Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Mar 1901, p. 3

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h (flock 0t Ionkcyn Won (an) O! “tall-3. In “A Sportsworn-nn in India” Miss hwy writes ontortainingly 0‘ then Innkeys in the foot-hills of the Him- Ilayasa For cool impudoncc and audacity. she says. these hill-anon- keys stand unrivaled; they slip into the bungalows at Dnlhousie. and car- Iy of! anything from the breakfast or tea-"table. it the room is empty. “hey spring from tree to tree, from house to bongoâ€"a mother, it may be. with two young om-s clinging to her, g 103! othead in one band and a bunch of humans in her month. which the had just “sneaked"- from 3 din- hgnoom. 0! course. monkeys are very trouble- ”m in plantations. Few men can lhoot a mop-kc y; they are too human- dihe and lpztbttic when wqundcd. We not an Eng, lishman who was trying to rotect 1m hangar-cane patch with a treat trench and a palisade covered with nails. All to no purpose. : Ho walked down to it one morning, and found a row of monkeys seated on the palisale The moment he came within reach they threw his own lunar-cane into his lace. after which they got down and strolled away, leisurely munching. Such thing. a were not to be borne. Our blend chased a (look into a tree, _ tolled the tree, and caught four or live -young monkeys. The ‘p-ircnts waited mot. in great constt rnation. anxi- ously watclung while their infants treacle and tartar emetic. On being allowed to go, they rushed of! into the 10nd and welcoming arms. and were instmtly c irriezl up into the woods. and thire assiduously licked clean from top to toe by thclr affec- lions to parents. The afixtm‘ul effects (allowed. and the pithble condition of the old mon- keys can scarcely be imagined. That puch o! saga-cane was never rifled again. 00-. European Sovereign“ “nth Ion-an Than It. Others Older. Edward VII. succeerls to the. throne of Great Britain and Ireland in his oixtieth year born: 42 years older than Queen Victoria on her accession in 1837. In the matter of age the new monarch represents the average. 01 European monarchs. 0n the other hand the Egropean sovereigns who are advanced in years ”'0 for the most part old man. Thus the present King of Denmark, Chris- ‘tian 1X., is 83. 113 was born the year ‘0“ Queen Wctoria. King Oscar of «Ian was born in 1829 and is 72. King of Saxony is 73. King Leo- d 01 Belgium. '13 66, and Emperor ancis Jam-p11 of Austria is 71. About the only Edropean sovereign‘ [ho is of middle :13: is King George Greece, who “an; boxn in 1815.110 80 and wag. fur many years one o! youngest monarchs of Europe, 'IIV'II: been chosvn King of Greece :8 his 18”: yo: 1r. The present 51-4131 of Turkey some- times included .nzn tag the sovereigns of Europe, as“: :‘~n:nctimes considered as an Asiatic potentute, is 59. The King of Roumania is 62 and the minor bere- ditary German princes vary in age trot 17, the youngest, to 84, the old- est. She present King of Bavaria is Chilblains are a regular affliction of; many people during cold weather. .When once the feet or hands have been2 frosted, they nutter more readily a: necond time, so that the habit of chilfi Rain: is easily established. With care? they can be so far cured :33 to give' tle trouble. ('nilblains are abiood‘ use. The cold acts as a blood poiâ€"f upon some persons, and chilblains the result. 'l‘o cure them, reme- lor this condition of the blood It! be tnkeu u soon es en, signs. r. Oeleimn sulphide is prescrik» by ”dean! for this purpose. It be bought at n drug store in tab- “ one-ninth of a grain. The dose ene teblet nttu each meal, and the med, abould be continued until the in: an improved. To guard their return the calcium eul- album be renorted to promptly “ken forthree or {our dnys when. en, lndieetienn at them ere felt. BETTER THAN A FENCE. n Hardhcad-I on: always tell st kind of a wile a man has by his a on the woman question. râ€"I have all sorts of views. ' dhooOâ€"Theu you are 3 Chi... _ - o, r_ u ' ‘__ n KING EDWARD'S AG E. CURE FOR CHILBLAIX$ 1d WEY GUERNSEYS ARE NOT POPU- In comparison with their rivals, the Jerseys, it in somewhat remarkable that Guernsey; have not become more popular both for profit and tor fancy, especially as their claims in these re- specta are so well founded. Being gen- erally of a rich orange color, with white markings, having a yellow skin and gentle expression, their general appearance is at once very striking and attractive. As utility cattle their claims; are undoubted, the cows yield- ing agenerous amount of firy rich claims' are undoubted, the cows yield- . ing agenerous amount of flry rich ‘ milk, from which butter of the very best color and quality is obtained. This ' excellence is much in their favor and is very often taken advantage of by those who keep cows of other breeds for the production of milk and butter and find it necessary and beneficial to have a cow or twto in the herd in order to add to the richness of the milk, and the quality and appearance of the butter. For such persons as keep, or intend to keep, a cow or_ two the Guernsey is eminently suitable, being not only a good producer but a most economical feeder, Crossed with the Shorthorn many ' eplendicbanimals have been bred,whosev performances in public milk and but- i ter tests have amply demonstrated the wisdom of such breeding. To those ‘also who desire to obtain cows com-' | bining size with the production of milk: [of the highest quality. and object to !i the Jersey on this account, the Guern-‘ gsey should be the first recommenda-1 9 tinn and choice. But, notwithstand- ‘ ing all these advantages, which would ' seem sufficient to insure a great mea- sure of popularity, the fact remains i, that the breed does not extend its in- } fluence to the satisfaction of its advoc icates and admirers. The reasons for i this are evident and worthy of consid- eration. ‘ VIGUROUS 0L1] AGE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF DR. WILLIAMS’ PINK PILLS. From 112-".- Exprcss, NM» nurknt. (mt. Mr. William Gray, who is well and favorably known in the town of New- market and vicinity. is rejoicing over ill-5 release from the pains of sciatica, and rheumatism through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. A reporter of the Express called upon him for the purpose of obtaining particulars of the cure when Mr. Gray gave the following story for publication :â€" " \bout two and a half years ago I was set zed with a very (severe attack of rheumatism, The pain was simply torturing. At times the trouble was seated in my knees, then in my hips. For nearly a year I suffered along, working as best I could, in the hope of being able to overcome the dis- ease. During the day the pain was less severe, but at night it was just as bad as ever. To increase my torâ€" ture I caught a cold which resulted in an attack of Sciatica in my right ‘ leg. If I walked a short distance I would be seized by sharp pains in the . hip and in time I became a used up : man; my appetite failed me, and I could not rest at night on account of 1 the min. I tried one medicine after another without avail. I also con- sulted doctors with no better result. I was b~ginning to think that Iwas doomwl to suffer the rest of my life when one day a friend strongly ad- vised me to try Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills. I took his advice. and procured ‘a supply of the pills an'i began tak- 'ing them according t’o(lirections.| : Before the third. box was finished I! inotei a change for the better, so L icontinusvl the use of the pills till Ii § ha:l taken ten or twelve boxes when my trouble had entirely disappearedw i Toâ€"clay I am free from pain and feel that life is worth living, even at the ripe old age of seventy. I can now ,do aday's work with many men who gare twenty years younger than F. I‘ thank God for my restoration to ,hcalth through kthe agency of Dr. ; \‘illiams‘ Pink Pills, and I trust Lather aimilir sufferers will give them in trial. for knowing what these pills l i Tilâ€"cfé is a lack o! compactness :1 trial. for knowing what these pills} h.;’~'0 done for me I am sure that; they cannot; .f‘ail being as beneficial ,to} Others similarly afflicted. ' 1 If the: blue-l is pure and wholesome discos-e cannot exist. The reason Dr. Williams‘ Pink? Pills cure so many forms of4 disease is that they sot: dir- ectly upon,the blood and nerves, thus reaching the root of the trouble. Other medicines act only on the symptoms of; the trouble, and that is the reason) the trouble always re- turns when you cease these. medicines. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills make per- manent cure: in kidney troubles, ‘rhznmatism, erysipclas, anaemia and “kindred diseases, . But be sure you the genuine which bear the full theme Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills {on Pale People on the wrapper around every . William Gray. of Newmarket. Tenn 3017 no Became Halo and Boarty at the Advanced Age of Ssvonty. Alter Having annexed Great Torture from Sciatica and Rheumatism. 5, havin} a yellow skin passion, their general at once very striking As utility cattle their I'V‘ for! The size which many animals at- Sid-l tain is strongly dwelt on by Guernsey {breeders as being a great advantage and? in respect of the value of the carcass for the butcher, but there are excel- . lent reasons for regarding this breed- E‘ ing for size to be a step in the wrong: direction. The Guernsey is essential- ly a dairy breed and should be special- OF 1y bred for dairy purposes, and the . production of beef left to those b1 eeds which furnish meat far more econom- 31‘1: ically and of vastly superior quality. Liter Quality, too, while not wholly incom- from patible with size, is generally found ' to suffer by increasing the size of ani- mals, and by attaching more import- ance to quality and less to bulk,Guern- sey breeders and judges would great- ly advance the interests of the breed. mi“- ‘tirxi . and Qew- nver It reaches you in its natural state. Prussian Blue, Soapstone, etc., are not used, as in other teas, to hide defects. It has none. A free sample of delicious SALADA Tea sent on receipt of postal mentioning which you drinkâ€"Black, Mixed, or Green Tea. Address “ SALADA,” Toronto or Montreal. _._â€"_â€"â€"_ symmetry, a heavincee and coarlenese of bone, especially about the shoulders and withers, badly set tails, and a general absence of that smoothness, neatness and sweetness of expression 50 conspicuous in the beat type of Jersey. !Another great weakness is the imperfection of the udder, which is in need of considerable improve- ment. 'A large, full bag, level at the bottom, running well forward and of good length and fullness behind. set firmly and closely to the body, with even teats widely and squarely placed. is all too rare. The fact that the in- iymmetry. B nt'ilVIu5§a uuu wal-VHVW “why yv “uJ’ v-wv â€"â€" )1 bone, especially about the shouldersi Glee recently establishedâ€"beyond-tbe ma withers, badly set tails, and a.la-rmts of this continent, very en- couragmg returns have been re- ;eneral absence at that smoothness, ceived. The predictions that the di- aeatness and sweetness of expression rectors ventured to make a year ago so conspicuous in the best type of as to a probable improvement in con- ditions of marine business had, he was Jerse . lA tb ' ’ .y no . er great weakness. ‘5 i pleased to say, been realized, and. as a the imperfection of the udder, which result of the better rates which, is in need of considerable improve- speaking generally, had prevailed ment. :A large, full bag, level at the 3 both “Upon inland lake and ocean risks ithere had been a fair margin of profit bottom, running well forward and of 5 upon the business written in that good length and tullness behind. “ti-branch during the year. But whatl firmly and 0‘05“”! t0 the bOdL With’in his estimation was more amatter‘ even teats widely and squarely placed, of congratulation than any of the figures to whichl he had referred was is all too 1'. . ° - stan ‘31:?! Th: fact that :he mi the fact that at the close of a year 093 (a 1 . ercn .anlmals 0 Sim 'g in which the fire losses in Canada and lar brecdmg distinguishing themselves the United States have been very in the show-rings are so few, indiâ€" largely in excess of those of average years they were able to present a bal- cates that sufficient care and ' d - J“ g ance sheet which showed a loss of less ment have not been exercised in selec- a-t‘han one per cent. upon the premium tioaand breeding. Ideas of breeders income as the result of the year’s un- generally have not been suflicientlyiderwritiug transactions -â€" that i8. ignoring the income derived from in- well defined. The concentration of; ‘terest and rent. blood of the best animals, by whichi , . . - means reat families of cattle are r -' l‘he report was, on motion, adopted: 3 P 0 and the folloxnng gentlemen were re duced, has not been adopted and 101-“ elected to serve as directors during ' the ensuing year;â€" lowed as extensively as results of a H C A C J J K II o : . e ' on. '00. a 0x, 0 e enny. on. srmJir course wrth other breeds ap- S. C. Wood, Thins. Long, John Hoskin pear not only to Justify. but afford K.C.. LL.I)., II. M. Pella‘tt, n. Jaftray, every reason to expect most gratify- A. Myers and E. W. Cox. sequently, the Hon. Geo. A. Cox was ing results. . . ’ re-elected I’rcsrdent: and Mr. J. J. BRIT ISH lAM ERICA ASSURANCE COMPANY. ' ADJ‘.~“.~J, ____. The President, Hon. Geo. A. Cox, oc- cupied the chair, and Mr. P. 11’. 8mm, who was appointed to act as Secre- tary, read the annual report, of which the following is a summary :â€" Your directors have the honor to present the annual report and finan- cial statement of the company’s sixty- seventh year, duly vouched for by its auditors. A C The Sixty-seventh Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of this company was held; at its offices, Toronto, on Thursday, fZSth‘ February, 1901. n__ -- It will be noted that there has been a considerable increase in the premium income for the year, this being? mainly due to. the business derived from the new fields; in which the company has established bu=iness connections, and also to the improved conditions that have prevailed in the marine business. Two half-yearly dividends have been declared at. the ra_te of 7 per cent, per anuum, amounting to $60,323.96, and the xwervc fund has been increased to $581,457.22» In view of the abnormal fire losses on this continent during the year 1900, including the disastrous conflagra- tiom in April last in ‘the cities of Hull and Ottawa, which involved a loss of property to the value of about ten million dollars, your directors feel that the statements herewith sub- mitted must be regarded as satisfac- tory by the shareholders. The capital stock of the company has been increased to one million dol- lars, in accordance with the by-lziw passed at the last annual meeting, the $2,130,000.00 new 'stock authorized to be issued at a premium of 15 per cent. having been all taken pp; Summary or Financial Statement. Total cash income. . . $1,951,233.34 Total expenditure, includ~ ing apprapriation for dos- aes under adjustment. . 1,890,347.57 Dividend d Wclarcd Total assets. Cash capital. Reserve fund. '1‘ he I’resbdent, who moved the adopo “on of the report, which was second- ed by the Vice-President, referred to the. exceptionally heavy lossei by fire our this continent during the year under review, and said that, although the report just read did not present so favorable a showing, as far as the balance between income and expendi- ture for the year was concerned, as the preceding annual statements which he had. had the honor during the past eight years of swbmitting to the shareholders, he felt that there was perhaps as much matter for com- gratulation in the figures embraced 'm the accounts for the year 190(1 as in those of some preceding statements Security t9 policyholders {31,‘581353722 whbh have shown a more favorable balance sheet. It was gratltying to observe the continued increase in the volume of business transacted. While there had been a satisfactory growth of income from field: in. which the company had for years past been car- rying on operations, he was glad to . . 1.776,666.45 .. . 1,000,000.00 . . 581,457.22 60.885.77 60.39326 be able to gay, t’h_a_t. from the agen- ‘ ‘ ~â€"_-_..l LL... The report was. on motion. adopteu, and the following gentlemen were re- elected to serve as directors during the ensuing year;â€" Hon. Geo. A. Cox. J. J. Kenny. Hon. S. C. Wood, Thos. Long, John Hoskin K.C.. LL.I)., II. M. Pelda‘tt, R. Jaffray, A. Myers and E. \V. Cox. sequently, the Hon. Geo. A. Cox was reâ€"elected President and Mr. J. J, Kenny Vice-President. More. than twenty miallions of gold have. been assayed at Seattle from the Arc tic regions. bumpezr. fill doubt!!! in on «or: box or the zonal“ Laxative Bromo-Quinine «am... Oh M m can. a «M u; on an The convicts in the Texas peniten- tiary have contributed largely out of their earning toward the relief of their earnings toward the relief of the Galveston sufferers. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruif. m WINSIDW'S SOOTHING SYRUP ha. been med by mothenfor their children teething. It loathe. the chnld. lottem the gums. ulsya pain. cum windomicl did i I tho but umody (or diarrhoes. 250 3 bottle. Sold 5. .11 drunk-u thtougbout thg woflq. Be sure sad at Erastus A. Barnard, of. Chicago, has given to that city a tract of land valued at $200,000, to be used as a public park. by d! dm‘ im thtoughbut. tho wofld. (or "flu. indow’l Booming Syrup." Messrs: 070. ‘RICHARPS 80 09., ”WWD, v. v. -vâ€"----__ Ydrmoutli. N .S. I o a Gentlemen,-â€"-In January last Fran- cis Lecla'u‘e. one _of .ghgmen employed â€"--Aâ€".‘n Ian “UVQu-c v. v..- -â€" by me working in the lumber woods, had a tree fall on him crushing him fearfully. He was, when tound,plac- ed on a sled anw taken home, where grave tears were entertained for his recovery, his hips ,being badly. bruised ’and his body turned black from his iribs. to his feet. We used. MINARD‘S LINIMENT on him freely to deaden ‘the pain, and with the use of three gbottles he was 30mp1ete1y cured and ‘able to return to his ’work. . SAUVER. DUVAL [Elg'un Road, L’Iqlet 00., Que. May 26th. 1883. CANADIAN WOMEN’S? LOYAL AD- DRl~S4 TO QUEEN ALEXANDRA. The opportunities givon [or signing the address to Her Majesty express- ing the loyalty and appreciation of the women of Canada, have been largely taken advantage of in num- erous places throughout tbq Domin- ion. As there must, however, be wo- men here and there who have not yet |learnt that they are all ask< Eed to join in this moveâ€"- iment, it is now announced that Ethere will still be time: for those who {have not had a chance of signing the Esiqgnature sheets to (send in an app“- a'cation to have their names added to Sthe roll. .The usual signature, with- Eout prefix or address, sent in an en- lvelope with an authorisation to have it copied in fac-‘simile, and enclosing not less than a two cent stamp to cav- er expenses. will be in time if receiv- led by the Secretary, at the Central Office of the National Council of We- men of Canada. '71 Brunswick Ave., Toronto, up to the mat of March. At- ter that date. the Address. which is being artistically and beautifully illn- minated will be bound in alarge vol- nme, together with the signature ‘sheets. in a manner tworthy of the women who are so enthusiastically ) throwing themselves into this m. Last year there were imported into the United States, o‘vcr 1,000,000,000 grains of quinine, costing over 81,- 500,000. S-hoot folly as it fli.-s, quoted Spatts‘. But folly never [lie-‘3, replied Bloo- 6%4 FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS IT STAYS. Neighbor-You’ ve got 3 lovely bed- room now with this new. cerpet. Just put it down, didn’t you! - Hostessâ€"Yes; just through. ' Neighborâ€"I thought so. from the tack: scattered around the floor. You ought to pick them up before night. or your husband will he stepping on them. Hostessâ€"No, let them atay. My husband is a newapaper humorist. and every time he steps on one he'll think ot some new joke about it. I hope he’ll make enough out at them to pay (or' the carpet. Behtes Hie Experience for the Benefit of Others- from-lent of the ”also llouo. It. flue-u. use: .- Enemy “that Ind Trouble. In) for our flu Years. and in GI“. St. Thomas, March 4. (Special). â€"Mr. L. Duke, of the Dake House, in this city. is a proud man for be has ht last forever disposed of a toe, which has given. him a great deal of pain and annoyance during the last five on‘ six years. That foe was Kidney Trouble and Lame Back. Dodd’s Kid- ney Pills drove it out, never to re- turn, and now Mr. Dake is happy. This is what he says: “I have. been troubled with my Kid- neys and pains in my back for over five years. .Nothing [could get helped me- in the least. Finally, I was told by a friend who had tried them, that Dodd’s Kidney Pills would cure me, and I decided to try. They re- lieved me from the first and even- tually cured me completely. They are a wonderful medicine.” There are many people in St. Thomas and vicinity who have very kind things to say of Dodd’s Kidney Pills. The local druggists report a very large sale. and this is not to be wondered at, as many very re- markable cures are reported in the city and county. ' The readere of this ape:- will be pleaeed to learn that there is at out one dreaded disease that ecienoe has been able to cure in all ite 'atagee and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh CIre la the only positive cure now known to the medical iraternity. Catarrh being a cone- tltutional disease. requires a constitutional treatment. Hell's Catarrh Cure ie taktn inter- naliy. acting directly upon the blood and mucoue surfaces of the system. thereby dee' troying the foundation of the disease. and givin the patient strength by building up the cone tution and assisting nature in doiniite work. The proprietom have eo much tait la ite curative powers, that they offer one Hun- dred Doilare for any case that it tail: to euro. 3 80nd tor liet of testimoniaia. Sold b d l'i J.C£NEYCO.. Toledo 0. ; rn 3 an I ‘ E' If Phi-are the but iFi'fty years ago news from Europe reached America. in two weeks. Now it comes in two minutes. A PRACTICAL LITTLE WIFE. Minard’s Linimcnt Cures Burns, etc. The Buffalni Biard Protective Society defends the Scotch sparrow. ascrib- ing to the birds the dicappoar-ance, in that vicinity, of the canker-worm. Minard's Linimcnt Relieves Heuralgia. AVENUE HOUSE Nollâ€"Jack kissed me last thing. Belleâ€"I imagim‘ that woull be the last thing he’d think of doing. More than 150 new schooihouses have been built in Kansas within the last year. flinard's linimcn’t for sale everywhere Mrs. Manycooks, of Brookiynâ€"Mr. Sheldon advocates associating with ( vw's cook. Oscar. W. P. 0. "NW. Music Teachers Wanted For all skin ailments. J. o. Calvert t 00., Manchester. England CALVERT’S CARBOLIC OINTMENT. The Nest mutt seller ever produced ; 6'6?! “5°" 0‘ Pen and ignk bun It on tight : 200 to 500 per cent. profit: one cant I am mounted I0 8820 in six do ; another 032 fin two hours. Monro. In. 00.. x400 La rout. WW to condo til you Prod?“ to the Dawson Commission 00. Limited AGENTS Imbuon. Broaden, Poul", Supplies seq Appllucu. 0».ch Inc. J. Mount. mm. London. Olin ZE'QF” 9151‘”- It Will_Pa_y‘ ”You 0c. Oolboru and Wad um» St... Toronto. m will 3“ you w Mb}. price; $100 Reward. $100. Family Hotel rates 81.50 per day. THE DE AR FRIENDS. ON ILL“, OR GOMMISSION. McGill - (‘oilwe A v ( nun MUNTHEA}. A‘ -A m Venn 8%. Toronto. Ont. WHALEY, ROYCE 8: Bo. Oomploto Onta- loguo of Shut Music and look. with Special ram of discount. 10 um! for our (Dec. 31, 199.0. cc. I two. 13 Mortgages. etc ‘0 3 . J Hy hphemurcs (ma Deco 3"? PO. â€" cm.» “A tho nun. now u it “my. run .96 can the but. an W 15. u. u. I.“ .0. Q ; 7" The financial position of the Company is uncxcelledâ€"its percentagv bf r :t surplus to liabilities exceeds that of any other Home Company. - - --â€"â€" -A JUBILEE “F 190‘ A Popular Mam“! ment- 0 ing in ummleuaod orm all that is requhiteto assist thelauy in reaping the benetlu of the Jubilee. Substantial. oomph-m md practicu. Il- lustrated Edition on Photo Paper 100 one, 87.50 per hundred. postopaid. D. and J. momma u «30.. Montrcd. {Dominign Lino Steamship: ' Q_-._-Atn‘ nndnn m 1".” ROOFING and Shoot Natal Works. ROOFING SLATE, in Black. Red orGroeu. SLATE-‘3 BLM 'K mumps. (We supply Public and High Schonls: ’l‘nronm). Rooting Fen, Pia)?“ Coal Tu. etc. “0‘ )ll‘l.\G TILE (Sve New city Build- inst. Toronto. done by our firm). Metal Ceilings. Colo niece. etc. Estimates furnished for work con' flute or for maerlglaflaigped to my part of the (-oumr . burns 190 --.n- n..-n-|.a- Inn-Imu- .- A Tamnfl Ills .VIVOIVV' â€"~â€"â€" _, - _ (flora. etc. Estimates furnished for work con' flute or [or natural; swiped to my part of the (-ounuz. {’hune mu 0. aural: 80N8.Adouldomdmor 10.. Toronu ”'."""'II â€"â€"â€"- v - flontml to Liverpool. Boston to u'a- ' Partisan! to Liverpool. Vin Qua use town. I; e and Fat Stesmshnp. 9‘3".“ nooommoduuoo (or classes of runners. 8- oom 3nd Stateroom are mid-hips. poem “action ha been given to a: Second Saloon wd Thad-Qua! wcommoduion. Fan of may.“ .11 mm ”pl: to my mm nu! 0‘ w. Comm”. 0! Biotin-d3. “ill! t 00. D. Tomcat too». Beam 1100qu ad 1' VIGIPR ICIDINTI HOV. G. \V. ALLAN. HON. SIR WILLIAM R. MEREDITH, DIRECTOR. HON. SENATOR GOWAN. I{.C.. LL.D., C.M.G. E. GL'RNEY. Iis L. \V. SMITH, Esq., K.C., D.C.L. J, K, osuouxg -- D. MCCRAE, Esq.. Guelph. MANAGING OIRIOTOI ' wan. MccABE, 1.1.3.. F.I.A.. 9.5.3. 75 Adelaide-ii. West. u u s I 6 run (In!!! III’SIC TEACIH'JL. . urea: tun-anon twpyngMud; 5;...549. ported and up” mmmd In: ant-Tum uzxg lESSONS mm, by not. on ruse or «nun 1. Bummer. an um. lnd money. Advmmd HE E pupm tum humony ma mudmmun. 1km “ND umuouud ucludvely by {hi Kurt}. American Schuul o2 mule. [4.0.113 .gee and thorwwd. To Introduce. one 501 Vt": llflhmflons new" pflu 02.0)) wm be sent rim: m lam. "llama um“ um! addresses of new." when: who in" Inltmmnm; doc 25 9am- in div" ‘0 my expo-use", [at All!!! out. 3. “- “m randy“. 73 W St... ‘ut chl- ol PRINTED in one or many colors or STRIPED at low prices. Bam- ples furnished on request. Special quotations for our loads or large lots. Write for prices. TORONTO WRAPPING PAPER OOMPLN Y ‘6 BEORITARV :L. GOLDMAN, A. LA. The Repmt containing the proceedings of the Annual Meeting. held on January goth last, showing marked proofs of the continued :tt'ogt‘vss and solid PORNO" of UM Company, will be sent to policyoholdcrs. Pamphlet".~ explanatory of the attractivo ‘iinvestmcnt of plans ofthc Company. and a copy of the annual report. showing its un- 'on to the Head 031cc. or an} (:xcelled financial position. will be furnished on applicatt "tum Company's a gcncica - o: .p-o-J‘ Metallic SKYLIGHTS r I insurance issued during 1900 ............................. . ...... x4, Exceeding the best previous year (except one) in the history of the Company. pranceinforco at end of 1900 (not)................................z4,‘ r. 3!, Net Surplus ........ 1900. By Payment for Death Claims, l’rofits,etc 8304.679 00 “ , By all other Payments...... ...... ...... . . 264.493 35 00. To Cash for Premiums .......... $822,919 00 “ To Cash Income on Investments, etc. 183.04: 55 To net Ledggr Assets From To; Mon 1:. consumer. . 330773608 08 “ Premiums outstanding. etc. (less cost of collection). 163.07: Id ,“ Intctcst and rents due and accrued. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40.684 59 To Guarantee Fund .. ........ 5 60.000 no “ Assurance and Annuity Reserve Fund 3,362,709 000 “ Death Losses awaiting proofs, etc. . . 54.36: 4; 6‘ Mortgages. CIC ........... ...... ...... ...... ....... Debentures (market value 3739.199 47) V . . ...... Stocks and Bonds (market value $I,o3l.680 oo). . . . Real Estate, including Company’s building . . . . . . . . . Loans on Policies, etc ................... . . . . . . . . . . Loans on Stocks, (nearly all on call). . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cash in Banks andon Hand... ................... TWENTIETH ANNUAL STATEME North American Life Assurance company. HEAD OFFICE :â€"ll2-ll8 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO. For the Year Ended December sust. I900. Audited and found correct. DISBURSEHENTS. JOHN L. BLAIKIE DOUGLAS BROS. iii Adelaide. 5L. Tones 1‘0, 051'. LIABILITIES. RECEIPTS. ASSETS. .......................... 8500.192 8’ PREOI DENT Ramsay’s Paints _ CHENfl-U‘E OPRTNN3 f Every house should be painted. but it should be painted with high grade paints. If you paint with chea paints. your time and “A..." a. .151. 11 us not paint: mun CURTAINS we“; «mm \\'.r-'telu $3111 ,‘01; )ours “WIS” AM ERIC”! DVIIIO 80.. I0! I58, Mantra-l WI‘II 0"“ râ€" ...... money is on. It In not paint: that cost. it is the labor. Pure paints cost no more in labor than cheap pafints. ore the highest grade pure points at tho lowest cost. Do you want to Ream all about paintsâ€"how to paint our house and see some hetuti ul homes’ ? D593 u} a post card for Booklet A2 RAMSAY sou A Debenture of Th. Cum remnant and intern Game ”Mm Wt” is a promise to pa the mm named ther1iu,which may c any sum not less than film). on the date specified, which may be in one or more years, as the Investor my pre‘er. The Coupons attached are promises to pay interest on the amount half-yearly at (our plr COIL I”? “mm. The entire assets of .......... S 60.000 00 y'- _. the Company, amounting to 32:.- 696,885 aye iccurity for fulfilment of common-tact mum. am a, Toronto 01.. 1'07”“ tse'prSmiset. 00000000000000.0000. ORATEFUI.’ OOMFORTINO. \ THE MOST nummous- PAINT MAKERS MONTREAL. god til kind. of hum ll auxin!“ tho IIEAKFABT-SUPPIR. THEâ€" name“. omzcron A. THORBURN. M.D., Edm. '. N. LAKE, Auditor. E. GURNEY. Esq. J. K. osuouxa, Eu... one I. ought“, ”$1,282,389 93 .. 729.813 no .. 1,013,799 96 -- 389.75l 79 .. 239.719 38' ‘. 911580 00. $3,336,7l0 ’. 3‘03420680 7Q 53.773.508 0! 53.977363 83 $4,153.50 cq ' 0005970 5" 3.47-1.07! «‘e 569,173 68‘ £83,061 90 5473 91

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