Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Jul 1927, p. 4

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DURHAM CHRONICLE Let's 99"k Sf, “Tyre a” in 'hF 3am? t” “inui‘ Lets rest sometimes from the he: and strife And try to be friends a minute Business is hunting”. but mo is Business is hufiimus. but hn's a “11099 busmpss has grown smothm' Bis faith in mm and tho Goldvn Rule. His love for frwml and brfithpr. {001 (O M 1110'!!. “ion-king. lowing and dro‘aming. 'mhng with hammer. brush or p: Ronstermg. planning. scheming. PETS won moi nucx cns m ruzsnu's son-BALI. Gnu: ro-Huumg is the score Night Hawks 0250 Hark 013's 0213 Thu himâ€"ups: Night Hawk:+~8¢'llultz. How-burn. pih'her: McGir .‘h'Ko't'hllio'. 2nd has»: \1 ('I'O 0“ Hlllll \\ night between {lack (La! tea FRIDAY'S GAME WON BY BLACK CATS 15 TO 13 seek to be comrades now NI 'J'ho- ro-sutts 0f the Toronto (10n- svmatury 0! Music o-xaminations, twist HII til” 8“] of July last, were annmuu-o-ol burn on Tuesday of this Wow-k, Hf tho- fmn'teen pupils writâ€" ing. a” \ww surcvsst’ul, which‘ sin-uh m-H fur ttw ability of ttm Misses Fursman and Mrs. G. R. Pad- tivM. io-ac-tu-rs. In Hu- o-xamination. 80 marks Obtainmt a standing of til'-t-i'lil~.~' tmnniw. I“. lmnnrs and 60. a mu. Fullom'im: aro- tin,- rpsults and Hm marks obtained: . )ltSSl-ZS l-‘l'ltSMAN'S PlfPILS Intermediate ".0 BUSINESS IS BUSINESS l‘ho- first or Hm (ownAleague soft- Elementary 1w / huunlo-v ' ‘~- ommm Hahn .77. MRS. l'.\l)l-'ll'll.l)‘S Pl'PlLS Primary Jams-s Hondm'scm, 63, (Bordon .‘h 'a.. 68, l-Imm'o- Moon 70 Results of Toronto Conservatory of Iusic, Announced This Week, Show That Full Number of Dur- ham Pupils Who Tried Were EXAM. REPORTS SHOW All. PUPILS PASSED .al Whosoever is afraid 0/ submit- ting any question, civil or religious, to the test of free discussion, is more in love with his own opinion than with the "nthâ€"WATSON. Yâ€"" ' year, 81.25 for six montiis, 65 «31$ for three months. Foreign sub- scription rates on application. Member Canadian Weekly News- papers Association. Published every Thursday morning at the office, Garafraxa Street, Durh .m, Ontario, by Frank Irwin, Editor and Proprietor. The Chron- icle is mailed to any address in Canada at the rate of $2.00 per year, 31.00 for six months, 50 cents for three months, 25 cents for one month. To any address in the United States of America, 82:50 per mum-.75 Bunnm Successful nrma liammll Mary Huglws PAGE t linv Milchvll 68. Thursday, July 21, 1927 H lay 72, Lnuisn Jamivsqn “run! 8!, Flm'mlcu Ban- HIPS Elementary the sum-p by Primary Junior ll 0213‘23030â€"15 31111333 1' \W'Hfl‘t? not. f4.|l"8‘.)Ht‘Il. dear fathom - I 301' over will you b0. but men aver“ long-'9} life and memory lasts 63, H r» by Innings: "013101.43 Juan Harding Elsi» Ko-arlwy l\ catcher; i life In it. heat and The Chronicle. O'n then And slip frompur golden tether. Busmeis ls busmess, but men are men, And we’re all good friends togpth- er. We will remember thee. â€"-Sons and Daughters Ynu were a loving grandpa, .\. pal both kind an true, ,-\ better grandpa never lived, Amt. uh. how we miss you. â€"â€"Grandchildren. I‘h U'l rxrr or RESISTANCE â€"_. THE OHM. Thn rvsistanco that. will al- luw (mp Ampvro of currmt. to flow “ho-n Mao- [H'o-ssm'o- is “H“ Vult. I'Xl'l' HF lH'l‘l-Z HF FLUW Vur 4'J'HMIN'I‘ S'I‘HKNH'I‘H ~-'I‘HE AM- H'IHIC, 'l'ho- rum-um that. will Ilsm' \\llo'l' Hu= rusidunw is nnu ”HM and Hu- gnu-unm- 1- .»nw \‘uH. l' .V IT 4 bl" PRESSI ' RICâ€"THE VOLT. Th0 pl'o'ssm'v that will drive um: Ampuro- nr currvnt thmugh a. 1m- sigh-mm 01' mm: “HM. ---, lg! m-nx} Alo'll IJI‘LJ All o-lvrtrical measurements are hasml 011 these! tlm'e terms. “’0 shall now sma their relatirm to each ner. THE AMPERFrâ€"ln both watm' and o-thririty thvrv is 8 RATE OF FLOW. 01- (LI'HRENT STRENGTH. In olm‘trivtty tho- unit of ratv of flow. ur t-m'rvnt. strength, is the AMPERE. ht. rnlling stream of lif. But. still Hm vacant ('hai malls llw smilo. thu love M ”In! \VIIU once} sat in! THE \‘ULT In hnth water and vlo-ch'icity Hu-rv must. bu PRES- SI'HE to ramsv it, to flow, Tim unit m‘ prvssm'n in oloctrit'ity is the wit. THE “HMâ€"In. both watvr and alm'triq-ity ”mm is rvsistance tn the flow. 'l‘lm unit. at resistance in (-1- vctl‘it'ity is Hm OHM. In fart. light. and hem. am wry olifl‘ivnlt tn measurv. rampart"! with wlvctrivity. For we ran speak as {Infinitvly of thc- prossuro- and mlv nf How of t-loch'ivity as 01' watm; Let us see. Saundersâ€"II 'hn Saundm's Trm'. vlo‘t'trivity is not. a sub- stance; adds noithpp weight. nm' ~3in tn tlw \x’iro- thrnugh which it. trawls, In that. roam-rt. it is no otitt’o-ro-nt. t'mm light. and heat. both 0! whirl: Wo- knuw. as We» do 0100.- tricity. Out): by tlwir o-tfm'ts. {annual by Miss Blanvmg Sumpton Htl'lo'l' which the Messrs. McKay, lln-iuham and Hamilton gzm- a clo- {monslratio on aluminium warn g\\‘|ll('ll was murh enjoyed by all. 5 Lunch was so-rwd at me close! of I Hm Inm'tlng. Tlm nvxt mowing will lw hold at, the home 01' Mrs. Jm- Brown on August 3rd. .' 'l‘hu mnnlhly mowing Hf the Allan {Park “Winn-11's lnslituiv was held .‘lust \\'mhwsd:u' aftm'nnmi at. the mew ul' Mrs. John Bailvy with a ‘laru'v numbvr 0f mvmbvrs and Vis- ‘itors pi'nsont. Tim prosidont. Mrs, HJaIm-s Park. .h'.. preside-«i in a Very Impabbo mannm'. I The mac-ting was “pencil with tho i Opening (Me. after which thi- Scrip- l tum- lomsnn was mm! by Miss Vera lib-a}; Plans wm-u mach,- for a gar- soio'll party whivh is in b"! 110ch On f.\ngust illh at the home! of Mr. {Hurry Rvay. f Thu program which was much pn- Juyml by all ('nnsistmi of an instru- jnwnial by Miss. Hownco Bailey. 8 'ciuf't by ihq Missvs Mary and Beta ilk-hwy. i'vcnahun by Miss (imm- ilb'uy and in.» m-pqrt of Hip district l, 'l'lw lmme was prettily decorated with orange blossoms, roses and or- c-hills, Allow the cm'emnny, lunch- Imn was so-rw'tl. Later in the evening Mr. and Mrs, Ilulllts l0“. bV motor 'l‘ur Spurn-“(v Lake. Muskuka. the lll'lclo' mun-ins: an almond green IrI'o'po--llo--l'lwlw cll'c-ss, tailored coal. {smart l'yll hat, lllmule- shoes and islmfkinm. ' Hll llwlr rvlm-u tho-y will rosidn‘ lat the groom's home in West. Lullwri llnu'nshlp, vast 0|. 42mm. ALLAN PARK WOMEN’S INSTITUTE MET LAST WEEK The bride was given m marriage by her father and was becomingly attired in a frovk of white crepe- lle-ehine. The sleeveless bOdice was trimmed with a velvet Corsage and the full skirt with small flounces, her bridal veil was simply caught with orange. blossoms and she car- ,riml a bouquet of Carnations, snap- 4lragous and maiden-hair fern. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful wedding gifts. amongst which were those from the members of the Durham Presbyter- iun tleir anal scholars of the Bun- o-ssau publir srliool. ELECTRICAL INFORMATION Terms You Should Know The ceremony was cqnducted by Rev. B. 1). Armstrong. In the pre- so-nt'e of only Immediate friends and the wedding music was played by Mrs. Stewart MacArthur. Th0 ham.» or Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mat-Arthur. nurth of Durham, was the scmw Of a pretty wedding on Thursday, July H. at 12.30 p.m., when their only daughter. Merron Christma, became the bride of Mr. Georg" Gordon Cloutts. younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Coutts of Conn. IN MEMORIAM COUTTSâ€"lacARTHUR my life 'is c: .2011" t'HI‘o)\'L'I‘ Mung: mvmm'v of “1m nliml. Juh "” ~-. HYMENEAL salt tho‘l‘c an 1w by gun! hvr; 18 cast, Um \‘oico (v t" S â€"-\\'i 2‘0“ THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Thursday. July 21, 1927 'l'al':l........ Tm ishn-L , .. 'l‘vvunchr. .. Thulllvn lHt'. . .. . TIINH'HHI .......... Tlmrlulalo' ........... Tillsunhm'g ......... Tiverton ............ Tm'mnu ........ . . .. ‘ l: lldorvu 00d .......... \Valllcemwn ..... ‘. . . \thpola Indian l‘zm Winter's Falls ....... NONI”. Strum 81 mt h SI rm h Sarina Swim; SIINHN NHNM' Simvm Prim-Vii. Rainmm Ricluvlm fliplc'yn “(livid-I tl llmlllm N. M'Jl' Ohskavn. .. Orangow 1 IN . Ottawa (Lum van Sunnd l'alslvy. I’Ilflll'l'.~ Paris. .. Parkhill I’Ml'nl In I’Hlkd'l'h I‘m-t lila: Ronstadt . . .. New Hamhm Nut-MM. ..... IJHII's Ho-a l.l.~'tu\\‘¢'l . . Luminu. . .‘ LIM'kIImV. . Markdalc~.. Mo ul'm'd. . . lelu‘nn'nt'. Merlin. . .. Mildmay.. Milwrhm. Mitclwll. .. Mount, liry Mount I’m" Mummy. 1 limn'uvtu“ (ilvm'uv. . . “Odfi‘l'lc'h .. Garriv. . .. Hanuwvr. .‘ Harruw. . . HPIM'HI'I h, Hiflbuah‘. . H1 H.911] .\' “ch-I lnuv Jam KIM Fnl'vs! For! I Gait. LFSG'X. . . Emeu. Fergus . Flvshvrt Flm'vllm lH'aMun. “I'vsdc'll . “I'Hfinlw . hundalk. Duncan“: Uuum ilh IH'IKHAM Emma” lillmalv lhol't'hc hlal'kshlll Golfing“: (lumlwr. . {:ulll" hill. lM'IilWfll'o' Ailsa (ll-ail: AlViustun .. Ancasm'. . . Arthur ..... Atwood. . .. Aylmcr. . . . Aylon ...... Brigdcn. . .. Bl'ussvl‘. .. Baylivld. . .. Beam.“ IHw. Bvlmum . . .. “balm-cm” Blyth ...... Butlnn'll's 1 Burlm-d. . .. Burlmgtun. can-mum. .. Calm {Ernkc-x' clhatlmm. .. umlwlh naming iuu's ”c We haw n“ him “In 0.00“ '09 “Mind Pun-m- Departmmt. but u 1‘ .: “Ill. tho-3' :m- Hut m. . . mistlkm aw Hut 3m“... usually vlmlmln : cflnfldvm'v m Hlv In. A list. “'0 publish 16 . but ”‘0 III llu \\:n i«-~: its corrvvtm-ss. l‘ i~ .‘: l‘f‘ceh'mi It a! ?f|.~ n7 ‘ ”In hrs! Hf HlH' Mnm‘o-H Anyway. it u aunnm yell‘fi “'9 “IV” [NH-l quenUy why Wu hm. the publishing nf Hum .8 (h? "CWVS IS awn” (amt lo a gum! nmm erg, wo uiw lwluw n' issued by “In slum LOCRit‘ “'ilmm. For the first (mm m n ; wars The (lbrmu'vlu mm low I partial list n!‘ H... F8" Flirfi Hll'nuulmnf 13.; 0f (maria. 08 “SUN! 1.} It: Deplflmont Hf Agrirultn.v.~ time this was a I'wmlm .A our paper. but tlw «1:11.. often «ram: and ”hm-4 confusion that “'0' sump-.1 “08 During Hlv IND! .-. at FALL FAIR DATES 1927 ll Thursday. July 21. 1927 W0 haw h luic-n Imu- HIPS! a! H Ht 0| \\

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