Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Feb 1926, p. 7

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m WNW {at passion! tho' innsmr Lansing new] up at “w r'klm um {tum} In llllol that. It. had m (M “he'll ho ”DUNK". “ In! lo'ast. h'n "mum-s M "I“ hm a!!!» have saved are able nymdthe man with money bebank is always ready for annuity or emergency. ruine- to save a certain sum Ila). That accomplished, clm'k womloln‘t ln- lwre if fl rht," said Hu' allPlldant, .. ly. uquirml hi "I" dour 'COfl ( tantially toch to rd Motor ll closed l neon Wland delivery SI md $100. $1.011) m ', fem-nary 25, um. llll ill that anger aHo'nolunt Stud- 'ho V'IIN k were In that “IP wiil NHR’l‘ll PART LOTS 7 AND 8. CON. 2‘3. ligrcmont. containing 66 acres; 55 act-cs clcarcd. balance hardwood hum: in good state of cultivation; framc burn 65x50, stone basement. "anrctc stables; drilled well and moment tank at barn. Also Lots 6 rpm! 7, (Ion. l, S.D.R.. Glenelg. con- taining “0 acres; 100 news gland and in good state of cultivation; on thc prcmlsos are a brick house con- ':Iming seven rooms. With 30011 frame woodshed attached: .dnlled ml; at door: never failin springs on this farm. making a c oice stock "arm. This property will be sold rum to quick purchaser. For par- ‘wularsAapply al‘ )Vatson's Dam"; Anna-)9 PAR. POI! SALE IN 66. Con. 2. W.G.R.. Wntinck. rum: 86 acres. Mostly clear and : nu! state of cultivation. Bank m: ., with shed adjoining and stone 0 ‘:.‘..--_ 7-roomed brick house with "‘("pfifififl kluhen and wowed. “H! watered and in 800d repair. Frjr further particulars 899'! to \\ lhiam Smith. R. a. No. 3. Durham. Advertise in taining :00 acres; 8:3 acres under cultivation. balance hardwood bush; convenient to school; on the prem- rses are a frame barn 42x65 ft. with «imw foundation; concrete stables; also hav 'narn 30x50 with stone base- ment; lmg pen 20160; twelve-room lll‘lt‘k house. furnace heated. 8190 frame woodshed; drilled well close to home, with windmill; concrete cater tanks: 30 acres seeded to hay; lll acree to sweet clover; this farm s well fenced and in a good state of ‘uim-alinn. For information apply lw \Vatmn‘s Dairy. “It. 4. Durham. ‘mrario. 1025235 le- ~nsvd Auctioneer (01‘ County of (Bu \ l’l umpt attention to sales. Rea- mu: min to {ms and satisfaction guar- unto ed. Dalvs made at The Durham (l'hmmclo- (mice 01 with R. C. Wat- .inn. V Z‘Illlt‘y .R..R 1, Phone 604 [‘11. ALEX. MacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for Co. of ‘Grgy. â€"-"--vâ€" Mom-ram terms. Arrangements {5!- sah-s. as In dates. etc., may be made at. 'l'lw Chroniclv ()l'flce. Durham. l‘o-rma un application. Address RR. 1. Durham. Phone 6“ 1' 25. DAN. ICLBAN l levnsml Auctionom for County of Gn- ). Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- mnahlw wrms. Dates of sales made at, The» (lhrnnurle Office or with him- WIT. Barristers, Solicitors, etc. A mem- Der of the tirm will be in Durham on l‘uesday of each week. Appointments ugly he made with the Clerk in the Successors to A. B. Currey. Mr. ‘1. (I. Middlebro’ is permanently luratml at. Durham oflicr. FlushertOH hl'alu'h upon awry Friday from 4.30 to 9.30 1).“). ofli'ce. Honor Graduate University of Tor- onto. Graduate lloyal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Office Calder Block. MillStroet, second door east 0! Macllrth's Drug Store. DIR. A. I. um. Physician and Surgeon. Office Lambton street, Durham, Ont. Gradu- ate l*nivorsity of Toronto. Eyes tested and corrected. Office hours: 2 to 5 p. m.. 7 to 9 p.m., Sundays excvptetl. DRS. JAIIBSOI JAIIBSOR (Mice and residence a short dist- ance east of the Hahn House on Lamhton Street, Lower Town. Dur- ham. Oflice hours 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 to 8 pm. (except Sundays). J. L. SII'I'I, I. 3., I. c. P. 8. 0. “Nice and residence. corner of Countess and Lambton Streets, oppo- site old Post Oflice. Office hours : 9 to M 3.13).. 130 to 4 p.m., 7 to 9 pm. (Sundays excepted). c. 6. AND BESSIE IcGlLLWRAY Chiropractors, Durham, Ontario. I’he Scinnce that adds life to years and wars to life. Consultation y.free In [)III ham Tuesdays, Thursdays and Qaturdays‘. 61423“ DR. W. C. PICKmUNG, DENTIST ”mm, owr J. 6: J. Hunter's store, nut-ham. Unlario. “_ _ J. r. Gnu-r, n? his. L. n". s FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Fu'neral Parlors Phone Emotes: 0268 122-124 Avenue Road Toron‘o Mn N. late: I. Haddocks Formerly of Flesherton BATES BURIAL C0. Advertisements under this heading, 1 cent a word each insertion CASH WITH ORDER; six consecutive insertions giyen tor the price of four. Telephone calls treated as cash with order if paid for before Saturday night of week ordered. Minimum charge for first insertion. 25 cents. On all charge orders a straight charge of 1% cents a word will be made each insertion. minimum charge 35 cents. 'l'hnmlay, hm.” an, ms. FARMS FOR SALE MIDDLEBRO’, SPBRBIAN MIDDLEBRO’ Barristers, Solicigors, Etc. 7. CON. 2!. EQBEMONT. COV- Licensed eflttctioneer Medical DiIettorv. REUBEN C. WATSON Dental Directorv Legal ’Dt'rectorv Classified Advertisements LUCAS HENRY iicies ' under worth. in The match. It Pun. C. O. P. SOCIAL NIGHT THE MEMBERS OF DIIRHAM COURT .\'0. $56 (1. t). F. with their lady friends. are holding a social evening in their lodge room on Thursday evening. March l. A full attendance requestedâ€"B. Stoneouse, Secretary; 6H WOIEN'S INSTITUTE “A'l' BONE" l.\' DI'RHAM TOWN HALL. THI'RS- day. March 7|. A play ontitlml "Mrs. .lnnns Pinto-ruins tho Institute." will I.» gin-n as well as ollwr numl'wrs. Admission 2:30. Everybody welcome. 1 ENGINE 1‘03 SALE SIX HORSEPOWER INTERNATION- al in good comlition.â€"â€".M1ply Robert Mightqq. Varney 11.1%. 1. Ap'hona RESIDENCE FOR SALE «mob BRICK RESIDENCE IN ITP- per Town. Durham: good garden; gum! stable); (.‘Ontrally [01th on main strwt. Apply at Chronicln of- fice. :2 18 U FOR SALE A CAR FERTILIZER T0 ARRIVE about March in Good \arioty of gradvs. Hold your orders and ant tho stt Ivrtilizer on the- market Priced rightMâ€"J W. Evian (3:80?! DRAMATIC CONTEST "FHP HRS"! DR 31“ \TIC CONTEST hvtwm-n tho \ming Peoples Clubs uf tho distiiit “ill be hi'lil in the timn hall. [Jinham on hidziy mon- imr. February 26. Rmorvod $0an 35 cents. Rush swats 2:3 cunts. Plan (if hall at R. L. Saundrr’s stare. 2 182 GRAIN WARTBD HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID for Wheat Oats. Barley. Buckwheat at Rob Roy Elevatorâ€"J. W. Ewen Son. 1 4 U DOG LOST FEBRI'ARY 10. BLACK DOG ABOI'T twn months. brown paws, small brown spot abom each eye, short tail. rpward. Notify Alex. Stewart. R. R. I. «hymn. ()nt. 2 2.25 29d NEW HORSE LIVBRY I HAVE STARTED A HORSE LIV- Pry in Durham and am preparml to furnish single» “1' «Innhlv rigs mm plvasurn sloighs for all ocvasinns. Hum! nutfits only suppliml. SIN-cull :Ittvntinn tn mmnwrcial drivzng. «I. H. [.mvrvncp. Durham. 12 .‘H 11' Phone 10/: 1° 11. CUSTOM SAWING I HAVE S'I‘AR'I‘EI) THE MILL FOR Hm so-asun's 1-111. B11111: yum logs and uwiw 11111111111.“111911111011 w'.01k limitml quantity good maple Iock o-lm hnach hc-mlnvk. cmlar spruce {n1 timber. R. W. Morrison. 1 W U FARM FOR SALE OR RENT m m1) FARM 7» MILES FROM INTR- ham. winnining 200 ucrvs. Good ham and gum! housv; plvnty 01' W11- tvr on prumisvs. Pm fluthm‘ pat- “(1111118 :Lpph In 101101 only 10 Box 30 Tim C'thllith nfliw. 1 17 6nd The Durham U.F.O. Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers are rvquested to give three days’ notice. James Lawrence, Manager. Phone 601 r 13 NOTICE FARMERS AND BUILDERS WHY IN) ELSEWHERE TO BE chmtml? (lump (4) Goldsmith Bros. and haw yIIlll‘ lugs saw”. [Ilanml and 41105344! made up rowdy for Use in your H'pilil' or no“ bIIildIIIg. All)- thing you “um um 14- "Iom “mid. I’I'i III: it :Il4-ng, and VV4- :ll'I‘ hero to Hvlllplt'tt‘ Hm work. A light inh at II "Imam-ate pI'i4-47.»4_}4I|4_l~;niIth Isms ILR. 2, Durham. ORGAN FOR SALE IN H001) 110NDI'I‘IUN. APPLY A'l‘ 'l‘hv (Ilu'unirlv ()ft'u'v. WHEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. Highest price. People’s Mills. 31523t PEERLESS GASOLINE, THE HIGH- grade gas with the “pep" and long mileage. Sold only at Smith Bros’ Garage. - 626i! FOR FIRE, TORNADO, AUTOMO- bile insurance and guarantee bonds etc" apply to Lucas 6; Henry, Dur- 113111.612“ WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- icle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the finest work on short order. U BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL AT Smith Bros. It’s good. Try it. I IO U FOR SALEâ€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lot: on George street, North 0! Skating Rink. Durham. Apply to I). Hopkins. 221 ti PROPERTY FOR ARTICLES WANTED MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE TO FARMERS FOR Durham, RR. 1. 2'4 5nd GEORGE S. LAWRENCE Lots 3 and 4, Concession 2i, Egremont SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1926 .-\'l‘ I II'ILUIGK SHARP 'I‘IIII I'IIIIIm ing: NURSES - I'IIIISII 8 V"IIIII.~' OIII, MIII'II 9 your» old, IIIIIIIIIIIII ,UIIH'I 7 yours IIIII; IIIIIIfk IIIIII'II, 8 )IIIIIS IIIII; .’\I.'I-II IIIIIrII; Colt rising 2 yours. I'I;\'I"|‘I,l'l 2 rows \\'IIIl IIIIV‘IIs III. I'm”: 2 rows supposed in I'IIII; SIIIIII' rising: 3 years old; 3 lIIIiI'I-rs rising 3 years old; Hull, rising 2 years old (III-gisIIIrIIII : Hull. rising I your old. eligible for registration; 9 yIIIIrlinIJS: lJIIll'; Collin «log. PIGSâ€"Sow IIIIII Mill'l'II. IMPLIIIAIIIZN'I‘S ~~ Cultivator, Mas- sey-Harris, nearly III-w; Binder. 6- fqu I'III. IIIIIII'iIIg; \II'IVVIII‘, Vlak'sny- Harris, 5- -I0III IIII. IIIIIII'ly IIIII-V; Hay rakII; Ilay loaIlIIr , nearly neVV; Man- ure sIIrIIIIIlIIr , SeIId Ilrill; 2 seIs iron IlaI‘I'O\\S; ’ walking ploughs;" .. gang ploughs; Turnip sower; 2 cutters; Set Sleighs nearly new; Bob sleig II; 2 wagons; Buggy. rubber tired; DII Laval cream sepa' IItIIr nearly new: Dais churn; Clothes ringer, 200-IIgg incu ator nearly new; Broader. nearly 110“; Scales, 2000 lb., nearh new; 1% h.p. gasoline engine; 100 feet 9;" rubber hose; 90 mm. 1" water piping; ,2 sets twin nook- yokes; Wheelbarrow; Grain chop- on the} plvmisus 0f the pmprictm AUCTION SALE or nousuonn EFFECTS at the jesideqce of £he_proprietor III I II‘I'IIIck HIP following: 'l‘lIHI‘OIIghIII‘NI III-I-I-fIn-II MW. 2 thank» I'Iiws. I'IIaIIs. 5 yI'aI's IIIII: (il'alll‘ I°.II\\'. PHI, 6 yI'ars IIIII; RI'II IIIIII WIIIU‘ cow, 6 "I'H’ll's IIIII; " I'I-II cows, 7 V'NII'S IIIII; (mu ('U\\'. 7 VNLI‘Q IIIII: ’ ”I‘II‘IIIIII III‘III'IS I-IigiIIII! 101' 10g- isIIaIiHII. 2 and .3 yZ'I‘IIS old; my IIDII'I'I'. rising 3 ymuv. AI'I “I0 almvfl animals am sup- [IOSI'II III IN‘ in calf. 2 lwifvl‘s, vnmim: 2 yval's 0M; 2 storm. rising 2 yval's ”M; 3 storm, mming I war: 2 lwifvrs mming 1 war; :3 calm-s: 'l‘lmmughln-vd Huro- l‘orcl hull. Evvry animal must. lw said. as tho prnprivhn' has mum stuck than lm van-s tn van-y nwr. TERMS HI“ SALE Any tinw Up Lu 10 months" crmlit. nu appmwcl .imnt nulvs homing in- torvst at 6 pvr (-0111, [NH annu'm. R. Brigham, Alu'Linnt-m‘. 0. "5 " Bruce Strut, Durfim' SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2'], me At 2 o’clock. the following: 9-piece dining-room suite, side- board nearly new; Chesterfield, near- ly new; Couch; Brass bed and springs; White enamel bed and springs; Kitehen__csbinet top; _(’)_ak springs; White enamel bed and springs; Kitchen cabinet top; Oak rocking chair; Mahogany rocking chair; Rattan rocker; Several odd chairs; 3 dressers; Table; Clothes horse; Desk; 2 piano stools; Kitchen stove; Larg e kitchen range; Par- lor stove for wood; Coal heater, self- feeder; Large number of stove pipes good as new; White enamel sink; set of computing scales 120 lbs; Elec- tric toaster; Smeral yards tloor oil cloth and carpet; Mounted deer head; Shot gun. double barrel, new; 2 steel fish rods; 6 lamps; Large store lamp; Guitar; Zither; Violin and case; pic- colo and flageolet; Carpenter's tools; Granite ware; Hoes; Rake; Shovel, Chemical closet; Other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALEâ€"All sums of $10 and under cash; over that amount, 8 months’ credit on apprnvrd joint. notes bearing interest at 6 per cent pvr annum. Wm. Brigham, Roht. Brighnm, Proprietor. Aucrt humor. 2 25 i ANGUS McARTHUR Lot 2 of 20, Can. i, E. G. 11., I('ilenelg 1 mile north of Durham AUCTION SALE. Farm Stock Implements FRIDAY, MARC}; 5,, 1926 AUCTION SALE or “an s'rocx on Um premises of THE DURHAM CHRONICLE To make the most of yum liip tho wyage through tlm Slirltrrml Scenic Seas of lhr North l’aiillc should be taken from Vancouver to Prince Rupert or Alaska. 011 the voyage, you will see the Splendid svaâ€" â€"going steamers, alluring inlets. lowering lieadlands and tumbling iicy streams and glaciers. 0n the Noxt, Sllllllllt'l' fnrgot. thv curt-s ut‘ hlisim-ss or prufvssiun and tukv a trip to “"I'sit'l’ll tlzuiaotai, tlw l’aritiv Coast, Hr Alaska. 'l'hi'rv's satist'arl in“ in this kind at u \‘iirzitimiâ€"zi swift Uinurnvy through iiv\'t-i'-lwfcirv-sm-n country. rvstful ships at splviictitt rrsurt-ht’iti-ls. :ilicl. \\'llt'll ymi rvurh ttu- tlmimtizui Marking, gnrgmtus \‘is- his uf ltlkt'. t'urc-st :uut tmx'vrini: thIIH‘dill [H'akS. 'l'twri- is newt-r an itiit‘ nmnwnt it ynii trawl illt' t‘lziiimtizui Nzititmal ruutu mi railin mitiimimt truths. (Iran-sing ”in vast. prairit- ('t'llllil'}'. tho~ "raliarx of thc- t'lllltil't' is always intorvsting. 'l‘twn Hivt‘t- is .lzislwr National Park and Junior ’zirk Lmigu nt’ umtirwnt- \siitc- fzimv. 'l‘hrrie arr mountains on all sides sky piurv im: giants. Slin\\-ramimt. nizusiw. many of which haw non-r hovii St'flit'ti. Fx'um .IaSpor National Park is a nvwrâ€"vnding succvssinn «of muun- valloys. turbulent riwrs and clashing watnrfalls, until you rnavh tlw Coast at \‘anmuvm- m- l’rincc- Ru- pegt. per; Chains, Sllovvls; Forks; 12mm bar; Cant hunk; \Vllifllvtrvvs; Hay rack; Souffle-r; L5 sawing mac-lumps, 1:5 gallon galvanizml gas tank; l-‘anâ€" ning mill; 2 svts Inc-ax) ham: s5; Sc' t singlv harm-:45; Alumt 10 “ms 0| hav. E"\¢'l)“lillg must lu- sum, as “In farm has lwvn ranted. TERMS-4133' and all sums uf tun dollars and nude-1' 'ash; uwr that amount. any time. up In 12 umnths‘ mvdit will lw gin-n «m amnmml jnint nutvs lwal mg intc mt at 6 m 1' cent per annum Geo. 8. Lawrence, Reuben C. Watson, l’l'upl'id'tm'. Am'l imN-M'. Shoes aro a most important part of a person’s attire. In fact. I haw hoard it said manv times that “onc- can always tell a gentleman by his shoes.” Bo that as it may, hora. aru a few hints as to the care of shoes: 1. Keep shoos clonn. Ah 'ziys wilw light colon-ml sluws rlvan with a ('lvan cloth :il'tm' t'llt'll wvar- ing. Plarc- on trons uml put. away ('art'fully cuwrml. 2. To rlvan tan slim-s: \Vzish tun .shovs with warm \Vatvr :iiul raistiln snap. Lot lllt'lll «try and thou polish in usual way. it. To i'vmuvo grease from Sllt‘tlt' slim-.4. This works vspwizil- ly “1-1! with ('illltllt‘. ui'vnsn spots. l'lmrt- ltlt't't‘ Hf loruwn wrapping.r papm- nw-r L'l't'tth‘a spot. llnhl warm iron nwr tho palwr. 'I‘llt' spill, will lw illi- PLAN NOW FOR THAT PACIFIC COAST AND ALASKA TRIP YOU INTEND TO TAKE NEXT SUMMER HOUSEHOLD HINTS By BETTY WEBSTER Readers. Note: If you have any questions concerning Recipes. and other Household Hints you would like to ask Betty Web- sterâ€"address her in care of The Durham Chronicle. (Copyright, 1924. by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicuh'u . “'l‘akv hm Ivltvrs fmm and ‘mw' will lw lc-I't." “l joke?" “YM.” "\Vvll. I a man “In: hwlx mum-3 1' lc-Ltms. null H “M Im J kao' tvu yzwm Sllnlflll‘l' IIIIII°IsI farm- :Il‘v I‘WI'P- tiw III-hw-I-II May 1?; and Sd'p't‘lllhl'l 30, with I'MIII'II IIIIIiI “II UI'IIIlwI' ‘H :II. a minimum «If rust. MakI- surv «If your WIMIIII IIIII this summm' by planning alum! \m' Canadian NIIIIIIIIIII .\I:I'III. “Ill Izivv \(Hl full iIInt'mntinII and il- lustIatml hrmklvts‘ ‘2 18 'J 'l‘ht-sv ll'ips. :Is mnmwd «ml, by dlzmmlizm Nahum! Hallways. :u-v not surpassmi anywlwrp and furmsh a lilu-ml mllu'utiml nu {lunaclu In uIlI‘ Canadian pmmlv, rvluru juurm-y. 54w. Kihvanua and its tulvm pub-s. Mmml. lhohsun. the. higlu-st. pvak in Hm Canadian Mm-k- id‘s. and again in .laslwr Nuliullal Park. ' (liclm' Is a gum! sulwlilulv fun brandy and WHIP in mmkim; llzclm is "iv“ in svrx'v l'ur rc-i'm-slnnc-Ilh Glide-r is a lu-ulthy drink. It. mm In For February 'l‘o pron-iii. iww sluws fi-um pinching. Lay a cloth muisi- mm! in hot wailm' acrnss plan- ]ll'vsslll'n is full. “'lH-n i'iulh hecumvs cool. change it. In this way, the loathe-r shalom; itself in Um fnui. A [win [u know Silfli'h waivi- pi‘uuf. huh “PPS-“'8X "1' mm. Inn sue-l. aruumi hunts and shoes. 'I‘U IDI'PSPI'VH klil Slim-9'. Iillii palvlii. li-aliwr slim-s \\ Ilh it Iii- “0 [H‘il‘flii‘lllll jc-lly in night In the morning. wilw ufl' slim-s mul [mlish u'c'ntl)‘. sorlwd in this way. W. My um. um. D. Incl mmammo-nuuummmm ()therCImt mmmmmmm madam-mama“.- M on Red Wold an M2 ....2.....2 Jam mummnzau .......................... .. Nolâ€"Cmtlm. “Mb-provided”. . MW. unwound-noon. bans-O'Ha- can?”c Am 5:3 W in’ £8 m .....................'.'...... 'U'm‘ I .mflt‘7 3.20.00.“ “7.“.C "7.4”.“ fl‘LIZflJ‘U coma“ $904.7 N17 ”4.8”.” Samarium not 0: market vain... (‘muflm Municipal um Ind Briush (0mm nod «would public muritia other than (WM. mt (standing Inlrku moo [tubby god m hoods. M Csll sad Short (not m My «yawn-tumultuous“).- hentumsnduochuothcm of z W m value to wâ€"râ€"fiâ€" vâ€" -7- â€"- vâ€"â€"â€"vâ€"â€" â€"â€"_'__' -â€" 0! the (‘ mum Fund ....................... Note- u! “tha- Bwlu .......... l' mwd hum- um 0!,th {mun chm ( beams on other Bank- .................. Imam: due by Bunk- sod m (jormwndents claim than I- Currantootnhddb thou“ DominionNom Deposit to the W (mu nanny-..in Deng-wig wig: thy 13!“:ng (prune m Emmotmmandu-MWIM swotmmme Contributed doomed-I Paidâ€"u: Had... BM ""cw'" W“ 'T.'.._.._..'..~......,...'_....';.L;L STANDARD BANK Bumm brought forward Feb "c.1925 . Profit: for the year ended 1m.aoth.luao.nfurddwu (summons. mm W on doppgnp. rebut} hr. ju- WymMur-mdn‘zpcm .......... .. our?” on Note m. V ............... Baa-vet! for minimal: 1 noon-o Tu OF CANADA F iftvairst Annual Statement for the ending 30th January, 1926 PROFIT and LOSS ACCOUNT Ammm N.LMdflD,Gâ€".ann AUDITORS‘ REPORT 1'0 THE SWOIDBRS what an unnamed um. provindd um and “In-km provision for bad and doubtful dohu , .. A Cider Hint A Difference lc-l't." “Is that ‘\\'¢‘||. I kmm d mnm'y' frnlu l“ GENERAL STATEMENT hum ‘munm .' “Is Hm! :I 'U. I kiln“ M I“ ‘\\ H “v gut 81'. PATRICK'S BANQUET TI”: 4)! I'LICX S'l HI'IIC'I‘ I \l lw uiwn III llmsvll llcll. IN'numm, un Friday M'vmng. Mam-In 12. lay the Minimum Ilrmmnu- Huh. .Nlmssinn 3:? Nuts and 20 run!» 2 2.“. 3nd 20. (-«vllcvssiuu 21. I'Zgrvmunl: furl! sInck. I'U’. va I'IIH IISI. IHxI. \u-vk. IH'IMHHI'II Hal'rlsnn. I’IHIHMIIHI III!“- lwu12.\\.ltwn .-'~\mImm<I. M“ F um "lm‘ K. l.ul‘1to.um:blfl- Hun 1'2. Lulvmum. 'I'Hvscla}, Mun-ch 9. 19:36. at i u'vlm'k. I'Zu-ryilunfi must lw scold. Hunl'uv llm'ul'awg I’ruprivlm', limu‘uv Ibllm'ml. Audi»!!â€" vrr. Sm- full IN. IH'H w-c-k. bought in cans and «pullml when IN‘WIW‘. In llw winlvr munthw “In-u «mg. arv high. try adding :I tathlvspmm at \‘ilwnr with :1 [MM tc-aspmm a! soda «lissanc-«l in It I» yuul‘ flack. lmttvr Instvad at 01.55. Mum-h \Ull lmla! :o M hanqlwl In ”In rlmrvla \\'¢-¢ll|v.~'cla_\'. Marvin H. I AUCTION SALE REGISTER FRIDAY, MAINLH 1:. 1930. .\'l' LU'I‘ 000(th Ill?! Log Cabin Sandwiches Hullvr slim-s m‘ dark lmmu lu-va. l’laru lugc'Hu-l' as -mnl\\u°lws. Glut samhwivlu-s In ~|ru.~. IHIv strum «on plain t'I'Iss-rruss ll! IHI'III uf IHKI and svrn' \\IH| sulzuf Buy “anuml” rmm ('Ilm'ulaiv In a «luuhh of clipping fun-ks. «le N's in!” rllm'nlah'. will luw Humm- «‘hm' ”MOTHER MINE" AT DROIORE I'Hl'. l'l..\\' ”MH'I'HI‘IH \HXI'.” \\'Il.l E-MWTn-o“ 333'? 0.. Chocolate Annuals Boo Substitute “("M‘l ILWJN.” 10519.“? .75 oooooo mm mm..mmm mm mmmmmmm .ISIJIOOO all“) 47 7733”.“ smug-9m vrx‘, MPH. sweat |ml|ri°. By use :nnmml" «Tark- 'I'lu' vllllcll'ttl :utv “annuals." mm. Wm. M» PAGE 7. Hm; I‘NI'I'ICD I’M l'u'k" luuldlmf.

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