Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Oct 1926, p. 1

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5, Rubber “wear H INTS _\ '1‘;ber 21, ’m itable on omobiles . «cum-comm 0n 0- O-O’fi- 0"“..0m 0‘ o--O~O«O--O-W ”WM AM .\l1 "H “worse \\'vsfey ’l 001' W. P. PATERSDN DEAD, PASSED AWAY MONDAY )Hs? 0f Town’s Old68t Residents Suc- .:~ .mbed to Beat: Failure in Dur- ham Hospital.â€"Was Resident of Town Over Seventy Years. ll H H Dougald Ferguson Passed Away in Local Institution Following Long Illness From Stomach Trouble. DIED SATURDAY IN DURHAM HOSPITAL NW [N VOL, 59.â€"-NO. 3097. H h I! _\ m-llâ€"known resident of the town vtilhml his last about 6 o’clock on .m!:l\' muming when Mr. William to-i- ’ah-i-snn passad awa in the wham “Ml Cross Hospita. follow- : :n: illnms 0t owr threw? months mi hum-t trouble and complica- .7». ”H was in his 75th year, and . m but .lnuw was most active for a «r: . 1' his age. It was this activity .2 lazuyauugv of spirit. possibly. that Ull'l'lll. nn his illness. he having wr-rxvrteol himsvll’ Parlim‘ in tlw Mn: whilu cm a Visit with i'vla- w“ :i: Kingsvillv, who-1'0, he had .m lllo' Willlo'l'. Al'tm' i-vtm‘ning t0 ii'hzun lw was takvn ill. and from .~ Iii'sl. slmwmt little impruvvmvnt. .\lr. l’alwrsnu was lmrn in Elm-a in -;m-h.lw:-. l852. amt wzm tlw son of w inh- Huh-r Patna-inn. for many '.Il'~' hlwnlil’iml with llw manufac- l"ll*." lil'o- ul' llH' lnwn. ('Ullllllt’llll}: w l’alvi'snn .‘lills‘. amung lho' lwst- mwn ul‘ mu- lm'al instilutimm. The ill~ rnzi~‘.~'lml nl' \‘.‘HHlt'll, grist amt v. milk anol \wi'a- situalml 011 Mm This crayon sketch of Viscount Willingdon, the new 6079111090011- eral. was made by Knthloen Shackleton. wen-known Cnnndun mm. on board the 8.8. Emma-I 0‘ Scotland, upon which the vice-r0831 puty cnmo to Canndn. IV .\l I] mil ¢§.|ll ”I :III IHIII‘SS III' I|\'_'I‘l a Year ”um i: IIIIIIIIIe, MI'. DuIIgIIIIl For- M I :“IIIIIIIIII pushed awn in IIIIIIIIII III-II III-uss MI'mOIIal II IIIsI. SaIIII-IIIII I'H'IIIIIQ‘ and III:IIII~' \th IIIII-III'II in the IIII-II I} III PIII'MIIII' I)" 'luvs- II-IIIImII. Mr. I‘II’L'IISIIII IIIIII IIIIIII'III. in NW local IIIISIIHIII . I:{|.~II. six WIN-ks. III-I'I-IIw-II. \I‘IIII was 59 yI'al'S of III IIIIIII-I-gIIIIe an IIIIPI'aIinII in mm” III-nun] HHSIIIIIII almut :I‘..'II I'uI' llII'I‘l' of “II‘ stomm'h, IIII‘J.“ III‘ sm'mI'II IHIIHIWI‘I' I'III‘ III- III‘VI‘I I'IH'IIiIII'II his usual H“ was IIIIIIIIII I II-Il aIIII “\I‘Il II‘ IIIHHII‘I' IIII “UP” A on the IIII'I"'."IIIII III’ IZL'I'IImIIIII III 31‘ I’III'MI. llI- IV'IIIIIIIII'h “\OIl on .I ILIIIII-o-ssinn. IIHIII\\{II'IIS in II. IIIIII. IN‘IIH'I' IIIIIVIIIg In his III". I'vsiIII-II I’III' a IImI- III Mt. 'atvi'so'vn was two yvaPs Hf an". hu family l‘l’imwl llt‘l'i‘ frum mot. with ttw vxm-ptimi of win )‘vars. .‘tH'Ht. in lwtiroit. and W'lltlttt'S nt' I‘ZSSPX anal Ki'nt, ntv lit'o- has hPen SIH'ntw in and Durham. For a tinw tho" it“- \\:i_~ o-mptm‘mt as t'it'l'k with - Nc'i'msln Mellltyl'o'. hut. tan-P '. business t'nl' himsvlt’. m'i'n- ttn- vnrm-x' who-w ttw .l. J. building now stanch. With nml'x‘lwl In Miss \Im :liml six wars ax“ vlnmh-o-n. Ho' Ivaws tn ~~' Hm- hmthnr, Jame u and fmn' sistm-s, .\i u and Mrs. .\. MI’IJN' Continued on page 2) ~' and \wrc- situatml on tho River just. south of Tim ‘nn'ire. 'l’lu- prnsvnt mill s ”In McKo-chniv Mill was nz‘ll grist. mill, Hm 0”er drown! by “w sunn- yvm’s his nmthm'. lu- anum'lllnr .luhu THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 'l‘hnmas Watsnn and - Mchmnun. all of III liu‘rvmnnt but. the m at. .Pl‘it'O'ViHP. this building; in 1900 “0 up lmsmvss and I'Hl‘ml. t-omnt)‘. tho «low tn Mus Maw 1mm. and two Watsnn and h'l's, .‘ll'h‘. )lt-lau'hlzm 4 Mm'c'Ha an“. Thero' 4 In mulll‘ll Imus. in a \‘I With in 1mm 1'3‘ 'XVH Few-gu- 0" d."- MAY COLLINSON THIRD IN MACPHAIL CONTEST 'l'hv :umnul (in-y timmt)‘ urn- tm'i'al mnh'st in the Miss Mur- phail mnun-titinn was lwlcl in Hm Flushm‘tnn Hiuin Srluml last. Sutur- 4lay. and tho' illtCl'I‘n‘t tukvn in this annual uwnt was uh-nmnstratml by Hm largo" audivnm' in altvndzuu-v. thv muliloninm nf Hm sciuml being till- ml to capm in tn hear the contest- ants. Pupil of No. 9 Section, Glenelg. Beaten by Only Narrow Margin in Oratorical Contest Held at Flesh- erton last Saturday. Esther Rid- dell of No. 13, Bentinck, Came Fifth. Holland Township Pupil Isobel McMullen, Came First. With four out. of Hip tiw \x'imini's girls, it must I)“ said with truth that Saturday was hulivs‘ «lay in Fleshm‘tnn. amt sum» wnmrkahly ghoul :uhh'vssvs \‘wl'o- giw'n hy Um vuntvstants. nnly a tow pnints svp- a'ating Miss ~\h-Multen. ttn- wimmi' nt’ thv th'st pi'izw and Miss Rit'tlt‘”, whim-r 0f tit'th plau'v. 'J‘hn whim-r. instvail ut‘ zit-i'vplim: ttw trip tn Httawa gaw llt‘l' pi'vt‘t‘rr- mm" in t'an- nt' :1 gnht wrist watch. 'l'hv nthm' winnm's Ill thu ”Mow nf thvir standing \wrv: Miss Jean McKo'nziv. S. S. It). hippo": suliil 'l'ho- juolgvs \vm'w Dr. H. .l. Rim-nu- sun, Prnfossnr Hf English at ”In (LA. «2., (mvlph. and Mrs. Sh-vensun. and «1. A. Lamnnt of ()rangwillv. agri- cultural ro-prvsvututiw of lnm‘urin thmnty. Tho movting was lul‘vsidpd nvm' by Mr. T. Stowart Comwr. Hm \,. ‘ Ml mmlnl: tlllo'stvl' Ryan. 5.3. NH. 13, I’mhm. silwl' medal with gnlcl trim- ming: and Miss I-Lsthwr HinMvH. daughter M Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Richh'll. S. S. X. 13. Buntinck. gnhl- trimmed SilVPl' mmlal. Hf thn Hw- winnvrs Miss Richlvl! was Hm unly mw who slmkv on "l~‘m’lm'al (hmlx'uâ€" mum." _ . -, ~ - rem-o-segntutiw t'm' (hwy (Ioiinly. The meeting was opened with com- munity singing led by Dr. Murray of Flo-sherton. \x'hiic» i-Shvr numbers ronsisting.r of a piano solo by Miss New itrhin of Markdalo, and a <Hiu by Miss Stewart of Ceylon were AIS“ well received. The young orators did We” and were the recipients of congratulat- iions from the judges. who hail run- siolo-rahle difl'irulty in awarding the prize. so elosely were they matched. While the western end of tho riding was not fortunate enough to so-rnre first prize in the contest, it. is high- ly gratifying that. they carried off the third and firth honors. and that. in either case the contestants were not far behind the. winner. AIMEE SEMPLE McPHERSON More than usual Canadian interest attaches to the preliminary hearing of the charges against this noted evangelist at Los Angeles, from the fact that she is a Canadian by birth, having been born and grown up near Ingersoll, Ontario. She is remembered as a remarkably hand- some girl with wonderful red hair and a peach-bloom complexion. Miss Elsie Boyce. uauguu-r m 311‘. um! Mrs. Edward Boyce. Bentmck. was admittrd to Durham hospital and on Tuesday upcjerwent an operaâ€" tion for appendicntts. The patient is progressing favorably. Elsié Boyce. daughtor of Mr. 5. Edward 1303139, Hgntinck. awa gaw 110‘1' pwfor- >t' a gum wrist watch. llh'l's In Hw ul'olo'l‘ 0f : \wn': Miss Jean 21S lmlio-s‘clay ill sump rmnarkahly DURHAM, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1926. DORNOCH CHURCH HAD BIG CROWD AT ANNIVERSARY Last Sunday and Monday Were Big Days With Latona Presbyter- ians, When Annual Anniversary Services Were Held. Rev. McKay Of Walkerton Was Special Preach- er At Sunday Services. 'l‘lw service's on Sunday last. the UH: inst, 011 tlw occasion of the «sum aIIIIiw-I-sary of Latonu Pros- lntmian clIIIIclI at DOI'IIoclI. were tuklrn In thv Row. R. G \IIfKav, \I A. nl'\\alke~1tnn. 21ml lam-n {engroâ€" gatinns ilSSanlblPll lmth morning: and l‘\l'llil);..' tn IMPII tn vz'unvst. and 01- lvquI-nt IHSPOUISlS. It is nmullvss tn sm that thew “I‘ll' amnvciatmi t0 llu- lull in tlm cough-gatiun. \xlIiclI 4m 3 sumwl \len m to'stify Hm IN.“ IIIIaIiIIII aiIII I'IIiIIIIILshiII which IIxists. IIIII\\IIIIII IIIII. I’IIIIIIIsIaIIIs anII H0~i III: III IlaIIIIIIiIIs in “In community IIII. ImiIIIII HIIII. DI'. .IIImiIIsIIII 01' bur- ham to act as chairman for tIIIII I‘\I'IIIII.'..', IIIIII IIIII IIIIIIiIIIIIIII sIIOWIIIl IIIII iII ilIz‘I'lIiV {II'IIIIII‘SI‘ IIIII'II in IIIII 81'- II'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII with gIIIIaI EIIIIIIZIUSI‘. HII IIIIIIIIIIIiIII: IIIII IIIIaiIIIIIIIIIsIIiII, IIII. IImIiIIsIIII iIIIIIIII II III“ IIIiIII‘ IIIIâ€" iIIIIIIIs III II IIemiIIiscIIIIt IIIIIIIIIII. IIIII. iIIIiII'II’III II IIIIII it. would nut. IIII III. 21“ III ;.IIIIIII IIHIII III II mI'IIIilIg 01' this KIIIII “I“ IIII IIII III szi) :IIHIIIIIII; OI II IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII. llII. IIIIIIII aIuIaIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIII I'IIiIIIIIII\ SlIilIt \\iIII‘ II IIxisIIIII in IIIII IIIImmIIIIih IIIIII IIIII'IIIIIIIIII III the natural IIIII’IIItiIIs III' III-IIy IZIIIIIII)’. “1‘ said this was IIII IISHI‘I III IIIIIIIIIIII SI'I‘III‘I'}' that IIIiglII IIII IIIIIIIIIII III IIII\IIIIIIIIIII iI‘ IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIists \xIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIgIIII III sIIIIIIII IIIIIiII IIIIIiIIaxs in this part III IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII skIIIIIIIIIII IIIIiIIII\ IIIe IIIIssiIIiIih III III\IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIII- isI IIIIIIIII in ”use IIIIIIIs.'1IIII. IIIIIiII- mau IIISI) maIIII a IIIIIII IIII' I'IIIIIIst (Irm- IJIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII [IIIIIII .'I SPECIAL SERVICES HELD LAST§WEEK HUNTERS LEAVE EARLY NEXT MONTH Neighborhood Pursuers of the Stag Held Meeting Last Week and Go to Parry Sound District Again This Year. 'Hu-rn was {1 Milan and I-IIIIIIIsiIIsâ€" fit‘ I'III'I'tiIIg IIt' ”w “'0” IiiHII' HlIlIt IZIIItI IIt. Hulstvin last. Saturday t‘\'t‘ll- mg. and it was IIII: IIIinIIIIIslv III I him! that th t‘ IhIh hunt a at” this \Im- in the VHF“ SIIIIIIIt lhstIiI t. ltWU' LI II'giI ,\\hI-I t‘ ”It‘) h8\t'tlt'1tlll|t IIIIIt till ”I“ tttltlf‘tiliS llt'tflt'SSal\ tII make HII'il hm It: 43'» in thv nmth Inmlm [- ilhlv. This )‘I‘ill' I‘II‘VI‘II III' IIII‘ IIIIIIII'I'S haw sigIIIIII-II IIII‘II iIIII-IIIIIIII III' ,IIIIIIIIII: IIII‘ IIIIItx, IIIIIl \\ iII II‘i'MI' IIII IIII- ’IIII III .\II\I nIIII~I' IIII' IIII- IIIiIiIiIII: f_':I.IlIllIl 'I‘IIIIy ill'I‘ MI'ssrs. III-III'II'I- I I IIIIIII. .\I. HIIIIIIer. .IIIIIIes' III'iII IIIIII .IIIIIII .“I'MIII'IIH III' HIIISII'III. \V. IJIII- III‘I' IIIIII “I‘HI'III' MI'MI‘I‘kIII III' hur- IIIIm. S. IDIIIII'I‘I'. .~\. I". HamilIIIn and I). IIIIIII. III' I’fllnlI‘l'h‘IHII. I). DIIII ‘Illl IIIIII IIIIIII'34III1IIIIIIs III' IIIIIIII. 'I'IIII I'IIIII. I'IIIIIIIIISI'II III' IIII‘IIIIN'I'S I'IIIm this va-IIIIII III (IIIIIIIiII. Inn's III IIII‘II’ IIIIIIIII-III I'IuIIII PENII \'-II ' IIIIII II‘IIII'II} IIIIIIIIIs “I“! iIs‘ IIIlI QIIIIIa III' III"I‘I'. \\ II \\ islI IIII‘lll sIII cuss IIIIII II llII‘I‘I')‘ II-iII IIIis “mo. and \VIIIIIIIII'I. I'I-I-I IIIII IIIIIII\ IIISHIII‘II iI‘ SUDII‘ nll‘lllâ€" IIII inIIIIeII II IIIIIII .eI' III \I‘IIISIIII iIIIII IIIII' IIIIIIIII- “III II \\II \\I-II- IIIII IIIIIk- IIIK. Rev. John Coburn Field Secretary of the United Church of Canada, the Special Preacher. Good Attend- ance Reported At All Meetings. lix'vr)’ al'lt-rnoon at. :5 n'i'lurk a nun-ling: for llililv study and mayor was coilurtvd in. an-vn Stroot. tiliurrli. 'l'\\'0 of those Wo‘t'v dM'ol- Pd to tho individual lil'o of llm memhorsliip Hf “in Christian Church lwo worl- deotm’i l0 Llw mmsidvra- lion of tho duty of tho rhurrh to thoso not. alroady momlwrs, and tlwir local application. and tho “tin-rs in a consideration of tho. Sporial oquipmont of tho Holy Spirit as an essontial tn succoss in Christ- ian work. On Wednesday afternoon at 4.15 thero was a spacial illus- trated address for ”teen ago boys on the subject. “A Clean Mind in a Clean Body.” The evening meetings were held in Knox Churchnon Monday even- ing'the subject treated was “The (Continued on page 5) SALEM FOWL SUPPER WAS WELL ATTENDED tlw :umix 15' mm“: ('lmn'}: \ Mummy I H' H" H." nit'SS'lgn's rhzn'gw u addwl m rungx'vu'zl United Church South of Pricevillc Held Anniversary Servmes Las‘ Sunday and Social Evening 0:; n::,‘ ‘a},‘ prnx'éclw? nhmulunlLV-«u fuwl sumwl' "gums“. wmsin and gzlmlvl‘." with all the HHH'I' oio'lit'uvivs that. Punuwl HM ordinary man tn vast asidu dull mum and "smilw. smilv. smile". 'l‘hvrv is a rval .lifl'm'vm-u In a man‘s smile a rval ilifl'i-rvnru in a man‘s smile wiwn his siumzirh is rumfurtaiil) \u-ll lialzmrwl with a variriy that. be (1003 not mijny on ordinary clays. Sharp «m tinn- thv prng'am rum- mrncrd with a svivrtinn by Hui Sui» rm rhnir. 'l‘hc-n fullnwo-cl svwral musirnl sc-iertinne by thr I‘miiglas Quartrliu :iiul iiw Hzm' Urrhvsirn. \\'lli(‘ii \wrw. wuilmsiustirally 0n- rurwi :mc'i i'«-.-‘;mlidml in. Thuri- \Vrri- also ro-riifllinns by Earl Mrlu-am. Hichzmlsun. Hm; W. H. Smith of Durham lal‘nug‘ht. gruntings frum (Sm-y l’ro-shytery and mngratulatwl ministo-r :mal pmmln un Hu-ir «wi- clvnt ln-nslwritx'. Tho-n he gaw mu- ni‘ his usual “1' unumal {NMI‘USS'PS 011 ”\\'hiv!:" e-mplmsizing the! “Murrum- ily. fi‘ll‘ézsill't‘ and duly n'f making ('lmivns :moi fighting up Hu- \‘tll'HHlS [mints with “mum-nus stnrivs. Pu'Y. S. H. )h-waum'k Hm minim-r mm! as rhuirmzm and kvpt all in linu spirit. by his wise gc'nvrulship. lha "\Vhit il)‘. : ('llHit'u [mints GOOD PROGRAM AT VARNEY CHURCH Anniversary Services Were Held Last Sunday, and Fowl Supper on Tueaday Evening. Church Building Reported Filled to Doors At All Services. 'l‘hn untm'taimno'nl, 14ml. Why: of an vxrvlatinnully guml charm-trr tlw prnumm c-cmtaining sumvthlm: for all [lrcw'nt amt lhvrc was nut 11 clry moment from tho timl- the chairman, tho Row. Mr. Jay at Hol- stvin. pustnr ut' tlu- rnngrrgation, alllmzznc‘o'cl tlw tirst numho'r. .\’r. \\'. Ho-nsnn and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mrlluutlhl gm“ 3 plvasing in- trunwntal cm guitar. mandolin and nknhlv. 35 “ml! as snmv solo work by tlw fnrmvr, and Mr. Po‘tm' Ram- ago also contributrd a solo in his usual brilliant manner. Duetts were giwn by Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sharpe and by the Missps Pettty, and )iastvr .l. .‘Jarshall gaw- a much apprvriato‘nl rpcitzltinn. Mr. G. R. Pacltinhl was there too. an contri- lmtoul in no small manner to the Sllt't't'SS of the prngramme. 'l'i11~1'1- \‘1'1‘1'1' lai'm' 1°111ig'1'1-gati1111s at Hic- 1111111V1~2~1111V serives 11f \':11'111{V 1l1111'vh Inst Sunday. H111 [‘11‘11111'411‘1' 1111- “11- H11:11 111-111;,- tlw R1-V.Hm\a1cl lh‘ll1‘1°...\.. 11 1111 mvr pastor. who delivvl‘wi i\\'11 1*X1'1'llvnt 911111111118. U11 'l‘111-~‘1la.\' 1-V1r11i111: ilw usual i'uVVI summ- “'11s :«uwvd in 1111! Urangv Hzill.ful|n\\1'1l In an vntvr- tainmvni in H111 1|1111c|1 'l‘lw sup- [101' this war is said to haw sur- passed all pieVious nifmts and though H111 01111111 \Vas 131g“. the 111115 “011‘ pivnliiul, considerable 110111;: 11-11 MW at, Hm 19111511 11f tlm 5111111012 'llw aIlIhI'ss of tho I-xening “as Iloliwrml h_\ the Rm. W. H Smith, pastor of Rum: I nited Church, Dur- Probably Naturv provides a “'0. man with a double chin so that when one gets tired ouL she can use the other one. {I _V Mm! mlu'h mm'vuzmnn. Ull Mummy In .~;,:iu ”2' Hw in: NW and Hu- sh: mnix'nrsary svz'v tmulw} my! grua w-h \\':!.~‘ mum]. in): In lwur Rev. i' l"l«'~'lwl'tull clo'li :‘lgvS. Thu 11mm 1:“ m" ”In nmsiv 'tl murh tn Hu- 1‘ mnuuio'lvlfi' iillw! Hr! hmu- HeV. .luso'pll Harrow- mrhm «lvliwr (\ch stirring 'Hw tie-:lm'villu vlmir hm! Hw nmsiv nn Sundag and ‘h in “In pluasure 01' “In Good Idea Hu- im'Io-nwncv Hf the! lm stim' HI “I" roads. 'V-vl \ i1 us \m n Ian-.gn Wyn-ml} enj vjwcl. lhw c'wnmg OUR DOLLAR TALK! m: ”w Jadius --â€":l fHWl Sllmu‘l‘ uncle-r." WI”! all ¢ A i3." EHANKSGEVING DAY 18 ON NOVEMBER 8 This is a SIN‘CiaI HIDSI‘I'VHHI'I‘ ['1‘- IQllI‘s‘lI'Il h) his Majvs‘h and is in aIlIiItiIIII III HIP I'omIlaI‘ IIIIlidav re- I-;..I III/III [IV ”I“ PalliamI‘nt M Call- it? IIII HIII. h-llIlily pl'I'ViIIus. Put Two-Minute Silence Will Be Observed on Armistice Day. 'l‘llanksglving and Armisticn Day \\ ill lu- ulosmwecl «m Mnnday, Nov. 8. TM ivm‘lll slalulv lixvs this joint wlola'aticm on tho Mnmlay nl' Hm \xm-k in \Vllivll Km; ll ”man's. But a slu'vial Hllsvrvam'v has been rmnwstml l'm' llw actual «lay of .-\:'mi.~fli.-u. llun. .lamus .\. llulull, avlim: l’l'inu- Minislvr slatml Friday .-\2'llli.~‘1‘:l‘o‘. “H". J: arting i’rimu Ministv that in accm'danvv \Vi “tents l’ul' Armistim' at, H (H H Thi‘ Mnsii'ul l‘li'kui'ctts‘ hi-hl furth in thn 'I'nwn Hull him- last. Friday night and put on a ro-ally gum] show that was i-njuyvd hy a packml Imus". This is the first. timo' in its histm')‘ that. this cumpany has had :1 rmml uf liku magnitudv hen-v. and “'0. [WP- divt. that Hwy will l't‘pt'at whvn thny agaix' put in an appvai'anw. This vumgmny «if Swiss lint {tingâ€" vl's. is nmst \‘M'szitilv and bushh's thn halls gin- snmv guml vxhihitiuns of dancing and musical numbers. The DOl'W'n Sistc'rs, tap dancvi's. were all that was oxpocteil of “14:01, while Furry was sum-ring frum tho- flu and should haw bet-n in hml. but rather than disappoint. thc mulicnce put on hcr numhcrs tlw bcst sho cunld un- dcr the} circumstances. Shaw-“Kc. the Eckardts gave no c-xcusos. and we doubt if very many in the. audi- ence knew the handicap under which thgyoupg lady was woxjking. HUN. 1m. 1). .l.\.\lll~‘..<u.\' M' Durham. mvmhvr for South lirvy in NW last. lmgislaturv, \Vlm has I‘v- vuivmi Hm almuintnn'nt. Hf ministm‘ without. min'lfnlic‘) in “In Ferguson Hmm'nmenl. In: .lamic-son has New” Hw l'flpl'e-sv'lltati\'4- nl' Snnlll (Em-y ('nnfimmusly Sim-v 1898 \\ m: ”w l‘\'â€" t'e-Ninzl Hf HH- svssic’m ul‘ 1919-33, Sinm- Hm ruturn nf thu «lansvrm- livvs in 1923 hv [121* Down “In Mum'â€" man m' “w Agrimlhn'al Enquiry Cummittm‘. Dorm-n Sistvrs, tap dam‘vrs. \W'I'u :III that. was vxpm'ted Hf tho-m. whilv BPI‘Hal'tl livkal'alt was a whale) slmw in himsnlf with his musical winc- tinns cm tlu- saxnphonv. tromlmno, Violin and umvlty instrunwuts. MUSICAL ECKARDTS GAVE GOOD SHOW _'l‘he (-umpalny's singer. Miss [fie-pry. did “U”? lm- up in lwr :ld'Vi'Il'USllllL', hm. had a 1‘N‘I'_I'_v(.'t_l}' goml allhl. Mlss Famous Company of Swiss Bell Ringers. Appeared Here Friday to Well-filled House. v wâ€"v W'i‘fie shTmâ€"Was a good unit and wo are glad _their good bill was well patrJnized. v his Mujwty Hu- King". ' Canada aw imrhui tn ‘msinn by MW minutos . H H‘vlka 'l’hnrsdzu‘ mu tn. Jamus .\. Huhh. illiSlM' slab-d Friday um with Hw arramgv- SUV“ hay sum'timu-d Hm King. Hm pmnolo imrlml tn mark tlw n mimltos of silence :n-sclzn' morning. Km; u uccurs. lowrvauvo has w avtuul day of $2.00 a Year in Canada; $2.50 in U. S. RATEPAYERS ASK ADDITION BUILT TO HIGH SCHOOL Now Generally Recognized Mistake Wns Made in 1915 When Building Programme Was Cnrtailed. lore Accommodation Must Be furnish- ed " Durham School is to Fulfil Mission. Acrordini: t0 thv int'nrmatian at. hzmd thu dortUI' was aluiw in his lions". and was said tu haw hwn drinkini.r heavity. This with ”It' t'art that “P was gmwrally known to haw town in Iinanriul «titt‘irnltivs. and that. his with and two childrvn hail li't't him tlirre \vimks aim 0w- ‘ini.’ In iltmwstit‘ trfluhlr, rnusmt 3 Tumor nl' suit‘iili' tn lw rit'rlllah'd hut hrrv was :ipparrntly nu grunnd t'nr this. . lh'. lilakn was ahmit in wars «if :im- and mum tn Prim-rill:l ahnnt :: yvar ago when lw hnnght thi- prair- tirv from Dr. Carr. now ut‘ Uwrn Sunmt. Ht‘ was a mind physician, grnrrully \wll thought. nt‘ in Print- vittoanitvirinity. amt was \wll- kmmn in Durham. 'I‘ha- ruinains 'wvri- takrn tn Hamiltun t‘nr intvr- munt. that the local I‘usich-Iits 81'“ :It aqukaIiIII: to thn taIvt that High bit-hunt ut‘ “hit“ in wan thov haw hmm m mum! i. falling hatk in vttioivnu. :th lnval intm‘vst iII :IIIIIIM-«t tth littlo Ilnuht that the t'tHitHHHH Stmll l'w I'vadimt. qunor Pulse Economy vitunwnl. hvrv \\"H'l't‘ ho was v dim! mnolm' [m and erv “'3: win-n lu- passe- D. H. Jamivsm The {also m'nnmny Hf HHS \Vlli‘ll llm srlmol was lonill. is nnw appar- d'nt. For llm paltry sum «of $5.0m 01' .80 man- than was zillmx'vd. a building: filial. \mnlol slill lu- satis- factory cuulcl haw lwvn viw'lod. bill. so much nmiusilinn «lvwlupml in llm Council and PISPWlII‘I‘v In sup- plvnwnling llw uriuinul 815.000 will: an additional $3.0m llial. nuw lvndvrs had to lie vallml for and “in building [willow] in six“ in fll'ult'l' in (“Mlle The! dual]! of Pl'icvvilh- last about. 6 u'vlm'k D. Ii. Jamivsun Hf this placv was summunmi. but. after an a-xamina- (ion decided that. an inquest was lllHN‘Cl‘SSfll'Y. PRICEVILLE DOCTOR ‘ DIED SUDDENLY Passed Away Suddenly Thursday Evening Under Peculiar Circum- stances, But Coroner Decides lu- quest Unnecessary JUDGE SUTHERLAND SPEAKS HERB SUNDAY It Will Pay You to Advertise in The Chronicle. Hn Sunday nexl. Ovinlwi' 24. His llnnm' .lnclgv Sullim-land «if wan Sound. will speak in Trinity (‘lllll‘l‘ll Durham al llw ll n'i'lm'k sni'vivv. This is in mnnm-tinn with llw Lay- man's Assncialinn. \\’lll(‘ll is makim: arranm'mvnis fur a layman in spvzik in M'vry pupill throughput lln- «inan- m'v 0f (iroy. .ludm- Sullwi'lana will alm urâ€" cupy llw pulpit at St. Paul's ligrv- mum, at. 3 o'clock Sunday anor- nmm. Willa lust 'l‘hm‘sday vwnim! It. 6 o'clm-k vausml nu lilllc- 0x- mnnt hum» and in that. \‘illago‘. r0 ho was “'0” knuwn, and as ho nmhu' pvoulim' (-irmmstam‘c-s thvrv was no our with him n he [bassml away, Con-um-r lbr. (Continued on IN“. \_\'. .-\. lilako- at. l 0 ”43W ”HP“ will

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