Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Jul 1926, p. 8

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Miss Margaret McGirr of Durham wisited Mrs. J. Stevenson recently. Mr. and Mrs. William Orchard find an of London spenta aday or so _in the yillage last week; "TEE vard‘éfinfilarty under the aus- pices o! the Ladies’ Aid of the protest. find the game was replayed bit Friday evening, resulting in a Miss Norma Pifider of Detroit and Mrs. Rothwell of Palmerston were home for a short visit recently. 7 "Miss. Winter visited friends at Fqujdwngh recently: - Nulson McGuire and family at- tended the funrral of his uncl» at gelgrave last Friday returning Sun- ay. Miss Ada Ric» was home over the WPPk-Pnd from Oshawa. Mrs. J. D. Ruhm-ts \wnt tn Torontn last. weak to spend a shnrt Hm» with her brother. Dr. D. McKenzie of that city. . Mrs. )Io-rxam and littlu sun of Oshawa aro- thn gnusts of Mr. and Mrs. R. (Ihristiv. Mr. and Mrs. .lmwph Billnll. MP. and Mrs. J. I). Drimmiv motor-ml to “'indsor last, wwk and spornt a fo-w days with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bil- ton of that city. Mr. and Mrs. A Mr. and Mrs. Fl'm stock and Russ : s t‘nt NI» \H-b‘k-Q‘ rs. R. .l. Anni“ Monday afto-rnnun .‘IP'SSI’S. (f \Vah'l‘ 0' “H' \\o cinih. I 11033 in Ch for a no-w Mrs. Ruhr!" homo- Saturda with lwr sist m-m- Durham iml hark by whn is hzn'in village. Mrs. E. K. Millw. mun-cm uf Math mm: Mo-mm'ial Hompitul. is spvnolin; hm' vacation with Hm .Vlilnu family Mr. tlharlvs \Vatsnn has im‘mu-é in a no-w Fun] 031'. Miss R. Brooks from Buffalo, who has [N‘t'l] Visiting hm' aunt. Mrs. John anhm. fur 3 WW wm-ks, 1'0- tm-nml hnmo- nu Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rvnwick. Tur- nnlu. aro- nn huliolays Visiting I'vla- hws 11ml frivnols in tlw Vicinity. Mrs. E. K. Millw. mzm'nn Hf Math- (Our Own Correspondent) 'l’lw :uiiiiwrsai'y and l'o'npo'llillg so-i'vim-s nl’ Arum I‘illll'l'il, hi'HlllM'o‘. will I.» lwhl nu Sunday, July 2?». Thu min-hing M'l‘\ll'l' al l'iO‘VO'll u'i'lm'k and Hi» running at si-wn will lm ('nnilin'lml by How Rm: .\Ii'. )Iavko-nziv of l’alnio-I'slnn. and “w nlllil‘ quar- tvllo- l’i'nm [Durham will prowioln music. .\ sin-vial alluring: will he» rm'o-ivml. “n ”w lnlliMiiig Munohiy f-vo-ning. July '36. a garalnn party will be! hvhl at lho' l'illll‘l'il whvrv sup- pvr will iw M'I'W'Oi {rum six to eight. n’i'lm'k. al'io'i' Willl'il a sph'mlicl pru- gram will he giwn by llw {loronaila malo- quai-lnlh- with an nluvutinnist from London. who will furnish the vvo-ning‘s onlwtainmont. Mrs, Strnng and cliilolrvn l'rmn 'l’m'miln :u'o- Visiting hm' hmlho'i'. Jiihn Ei'i'lo's. and nth fPiPm‘ls this wank. Sim]. How 01' 0f tho- us an able QI Mattho-ws and Burma» Aylott. Mr: Harry dialolwo-ll and ilaiigtitm' M Dauphin. Man" an- Un a Visit. tn tho-iv many trio-nus anal roylntiws in (Bro-y ilnnnt)’. 'l'ho-y spi'nt a day last. “wk in this lio'ighhnrhmnl with tlw Lo-nnnx. Hat-hum and .lnhnstnn {amino-as. an't. t’nrgi-t tho- olato-s of St. Paul's annn‘a-rwar)’ sou-Virus and gal-(Inn party. thi- 23th and 27th. 'l’hvrn is lurk in mM minim-rs. amt awry- thing [mints tn snow-sis. hut thv ri-al efl'm't, that is living put inhi its pro-paraiinn is liko-ly tn mum. mum- toward its sin-rims than tho- whim of mid nnmhvrs, and ahnw- all. it I'Pquirw ymn' pro-swin'v'. m ilnn't fur- PAGE 8. 'TheAAytqndfootball club worj the; (Our Own Correspondent ) Mr. Cecil and Miss Bvssie .‘lc- Neeko-n matured up from Turonto last wwk and virsitml around the old lmmc and with their sistt'l'S. _ Miss Ruby Matthvws o! Burling- Miss Ruby Mattlwws of Burling- ton spent 8 NW days ladt week arouod the old home and enjnycd the Baptismal so-rvices on Sunday in St. Paul‘s. also the confirmation Dervhcvs 0n 'I‘chsday. than m» ) neighnhrhmul trnuhlo- ”Vi-r Haying is u Mr. Thomas Wilson took a plea- Iure trip a wwk ago tn anonto and other adjacent points. Ho) visited higdalg‘ghtgr Ella, (or a day or twq. t. largo-l tlu- clam-s Of St. Paul's wary serh-vs and gal-(Inn Mar 23th amt 27th. 'l‘ho-rn is n mlcl numho-rs. and t'\'t'l')'- mints tn snow“. hut thv Will that is twimr put intn its mum is llko-ly tn I'nllnt. mM'o- | its sum'vss than tlw whim t lmmtu'rs, anol uhuw- all. it u- ynlu' pro-so'm'v, so olnn't f. '1'- m' inumrtamu- nn tlw urea- lto-v. W. H. Allisom. tlw spvak- 'lu- clay. is: highly thmlght uf llvlo' t'xpnllllalo'l' Hl' lllo- tlnspo'l, 'I'hvy $1 jhatham w lm'all Corner Concerns Ollintun and \Villiam Main \wrol spo‘nt. tho- varly part wk in tlm ““320 and vi- l‘hvy sold out. their busi- Iatham and arr prospo‘cling Holstein. Dromore 1m! Lgim'a 1 'nd With Mr . rnturmng Hmr R. Builwv Billnn. .‘lr. mntnrml to 1mm 3 fvw lill ulny and ‘1' Blm-k- a Bailvy Mr. and ng hum» mm and “in VI!- «I «m a _:..::$. 3.235.... .5? :érfi ./:;2.u.::.v. 5:: a: ._‘:_:..:.;=.< i. :74. If...” («Mum $6: v7. 2.2.3.. 2:; 3.12.52... ._:_5 3.7.1: 2.2.7.... En: 3:27. 2... .52. 1.2.» 2:.â€" .::._..::.:7. Traverston. / Our Own Correspondent) Mr. (so-m'gc- Sum-t I'm-onlly put in :1 M2 chunk ur a (mum-vu- dam and will haw wmw wnnugll now tn run gl‘lsl. mill, planing mill. sawing out- lll :mol sllinulw machinv. 'l'lu~ rmwnl. slmxvo-I's haw. o-nsm'ml lu'my spring l'l‘llpS and much im~ mum-cl llu- nwnaluws. Vo-ry litlln may Is rut :h‘ yvt. July 2“. Mr. and Mrs, .lnlm \leing of Vanllo-lwur am- vnjnylng a Visit with llwir sun-in-law and llnughtm'. Mr. :mol Mrs. Will 'l'lmmins. )lvssrs. 'l'lmmus Hlvnm'nss. W. .l'. Hruuthnml. Jnllll 'l'immins. Graham 'l'lnunins. Sin, and lit" ham. .lr.. hall a llnu unln trip m: -lunolay wring nut :u-russ livnlim'k tn llho-slo-y. 1);. ln 'l‘uru. «lining al llo-pwnrlll. tlu'n lll llu' :Il'lo'l‘lmnn. \Vvst tn Lakn Hurnn. l'rnm llu'rv ln llm-n Sumnl l'uitc-d church held at the home of Mr. W. T . Finder last Friday even- ing was a grand succpss. A good pm- gmm was rmulerml, _and refresh- n‘wnts wvro- svrw-al. The proceeds ammzntml t” ahnut 38).“). Th» Wnnwn's Institute picnic held at thp humo' of Mr. \V. H. Rogm's last mmk was \wll attvnded. Repre- svntatiws' from l)1'nm01°o_-, Durham. Hanuwr and Alwrdo-vn wo-re present. .\n__g~xm_~l_leut pm}? is ‘x'npm'ted. Alhwl Bullo-r Mg Iasflsiomasi on u twn umnths' \‘is‘lt In Vancouver” l. Miss Mary Bell of Dui'ham is the guns! of Miss Eunipc Tyndall this wm-k. Mr. and .\f1~. Flank Bu» uf Sault St». Muliv :uv spvmling a few (law \sitl} his mother, Hmugv. 110.10 Miss .lo-ssiv I’ritchard of Guelph is spo'ndinfl part Hf IH'I' vacatiun wi_t_h hey cousin. MISS M. Irvin. Mrs. Harry Strung _ 0f "L'a'm'liibn Milk was in tlw \‘illagv with rela- tivm romantl)‘. mm “mm in van Sum“! and ,guprno-y harm in the» ”. Rnhsnn. R. F. Bnan J:limmins had “um! III-m .\II. Ix'IIII's'! ‘ll"¢'6'll\\l|()cl H MI. ”HINDU anIl Puvlm‘ I'm ”In HHH'I NI! MI. II HII- Ill lIIIk In haw tho- Mr. and Mrs. A. Marlin-maid. Mr. John and Miss [ha n1 Mulock, \isitml 1m i-ntlx “i”! Mi. and Mrs. ”viii linpkins. A young: \Villnmlalo youth vis- itvd this linn Sunday M'vning. “'0 \van' if lw gnt mixml Up in NW crossroads. At any mtn. lw won! north. Mr. and Mrs. I’Prrin ankins and Maxiv nr nvar Hannvm- spunt :m PW'ninL' Hm MM of Hm “'le with Mr. and Mrs. Hm'h. ankins. Miss Iszlbo-Hv MaoQum‘riu rotllrnml tn 'l'm'nntn Monday morning: afte-r spvnding two \Vm‘ks with Imp parâ€" f‘nfs IN‘I‘P. Mr. and Slrs. I'Ilmm' Ashlvy and family nr \\’alkvrtun slwnt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hvrh. Hopkins. Mr. .lnhn Morrison. m'mmpnniml by his nmthm' and two sisfc‘rs. Kath- arine» and Anniv. Visitml Sunday with Hm Smith family hvrn. Aberdeen ( Our Own Correspondent) I‘Ivvrylu‘uly at. Hw hay! “'0 wish Sunlo'ulli' wmlcl im‘ent a nvw way nl‘ saying. "h it hot. mmnuh fm' ynu‘?" .\ir.:1n1l “15' “1-11 Contts and lam- ilv Spl'llt Sundzu “itii tiw formni‘s sister, M12 and M19. Da1i1!(_li1ittick Hf Lamlash. "le swing «mm 1111» 1110111111; \1111 11110511010115 :1ft111 tho beautiful shmwrs WP haw had. (Our Own Correspondent) Quite a number frnm hero attend- ml the camp meetings at Hanover Sunday aftm'noon. Miss Edith Merwn of Lamlash visito-d war the work-0nd with her (musing. Misses. Marjorie and Gladys Mighton. Miss Gladys Almandor a numbnr uf ho-r school H‘lday aftwnomn. Mr. Wilfrg‘rl \‘ickm‘s and sistm‘. Edith, \wx-v 111 Owen Sound one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. Gvurge ,Alvxamlm' anal daughtws. Pvarl and (vladw. \ istied 0110 um tlw first nt the “00k “in: frjvnds in \\ alkmtun. Mr. and Mrs.(‘larl;101'rv and fa ilv spent Sundm “Uh friends Maxkrlaln \11. and Mrs. Flank Hinds of Dur- ham spent. Sundax with .‘h‘. and Mrs. John .-.\dlam Miss Eva Adlam of Durham. is spending part of her vacatmn mth her SISU’I‘. Mrs. F red Tm'x'y. Willowdale THE DURHAM CHRONICLE vntortainml mums last 5' and fum- 1'1'lmuls at. fl‘liomas Lyons, a former m:sidcnt of Durham, pussmi away quite sud- denly at (jmmvr, Mali. i'rnni [lemurâ€" rhagv. He was found cit-ad in his home by a sister-in-law, whu \wnt i0 apprisv him Of the iii-all] Of a lu'ntlwi' in British Columbia as the result «if an accidvut. Mr. Thomas “Initmmo, a larmcx' li\ing sucu milvs “cast of Tort. ham-is, m1» lound dead in his [unm- hy a cousin, Thomas \Vlnitnuu'c uf Cruzio-r. The (load man was a hm- “101° 01' Mr. \Villiam \Vhitmmv of Dmham. It is suppusvd dvath \\ ms (ausud bx apoplvm 'l'eiuicrs {01' the new post office haw been 11111 for tlw past two or three: weeks, and contractors have hm‘n lonking H\'11' the plans and $11“- 0111111110115.“ “ill likvh bed ' low “mks wt below dvlinitc attiuu is taken. and U11- chamcs are that lit- tle “ill be done in building dmiug thv pl’Q‘SOllt 50351111. On Thursday forenon, July 16, at. 25 Brunswick avenue, Toronto, in the presenre. of immediate relatives, the marriage of Ethel Edna Mooney and Thomas Herbert McCloeklin was pert'm'nied by the Rev. Dr. Wallace. After luncheon, Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Llloeklin left by boat for Montreal. (in their return. they will reside in Durham. - Though several muuths have elapsed sinm- the Town Hall was moved In its presmt location. the Umncil has taken no action tuwarcls the Venn-ring required by the town bylaw. The Days Of Long Ago Taken From Chronicle Piles of Twenty and Twelve Years Ago. TWELVE YEARS AGO July 33, 1914. \\'hiie hearihrnken «wer the sad affair, the mother attaches no blame to the driver of the ear. as it was moving very slowlv and then- wag no chance in (in amihing. Bnlh wheels are Said in haw IUII mer the ha}, “ha s11. tainmi ixw hinken legs. some broken rihs and sewre bruises ahnut the head and body. \VIIIIII crossing IIIII sIIIIII-I with his nIIgIIlIIII', aIIIl almnst. IIIIIIIIsiIII'lIIs IIwn lIIImII. .-\I°I|IIIII MIIl-‘aul. I‘IIIII' )‘IIaI'S IIlIl. SUI] III' Mr. and .'\lI'~'. \V. .l. Mcl’aul, 0mm SIIIIIIIl. I:III III ”III path ofa passing: mUlUl'. “as kIIIIIIl' IIIl dawn and I'll" II\II :IIIII IIiIIII 3 III“ IIIIIIIIs War at ”I“ “PM“! In! and Mar iIIII Hospital. TIIII IIIIII “ail III-iwn by a man IIamIIIl RIIX \\ IL'giIIs and is said II) lime III-IIII maxim: siuwix III “In. IimII. but a -IIIIII k IIII IIII- ~iIlII (II “III l‘Oall [II’OH'IHI'Il Iiim I'IIIIIII SI‘I‘lllH IlIILI lillltI l‘I'_'llU\\ until lIII IlIIIlgIIIl III)! in IIIIIIII of him and .m IIIII-II that it was impossilslv to ship. Arthur McFaul, Four Years Old, Bun over by Auto and Died Later in Hospital. THERE’S ABSOLUTELYI NOTHING DOING OWEN SOUND [AD KILLED BY AUTO Wednesday’s Owen Sound Sun- Times, under the heading. “Dr. Jam- ieson May Be Tory Choice,” says that it has it on the best of inform- ation that Durham‘s genial median is to resign as candidate for the Ontario 'Honse to accept the nomin- ation for Federal honors at. next Monday‘s convention. We‘ haven’t. shown Dr. Jamieson the article, but we. ean right here. give absolute de- nial to any such rumor. Like. the spies whom Kaiser Bill sent. out. to seek information as to the loyalty of Canada in 1913. the Snn-‘l‘imes’ emissaries for Imlitieal information have been given a lnnn steer some- where. Absolutely nothing «tome. Dr. Jamie-son is in the tiehl for Pm- vineial honors, We might gm fur- ther and state that in one Mulllltlll l_h°. Jamil-stint has no «lo-sire to he South Grey's i-em'esentatix'e :u 4n- tawa and would lmt nee-wt. it it‘ tendered to him en a silver platter. The congregations of l43itlllil. noch. Knox. Williamsfln-d. :m Andrew’s, Ghatsworth. ilt'iti ;. enjoyable picnic at Mr. Stu: grove, Williamst‘oml, on ll.- of last week. This was th. social event in which 1h.- charges participatml. und‘h.» . numbering about, 300. had a ‘1" Opportunity of extending ”I". quaintance. Delightful \Vt'fliili“ vailod, tho ring-throwing .-.. for Children. softball and min. the oldm‘ out", timottwr \xm oral swings. holpml to pan limo. A ploutit’ul supply .. crpam was proviclml tilll'lllt.’ ti tvruoon. and “iv lmulltil'u! , sumwr was smwml about t‘. . , aftnr which aunthor sul'llmll was pluyvd lwfnl'o thv (‘I'u‘x A pm'sod. ‘o‘ou.......‘ . .. ..,.. W 3011109.. ”Willi-mad!!! and“ Chats LARGE UNION PICNIC worth thumbsâ€"Three away; in Attendance. ', July 22, 1926. n WILLuusronn me .N' ho N3 hf t I \\ 'l‘l mu ALLAN PARK INSTITUTE HELD MONTHLY MEETIT Fourteen Member ors spent 11151 It Home 01 Mrs JOINT W. l. PICNIC WAS MUCH ENJOY Tlll‘l'v \\ only lawn “Homvn's l ’n'osvm N Thursday Mrs. W. find 14» m 8 mod c-I. Um: H m 8011“"le Alwrcio-w. vhaf mm pam M local Branches in South Grey Sp Plans-at Afternoon at Home .11. W. B. Regen. Near Hahn .' .uh «Inn ‘0 kl IlliYi vmrl plisl (‘8\il ”In \ HIP l RUSHING WORK Tum husx «m I theN l'l Hal “3.- Bv l-LI (‘Pllvn of H: gum! liam Imml lih'l‘e sh-in. till'a'o plum- ”N's.- 120nm bram- Of an Imam M chm Ion-m “I" \‘I at. SH 8 0mm ”IN I ”w l mmlo wml': Aug! of l" founldtx'on Now In. I Ground. and Lo 1 Building Is Complete [latter of Finance in I‘d!“ Ctbflnet. VOL. 59.â€"-NO. 305:: {H Ml M H M \\' l HON. R. B. BENNETT ON NEW CHUR the ne'

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