Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Jun 1901, p. 8

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Grocery 6: Provision Store. . C. Healy, Flour, Feed, Groceries, Fruit, Nuts, Uunfec- tionery, Fresh and Cured Meats at lowest prices. Goods delwered to all parts of town. SOUTH END THURSDAY. Durham. 23rd 18th 16th The_Flesherton Public School picnicked on .l‘riday afternoon last and were Joined by Principal Rowe and Senior Form scholars of the Markdale school in the half day’s enjoy- able recreation. Rev. J. Hunter and Mr. G. Armstrong accompanied the visitors. A game of foot ball was played between “ The ltcyengos,” ot this place, and a team from the Visiting school resulting in tavor of the latter : score 110. A l’rogrant.joined beart‘ ily in by the scholars, was carriedlont and 358.00 and a number of prizes collected by l’rincipal Slaughter were distributed among the successful competitors who were as fol- fows : Tug of war, Flesherton and Mark- dale. Wull by the latter; open race, 200 yds. l’ercy Bellamy ; ditto, 100 yds., W. Loucks; Bicycle race, girls, Flossie Thurston Lily Baker: wheelbarrow race 11. Steei . c. Loucas : hurdle race, 1’. Bellamy, C. li'ales; hurdle race under 14, W. Hales, C. Utte- woll ; boot race, W. Crowley. U. Mc'I‘avish; sack race, F. Mc'l‘avish ; l". Sullivan: three legged race, W. Loucka, ll. Staples, E, ltlakely, li. Flesher; potato race, boys, 0. Mc'l'avi.~h, W. ()rossley: potato race, 'irls, J. \\ ilson, Mamie Sullivan : conao ation potato race, May Hales, Millie Urossley; boys’ race oyer 14, 100 yds., Percy Bellamy, l’crcy King; boys" race 12 to 14 50 yds., ii. 'l‘rclt’ord, R. Flesher ; boys" race under 10, H. Mc'l'nvialt, l". Mc'l‘avialt ; do. under 9, (i. Mc'l‘ax'iah, l". lx'arstcdt; do. under 7, W. \\ il.~on, It. luncks ; girls" race over 12, 50 yard». Flossie Thurston. Mav llales; do. under 12, May Sproatt, Mable lloyd; do. un- der 9, Myrtle lllakely, Lizzie Wilson; do. under 7, l’glanche Sproa'tnt, Maud Henderson "Hunt 0, lllallbllu leJl uuuu, uggouu -.v..uu.uv.. running long jump, '1‘. Tuck, 1’. King: standing du., T. 'l‘nck, 1’. King: running hnp. slop and jump, '1‘. 'l‘nck (33 feet 4 in. ), U. Alert er ; standing high imnp, \V. Loncks running high jump, l’. Norris; club swing- ing. May Hales, Millie Crussley, Ella Barn- hnme Un aCCUllllt of the threatening rain ten mus rerved in the drill shed where the ymmg pmple were joined by at huge num- ber ut' tln ir parents and friends. Mr. A. Mnnshaw, of this place. was chard- ed on 'l‘hursday evening last before Magis- trates l‘ivkle, and Rae, of Markdale, with riulatiun at th: liqum law on Sunday. May 5th. Mr. Mnnshaw emphatically denied the (-harge and seven young men of Markdale. suhpnenaed by the prosecution also denied having taken liquor in his huuse en the day Ill questivn. The case was therefnredis- missed and Host Munshaw was umgratula- ted by his numerous t'riends upun his estah- |i~hvd innucenee and clean record. 1’. :ct‘ulluch fur the prosecution : l. 15. Lucas fur the defence The Methndist Parsonage, Harrie, was, «m the Ih'th ut' September last, the scene ut' an int'nrwal yet, nut the less interesting and happy exent, it. being the marriage by Rev, 1‘. 1‘3. Hartley. Ii. Aunt Mrs. Annie lieu- (Huh, \xiduw ut' the late James lieecrut't, ut' this place. tu Edmund Sykes, uf Lady Bank, U~prvv tuwnship. Mrs. Sykes visited friends- in tmrn m1 Thursday last and called en the (.‘hrnnicle (an'reslmtulent \th .w‘.“ pleased tn tender (amgratnlatiuns and Julll her inanv friends here in wishing he." a lung and happy life. Married. at the resideuceof the bride‘s parents. San Matie, California. on the 29th ult . Miss Allie Moore to Mr. David (ieuld- ing, of San Matio, formerly ot 'l‘orouto. The young bride is the second daughter of Mr. .I. 1"). Moore. tbrmerly furniture dealer and undertaker in this three. She was highly esteemed by all who knew her and hyr many friends will wish her much hap- piness in her new relations in life. 'l'het'ellowing taken from the Halt ite- purter respecting our esteemed townsman, Mr. W. .1. vath, who was married on \\'mlnesda,\' of last week in l-lespler to an esteemed young lady of that town. will be read \\'i|lt interest by the numerous friends- ..r the groom who reside in (trey (.‘ouuty: "A well attended and pt‘cttily arranged wedding was solmnnized in the It. (3. church this morning at 10 o’clock, when Miss Min Me A. Hughes. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hughes. became the bride of Mr. Wm. .l. Smyth. a popular young man of l"leshcr- tun. Untario. l’roinptly at the hour set. for the (-eu-muny the bridal party entered the sacred edifice, which was charmingly deck- cd with flowers, to the solemn strains of a wedding march rendered on theorgan by Miss ltunstedller. First cruie the brides- maid. Miss E. Hughes. tollowed by the bride accompanied by her sister, Miss (iertrude. .-\t the al'ar railing waited the groom and his brother. Mr. H. Smyth. of Markdale, who ably pertormed the duties of best man. The ceremony of tying the knot was pro- ceeded with by Rev. Father: Gehl. The bride looked radient in a (NJStlHIIO of fawn broadcloth skirt with rucheiugs ot'silk and bolero with applique trimmings, which was worn over a tucked blouse of white silk and chitt'on. .-\ hat to match the costume and a bouquet of bridal roses and smilax. CUIII‘ pleted the bride’s costume. The bridesmaid Wore a pretty and becmning gown of chevrot with silk trimmings and a white silk blouse. A pink chip hat and a bouquet of pink car- inatiens completed her toilet. Miss Uer- trude Hughes wore a frock of pale blue silk with chitt'on trimmings. ller hat was a blue and white silk creation and. she carrieda j basket of scarlet carnations and lillies. ? Folh'm'iug the tying of the knot, came the ‘ celebration of the nuptial mass at the close . of which the bridal party were driven back to the bride’s parents’ home on Galt street, where a dainty wedding breakfast was serv- i ed. The happy pair left on the 3:30 G. 'l‘. . R. train for a trip to Bitti'alo. Niagara Falls and Toronto and on their return will reside in Flesherton. 'I‘he n'esents were numer- ous and beautiful” Jr. and Mrs. Smyth have taken up their residence in Mr. R. '1‘. Whitten’s house on Toronto street and the Chronicle Scribe wishes them an abundant- ly prosperous and happy life. Mr. Kohl. 'l‘rimble lost a very highly prie- ed pug dog last week. l’ug pertook 0t poi- son laid for rats and his owner who had the corpse photographed before burial, now sincerely mourns his untimely end for he was his constant companion and was indeed a cagacious little fellow. Mr. Joy whose death we recorded last week was also the owner of a wise and much netted little canine of the same breed which after his master’s death showed signs of deep louhness and would not be comforted. The oflicers and privates of No. 6 Com. pany. 31 Bath, tare this ,Monday evening getting in readiness for their Journey to Niagara Camp tomorrow. The men are huzhly pleased with the new Lee-Entield ritles, Oliver equipment and active service caps furnished for this year’s drill. Owing to illness Major 0. J. Sproule is unable to attend camp. Captain E. K. Richardson has theretore been called upon to perform Major‘s duties in the saddle. The rain on Victoria Day kept cemetery plot holders from performing the usual grave decorations done here on that day. Many. however, have turned out since and pei't'm'ined their labor of love. The resting place of the Chronicle Editor’s loved ones H, under the care of Mr. John Hales. among the neateat and best kept plots in the cem- etery. Mr. Geo. Mitchell spent. Friday last at Durham accompanied by his .boys. Kendall and Harold. who thought the circus immense Communion was dispensed in the Presby terinn church on Sundav and the service was largely attended. Rev. J. A. Mathe- son, of Priceville, preached at the prepara- tory service on F nday. Mr. John Shore and daughter. Miss Frak. of 'l‘algrave. paid the farmer’s niece, Mrs. Geo. Mitchell, a short visit last week. Mr. Shore tirst yisited this place over lift)! _- _:-J u- \U allul IUAU . " IIV El Vuauv 7- \I r W. J. Bellamy; 13 seending a few days with his sister J Henderson of \lr SE51} tifst visited this p.1ace over (if?) \‘ears ago when he gccompamed Mr. W. . Flea-her after whom It was then named. B'LESHERTON . THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. Mr. \V. Joy. of Turontu Junction, and Mr. J. Baker, of Sta yner. attended the funeral of the former’s father last week. Mrs. (Dr.) Carter left Monday to atttand the marriage of her niece. Miss Fulton of “'Oodstock, . Mrs. W. K. Flassher2 of Markdde. is spending a week here With old friends who are pleased to have her in theirimfidsti. _ Lllss Lamont at Toronto, and the Misses Ellison and Ella Cnrruthers of Avening. are the guests of Mrs. Fred llunt. Mrs. I“. W. "wkling entertained - her f0 friends frum Mau'kdnle tu tea 0:: fig:- day evemng last. Miss Carrjq Sullivan and Miss Mable Muuslmw VIHth uver Sunday with friends at Durham. Mr. Wm. Moore sneut Sunday at the parental lwme In East Nurmauby. Mrs. R x, Heuderuu who underwent an operation in Grace Hospital, Toronto. and and \'as in the city a month under treat~ ment, is now at home progressing favorably towards health. Inspector S. ngude was up from To- ronto uu Tuesday tor a day’s fishing. Mr. Robert Wilson. one of the plucky motor men who grappled with the murper- er burg'ars in Toronto last week. is a broth- er of Mr. Andy Wilson. of this place. Kimberiey village in the valley has a case of smallpox whivh deve'.uped on Saturday last. A man named Smith who recently returned from the States is the vivthn. (.‘rou‘ded out last “n k. The following,r items are a few we can recall since last writing ;â€"-D. H. Brown had a (:Ollple of visitors for a few days. we have forgotten names. There was a large bee putting in Mrs. Ginn’s crop Jack Walker’s house 'as the scene of a lively party in early spring. The sickening spooni- ness of one couple was the chief feature of the evening. Rob. “hit-- more, of the south line, went to the Rainy River District to try his for- tune. (i). Konold can hardly contain ltittiSelf since a little daughter arrived. The Konold’s me now the envy of the several other young married couples of the glen. Tom Niclnl is preparing to enlarge his house 'l‘hat's only one result. of having a larger family. Various, indeed. are the ways employed some- times by a young man to lengthen a pleasant drive. and not always with success. but a Rob Roy young fellow accideutly t?) drove to that. bridge that is being rebuilt the other side of Durham and had to go all the way hack again round through Bentinck. er. Watson, of Swinton l’ark. Pro- ton Uo. commissioner, called to have a look at our school Miss Mary Edwards, Tron) Owen ‘ I I O O . bound, ls vmtmg old fnemls here. Miss Maud \Vhitmore has gone to Toronto for the summer. Almost every one of our farmers now has a binder. Jack Gray is the last to buy one. ‘ Archie Campbell, who has been holidaying here for three months or so. has returned to his position of foreman of at bridge building gum: on the new McKenzie and Man road. Archie has a good situation and is bound to take a higher one yet. He was accompanied by Sam McComb, Duncan McNahh and \\'in. Browne, who are all going to work in Archie’s bridge gang. There was a prayer~rneeting at. 3V. J. Young’s Tuesday week. Rev. Mr. Farquharson held it. (This wu-k's budget.) Say, Mr. Editor, Wt! sent in a budget last week in time to he set up. Didn’t you get it, or did it go to the \V. l'. I} .' Miss Lizzie Moore is now brighten- ing with her pres-once the parental home on the south hue. Miss Anniv Mt'(‘m‘miuk wheeled over from “'alkvrtun for a short visit hunw. Dam Mchmis is having the old Bunessan church mun-(l duwu to his barn to make an implvnwnt shed. etc. “'0 often wondered if some use could nut be lumh- of the old building. and we‘re glad to soc it ruumvml. Grant McUoml) has just finishtd mmt bit of fencing at Hue school. Mr A. U. Bpatou is awav this last two weeks superintending the load- ing of Square timber at several stations on the U. P.1i. Miss Sum Knuml) is hmuc from 'loronm for the, smmnvr. Slu- “ill rvmuuo her usual occupa- tions and mu cls. Uf course Bum-asst" m-nt its runtiu cut to the circus last weak. “'0 haven’t heart of any at mu‘ peoplv being ” taken in " by the circus mo- ple. but as usual there Wurv sumo “ taking in 'at the hotels. Some three or four uf our young men went down with the voluntem'n last Tuesday. As they were all mrvful to be van-inatml before gain? down. we have, no fear of their bringing sum] 1m: hack with them. hut if then- isn't. sumo sick fellows bchl't‘ they get back, We‘ll be much mistaken. There was a prayer nweting at Mr. Moore’s, of the. south line, last Thursday evening. U. s. 5. x0. 1, G. 6.: E. Sr. Illâ€"Clara Hoolwr, Bertha Hooper, Isaac Hooper. Jr. illâ€"John McKinnon, Sarah BcKinnon. Chris- tine Eckhardt, Samuel McDertnid, Bertha MacInryre. nâ€"Edna Ches lett, Harold McDermid, Joseph Harrison, Daniel McKinnon Pt. II Sr.â€"-Julia McKinnon, Isaac Hooper, Lizzie McCuaig. John McEachern, Charlie McDonald. Fred Muir. Pt. 11 Jr.â€"Katie McCuaig, Stanley Muir, Sarah McEachern, Nellie Sullivan and Maggie Hartford aeq., Hardy Harrison, Archie McKinnon. Pt. [â€" \Viilie Hooper, Ida Mchaig, Joe H00per, Ada McLean. Average at- tendance, 24. MILDRED J. C. Leases, Teacher. U s. 8. NO. 2.1;. G. Ivâ€"Annie McGillivray. IIIâ€"Al- fred McKechnie, Agnes Ewen, Willie McKecbnie. nâ€"Ella Edge, Minnie Vessie. Maggie Morton, Ethel Henghan and Johnnie Newell aeq. Sr.â€"Frank Collinson. Pt. uâ€"Elias Edge, Neilie McGillivray. Jr.â€" Rillie Dunsmnor and Vila McKechnie aeq. Pt. II-Smith Ewen. Sr. 1â€" George Nowell, Mable Wismer, Her- bie Dnnsmoor. Andy Vessie. Jr. 1â€"- Annie Ewen. Roy Wismer. ' Mar L. Monchm. Teacher. SCHOOL REPOR I‘S. BUNESSAN. 0â€". OOoO-o r-‘O.o- of our young men went down 4‘. _ __ __..‘...‘ The: population of Winnipeg is 42,594, an increase of 16,958 since can. 1891. Mr. “’98. Scott, of London town-l ship. who came up last week to at- tend the funeral of the lute John Lovett. had a small aluminum ring upon his watch chain which bore this - devise. engraven lerge: Q '1‘ 1899 18. ‘ Mr. Scott found the ring upon the; leg of a dead pigeon picked up on his- fat-m, and is a little curious to know whence came the bird and what meaneth Q '1‘. etc. Can any one here- abouts enlighten hitn ?-Clinton News- Record. 'l‘lko Laxative Blono Quinine 'l‘ablc-tn. All drug ists refund the money if it. failsto cure 25c. W. Grave’s signature is on each box. M M‘K EXZIEâ€"In Moutrval. «u Friday. J mm 7, Mary Esther Slvwart, beloved wile of )1 r. A. (J. Muchuziv. R l'lC HIEâ€"In (Hawk r on 'I‘m-mlm. Junv 4th tn Mr. and Mrs C baa. Riuhie, a daughter. M¢KE(‘ HVIFâ€" In Ihulmm on Suudm. Jmu ‘Jlul to MI. and Mrs. John M1 huhme a sun PPLICA'I‘IONS for the position of Town Scavenger under bylaw 402. will be received up to Mnnday. June 24th inst. Duties as defined in bylaw can be seen at Clerk‘s utlice. undersigned. near Latnna Svlnml- house. on or abuut Wednesday. June 5th. a heavy, blocky dappled gray mare. heavy in fnal. Ilare spot on side where hair was re- mnved by buggy shaft. Any persull giving infnrlnation that will lead to her recovery will be suitably rewarded. June 10, I pd. é Lincoln’s tablets t Set You free. i) of the undersigned. Lot 14'). Cut). 3. W. U. IL. lieutittck, all ur about Tuesday. May 21st, funr yearliugs, '.’ heifers and 2 sateen. Une heifvr was a small red tuulley. with pig-ting in one ear, other heifer rod with Ntllle white abuttt head. (hm dark rm! stver, and «me sputted steer. ttmstly rml. Atty perm“ giving ittfut'tttatiutt as tn their whercuhuuts. will be suitably rewm'thetl. JAMES WALsIt. June 7th. 1 pd. Welheck l’. U. Whether it’s a suit for a fonnol ooouion. or just for business, or for outiu . it ought to be well mule end ought to at. e do it that way. The fit will be perfect. and the who will be ext-el- lent. The clot-bee will be a cred t to us end to you. We make 9 opeclnlty to suit the public. Author and teacher of the Nonpareil Sys- tem of Cutting. Patented. TAILURING ! Ladies’ Tailoring a Specialty. w. A. GLASS, mutual J. a J. Kmart Old Stud. We make and trim vour own goods into a first clus suit. TO CUBE A COLD INONE DAY. H ‘ROM THE PREMISES OF THE j'l‘RAYED FROM THE PREMISES John A. Darling DRUGGIS’I‘. - - - - DURHAM. Lincoln medicine (loinp’v. nervous Prostration. 50 Queen Street, Ottawa. Recommended and for sale by Whatever You Want. 0n the Bank: Of the Sangeen Strayed or Stolen (‘attlc A stray. New High Class From diseases of stomach. Bowels,Liver and Kidneys. They are a positive cure for A magnificent Tonic, puri- fying the blood and clear- ing the complexion. Ner- vous. weak. pale women will find them a positive blessing. Worn out brok- en down men can regain lost strength and vigor by taking Lincoln’s Tablets. PRICE 50 CENTS. WANTED BORN. DIED. WM. Ammumx, Clerk. WM. LAWRENCE. Durnoch l’. For Next Door to (.‘hruuirh- um... NEW Pumps AM» Rlcmms. DRILL, CURB. RE-Clrlus, l’IU‘ISStfRB “TELLS. AILmI'nmtukc-n at the nld Maud near Mt'Gowau'n Mi” “in lu- prumptl) a!- tvudwl In. Pumps. _e ALL WORK GUAMM‘m-zu at “Liw and let live” PRICES. Mar. 23. 99. y xi \ '0 szxxmmbi I BEG LEAVE Tu INFORM MY (‘l'S- 7 TCIERS and tlw lux‘ulir in gruvm} that I . an) prepared to furnish ‘ '1.) L‘" ’01. \Qo Machine Uil. Um ncss Uil.g Axle Gl‘t'uso and [loot ' Ointment. :40 to ; H. W. MBBKLER. S. P. SAUNDERS. GEORGE WHITMOBE. g”, A", é”, $ $:-.\: 9 “MAGNET’ V4 9 77", Hat nessmnker. Dl'lillA ll Fall \Vluml ......... Spring \\ lwuln . ..... Oats. .............. Barley .......... . . . . Hay ....... Butter ......... . . . . Eggs per dozen. ...... Apples per bag ..... Polavuea per bag . . . . . Flour per cwt ..... Oatmeal per sack. . . .. Chop percwt ......... Dressed lions per cwt Hides per lb ......... Sheepskins .......... Turkeys per lb. ...... Geese per 1b,. ........ Ducks per pair ....... Wool ................ Beef ................ Lamb ............... 'l‘allow .... ......... Lard ............... | Dried Apples ....... ()ur third stock of swing and manner laws is now here and it completes and makes our stud; of Men's houdwvar. Illa best ihat. can be) SH‘II in the June 13:1901. . l’lfuzlAM. .h MARKET REPORT Cream Separator ! ! The Lighten run- ning nnwhino nmdv. A (-hild mm turn it. Lal'g‘vst (‘alpm'ii y, Strangest Imu'hinv made or sold in (Em- mlzl. 500 it lwlln‘v lbllylng‘. .\ trial will cun- \'im°c ch. 150...... 0000 rp‘ir0000§00 John Livin gston , Mmmfmtm‘cd in (i uvlph. \' it AMEN] I901. n0 It) 4i IO 00 I4 10 Qi ' U (30 U) l 0 o i"; R'Ii In 4} 7 ol“ v‘ .s\ H D 5,4 1”

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