Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Jan 1926, p. 8

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”a W ”AWE a $3 rs Gait last week. Miss Jean Renwick of Dromore visited over the week-end with Misses Marjorie and Dorothy Rit- chie. Mr. Alex. McDonald of Saskatche- wan visited the McDonald family. Mr. Robert Ector is srending a U. couple of weeks in Bufia Mr. Murray Henderson of Egre- mont is engaged with Mr. W. G. PAGE 8. Firth. Mr. Earl McNally of Bethune. 833k. who is spending the winter in Ontario. visited his uncle. Mr James McNally and other relatives; hem last week. “* -- ‘IA-nnn John McGirr and Henry Benton, are at work this week on the Treasur- er‘s books and the many vouchers pertaining thereto. Uur srhool library has been in- creased by the addition of twenty new books. Miss McKechnie has matte a good selection. um. .umn Rnhinson is unable to 'Ti'iés" in}; ii‘tiiiidébi is unable to attend High school this week, as she; is sumsring from an attack of The dehatv. “nix-iolved that cars have don» mnl'v harm than good." proved very inlo'ro-sling. Messrs. Horh. Edge and Arthur Robinson had the af- firmaliw and wow» awarded the dc‘. cisinn nwr Mist-i Ethel Andvrson and Mr. .‘lo-lvillv Andi-mun who upheld thv nvualiw sidv 0! Hip armimnnl. ‘ 'l’lw jmlgv-i \w-ro- Mrs. Emmi, Gimm- wnud. mm McKm-lmin and Mr. Cncil Mnil‘ul. 'l‘liis \lennsday owning Mis~i MvKN'hnir and Mr. H. H. Mac‘- Iumald will ri-prmmil Edge Hill in a deh- at Hwnvzm‘. Willowdale ( Our Own Corresponderct) Miss Lillian Park of Elwnrzo-r spvnl. nw'r thv work-end with her mothc-r who is at. lhv hump of Mr. and Mrs. William 'l'nrrv. We are glad to ropurt Mrs. Park is feeling somewhat bvtlor. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Torry enter- tainml a largo number of old friends and neighbors last Friday c’vening. All repprtml a 30ml time. â€" â€"â€"-Ln- .‘ln [Ill luyun Ill" w G ....... Could anyone. two cutters belonged to that passed through our burg last Tuesdav even- ing with the occupants feeling so jolly? With the snowing and blowing. the SldCl‘Oall was almost impassable for some of the young men to get through last Sunday. Mr. Rupert Johnston visited Sun- day at the homenof Mr. Sam. Vickers; _ -1__- r..-“ U" “U VII‘1 v-uuv -,- ‘Ir. and Mrs. Thnmzm Bailey from Manitoba are: visiting this week With Mr. and Mrs. George Alexander and family. a. n 1‘ man-ago nan ........,. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Torry are spending a few days with Mrs. Tor- ry's pan-ms, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bwa of Crawfqrd. LAA L‘-.. Wkllizis Vi’eKEinXl‘ejiander has been suffering from a bad scald on the right foot. At. the time of writing. it is improving nicply. I ‘1‘ ”.4. I. Us) III..'. ‘1 v nu-" ...v _ Mr. Juhn Alvxande?and Mr. Eric Wisv spent a Sunday recently at Hm lump of Mr. Thomas Reay of Aberdeen. Glenroadin (Our Own Correspondent) \VOml-hees have been the order of the day. A. Caswell cut a big pile of wood for Messrs. J. McKechnie and C. Sharer. Alex. Vaughan out for James Vaughan. while G. Boyd cut. a pilef or himself. 7 Miss Audry Noble and Mrs. Fr' visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sheldrol recently. ‘ fi|.__a-..l:.. "' vc-..r \-V"â€"‘\- 'â€" Mr. and Mrs. Bert Marsales have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. 'I‘rafl'ord, but have re- turned to their homv in Acton. .‘JVDIIIIUJ . Quite a stir round Glenroadin again. The mill is being repaired and made ready for sawing which is expected to regime-nee next week. a -n I _ __‘_.- ‘sA-un al'lhenezvr held their regular A. Y. P. A. meeting Tuesday night. of last. week and derided to keep two new gas lanterns which were purchased the wet-k lwl'm‘t‘. A box social will be held in Ebon- ezer srhool. Bentinck. on February 19. Admission '25 and 15 cents. III-4 dies bringing boxes free. A good program is being prepared. Misses Reta Bailey and Pearl Wil- son spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Geogre Reay practising for a debate to be held on Wednesday night _in Ebenezer school. . ‘1..- A nan]: in |llfilli Ill nun-u u". -.------- Glad to hear that Mrs. A. Park isl somewhat improved. With the careful nursing of her mother, we hope to soon see her around again. Sorry to hear Miss Annie Turn- bull is under the weather at pres- ent but hope she will soon be her usual self again. Mr. James Henderson left last week-end for his home in Lumsden. 3A-... D. Robinson was visiting in Saskfl after 3p ending a few weeks among his friends and old acquaint.- anc GS. Miss Justina Liebold spent Thurs- daz; afternoon with Mrs. Groin. . iss Agnes Orchard spent the week-end at Mr. William Crispin’s of Glen 'Eden. Mr. McMullen was conflend to his bed for several days last week. Miss Ella Miller is visiting her sister, Mrs. Keller. We extend our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. George Keller in their re- cent hereavement of the death of . m__A__I‘_, A"nn llltfll' uuuuu uuuc. Mrs. Adair spent-Tuesday after- noon with Mrs. Smith. Mr. Albert Owens had the misfor- tune to lose a valuable horse re- cently. Mr. Walter Hermiston has had a radio installed and will be able to enjoy some Splendid concerts. Mrs. Alfred Ammerman is visiting at Mr. Wihetham's of Drew. Rocky Saugeen (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDonald of Lamlzmh spent a day last week with Mr. David Watson and daughtvr, Halon. The young pmple or this line at- tmdml the hockvy matches in'town last week. The roads were pretty well fillled up last Sunday, but our minister, Mr. Armstrong. gut 11p to the church and prvachml a good sermon to Hm one-s who were fortunate enough to ho» eru to hear him. The! monthly nwvting of the \V. M. S. will he twld at the home of I‘. “III ”C III I‘ _____ )1. Mr: W altm' (larkv "on lenwur 3. (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. (1. ll. Fry are leaving for a holiday in Chicago this week. Mr. Arehie Watson is spending a few days Willi Miss Helen \Vatson nem- Durham. Mr. Percy Ledingham has taken on a job with Mr. Henry Haug to draw logs for Mr. I. Derstine of‘ Elmwood. Mr. Malcolm Campbell is spending a few days with friends near Elm- wnnd, Mr. John Walsh delivered a fine load of porkers to Durham on Sat- urday. Mr. Fred Haug had a ver suc- cessful straw cutting bee on riday. Mr. J. Derstein has completed the hauling of logs from Mr. Heagy’s bush. Oh. oh. those roads! They have ‘ been so badly blocked up down south lthat our mail has not been around for days. Traverston. ( Our Own Correspondent) Saturday and Sunday's blow-up made heavy going. Rev. Mr. Peters was wise on not making for Zion. as very few braved the storm. Messrs. Oren Peart and William Gray went down to Toronto last week. and we are. not sure whether it was to look for work or “'I‘ak unto themsels a wee bit of a spree." That they are hustlers to work is one sure thing, . _-L-AI l ‘ 6‘11" villu- They say that publishing school reports has a tendency to make pu- pils study better and promotes a spirit otgood natured rivalry. We supply a generous load of wood free to country churches. We have oyer half a dozen to put on Zion’s list. but are waitingfor some more. Our mall courier. Mr. kllest. has so far this winter made his rounds very regularly despite ugly weather and roads bud enoughin Aplaces. Anmflflt. Welbeck. Swinton Park. (Our Own Correspondent) A good January thaw at the be- ginning of the week and a January storm at the week-end made this week rather disagreeable for those who have teaming to do. As the winter" is getting well advanced, there. will be a bg_sy__tin_ie_soon. my. V'. V ID. UV '- â€"â€"v Mr. and Mrs. Neil McLeod, who have been ill for the past week, are now making a change for the bet- ter. Nurse Russell of Hepeville is in attendance. Mr. Thomas Hargraave, who has been visiti his sister at Caledon. is this 'wee visiting his many friends here. .4 cow- v "fiizvaillia'm Knox of Owen Sound who spent last week visiting his many friends here, returned on Sat- urgay Lo_hi_§_home:. A _ I ‘l:.- “-A- “- “'J -' -wv Mr. Ed. Dingwall and Miss Alma! W‘atson join hand and heart on Wednesday, the 27th inst. Congratu- lations! A reception is being held at the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W‘atson, in the evening. A good number from here attended Mr. Joe Campbell’s funeral, which was held on Thursday last to the Mormon cemetery on the 14th of Proton. Mr. Campbell was well known here being one of the well- known Campbells and an uncle of the member for South-East Grey, Miss Agnes Macphail. Elder J. Mc- Lean and Elder Peterson had charge of the funeral services. I’ndertaker Watson of Priceville was funeral director. (Our Own Correspondent) The Ladies’ Aid meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Spence Hopkins Thursday of last. week when Miss Mary McCallum was presented with a set of French ivory and the fol- lowing address before leaving for St. Catliarines: Dear Mgry: ____ Q . IL , 7-.)1--. ”L“. We, the members of the Ladies’ Aid. wish to express to you at this time our deep appreciation of the interest you have taken in our So- ciety, always willing and ready to make the Aid a success. As the old saying is “A friend in need is a friend indeed." it has always proved true with you. We feel, therefore, that we cannot let you leave us without showing you in some mea- sure our love and esteem and ask you to accept this gift as a token, of appreciation of your many years of kind labors among us. We trust that God will bless you and prosper you wherever your lot may be cast. Should storms and trials come, for- et not to cast your care upon Him ho has assured you His support. Signed on behalf of the Ladies’ Aid. “Mrs. H. Crickington, President, “Mrs. William Fulton. Secretary.” Mrs. James Brunt attended the funeral of her sister. Mrs. Morrison, in Mount Forest. on Sunday, Jan- uary 17th. _ l - h. ‘, m-“-_ “-'A A “W-v -7 Mr. afi'd' Mrs. Clark Torry gave a party to_ the young peeple of the Corginumty Friday night of last The latest phone installed on this line was at the home of Mr. Reg. Sharp, making a total of 27. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bailey of Palmer. Sask.. are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Clark Torry. Mrs. Sam. Vickers and daughter, Ruth, are visiting her sister, Mrs. Andre-w Green of Stratford. Misses Florence and Ellen Boyce are visiting with Durham friends this week. Mulock. m‘-o WHCI V” bbbbb w-câ€"v â€" -â€" some time in Detroit. . Mr. and Mrs. William Backus vis- ited one day last week at the Car- Messrs. Andrew Pieken and John Morice called on Robert Picken re- cently, who is recovering from a serious Operation performed by Dr. D. B. Jamieson. . Mr. and Mrs. John Morice spent ilast Friday with Mr. and Mrs. D. iMcIlvride of Blyth's Corners. Next Sabbath is communion serâ€" vice in the United church. The preparatory service will be held on Thursday evening. Mrs. John Orchard went to Tor- onto Saturday last. She accompan- ied Mrs. A. Main who continued her trip to Calgary to visit her son, Wil- liam, who is seriously ill. High school slafl‘ and formerly wrincipal of the Continuation school ere, spent. Saturday and called on severa ances. in the village 1 old acquaint- Mrs. W. T. Pe-trie entertained the Dramatic Club and a few others last Friday evening. and a most enjoy- able time was spent. / ""Dr. McLellan was in the village for a short. time recently. He came to Mount Forest on account of the illness of his father. l l V'v-v Mrs. Alex. Aitlien. Jr., is home' again from the Toronto General Hospital. She is recovering nicely from her recent. Operation. The annual meeting of the, Egre- mont Creamery Company was held in the Hall here on Tuesday after- noon last. There was a large rep- resentation of patrons, hoth share-1 holders and non-shareholders. The president, Mr. J. McArthur. occu- pied the chair. The. auditors’ finanâ€" cial statement and stock reports were read and adepted. During the season of 1923, butter to the value of $43,249.55 was sold. of which $36,785.72 was paid to patrons. The manufacturing cost 81.30034. and the hauling cost $1,855.75. There is a balance on hand of $906.21. The, services of Mr. John H. Scott. of the Department of Agriculture were secured, and he spoke on the cream grading system now to he put into effect. The former heard of direct- ors were reâ€"appointed with Mr. John McArthur as president and Mr. W‘al- ter Hastie secretary-treasurer. Mr. As William Nelson was cutting wood on his farm one day last week, he felled a tree, that contained a hive of bees. The tree being hol- low, nine feet of it was filled with honey and bees. 'l‘ho bees were much disturbed but re-entered the, cell and remained there. Mr Vincent Remc of Churchill spent the_ wepk-end. at _t_he Manso. 2,1“! t} lLvllu van uâ€" v--_ . v W _ A couple of loads from the. United church went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sim. and Mr. and Mrs. Brooks and family were. also invit- ed to be present. In due time, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks and boys were called to the front, and an appro. priate address was read bv Mrs. Thorne, and a beautiful clock, sil- ver spoons and two sets of cutl‘ links were presented. as they are about to leave for the farm recently purchased near Listowel. Mr. Brooks who is engaged in the handle fac- tory, will remain for a month or so before going to_ join the family. Holstein. 888. IIIU m vvvvvvv , _ flessrs. R. Ailken, R. Christie. G. Alles. Alex. Aitken. Jr., (1 McMillm. The Board of Managers consists of Messrs. J. A. Smith, H. N. Dodds. W. Neson, J. Leith, P. Mulch and Arthur Eccles. Mr. William Aitken is Treasurer and Mrs. Bert Brebner organist. STRATFORD NOMAL «‘7 .0'8" nnLn an“ um lam The graduates of Stratt‘ord Nor- mal school are reminded that the “At Home" is on the first Frida in February isth), and that the regu- lar reunion banquet will be held on Saturday in Knox church at 12 o‘clock. It is hoped that all grad» uates will accept this as their in- vitation to the “At Home." There will he preparatory service for the Presbyterian congregation in the hall on Friday evening of this week at 8 o’clock. Rev. G. C. Little of Hanover will preach. Commun- ion servwe Will he held at the morn- luw’“u' â€" " ' in charge 0‘ m“ WWW wont January In. James liar. WEEK-END STl WAS RE! “I _ loads filled The big windâ€" :m MINES and 5mm reports fmm uhH'u (mm “‘iri‘lflfis ”153.3 aim in "ID Nm-H. \ w in tho Nm-th ‘ (WW 3 Ian-11w Ml) hvmisphvhg we“ had MIMI; oo destructiw z... places. (Amman-mg: Sui increamnl m hm {our o‘clock Sutum “l "0” 1m min (own wvrv ulmmt “1080 in “Iv rmmh um 8mm “hm-h 1.- ”full. “MPH, h. I fortyâ€"nub \xu. .lmnst um mm- “H ”8"”. ”I“ « NH.- This \m [n Hm u could m" were mm roads \w- .8 husmv 316' and Snow! oral Throughout =â€" 213. 3;: 3.1!... 5:: . deadâ€"7.5.. ; ‘gâ€"......_. ’1. a: S t. r. :33 _= 2:. . partu-ulzwi‘ (00' u" fwui i filmed Sh“ s! in how frzul «'1 Wiartnn. \va- flllu‘l‘s. \Vh wantily Had. (he hnnw :u'v ml‘l‘ihld‘. 'I‘Iw ll Loduv 3 ill HH' 1 of this wm-v It‘ In ”an : cervmt u .H’.‘ J. MN \’.JG.. 1.6.. lum: Mt'l' Full' the nu sumwl mid“ U- hm had a an M fast ‘ thv s'l CONGREGAT H 83 (bandits ‘ H' In undolm-u- MIC!!! “I" “Duty bvmm Vial-dvalh l‘h M! SIN 59.-â€"-NO. :2 \V H S I! \\ ll 10m M J to

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