Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Feb 1926, p. 2

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OI PAGE 2 Korean audience. IT WAS A SIMPLE CHALK TALK TO AN INTERESTED nunmu “HUICIILC. The missionary depicted a Korean going to sleep on the railroad track and talked of the danger, at the same time drawing a mental fiicture of the danger of going to sleep spiritually on this ighway of life. With a few touches of his chalk, he depicted a train coming in the dstance. The excitement was great. He asked what would happen if the sleeping man did not awake and get off the track. Several shouted that he would get killed. “Than” asked the speaker. “when shall he get off the all“ _ ”I.“ I V ' Viv-o“ av' â€"_-_- v , ‘ffhen,’: asked the speaker, “when shall he get off the track, now or tomorrow ?” “Now!” shouted a man near the front row. The speaker then turned to that man and showed him just what spiritual danger he was in by not waking up. “Will you accept Jesus now and be saved?” “Yes,” said the man, “I will!” Turning to the audience, the speaker asked how many others would join this brother in his great decision, and all over the house men and women and children arose till they numbered more than a hundred. IN A SMALL TOWN OF GUATEMALA A WOMAN NAMED Mercedes Morales operated a saloon with a flourishing trade. Four years ago she was going through a bunch of old papers and came upon a sheet nearly destroyed by ratsâ€"it was a page her son had torn out of a Gospel song book some years before. She read it. thought it must refer to angels in heaven and spoke to her son about it. He answered, “No Mother, those are the believers in Jesus.” “But where are me __- H _-:..‘I “LA 66:” Looirnn‘,” “N“, right here on earth, ETHEL, AGED THREE, HAD BEEN TO VISIT HER COU- sins, two fun-loving and romping boys. She climbed upon her father’s knee and was! tellipg hin} 2f her visit. â€" ALA:- nnn‘vnfia' Ia‘ncr a “I!“ all“ "a” y‘alllllb III-I. v- --'_ “Papa, every night John and George say their prayers! They ask God to make them good boys,” she said. “That is nice,” said papa. Then thinking soberly for a few minutes, she said: “He ain’t done it yet!” they,” said she, “in heaven?” “No, right here on eann, those who believe in Jesus. I want joy like that. But see here, boy, is there anyone here in the village who can tell me more about Jesus?” The son replied that there was one woman in the town who had what she called a Bible. That very day Mercedes found this other woman, borrowed her Bible and sat up all night reading it. Then and there her life was changed. The following day when customers came for drinks they were told, “You can’t get any more liquor here because the woman who used to sell it does not live here. Today a Jesus believer lives here.” She poured out the bar- rels of liquor and now she keeps a little store where she sells needles, buttons and dress goods. No one comes into her store without receiving a tract. When a missionary passing through the town not long ago held a meeting, seven men and a woman accepted Christâ€"Guatemala News. Switzerland. Most of the hymns, 56, were given in English, with 55 in German, 49 in French and 32 in other languages, such as Norwegian, Esthonian, Finnish, Russian, Polish, Chinese and Japanese. Two of the hymns are “When I Survey the Won- drous Cross” and the spiritual “Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?” The hymnal is called “Cantate Domino.” IT HAS BEEN WELL SAID THAT IF CHRIST HAS really taken up his abode in a human heart. often he will be seen looking out of the windows. Again it will become true as of old, “he could not be hid.” And that exactly bears out what we have often claimed for the converts. that you can generally tell the Christians by the shine on their faces. For it is blessedly possible for the indwelling Spirit to shine right through the thin veil of the flesh. And so. from being often forbidding and repulsive, and most animal in thought and mind, these spiritual children do indeed become brothers beloved. whom it is a joy to know and love. and for whom humbly we count it a privilege in some small measure to “travail in birth” until Christ be formed in them.â€"Dr. Northcote Deck, South Sea Evangelical Mission. WE MAY DIFFER AS TO THE PRACTICAL VALUE OF Leo Tolstoi’s teachings, but the following sensible words must sight! ° “To live those we do not know, those whom we shall never meet, is so easy a thing! There is no need to sacrifice anything, and at the same time, we are so pleased with our- selves! The conscience is 1001 ” Ruth loved her mother-in-lsw, with whom she hsd lived end when she knew intimftely, With sacrifice of self. Is thst the;:y;volovebhrown? Pure as the light that pours from yonder sun, Pure as the day-dawn when ’tis just begun, Pure as the breeze that sweeps o’er ocean’s breast, Pure as the limpid stream from mountain’s crest, Pure as the sigh that’s born of mother love, Pure as the lips of seraphim above, Pure as the Chirst, yes. absolutely free, In thought and life, from every stain I’d be! For The Quiet Hour Red-bloodi- him along life’s way, With cheerful smiles and helping hands And with the faith that understands The beauty of the simple deed Which serves another’s hour of need. Strong men to stand beside the weak, Kind men to hear what others speak, True men to keep our country's laws And guard its honor and its cause; Men who will bravely play life’s game Nor ask rewards of gold or fame. Teach me to do the best I can To help and cheer our fellow man Teach me to lose my selfish need And glory in the larger deed Which smooths the road and lights the day For all who chance to come ml _way. He has not served who gathers gold Nor has he served whose life is told In selfish battles he has won, Or duds of skill that he has done, But he has served who now and then Has helped along his fellow men. The world needs men today ;_ HE WHO SERVES IN THE ORIGINAL AND -â€"E‘dwa'rd A. Guest. THE PEOPLE’S MILLS Gm’s Big 60 Beef Scrap and Poultry Foods Blalchfotd’s Calf, Pig and Poultry Feeds We handle only the best lines and sell at reasonable prices. Get our price before you sell your wheat, as we intend buying wheat to ship. JOHN MCGOWAN The People’s Hills Durham, Ontario CUSTOM CHOPPING EVERY DAY Goons nnmvnnnn III TOWN nun! nu. Phone 8, Night or Day. and have put in a full line of FLOUR AND FEED That the accident was no worse and the hand saved is still some- thjpg _t_o _t_)e_ thaqkkful for. â€" ‘ ..--.. - mnmhnh L I'...“- Iii}. mfilen, whduwva's' Va member of the Citizens’ Band as clarinet )la er, will not be able by his rats- or une to handle that instrument in the future. Feeding a [Ritz-88w is a very dangerous occupdtion.â€"- Dundalk Herald. Entered Broken lip To {all while visiting her son and sustain injury was the fate of Mrs. Joseph Lambertus on Friday. Last week Mrs. Robert McPhail, also of Walkerton, broke her hip as the result of a fall while at her daugh- ter's home in Garrick. It appears that Mrs. Lambertus tripped on the cellar term at the home of her son. Simon, in Brant. Her arm was brok- en and olher injuries sustained.â€" \Valkertnn Telescl’lpo. Horses Received Bucking Mr. William Breadner, Heathcato. and his tram of horses wont. thrnugh an oxpvrivnco on 'l‘uvsday of last work may hopo will not, hamwn again. Whilc- driving in a slvigh ari'nss thu Brawr l'in‘I'. which passvs through his farm. the horsvs struck a thin spot. in ”in ion and sank in abuul six fret, nt' watvr. \Vilh nm'vssai'y quivknvss. Mr. Hrvac'lnnr unhilrhml tlw slvigh l'rnni tho hnrsas. Muanwhiln nvighhnrs and l'rimnls had t'timt' tn lho- call for hvln. hut it. was ave-r an lmur 1w- fnrv annthm' tram nl' hnl'svs pullml ”It‘il' "hrvthrvn" from iilt‘il' 1m»- tarious situalmn. Mr. Brnailnm's hnrsos sull‘m'ml slight. «lamagv, and that. was (luv to tho ion, as tho hm'svs “Ulllllit'l't‘ti around. Htlwr plan‘s Ill'fll'il)’ Shnwmt im' in lw 13 Im'hvs thick hut this plavn hap- pvnml. by ill luck. in lw a thin spat. â€"-'l'h0rnhury “(WWW-HP 'alcl. Freak Egg MI'. 'l‘lM-u. Imus of tlw Hill ('01)- cvssinn lwar Mildmay. brought. an vgg tn this 0“in that. is vxcm-ding- 1y frvukish in its shape and con- strm'tinn. It, is shapml mm-v like a hlass smppm' than anything vlsv \w knnw of. and its dianu-lm' at any placv is nut much own- half an inch. It was laid by :1 lvghm'n hen.â€"~ Mildmuy (Eazvttv. Feline Pasted for Ten Days I HIIVV IIIaIIV IiVIIs has II cat? III is gIIIIIII IIIIIIV IIIIIIIiItIIII that this halt- VVilII IIIIIIIIIstiIIatIIII animal has at IIIIIst IIIIIIIII than its shaIIII. SomII IIIIOIIIII gmsn far as to tix thII IIIIm- IIIIII III. IIiIIII. hut IIIIIIIII. sIIIIIIIs Itl IIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIItII sIIiIIntiI‘III IlIItII IIVaiI- alIIII. IIIIVVIIVIIII. a IIIII IIII {in a lung tinIII VVitIIIIIIt anything In IIat. as will Iw sIIIIII hy tIIII. IIIIIImiIIg itIInI VVIIiII II was IIIimIIIII fIIIImIthII lI‘IIIIgus NIIVV s-IIIII IIIIIl: “IIIIIIIIIIIIS III IIIII .\II\V s- RIIIIIIIIII III IV IIIIVII nIItiIIIIII IIIst VVIIIIk an IIIIVIIII IisIInIIInI IIIII a cat IIIst. ”III: II is unusual. (iIInIIII IIIIV speaking. t.hII. IIISIII' III a (“at is aIl'aIIl It) IlIlV'IIIlIis‘II for four lIII will IIII IIIIIIIirIIII with stray cats. But this IIasII was re- thIIII IIitI‘IIIIIIIIt. It was II PIIIIsian and tIIIIIIIIfIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII V'aIuahlII. and it Do. IOIIgIIII to tho IIIIitIIII. MIIIIIIIIVIIII, it, had been missing ton days. Cats are all known to like II few nights out IIIIIIII in a while, but this was unusual. It was feared that some Phone 15 ...... v a.w ...... 32.00 ...... 34.00 hunter might have mistaken him {or a young black fox. Hunters have been known to make worse mis- takes than that “About the same time, Mr. J, Cal- and other means, get the animal out and found that it was the missing cat. It had ap- parently got into the building In some unknown manner and had found its way into the floor where *it could not get out. For ten days, it had been without food or drink and was very thin, but since then. it has recovered at least a part of the lost weight. A good many tax- payers felt .lighter at coming out far. the edit the record.” A Gold Dip Answering an 8. O. 8. call from Ed. Schmidt. on Tuesday afternoon to help him get out, some ice from the dam, Art McCartney, Jr., had just arrievd at the scene when he saw Schmidt struggling with a pole to get. a bloqk qfimrg. 1A8 ”‘10. waivr - AI-A W 6"- â€" w'â€"â€"â€"â€" as covered with slush. which the new arrival mistook for ice. Art who has made many a hit with the heck- ey tans. undertook to stage an- other triumph by walking over and grabbing up this pesky iey lmulder. but as he stepped furth tn put over his ambitious program. there was a splash. and some huhhles in the water shnwed where he had gone down. Expertant eyes were new furllsed (m the split. and a rheer from the. fans \Vent, up as they saw a farm en'I'Prge train the deep and grab the hhirk ut‘ ire that he had sought. lustead nt' slmulderinu it. hnwever. he was using the frozen rhunk as a stepping shine to raise himself. as it were, in life. \Vhen he felt. sufficiently risen. he rlam- m‘ed Hill. and the rapidity with whirh his ("oatâ€"tail disappeared over the seenery showed that. he cared less whether there was an ice. fam- ine. in Walkertnn next. summer than that, the heme-tires might be hurn- ing for a heart that was returning. so tn speak.---Walkerten Times. A Valuable Invention Mr. Arthur Sovereign of this vil- lage has applied fu- a patent for an invention that, should find a tremen- dmis demand and he the means 01‘ saving tlinnsands of dollars 0" fire losses. It is knnwn as a “Stove Pipe and Chimney Safety Fire Cheek." and after many demon- stmtions nndei- varied eirenm- stances. Hm emiti'ivzinco is doing all that Hm invvnlor vlaims far it dnvim- is [Ham] in :1 mm“ stnw pilw. and is in slmrt. :1 [WP whivh ('lnsos light. \vlu-n I tacts with a llamc- m- PXH‘ssiM suvh as is causml by u vlmmn- NOBLE’S GARAGE SERVICE OPERATION [EFT HEB VERY WEAK w TCII of Wonderful “WT-king L (In amvae of Vegetable Compound ut once and I took it. I started a second bottle, and to m sulfa-inc and joy the pains in my ai e le t me completely 3nd I am able to do ull my work without help. I am a farmer's wife so you seeIcan’t be idle Ion . In nlI Ihave token six bottles of ydin ‘3. Pinkâ€" taken six bottles of I dit E. Pink- ham' 3 Vege table Com and, five boxes of the geCo d nblets, two bottles of Ly din .Pinkhnm' 5 Blood Medicine, anyd have 3150 used the Sun- ative Wash. ”â€"3111. L. LAJEUNEBSE, Box 103, Coniston. Ontario. c einsinm w- “ leftaiemdsu cred egony every month. One day when [was opt able to get up my mother begged me to tryâ€"your'med- icine. M1 {In-pad got_ m_e 1 bottle; ‘â€"- fluidly. PM 25. ms. Chevrolet (3reases ACCESSORIES OF ALL KINDS Oils Gas Sales and Service A. NOBLE. Prop. GI'ARANTEED REPAIRING >i|H'. and is ill shut“. :I clum- ivh chimes light wlwn H mm- i“! a flame- m‘ PXN‘SSHU int-:11. s is caused by a chimnvy xix-w. (Continued on page. 3‘) Headquarters {. u ('Hun 'l'his One evening a theater. This the was located in a and was rather or some Of thuso \xi Plight and “cm 1 mm a sitting pusi his head. As the was decided that air. So an nth/mi? and drag him in L Klm In HM lllvzllll [Wm H' )‘Ullll'.’ slu- .M II‘KWNE man ~ on 1h “DWI! [Inn my just 35 \\ul church. m housv party huuu-us, an. {aim oan I in this ms! rather ram- part-um (Inc's duty in ran )m‘mm \th [mums In to do. onuugh anomia hmuml' 0' ”H- I m t “’0: tum :Ig‘n g0 alum! upprm‘ fiat give m0." kmm‘ Wllt'l'd madv. OLD MR. CART BY SIMPI mm and Mrs. M. 12 wl‘sml's :m w «lmw I'm “Am-r lakl (pr than Mr it. is ich'al mmlivinvs." Adloriku is a mom hark. remnvvs 1H often hrsim: stomach S feeling. Br: “Inlay, fem-nary sys! 0m. Emmi.“ m 2‘”:le ) burr? pooh-t) In dm.‘ I’ll dl‘u \H M To Restore Blood “Wu-n mn- i;rm~. Note: hr. Scimlr'd columns as will 4 public print. ..I’¢r accompanied by 84 00'. W'. J- Schnles, l\o ll .‘l _\'0l Ill m: nd HI Ills Swollen AGoodR THE F ll Blood HEAI SOME Reply

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