Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Apr 1927, p. 8

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MI smith-n ‘ fence. 3 DONHMMI the 11' 1'. F. W. 0. meet ham», of Mn; and 3 Friday evening la pleasant owning. Sorry Mr. Walla on Hm sick IN. \ll-s. .\. c3, Ko-ll ml With Mr. and recently. Mr. and Mr Ivy film"! 3 Patterson an VVâ€"i' ' “Own Correspondent) “(0:50! MIN. Hal'nlol Mafia". and [Wu Mnldro-n n! Uwvn Sound spo-nt last Saturday with Mr. and M13. thvrt [.mygun. ‘ I I I_A \‘1.L".n.\nil'l Mr. and MIN spo-nt Sunday at Hanuwr. a. IIIIII'I' V I 0 Mrs. Hiscork and [Wu childrvn aro- swnding 3 NW days with ho-r sislvr. Mrs. I'Zarl Vo-smir. Miss Eva 'l‘ramml of Humilhm is syn-mung 3 NW days this work with her fish-r. Mrs. James Miller. Mr. and Mrs. J. Aldrmi of town .mm. mo \Imukw with Mr. and Mrs. “Mr. amt Mrs. J. Atdrmt or mwn Spt'nl last Munday with Mr. and Mrs. L. Mclman. . . Mr. Wm. Bull and son Norman ape-lit a oomph» of days with his fa- tlwr in lfi-I'kluy. Miss Bo-Ih' LaiutPr 0! Toronto is Spending a few days with hPl‘ par- ents Mr. and Mrs. '1'. Lauder. Mr. Wm. Hill slwnl Sunday with his moths-r in thwlph. The mum-rt, in tho- srhcml lust Fri- da.v night was we!“ attmuh-ot. 'l'iwrn was a 3004i crowd to listvli tn thu exec-limit prtvgramnw. The monthly mow-ting Hf ttw l'.’ V. \V. U. will ht! hi'hl at thi- hnmv u' Mrs. T. Lauder on Friday. April 8. Since we 183! m. Moth-son 'm. Kellar ha‘ 'ighlmrlumd. Plenum tn lb»: Mrs. .hm-ph 'luo- at‘tm' Us: \\ ‘0 be .\'| us nth .\ “ ’lll of-Vt-Iiw \w'o'k with ho Urn. 'I'Hrnlmll. Mr. and Miss R11) 13% \M'o'k M the (Our Own Cmeopoyadent) .\Iisa .lo-nn'w Dawns of 7.11m spffm a I‘o-w «lays lam, wm-k WIUI lwr SlStPl’, M“. RHIWI'I \\'o-h|wr. Jr. . I'~'. .\. Knish-y \‘isuo-oLUm first PAGE 8. Mr, ”.m'm‘cl .\ Hf days with hi “'ebbvr. 91'. MI“. .lnhn .\lt' howl Hf day “I" (Brio-rm"! no'l Ill ZI‘ H {ac-m I"?! ‘D \\' \\ l 'l‘nrontu last we-ck. .\Ir. ltnlu-rt Cun' rvturnm? nmv at. llultnn Hill 11”"? 9| month with his aunt. Ml ivko-u rm'npvrahng al‘to'r h .\|I \\ III Kmsl Ighlthmul last Is lm HII- l‘ulh't \liss Hm Hmlfn .\| (Our Own qu mu' mail muru n mgdnn mmmofnt “L... hie mmml III mnph Patterson. C r» indeed sorry to dmth M Mr. Ant m ”M “WNW"! of I. Wo- c-xtpnd sy man-oi wulnw and Eli/.8 l’attm'dun in Southeast Bentinck illn Ilulm NIt'Ko-nzio' m: with m 'l‘ I. Hu-mlgh s .‘Il's. .lm. l’ath'rson, Olhvs- a clay I'vantly \VIU} the and Manson famihw. tlwm. p h Atkinson Visiting In»: \Vzfitor Nichol has b6: ['o-diilo'nl c-xlond w uan 1 ’attvrwn wr have co m Vicinity. ', wrotn Mr. and 331'. w mmrml Wu o-xtend m. Edge Hill HH)‘ 1: ullm "do"! aetin Fullm- Brush ()0 HmH'nl‘d Visited Knish )Ialvulm Mc'KNjhnin \o-mm: “nth frwmls )lo-zul sin-Ill us mint. .\l l H II", .\I H. Val-mg. Wm. \"I-‘it- Kullar. {m \isitml Hun clan) Hw hnnw of Mus orrespondent) r'u-r. .Vlr. Albert 'm'ml on Munday tn m ”w afh‘rnmm. flowsnn i,- vmpluyvd msnn fur the sum- mm returned IN'I‘ daughter I. 6‘ heslev. I I0 repor' the \IIIIIom Law- m’ III'Is III-Igh- I “mmnn to and family I ‘IH'III. Sunday I. “()IflPIlI. and KI'IIIIPmQII III" ILFJ). and \VPG \‘isllml Hm firs! r daughto'r. .Vlrs iv shimwol H I'm-nut.) Samur- shlmwl' .Inlln \V hn'nml [0 hi“ Hm- spo'ndillg n. was “m. and Mrs. and Mrs. in!" our a luv-arty in this king ur- his mupln Rnlwl‘l frivnols v Crawford (Our Own C orresvmzdent ) I Mr. 1.. .\. le.o~an m“ ROcky Sau- 'w-o'n Visits-d ro-rnntly at tlw homu ;m' )1". am! Mr.» 1!. J. MvDonaM. ‘ Miss Myth has ro-sumi'ol hPI' Mum's as to-acho'r after .111 ahsvncc at two wen-ks owing tn Hm illm‘s‘s and Math nt' lwr mnthm' Mrs. J. \\'. gltlyth ul’ Vm'm-y. .. Lin”--. unr‘lnnblin nf Zinn is fumuumml to $15.37. 'l'lm luuwn gsm'vml [mu-h at thn «Insn uf thn § w'uurmn. - 1 Mrs. Archin Brown and two sans '.|. h. and Almandm' \wru \ka vnol :VISHHI'S at “w humv of Hm fm'mm-‘s lsistm'. Mrs. Anch'vw Hastie. Miss EW'um'w I"i.~:hm' also smut Saturday 3:1!) H10 Hustiu honw. ' The Orlglnal Confederation Medal way by the National Committee in charge of the celeb-alien ol' the Diamond Jubi- Io'.~~' el' llnnl'ermlanen for a historical issue of postage stamps and a medal to commemorate the events of this exenll'nl year. The dies are now being prepared in England. Here are shown the two sides of the un-olal’ struck lll mm in honor of the union of the {our original provinces, represented allegorically 'a is presenting a scroll instribed “Confederation”. Plans are under hy the figures. of four young women to whom Brilanm . In the hands of thetlgures are: a Slt'klP and a sheaf of grain; a canoe paddle; a spade and an axe. The time ..I' the medal shows Queen Victoria as a young woman. A“ \lu. Stanlm Harrison is home again ul‘tm' spmuling tln- “inter in In II ”it“ .‘Il‘s. ”Mum“ ul HIP Rub ROM \19- A --.‘.“ l'. S. and HI» W. M. S. lwld ml nwvting «m 'l‘hursda)‘ Ian-h 1H. 'l'hmm was a gnml v and :1 Imssinnm'y pru- rvmlings and sum: was on. 'I‘lw Eastvr Thank- im'lmling H10 mitv lmxvs l to $13.37. Tim ladies mull :n HIP ('lnsv Hf Hm Glenmont Thoso “'11” have tapped report big runs of 53p within the last \VNPk. Harrison-~0n Sunday, April 3. to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Harrison, 3 son. Willowdale (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. .Iusoph Davidson of Durham have spent the past couple of \Vm'ks with Mux lattm"s parents, Mr. and Mrs. ”00. Mightoll. ‘I’_I_ , A" II. “I"! 'II to‘ .U AUDIO-- Mrs. Fred Reav and ”VI-is. John Hum. sun of Du_r_ham spent one d-av ‘I'" __ rerently with Mrs. Grat Wise. Mrs. Joe Brown and two little daughters have spent the past week with Mrs. Brown’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Tucker ot’ Egremont. Mr. John Alexander of Durham . spent i week-end with his par- . ents. . and Mrs. George Alexander. We are sorry to report Mrs. Wil- liam Bown quite ill and under the care of Dr. Jamieson. \Ve sinrere- ly hope for a. speedy recovery. . Miss Eva tlmlt‘ord of Durham spent an afternoon last week with Mrs. George 'I‘urnliull. and also spent a few «lays with Mr. and Mrs. “'ni.‘ Adlani. Mr. and Mrs. Ben .\hreus, ot' Hau- over Visited Sunday with Mrs. Wil- li-am Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Armstrong of Hutton tlill Visited Sunday with‘ Mr. and Mrs. Ben Coutts. Mr. James Hopkins and family spent one «lay the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Art Redford nt' Lanilush. Mr. ltnlwrt llerot of Allan Park was on the line last week with his buzz saw windim: up the wood Putting,r for this your. .‘ilost ot‘ the formers in our burg: haw started to plough, while others flaire still busy with the sap. Corner Concerns (Our Own Correspondent) Mrs. I'Zlu'in \\'iltnn and ('hildh‘ml of Rum. Nurnmnhy. spout 11m lath-1' pawl nl‘ tho- \ka with Mr. and Mrs. I‘Zm‘l Mvad. _- . u _ -_.‘_.-“ nru )lr. Stunlc'yfilvad. who 31mm. an wxvvptflnmlLV pleasant. winter Visit- in}; his hmthm' Earl and others 1-0- tm'nml to his hnnw at Unity Sask., cm Mmulay. ' â€"~- .xt‘-\‘ n III .Vl"|luu_v. 1 Mrs. .lamo-s Stvphvnsmi spent. a tow clays last wovk with her son .Insvph. whn rilcmuly moved to lot 7 mm. 3. which ho rontmi frnm Mrs. J. Smith. Miss Mahlo Hopkins of YPOVil Visitml for a few days last. week with 1101' cousin. Mrs. Earl Mead. Mr. amt Mrs. James Tucker are ;.‘ annilan't' at tho funeral of THE DURHAM CHRONICLE )lvacl. “ho Spt‘nt an plc‘hant\\int01'\\i.~‘it- ‘1' Raul and otlwrgs 13‘- IRVING ANDERSON DIED AT SCHRIEBER Respected Resident of Glenelg for Many Years Passed Away at Home of SOILâ€"Other Traverston News. A [â€"1.4% [alllll‘v uuuu-u .bv ~v---_- ago and settled on lot 19, Con. 6, now owned by Mr. James Banks.‘ le «locmsed was eight years of age at. tlw time. yet, ever recalled thn VlVlll l’l‘COHOCUUIlS of his birth- lplzuw; Being 0110 of the Older mom- [was of a family Hf l‘lPVPll In“ know all of thv hardships 0f pion- eer life and 031110 thruugh snnw var- iml vxlwrivncos. Aluml. fifty yez'n's ' - --' I .. A..--l, H'u ‘ Alix...,.u.\..,. ---V , ,_ _, . ago hm marriml Miss Anni». McJI Cm'mivk and to them wore born four sums and six fair daughters: An- gufi. near Cm'h 'zmo; Daniel, deceas- ml: Tum and Irving, Jr. (OWN Svln'oibvr; Vina ( 21's. Nichol). de- ('oasod: Muggio (Mrs. O‘Gormml‘: Svhrvihfir: Mary (Mrs. Harry Tana- ‘hill (ll1i°:1gu; .\nnalwl (Mrs. Hicks? Pasadvna; Muntvl (Mrs. Mclmllan). “I‘m-onto: and Miss Georgina of tho lhnmv. For upwards nftiftyyvars. ho'homl is sti IS rooovm'mg. _ Wood bows and danving aro about limshed for tlns season and farm- 01's are starting the plough. The Varney If. I“. 0. club and. tlw. one at No. 9, (ilonelg. last, Friday night 119151 a lmi‘tml meeting at the, home of Mr. Earl Mead. Last Thursday evening when Mr. Wm. Nolsnn was lining: up thn «waning (thorns ho was so unfortun- ate as to have tlw lantvrn knocked down from HH' Maw whm'v it was hanging lli'dl' tho roof hy a bird. hnrning tho harn and implements, but he succmylml in getting the liw stock all out. The loss will in». part- ly cn\'m-ml,hy insurance but a barn is hard to replacv in these days of high prims. Ho has the sympathy of all. till confined to bed but laid to. i-éét in a ploi adjoining ;that of his parents and his brothtfrs George and Thomas. 01’ th origâ€" lho \Vesl. Mrs. Grant and Mrs. Manâ€" toll reside in Toronto and the two .. n_m,..~ dimncnn dwell in van‘ the West. Mrs. Grant. and Mrs. Manâ€" tell reside .in Toronto and ‘ eonver. A few years ago. the fam- ilv held a reunion .at. Irving's homo whwh was a most Joyous event. Mr. Anderson was a most obtigâ€" i118 Neighbor. a highly esteemed citizen, a devoted husband and a tend father. He was a Conserva- tive, hut broad in his politieal Views. The sympathy of the. rom- munity goes out to Mrs. Anderson V and the members of the, famrly as well as, to the brothers and Sisters L remaining. le sap [HH‘PS ( and kppt, it up so .- Of the hush rustic Sunday too. D . 0n dry land Hm plmlglls are .270- mg and soon the cultmalors and swdvrs will [10 at. work. Full wheat got a bad drubbing last wank. ll.nl up; Everybmiy I a ‘u‘,. ,, ., so steadily that some lstlvrs \wrv busy on is hoping that. Mrs. mwnvd on Friday “‘ A‘ 111M“ Jim McNuliy may have a fine day on Friday. She purâ€" . i ' I to town. Ray and Arthur HoClocklin \‘is- Headlines Twam. iwd their sisiers. lay and Campbell at Wolbeck on Sunday. Miss Elizabeth ngfhes of Hump- day is visiting at . J. J. Pcart's this wee . _ Mr. and Mrs. Alvx. Hasiu- uf 1mm went the fir_s_i oi the wovk at, M 1'. nn.. .3 Congratulations aro [wing 101mm- ad to Mr. and Mrs. A. O’Neil on Hm addition of mother son in 1 w household on March 29m. Hun. i. F6 sou need find no mmplalm wit lack of punils in (ilmwlg school. Mrs. John A. Beaten. al‘h-r mm- ing her daughtm'. Mrs. Rohm't. «1am- ,_..II 'I‘f‘].l'““‘_ for s(m". “~‘N‘ks. l.“â€" turned home lately. People are ungrateful. There‘s no statue . forlhe cook who invenlml pumpkm pun The man w . famous overgught always in the morning. And vet if all peo‘ple had intelli- gence. 'think how many lawwr.‘ would have to ride in flivvers. ' She hasn’t got boy on llw brain Vet if she has to be renlimlml that her finger nails are disgraceful. ho dreams of hel'mnlng wakes Up homc 18101)"- E and son Brun- . John Mcluwh- over the wm-kâ€" VOL. 6u.â€"â€" \H PROTON FAR! BURNE I.“ IcQuan‘n V has fire on [‘1 A parcntl} W: ith Oil 01 Ga ploded. «talk Tarn \\ 1H tlu llu' mt ram U10 H19 In: l abut mg. the! that I or (M out 0' In dlmwl flum U! a! H Ht H ll ause in“ mvflal'l“ Chm‘ll match 1 The rel \\ \\ Used Oil c [m 00

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