ivol. 35---No._1~789. .3. '3 Pumarrtpax Gatden Party a T l’ornoch. June 98th. Plume, Friday. June 28 at S 9, Glenelg. Ritchia’s School Thus. Mcï¬irr’s bush. _ stsnvn l‘ri‘ay. July 53h, and come to PnjOV soars." with the ladies 0f 'l‘rinify Church. C . Mn. Sum. MvKI-zmmm is negotiat- ing for extensive improvements on his residmme on Albert street. west. 1m; Oman» .1: â€rved Bl. ihe J uly {"h’ 0" 'J A Gnumx number leh Wednemyy, morning on "3' Institute Excursion 1 farm, but at time of goi Du. P. Cf PARK. of Hamilton, spec- ialist in eyegear. nose an! throat diseases will be at his residence on Mill street, Durham. on 3011: June visiting his cousin, mr. Wm. dunn- stou, Jr. Mr. ()owan is an extensive dealer and shipper in thoroughbred cattle and has made the purchase of â€tree head of ï¬ne Durhams lrom Mr. Henry Parker. The purchase price was quite handsome but we’ll not say how much. Tm: Irish Lake pic $3 a great success. Us Saturday nlternoon us; uuuug a short thunderstorm, a free up town‘ in front of Mr. Elvidge’s was struck by lightning and shivered consrder- ably. Several panes of glass were broken at the same instant and Mrs. Blvidge who was in the house was stunned for a while. It was 3 nar- row escape. but fortunately no seri- ous dntnade occurred ,either to life or proper“- Tm: Epworth League had a very pleasant social on“ Monday evening. the Rev. Smith ï¬lling the'cbair very acceptably. An interesting program was rendered, but. as we did not get hold of it we are unable to give all the numbers. The literary enter. tainment consisted of vocal and in- stru mental selections. recitations and short addresses. Rev. Mr. ElliOtt, : clergyman of the United Brethren church at or near Markdale. was present and gave a briel address. After the program atProverb concern of some kind was next in order, and- then a liberal dish of ice-cream was served to each one present. 6'03 838) 561â€; 33.5311 C34?! 0% $103.... I.‘ ‘P.’ THEY are having lively times 3 around Durham and Hanover just now. Durham has the cement works lever, and as aconsequence the name of that place has been quite promin- ent in th public eye for some little spook°- thick as air either He started as a good oldoiashioned ghost six or seven years ago. in a good old-fashioned manner. by promenadtng up and down the hall. But added years ap- pears to have given him added strength and weight. for about {our stood on rollers. was moved up and down a number of times before his ghostship exited Now we quote the Hanover Post : -â€"" Last March things took a more serious turn. Mr. Jacob Litt, sr, father of Mrs. George Russell. sr.. who was Spend. ing the winter with his daughter, took the urippe. One night cries lrom the sick man awoke the rest of the household. and they assembled ' at his bedside. thinking he was dy- ing. Mr. Litt was repeating the Lord’s Prayer audibly. He was not praving because he leared that the end was near. but said he had been visited by a person who got on tOp of him and endeavored to crush the ' liie out of him. The same perform- ance occurred a week later " Then. Cooper Smith. a laborer. had an ex- perience. Again to quote the Post: -â€"-"According to Smith’s story his visitors were three in number, the Irat night they were content with flaking his bed. but the next two (immLY number 18“. here this, ,dnesquy, morning on the Farm- ' Institute Excursion to the Model m, but at time of going to press are unable to say how many. Women’s Garden Hqu, Nut or white. won 200. now 16¢. Children’s Sun Hus. won 300 and ‘35., for 200. 8011’! Straw Hats. wide rim,‘with or without Mud. 15c. LOCAL‘ NEWS. "-'.uh "I“- v they got more violent. cnlminntinu the third :nig! t‘s entertainment by getting on gtop of him and Lenrly squeezing the breath out of hie body Smith settled up with his employer the next morning. nnd no one will “sue him [or so doing.†Evidently Hanover is he’ visited by no ordino a, epoch 0! eggs. ygntion ol epoch. â€"elhom Economist. Saturday afternoon last. during rt. thunderstorm, a free up town mt of .\!r. Elvidge’s was struck ginning and shivered consular- Several panes of glass were aw! Strawberriel‘nill b0 r"(}arden Party Friday, '1‘. U. Holt’s lawn. c. 1... GRANT. .nic. Tuesday. S. No. in Mr. Ma. Junta fluowx, of G'lenelg, sold a two year old colt to Robe“ Isaac of Egremom for 8100. cuiéQâ€"Jiï¬hmeria. 25c. Maclarlanea’ Drug Store. Mn. E. H. Bonuses, of Robson. B. C., has the distinguished honor of be- ing a cashin-advance man every time, and will ace. pt. our thanks for Pom Elms kiln.†a big cele- bration on Dominion Day. Cheap rates. The ï¬rst Garden Party of the sea- son will be given by the ladies of Trinity Church. on the lawn of ’1‘. G. Holt, Friday. July‘éth. Good program With Band in attend- ance. Promenade concert will be held in the Town Hall if weather is unfavorable. â€".â€"â€"â€"-â€" p_.._.r Tm: Volunteers returned from Niagara on Saturday night having passed through their two weeks’ drill without a mishap. Their tan~ ned appearance showed the effects of ‘1 ....mn 1-.AI‘.‘A remittance. a hot time on the 01 The outing did then came home with a military appearance, ing his blacksmithing busimss in the stone shon in front of the old Cocho rane moulding room. The shop just vacated is on land belonging to Dan. Campbell who wants the ground to erect a new residence on it. Mr. Campbell will begin building in a few 3833- WE noticed by the Annual State- ment of the Standard Bank of Can-t ada just issued that that institution has had a very successful year. Af- ter paying the usual dividends, 3:30.000 of proï¬ts was added to the reserve fund which now amounts to $750,000. The deposits of this bank are now 38.231000, having increased nearly $1,000,000 during the vear and the total assets exceeded Mu. ermox, our popular tonsorial artist, who has so skilfullvjmndled the razor and shears in the McIntyre Block since last December, |sold out his business last week to Mr. John Robertson, of this town. Mr. Rob- ertson will take over the business early in'JuIy. As the new prOpriet- or was once a typo in this ofï¬ce. we havn’t the least doubt he is possessed of sufï¬cient nerve to shave a man with neatness and despatch. THE CHRONICLE boys are all smart shavers. Buelxnss Crusoeâ€"Last week Mr. Laidlaw sold his stock here and leas- ed his store to Messrs. Knox Morgan, of Hamilton. The goods were sub- sequently purchased by Mr. James Ireland,of the late ï¬rm known as Ireland Co. The store will be As éeen by Mr._ W_hitmore’s ad. in -â€"-â€".‘--A. closed afew days to take stock when 5 Mr. Ireland. who is well and favor- ably known, will again make his bow to the public and commence business in the old stand. Mr. Ireland is too well known here to need an introduc- tion. and we think the favorable im- pression made during the past year, is all that’s necessary. We extend our welcome. lating our respected young towns~ man, Mr. A. W. H. Lauder. on his marriage Monday last to Miss Frankie Black. daughter of Mr. Wil- liam Black, Hardware merchant. of this town. Mr. Lauder is a son of Mr. Thomas Lauder. Registrar for South Grey, and an acquaintance oi four years leaves us in possession of‘ a favorable Opinion of his many good ’qualties. Miss Black’s four year’s residence in town has endeared her to the young people, owing to her genial disposition and a willingness to lend her ï¬ne musical talents in every good cause. We heartily wish the young people much joy in their new relationship and trust that comfort and happiness may attend them through life. ' g last about six the sound of the ï¬re hell aroused from their beds the eit- izens who were indulging in †a little more slumber.†No sign of a con- flagration was to be seen anywhere in town. and some imagined that perhaps a chimney was burning out ‘aud the alarm onnded to prevent But it wasn’t so. A house the spot. The house I!“ totally de- atroyed together with most of the contents which ‘heleng to Mr. T. :» loli homoloil. WE. take pleasure in congratu- A An-In- DURHAM CHRONICLE. -.v to o'IZlV-camp ground. them good and they h a much improved iple, owing to her and a. willingness musical talents in We hesrtily wish much ioy in their bottle at “71130 on the Cement By-laws has been postponed till July 9th. Jonx STEWART, the Royal Piper of Bunessan will have his pipes out. on the 12th of July. Good stuï¬! '1‘. P. SMITH; eye specialist, of Elora, will be at the Middaugh House Wednesday. July IOth. One day only. Consultation free-fl. DR. BUTTON will discontinue his visits to Priceville alter this date. All accounts due him can be settled with Mr. N. McKinnon, Priceville. June 15th, 1901. THOSE who have not paid up for Dogtags niust. do so before Friday evening or they’ll have to settle be- fore 'iie Mayor with costs. TUE Knapp Stables are nearing completion and will soon be open -" ‘-__j ALA-â€" UVIIJyle-vâ€"v W.â€" for business. __ We understand they‘ will accommodate two hundred borers. and will be ready before the 12th of July. THE Entrance Examinations are in progress The following shows the number of candidates at each place and the presiding examinerszâ€"Dm- ham. :34. Inspector Campbell and T. .Allan; Markdale, 21, G. W. Slaughter; Flesherton, 33, J. A. Spiers; Dun- dalk.32, J.-S. Rowe; Hanover, ‘20, W. W, Tait; Neustadt. 2, W. I. Hu- ston. Total 162. INFURMATION was laid a few days‘ ago against 0. W. Lang, of Durham, for trespassing on and ï¬shing in some of the private preserves rented from Glenelg larmers by ssme of our citizens. The case was tried on Sat- urday afternoon last. at Varney be- fore Magistrate Queen. who imposed .V-v - on IAvl'n'QQâ€"ï¬ne of 31.00 and cons or thirty days. , It is with feeling of the deepest sorrow that we this week chronicle the death of Miss Lizzie Robertson.l daughter of Mrs. Robertson, Garao iraxa street, at the early age of 20 years and 6 months. The deceased young lady had been in delicate health for over a year past, she hav- ing about that time contracted a severe cold. which settled on. her lungs. Miss Robertson was a gradu- ate of Fergus High School. and the Elora Model. She was well known to the young people of the village, who deeply sympathize with the sor- LI‘OWng mother and lamily.â€"‘-Fergus lCanadian. . [The above noticc has reference to a younglady well known in Durham, having lived at one time with her parents here, before removing to Fergus. She will be remembered by those with whom she attended school while here.-ED.] The following is the standing of the lacrosse teams of District No. 5, of the Intermediate series. It will be seen that at present Durham is leading. Durham Markdale .2 1 1 Owen Sound 1 O 1 The next. game is in Owen Sound on July lst, between Durham and Owen Sound. Our boys are practic- ing diligently and are conï¬dent of making a good showing. Great distress came to the home of ‘ Dr. Gun on Monday'last 'on seeing ‘ an account ofa boy, Cecil Gun, 19 . years of age, having been drowned in Boston harbor. Telegrams were immediately sent- to chief of police in Boston to ascertain particulars, but no new light could be obtained in the case more than that Cecil Gun a stowaway from Liverpool was be- ing deported and to escape jumped into the bay and was drowned while attempting to swim to shore. The body was not recovered. He claimed his parents lived in Toronto A cab. elgram was forwarded to London. England. also seeking information as to the whereabouts of Cecil who left there some time ago on the Orotona for Australia, but up to the time of going to press no satisfactorv an- swer has been received. Though the i Dr. and family have much reason toi feel distressed, we can hardly believe that the Cecil Gun reported in the despatch from Boston is the Cecil Gun who left here over three years ago and has since followed a sailor’s _ _____-_-l-‘A IA t‘agnb Death of M13: Lune Rebyuon. stowewey. While ‘we sympathize with Dr. Gun end family in their ad trouble, we sincerely hepe, .and .1. most. believe thet the Cecil Gun who was drewned is net‘ I-our spirited tycong townemen. . burham; Ont.,' Thursday, June 27, 1901. Cecil Gun Drowned. Lacrosse Notes. Played. an. Lost. The Dundalk Herald it} looking brighter since the Editor got mar- tied. Some people would give us a big surprise by paying their sub. Barrister Davidson is leader of the Durham Band. He plays the big drum. You can’t. always judge a. man by the person he stops to talk on the street. If he talks to a cow it would hardly be fair to decide he was a calf. A citizen had the imperishable gall to tell as THE CHRONICLE isn’t as good a paper as the Family Her- ald and Weekly Star. That fellow is oï¬ his base. sure thing._ Morgan Wood, for some time pas- tor of the Bond St. Congretetional 31 Church. Toronto, but. latwly of Cleveland has received,a call to New York at $12,000 a. year. The money will make Morgan go. - In the lacrosse match between Markdale and Owen Sound on Friday last at Markdale, the Ow'en Sound boys got the worst of it by 6 to 2 against them. Brother Remage is in Toronto is week attending a. meeting of t e Sons of Scotland, and before return- ing will take in the Big Pan Ameri- can. We hope he’ll not get lost. When a woman say's she wouldn’t marry the best man in boots. it. may generally be noticed she’ 23 not. wor- ried with applications. Women are not the only kind of individuals given‘ to gossip. Some men have the business reduced to a science. and can Knock the women cold in any kind of small talk. “Local Happenings.’gathered by Monitor Reporters; Fresh Butter- milk, etc.†This is a new phase and we must congratulate the Meaford Monitor. as the pioneer paper in starting the side show. When a boy is impervious to any- thingthing in the shape of an idea, it’s a hard thing to do much with him. Some may spend years at a business and not know any more about it than the man in the moon does about making soft soap. The Owen Sound Times says. “Paisley, which has been all but flead and buried for years, is having established a pork factory.†How exceedingly dead the olefactory nerves of the Paisleyiues must be, if ‘they can get. pleasure within three lmiles of a pork factory. A gentleman near Palmerston ownsE abird dog which is especially good at fetching things out of the water. In order to show a friend what the dog could do, he threw a 50 cent piece into the water, and told the dog to fetch it back. The dog dived and brought back a. two-pound cat- ï¬sh and 35') cents in change. This is no ï¬sh story. The Hanover Posttells of a glib tongued fakir selling gold spectacles, and warns the people against deal- ing with such chaps. No doubt the Post advises In good faith, but if peOple will stand round with their mouths Open waiting for some one to gull them, why should the news- papers feel concerned. If there is an institution to-day, on top of the earth that does its duty in warning ithe unwary against such diabolical tramps that institution is the local press, and yet theiakir feeds on the folly of those who will be fooled. 'l‘he Clarksburg Reflector has a correspondent who aSpires to pen his thoughts in poetry. at least we imagine he thinks it’s poetry. True enough he has it divuded up into: chunks of four lines each, but when “gobble†is supposed to rhyme with " gold.†it’s hard to invent a prOper name by which to call the stuï¬. We imagine the subline in- dignation Editor Marshall must feel as he looks over the. manuscript of such outrageous balderdash. One would imagine the poetical contri- butor had Strayed away from the rest of the long- eared animals to which he seems to belong. - On Saturday last we . received at this ofï¬ce a very strange letter. The post mark and stamp were such as we never saw before. and the address on the envlope was a beautifully il- luminated production. On tearing open the envelope and reading the contents of the enclosed epistle we were astonished to ï¬nd it was a letter from the men In the moon. who claim- ed he had established a weekly mail service with our planet, and that he wanted to be regularly informed; from the most reliable sOurce of the 'way things were going on down here, and, moreover. that he had examined all the_ weekly newspapers on earth and found the Chronicle the most readable and most reliable. A post ofliee order for a year’s subscription in advance accompanying the letter in question was handed. over to Jim Smith, who sent -it donate Billy KITS AND M18818. Muloch, at Ottawa, for advice before cashing it. If anyone says this is a lie, you may just inform him that you’re not the author of it. that the man who runs this paper will give full particulars to every oqe paying a year’s subscription in advance. Mrs. J. P. Hunter is visiting friends in Hamilton. Master Peter Ramage went to To- ronto, Wednesday morning. Mr. Stephenson. Insurance Agent of Mount. Forest. was in town Mon- day last. Mr. Fred Tyler. of Mount Forest. was in town Sunday. Mr. Pickering, of Mount Forest. is attending Mr. W. A. Macfsrlsnd’s jewellery business during his illness. Mr. M. Kenny is home again at Edge Hill, after spending some months in Michigan. Mr. Thos. Kells, of Vandeleur. called on us Saturday, after return- ing from a visit to Stratford. Mr. M. K. Richardson, M. P., at- tended the Convention here on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Rinner, Port Huron, are private guests at the Knapp House .0 Mrs. (Principal) Allan was in Gar- afraxa last week attending the wed- ding of her niece. Miss Wood. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wilson. of Louise. ’visited Inspector Campbell on Monday last. Rev. '1‘. H. Farr, was here again last week. but didn’t call on us to as« sist in running 06 the paper. Miss Nellie Watt. of the Chron- icle. accompanied by her sister, spent a couple of days visiting friends in Guelph. Mr. R. H. Hughes, Druggist. of New York, spent a couple of days last week visiting his cousins the Hughes family here. Mrs. (Dr.) Jamieson and son Brad, left. Wednesday morning for Toronto. where she will Spend the summer bondays. MissLick, B. A., of the teaching staff, left‘ Wednesday morning for Oshawa, where she will Spend the holidays v‘vith her parents and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rogers. of Cedarville, spent Sunday and Mon- day as guests of Inspector and Mrs. Campbell. Misses Kate and Belle McDougall, accompanied by their niece. Miss Laura Boone. are visiting friends in Priceville this week. Mr. Gilbert McKechnie attended a meeting of the Directors of the Na. tioual Portland Cement Co. in Tor- onto, Monday. . Mr. and Mrs. Hampton, of ROI- land Centre. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. 8. Scott. from Saturday till Tuesday. We had a. plesant call from Mr. H. Dr. Arthur Gun, of Innerkip. and Mr. J. (Jr. Gun. Druggist, of Bright. drove over Sunday night to see their parents, Dr. and Mrs. Gun. here. on learning of the drowning accident. of Cecil Gan at Boston. Misses Maggie and Minnie White- ford. of Hampden. visited friends in town Saturday and Sunday last. Miss Hazel McGregor accompanied them back and will remain for a few days to enjoy country life. a Mr. and Mrs. Alex. M. Speers. of Mono Mills. are visiting the former’s mother, Mrs. Robt. Hill and family just south of the town. Mr. Speers admires tip progress Durham has made since he was here two years ago He thinks our material adg‘ vancement. is almost phenomenal. Mr. and Mrs. Grant. of Toront, ar' rived in town Saturday last. to visit the latter’s mother. Mrs. J. H. Hun- ter. Mr. Grant returned to the citv Monday morning. Mrs. Grant. who is suï¬ering somewhat from nervous prostration will remain for some time to recuperate. 16 Phdtos for 35c in {our diflerent sittings until July 13:11. N. CaEss. PhotOgrtpher. Durhgm, June 26th, 1901. seen at Mr Telford’s 0500. or {on any be examined by applying to bun. Prices right. Terms to amt tho urchuor. Excellent oppogtunity for ca bayou. For further partwulgrs tpply to . . Mus. Tumuus hogan. PERSONAL MENTION. Your Last Chance. 'fvgrvmerly Hrs. mm. P“; $1.00 Per Year. SWomen’s low Shoo. leather lined. and pogged_. for 75c. 3'66?‘ a swim". A boy’s dudeâ€"kit}: too-cap. 31. These are bargrius. Be sure to call and inspect our stock. It will pay you. C. L. GRANT.