Wï¬'LZiiif‘Wiï¬ THE BIG STORE. Collars Dressy Screen Doors at $1.25 The hot weather demands whiten! and every woman knows now that Ready-to-wear Skirts. Blous- es. Corset Cove-rs, ttc. are just. as twat and “war just as long as thus-- )on make up yourself. Sure!) your time is worth some~ thing. Don’t waste it making white goods. Buy them Ready- madv. We are showing such 'a large rungv this summer. Re- memlwr that “u make any slight alteru'iuns on amv of our Randy- Inade Clothing for women free of charge. Our women’s (Zorsets Run Over Womogu‘s Fine Black (‘nttnn llosa. reg. pnce IS. next week fur 9c pair. Men’s Cotton .Shim aln(1.l)ark Plan. "“318 Shuts, all Sizes, regular 91‘â€" _A ___ AL. - _ l 8c Bleached Comm at :x- yd. Five pieces l25c extra wide» b'lannelette at 9c yard. flpr. Men‘s Tweed Pants at :31 pair. Men‘s Summer Suits Coats and Pants. flea‘ :0 Boots at reduced prues tn make room fur the Slaterp Hluwe. Prices all reduced. Regular sizes Ian’s Overalls at 5% puir. Mel’s Braces at 10: pair. Lure usartment of Remnants at re- duced prices. tin extra wide Flannolatto at 9c yam]. 5c Cottouado a We yard. THE BIG STORE. Kill Japan (ca, 15c . A . HUNTER. Here's the newest idea fur Lathes. It makes an uttrzuttivc shit out nt' at 00111111011 dress and they (just hut a snug. Stir, 6.36 and Tim ouch. Be the. ï¬rst tn wear them! Mark down a. few items on your want list, and you will save money. ('umplete, same as you pay “.50 for in otiwr places. 100 pairs Women's. Corsets, all sizes, brand lww s'ock, made to sell at 300. nvxt wet-k 256 Pa" '. A. HUNTER. at 3'50 each . A beautiful. home wedding. inter-I eating to many of our readers in this locality lit-cause ol intimate acquainti ance with the contracting parties,l took piat-e on We ngadtty evening 01‘ last week at th “idenee of thel bride’s morher, nr .-'tienderson_.,220 Carlton street, Toronto, when Miss“ Belle Henderson. youngest daughter of the late J. W. Henderson. Esq., was married to Dr. Fred W. Murray, a popular young dentist. of 'l‘oronto.! The bride was given away by~her| brother. Mr. R. N. Henderson. of this place. ' The bridal party.†says a Globe reporter, "passed to their places before a high bank of lerns and palms. under a canoyy of of ferns. through an aisle formed of white satin ribbons held by the ush- ers. Mr. Harold Uarnahan and Dr. Edgar '1‘. Paul. ’l'he ceremony was performed by Rev. James Alleti,ol Sherbourne Methodist church. and appropriate music was played by Miss Gertie Oliver. The bride’s gown was of white dueliosse satin draped with chiffon flounces. The bodice and sleeves were finely tucked, with a yoke of embroidered chiï¬on diaped with point lace. Her Veil was fastened with orange blossoms, and she carried a shower bouquet ol E white roses. Her maid of honor was Miss Jennie Donne, whose dainty gown was of white orguiidie with lll‘ sertion of valenciennes lace, and a girdle and sash ends of satin ribbon. 2 Her bouquet w as of pink rOSes. The i little bridesmaids were Miss Blossom ; llanslord and Miss Maud Henderson, {nieces of the bride, whose pretty 'liocks were of white muslin, and their bouquets were of pink cartta tiotis. 'l‘he groomsnian was Mr. W. J. A. Uktl‘ll'rtllrtll. The reception Was ‘held alterwards iii the library, and l i then a dejeuiier was served by cater- er Weh'o. The bride’s table Was de- corated iii white, and the tables for the guests were done in pink and white.†A number of toasts were proposed and responded to iii a [el- icitious manner and the guests,ol l whom there werea out sixty present wett- further entertained by the pop- ulai singer. Mr. W. J. A. Uarnahaii, who rendered several of his most Hileasing songs. Among the guest ‘ present Were Mr. and Mrs. “enough, Mr. and Mrs. Uoherty, Bullalo; .il- «it-ritiaii and Mrs. Uliver, Mr. and , Mrs. antsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Chap- man, l)r. 'l‘. Henderson, Dr. R. H. 1 Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sterl- ing, Mr. and Mrs. S llenderscn. Dr. and Mis. l‘linerson Henderson, Mr. and Mis. J. it). llansford, Mr. and Mrs. U’Matlley', 'l‘oronto; Ul‘. U. U. Murray and Mr. and Mrs. ll. N. Hen. i derson, Flesherton. The bride’s travelling gown was of green cloth, \With a bodice of white silk. Her hat of tuscan straw was trimmed With pastelle ribbons. Dr. and Mrs. Mur- ray left on the ll p. in. train for the Pan American city and other points in the lfnited States. Upon their return they will settle in their new home on Carleton street. The young couple weie the recipients of a mag- iiilicent array of wedding presents among them being a handsome piece of silverware from the Elm street Methodist church choir of which the Dr. is a member. The grooms pres. cut to the bride was a beautiful sun- burst ol pearls. The Chronicle cor- respondent tendeis congratulations. Artemesia Council and J. 1. Graham not being able to agree on valuation of a piece of land taken (tom the lat- ters farm for road deviation in the Valley the matter was referred to the arbitrators who met here on the MU: inst. and after heating much evidence. reserved their ï¬nding until Saturday of this week. Exdteeve, John Roland was ehOeen by the Bonn cil. Reeve J. M. DaViS, of Euphrasia, by Mr, Graham and Ex-Reeve '1‘. Uilray. of Euphrasia was third man. The Toronto papers last week re- ported a case of smallpox at Flesher- ton which is happily not true. The case in qutstion is doubtless that of Kimberley reported through this the nearest telegraph oï¬ice to that place. The volunteers of No. 6 Company arrived home from Niagara in good term on Saturday evening last and under the supervision of Chas. Mun- shaw and E. Hoy received the usual refreshments provided by the hospit- able citizens of the place. Rev. J. Ward preached the annual sermon to the I. O F. Court. who at- tended the Methodist Church we body on Sundry morning last. Th. Band led the precession. rendering sacred selections. Mr. Ward gave his farewell address to a large con- gregation in the evening, and on l‘uesduy left with his lunily for their new home at Courtice. Messrs. M. Richardson and D. No Tavish have had their residences greatly improved by having part of the exterior tuckpoiuted. Editor Thurston. of this place has an excellent camera and is in his Spare moments continually uddiug to his tine collection of photographic sot nee. He has added two gemsol the river and gorge. below Eugenia falls and one or two taken at. Heron’s mill in Osprey. A unique picture he succeeded in getting ieu partridge comfortably settled on her nest in the woods. Rev. W. Sinclair leaves this week for his new circuit at Mdtou. Rev. J. Li: do, of Chttnworth, will preach anniversary cannons in the Presbyterianchorch on J uly 7th, Miss Annie Bichntdson. 0! Toronto r-LEBBEBTOR ; | Mr. A. E. Smith. of Warkworth. nod Miss Hume: of have, taken positions in Mr. R. J. Sproule’a of- aï¬ce here. i Mrs. R. 1‘. Whitten is visiting her | parents at. Heatbcow. igvieiï¬hg her p'flrenu. Hr. end Mrs. ll. Bichudeon. Mrs. Helen Rutledge end daughter Min Megaie arrived lut week from Montc‘leir, N. J., to Spend the enm- mer here. ~ Mrs. W. J. Douglass in spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Van‘Dusen hero. Mr. Geo, Mitchell spent. Sunday and Monday in Toronto. Your cor. was on the shelf last. week several shades off in color. but slowly returning to normal again. Dr. Chrisme though able to move about. has been for a. week back much enfrebled and distressed with his chronic heart aflection. Mr. John Wright, Sr.. an invalid for years, but for some time able to get. about. on crutches, is again con- fined to his room and is suffering greatly with his diseased and help- lrSS limb. His sister. Mrs. Winters. of Osprey, visited him last. week. Mrs. A. M. Gibson’s friends are pleased to see her recovering from her serious illness and hope to soon see her about. again. Mrs. Rnnstedller. we are also pleased to report, is under Dr. Car- ler’s care. recovering from her sev- ere illness. Vaccination is common here now and many of the youngsters are nursing sore arms. Mr. Andrew Blakely who been vis- iting here left last week for his home in Dakota and was accompanied to Owen Sound by his mother who is visiting her daughter there. Mrs. England. of Goldwater, is vis- iting Imr parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Breen. Mr. and Mrs. W. Trilnble enter- tained a few friends on Monday evening when the ordinance of bap- tism was administered to their little son bv Rev. Mr. Ward before taking leave of this circuit. A PROPER TREATMENT FOR CA5 TARRH. Reaches every affected part. Such a retneily is Catarrhozone, which is inhaled into all portions of the throat, lungs and nasal passages, where it kills the germs, and cures the dis- ease. Catarrhozone is pleasant. safe and absolutely sure to cure. It re- News the distressed feeling tn thel head, clears the throat and nostrils in one breath. Positive proof of cure is found in the words of Mr Kirk, of Kingsmn, Ont . who says: "I suffered for fifteen years tron) Catarrh of the nose and throat. used hundreds of remedies, consulted specialists, but was not permanently beneï¬tted. Having personally wit- nessed a cure of thirtv years stand. ing. eï¬ected by Catarrhozone, I bought an outï¬t and used it for a month. It cured me. and I am now no more liable to Catarrh than if I never had it. †This is most convinco ing testimony from one of Kings: on ’s best known and most highly respect- ed business men. It proves beyond question that Catarrhozone absolute- ly cures Catarrh. It never fails or harms; guaranteed to cure. Price $1 00; small size 25 cents. Druggists or Polson 00., Hartford. Conn., U. S. “â€"M ... ._..._.___- Don’t forget. our picnic on July lst Everybody welcome and everybody COIHB. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Willis have gone 05' on a visiting trip to see their son Nelson, of Duncan City. B. C. We join in wishing the old couple a pleasant journey and a safe return. Mr. and Mrs. John Hopkins,Jr., and Mrs. R. Bratten. Sr.._ spent. part of last week visiting friends in South- ampton. Mrs. Henry Brigham is visiting at her daughter’s. Mrs. James Living- Stou’s, of Paisley. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sumptou. of Paisley. are visiting friends in and around this part. Messrs. D. Adlam and '1‘. Brigham are repairing and doing the frame- work for Mr. Wm. Brown’s barn near Aberdeen. Our {Outbull team went up and had a match with the Muloch boys. The result was 3 goals to 0 in favor- oi our boys. The Muloch boys in- tend to play a match on picnic day. July lst. with our boys. Some of our young peOple around here took in the Glenroaden picnic and report a pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Forsyth spent. lasm week visiting friends in Tees- water and other places. Mr. Wm. Brigham has got his new store in Operation. Mr. John Brown nised an nddition tohis barn last. week. Mr. L Hiblo did the frame work. Mr. George Henderson. of Owen Sound, has raised his Tnbernecle on the river bank nee: G. '1‘. Kennedy’s end is holding religious services every evening during the week end through the day on Sunday. It the cup we undo for the Victor’s Scribe ï¬ts him to tight as the build. in; that D. Adi-m and ‘l‘, Briglnm (and for It. Lactate. his head will be getting; little Ion-penning ALLAN PARK Some of our young men wubed their faces in cream soda to get the young ladies to take a fancy to them. We wish that new scribe who Wrote last week would sign his name so you won 't. think, Mr. Editor. that. we have lost some of our brnins. '[l‘he other scribe’s article is :11 right, see it elsewhere.â€"ED.] - The Boston man, who lately mar- ried a sickly, rich, young, woman. is happy now. for he got Dr. King’s New Life Pills, which testored her to perfect health. lufallible for Juuudice, Biliousness. Malaria, Fever and Ague and all Liver and Stomach troubles. Ueutle but eflective. 0n- ly" ..‘)c at all drug storm-1.1m. The pedple who were complaining during the wet spell some weeks ago, look highly pleased over Saturday’s shower. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Wilson are vis- iting at Port Hope. Mr.s John McQueen has just re: turned from visiting relatives at Singhamptuu. Sam La‘wuence. with a gang of come- 01 “1’11 fetch you timber men, made a raid on the timber 1n F. Run- ciman ’3 bush on 1" rlday. Councillor McIntyre was in our Burgh on Tuesday to let the jabof grading and gravelliug a portion of the sideroad. .iohu McQueen took the gradingaud John Campbell took the gravelling. He also got those who had been getting sand (11 92 con. to go over and ï¬ll up the pit they had left on the sideroad. While one of our vouug men was engaged in robbing a. crow’s nest the other day the oli birds returned and if the tree on which he was clinging had not been rooted ï¬rmly in mother earth we are afraid he would now be classed with the star microbes. Miss Gertie W Park, gave her fri part on Thursday. We believe there was a couple of gentlemen within ï¬ve miles of this place who didn’t know that it was an extravagant plan to tear the coat to patch the pants or they wouldn’t have undermined the roadbed on 22 con. to cover a crossing. Miss Carrie Marie, Michigan man’s last, week The other evening as one of our violinists was being driven out to play at a ball given in honor of Ted the 20th the horse took [right and ran away, with the result that. the violin was broken. Ducald McCannel is now the proud father of {our children since the ar- rival of a little daughter on the 12th inst. \Vell, Mr. Editor. the idea of tax. ing peOple accmding to their own Valuation. may not be a new one but when your humble scribe spoke of something almtg that line, he had to duck his head to avoid the blow you gave the census man. †Of a gasoline stove burned a lady here frightfully.†writes N. E. Pal- mer, ot Kirkman, la. “The best doctors couldn’t heal the running sore that followed, but Bucklen’s Arnica Salve entirely cured her.†Infallible for Cuts, Corns. Sores, Boils, Bruises, Skin Diseases and Piles. 25c at ulldruggists. 1m. Miss Jane Matthews is home from Toronto to attend the wedding of her bruther, James M. Matthews. to Miss Plaster, of Proton, which is to take place Wednesday. 26th. Mr. Wm. Brown, one of our pros- perous farmers, purchased for him- self a ï¬ne now buggy from Charles McKinnon. Mr. John Wilson had the misfor- tune to lose a horse one day last week from blood poisoning. _ Via-1: Ailc-l-y'und Miss Maggie Lind- say were visiting friends on the line on Sunday last. There are quite a number of people both old and young, going to take in the Excursion to Guelph tomorrow Mrs. Thomas Ferguson was visit- ing at. W. Brown's Monday last. Mr.Thos.'Leggate is home from Kingston visiting the old home and neighbors. Mr. John Leggate was also expect- ed home last, night from Saruia where he has been for the past two months for the beneï¬t of his health. Ou-WI â€"'vrvâ€" - not yet. reached us but will appear later, Mr. John Wilson happened with an accident. Monday, having fallen froma horse. We understand his ahonlder was dislocated. Mr. Wm. Lawrence is being mar- ried to-day, Wednesday, to Miss Mabel Hooper. Particulars have not yet. reached as but will appear later, presents. Soms'of tho guests were from Collinzwood, Reducing. sad a cousin from Klinsburg, York County. DIDN'T HARRY FOR MONEY. A TERRIBLE EXPLOSION HEN RY’S 00 RN ERS. BOOTHVILLE. v-0.ooâ€"o ‘0'.“ o~â€". 0.. Or! Wilson, of Swimon friends u call in this Egan. of Sault Ste- . visited at I“. Ruuci. DmmAu. J mm. 26. 1901. mu Wheat .......... 8 60 Wednesday. July ll], ’01 ONE â€" DAY â€"â€" ONLY. Middaugh House DURHAM, on The Orangeville Banner says of Crossley and Hunter: “The num- ber of those who have professed con- version during the evangelists’siay in Orangeville is close to 400 Uf these 217 desm'ibe themselves as MethodiSts. 100 as Presbyterians, 37 as Anglicans, ‘24 as Baptism, while Congregationists, the Salvation Army and Roman Catholics were each rep- resented amongst the remainder. 'l". H. Blacklock, editor and prop- rietor of the Dundalk Herald. was married in Listowel on Wednesday afternoon to Miss Bell Morrison of the town. by the Rev. Mr. llardie. Presbyterian minister. The groom was braced up for the trying ordeal by Dr. J. H. Little. of Owen Sound, and Miss Blacklock. sister of the groom. was bridesmaid. The bride is a very popular young lady and re- ceived a large number of valuable presents. Miss Morrison was for several years a teacher on the public school staE in Dundalk and her host of friends will be pleased to welcome her return to her former home. Mr. and Mrs. Blacklock will spend their honeymoon at the Pan American Ex- position and on a trip to New York. -Shelburne Free Press. On Tuesday of last week \‘lrs. Win. McNichol, who lives below Alton, met with a thrilling experience. While going along the road abig, able-bodied tramp accosted her and attempted to outrage her. The wo- man’s screams brought her husband to the spot before the ï¬end could ac- complish his purpose. Fortunately Mr. McNichol was ploughing in a near by ï¬eld and had a gun to shoot ground hogs. He followed the vil- lain down the;railway track to where the seetiou men were working and forced him to throw up his hands at the point of the gun. The tramp proved to be the same person who applied for lodging the previous night He was arrested and taken to Bramp- ton jail, and it is hoped he will be made an example of. He gave the name of James Ferguson.â€"Orange- ville Sun. A very happy event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Brown, when Miss Annie Dodds- worth was united in wedlock to Mr. Fraser Gilray. The bride wore a dress of cream poplin trimmed with ribbon. The bride was attended by her sister, Minnie Doddsworth, wear- ing a dress of white dotted muslin over blue. The gmum was attended by his brother, Tom Gilray. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr, Eastman. of Meaford. After the guests’ congratulations, they ad- journed to the diningroom. where tea was waiting. The bride was the recipient of _many' pseiul and pretty __ -_L- nun-A OOHINO! COMING! COMING! â€" - v- VIIDV Optioal Collegrcgw' Call early and avail yourself of his valuable services, as this is a rare Opportunity to have your eyes proper- ly tested. free of charge. No uess work but a scientiï¬c certainty. ifli- cult cases accu rately ï¬tted. Au. WORK GUARANTEED. Graduate New York, lfhj}a§elphia, and Toronto T. P. SIITII. uncmm m 8mm" fl’ 1 nova: ed] st prlvue no“ EXCHANGE ECHOES. WILL BE AT THE 40 10 00 14 10 75 10 others. There’s no chence work. Every pnir is made to order. and at perfect lit guaranteed. or no n sale. Thep are abeolutely rust proof. end with just treatment will never break. 'Phecnflt'corsetiu the Inarket thnt gives complete comfort to the wearer. Leave your order for a pair and be PRICES RIGHT. ' Mrs. - J. C. Nichol, $$Â¥$$$%%*$$$ï¬ ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬$$%%%$ï¬ï¬ Lu'mnâ€"BLu-K~At :lu- Manse. Durham. on Monday. June 24â€: mm, by Rev Wm. I“. u~ harson. Francis Lc-titin. «laughter of “r. m Blurb. m Abraham William Hautiugu LIMGI‘. . Bothof Durham. MIDDLETON-“'1wonâ€"(m 'l‘uombu', J une 25th. by Revs. \V. Fa uharsuu and W. Graham. at the residence 0 tne bridv’s fatlwr, Mr. AL burl H. Middlvtou (u Miss Mary 11.. daughter ' of Mr. John Jana-s Wilemn. All 0f Glunelg. | ' Grocery Provision Store. u-umwwwmman 3‘; m _ “MAGNET", "’ Darling’ s *7 Drug Store E Try our Cream of Witch Hazel. an exquisite toilet lotion for roughnes of the skin, sunburn, ebc.. etc. Paris Purple. Blue Stone. Helo libore and Insect Powder. PURE DRUGS OF ALL KINDS. Fi 8!. i: I 3 l a t :L 19 a ! h a] f p 1‘ it, 'c UVER CHRONICLE OFFICE. JOHN A. DARLING Paris Green Flour, Feed Groceries, Fruit Nuts ()onfeo- tienerv Fresh and Cured Meats at lowest prices. Goods delivered to all p ll‘tS of town MARRIED. mm viucmi Pure “’hich has been already introduc- ed, needs no com- mend a t io n 1 0 those who know tgh e i r superior qualities over all SOUTH END g. If you want it take it with a Kodak. “‘-“M immmm o § Macnnumcu.§ Subscribe for The Chronicle. We have seemed the agency for the cele- brated Eastman Kodaks of which we have a nice assortment from *1 up. No heavy plates to carry and no dark room neces- sary to load. You can load in broad daylight. and so simple a child can operate it. We New Illmvs In Stock WOOL Jill Your 2mm zardlng m Excellent flssommt S. SCOTT. *‘ Tl" I SIM BROWIIE. Jane M. i901. If you no uking n holidny take u Kodak with you. best assortment of Choice Groceries. Etc. Give us a call and be convinced. Spinning. Pulling. c.. c. will be attended to will. despatch. Now is the time to bring in your wool. fox which we pay the hi best price in cash or (rule. of Clmhing. 'I‘weeds. Flan- nels. Blankets and Yarns to select from at the vow lowest prices. Durham. WANTED DURHAM.