. Maggie Morton. McMillen. Jr. Pt. Iâ€"Johnny McKeown. Average attendance-39. .. ALEX. FIRTH. Teacher. 8. 8. NO. 10, BENTINCK. Vâ€"Jessie McDonald. Annie Smith. IVâ€"Mary Morton. Maggie Smith, Sarah McCormick. Sr. IIIâ€"Jessie Smith, Lizzie Grier- son. Annie Clark. Jr. IIIâ€"Willie McNally, Martha. Wilson. Thomas Putherbough. T0 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Jr. Pt. 11â€" Geo. McInnis, Wilfred Nichol, May Grasby. Sr, -Pc. Iâ€"â€"-George Arnett. Flora Jr. IIâ€"Amelia Ri by, Laura Bea- ton. Gertie McComn, oretta Falleiee. Sr. Pt. lIâ€"Thomas Grasby, Ben Whitmore. Sr. II-Archie Kennedy, Annie McGillivray. Jr. IIIâ€"Winnie Binnie. Jeannie McGillivray, Millie Whitmore. David Nichol. IVâ€" Lizzie Binnie, Kate McArthur, Cassie Kennedy. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Sr. III-Emma. Beaten, Annie Whitmore, Laura McGillivray. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"Maggie Blyth. Mend Keller . Jr. Pt. IIâ€"Cherlie Halliday. Jr. Iâ€"Isebel Stewert, Nelson Hel- liday. . J r. IIâ€"Albert Keller, George Hal- liday. Sr. IIâ€"Fred Keller, Eleie Bly th George Stewart, J enet Blyth, Annie Stewart. ADAM BROWN JOSEPH A BROWN zExocutors. ADAM ABROWN IIUTTON HILL SCHOOL s. s. no. 1, GLENELG. H. G. Huan. Teacher. Fall Wheat .......... 8 66 to 8 Spring Wheat ........ 65 [to Oats ‘28 to Peas ............... . 66 to Barley .............. . 40 to Hay ................ . 6 00 to ' Butter. .............. 14 to Eggs ................. 10 to Apples ............... 75 to Potatoes per bag ...... 90 to Plant per cwt ........ l 90 to Oatmeal per sack. :2 40 to . Chop per cwt ........ 1 10 to ‘. Live Hogs .......... . 6 10 to 4 Dressed Hogs per cwt. T 75 to ' Hides per lb ........ 5 to Sheepskins ........... 40 to “7001 .............. . 14 to Lamb ............. . 7 to Tallow ............. 5 to Lard ................ 10 to Clover Seed ......... h‘ 00 to JNO. A. DARLING - ..- .. 'r '“V'V'V you want for La. Grippe. Will cure speedily and if taken in time prevents. Used Once will always be in the house Is the efiect of our Imperial Cough Syrup upon the tired lungs and ach- ing breastâ€"it store the tickling in the throat, the congh that racks the chest, brings grateful sleep, aids ap- petite, renews health and vigor. What a benefit for so small a price ! Large size for 250. AS SOOTHING AS A MOTHER’S TOUCH Darling’s . . J AS. IRELAND New Carpets and Curtains. ()ur Easter Millinery Display is at its best. have on display :â€" MILLINERY . . J AS. IRELAND .' 6 as per bag ...... get cwt ........ 1 11 per sack. 2 )er cwt ........ 1 loss .......... . 6 Market Report All wool Carpets, besr values at 75c 11 yd sud up. Brussels Carpets, pretty designs, from 50c a ydjup. Axminster Carpets. extra special at 81.00 s yd. English and Csnsdian Linoleums, 2 yds wide. exclusive designs. vslues right. Ngtfiinghganw Uu‘rpainafifd'to 60' wide, 21. wk to Ingraia Cnrpets. new designs. from 250 a yd. up. Early buying and careful selection in this Department have their result. now. This season we are prepared to eclipse :11 former eflorts in Those who place their orders NOW will not have the worry and excitement of those who wait. Imported Model Hats from New York and Paris. A splendid showing from our own work rooms. Child. ren’s trimmed hats. Chick Designs. Stylish pretty Bonnets for elderly ladies. BEAR IN MINI) That if you do not see your ideal hat or bonnet displayed on our stands. there is a large stock of Killing-y Materials at 5 our disposal. You can have your own ideas carried out tastefully and economicall5. REHEUBER THE PLACE 5 was 5003.; prioos'from .600 Up. DURHAM. APRIL 8, 1903 REMEMBER THE PLA CE DRUG STORE Are what FOR EASTER. QU. b p 8 (3:) 2 65 l4 66 66 28 45 16 11 Lots of Tinware. Our Paints. Carpet Sweepers. Garden Rakes. Well Supplied. LAIDLAW'S’ 0L0 «STAND. LAIDLAW'S 0L0 STAND. Just. received an imtgence slip. men‘ of Tinware. Our Tin and Copper Boilers are worth look- ing et. Gives us a cell. Weekly shipment of Sherwin- Williams Ready-mixed Paints has arrived. Every person their own painter by using this peint. Be sure and exumine our variety of Carpet Sweepers before pur- chasing elsewhere. W. Black Our euppl-y of Head Seeders, Seeder Tubes, Truce ’CheinO. Sweet Pads and Plow Harneu is something extra. If you require Garden Rakes or Barrows. we have n stock of them for your inspection. “’e are al‘vayo well supplied with everychmg in the chap. of tool: {or each “non. VALUES -, We

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