Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Sep 1926, p. 3

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w 7 'Bollof“ ! Runayvmo. or five yam l was dway: ; so happy to ht” daughter. who 5 also taken it and pcommend it to d! rm- WILLIAI PAD. kingham. Quebec. yvars with back- md "the? ailments i from early life to Lydia E. l‘inkham'a und will aim: you airy-wide canvas- ydia E. Pinkham’s and. over 250,01) red, and Q out of 1 they were bene- [1 TO HEALTH a... o oo ova-0”.” '0! weakness and my nervesJ knew >f it from ll! 0- 0- o o o o- ‘- O-‘OnO-M il .ooo-o-o-o-onwo-o-m Opening )lies El Prices urham Drug Store n Tonic II pmwn Is ”In pflllt'fl pnisnnmls. rvmam ('0' \Vint tar a. 1'. znwnns DURHAM MEETING WELL ATTENDED trmln halam‘ Ranadian pr clanaohan w I‘IH .mioia “as smugclm. u, “a“ an... summed that fully one billion ..';u'o‘itc‘vl “O‘H‘ smuggled into Can- uh vac-h tweh omnnth. Thursday, September 2, 1m. (H ll The :1 nos» w: 1r without raw rm'lim Flu PLANT POISONING By DR. ARTHUR L. FORSTER Note: Dr. Forster will answer such health questions in these columns as will be of interest to others and permissible in public print. Personal questions will be answered only when accompanied by self-addressed and stamped envelope. Ad- dress Dr. Arthur L. Forster in care of The Durham Chronicle. ll“ h haw 113M ‘9 tablets mm! a quart. nf salt. wator daily nus.- wash and garglv, for a without ro‘livf. My throat. has .\ I'm-ling. Am wry suswpti- n mMs, pspm-ially in winter. “MIN liko' 1| rvmndy if pnssi-g l tnkn rml livvr Nil vwr)’ ‘l' and likv IL A)!" 7).") want." ilian weirkmvn. kvpl lan in oln. assislml in maintaining «mr W» at trail». and inilirm‘lly was mm! in lhnsw who flwnt il fur and uthvr products of tlw farm. v {our hunch-ml millinn dollar ,. lialancn living mm M by Mr. v and Mr. Dunning might b» all l. but hnw iln they knnw? askml "lH‘akt‘l'. lern was a way of "n clo'pnsitml on tho- umlvrs vows. hands and arms aw usually .-‘. E. E. writps: haw sum'reel from ”HS" and throat. M)’ was always gnml. ar an! Hf (1001‘s. twins: 8 ‘.nntinuml from palm and likv H. Ago" 5:) years; Reply :m' t'vw cumminus that an (ant and nhstinato' as a va- stutu H! ”w nusv and lhmat THE FAMILY NEXT DOOR “‘3‘: "Fur snmn 'ml fl'nm catarrh nat. My m-noral gmNI. and l lin‘ brim: a farmer. 's tahlvts \\' ”In «raring up- maola was smug- llm's' Asyncwiatinn tml that 33 per 'ry coming into lo'ol. It was 8130 was a way m shippm‘l nut nf ' of telling how 0‘ Prvsivlvnt 0f fmrm‘s' Associ- mnrd in saying Treatment of Plant Poisoning “WM-ll ”It“ has how" in mntact with a pnisnnnns plant. tu- van prou- H'IIt its o-tt'm'ts by ininloNIiatwl)’ srruhhim: ttu- parts with snap and \\'atvr. It' a mutant part only-Jar o'lemplo'. tlu- right. handâ€"whim twvn o-xlmsmt. painting with tim'tm't“ nt' imlin will HHPH :Ibm't it. Uno- can alsn sc-mn-v sumo dogrw Hf pl'nto'ctiun if. lwfnrv gnim.’ into a I'vginn \th'o‘ Hlo'sw plants alumml, Hu- skin is mmintvd with an nil. Fullnwing nxpnsnrv a full hut. hath slmuld hp take-u. and all rlnlhim: dmnhl ho- ln-usho-d anal snnnml im- Fullnwing vxlmsm'v a shunhl ln- take-n. and slmlllol 1w lbl'ushml am fm'c- it. is again “mm. H ch‘spih‘ HIPS» pl'm typical olvrmatitis flo'w uratml snlutinn nf Rpm pl'nvo' Hw lwst applica livvm Hw ih'llilu.’ and Iimih thv spro-ml nl' tl hwy rum-(inn. “'th I Hun has snhsiolml. tlu- lw dustml with talc'um . My gunss is that tlu- first is tho mnro- likvly nf stn twu summsi- tinns. fin tn sumo‘ emu who will lnnk hoynnol ymu' ms» and throat and find Hm hasn'- disnrclvr nf which ynur catarrh is tlw must owiolvnl axial annuying part. Mr. Fostm‘ t'losmt his attctrnss with an appval tn ttn- vim-tars tn :2in ttwir summrt tn Mr. Edwards. ttw tiomsmwatiw mmtidato. and said that. in his npinnn a rvasnnahlo pm- twctiw policy and a (“Ivan-up nf things at. Ottawa “mm the things mmt newton! tn spvll prospo‘rity t'nr .tlanmla and a rvtm‘n tn thn timm nt' 3 juh fur M'm-y \vnx‘kingman. Giw us this. hp staid. and Canada's sons in tho l'nitml Statns will 50011 W. turn. Tim chair «luring thn nwni nocupio'd In Rvmn _Ro‘II. and ms: III» aIIIII‘I'SS Hf \II‘.1'PSIF DI'. Jamivsnn also» aIIIIl'O‘S.‘ gathvring. but as III» IImII‘ \\ I'm mnIInmI his romarks In fmx mInIlIPS. Five Per Cent '1 haw alwnt nvarl)’ 325.000 on that girl's mhxvation.” mmplainml tho aggriovml fathm'. "and hnra sh.» gows and marrio‘s a ymmc M- lom' with an incnmn nf only 81.250 3 year." m: and burning. and .M M thv inflamma- \\'Iwn lw inflamma- Iml. HH' skill sllomlcl talrum Hr vnrnstarch .w prm'autinns‘. ”In is delnps. a 53!- ul' I‘Ilbsnm salts will application. H. 1'0- it. sumo clngmm giving into a ants almnml, as' latn a VDPV Tn Hu- Elo-vtnrs Hf Smith-East Urey: I tl'o'asurv tlw summrt. and Him"!- ship ynu haw in tlu- past. giwn mv. F0“ ('IIIistitIII'nI'iI's haw stIIIIIl s0 Imalh In ”Mr mI-mlwi'. l haw alâ€" “aw \UHkI‘Il in “w iIIiI-II-sts IIf Hm I'IImmIIII “MIDI" and against spwim IIIisiII-go- l amwal again in sun i'm' summrt Im HIP fIIllIming [Irin- Ciplvs: 1. Thu right Hf tlw ('nmmnn [wnplv In takv indo'pvndnnt political avlinn. 2. 'l‘lw l'lm'cl 01' a vhangv in tho l'nrm ul’ Huwrnmo-nt tn allnw groups to flllH'Hcm M'Iivivntly. (nu-stiuns tn lw clo'hatwl :mol «lwidml 0n Hwir mo-I'its. anal tlw (Iahim't In 1w :1 (mm- mitlm- uf ’ill‘liilnli‘lltâ€"lmt ul‘ mm party l'hHSo'n by aml l'vspunsihlv tn Parliamo-nt. In ln'ivt‘ Hm sulmtitm tiun uf «Znâ€"npvratiw (iuwrnmvnt fnr Party Warfarv. 3, Hnmlwill. Pvncv l‘lcluvatinn and .\|°hit1°miun tn rogwluvv Militauism and War. ’n. lh'nmm-atic tlnntrnl nf «lrmlit. By that l man that Hm 'l‘rvamry Bnarol only should issno- nntvs against Hw ro-smn'm-s nf Canada. This pri- \‘ilngn is nnw 0njayml by ”In Chili‘- tm'ml banks. Tho Gowrnmontâ€" thrnugh tlw 'l‘rvasury anml~shnnlci ISAAC PITBLADO. KC. Who will represent the railroad companies on the Board of Concili- ation to examine into the diner- ences between the C.P.R. and C. N. IL. and their conductors, train- men and yardmen. concernins H. Elm-(ion Rotorm. The single transfm'ahlo- \‘oto and proportional rv‘m-nso-ntation. Elm-lion machinory to 1m Pontl'ollml by tho ('hiof DIPO- ‘toral officvr â€"â€" absolutoly outside party politics, l3. 'l'lh‘ right. of \Vomvn In ro-tain thoil' British citizonship. though marriml to an alion. if Hwy so do- at Ivast mulvawr ti. mntml infla- tinn and clvflatinn 0f vurm-ncy. 3, Hum] 800”” la\\'.*. 6. Law tariff, 7. Emnumy in public lnlsinoss. 8. clnmplvto Moan up of the cus- tmm scandal by whichvvm‘ (mvm‘n- mom! is rvmrno-tl nn Svplvmho-t' H. 9. Iwmininn-wide prnhihitim nf tho mamlfactm'o- and sale» nl’ intuxi- rating: liqum's for hvwragv pur- [ms'mk I". Assuming Hm pl-mlucvrs' right tn marko-t. thvir prmhu'ts cn-vw‘r- atiwly. and tlw ro'mnval of laws that mnku «'n-npm'utinn difficult. l3. I'phnlding finnmla's natinrihnml within the cnmmnnwo-alth 0f British natiuns. SII'O‘ H. Tim miializatinn of freight ratm. and tho- o-Mahlishmmit Hf a immmittow tn clnsvly study thn wlmlo‘ il‘anfipnrtatinn pi'nlilvm and strivo in lift Hm burvlon Hf high rains “'hO‘I'O' Hwy \wigh must hmn‘ily. 17». Thi- nlmlitinn Of the Smmtn. 16. Tim i'lnsnst pnssihln liarmflny hotwmm mvmhm' and mnstihwnry: Hm mvmhvr tho snrvant. Hm pnnpln thn mastor. in prunf of which I haw signml tiw i'ncall. Ynm‘s ~‘im'm'01y and m'alvhfll)‘. AGNES C. MACPHAIL. Sm- ”adm‘ixmly : dm'ful! And how Hm rm! uf thvm any halp! #7.?! 1.5.2/ n.â€"-fl.~ D:_.â€".~..~ ..__~ .l/l; :2: =3. “2.5 2.5.5 .2 .E._.;.,..w £59 933: no}? ELECTION CARD THE DURHAM CHRONICLE “'nndr‘rful. won- mmm it was for not tn 2‘in yam u In” x v 1'- Miss Macphail during her speech read an extract from her opponent's adwrtiylmeut. the 0110. apparently which has been appearing in both The. Review and The Chronicle. and asked: "I wonder who pays for this page?" The obvious answer, of course. was "The (lnnservative party," which would be quite eur- rect'. Miss Macphail's PXpPflSPS are, or should be, paid by the South Grey MISS IACPHAIL (Continued from page i) have tn wait until furtlmr symptoms do“ *lup l'nitml Farmeis Political Associa- tion; in fail, \\ 0 have hmin told by momhms of this pail) that this is llin 0880,3111! no one can find any fault with it. town and Country Should (Io-operate Miss Macphail in nor address said than.) should be no hard fooling be. twwn town anal country. thus try- ing tn twal tho branch that she is {mum-ally crvditod “ith having‘ causmt. Sim qualified her romarks in adding hmwwr "but, as I said tiw wars ago. not until they could moot 0n equalitx. ’ Continuing, she said. Lunk hack flw wars, and vuu \\ill Inmnmhm' that this could nnt. 1m dnnv 'Iodm the {armor uvnds no lnngm' to apolngizn for his vxistvum'. hm'auw ho has assm‘tvd himsvlt‘ and I. ton. at that. timo “as :‘iss'm'ting: mysnlf. 'l‘h.1 farmm' has lvai'uvd that ho must Iw ahlo to murkvt. his stufl' himsvlf in “non ‘\\'Hl'iti mmlmtitinn and must, know i his marknts." Miss Mat-phail ctoniml tho tnsinn-E ation of snmo. that shonppnsod tho 0M partios hor'auso thoy woro nlcl. S‘ho said sho rovorod ago. but tho nhl party systom is worn nut and (load and thoro was no uso in trying to t'nnotinn at Ottawa with sumo- ting that was obsoloto. Tho gov- tornmont at Ottawa was rote-Prod tn ias a onmrn'nmiso hotwoon mun- ;arohy and tho ponplo. Tho Sonato. ‘tm, oamo in fur snmo littlo attontinn, .hooanso in that body thoro won» 353 t‘xmsorvativos and upwards of 40 ;I.iborals who wot-o all dirootnrs of this: companios. Tho olm'atinn of fJaoquos Bm'vau, tho rocont ministor wt oustnms. to tho Sonato was doalt twith fur a tow minutos. tho spoakor having. that. following tho dtsctu- Ism'os in tho oustnms soamtal that Rofnrring tn thn Consnryatiyn talk 0f pmtm'tinn. Miss Maophail said that. it is impossihm tn protm‘t tho farmm'. and shn said shn didn't carp \ylm said it. it. ('nmdn't ho dmw. Rho said that. thm'n was a misun- dr-rstanding ahmit hm' yimys on da- fvnim and that. sho had nnym' at any timi- ii‘if'd't.in any way tn nmmsv a standing: army for pnlicn pnrpnsvs. Sim had always vntmt for tho supply fm- this and now"? trim! to intm'fm'r' with it in any way. Thu spoakm‘. hnwoyi-r. was vntirnly nppnsvd tn thv mnynmnnts that had in tlu-ir program thn training nf childrnn in miltary tat-tips“. "Jacquns Bm'mm slmuld not lw thorn HI' nlsw ho- is in Hw right placv.” R. T. Edwards. Hm tinnsm‘vativn candidate). had only two planks in his platfnrm, "tho nnn that I am a waman. and tho nthnr that. it is timc- I‘m' a champ in gmw'nmvnt. NOBLE’S GARAGE SERVICE Oils Chevrolet A. NOBLE. Prop. (Ereases ACCESSORIES O F A L L K I N D S GUARANTEED REPAIRING Sales and Service Headquarters for CHIDES CHROIIGLB Gas He is going to pay on‘ Um nationa! debt if he goes to Ottawa. He amuses me." Miss Macphail issued a warning to her audience and said that the people do not elect. mm-rnments, they only elected members of par- liament. “The senate pays the pip- er, the eahinet calls the tune, the members dance to it, and you. the people, 'are the audience looking on. applauding nl' otherwise as the case may he." Intern-«muting her :mdl- enee. Miss Macphail asked, “liuw do you like it?" That tlu- pmplo. and not hm'self. would lw tlw lnsvrs if slw \\'4'l'1' Hut roturnml tn Ottawa, Miss Mavplmil said: “Rvmomhvr also, that. in tin- Have You Cashed Your Diseount Bonds Yet? These Bonds represent a Discount given on a purchase sale in this store. They are transferable and may be presented by anyone. These. bonds are payable in Merchandise to the Bearer on demand for their full face value. Any number of these Bonds may he presented in payment for merchandise at this store at any time. Use them just the same as money when making a purchase here. ASK YOUR. FRIENDS TO SAVE THEM FOR YOU MEN’S AND BOYS’ READY-TO-WEAR “MORE FOR LESS" One Door South of D. C. Toms, Jeweller, Durham * lst|\.". \\HHHHH .lo I-0 \- 1tt"H '. ’m\~' .ko‘t'd _ 11‘111‘43” 1n >"iU 91,8100 ‘1. r“. l'i”! .............. $1.225 Hn\'.~' {INHHH JOHNS" “1....390 1"".‘5. Tm” “"1 1‘ I." ”“350 ..- 1- my- \xumt '.it"‘ n, ....... 50 19.35.“..Hos I . .25C 1,”), 1“ ‘1 1- '1" ...... 50C 1 Hwy~ tut‘iiiunatinn t ndo-i'xu-nr 1“,; 1;!,,.c.,'_..5,,,1. 1 f" ....................... 690 - ’,1 '11- 1,1 “”1“, y. ........ $12\50 Rtlititt‘l' {vita ’11 ........... 250 INS? ”I“: H! F At» ;’ t at! ’wS'; T\U~m1 Yiinttn’lt‘t's. “0‘2. itiHHHH'Y'P. "l .......... $9.00 51.77». i“!' .............. $1.50 5“}? ’lyu-wt Suv- " ..... $5.50 1 D. M. Saunders i t i All Grocers Stock If you mat nomethln‘ batheâ€"try it. The People Will Lose They are transferable and may bonds are payable in Merchar for their full face value. An be presented in payment for n time. Use them just the sa purchase here. Complete Satisfaction! dying hours of Sopiomlmr M, if I ‘ go dawn to defeat. it will be worse ‘for you than for mo. 1 ran go hack 1) primh- life again and not sum-r IM-rhaps the. hardships you dn, but if I «In. “'0 mn haw' lust Hm grvat ‘3‘va forward that it has taken us ‘9. Wm: {imp to gain." CunSidOl‘flbl}° «lifl'vl'vlli was [101' spwrh in Durham as“ rampart-d with that in Hannwr and l'rlccwillr. os- pm-ially as it nth-Mud lwr ulloranceo I'vgm'dinfl Lard Byng. In Hanuwr and Pricevillc she was quih- “my in Mr donunriatinn ni' Hw unwrnur- (fie-floral for refusing ch.~.~ulntinn m Markvnziv King and alluwlnu H h Arthur Moighon. In Durham slaw said that slw ”(Innught Lnrd “.‘l'l! had «lone what Im rrally Hmuullt (Cunliuumi on [man- 6 Hm “NV “US “UV T“ vml 9.1m Shin \ [“00614 Twm-d 1 ”luv 54 {luv Svrgu l’ hltmmvrs Twomi SI PAGE 3. 8125 ..75c ..75c ..50c

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