Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Oct 1926, p. 7

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obor 21, 1926 ..~-.- Ov-O-O'ONOWM ’\ nfl'n-e and residence a short dist- alxt‘c east of the Hahn House on Lamhtnn Street, Lower Town. Dur- ham. Umce hours 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 to 4 p.111. "except Sundays). J.L.,....SIIITBIB.,ICPSO. mhu- and resndence corner of ununtms and Lamhton Streets, oppo- mo- HM I'm-t ()n‘ice. Omce hours: (Hm M an... 130903;)..31, o tonHm (Sundays excepted). DR. A. I. BELL l’hysicmn and Surgeon. Office Lamhtnn street, Durham. Ont. Gradu- ate l'uiumsity of Toronto. Eyes tmtm! and rm'rnctmi. Office hnurs: 2 to 7» p.m.. 7 to 9 p.m., Sundays C. G. AND BESSIE McGILLIVRAY Chiropractors (irmluuhw Canadian film'npl'actic COIL-2v, 'l'nmnm. Ht’firn )lact‘urlunn him-2;, lmvlmm. [my and night phnno 1:3. 6 H 23!! exempted Hmwr (Bx-actuate l'nivorsity of Tat- out”. (31-minute lmyut Cutlvge Dental Surgvnns of Ontario. Dentistry in all Its branches. Office Calder muck. Millsujcet. spcond door east DR. W. C. PICKBRING, DENTIST HITW m1».1'. J. 111111191 a store, Durham. Untarlio. ._ _- .â€"-â€" LUCAS 8: HENRY ltzn-rxstm's. Solicntol's, etc. A mem- m'r of the firm win in: in Durham un fut-May of MIC“ week. Appointments may he made with the Clerk in the Licensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey. Mum-vale terms. Arrangemmts for «Now. as tn dates. chm. may be made at 'l'hv Chronicle Office. Durham. Tm-m-a nu application. Address ILR. 1. Durham. Phone 611 r 23. Lit'o'nso'd Auctioneer for County 01 Hx-o'y. I’romnt attention to sales. Rea- mnuhlo' h-rms and satisfaction guar- antmut. Datos made at The Durham tliu'omcio offivo or with R. C. \Vat- eon. \‘nrnm'. 11.11. 1. Phone 60% Ni. .fl'wc UYl‘ ‘, lZO‘X. '21. EGREMONT, CON- tziinim: 100 acres; 8:? acres under rulmalinn. balance hardwood hush; l-um'enient to schnol; on the prem- lâ€"‘i's are a frame barn 32x65 ft. with slnim fnundntion: concrete. stables; "llsn luv harn 30x50 with stone baseâ€" nwnl: lll'S‘.’ pen 20x30; twelve-room twirl; house. furnace heated, also frame, wondshed; drilled well close :0 house. with windmill; concrete water tanks; 30 acres seeded to hay; in acres to sweet clover: this farm '. ' ' ' oodstate of " ' . For information apply in Watson's Dairy. RR. In. Durham, 102523“ llnlario. ‘ k MM 7, Con. 5, S.D.R., Glenelg. con- taining no acres; 100 tapes pl and in good state of qulhvuhou: on my premiCes are a brick h‘? taming seven rooms. With 300d frame woodshed attaphe _ w 91': at door; never failnnfi springs on W: farm. making a c once stock 11 be sold farm. This property wi rmht to quick purchaser. For par- son's Dam Ont 1 2'5 23 U 9L; mm enuthwest. of Durham. taming 8n acres. Mostly. clear and :r: :nml statp of cultivatmn. Bank Mm with shod ~?:!lu‘.n.~‘. T-x‘mmod buck house With “xtnnqon kitchen .and W0 \‘VPH mum-ed and m g , for further particulars app] to William Smith. R. . Chivalry is tm man uses to face let the wife haw FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlm Phone Kingsdale 43M i22-12A Avenue Road Toronto )ohn w. Bates R. Haddocks l'nz'mvz'ly Hf I’lcsherton nns. JAMIBSON umzsoq J. r. GRANT, n. D. S.,~_L. )lavx-licth‘s Drug Store. Thursday, October 21, 1926. 1 deal ‘Dtrmorv MIDDLEBRO' AND BURNS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. IN IIH.\I\I II\\ I \ Nil .\'II .HIIIIIIHII s'I. NIH JIIoI .\\o. In. :IIII‘II HIIII'I' {II HI :III I IHII. HIH'Il } SuIIII'oIzI)‘ I.:III In 9.3“. . Middlebro’ ,R. 3031: Burns, Owen Sound. Durham. FA R313 FOR SALE Limzsed fluctioneer Medical [)zrectorv Dania! Dz'redorv REUBEN c; WATSON ALEX. MacDONALD DAN. MchN haV'O her own way. ni\:o!1".~t'i_ty 0! Tor- {or County of 130M FUR'I‘ABLl-l HOLT SE, BRICK- (rlall, well located in town of Dur- ham. ,l'llcctric lights and bath, {:0ch garden. Apply box No. 27, lllll‘nlllClO UfflCt‘. 10-14-3pd FUR SALEâ€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on Geui'ge street, Nor-th nt’ Skating Rink, Durham. Apply to .1 0‘ A! l). Hopkiixs. URL. \N, IN GOOD C(JVDITION â€".AP- ph at. The Gluonicle Office. 'l'\\'¢ i-YEAH-4 )IJD ELYIIE ll! )L'l‘. \wll marina! and hvnvyz also sewn Yurk pigs t’nln' \\'l‘l'k.-'~ 0M. Apply vl’h-r Black. Egrvmnnt. ‘10 :21 2 Mum-yr WANTED. ANY QI'AN'I‘ITY. Highest price. People‘s Mills. 31323t WORK WANTEDâ€"THIS CHRON- Mo. .Iuh Plant is well equipped for turning out the finest work on short nrdoz'. tf tLln'nnivlu HITH' Imxmnizns \\'.\.\"l'l{lLâ€"â€"-.\I’PI.Y .x'r HOI'SE AND LOT ON LAMBTON smmt. .xwzu‘ furnitm'o factory; good stabln :md garagu rumhinml: good garclvn: immndiato pOS§QSSi0m For fux'thm- particulm's apply Mrs. “"11- lium J. Falkingham. 6 17 6nd tf FOR SALE. WORTH THE MONEY to quirk purvhnso-r. irm-lr'mr-nt shop on Hal'ut'ruxa strut-t: will so]! build- ing and W. W building: only. Apply .-\. B. .‘chMIan. Durham. 9 9 6pd FARM Hm SALE HR REX'I'â€"â€"LUI‘ 7». Hull. 7». NJLH. Hlo'no'lg‘: HI! :u'l'vs in gm"! state ”1' vultimtiun: 7» acres o-t' I'nll \Vho'at. gum! lmiloling‘. wull wato'renl. in gm“! l‘0'llflil'. FHI' l'lll'thm‘ partirulau's apply to (hm-xv Allen, III IIII.\'> "IIIIHI "I I ZHI III II \\'.\'I\ER- sun ”II-II. )IIIIIIIIIy, III I. 1’7». III I IIIIII°II IInvaIII-III. \IIIIIIs TIIII'. IIIIilIIPI’II’I IIIIIII'I' I'.’ wms. 27w. IBINIII III‘IIgIam :II'IIII'. .\Ii~'.~' \gIIN IIIIIIs. SII'WIIIUI‘II Mlhl‘iuln SIDIIDISI. “ill take pail. 3-) H Fl'l.\l.\l.l". HELP \\'.\.\"]‘l{h FDR Huh-l \\'nl'k. :nml wa Hahn Ilnuso'. Durham. 2.5 .7377. :::.:_.7. .125; L17. .....:: 3...: 5.2"...» .9.â€" .75.... \- Hux Nwial at. Nu. In Friday. Uctobm' 2°." Laclivs with lmxvs t grammv. 'I‘Hl'l .3th .II'HHJ'ZI’. SE Nurth Hlnnvlg Baptist, 1 ho- III-M am Sunday. ”C 3 and 7.:m [b.lll. Row. Hanmm- in :nt’tvrnmvn. He 3 and 7.30 |I.l‘ll. RM. 41. Harris, HaIIIIVuI' ilI :II'IvI'IIIIHII. IIIW. .I. TaYIOI', “III IIzIm In IIII- I-wnina. Hanawr IIIUII‘ “III sIImIIv IIII- music. Plat- 1mm mow-ting: nn )IIIIIIIay moning. with mIIII-I'ss II)’ RM'. 8. .I. FIII'mm‘. Im-I-II SIIIIIIII and HM. .Ias‘. Taylm', IIIII-IIIInI. SIIIIIwI'seI'mI :II'IIII' pm- uI'aIm. 'IIIINI'H ILHI R! H \\II\IE.\"S‘ III II 1) Fan] Supper, Tcmn Hall NM. -'I. full I“ M III ulms III-\I wknw ,\ HI‘LH I )H‘ ollmwh. Sunday by «Mimi .lnhil' mvning. Hot. fifty cancllvs on and Supper t0 sharp. Cum"! .1 \Vv will hv in thn market for the wintvr months fur pm'o milk and crmm. ()rdms taken fox choice (lain butter deliwrecl of! the rig; also buttermilk. â€"-Watson 3 Dairy. ROYAL WELSH LADIES’ CHOIR COMING The musical trcat of the \earâ€" Rmal \\ clsh Ladies Choir in Divi- sion St1cct Chu1c11.0\\en Sound, Friclm. Octobm 22. under auspices of Rotan Clubs Crippled Childrens Fund. Tickets 81.50 may be had by writing Rotary Club, Owen Sound. 2 The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following courses: (ll Junior MatriCulatiou. (2W Entrance to Normal School. Each member of the Staff is a U m- versity Graduate and experienced Teacher, L Cub-H IntenHing pupgls should prepare to enter at begmmng of team. Informanon as to Courses may be obtained from the Principal. The School has a creditable record in the past which it hopes to main- tain in the future. Durham is an attractive and healthy town. and good accommoda- tion can be obtamed at reasonable rates. SITUATIONS VACANT BUTTER. MILK. CREAM SERVICE ARTICLES WANTED FOR SALE OR RENT H DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL \\'iH he t'o'lvln'ah‘d 'I‘o'st \Vo-llingtun mrrh. Sundm’. U-t COMING EVENTS 'UI J.. M. ROBB. n. .\.. Plincipal. JOHN MORRISON, Chairman. m-s am”: l’l'lm'ViHo' FOR SALE GOLDEN JUBILEE .II'HIH'II". SERVERS HF wig Baptist. alum-h will I 1 Sunday. (Mohm' '21, at \\'4 N I'IN'S INSI'I‘I "I'F ‘3 . '.’5thâ€"â€"I.i2hti on Hm Birthd tn (‘nmmvncv ,\¢ln)i.~'.~‘inn 5m ’wntim'l; St'lmni Admisswn '25P. ,‘o‘o‘. (Emmi prn- by thn Mount. She-v1 lnitml 1. 2311] 10 hmwl Pstival )lmulay -â€"-Li,uhtin;.' uf Birthday {lake Imwncv at 5.30 1021 Apply at. In 21 21H] 107M Farm Stock and Implements 'l‘lw unclm'sigued auctionow has hm-n instx'm'tml to sull by Public Auvtinn nn tlw prvmisvs of thv Pro- pl'it‘tul' at Lot 54, Con. 2, 3.6.3., 61311919 THURSDAY OCT 28, 1926. the following valuable farm stock and implements: UNITE-k4 cows due1 in Ncwom- her; 2 cows due in December; I cow duo 15th January; 2 cows due lst April; '1 pure bred Pollml Angus hull 2 ye-ars old: 5 stm‘rs l yoar old; 4 lwifm's 1 your old: 3 calvvs. HURSESâ€"Matchml team. mares. 4 and 8 wars old; Horsv 8 wars Old; male 9 war? 01d; tvso clrh mg horses SHEEPâ€"ll woll btjod Loicoster owns; 1 purn brod Leicester ram. PIGSâ€"2 hx-uod sows; 18 young pigs. 1- I n A A A numbm- of hons; gumlnr. AUCTION SALE Farm Stock Implements 111110119 111' 11111 law in this V'i1'i11i1y are 9111111111: 111 1191‘ “1141' HWMW'I'S 11HVV. Last WN'k 11p 111 P1111. l'llgin :1 1'111181111111- funk a 1'1'VV' shuts at a 111111111'g'g1'1' VV'1111 1'1'1'1151111 111 51011 111111 111' arrestvdâ€"and missvd. About 1111' samv 1111111 1111 1:111'11'1-1' 11111. Kililnss VV11V 11ml; :1 1'11VV 9111115 111 :1 man 1'1111111i111: 11111 :1 1-111111' \\111110\\‘ VV|111 1'1-11151111 111 11:111â€"31111 11113141111. '| 1111 111111'1-1's 81‘1'. 1‘V1111‘11UV 11'1111111111 1111m- ko'Villg VV11|1 laVV 111'1-a1kels in this s1'1'111111.11111 11 lunks as if 1111~V 1111'11 a 11' '1'n11'1111m1s 111111111111 111' 13111111. 111"11'- 1.11'1'. F11111-1'111111 111' 1|111V must carrv saVle 1111 shotguns. 1"111111 VVhi1'l1 1111111115 a1'1' 51'11111'1'1'11 mm a “1111‘ 211'1111.â€"â€"1V'1111'111'11111c [11-111‘11'11-1'. Advertise in The Chronicle. It Pays. NOTICE TO FARMERS The Durham U.F.(). Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers are n-quested to give three days” notice. James Lawrence, Manager. Phone 601 r 13 CLERK’S FIRST NOTICE OF POSTING OF VOTERS’ LIST Town of Durham “3'77ch is hem-1.}- gimx that I haw «'un'iplic‘ul with Suction 9 of the Vot- vi's‘ List Act and that. I haw poslml up at. my ull'in- at Durham. on the 9th day of October, 1926. the list Of all porsuns entitled to VOU‘ in the said Municipality fur Momhm's of l’arliamvnt. and at Municipal Elec- tions. and that such list remains ”It‘l’l.‘ for insmwtion. And I [no-ruby call upon all VON-rs tn tako- inmn‘u‘liatr prucom‘lings to have any rrrnrs nr omissions cor- rrctod according to law. the last day for appeal bring the 30th day of October. 1926. Dated this 9th day 01' Got, 19:26. W. B. \‘OLLE'I‘T. 10-14-3 Clerk, Town of Durham. Guelph-Owen Sound Bus Service Time Tablo" Canadian Coach Company NORTHBOIYND Leave A. M. ,‘IUELPH ............. 9.00 FERGUS .............. 9. 45 ARTHU H .............. 10. i5 MOUNT FOREST ...... 11.05 DURHAM ............. 11.45 WILLIAMSFORD X . . . 12.30 CHATSWOR'I‘H . . .‘. . . . 12.50 Arr. at OWEN SOUND 1.15 Leave OWEN SOUND ...... CHATSWORTH ..... WILLIAMSFORD X . DURHAM .......... MOUNT FOREST . . . . ARTHUR ........... FERGUS ............ Arrive at GUELPH . P1 'H prid uh 0 l. MOUNT FOREST ...... 10.10 6.40 ARTHUR ............. 11.00 730 FERGUS .............. 11.30 8.00 Arrive at GUELPH . .1215 8.15 Full single fare 82.50. Fare be- tween towns 50c. Fare between towns marked 1: 25¢. All buses stop hetw een regular stopping points to take on and discharge passengers. Daily including Sundays. Positive- 1y no waiting. This table subject to slight changes after May 31 â€"Waiting Room CITY HALL, OWEN SOUND DALY’S STORE, 0021.“ Calling for passengers at all the principal hotels USING THEIR GUNS NOW SOUTHBOUND ........ ‘ 8.00 ' ....... 8.25 in x 3.45 ......... 930 ......... “30 'LPH . .1215 THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Durham, RR. 1. John O'Neil, I .\lu‘|iHlH'¢‘l' 3 genso; i A. M. P. M. 9.15 H‘- N. 0 {Hallowu'on is tlw delight of vwry child's nxistvnce and. often, the banv of the community‘s un- cwnntfnl lifv. If you haw hwn an- noyed in past yvm-s. by a constant ringing of your door boll, lick-tacks on your windnw panes, why not avoid most of it by having a "ghost party"? This can kw fur chihh'vn 01' for grown-ups, as yuu pleas». and will pruw' grvat fun in vithm‘ casv. The invitations can he print- ml with white. ink «in black (“ands anal thu guvsts rvquestml to come as ghusts in sin-wt and pillow also cos- tunws. If lmssihlv. tho house shuuhl ht' lighted with g‘i'utvsqun pumpkin lantm-ns and a witch H-ilhvr (mu maulv of a lil'HHnl-SlH‘k drvssml in ,hluck skirt, and (mm and mmwcl by a [mlnlml hat, m. a Will [u-i‘mm sh «h'vssml .\\'hn van act. as a guide simulcl ho- stutimiml at the clam. ’ 'Thu chains :1 (‘il'clv and :3 4-31 is lo-ad tn: ‘4'} to spvak. ".th ml tlw list. rm“ tn HIP wwntrv n.' “all: Hum. m!- and “.1358; 91' on: his :tzici- ‘33:.» lim'i- y‘wr'vn.‘ «In.- 3 p117.» 0" :1 New ('{il’cis is :l\\:H'.im Novel Coach .\ Himlm'o-Ha man-h make-(a uniqun cv-ntm'pim'c- and is not. ham] 10 makv. 'I‘hv tahlm'luth aml napkins slmulcl hu. nf palwr mu! thv (mach. a. pump kin lmlhmwl «mt, with a thm!’ (' ". in nithm' sicln tn s'nuw tlu- dv l If you want. «ll'o-ssivr sandwichns fur your Halluwv'vn party than tlmsu sllggostv-cl ahuw try {how-1 Sandwich lu‘vad. - Chomwd ripn olives mixml with salml «ll-055m”. m-amm marmaladn. Cut. bread lungtlnvts'e‘e and lmttvr: mukn altm'natn layc‘x's of tho nliws and the nmrmaladv: [wuss tugctl‘wx'. in: Hum us” gnusl. : {his} e-r c-m'h gL. IM' “32.» \‘Vl'ifHS gmt'flb.‘ «inn-z ”tin A w M a dewk of fvrl i.~' ;|\\'m'.'lml Hm w w tlw Ham“, “fl"il Hu- PH” ”1' :n slrinu By MARJORIE ADAMS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Gama Suggestions lbs :uw arrange-J in a :5 0m"! Quest :nl‘ivvs Ilu « "31' u d mullimu-cl nut .\ In- .1 a I lmw hm-n snat- I. W ‘ at is how-1mm” in- u H. Um rim: 3' ul tnlci to t. v.2” ghust. 9.. :‘w n! J'l‘ 'l' rue-h gL. I" n..ls:'~ tn Jf I'FX'UHNI. lm wnz'w "3"“ g: string \‘l Sign“. is \‘lm'I: has Au- imus‘n nt, Ia|'¢‘tlk~ {I l'll mm of NV“. and lung: 2. A litlln ('m'nstarvh m' a fmv grains of ricv put in the salt shaker will m'ex'mt tho salt from ln-mming damufland sticky ? When ready to surw, slice in Um usual manner. i. Raisins addml tn mufl'ins. mm broad. hisvuits. ricv pudding. ln'vad pudding. vm'nslarvh pudding. tap- iO '20. fouddiug. applv. rhubarb, clwrry or cranlu-m-y pin. rakes or vandie-s will giw a tlvliPiHlls IH‘W “mm to ail your 13-quan «lislu‘s 2’ 3. Th9 nutritive value at [walnut butter 15 90.8 [101‘ (mm. whirl: is hlghvr than mostfumls 1' British labour t‘fllllllllflllS haw been far reaching in. tlII-iI' I-t'z‘eI-t. The coal strike in IaI'tiI'uIar has resulted in a sumvw mt. Slal‘kt‘l' d"- mand for 0111' “\‘t‘ stIII‘k and its products. Still. the salI-s t'III' tlII~ voar up to HIP IIIIt IIt Agu .Ist haw llt'ell gI'I vatvr tIII all €\°t I‘lll hm." than for ”I“ ('IIIHIINmeIting [II'IiUIl IIl ltlzfn 'lllt' tigmvs uiwu .Iy thI~ mIIIIthh H'\i1'\\ IIf thv IIIIIIIiIIfIIII l iw StIII k H'IIIIII h at“: t‘alll", 539.- 1:3.» (‘llnlllillt‘tl with ’SHIJW‘I: t'tllVIIs‘ 228.727 compared with L’tllfiitl aIIIl Sllt't'p 132.05?» (“lnlpal't'tl with 119.- 028. Hugs shuw a tlt‘t'llllt‘ t'I'IIIII 876.716,! lII tit-illflfli. l’l'lt'I'S llilVI' lwvn well SllSlleHt'Il :IIIIl lII-il'ers. I'Ist. slackers and l'I'IIIlI‘I'S. (‘ath‘S :HIIl shI-I-II shuw :III llllpl‘HVellli‘lll. ”HS.“ 311- :I t‘tllllllt' Iol' IIHHHI'S IIII I°III‘II.II;'II'I-Il with 1922. hut :I littlI- IlIIwII NS I'IIIIIâ€" [IaI'I'Il with last. yuar‘s quumtinm. lixIIIII'ts in ’Il‘lltlltl this war ('nnlgltll'wl \\‘llll ”HIS“ Hi My! 3.“..- llHVe lN‘I'llZ I'tIllln 39.333 t‘llnlitillw'tl Those! who Immu-nml in listvly m cm MPal'm'cls‘ ln'nadraslnu.‘ smhnn on 'I‘lmrsalzly might haw. lwen__surâ€" IIIIN'II III III III' III“ IIIIIIII- III I'I‘I-IIS- \\'aII‘l' man IIII‘IIIII’III'II :1» IN'HIIIL' IIIII 31d [III/.0 \\'IIIIII'I' in “II“ fishing (‘0!!- Iest III MI-aIIIIII this SllmnII‘I. \\'. trauma“. \\III) IIIiIs I” II 'II as \\III as must. III’ us. III-III SI'IIIIIII IIIIII I1 III'aIIV all sIImIIIIv IIIIII \VIIs HIIIV I'Cl'I‘IIIIV III-aII'II IIII sI-IIIIIII IIIIHI‘ IIV :1 NJ IIRIIII‘I iIII- .~‘ anglI-r lIV IIII~ II: IIIII- of Rat». \VIIII IalHI' l" a '8 III.. 8 II' OUR EXPORTS OP LIVE STOCK DO YOU KNOW THAT: FISHERMAN’S LUCK lama! Borrow divâ€"May I call 2' Slaw-l am sm-ry. I‘m married. It‘s all right, I'm marl-mi and just as sorry. It Will Pay You to Advertise £1 The Chronicle. lake tram. [waxing Fromman fly 2 or. Tho svcnnd prlzv Is a pair .0! “not lvlankvls and Hw third jot-1m is a sum baud! fuunun'n IH-n. H'ere’l ('nngxatulatmus tn \\. .l. anyway.â€"- 'l‘eoswntvr Nc-ws. . ‘6 “I'll telephone her every second night around nine o'clock, or if I happen to be on the train, I’ll call around breakfast time; she's sure to be at home then.” Two salesmen met in a small hotel. Said one: “Do you know Jim, although I have been on the road over {our years, I never thought of teie phoning home ’til todayâ€"was always content to ‘drop a line' every couple of days. From now on it's going to be differs ent! My wife was so glad to hear my voicoâ€":<aid it “'le brighten her whoie day. I made my first call home to-day . . . ” Every day many travelling salesmen are using Long Disc twee to keep in touch with the folks at home. At slight ex- pense they enjoy a few min- utes intlmnte talk that mean: so much. PAGE 7. f3”

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