Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Mar 1927, p. 2

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Sinrn the pio'tnro- and sound records are W'Uth'ol side by aide on the film It. Itt't‘t‘smlll)‘ tulluws that the two must he properly timed or syn- chronized :it. all times~it is not pos- sible for tln- picture to break and the Mittlltl tn continue. or for the sound to ship and the picture to continue. . There are three principal ele- ments in the apparatus. including a standard mutlun ['lt'llll‘t‘. camera. ‘I sound rernrder and a standard mo- tinn Itit'lltt'v [it‘tvjt‘t‘ltlt' “'llll 11 sound- rem-mtm-iim attarhmo-nt. all driven lay synrhrunnns mutant. The pic- tures themselx es are- made in the us- nal'way on standard film. In recording the :mund. a michroâ€" phuno'. hr any sound rnllertnr of any tlo-sirwl tfi'w' is employed. to- gether with amplifiers. The mic- rophnnic system actuates a tiny vi- brating mirror which records the ammd «in the film as light and dark hands. the light. from a small incan- descent lampoheing reflected by the. mirror through a tiny slit. in the op- tical system in {rent of thr- film. The higher the pitch of note the higher its frequencyâ€"and the create- pu' 3N :1 ihlt‘ fit nu b! mu lion. '1 pandod. Hutdattuinm amnng tlw feature-s of ttw nu“ apparatus aw that both tln- pwtm-o- and mum! l'ecm'ots arr on the 3am» standard motion picture film and that a standard motion pic- tm-o- pl'o'jo't'tnt'. with an attachment for tho- sonnet rvprmhwvr, is used. U" ill. [no thruughmlt. HH' (tounmy. I‘Loluvatmnally. he-rn are: also many ways m which the new apparatus \HII lw ul' ~‘Pl'\‘it'c'. Many SCHOOIS and l'OHO‘KON al'o- aim-ally oquippml \\ vii: "mum. pH'Hll't' prujvcuu's as an film visiting notables can _- Kt.a5{1dqtli}7ii It hm nu: howl! ,msszv for famed nmswiam and urclmstl'as In summer in small communitics. The talk- “1;: nwtwn pivhu'c-s will [wrmit Man In Iw lmHI 8mm and heard Slh N Fields of Application At. this mu'ly .lat» it. is not pos- s'ililc- ln olo'lino- llw ”Plus in which thi,’ m-w inn" of talking macliinn nmlmn pn-turo-s will lw 0f USP. Uni). of lhv Iii'~'l. lzuwvw-I', will he in sup- plying 9. full m-vlu-slral at'l‘Ompall- lllH'lll. t‘ri- Elll'llll’i's. 'l‘lw i-nmmunity pio'm'o' lIUIHO'. ai'mislunwd to having a 5mm” nr pizum and violin. will lu' alilv in lmw- the same music as the metropolitan llwali’e. .\nullwi° flwlol is OlTi-i'i‘d by the IN Ill One of the demonstrations has been with music to accompany fea- ture films. the music being by a full ronrmt olrhestra. Development of this held requires no change in the technique 0! making the orig- inal tllm. .tt‘ter the original picture lilm has been nude and titled the accompanying music is played by a court-rt orrlu-stra amt is recorilntt on a lilm. The picture amt souml re- rortls are then pl'llllt'tl on one lllm lll tho- pl'npt't' timo- relation. .\notlwr typo has itt‘Pn the show- ing of shun-rs ancl iiistrumvntalists “'llllte the) aro- prvso-nting programs. Thus. when an orchestra is shown on tlw srrm'u. it is possible to follow the playing: of o-arh musician, and so“ his artwns on the screen amt hear him. llwn cymbals. Similar demonstrations haw- two-n maolo with \‘m‘fll and instrumental soloists with strum: anol with Voral quar- to-t,s. and with speakers. To tlx.- rastlal olisorvm‘. tlm talk- int: lilni elm-s not clill'vr from the usual motion pirturo wisitiw. It. is of standard width. hut along the. left margin here is a strip of a small lrartiou of an ”It'll \Vltit' on which is a .‘Wl'lf's' of horizontal light and dark lianot~ and lines of varying widths amt intensities. It. is this St'l'lt'g, of hands and lines which prmluro-s the sound. The him is passo-tl' through the reproducer at ronstaut slot-mt. and. as those light. :uul dam tramls puss rapidly below a tiny slit. m an optiral system the amount. ur light is varied. The ever- rlianmnf.’ amount of light. Is receiv- t'tl by :t [tilltlU-t‘it't'll'll' (TILâ€"tilt? cl- m-trn- .gw whivh is extrwnwly sen- sitaw to any rhanuo in the amount of light striking it. The morn light I'm‘t'n't'tl tlw more t'llt'l'mlt it. will burn“? tn pass through its t'il‘t'tlil. 'l‘hns mrro-nt is amplitio-ot aiul rhangâ€" ow! t'rnni t'it't'H'lt'lli to atttltlilo o-nvrg)‘ I'm-viva] the! more t‘IIl'I‘I'nt it. will vaIIII» In puss through Its circuit. '1 Ms I III II III Is ampIIIII-II and Wang- I-o! II-nIII vlm II iI-al In aIIIIIbIII I‘flI'lg) by an IImIIlIIio-r and speaker. PAGE 2. Talking motion pictures. in which the simultaneous timing of action and sound is all times assured, have hm" unnounr «l and demonstrated '1" the hem-r l Electric Company. he process. the result of several years of experimenting in t 0 gen- eral engineering labonaton of the company, means but slight. change in staulzuol motion picture projectors, sinn- it lllVHtVt'g only the addition of a smllul-reprmlucmg attachment and a lmul speaker suitable for auditor- ium use. Both the picture and the sound are ro-rorcletl on the same tllm. ° If't' HI'O Talking Motion Pictures Ill n mmmn pmun- pmuoct n t'lilSSl'tmlll work. and will b» found of m lancv. In the» raw or p uln'mul ll will be p11 "cl llwil' lc-vlm'vs simnll “1;.2‘."Hlvil'lt't'llll'Psll hln 2.:w in; "lf‘l‘lllilllnll u Il'lll r'lds In which NW NW talking weru “'2“ find. applica- I‘ho- list can and WIN be ex- multanmusly with '0‘ on the screen. The Apparatus m" 82¢” w '- - n m-Hm- [H'HJPCIUI'S as an um work. and thv now found of own more 1 Nu- mm' or prnl’o‘ssm's x! will he pnssibln t0 uvturns sinmllam-omsiy u-ir 'W'Ylll't‘s the winh'st ll is ("To-rm] by the at “My will it lw [ms- nnmrtunt pvrsons. hut m Hu- audit‘m‘t'. and h H \V Ill Um n}: of Hm lilm tum through- ‘larlv. :2. WI“ r: :mlhm'ity sc'x'iptinu to 1nd film for '(‘h pointing ”ms of tlm N HS- llu ‘ll' ”111° Rum“; 111 [1011‘ 111111111 [e11 11a11\ lll ;1|111 spl 111g. ' Bv gixing 111mm (11 scaled 1110111! 11111111 11xt1°a strong coinnies. By shaking into 11111111 somn 111111~ 1'11‘1111 11.\'°l121 shong coloniva Bx 111:11°i11,1.: H111 \xwak colonies 11\111° 51111113 1°01011i135 “ith 3 (11101111 go-xclmlmi i1111we1111. and leaving,° them H|1111°11 for from two 111 11111111 wooks. 1 Ho111111111h111° also 'thait. it. 1°11q11i1°11$ fowl (1‘1 1°:1111° 111.1111 and that 111' 111111 lion 1111111 1111'11 11111111 111°11s U111 1111111 of ex- quwinn 111 H111 1.111101! 1111st. Left $10,000 Behind Included in the cash in Hogan‘s safo' is 31.4811)? in small changa ta- kun frnm tlu- mom of Tillie Reiso. a hvggar. Thorn also is 39.521 found in a policn captain's desk drawer: he thought it was a bribe. Them is annthc-r sum of $10.26!. dronpeol his" “win: robhvrs. and nnwr claim- 8 . humus mine-:1 at $3MNNUMN! svizml in raids. Swnritim mlm-cl at. $1.30.- mw :~ Han m-Vt large-st itvm. These men t'n'aznl nr takvn from thivvvs. Automobiles with an ostimutml “671'”! H!’ $7M)H.WK) (‘ausv Hogan no liltlw wurry. Hc- ulsn has 5350.000 cash in his safv that cammt be. dis- p0§ed of. D111gs \a1l11ml at. $300. 000 and gam- 111111,:1111111111111111alia \aluml 111. 8200.- mm 1111- 11111111 131211 11111119. .\ 111.1311 neckluvv, Variously estimatmi to he \\'111'1|1 371.000 to 1530.000. repairs in Hw safv. It was taken from a 1111,- ;..'II'.~‘~' “II” “as Irving In pawn it for 37 SM said 3110 found it. and n0 “HP has claimed it. Imam l'aiols mm i “If! 1‘ mm {H Ill In o-wry colony of bees thore is a (-vrtain amount. of routine work that. has to ho olono- no mattvr whother ”turn is a rrop of nwtar awaiting to lm gathvrml from tho tlowors or not. Tho amount. of surplus hon- ey that any colony run lw oxpvctotl t” slurp will ho in (lirm't prollor- tion to tho- uumlwr ot‘ hoes it. has ow-r and above thoso roquirrd to port'orm tho routine of that colony. Tllt'so nxtna boos gm known as the tiohl torch and to prmturo 'tlwm at the right, timo and of tho right. ago ro-quiro-s skill and knowlectgo ot‘ boo lwhnviour on tho- part of tho boo- n... gwt'. 'l‘hn tiohl t'orro must. ho as largo as possihlo and rmuly for work at tho rommonconwnt of tho main tlou' .,t' mortar and to ho ot' the right. tlm‘ must lm produced during tho six or right woo-ks just prior to tho tlow. 'l'ho first. stop is to l|a\;o Oat'h rnlouy ho-zulml \\'llll a good. prolific .gum'n during.r tho sl'u'ing and early sumnn'r. as tho queen is rosponsihlc tor lzlylu}: tho eggs that will pro- oluw tho \Vorlu-rs. "ho shroud Stop is to lune oarh rolou)‘ strong o-nough in lows to lako raro of tho umxinuun amount of hroocl tho quo-wn run prmlucv. \Vvak rolonios nu; lu strvufllu'uml h} any Hf tho following mothotls. gnu-n tn Hl'tlt'l' ot‘ prot'o-romtv: Tho sound-roprodilcing attach- mont. which is connected to the standard motion picture projector. mnsists of a photo-electric cell bo- hind Hi» tilm and a small vim-trio lamp with suitable optica'l arrange.- mont in front of tho film. As the tilt]! passe-s a small slit. similar to tlu- on.» list-d in making tho sound rm-urd. a varying: amount. of light. is :uitntttwt to ”In phntO-l‘lt‘t‘h'ic coll, tlu- amount at light. dc-pwnding on tho- photographic donsity of tho sminol truck. Tho N-sult. is that a wry minuto- and Varying: curt-nut. an o-xm-t H-plit'n 0f Hm sound wave. is minimum. This tiny rum-out. is amâ€" pliiimi and low! to a hint! spoakm', Whirh ro'prmlllt't's ho suttntl in suf- timo'nt Vuliimo' to till tho alulitfll'ium. Any suitahlv loud spvakvr may 1w t-mployed. HOW TO STRENGTHEN WEAK COLONIBS IN THE SPRING The sound record can he made in c‘litl'erent ways; Both the picture and sound can be simultaneously re- corded on the same film by mount- ing Hu- two recording elements as a unit. \Vith the sound record up- permost. The two recorders can also be mounted separately and the sound and. picture- film negatives made as individual units, such an arrangement being preferable. when tho- plt‘llll'vs are being made in stu- dios and when the camera is being shifted constantly. Again, as in the case or areompanying music, the picture film can be entirely finished nml filled. the l't’CHPd Of thfl music then being made. on a separate film and ”in two combined on the finish- ed positive. er the frequency of vibrations of the mirror which faithfully reproduces each sound vibration as a mark on the film. .\'v\\' Ym'k ymlim‘. are) wm'riml 1w- :msv Hwy haw armmulntm‘l ap- x'uximzm-ly $8.0(MUOU whn'h canm‘rt m Renfrew Ranges and Separators Brantford Windmills Gould, Shapley and Muir Gas Engines mum} in Mme Iron Pumps of All Kinds HI Schutz Pump Tile Co. CANT GET RID OF MONEY WATER ll Ill Valuable Liquors i-tt' :lo-m is :1 ('«ul' The Proioptor Sorry to hear that there is a prob- ability that some. of the members of the hockey team will leave town shortly. Though it is many years since I took part in the game now called hockey (it was “shinney” when I attended school) many 0! we older chaps follow with interest. the fortunes of the local team. which has done so splendidly. Much as we regret. losing our young men, the prospects are. so a young friend told me, that others will be. lit by next season to. till the. gaps. With a new rink. which v90 are. reasonably certain of being built. this sunuuer. W'alkerton will haw an equal chance with other teams on the ice. Healthy sports and re- creation of all kinds among the boys and girls and young men and youiu.r wrmieu and good natured ri- valry in games among: we who lraye travelled farther along life‘s path- way should be given every possible euciuli‘ageineut. . (in Tuesday eyenmg the Child- rcn's Aid Society of Bruce County. at a meeting held nere. appointed Miss lnglis. formerly matron of the llhildren‘s Shelter at Port Hope. to a similar position at the home here. She succeeds Miss Hall. who relinâ€" quished her duties recently. Miss Inglis will assume charge at once. Mr. Frank Milliotlsen. who con- ducts a fox farm on the Durham road east. of \\'alkerlou. was in Hampton recently with his solici» tor. Mr. Ilauipheli (ii-ant. of town. at- tendini.r tlourt. before the. llounly Judge in a dispute arising: out. of the sale of four pairs of silyer hlack foxes. which Mr. \lilliousen purâ€" chased l'rom some toy. ranchers 2n Brampton a few years ago and me? which dispule the Brampton court. reseryed judgment. Since, then. however, .\lr. Milliouseu has enterâ€" Wl all fiction in HH‘ Supreme Court at. Walkerlon l'oi “HAHN! damages for alleged misrepresentatiiin and fraud. Mi. John 'linkham of the C. P. R. was «iperatml on at Bruce County Hosmtal last Friday afternoon by 013. 'l‘. Sayagv of (melph and J. T. H. Robinson 0! tcmn. He is 19pm t- ed to be doing nicoly. Fireman McMullin 0f Wost Torontu is om- plnym! on tho. way-freight while Mr. John Tinkliam is_in tlia hospital. WALKBRTON THE. DURHAM CHRONICLE 'l‘hvy worm in court. that. is In say. two momand a pnlicommv. mum in, mm”. Tho ("at had osc'apml. Hm dag: had escaped. the man who had 1w- mw! thv rat and lwutvn tlw dog was Hut. thvre. and Hm man with (hp m-nwhar would nut lvll Hm polivnâ€" man tho Inmw of tlw man wlm hm! hunh‘ll lhv «10.2. A curious raso was on trial in tho 1'1 only poliro ronrt. )‘1'st1-r1t1u'. H1111â€" wars that 11 out w11~‘ 11111111111] 11111111 by a dog which hogan doing: its host. to kill it. .\ 1111111. 111(1'1'1'1'11'1111. from! tho '11t. 1’1111l hogan boating tho 11111.1. .\nch1'I' man '11n111 along. saw ”11» dog being 11111131111 11111! intorforod. A11- 11t|111r man '111"1\i11 arrow-111111; who had soon “11‘ “111110 thing. stt'ppwt for war 1.] 111111 thr1'1 1t1'11111t tho 1111111 w ho interfered with the 1111111 who was. 1.1111111: tl11~ 1111;,r that had att111'ko1t tho 1'1.1t 'l‘hon 11 poli1 111111111 11111111112 c1t 11:1 tho 51'1'111'11111l 1111hl11-1t tho 1111111 w ho tl11'1-11t1'11o1l tho 1111111 who intor- forod with tho 1111111 who was twat- 1112' th1'1io1rth11t |1111l\\'or1'i1'1t tho rut. Mr. Miflnn Hc-bmn for 38 ynars a rvsidvnt 0f ()wvn Snumi. passed away on Friday lust. aged 75 years. Bonn-v locating in Owen Sound Mr. thw. who was a harnessmakm; was in husiwss in ‘(jhatsworth and Mark- «1310. 'l‘lm Villagn Council will haw 'slnp‘ signs orm'tecl at all llm «lan- gm‘ullx ('nl'nvrs in LII.” \‘illagn lwfm'v llw mwning of tho mnlrnr season. with grey fur buffs and collar. l'pon their return they will residv in quyton, Ontario. Mrs. John Neal, Owen Sound lload South, on Monday forenoon fell on Main Street with the result lhat‘a hip bone was broken. The “$11!" is all the more serious as the im was injured several years ago, and had not completely recovered its strength. At the Council meeting on Monday M'ening a committee roprosentiui: tho Agricultural Society waited on tho council asking for (to-Operation in advocating the proctiun of a skat- ing rink in King Eclxx'art‘l Park. A (mmmitteo was appoiutud [0 repre- st-u‘. tlu‘ council. \lns. Mmgawt Boyd who “tildes with he: «laughtm. M13. Alex. Millet on the High“ av South \\ out to '1‘0- mntn last wook nxppcting to umlm- gu an opmation for goitre. HQ A REMARKABLB CASE MARKDALE “Chilm‘en likv things \Vhicllmmlw a noise, and \vell-vlmsvn musiml (ms aw dusil'zlhlv. A l'lllvlwr In!” llvipr‘. In teach a ('llild rhythm: sl‘mols tn clap lngt‘HH'l' may lw llsml I'Ol‘ Hm sum”. purpnsn. Pictm'v hH-’tk~ «ll’w'lnp 3 MN! 01' mlor: and nhjvcts m‘ Var- Mm: lvxhn'vsx sum: as: mg dolls. ham! Marks. and “Hm:- things. rough and smunth. hvlp In dowvlnp Hm svnsv «if touch. ~ “Dolls“. disluw and 011101' lms for make- lwlivw plav should in- usahln and \xorkahlo. nut [mar imiizmnns. such as minim! tin «'iislu-s which “Contrary to the general Opinion largo toys arv 110M for small child- ron because tho child’s largo mus- cles duvulqp first. Large light- wright. hlmke. of hassvmod 01‘ soft pinv may he pushed or pulled or 9:11'1‘io4l about 113 tlw 31111111: child. It litllv tots haw 11330113 11113 shouhl ho tlw lmge ma1kiug typo that aw 1103143 as 10111141 112-1 1 spool.l£41ads to string should also he la1‘g41.33ith 1:111:11 holvs. .\ shoe lacn IS commi- lent 14.11- stringing largo boads or spools. ,1 “Tow. that.1‘oquiu- muscular «if- font delnp Hm unm plnsicallx. A “again ur scum-thing “Mich he can hush m- pull. and “hich he can load and unload. or a tn‘mclu am gum! plnsival ('\l'I‘ClSP.-. “Toys should help dm elop child- sen both physically and mentallya Will] 63 entertain and amuse them," states Margaret WMie 0f the New \m'k slain collogn bf hmno econom- ics at Ithaca, N .\. “(hind toys am those \Vllit’h are safe (imablv and adapt: 1th to liifii‘li‘llt kinds of play. 'Jlic) nevd not be expensive. Should Be Safe, Durable and Large Enough So Muscular £3011. Will lake Body Grow. TOYS HELP CHILDREN . TO GOOD DEVELOPMENT Write Salado. Toronto. for {too ample. Cause of Iiury “'illiv was «it‘jm‘lmlly “313mm: hnmn from sum“! and his \x-m-hoâ€" g'cmo «amwar nun :Itlrm-tml Hu- mm, tion of a k nd-lu-artmt 0M Inch. “What is troubling you. my LN"- man?" she askmi. f‘Dyspcpsia and rhoumalism." 1.- plied \Vlllio. “\Vh)’. that’s absurd." I'vmmkm: HH- nM lmh‘. “Huw van Him. but” “'l‘mchm‘ kopt mn in aI‘h-r se-hu v bocause I couldn‘t slwll Harm." v.» Willie’s dismal :msm't. ‘ Rev. J. D. Muskenzie-Nalmhlon u! Owen Sound, formerly of All Saints. Collingwood, has accepted the rall extended him by St. John's "Slum Church of St John N. 8. Dr. Mackenzie-Naughton will er- ceed at St. John, Rev. A. L. Flemnm the present rector.,who has been .4. acted Archdeacon of the. Arllr. film he will take on his work among ll..- Esquimau in the very near future He was a missionary to the. sum" county for several years. but. Inn: to resign on acrounl. of ill health. but after his llve years at St. .loln his health is fully restored and h.- is going hark to his former \\-ll'}\ He is a close personal friend n." In- .\larkenzie-Naughton. 'l‘he rhurrh at St. John. know as the “Stone" (Zhurrh. is. unmq. of the cathedral. the must mum]: :ml. rhnrrh in the Mom».- ..- Frederickton, and has the large“ congregation. “I could not. in \mx of the importanre of the work lhwlw' and the hirer lleld. refuse In gnu rethhis ca I," said Dr. .‘lill'kt'll/lr- Nanghlon. who slaled lhzll. hope-.1 1.. be able to ronnnenre his. clth~ there ”I! May lsl. He Inn.- lwvn 4:- Owen Sound live years. cannot be used becausv 111» Mm: mmvs Off on llm food." 1'1de}. Inch :0. 1m IIIIBTER ACCEPTS CALL ‘ remark. that 104"?" Eur!“ M‘hu thvm." \\': knomm nutside impor- 051- n? ’0"? DO THIS AND DON T UN". a wrist. l' MUM u plrtmo-n mam CONN I:- 10 lunar! an mxtn (INN! 9 tlly hm IMII‘! Don't Don't i dl‘|\0\\ m looklm. 1 Don: * ('3 er} H: r! gth' .Vulg IDHI dent. Don Illulm IIOnv. perm: I Dun' “M ”01.- vehn Ls. out. ‘ l‘_\' jerk IS cause burn IN” em H lll' “WWI ‘ male. from Ivaâ€"W of 13W I‘l' I“ ma mIIIIm: of 'I‘C'“‘n“‘“ oil. 0| Thursday. Marci Ell I 9‘26 IN ma

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