Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Jul 1927, p. 8

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U (Our Own Correspondent) Miss Mary Mutlwr n! Durham 3 wnt a alas “NM NM“ IDI‘OHIPI'. MP. 4'“! Mathew I'mwlflly. Miss I‘fllwllo- Park 0' D9U‘O“ visitml at lwr hcmw how". Mr, John 'l'urnhufl ro-turned to Guelph aftvr uprnahng a few days right .I'..':Hll, Gimml'utHIMst h. ”w pupils wlu: pushiml tho- l-Inn-zum- Examinalinns and o'~'|w('mH.\' In .‘l:l-‘lo'l' Huhhio Chruho'. whn \Vnn Hn- gnld n'u-olzll dnnmo-ol by tho- \"nnwn'd lnstiluto' tn tho' 1mm! obtaining Hu- Night-st marks. writing at Ilnlsh-in. .\ll Mauls will lo-aol hp Hw hum» of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Roma's nn Thursday m that is ”w day Hf the annual pu'nir Hf Hw anm‘s In; stitum 'l‘h'u rum! is lcmkml for- ward to by 0M and young. Invita- tions haw [wan o-xtendpd to eight bram'lws in South Gui. ”wil‘ Nll'm Trou but right .\! RH lltvll) Wo'o'l '1”!me SIN Mr. and Mrs Mr. "CL”H.‘ Iv Hm No-arly PVO'I'NUIIOV is bustling with tlwir hm, 'l'ln- ro-rmlt rains vausm! a sv'luu'k In Hm work. Mr. and .‘lrs. William Adam-mu. KHrhvm-r. l'o-c-o-ntlv \‘Isllml lhvir hm ing. NWH' l\ \l \l wmiug tho-m luv”! um. .‘ll‘ [mp Is uncle-r Hm olowtm" ' “'0' [Hum film WI” 3300“ 5|: Zlmllihm has van bllSV the past “wk on m pulling up a small barn and “ill mun haw it rom- pINM. \l \l 'l‘hu glul'ifllh‘ two'lflh is again pas for annnwr yrar. It was a vow) mm- any and dial m»! min as it us- ually ohms, 'l'ho- q'o-wbl'atinn was it “’alko-rhm and Hm-lph. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs J!» Lo-Ilmld Hll Hu' arrival n" a baby hm’. .\l \l \ll Ml". Jami: Svhaus. filifim-d, Vis- itml l'nr sowm-al days last \Vm-k With .“l‘rl. .Illl'ifilill'a LPHDHIO'. .“l‘. Ht'nl'm' Momma Hamiltnn. is s wnolim: his \amlinn at. Mr. \Vm. lJo'lsnn's. her". (021 r Own Corresponden 8) Mi“ lio'l'll'dlw “'0'”. 0f [.8 MIMI n'io-mls m Hm Village; ro-r (Our Own Correspondent! has! \\'o'dm-.~'day Hw wind Hurm dul t'nnsiolo-ramlo' clamagw in sum» [Marv-t, It was of slum. duration! Mr. Walter Boyce returnml to Hamilton on Sunday and was accom- paniml by Mr. Jack Ledingham of Dornoch and his sister. Miss Ellen. Miss lnvz Twamley of Durham is waiting her many frlmuls llPl‘l‘. Miss llmrgina W‘hil» of Durham apo-nl llw Wl'l-k-o'ntl with her par- ents. .‘lr. aml Mrs. J. While. Mr. and Mrs. Harry .‘lt’lKngall and family Hf Durham visilml with Mr. and Mrs. Arrhiv )lrlhmgall nn Sunday. Mls‘d lllylh has been I'L'-t'“ngagml as lrarlwr fur the» o-nsuing yvar. 'l'lw mun have rumplrtml the job of lixing llw hill at Mr. Jami-ail. “'1ilki'l".~£. .\ loll: lfllpl'nVl'flll‘lll is [ml-g M «'h‘ ”l" rnaol hurt hm-n slraixliti-m-ol ‘ . and many ul' llw slunws romuywl. ii Mr. and .‘lrs, 4l|i|i0'l'l.~'l°ll3ll.~'l'l’ llllili. family ul’ lh'lruil \‘isitml “'llll .‘ll'.i| and Mrs, ll. .l, )lrannlol llllil nlho-rjl frn-nols rowrnlly. I: Mr. Lo-wis Duwding motorwi from Toronto and spent the wwk-Pnd WIN! his wih- and two sons who are It prmwnt visiting with his mother Mrs. J. Whit». Wu wish to congratulate Miss Noni» Stinson who took honor standing in the recornt entranve ex- aminations. As she was Hm only pupil to try from this section speaks wot] for tmth_ toaclim' and pupil. \l Miss “-111 )lcfiaslin Hf Turuntu is Spending hm' hm, \w-o-ks variation with hwr pai'i'nts hare. Mr. Andy Hastie and nephew Mash-r .-\lvxaniki- Brawn motoro'ol to Fo'i‘glls on Munday raturning the “HM. 0M“, lim'o- .\l'(‘hi6' )libou gall is spend- ing :v. silo-asant holiday with MI. and Mis \iihie )lclmugals .\li. and ms. Robert McLaslin and famih \ww “w guests of Mr. and His Ban Umtts 0f Ebeneznr 0n Sluldc'y. i South Bentinck H Mrs. “'m. Ilumpbeil and sons Charm- and Ralph spo'nt a comm» of days at HIP fnrmvrk 0M 110m» at Zion. I\\' I (Our Own torreapoudent,‘ Mr. and Mrs. D. J. MacDonald and son Hnnald. acmmpamwl bv Mrs. Archio- Hrmvn. attemlml n... Rowky Sauxm-n pirnw ”n Monday. .Ml's, Wm. Olumpbo'il and suns n \l |\ \l \laI UN Friday mt ’. OInUksVlHo H'bcl' and PAGE 8. .\II her and Hamiltnn HM Mrs, .“l's. Hm. mum two-Inn Is again past wr war. It was a wry aml oliol llnf rain as it us- i. Tho- m-mhratmn was in Mrs, Willi-am Adam-um ro-c-o-ntly Hallo-cl ”10'“ Inhll HO‘IH')’. Sr. .‘Irs, Homrgo- Moses 0! m HH' Wo-Pk-O'Wl with .l leuml. 'u-vl 'l‘ynolall n-turnml Holstein Calderwood \l Fl s '00 HI» pupils who) rum-o- Examinatinns h! .‘lflih’l' thlm' Inn MW 30].] mmlal Vnmo-n's lnsliluto- tn inim: Hu- Night-st m "film-in. lo-acl hp llw hum" of \l Ifh'l um \V Crawford swamstm hp Hw Immo' 0! H. “Hunt's Ml Haw clay Hf Hu- ' \Vumo-n's In;- Munm'v 41::thth and MI nolall ro-lurnml slwndmu snlnv Hll H uul .\l1 John 'l'mup '. .‘Il's, (Eco. Hf ”MSW“! L anr car Mrs. .lnhn linu lhv \rmsu with “In. Ill be“ and sons spo'nt _a vullplv DIM -vngagml as yvar. tow] the 'Oh .\l1..lamvs hi- all l\ itin HUI" \Vm IIO lell clan .\lr I: “ll Ill}: m .‘ Mrs. Wm. Fronman of 'l‘ccswutcr. :whn has hm'n Visiting ft'io-nals in III"; Hm part fur Hm past. \vw‘k. is r0- ‘ turning humo- this 'l'no‘sdny «waning. I“. How sislm'. Mrs. RHIwI't. Barbour, is m: ‘ x-vmrmng with hm’. { Miss Ho-vky Allan at Tm'nnto Is Iii-'nisning l'rivmls and ro-latiws hon- L'. ,: im' 3 NW clays. ' Mus Kativ Davis ('umo- hnmv from Ht Hu- OIHIIIIUNZapitaI last work anot :'~. mil H‘nh'lill fur a Hmv. I Miss lsillu-l Mutllu'ws and l'l'imnll 1m! n speaks ' We are serry to report the death mpil. nf nne of our villa e residents in ml frnm the person of Mr. obert Laughlin. eek-enol whn passed tn the Great Beyond 011 who) are Thursday morning. July 7. Mr. mother Laimhlin hail been in ailing health for mer three months. He was neol tn undo-r ll... doctor's care and was aeeum- . alsn takun tu ”wen Smini’l Hospital, am nf' but yet it seemed a mystery to the s llllen.l .lm-tur's as t” what was the cause ham is l at his illness. At last double pneu- rw. nmnia set in and life was soon ex- mrlianulinguisliml. Ho' was a man of 52 r par- years. and haul been a workman at the Durham Furniture Company mungall mill at Rm'k Mills for several years, I with l wnrking there until seized by sick- all ”Illness. 'l‘lw l'nitml liliurrh minister :‘prrarliml a wry c-uml'orting sermon 34M aslm llu- Maxwo-ll Church. where the li-wniaiiu Were taken. after whirh in- “: .l“l° lo-rnient tuuk place in Maxwell James m-nwlo-r}; There were some pretty .~' Ilnl- ‘ tlwral lrilmto-s cm the casket. We Item'ol o-x'lo-nol sympathy to MS SUI'I'OWlIlg ml. wil'o- anal family. The rhiltlren are: I' and Alex. at llm-k Mills: Jim. Will. An- I Mr. me. Hugh. Bella. .\reliie. Beta and “llh'l'l Findley a throw mnnths Oltl hahv. gall nl' whnm will miss their kind tlllllil‘l'. Mind-4y. July .‘ilst. is the day set tut- >t. t'uul‘s anniversary servirv. \\lllt‘h will In» ht‘ltl at 7% H'i'lm‘k and 7.5:" phi. By the request of tlm wnut'o-gutinn llw [ll’t‘flt'ht‘l‘ will he ler, Mr, Hayes. They wern anx- mu~ that the people of the sur- ' tumult muntry hear our new Rector. ,twln-Vinr it. will add murh tn the NVW'kl)’ emigregalions. Stu-rial mu- [su- is being prepared for it and possibly Durham Trinity tlhurrh rtmir may furnish the music en- tirely for the evening serviee, (in 'l‘uesalay evening they will hohl their annual garden party on Mr. Rnht'l'l Biirhour's lawn. which should he a very enjovahle atTair as a more suitable or hotter place ruuht scarcely be found. good grounds and a field just across the road on Mr. Wilson’s farm for the ball game which is being arranged. There will hp .3 good supper and programme. all for 350. for adults gnd 200. for children. This is the twentieth an- niversary of St. Paul's, almost a generation. since the beautiful little tho- fact Mn: “N“ \W'atlu IHHM H\’o'|° _- hay IN)“ IIIIII .\II'.~'. l'I'aI'l MI'IIII fur I \II IIIIII .\II.-. “Ins. \ (UllllIallit'd II) .\lI.-. Jas. III IIIIIIIIIIII. VIsiII-Il \V'II l'IoMIIII HII'IHIS HII Tlu' \hlf \VII~ III'I‘IIsIIIIIIul by IIi' .\lI'. Wm. )II'ILI'III'kI-n HIHIII‘JII III. SO'I'HINI Impl' sIIH I‘IIr I‘InnI VVI-H. \IIIIII-V IIIIIIlI-II Huh I: IIIIIIII \VIIs' II gum] MIN‘I IhI- Mot that It, was a Corner Concerns (Our 0n n Correspondent) [ho HI ungonwu and then tullcm- v'ls onionml HH' glutinus hun’Hh n! Mmklalo- and sm'ak highh ul' Hw- luznmnont Hum wrmwd. ! Miss .Iusvphim- Falconer uf Dur- {ham is hululmin; with Minand Mrs Hamid Faltonm' hm'v. Con- ¢gr,utulatinns Miss .lnsvphinv. on lpns‘eing ynur linn‘ancn vxamina- (“”114. I Miss Laura Fawn-H has b04311 'hnnu- i'rnm 'l'm'unt” Hm past we'vk 01' so» i'o-i-Iipvrating afim' an (mura- linn l'ur umwmiivitis. Slur intends in ro-hirn in lu-r wurk again Hm iat- h-r part of this \n-vk. oiungraiululinns in Irem- Martin. ’zm'ic'ia Human. "ma Honor. and Hilda; Hurdun. who snrm-ssfuli)‘ guisso'ol Hu- iintrmm- Examinatinus tlu- tln-m- Iirst nwntmmwl passing" with lmnw standing. - .- mot that it, was a (-0ch night. *to- “PEIHIO'I‘ mun lwhts a strung HM Mo-t' sttt'h t'h'llts, tin-13v t'm'mvt' is rushing at Hu- I} mm; It is a gumt crop amt “'1“ kn Ito-ll» In Itantlltt It. Sunday. July 31st. rs the “av QM _' ‘V-u“ -v-uuo IIVU‘J“. Ham-y. Mr. and Mrs. S. CW“ and sons. Ms“ Miss Hm'h-mlv Lem-1' of Flesh- “Nun 91mm Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gill-(INN Martin. Misso~,~ Ella and Joan l’unis of ,l’urry Smmul any huliolaying with Hho'll' grzuulparcuts, tlnum'illnr and 'MH. l’lll'ViS- I i .‘liss )lurgnvl'itv Pmllal‘ and Sistm’ Itx'uthlm-n spa-ht a wow-k with MP. fizlltt Mrs, tire-“'5. Halt. f “1'. and Mrs. Hnrh, Haney 0f !\\'inut.~'nr :u-n Visiting with the form- ivr’s pauwuts. Mr. and Mrs. Robert ”run!” Eugenia (Our Own Correspondent) 'l'iu- \Vllll strawberries are an ubuumlanl c-rop in this locality this war. Mr. 31111 Mrs. Janws 1111119V' m“ ifi'askutumn. 3150 3193315. T_11H.~'.1.01'- 111911 «11’ 11115011111113 and Arthur 11111111911 01' 119111111. 1'91111'11911 31'191' ‘~11o 11111111: 11 phrasam 11011112“ with 1111111 1111111191.\.11'a..1911111.21111911. 111311 111 1911011 3115. “111 D91'bV is 191 owning aft91' 1191' 1'9c_9nt illness. 1 1 .m- and Mrs \‘\. Dm'bx ‘a'ttendea hv tuuoml of it “it’ll“ in Owen Snund 1m Pntl). thu a‘numhm' {rum this line at; 90110104! Hu- 1. I), H. F. Decoration 111 Durham ucmvtm'y on Sunday. vuyption alums gamma] home. Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnston visited ”1,. first 0! the \wek with Mr. and Mrs, Thus. l-‘ultun of Hutton Hill. “I. and Mrs. Alex McLean. also .\li.~.~ .lwsiv 1mm ur.\'01n)anb\. \is- i M an aftmmmn “ith MI. an! Mrs. W, J, Darby x-o-cvntl}. IHIH'Ws and l'l'ic'ml \'I.~'IHI1;.: WI”) Mr. ml fut a Iv“ clans. 'llms. “Hum. 81'- s. his. 314.11“ ko-n N! “I”! Halt. and «m 'l'uo-sday. Th» ltfllbl'Hw-cl h.- 0n 'l'uvscl ”H" illuvss and al- _¢lv.~§p_i l}- _ ---- ”nu-VAL” u: nusrraua on her arrival at Quebec, follownng her first trip on her changed run across the Atlantic. To fete her arrival an unusually distinguished gathering met on board at a banquet at which were t: His Excellency the Governor- eral of Canada, the Prime Minister of the Dominion, the Lieutenants- Governor of uebec and Ontario, mem- bers eral and provincial parlia- ments and many others prominent in ian husiness, industrial, financial E W. Beatty, Chairman of Canadian ' Pacific Steamships, Ltd.,Comman- der R. G. Latta, 0‘ i the Empress of Australia, and W. R. Maclnncs, Vice- Preaident, C.P.R., in charge of traffic, on board the. Emprg-ss_ of Australia l.-- -â€"3â€"- 5 built. and guy-n into our THE DURHAM CHRONICLE ..... m. uwxcucc route nan man ed- vantagee which may well be exp in the interests of the Dominion." The Empress of Australia Will be the shi that will carry the Prince of Willa amlJ Rt. Hon. Stanley Baldwin, Prime ’Minister of Great Britain, new. the Atlantic and down the St. Lam when they visit Canada in connection with the Confederation celebrations at the end of July. It was also evidence of the gradual up- building of ocean transportation ser- vices under the aegis of a Canadian com- pany and another step in the devel ment of the St. Lawrence route. In 5 years the Canadian Pacific had built a fleet of 510,000 tons in which thix? class accommodation was better to-day than the first-class had been in the day. ;of its inception. Four passenger and 5V! freight vessels were building at the present time, said Mr. Mtge, Which would add 120,000 tons to fleet'l totaL “The policies which dictated a“ plans are based upon the 00an tht the St. Lawrence route has my ad- _-._A- ‘â€"â€"‘.\- II'\O Many of us haw known you. Eliza, since your childhood and haw always found you bright, and cheery. qualitios which have won for you admiration and respect. In social activities as we]! as in Sundan- - _-_.- --_ ..... as; tuc VV cal. We make this an Opportunity of vxtonding to you our folicitatiom and sincvrvst gund wishes for a long and happy wedded life. We, your friends, neighbors, and assouiates. take the privilege of ga- thering here this evening to spend an hour or so ere your departure for your newllgumv m the West. \‘7n Mnl-‘ A '10 M1. and M18. Mead: Uea1 1111911115: Mr. Archie McDonald acted as chairman and after bringing the gathering to order, called on Mrs. Lawrence Chapman, who read the address. and Mrs. James Atkinson presented the young couple with a dessert set of silver and serving tray. Both Mr; and Mrs. Mead made suitable replies thanking their many friends for their kindness shown. Others present were called upon for speeches, after which the‘ evening was pleasantly spent in social intercourse. singing and music. Following is the address: Green Grove, Glenelg. July 18, 1927 (in Monday evening of this week the [maple of No. 9 school section met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Patterson, Glenelg, to spend a while with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mead ere their departure for their new home in the West. Ir. and Ira. Stanley load Guests 9f Bong-E at__thh_ori_nq_qt Eligi- YOUNG COUPLE HONORED BY GLENELG FRIENDS bars, Who let a: Br'ido'i i030 Monday Evening. Luwvst or am lender nut nm. sarilv acoopted. Tenders will in» i-m-viwd up Monday, August Sat 6pm.. w whole contravt 01' swarm» trad“ involved for tho building 0f an m. dilion in Durham High Schum. Plans and spucillvalions may soon at the ullice of the Socrvlu -\ in Durham. “u and aflvr Mondn. July 25. 1927. JUDIIIAF ‘ which were, a Bible t'runl Hu» N..- sion of the Presbyterian mum}. they being “H3 “PS! (‘Ullpio- mm'mony’ in the new church. Tin-y his” r..- ceived double damask table him, from the Presbyterian Cium- ..r which Mrs. Mead was :1 ”mm; member, and stainless mm mun“ from S. 8. N0. 9 Sunday N‘hcml, ' Read the Classified Ads. on Page 7 T0 5‘00, Stanley. “'0 (While! t . 'Uz‘ hearty congratulations Ill 30m- 5m, fulf't‘gf cess in winning one of our . [You have heen we“ and fawmw known. hvmg for some yearS 1,..3}. us. ' Therefore, We Wish .t'm- )0” hug 'more happiness than whom”; , fexpress, and as you Juurnu} . I‘). ,gether through life, may 50.“. ., .l‘. yture. wherever spent, be t'i‘mugu.‘ with good health and pl'tvsw'i'ily, AS a token 0f OUI‘ al‘ipl'c‘c'mllun .. you. we ask you to avm'pt this, s... verware, not for us Valm', 1,“: its use, you any rcmemlm- your friends of S. S. N0. 9. Signed on behalf of “W surfinp Mrs. Jas Atkiusun, Mary \mewr M... and Mrs. Mead “'01.“ I'“('H0- ienls of many beautiful gm.- nn 1L. occasion of their mam-lag.» among.- .5.- ‘V 1‘. 1"l:.’ school work you have reudom, in. estimnble nuisance. Thus, Ull‘ullgh your departure, “'9 row] we m... 1% Inc I valuable member or o: . Ir 0""!- mgmty. TENDERS WANTED Swimming \\ Mm; minua bullion; ....f~ GI‘IIWI. and ~'\c':-;n “I? '0“'I| \K‘IH “011‘ uuisulw Laidhm fur taking a «in- r nature's garb \u-rv ponded mmvnce nu to offend in future’. Th0 m Idwrt ism start ing. “w “with much «'u IVOHhNL and H mm- thc- mnmlu Irriwd at the-rc- was and all «In «mm. mm the conun- llrm! am“ ah ll a! HIP vm'm-r Hf der streets, a: south at Sun”: .- DECORATION SERVICE. MARRIED BY H Odd Pellovns, However With Ceremony. and Was In Attendance. datum“ (“le .-‘ danmm \\ ('usx'nnal dawn in Ind 8011]! (Luml “In 1 H lit ( M‘ H tion 0| sidm'al tho "r ‘0. ”II' a trail struvk was He [‘8 “Wilma-day storm armml Wyoming. Po- Thumas and . em Untarm. H .3 Qili'l' 54'“. loss lwavy. 'l‘h current a! .\Hl! 0f 8 [WW «'hll (WV-Minn \\¢‘:'u fl FOP “l0 M'm the Pun-Hun. « by I www.- vi WWIDBIIHN! hi‘rh wind. «h trees. building: huul WI. Country Suflered More Electrical Storm V Accompanied by Wmd. lip Tues and Did Great Dam “wad of Its kind In Week SUNDAYS STORM W1 GENERAL OVER rah! VOL. 60.-â€"N(). 31::6 Ill 'lh NI .08? USS BATHING Si'IT Ill m'al nim \\ Inns. N‘Pdmcl on Sun ’llhlv d: H ll" Mm '. ”I ’Vll \\ This District Lucky lured by St i\ nu l'h i\‘\ \\ \\ H H l’l 01‘: .m a: ‘ llldll hula

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