Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Jun 1901, p. 3

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Pazvamfou or “now run. lax-m Wm. Typhoid (ever, being a disease that always requires the personal attend- ance of a physician, may be proper- ly referred to from the point 0! View 0! prevention. drinking water which has become eon- taminated iron: the cunt: 01 per- ms suffering from the disease. Freez- ing does not in .my way impair the‘ vitality of the bacillus of typhoid, so that ice from a river or pond may convey the disease to consumers hun- dreds of mites, :erhaps, from the source of intact‘un. tuntteiy most milk-dealers are aware If the necessity o! cleanliness in the preparation 0! may. for ahipmont. ‘In most modem d Line's the hottlcn, he- Iore hem; fined. are subjected to the at oriliz'm'; effects of swim. Epidemics 0 of typhoid fever traced to dairies have it muaL t .303 been dive to the bottles Purina been washed with water from an Lnfz-cted mu ur pond. Oysters that Lave been bedded in bmiies of water which receive the con- tents of teywerzxgée pipes, hum: hiccâ€" â€".a‘r. .-'_ (3,3!ch that Lava been bedded in bodies of water which receive the com tents of tegwerugae pipes, have like- wise! h‘v'n the mun“, of conveying ty- phud lover. Only oysters onto-n raw or on the. half-«hell um curry infec- tion to the. tmrmwner, since cooking destroys the hat-illue. 1 A pure water-supply is rightly Ionkvd upon as one of 1h." greatest ('3- flen'inh to the healthfuIm-m of a community. Many foulsâ€"salads, for outlineâ€"cannot be ccoka-d or sub- jcctmt to the effects 0! a high tem- p"r:1tux'e, while, cm the other hand. making them in inter ed water may tender them the means. uf conveying disease. Amnmg the_ thief ways at prevent. lllfirjnc. Amnmg the thief ways at prevent- ing .. {Xv-id fa-ver must he mentioned the cure of the Minn-'10?! itself. It art-ems highly probable that the no- tnrut juices of the healthy stomach are able to death-y many germs of disease; but the number which any ottmich may “be able to digest, and than render its owner in!" {rom ntâ€" tack, mu!t always be nnce’tain. and it is not desirable to test its capacity in this; direction. The {act that only certain persons out of a number who have partakenl 0! food or drink infected with disease- ‘ germs may softer is expiainable on the ground of their different general physical condition. or of the varying states of their digestive organs. Bulking or: to. king in any form de- atroys all germ hie ; and [cod or drink about which than is a question of typhoid infection should be subject- ed to one of these processes belore it is taken into the stomach. GERMANY'S STRIKE 0F PHYSICIANS Icssls sf the tortuous» 0' “she for ('0? no operative .‘lmllcal Service. he: The physicians’ strike in Germany wi arose in connection with the scheme bu of sickness insurance, by which some bu thirty million Gt-rmens are entitled to 1'“ (rt-e ined't-al attendance on payment a of a small sum. Theoretically, nothing 133 could be mare perfect than such a v1. cmopturative arrangement. Practically l I it huts been found that the interostsl ”I. of the sickness bureaus, Krankcnkasâ€" (t1: son the doctors and the patients!“ clash at almost every point. The hu- d: ream»: endeavor to promote economy, 13: . v and desire that few cases of sickness l all sin” be reported. The people feel ‘ u. that the doctors treat them unfeel-ik ingly. The doctors, on their part, V find the bureaus hard taskmasters. s In Leipsic the conflict has declared a itself frankly. The bureau physicians . a as, in other cities, had organized an‘ ‘ asscciatian to represent the profes- sion. This commission attempted to negotiate with the bureaus for bet-. tor term; and less irksome conditions ; of service. The bureaus refused to ll deal with the commission, but weretl willing to hear individual complaints. 5 It was the old question of ' recognizing l -' the union.” The doctors did just what ‘ workmen do under the circumstances -â€"at.ruck, and the work of the Leip- sic bureaus is crippled. ' At Munich the case of the doctors was still harder. Their average pro- fits from the bureau service were, about .75 yearly. The pay was the" same for the most difficult and for: the lightsstOcases. The united effort pay ! demanded as well a special tariff for obstetrics and other difficult oper-i ations, and when such recognition was = refused. like their Leipsic brethrcn,‘ they struck in a body. The cause would hardly call for comment were 1 it not that patients are equally dis- affected. The system oppresses them. They must take such physician as is allotted to them, and must buy their medicines at certain pharma- cies, or lose the benefit of their sub- affected. The system oppresscs them. They mnsz take such physician as is allotted to them, and must buy their medicines at certain pharma-l cies. at lose the benefit of their sub- scription. They receive underpaid treatment grudgingly 3i he seemed, it looks very much as though its defects were radical. Orâ€" ganization fails when it clashes with human nature, and it is hard tosee haw any bureau system is consistent with the human relation that should exzst between physician and patient. . first Arctic Eprorerâ€"Dcm‘t you think Polehumtar is getting a big brad? $30M Arctic Explorera-Decidedly. You'd think he wad the only man who didn't reach the pole! ‘v Jdtmny; Why 4° ”W -_ LL-â€" PROFESSIO VAL CRITICISM. ‘ they any that than the sword! IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND. NEW8 BY HAIL ABOUT JOHB BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. A man named Windham tell iato a. copper at boiling liquor at aCam- bridge brewery recently and was scrxlded to death. Owing to recent rains the River Swan: burst its banks in many placta. and thou ands of acres round Enuth- amptan were flooded. 'Ih: estimited expenditure o: the :mcbrester corporation on its parks a .l recreation grounds during the art twelve months is £33.93, 'l‘unbridge Wells proposes to erect I i a th‘atre at a cost of £35,000. Thirty ‘ thonsv-‘nil pounds has been subscrib d, principiilly by the inhabitants. John Bagnall, a retired farmer, was sun‘ to three maintha’ hard lab- our at Sedgicy. Stafford'ebire. for a murderous assault upon his crippled daughter. A B-ilacluva h'zro, Mr. \V. H. Penn- ington. who has been an actor and know Gladstone, was the foreman of | u cox-uner’s jury at Stoke Newington ' recently. ‘ At Manchester, Mr. Charles Pylycr, 'corwt un'l underclothing manufac- tun-r. was fined £40 and costs for supplying goods under a (3130 trade . d:-priptic'n. _‘ A ‘ ‘A Capt. Adnah Burns}, of Dayspring, I N. S., Tells an Interesting Story From His Own Expe1'-. ience. ‘ Eran the Pxogress, Lunenburg, NS. " hrcm the Progress, Lunenburg, NS. ' one 0,: the f Capt. Adnuh Burns, of Dayspring, . Ileana of Lor Lunenburg, Co., N.S., is a prominent l hpiecc-pal b” representative of a men, in Nova. Scotti, who, duning much of the year, follow the danger- ‘ ous occupation of deep sea fish- 133323 191:.“ f‘ in'g. When not at sea Capt. Burns’ 3 1.833 than in J avocation is that of ship-carpenter, ‘ ly due to thv 11'.) is 43 years of age, and is to-day ; fighting mm a. healthy, v7goirous representative of : Princess L his class. Capt. Burns, however, has 09181)de , | ‘ not always enjoyed this vigorous ’ day, and thf ' . '0 health, and while chatting recently i glarilftlgetgu . . . ex 0 c With a representative of the Luncnâ€" i “65 Louise burg Press, he said he believed that { gym is certai but for the timely use of Dr. \Vil- ‘ the daughte liams’ Pink Pills he would have- been England 5 a chronic invalid. “From 1835 to fact that a. \1898," said Capt. Burns, “ I was the her people c victim of a complication of troubles, l is the only '1 suppose they had their origin in this reiepmt. lthe hardship and exposure I so fre- ed to the 2‘0 ‘quently had to undergo. My illness ' 11 Irish. ]{ ‘ took the form of dyspepsia and kid- l fiery Spai'r :airy trouble. The deeds which I ate black-list w did not agree with me. and frequent- l each million ly gave me a feeling of nausea and at It is a cu Nether times distreseful pains in the; , ’ l stomach. Then I was much troubled ' 0‘: Shakes!" l‘with pains in the back due to the l are tied up ‘kidney trouble. Finally I took 389â€" 2 £001.30”, an vere cold which not only seemed to ; Commune. ’ aggravate these troubles but which l of Avg-.11" i " seemed to affect my spine as well, ‘ own hand 1 and I became partially rigid in the wife my h , arms and legs. I was forced to quit \ furniture." a ‘ work, and doctored for a time with ,. l little or no benefit. Then I dropped 0 the doctor and began taking other ;- , medicinee, but with no better result ,3 Z By this time I was run down very the I 0'. much, had no appetite, and was de- '1' l pressed both in mind and body. On July 3. a While in this condition I chanced to u R '11 'read in a newspaper the testimonial} y. w‘ 1 it ‘ of a cure made by the use of Dr. Wll- s liams’ Pink Pills, which in some reâ€" 3 eastern 1 Chen. as . 5 acts presented symptoms like my - p- onn. The straightforward manner in ‘ coma and m' which the story was told gave me . at caStCl 0- new hope and I determined to try July 6th re these pills I sent for three b0 es. the final 11 ' I did not 'expect that this 313t. 19 quantity would cure me, but I ' reached 11 or ; n though it would probably decide ‘ StOPOVBTS 89 whether they were suited to my case. {HRECTI ' imits. e ‘I must say they seemed to act like _ '01- magic, and before the pills were ThlS of ar- 1 gone there was a decided improve- t tunity i an ; ment in my condition. 1 then got a ‘ new homl half dozen home more and before northwes an, . me they were gone I was back agauiatl try, or 1 no work in the shipyard. and enjoying relatives mm mffl this blCSSlng Of Vtgoroug sure trip they were work in t 0008 mow health. T: 1898. and pvt-gent I] . ' illmqs. 0' . frnm the ! an In my V‘J'Il'uus-v-.. __ , _ half dozen boxes more and before! they were gone I was back again at‘ work in till? shipyard. and cnjoying‘i woe more the blessing of vigorous howith. This was in the Spring of 1898. and since that time up to the 11mm. Occasionally when suffering from the effects of exposure or over worklt'uloe 3110: or two of Dr. 'Wil- lianns’ Pink Pills and they always put ml} right. Sines my own marâ€" wllaus rescue from premature use- llessmss and suffering Ihave recom- mmdod these pills to many persons variously afflicted and have yet to L hear of the first instance where they have failed to cure good results It is such eudorsm that give Dr. Willian thfiil‘ great populari the world. Neighbors ‘ of the benefits they tn? W011“. l‘flaulvvs; v- -- - of the benefits they have- derived from the use of these pills and where ' ' l is. given the resulte are Pink Pills go directly to tm w“ tha- trouble. they create new. rich red bhood, etimhte the nerves to healthy action, thus bringing health and strength to all who use them. Sold by all (healers in medicine or eemt poet paid on receipt of 50 cents a box or six boxes for 02.50. by ad- ' the Dr. William’ Medicine ‘ 1‘}an ox Gwydy N.S. one (hf fins, 110“ )0 nont 1 hpieocq Dr. low Slzo sozooon mine . . . ‘26. In Patent Box 802000“ POWDER . . 250 Large LIQUID and POWDER . . . 150 At the Stores or by Mail, postpai ' . " mouthwash, and for the care and preservation s, I cordially recommend Sozodont. I consider it the ideal Woe for chlldren’s use.” [Name of writer upon appliooflm.) HALL «a. BUCKEL Montreal. H‘.. _ Dr. DaWs-on Burns has totted upl the national drink bill of the United Kingdom for 1930. He finds that it' comes to £160,891,718â€"nctually paid down. This is a million and aquarter less than in .1899, which may be large- ly due to the absence of some 220,000 celebrated recently her 53rd birth- day, and the 30th anniversary of her marriage with the Marquis of Lorne. Next to the Empress Frederick, Prin- ces-s Louisa is the most talented, as she is certainly the most popular of ‘Y!-L___n she is certmnly we mum Wyn”. w. thn daughters of Queen Victoria. : England should be proud of the. fact that only 6 in each million of. 11:02! people commit murder. Scotland. is the only nation that beats but in‘ this rampant, 5 Scotsman being doom-E ed to the gallows in each million, and 1 11 Irish. Hungary has 67 murderersv fiery Spain stands at the top of the black-List with- 83 capital crimes to each million of hex sons. ‘ It is a curious fact that the will: of Shakespeare, Milton and Napoleon are tied up together in one sheet of foolscap, and may be seen at Doctors’ Commons. In the will of the “Bard of Avon” is an interlinoation in his own handwriting, “I give unto my On July 6th the Northern Paeifici: l Ry. will place in efiect a low first-‘ class round trip rate of $45.00 from!| eastern terminals to Seattle, Ta-i coma and Portland. Dates of salei; at eastern terminals will be from: July 6th to July 13th inclusive, and " the final limit for return will be Aug. \ ‘ Blst, 1901. Destination must be reached not later than July 18th, stopovers being allowed IN EITHER DIRECTION within the transit limits. , This offers an unsurpassed oppor- ltunity for those desiring to hunt: ‘ new homes and farms to go into thel northwest and look over the coun-1 try, or for those wishing to visit relatives or friends or to make plea- sure trips, to do so. l He: Yolu. don't i am 905138 to ma headed wwessor bald; but think mu of toâ€"dA-y an" of their heads! SPECIAL TRAIN CISCO. For Canadian delegates and all others going to the Epworth League Convention. via. Chicago and North- Western Railway, to leave Chicago Tuesday. July 9th, 11.59 p. m. Stops will be made at Denver, Colo orado Springs, Glenwood Springs and Salt Lake, passing en route the finest scenery ill the Rocky and ” ‘ “ . '--- .‘fimpmmh "KY '13 ---â€" ‘ - .1 " ’ Mountains; Through e and Tourist, Sleep- ing Cars. Order berths early, as ° limited in number. 350 round trip. with Cheap round trip rate between St. Paul, Minn., and the Pacific coast. You don’t m an to te 1.1 me you -IJ Lain; ’ed with t he UV“ Iv uvâ€"â€"- VV , to marry that old bzild- )Ifessofl She: He is rather think how many youpg 70 SAN FRAN- Lahed, and that she will therefore have ! ' a happy married life. It is said that . the Err-zao f Simbrisk call the day be- [fore the wedding the weeping day,and the bride and her girl friends weep as much as possible, with the idea of getting the mourning of life over, .60 that only What is joyful may re- ]main. In some countries this result [is attained by sensing the bride with 'water. The Greeks think that a thor- l ough drenching of the bride will bring iher lasting good fortune. 'The adage, “Happy is the bride that the sun shines on,” is one that is un- kmown in many lands. A Breton bride takes it unhappily when the day of her wedding dawns bright and sun- ny. Rain on 'her marriage morn is ‘ -- L--_~ n’l‘ I THE PLUMBEBS 0F \ UANADA INVITED JOHN S. MORGAN’S LETTER OPEN FOR THEIR PERUSAL. N ova Scotia Member of the Guild Premiu stock. Wants His Case Publishedâ€"An Prom f' Eight Year .Sufferer £16m Back- 1931, a ache â€" Cured Recently by mans} Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Riga Bridgewater, N. 8., June a, Special. -â€"'I‘he case of John S. Morgan, plum- 021311;} her and tinsmith of this town. should Divide: lat. N be put prominently before every Divide union and non-union man in Canada. lat F. Dinde In a matter like this thene should be able !no distinction, the benefit belongs Writte be all. John S. Morgan for eight years 1-3;} was hampered in his work by back- ache. Stamping continually at work is the cause of a great deal of backâ€" Hiya!“ ache. though not in the way most peo- orw ple imagine. Mr. Morgan’s letter explains the truth of the matter Balm: .when he says Budd’s Kidney l’ills r335 cured his backache. It was really accg Kidney ache that Dodd’s Kidney Pills 3cured. It was really Kidney ache 1that troubled Mr. Morgan. It : Backache is the commonest symp- .i-OI‘S . tom of Kidney Disease. Kidney Dis- OCC‘“ iease is the commonest of human H011- lailmlents, and Dodd’s Kidney Pills are ably 1 the (no infallible cure for all Kidney idem diseases. Read what er. Morgan tion {says about them himself. Jam 1: “I have been subject to lame back and ,; for eight years. The different rcme- ,his . 3' dies I tried were no good. I got 30 Was , that I was crippled up entirely and Mm; ‘oouldn’t do a tap of work. Another 'Foy thing was a frequent desire to urin- to f I ate altogether unnatural. ‘ A: : “About a year ago I commenced to ‘ODCI lute Diodd’s Kidney Pills. I had run and tdqwn in weight to about 140 pounds. iQUC i . . . 'During the time I was usmg Dodd's iBlo: v s ‘e Kidney Pills I gained 28 pounds. My llatt v I back get hatter-and .better as I con- ibeir -â€"_.A:I ‘1‘. A019. WUB buy It: DUV- tinned taking the pills until :to-day I am as free from backache as ever- I was. in my life. This after eight wears of it. means an awful Lot to me. ‘I years of it means an awful Lot to me. I realize thn danger I was in and know what I owe to Dodd’s Kid- ney Pills. “I recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to anyone who has backache or any other Kidney complaint.” MINARQ’S LINIMKNT in the only Liniment asked for at my store and the only one we keep for sale. All the maple use it. HARLI'N FULTON. Pleasant Bay. 0. B.- Mrs. Mulligan, said Mrs. Ginty, is it well yer talixm, the day? Yis, very well: no? “Lu-mm stun. unto sthmotng’. [Khan p’r’aps it’s able ye’d be to bring back rtbe two wash-tubs yez harried last Monday. rm Lantivo Bromo Quinino ram... ”fund the money it it. an. to cm. - , _--|. L...- 4);, The biggest fur fairs are at Leip- zig. in Germany. and Nijni Novgorod, in Russia. At the latter place £800.- 000 worth at furs change hands each year. . _ . ’- lilard’s Lininent 5015 0mm m. 1'0 CURB A COLD I! ONE DAY POSSIBLE 'MOTIVE. Look at that ocean 16 0mm cro.‘ :6?)- people mho at voting, and Spain) hag 36 OJ ”-v' Miss Pcchis (gasping)â€"-Well! I’ve had some nervy proposals, but you take the palm. Mr. R hâ€"Good! Now let. me hold that. pal a minute while I slip this ring on the proper finger. Proceedings of the Thirtieth Annual General Meeting of the Stockholders. Mooiixlg o! the Dominion Bank was held at the banking house of the In- stitution, Toronto, on Wednesday. May 29th, 1901. 4.--... ““J -" '--' Among those present were noticed: Col. Mason, Messrs. William lnce, Wm. Spry, M. Boulton, E. B. Osler, William Hendrie, John Stewart, Walter S. Loe, W. D. Matthews, ‘Chaso Cockshutt, Wm. Ross, M. 1’., lA. W. Austin, Thos. Walmsley, 'l‘imâ€" othy Eaton, Dr. J. F. Ross, W. C. Crowther, W. G. Cassels, II. M. Pellatt, David Smith, '1‘. D. Brown. G. W. Lewis, J. Stewart, J. Long,‘ A. R. Boswell. P. Leadlay, Peterl Macdonald, Richard Brown, G. N. Reynolds, A. Foulds, V. II. E. Hutchison, ’1‘. G. Broug'h and others. ‘ It was moved by Mr. Wm. lnee, seconded by Mr. W. 1). Matthews,‘ that Mr. E. B. Osler do take the chair, and that Mr. '1‘. G. Brough do act as secretary. Messrs. A. R. Boswell and W. G. Cassels were appointed scrutineers. The secretary read the report. of the directors to the shareholders, and submitted the‘ annual statement. of the ali'airs of the bank, which is lias follows: 1T0 the Shareholders: The Thirtieth Annual _ General The dirtctors _l:eg to prcscnt the' following statement of the result of the business of the bank for the year ending 30th April, 1901:â€" Bn‘anee of Profit and loss account, 3nh Aprl . 1900 .................. Premium received on new capital stock ........ .......... .-.... Profit for the ycar ending 30 April. 1931, after deducting charges of management. etc., and makinz provision for bad and doubtful debts .............................. 275.192 50 8 62.056 38 910,291 88 Dividend 3 per cent. pail lst August. 190.).... ...: Dividenu 2} per cent.pai lat. November. 1900 Dividend 2; per connpald lat Februzu y, 1£0l ...... Dividend 2; her cent.pay- able lst. May. 1931 . .. .. Written ofl’ bank prcmi-" sea. ................ 'lransferred to rescue fund .................... Balance of forward . It is with deep regret your DirecA tors have to record the death, which occurred in January last, of the ‘Hon. Sir Frank Smith, who had so ably tilled the position of Vice-Pres- ident of the bank from its organiza- tion in 1871 until the death of Mr. James Austin in li‘elxruarv, 1897, and President from man, time until lhis death. Mr. E. B. Osler, M. P., was elected President, and Mr. W. 1). Matthews Vice-President. Mr. J. J. 'Foy, K. 0., was elected a Director to fill the vacancy on the board. â€"_»‘-IA ‘A Balance at. credit. of account]. 30th April. 19 J0 ....... .V ................ $1, Transferred from profit. and loss account ............................ 500.000 00 DU Ill; vunv v -‘â€"--___ Arrangements are being made to open offices at Gravenhurst. Ont., and in Toronto on the corners of Queen and 'l‘eraulay streets and Bloor and Bathurst streets. At the latter point a suitable building is being erected by the bank. | All branches of the bank have All. branches of UN been inspected during twelve months. I Toronto, May 29th, 1901. Mr. E. B. Oslcr moved, seconded by Mr. W. D. Matthews, and Resolvéd, That the report be adopted. ‘ ‘ " ‘l'-.. 'lfnn- L a, ulnu Resolved, That the thanks of this meeting be given to the President Vice-President and Directors for their services during the past year. It was moved by Mr. Wm. Rainâ€" say, seconded by Mr. Thos. Walmsley iand ‘ ,. ‘ia:fl uuu Resolved, That the thanks of this meeting be given to the General Manager, Managers, Inspectors and other officers of the bank, for the efficient performance of their respec- tive duties. -- ‘ n 7â€"- '1‘an “i; Qa‘srvmoved by Mr. Anson JO! seconded by Mr._ Jphn Long, and » “Am \Ivvgnâ€"vâ€" Resolved. That the poll be now op- en for the election of seven directors, and that the Same be closed at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, or as soon before ' that hour as five minutes shall elapse without any vote being polled, and that‘the scrutineers, on 'the close of the poll, do hand to the Chairman a certificate of the result of the poll. ' " “AA 4L... .1\‘- U5 tutu lava- . The scrutinecrs declared the fol- lowing gentlemen duly elected direc- tors tor the ensuing yearâ€"Messrs. A. W. Austin, W. R. Brock, M. P., 32¢ 09“,! 4%“ Mammy“ fl; WWW 0“ ’a All” . @0195”, £019, lea. .............. 21:: 131377.058 53 pro“ and 108. earned. Inn no In RE SERVE FUN D. $206,766 78 promi- 30.000 00 ’.'.'.'..'.T 9w.291 88 E. B. OSLER. President. '1: 46,351 17 47,308 55 54.108 03 Z 53 998 93 i Mr. Wm. Wm. Hen- Ross, M. 3!,277.510 76 '0 100.432 10 $2,440.21“ 88 the past CONSIDER THE HIGH QUALITY OI r all your gnu. "mm. m mm mm nan-own. .- mm. C W. m Morkotu‘ Co born. St... Toronto. IIODCS p .T. Eaton, J. J. Foy, K. 0., Wm. llnce, Wilmot 1). Matthews and 15. B. 1.031013 M. P. 1 At a subsequent meeting of the Di- rectors, Mr. 1'}. B. Oslcr, M. 1’.. Wm {elected President, and Mr. W. l). ZMuLthcws Vice-President. for the en- suing term. Notes in circulation qu‘osiu‘not beating â€" ifxtcrest ............ Deposits bearing m- tercat . ......... Total liabilities to the public ..... 20 362.256 28 (‘pa ital stock paid lip .. . 2,440.21" 87 Rercrv 6 fund ........ 8 2,410 29l 83 Balance of profits carried forward. 100.482 10 Dividend No. 7! navable lat May. 58,998 93 II‘-”‘ ”:nrriéd (Erwin! . .. Dividend No. 7‘. unclaimed ......... Rot-owed toriuwrest and exchange ..... Rebate op bills dis- qperm. . Damlntqn Go_vcrn_. Us'ulluIUlI VVV‘Iâ€"u 7 mentdomnnd notes. 1 418,519 00 Deposit. with Uomm- ' ion Government for securil y of now circulation ........ 103,000 00 Notes of and checks on other banks .. . . 783.619 28 Bolnnces duo from other banks in Canodn ............. l5l83640 I Balancoi duo from other banks in the United Kingdom.. 38.370 06 ”In once-J duo from other banks (-15.0:- whcro than in Can- ada and the Unit- od Kingdom ...... 1,225,989 81 Provnnciztl “Govern- 111"!“ EBCUPIIJOS .... $.11? 06 Canadian municipal securitim and Bri- tish or foreign or o3lcniol public n-e- curiiies other than ‘ Qan‘tdiau ........... ”8,483 5! urea and atocks .......... 2.203.179 85 Loans on call secured by stock» and dc- bcnturos ............ 3,957,826 12 ____..â€"â€"31 Bills discounted and advancem-urront... 13,245,120 1! Overdue debt; touti- mated 1038 provided (or) ..... , ....... Rral estate. other than bank premises 43.979 15 . Mortgages on real i estate sold by tho l 29.583 31 hank ................ 15.571 19 punk prcuiiseu ....... . 22.740 76 3 . 0 nor Insets not in- s cinded under tore. going heads ........ 7.303 70 â€"â€"â€"_-â€" p-.- and you win be convinced that it cannot be surpassed b anything at the same prices. , g Toronto. 30th April. 1901. T. 0. BROUGI‘I. Gen. London hospitals have 9.100 b9ds,0f which over 1,500 are Ursu'nlly vacant for luck of (lunch. l’aria huts 9.000 hospital beds. and 13 usylums with 10,000 more. Minard’s Linimon§ Cures Burns, etc. Cardiff exports 12 million tons 0! coat a year, nearly three timns as much as her next rival; Newcastle. Newport sends away 21-2 million tom. and Sundorland nearly as much. GENERA L STATEMENT. Liabilities. Beware of Ointménts for Catarrn that contain Mercury on mercury will turely destroy the sense of amen and compietelyderan o the whole aysmm when entering it through I 0 mm one anthem. Such articles sboum ncvcr be used except on proscrip'. ion-1 from to “table pbysiciauo. as tho damage tacy willdo awn {cld to the good you can pouib!y derive from them. Hill's (futon-b Caro, manufactured by FJ. Chennai; (‘a.,‘l‘n- ledo. 0.. cont‘ius no mercuy. and ukon in- termdly, gating dirocmy upon tho blood and mucouq aux-tarot of the system. In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genu- lne. 1H: ttkoninmrnol‘y.ond made in Toledo. Ohio. by F. J. Chance: 6:. Co. Testimonial (m. Sold by Drn‘fghu. price 750 per bottle. 8511': Fun 1 Film are tho but. A coal-gas explosion cannot oc- cur until there are 6 parts of 315 in every 100 of the air in the room; but 4 per cent. of coal-gas will cause suf- focation. . ABSE'I 8. .3 819,626 19 .............. 3 1,790,039 00 '4 Log-2.231 n C “3.535.383 as .1. n.- An. n- but 19L". §HIP 4‘9”” 83 75 156.516 38 58.32137 XXLâ€"311358.617 28 13,245.00 11 325,623,245 01 â€"â€" 13.764.598 23 18,577,617 28 2.811.697 ‘36 325.623.?“ on Mr. Brmvnlce, of Rentrcw, has been appointed superintendent, of the Aylmor. Ont.. water-works system at A A-- I AYImPI, WI” Wutcnâ€"vvu. a salary of 875‘) a your. Ii'ulard's Linimcnt Relieves Nournlgit The. best way to overcome enor to cmphus 20 the bruth it ignores. down. It is apoor plan to rcprove a man for walking lam». by kuockingo dim ”a“. Wmunw‘a Sam-sum 8771'? bu been and ‘0 million. of «mun-r. fur their children while mm , Ii women the child. zoftens tho ms. dim min. on «ind colic. “fumes the Iiomuc cud bonlu. and in tho but remedy fur Diarrhea. 'l‘wentyrfive otnu . bottle 80ld_ l._d_r;u¢¢ium ihruighout the world. Br am and Ill--._‘.- n.u’n huunmnlknl HV-LI'I' n in (of Galvaniwd iron in; mwrrly iron dip- ped in molten zinc. T119 0011MB 3 not applied electrically. as the term galvanised seems to imply. AVENUE “008E “C“‘n‘ia‘zé'fi‘ifi‘xf Funny Howl rate: 81.50 per day. The fishing industry of France has mmained stationary (or 70 years. There are 12.090 fightermsm today; just the same number an in 1830. ’nard's Iiniment Cures Dandmf. r- mm vanmnrs and (“ed Bum would look W4 06. If no “out of mm in your 1mm. 'nw direct antral. lo: 150 ROOFING Red or Gnen. SLATE J l'ubhg and Hugh” Schools. (bid TSP. (WC R‘)UI‘INU I IIJI'J \uV1 A“ w - . , __ , Inga. ’l‘orunw. done by ourfl am) Mom] Feilmfl. 0m- Mme. elv. la .Imatea! furnished (oruork mm It“: or for I!" teritln shi [Nd In An part om. «'2 oountr 'honc 2%: I. lutull 2m .a‘aullot “in"... tor-nu il‘iti’fms dguhfionygg Stumumpu ‘ m In “1". tiara. lit a 00. D. Torn-co £00.. n mun- has. Iona-d ad Punk-c. Brass Band mun-menu. Drums. Uulfbrmo. Etc. EVERY TOWN “I HAVE A I“! vv' 7" (Mn: m Iuolc or lanai Haley Boyce a Cu [.urmlalm x..'\ ‘..' .‘ .- ___‘ Ins. Wmuow 0 5007mm in mm Lowest“ ices "or Banana. Fir. ammo Wilma-autumn. mgjl trrc Wrwf pg (or my BRITICH AUIIIO‘N DVIINO 00o LEAD PACKAGES 85. 30, 40, so 8: 60 cent: manual on memo!- pool. [m4 '0 Canada Permanent YOUR OVERBDATS For Over me ..THE.. . I.” "U “Owâ€"v ' noorma suns. m and: SLATE BLACKBOA RIM. We mpg.“ h Sphools. Toronto) Roofing 151:“. gap-u. RUOFING T1145 (85(- bew (,I y Ill - non] l‘nilnm (”'- And It"!!! cAIADA m corporation. VVIP( ‘ I IOIQ ‘ Tom-110.0“. at '00 Winnipot. 3|. "'va â€" x“ Adelsidc m..- Towns). 0" Iw'GMO‘W“! Oâ€" O

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