Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Oct 1926, p. 6

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Mr. and Mrs. Harry Icy alto-mind so'l'x‘im: churc'h cm Sunday m "w HPmkrmn famé l)‘ PAGE 6. Miss Lizzir Humiwsnn Wat and Tom St'all's \I visitm's ul Hh- hnme Hf l Allan-w Hnstio'. Mr. and Mrs. Imus Ka chiMH-n with Mr. anr Mr. and .VI childm-u wit u! Sullivan) Mr. and Mrs Kaufman" f Mr. and Mrs. lhulgalol MCDIInaM vIsItonl with tho- Ynz'mvr's sistpr, Ir“. Wm. LanmIIt last Friday. Mrs. Lamnnt- 0'01“" sun HHW'M mvt “uh :I \o-I'\ paIIIfIIl arriolwnt when ho “as 1m km! on “w know In a how». - hf ll \I hat [I \l it“ \l I“ \I \l .\| (Our Own Correspondent I \I \l .\| the lm \l ~60??me \I Crawford HI H \‘olsito I Sundm wit] \rthio- flash» and th am”). \l _\l \l \lo'xanvlo 'k o-Ild \ \I \\ \n )rw \\ y Shn'vns. 0}.st- ‘o: m_ the loyal mo] VHHCd With n and “9831‘ wvro- Sunda Mr. and 3h 00d \l uf Hmwmul ll maxim 'innipe‘ Fort William Victoria 100 Abroad \\ I LAWN!!!“ U Hm H MISS ISABEL MACDONALD The daughter of Ramsay MacDon- ald. van-Prime Minister of Great 1::j"zin, is. oxpvctpd to stand for (Iv-Minn in the Labor interests st tiw next general election. \\ 'O“O'-O-°O-OO«O"O~O"00-0000'0-000000-0-000000-0000‘ humo- HI' Our Own Correspondent nnmthlx' mo'va: ul' St. John's. 33d. San Juan Snnto Domingo Min-Prince Rev York \\ Ill .‘h'l Allan Park \\ \\ \\ H Legte‘l' firs-m) n Ilullspnsml Mulock .\| H \l ll H I) inm- was When.“ at I )nnnelly nwmlwrs pAnis' as HM for s' mu iu)‘ mOfiO-Ov- Ono-mm 16 .\I Durham. «‘1' Illany m 1h 1m “irks. 1;”: \1 III“ In: Mi the ll nlll .\| ll ”Vt. wait-{câ€"ih‘hs. Ham Redfmd Mr. and Mrs. Bumn \ww \isitms “ith MI. and MIS. \\' ill A,dlam $undg_\'._ lm, Mr. Aaroh Jacklin, Chet-319?, Mi; Saw 9113' and son John, of H0 land Camel. W» are plPasm! to know Miss E'tsie Buyer had a successful operation for appendicitis thday of this work and wv hopo' hvl’ hPalth will be improved. __ vrv -___., _ , Mr. and-Mrs. I. Walkma Miss Nara and Mastm- Douala] spvnt, Sun- «lax “ith .\II. and Mrs. .lamvs “'alkwr C1 aw fm d. Mrs. Dunn. suns Harry and (himlnn zurmmlmniod by Mrs. McDonald Of Ahmwlevn mc‘sturo‘d tn Toronto Thurs- day and will rvmain owr the 's'vek and. Mr. and Mrs. .Iamc-s Tucker Spent. Sunday WI“! Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 'l'uny. The minimal, approach to Elijah's iInmLfig chm-int that. many \Valkhr- tunimis will vvm' see was on ex- hibitinu hvrv vn Mnuday afh-rnumi whvn Mr. Um-m‘ Hahn. hUiPlâ€"kflt’pt'l‘ 02' Durham. canw i_n'¢w7.illgx(lO\\‘n tlw main stl‘m-i “01‘“ with the hack mm 01' ?:i~' ('rli' mi ”1'“. Si-lising a smell nl' .‘th'uiillg hkin in :I gluv factor) hmmfnq dmvn and swing [N‘Ujlhf mixing i‘i'anlii-aliy at him liki- they wants-cl him S» stun tho- smull. hr pullml up his big Buick swim! 1n frunt m’ Mctlzn'lno‘y's mm! mom and Hi! go-Hing nut in inn-stigah' {mind that. hr hziol iw-n‘ :ilnmsi siliing likv Satan cm s: Hm hm'ning c-mhmw. If lhw IN! o'Vwi' shout fur SHIIH‘HHH'.’ tn ('c’Nti Uri? [Iill't‘hi‘tl innguvr. villi :im' lllmv zvst than me' ruliml wanton! him 3» St: pullml up his big from m’ Mcclarlnv)‘ Ull {:0 that. liko : H [In m (‘i any lllm'v zvst. t'm- watt-r nlt that that tln-y may 21-1 that's ail. le \\ l‘llsltml :tlmtlt Wit llw clay shuttlcl \\‘u THE FLAMING CHARIOT THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Imut ' shut \\ hilc' Said It. Very Nicely \Vll ll Ill 'zmun. m} In [u'nmpl svrv'u AM. Mmlarln pail and saw 1" {WW {1' iiiaint “WW-2' wards v t'l})lN‘I‘r~‘. H,“ nu Sn ”1“th: \pullv g It‘s \‘ 'Ni maintPna 1r (' ‘31] HI i“ “HP in \\ 0 tl‘J-‘t I '“nn In! Ill IIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII'IIIUIIIIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIIIII'I” """" "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"""""'"WW/4% \ \ \II 2'1””IIIImIIIIIIIIIW‘IILIIIIIIIIMIIIII IHIWn IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII‘IIII'IIIIIIIIIIIIII IHIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ’IIIIIIII ‘IIIIII IIIII\\ II'III III III No, they are not all twins! Two and only two are id: you are asked to find. Can vou? To be sure, the l! but look closer. How about then hats? There are Read the clues. Only two girls are exact duplicates. At first glance all of the pictures look alike. But upon examination you will see that almost every one differs in some way from all the others. In some the diflerence may be in the light or dark band on the brim ot the hat or in the brimming on the hat or the collar. Or, some may wear necklaces, or ear-rings. or both. Only two are exactly alike. No, it's not as easy as it looks. You must search carefully. sure that you have the twins, then send in your answer. She- Just look closelyâ€"make 0 win a big prize. Make that “somebody” he body who finds the right twins is going t YOU. greatest array of Cash Prizes that has ever been offered in n Mill end 1e Contest. That’s what it is, folksâ€"and. you .can be a winner. The prise. failgfirgunnsz to 850 and from $50 to $2.000. All prizes will be awarded in time to reach the winners by Christmas Day. it! You can win as much as 82,000. Yes, sir. 35.000 in cash prizes my be won gitrhlisoifnteresting puzzle contest. and will be awarded promptly after December 11th. There will be 50 winners and the First Prize. the golden opportunity, $2.000 IN CASH. Won't that be a wonderful Christmas Gift? In the event of ties for any prize. duplicate prizes will be swat-Lied. _ - â€" on o ADA Q - D ‘_ I. -l - o I addm. and mail It to tne 1' UL“: .114 WL tum L'ru Luz Aral 1' r118. Puzzle Mgr” Room 207, THIS MAIL AND EMPIRE, Toronm, Canada LON ppints wins First Prize. We mu sure you you ponnu 1 mediatcly upon receipt of your comet answer, we will send 3-3:; 1223‘“: (1‘3"? 1.- huilding contest. in which. if successful, you earn tho final 50 poinu’ fl . I to Vi...“ 02,000.00 First Prize or one of the 49 other Cash Prizes. . I) r1 GREY CHILDREN'S AID AIDS 227 CHILDREN IN THE PAST YEAR Forty Are Admitted to Children’s Shelterâ€"A Very Valuable work. The Grey Children‘s Aid Society continues to carry on a most val- uable work among children throughout the county. A total of 227 children received attention from the society during the year and over 40 children were. admitted to the Children's Shelter. Many of them are from tm'en Sound and about one half of these have been in the Shelter all year. Twelve were. placed in foster homes. 12 were re- turned to parents. live were sent to Industrial schools, fifteen were made wards of the society. Five wards were returned to the Shelter. Seventeen children are in residence .at the present time. The total liiiimher of shelter days. “33. , The rest (if upemting the Grey itlhildi-rii's Aid Society each year is: :just. :dwut $3.500. which includes: Mimi]. t'hithlllg’. Shues. drugs, l'llt'l. iiluiti. Silitlt'lesflllti\\'1l;_"e.~‘. shelter filll’illfiillllL". traiyelliiig and investi- '.‘-1':llin:: t‘Xl"‘llSt'S. Th" ”“9“. Sound ‘dncteh tretxt. :ill t‘tlt‘ wards tree of" ,charge. (it the alwye sum the g .â€" ;\'t'l'lllil|'lli 1m) the PHH‘HSO‘.‘ «it Visit- Illl‘.’ the children lll their foster 1homes. The county cmmcil make a grunt ul' $7itizi.t\ti. which was increas- ;ed in June. 'ltlL’t'» to $1,000. and hay h. Iiitiiiiteimiice charge hir their 1\\':ird.~' while in the Shelter. The .tI\\'l‘ii Sniiild tlity tleiiiicil make a '\t'iH°i.\' ,L'i‘ilili Hf >3tNLH“ “I‘ll Ila-V it maintenance charge fur city \yzirds nunintonanco chargn for city wax-41s \Vhilv in HM- Sht‘lh'l'. ~ Th4-» total sum l’44(‘44i\'e4l from H4445“ sfnurcvs ammmts tn $35.1‘MJ’N), Ivav- 4444.: :4 144414144044 441' $2. '00.!!! I4) I444 4°01- lm't4‘4l Humwhuut thv cih and ”441an 4.144444 (Dunn Suci4h ale l44nkm4 In ”444 timv \xlwn thc- cih and 444mm l‘muwils \\ill m4444L thv luniilzu.’ In .mu lum- \uu-u uu- cu; and tlmmly Councils will mew-t. thu vntirv c-xpmdituru by taxation: as is now being dam in many cuuntivs in Hm prmsinma l'ntil that time mum's tin-y nulsl. trust. In thv wu- t‘msih‘ Hf vitizvns tn mé'et lhc' WWI. Read the. Classified Ads. d the Twins. Write the numbers in the coupon below, an in your nuns and and mail it to the Puzzle Manager. Get started tor the Big Fir-t pd“. First Prize $2,000.00 MAXIM CM AWARD Johnny is Wise uhnn) I!» IH' First Prize. We will give you 952 point} for findiglg_thc Tyins. l!- ll‘it \V 1 Ill III-CLUBS...- YOUR ANSWER TO-DAY \\ ah'lm r '- mm H ‘ I“ mun mmmmmHHllltIllMltl:H///////// unnun-WWmm _. k\\\\\\ lninm on Page 2 \VUI ll ll :4 his \Vllat. \un Puzzle Manager. Room 207 THE MAIL EMPIRE. Toronto. cm Numbers ........ end ........ are the twins that I have found. If these are correct please give me the 950 point: god tell me ho! _to gain the mm 50 point- to Pwom“00000000000 Street or R.F'.D. No............. TWIN PUZZLE COUPON are identical, and are the twins the 18 plum-e331] look alilnc; STAN DAKD BAN K BANKING DURHAM BRANCH 'l' PAYS l0 markvl vaHvaHh Hm I prupm- (liq-"1'00 of finish. .\ quuldl} lu'mhu't always mmmam..~ :-, )vl'uâ€" mum: and is readily salmhlv at. :1 wulitnhlu lol'im'. If you haw stm-k u‘im-h nmuls {l liHIc' lum'c Hm :m- which new finishing, 500 “It“ I'lt'al ! Jan! 1.3111; It arrange; 3 km until a fawn 3F CANADA {ANCH«,\N. A. Johnson, . Sub-Branch at Prficcvine ‘. gé a luau a favurubl nitublu sale. THE and NW l't' al managvr , a smwlv nmuvr . to carry tlw Aw «.2 market. \xarraul H an ' I “6 \â€" "(Yum and l' uu'v Nb! “‘5 umhtun Strm hat“, (”ht'i‘. d pm. le‘xcogot l. L. SUITE. I. 8., I “(Yum and l't'SldPll(‘¢ Cfllfllh‘s.‘ and Lammmn : we HM I'm-t UNIV». 4 0'0 N am.. 1.30 tn i p1 (Sundays vxmmtmi . I’IIXSH‘ LIflllHuH au- l'nu tom-d an 2 In {a l excop'm! C. G. AND BESSIE M( .nl CASH WITH (HUD! of four. 'l‘vlopimm Saturday mum nf \ :5 cents. (m an w ill kw madv (‘8 LN. .‘\4c’dl(dl .’)U:'( ”RS. MIlBSON J DR. Thursday, October M fl £22 NHH Adwrhsvuu tram (Inn rich? ‘ liculn' Mi. 4 Ln mm (ram: 21 IIDDLEBRO AN! “'0 ”(1‘ Iiddlel Owen S Burris! 1'. GRANT. D. D Classifi DR. A. M. BE ml ream 01' ”w )5"! LUCAS 8: ll! El night of we: (m an char Clu PICKS! Imm‘s t Sund "ll Ham AVPY‘ 3.‘ mi (0

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