Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Dec 1927, p. 6

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E \ ~ vs! F1 DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION RESULTS English Composition V. Mountain 80. R. McFadden 79. B. Murdock 77. F. Bailey 71, G. Col- linson 71. E. Willis 69. G. Anderson 68. R. Tinianov 67. E. Moon 67. C. Rowe 66. D. Arnett 63. H. McAulifl'e . 62. F. MacArthur 61. B. Marshall 58, M. Kelsey 51. R. Adlam 51. FORM II French M. Noble 90. D. Pickering 89. B. Clarke 82. G. McCrae 81. G. Noble 75. G. Hay 73. M. Moffat 72. A. Bell 70. G. Glass 68. H. Wilson 68. N. Mac- Intyre 66. C. Rowe 63. K. Wilson 63, C. Traynor 61. N. Lowe 61. V. MacLean 61. W. Smith 58, L. Reay 58. E. Baird 5/1. F. MacArthur 55. E. Harding 511. D. Ritchie 119. T. Bell 119. M. McFadden I18, D. Robinson «’15, N. Burnett. 113. C. MacLean 112. L. Whitmore ’12. D. Firth 40, L. HOp- kins 110. J. Renwick 110. I. Allan 110. A. Taler 35. A. Ritchie 31. E. MacGillvary 30. M. Armstrong 27. FORM I A \ Geography : F. Goodchild 91. J. Greenwood 85.. H. Glenholme 83. J. Falconer 80. O. Burnett 77. M. Corlett 76, G. Hopkins 711. V'. Armstrong 74. N. Kelsey 7’1. B. Falkingham 73. B. Jamieson 71. 1. Elliott, 70. M. [with 70. J. Clarke 70. G. Becker 69. M. Collinson 67. I. Jamiemn 65. J. Henderson 62. L. Jacques 61. H. Eddy 52. L. Brigham ’18. A. Acllam 48. G. Harrison 115. R. PAGE 6. Hal-gt 2n 0 ‘27. ('lass ax wage-‘67. FORM I P. Geography M. 'l‘ubin 87. W. Thompson 86. Ii. Tuckm' 84. R. Rvnwick 81. .l. Schultz 77. I. Twamloy 76. E. McEaclmie 74. V. Noble 72. .1. Styles 72. D. Mac- Arthur 72. E. Mervyn 70. M. W'at- son 68. R. Willis. 68. P. Rosebomugh 65. F. Mm-clnck 64. T. Milligan 62. J. McRnnaM 62. W. Middleton 62. O. Noble 62. M. Stow-9y 62. M. Mc- Eachm'n 56. A. Turnbull 53. Ct. Mc- KPchnin 38. ‘â€" asnhs of Examinations Held November Zist, 1927. A thrifty girl can wear a dress a long timeâ€"just take it up at the hem every year. a _, _-__-.. C‘nn‘n Plane U'UIJ Jvubo After a man outgrows Santa Claus he still thinks therp is some kind of closed car that, never will rattle. “C(A“ UIUOCII mun. L uuuuuuu .v- V It isn‘ that we need so . muoh money but that we need a httle so often. - ‘ A .1 .1:._... 1...... 1.wa A bride weeps at her werlgiingobut with the groom ignorance IS bllSS. Class averageâ€"65. FORM III is a well paid confidential positi-m. The pre- paration for such a position should be thorough. A good generaleducation and thorough practical Course in Shorthand, Typewri‘ting, Business Cor- respondence and General Office Practice. The teaching profession is much overcrowded. Trustees from a single small advertisement trequently have from 200 'to 300 applicants. Why not prepare for 9. Secretarial position at the - ‘v wâ€"__, v and for the Fair an unparalleled success. OWEN SOUND dill the Western. fields a few days ago. ('Our $211533“? and em ) Bultchelring is the order of the day , ' on his ine. .t ‘Mr. Albert ~trafford has returned The sympathy of the community “0‘“ the “ 93L ~ is extended to Mrs. H. Witherow Mr. and Mrs. W ill B811 and boys and Mrs. W. Hermiston in the death spem an BYGHIHS recently Wlth the of their sister, Mrs. Barton. Mount Hoalin familx’- FOI‘eSt. _ - -r 'L_1_l -_..A Mr. and Mrs. Will Bell and boys spem an evening recently with the Heslip family. Miss Eva Tx'afl'ord is visiting her parents for a month or more. Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd; and sister, Miss Maud and Miss Ada Banks.’sperit avday with Mr. and L last week. luv“ Miss Moud Boyd has gone to To:- ronto where she has secured a good position. L 7 'Mrs. Ed. Bell had a serious oper- ation in the Red Cross Hospital in VDLL u Vunw â€" a v . - -- . , Mrs. Mike Kenneys mother and sister of Guelph, paid her a visit lately. Miss Beatrice returned with them. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Vaughan, Jr. Spent an evenig with Mr. and Mrs. Buy Braun. lately. Spent. an afternoon with Mrs. R. Banks this week._ this year. ' Mrs. Sharpe of Hampden visited recently with her sister, Mrs. Mather. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M'altby of Toronto spent. the week end with Mrs: Maitby’s aunt. Mrs. Aldcorn. Miss Jessie Sichol spent Sunday at Mr. Archie )lacLean's. Rey. Annanrl ol’ Dundalk occu- piecl the pulpit in MacKinnon Hall on Sunday and preached a very imâ€" pressive sermon. '!__ ‘--~ n.\A‘1‘b[\l‘ on l__»WIV D ‘ M1‘.F121111\"Ro111x has secured an assistant in the blacksmith shop in the person 01 Mr. Forrester of Eu- genia. (Our Own Cmrespondent) Mrs. Christina Leibold is spend- ing this week with her daughter, Mrs. John Grqin. ~-â€"¢‘â€" .‘ .Vll ‘ 0" .~ number of our young people at- tended the shower last “Wednesday evening at Jacob K. Fischer’s in honor of their daughter, Miss Emma, who is to be married this week. Hunâ€"1 -na V. x u--- Golds are quite prevalent and hard to get rid of this wet weather. Mr. and Mrs. George Leibeld and family visited the beginning of the week with Ayton friends.‘ A , .‘A___ Calderwood 39; "- THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 1‘ UL COL. 311-. and Mrs. Joseph Leibold and family visited with Mrs. Leibold’s sister. Mrs. G. Hill. Moltke, on Sun- dav. Mammy Songs and the Mason- Dixie Line have all melted it seems, before the Sun in the orange groves of California. And there’s a reason. The praise is going to the worthy. If there «are cloudy days in Califor- nia, 'one never hears of 'them,‘ and Illa, U119 11v 7 v. any“- .. 1 is reasonable to suppose that one s ould if there were. A million peOple each winter follow the steps of the conquisador of whom: per- haps, they have never heard. They search for goldâ€"the gold of the beach, of the groves, of the sunset over warm pacific waters. And there is a mine there for you; a real mine ofhealth and a wealth of sport and recreation activities for 3'09 to ezgploit at will. n.__- 4:-.. Thu-An). JUU HIV.“ “‘1 B.Il‘ia:3fa1lane,Caâ€"1â€"1§dian Pacific agent, will gladly supply informa- tion rega1ding flares, routes, etc. an: upon request. PLAN NOW POR_ Get ready for a season in Florida. Have a few weeks’ holiday down southâ€"where Winter is only the name of a season. Your friends will be. there; Your favorite caddy will be ready to follow you around the course; your favorite chair will be waiting for you on the ocean side of the hotel ver‘andah.‘ --4:L.‘1 DIUD Ul. Ltl‘. ------- -v_ _-____ Florida is famous for its hospital- ityâ€"for its sports and pleasures. There are leagues of clear ocean beach for swimming and sun bath- ing; miles of tree-bordered roads for motoring: motor-boating. yachtâ€" ing. polo, tennis and golf in abun- dance. ‘â€" _ .__---.. uuLlV' -. c Now is the time to plan your winter vacation. Any Agent of the Canadian National Railways will gladly supply you with all the necessary information about Flor- idaâ€"its rates, routes and resorts. 11.242 ‘ GALIFORNIA’S GOLD " - v-‘ PLAY DAYS IN FLORIDA 1212 $8111 LUll 00 . Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Findlay' MacCuaig last week were Mr. Arch. MacGuaig and family, Top Cliff, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Hookins, Hutton Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gut! of Aberdeen. We were very sorry to hear of Mr. Wilbert Greenwood of Edge Hill being so suddenly stricken with appendicitis. He underwent and operation in Durham hospital last week. We sincerely hope for his Speedy recovery ,--n._- 1.... Nina Don Illa [JUUU LUVVVv-J . qu exténd sympathy to Mrs. Ben Coutts in the sudden death of her mother, Mrs. James Atkinson, 1n Torono last SatTirday. The Y. P. U. held their regular meeting Tuesday evening with a Mulock which the minutes of the previous .meeting were read and approved. Two very excellent papers, having as a subject were read, the first, “Enlargement” b Miss McDonald, the second, “Spea a Kind Word,” by Miss Bessie Adlam, Pastor Crickington taking the topic, “A Christian, What, Is He?” The offer- ing was then received, and roll caned. pFG§id9Â¥EE 55%“ «an ’2: Mr. and Mrs. James Law and da. htel‘, Glenna, Spent ae?% days m h frlends in Owen 501m? W. McFarlane. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm “VKOch . lspen_t Sundgy w1th fl‘ivnds 211,4 Elnnrlxe Miss Islay McKee-hm“ SW“ an evening with Mrs. I\. ““1”“- Mr. L. A MqLeapA .3”. Miss ." ' Catherine McLean spam Sundfi; with Mr. and Mr§. .100. Davidson.‘ With MP. and Mrs. JO“. Davidsofl“ Jflicc and ”who.“ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell and two Ummtcss and Lumimm. sons spent Sunday mu: 1.1m Haslip site 0M pm, My“. family. :i' 910 H a.m.. 1.250 M 3: 1 i':" (Sundays envy-M1 . o Thursday. December 1. 1927 » DRS. JAMIBSON 8: JAMIESON 3‘; Ofiice and resxdence a sham dist-“ mute east of the Hahn Hmlso Hm I . ham- ()I‘fico hfim‘r‘ 33 m :3 pm” ‘ u- W'I-V-v M‘. ham. ()Iuco hours ‘3 t. 8 0.1“. (QXCPDI Sundaxs physician [,amMOH 511‘ ate l‘niwrs tested and 2 to 5 p.n“ excepted. Advertisements under ths head: CASE WITH ORDER; six consocuu 0‘ “RIP. Telephone CRH> ”WHOM as Saturday mght of week orderzrd. 31 25 cents. On an chamw (swap: 3 m. will he made each inS"‘!‘i10!l. mmxm Graduates College. T“ Block. DU" HOT? Honor Graduate 1 u out“, (iruduntv l’myu: (g. ; Surgeons 0‘! (mun-1n. I all H5 hx'anvhwr, H1; Bh’Ck. Rh” S‘F‘W‘L M-rnj; 3f Maclicth’s Um; 5mg», Lamhl,on_ _ Y! may HUN Medical Direa‘lorr ;. SMITH, m. _B., m. c. p. s BATES BUM; 1 ,( H‘ Classified Ad taming Hm .u cuim'alimz. h: convenient in Bus aw a {m «(mo t‘uux‘uia also hay hul'n mom; hug p brick Imus». {1‘30}? \\¢md.~‘ to house. w water tanks: 10 acres to .~ is “‘5‘“ {mum cuh’ix-atinn. (u “’zus‘mn‘s “Mann. INâ€"D BESSIE McGILI,.1‘CF.A DR. A. M. BELL sIrCPt. orsitv m (on Tnmm n. ‘ m‘lmm. hm‘ N cw [LEUILIL' {)21'c’t‘ff‘i7'l 'C c. PICKBRING, nzxms O\\' (#11 in I“ Durham NOTIC any: Dm‘h um ETC ’4 ‘- .â€" ‘. 'THPNH‘V: 1"“ b‘ PhHHP 601 Chiropractors Canadian ‘ 'nuu- nfififldmi h .fl . ‘5 fiGfl‘V‘an (manor. [H11 LUCAS 5: FUNERAL 5 Modern Fur .md (10 um Dm‘ tn In to 1 {ran [dam sdale 4341} w it I". .‘urg ham m ’JQH. MécQuaP 511‘: (MT: )1 HA1 OI Hunter NH Il' COT YI :ily H CIOV \l lC aw \V 9 final UPS ARI N. (gal l( \V

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