Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Dec 1926, p. 8

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d U u- \\ th th m It“. th Ila Sh Bu 0x1 of PAGE 8. portrayed high in 3171' pn‘smi l'2~'3 u in! as though thing“ m *r Suizi‘e- hck Mountain in the infinitrnim'nl fiction of a second below she h CAP-aw the wators of tho [10- mm fur fnnr di‘lmiun Anotho-r cut-"mus u-aum- “a while no l’l'vsidvnt had «Wm 30 disrvgaroifnl of his party. policy lw mmh' Hr changml decidml was lwst. and withm suiting an)" Hf Hm custodians old l’h‘muvruhv h‘mhnnn. Mn 1 that tlw party owm‘l him a t dons arm nf :x'atitmlo'. and had tako'n to m 5mm via-n. M‘tm' I the Lo'aguo‘ r! N: mm'\\'lwlnnn;.'ly Bryan wlw uppvm httlo‘ suggvstinn t mmmhatvly l't'sig President. Marsh: should forthwith elect Harding as 1nd then__him:elf imnlf'illati'l)‘ lax-mm in t'aVnr nl \ “'0'- Presnlvnt Marshall. that Marshall should forthwith appoint l’ri-siclvnt- alert Harding as Svcrvtarv ul‘ Slaml and then himself resign. thus makl Ins Harding Pro'siilvnt fmir nr liw. months before hv would lvgally on- ti‘r upon ntYiro. Wilsnn i'vgarilmi the idea with disdain. ‘Jin 1.165 with disdain. 'nitm'o put t Wanted to Run Again NW“ Hf pap (in tho ovo Hf Hic‘il' ilo‘qvai'tm'o- tot" till tho paint . . i thv Dnmoi'i'ath' National i-nm'vhâ€"‘no danger of hon in 1920. swm'al _ . . . ililiil‘tiiiis‘ for other furnih tho nomination \is‘itwi \\ 11>» n. vach ~ thumh tavks. hoping to uvt somo m mi of v‘lh‘”iil‘- 10f tho room agomont from him, whilo Wilson“ is [wing van was hoping that he would iw m'goci c-oVoi-od con: to poi'mit. his nanw to go hwt’oi‘v tho pm's While) cunwntion. Nothing tho sort kalsominod t was t'm'thi'uming from Pithm' sioio. math of C198 and tho haw-takings \wrn awkâ€" __ 1w. Read the Cu want. Aft" tho conwntion summarily oioniancimi tho rvsngna- :: _ tion of Postmaster-General Burios- ton. \Vhom ho suspm‘tecl of troai'h- ' m. but who had been loyal to his cm! ohi chief. It took vonsiderahio duco him to recall the strategy to in Whoa he left office on demand. March In. 1921. he took up his ro- I sidence in a luxurious Washington . ‘ residence and began immediately to “IM turn over in his mind plans for reâ€" gaining his high oflice. It was just nui- ' had entered pub- not. ten years since he ' . Never before had an All work u Bryan's Bright. Idoa It. pm'luw: was W on “HIM Hlo' in K \V 'iHHS ft-alm'v \\'a.~' sidvnt had t'VQ'l' ll of his party. \ In Mr changml wt. and without. rhm ll It it. \\‘ ll a mum mm fa ll hi nobie "mun- h2re vuere ncy diver. is at In- t \ntlrnu '0'“ it [1 who ‘ mrh‘ 1:... .... 22¢ 5...:â€" ::. :23. «421:: ’43:; _ 343. .1. 47:... lL’ "Ill! tt IN' hac w I h ”IN ”I [inn had H Hmngh' tl'o'nh‘ll- l at. his s that ' how“ whose ill! mt [In [I m 'ilsmt wan's \K‘ lu‘n hm-n Iill Hlo‘ :Wilsnn oliul nut want, 3 Pp“. Ho! \Vuntml u lvnlpnl'al'y bl'vathlng Spvll 'lwl'ul'v nlwo- mm'n hurling himself )uwn tln- fm'. - - _‘ I'll! Sn mu «if his aclvisvi's. among them Mr. Ki'l‘llo'}’. suggcstml that he shnuhl t'nr thv nmmvnt nut dwnll mum thv Pl't‘Sitit‘lle, hut should \wn'k his way hark through sonw sm'h humhlv'httii’v as that of l.'nitt‘d State's Somatm'. It was [mintml out. tn illlll that i-hi‘l't‘ thn lwnplv would still hmv tho- privvlvss advantage at his xvi-at knnwlmtgv of affairs, his im-nl‘nlmmhlv gift. for putt.ng in a tc-\\‘ shwl’t \VHl'tiS lho' lunging Hf their ho-m'ts. amt that. thvrv hv could w thn gnml tight. for tho‘ Loam“: Nutinli~.'l'|w1'n was high |il't‘(‘t‘- i l I‘mul 1 _ .- . .Inni luv this i'nltl's‘u, .Inilll QUINCY “lo \V a Howml In ln‘ his‘. Liked Bis Limericks )Ho' llt‘ltl stl'ungly lH tlw lwlivf Hm! lilwl'ul-mimlml pmmlo in all parts of the) world worn [Making In him 2" 1' lvaclm'ship. HP said that lw haul virtually Hanna! and giwn rwmlnm m such nations as Pplanol vxisto‘m'c in run and tlwy in: to me tn lead them". with at’fnctinu and (loop .Iam Smuts who vxpoctnd his duty in NW grunt. fig nun-vm-y. If hn \w'nt to ln- \vmllol lw surv tn got with "OM Imdgoxfi In} m H. I'HI' Hli WINS after snillc 0‘ “IN Hg nnh 0m It the In "if! \Vh P n Suggested the Senate Ill J... :2 :32», .:__.:..:...:.._ E: _t._:....... 1: 97.2.5 .52; 1:.-. .1 37:: :2: :5. z: .31: ,5 0.1:. 274:: .2. .75.? :_ E. ii. 3:7. :5 t. .I...?:..:. : 1.. 3::â€" .r._.:. E. .75: .752: 1.: #52:; ..::.$ is. ..::.... 1 J... ::_.r.1...v. 33:1. 1:: 4.22;... 5...: 2:23.]. 1....27. E: 2. 73.57. 1.5.5 4:12.! To: .75: $5.5. 95...]. 521:: NM'Y vnln 31M“ sun. lom. p: h 1.317. 159/ Erik. 2.511 53 1:3 7 .1. .7; 1...): S C. 5;??? ampion of 11‘ .ab is a m. retirvmvnt from wd in tlw Hnusn s {w smwntvml 1 his lam'vls. An- nn )‘o'm's ilHM' be- N o'lcwhul In ”In! mging nf thn' ‘H‘ he‘ could learned to swim in the Canadian Gov- ernment's great pool, “The Cave and Basin”, at Banff when she was a mere child. She became a champion deep. 'erent last. year at the Banft Winter Ca:- 3gv€fiq ateur nival when swimmers were d..... rough;igto the Cave and Basin filled with ry ofihot sulphur Irate: from Sulphur . I . . 7 . n'; 111‘ Ag): Mum, when the tsum:'12tu.‘e um- I 1e is newly )uise, xii? was hevuing around the zero ‘ water of the pool 1 Q - .. ‘. P (. i1 -; 'lk. $11“? Cr- L1 ‘z‘mwnra. w; \x'n“. within vmww'm HI HO' Now-a-Days MiStl't‘SSZ "I [mtalight Welling gnwn in NW \vamll'ulw last. niuht. .lun: just hand it to me'." Maid: "Thou-0's nuthing hmm. mum unly a vnnpln Hf Very fat. maths." Advertise 0‘3 1‘ within in the Chronicle. It pays. The Rev. John Bacchus Dykes, Doctor of Music, London. England, born in 1823, and died in 1876, is to- day probably the favorite composer in the Christan world; and yet com- paratiwly few people (even music- ians‘- know his name. This fact has been tested in social and church gatherings several times of many «twimininations by first taking a vote ‘i‘nll ill'lllllllluauuuo u; . .......... as to whether sacred 01° secular music is the most. p0pular. Sacred music invariably gained the vote, with hymns as the preference. in this class. Then by asking those. present to name their favorite tunes. an average of four out of ten were for Dykes’ music which easily rplaces him in the foremost rank of all «(Hummers WllU ever lived. \ Hn lucking over the Sunday ‘papers it is a rare thing tn limit a rhurrh prOgI'am. of any clemimiinaâ€" timi. without at least nuc- of his livmns in it. '1'” mentiun 11 few hf tiun. without at least une 01 ms hymns in it. To mentinn a few hf his writings will convince readers that the l'm'emnst position was earnâ€" ed hy this great good man. He was beloved by everybody; and his fun- eral serVice at. Durham tlzitlwdral was one ut‘ the. largest and must. solemn ever held there. "Lead Kindly Light," “Holy. Holy. lluly." "Jesus, Lever of My Soul," ta) Jesus, 'l‘hnu Art Standing," “Uur iHlest. Redeemer.” "Hark! llark! My Snul."_ “U l’arndise’b,” "Art Thou \\'enry 1’" "I Heard The Vnice Hf Jesus." ”Nearer My (ind To Thee," "Days and Moments Quickly Flying." "Eternal Father. Strong in Save," llay nt' Wrath. 1) Day of 1\lnurning." "Hark. the Sound Of llnly Vnices,“ and Myer One hundred others in evâ€" ery episcopal, Methodist. and Pres- hyterian Hymnal published in the English language, flowed from his 1 consecrated pen. ‘ Dr. Dykes was for many years lleetnr 01' St. Oswald’s church. Dur- "’ ham. England, a small chapel under iDurham Cathedral, which was nnly used on week days by the divinity ltu‘students of the l'niversity; so l)r. iDykes spent most of his Sundays m l at St. Peter‘s Church, Newcastle-0nâ€" :Tyne, fourteen miles away, where. [it can be easily understand, under n |.i_- miiilance was the finest hoy A PAIOUS BYIN COMPOSER at St. I’13to31<()l1111‘c|1, 'lxnc, fourteen miles it can be casilx 111111 his guidance “as 1 choir in England cilOlr 1n Lngmuu, w. .--- His power of intensifying the beauty and solpmnity of the words was wonderful. His instructions were, put your whole thought and sincerâ€" ity into the words and thv music will take. care Of itsvlf. and this will he found to 1w thv wry fnumtatiun and true kt‘)’-llfllt.‘ fur making our hymns amwal «lirm‘tly tn the minds and hvarts «if all oarnvst listmwrs, as \wll as singucs: svnciing “in con- grvgaliun home with thn fouling that as Bishnli McLal'vn of tlhicagn tlllt't' i'vniai'kml, hv "full. iwttvi' at'tvr the- St‘l'VlH‘: that thc- intvnsv sinm-rity afl'm'tml him. sn that, hv vuulcl m‘vai'h lwttvr" whore-as van-olvss. thnught- lc-ss. i'l'iwluus Singing; ho \Vuuld wish. DAIRY TBMPBRAMBNT IN cows Only 23 Days To Do Your Christmas Buying Mammxcouuonwmefi = IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS - Together with a full line of Slei , h w s, Kiddie Cars, Automobiles, Skates, fioi’kev 35211.5. Jack Knives, Etc. ‘ ' Gifts for Dad, Mother. Sister or [Brother Cutlery, Silvemiare, Electrical Supplies Skates, Tools, Coleman Lamps and Lanterns, Graniteware, Alummumware, Snow Shoes, Etc. We invite You to come and look over our goods and your problems will be easily solved. f 01' This year we have added a good assortment of a I I u. ........ tn [H'mium- milk. .n- lung: with Hm- vhwvn Hu- eye‘s. m clishwl and UN! lmm and I'vtinvd. 1w lung and lvzlm nl pliuhlv. (wwwâ€" tlu- mhlor. Thu no and should lie- lal's hmiy and lm this indicators Um TOYS, GAMES, ETC. ohm V was \V 0 1'0. (if only average . milk. Sizn is always 0 with dairy cows. and must ln-m-ders for animals that al'l' large. I'm- .luvlion is usually lwax'icr and more salisl‘avlm‘y fl‘um lai‘gvr cows than “ â€"- mm” “nus, 'l'lw amwarancu f importance ‘ pro "l'L-l‘-l ‘-.'..-vvâ€", Auction is usually satisfactory frum frnm small nuns. and liiws of tho ho. attractiw as w 7â€" \\ hon autnmuhilvs Iir [misc-s \wi scan-d Hf can harm- I ‘0 l R‘N'qn'd lhc‘ dail‘." as “'1‘.“ as “I'l' (0‘ 0\ ' fihUUld 331]]an pica]. Tll" 31mm: near I mt H (R 1‘0““ was ' In for I [INT-i ('lmz 3pm mum an Mu had 3110! in 1 alnu Wax and Hm dvalh l‘lmm h ”It-RIM)“ Church 13' ' Since Lu»? DAUGBTFP al M H Read (In lltts DI”. ROVard T Physics at Mm ml. cud 8pm .. B experinxvx.x.r. up (In! Hunt: “glut. with WM" the growth uf hf.‘ b forum at nlzul ” m. H\ .ANBY P103. Li; CALLED 5W "GETS

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