Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Jan 1926, p. 7

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ls. Winter and lo!“ sees. Aprons. Web Goods. leis. Hosiery of all finds. my and shades. YOU MONEY “08k MI 51‘ mow if “"d the people of Dur- “e are able to give 1" Sold, 80 i8 (30mplete q es ss Dre 5‘ H M-wo+o’9.o'-o‘a.o«o-o-W For Women 1 tips from In“ is, that are and h finer in aura:- or Japan. Try it. ost Office Thursday, January 2‘, 1.. TEA Rowland, Mange: MONEY AT .up ll Dry nnvert )HCC . HIH' Hf the w ”3; Purlim ~ 1” live “1‘. \nm’ «'04)me ’Hm: aver "Ii. mm”. In South L he _ 4 : ezam of cultivation. Bank .v " v-t'; shed adjoining and “0‘” ~ ‘ Tornnmed brick house with \\ ' ~ kitchen and vowed- r . " atnred and in N ”in «4‘ "may pu'ticulafl ml! ‘0 ~ . Rm fimithJLlLNlllm 93mm: 100 acres; an acres uuuer ‘ui'n'ation. balance hardwood bush; «mu-nient to school; on the prem- s are a frame barn 42x65 ft. With «one foundation; concrete stables: also hav barn 30x50 with stone base- ment; hog pen 20:40; twelve-room brick house. furnace heated, aiso frame u-mdshed; drilled well close to house. with windmill; concrete water tanks; 80 acres seeded to hay; t0 acres to sweet clover: this farm i3 welt fenced and in a good state of cultivation. For information apply : . Watson's Dairy. RR. 4. Durham. AAA-“A. \W vRTH PART LOTS 7 AND 8. CON. :3. l-Zuremonl. containing 66 acres; 55 wwa cleared. balance linrdwood -:~h; in good state of cultivation; "lnlt‘ barn “:50. stone basement. "wrote stables; drilled well and mom tank at barn. Also LOB 6 -' ' 7. Con. é, 8.0.3.. Glenelg. con- "i ' us: no acres; 100 acres cleared 2' -i :n good stale of cultivation; on ' - z'remises are a brick house con- ”m: seven rooms. Willi good ' m» woodshed attached; .drilled ' :il dnor; never fail") springs 0“ ' ~ "arm. making a c oice stock ' This properly will be saidi ‘ ° 9» quick purchaser. For par-W il2‘~‘ apply a? Watson‘s “I”. i. Durham. Ont. 1025”“ [HT 7. CON. 2!. EGREMONT. COX- '3711'712 100 acres; 85 acres _\_md?l' mtario. ’ BATES 31mm. co. ALEX. IacDONALD Lxcensed Auctioneer for 60.01 Grey. \l...i. xatp turns. Arrangements for ~:1.' ~. 11“ tn «lilies. 016.. may be made .' ’I': 1 « iuoniclo Office. Durham. 1, This“ un application. Address RR. 2. Inn-ham. Phone 6“ r 25. DAN. IcLEAlI Lwensvd Auctioneer for County of .u-wy. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- wsmmo' H‘l‘ms. Dates of sales made at Hu- «lhrunicle Ofl’ice or with him- Barristers. Soxicilors, etc. A mem- {u‘l' «bf “19 firm will be in Durham on l‘uvsday of each week. Agfointments “my be made with the er]: in the ”Nico. MIDDLEBRO’. SPBRBIAN IIDDLBBRO' Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. .‘ll(;!""‘o"“l.“ 10 \ B. Currev. \lx'. Middlvbw is pexmaliently In. uh «i at Durham omcv. Flesherton mum h .viu‘n every Priday from ...:u tn 9.30 p.111. J. F. GRAH'I', D. D. 8., L. D. 8. wal' Graduate University of Tor- nnt'v, Hruduute Royal College Dental sumo-nus of Ontario. Dentistry in all [[5 branches. Office Calder Mnck. MillStreet, second door cast "I .‘lllt’BchS Drug Store. Durham. Ontario , __ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- ' Chiropractors, Durham, Ontario. I‘lw Science that adds life to years and ypars to life. Consultation free. In Durham Tuesdays, Thursdays and Szmxz'dayS. 61423“ PUNBRAL SERVICE New Modern Yuma] Parlors Phone Hillel-est 0268 122-124 Anna. am Toronto Physician and Surgeon. Office anhton street, Durham, Ont. Gradu- at». I'niwrsity of Toronto. Eyes mm] and corrected. Office hours: 3 m ;, p.01" 7 to 9 p. m.. Sunday: “\q-o-ptl‘d. J. L. Slfl'l. I, 1., I. c. P. 8. 0. nfl'ice and residence. corner at muntess and Laughton Strpeu. oppo- mp nld Post 061cc. omen hour: : 9m“ a.m..130to 6 p.m.. 7 to 9 pm. , Sundays BXCBD‘ed) . D88. JAIIBOI JAIN! mTu'e and residence I short diat- am‘n east of "IO Kuhn Home on Lambton Street, Lower Town, Dug- mm. Office hours 2 to 5 pm. 7 to a pm. (except Sunk”). i..w-nsvd Auctioneer (or County of --_\. l’mmpi‘. attention to sales. Rea- :Mn terms and satisfaction guar- ~i. Dates made at The Durham :« mclc‘ Office 01‘ with R. C. Wat- '.. \“Iz'ney. RR. 1. Phone 604 I‘ll. cg‘q.‘ 5179 ‘ngssp ychLLmu! DR W. C. PICKERING DENTIST ”mu o_\_er_ J. a: J. Hunters store, FA RMS FOR SALE Con. 2, “LC-1’s- Boatinck. . e aouthwest of Durham. c0"- ' \‘5 acres. Host]! clear '3‘ John I. In.” I. Met: Formerly of Flesherton Lirensed .fluch’oneer Thursday, January n, u REUBEN C. WATSON Legal ‘Dzrectorv Dental Directorv LUCAS HENRY Prion and woodshgd. 00870. 31me and in good repair. I HAVE STARTED THE MILL FOR pflgiculm gpply to the season's out. Bring your logs and receive prompt. satisfactory work. .,n.a.1~o.3. mm Limited ntity good maple. rock elm. beac hemlock. oodnr. :0pr 1.. Bmtinck. {o 25 23 u GUSTO. 311mm I HAVE STARTED THE MILL FOR the season‘s cut. Bring your logs and mmiw- nromoL satisfactory work. I!" BORSB LIVER! I HAVE STARTED A HORSE UV- m-y in Durham and am prepared to furnish single or double rigs and pleasure. sleighs for all occasions. Good outfits only supplied. Special attention to commercial drivmg. ‘ (L B. Lawrence. Durham. 12 31 t! Phone 104 r u. Juries Lawrence; lancer. Phone 601 r 13 Durham. RR. i. NOTICE 1'0 PARIEBS The Durham U.F.O. Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham On Tuesglays. Shippers pre requested jn gm; three dug: notnce. POOL R00! FOR SALE BY TENDER TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED L'P till noon January 25. 1926. for half intert‘st 111 pow! room. Highest or am tunder not necessarih accept»- ed. Must be sold. as the {prOprietor is going out of businessâ€"David Mc- Kelvoy. Durham. FAR. POR SALE OR RENT GOOD FARM 5 MILES FROM Dl’R- ham. containing 200 acres. Good ham anal gnnd housn; plenty 0t “'3‘ tur on premises. For further par- tit‘ulars apply by letter only to Box 30. The Chronicle office. t 1? 69d PAR! FOR SALE LOTS 3 and 4. CONCESSION 2. AND part of Lots 5 and 6. Concession l. S.I‘).R.. Glenelg. 4 miles from Dur- ham. containing 150 acres. 30 acres hardwood bush. 5 acres swamp. bal- ance in good state of cultivation. Bank barn with cement. stable, frame house with wood shed attached. other out huildings in good state of repair. well {anced and watered. For further particulars apply on the premises to 1-2. H. Lindsay. R. R. l. Priceville. phone Durham 605 r 12. I FAR)! POR SALE 7SEVEN'I‘Y-‘l‘HREE ACRES IN ALLAN lPark. mud hank barn. cement stabl- ing. renwnt silo. hog pen. shevp pen, hmi hnnso'. gum! fc-ncos, lots (if good \VilHPI'. good 7 roommi hnuse in first class shupcxwatorinhuuse, goml 0r- chard. big strmvlwrry patch across the. mad from store and blacksmith shOp, wry 01056 to church. school, and shipping station. 7 acres fall wheat. fall ploughing dune. A gen- uine snap for quick salerâ€"Applx to Henry Osthofl. Hanover. or .Irs. George Last. Allan Park. Executors. NOTICE PARIBRS AND BUILDERS \\ H\ (H) FLSF \\ HERE TO BE clwntml? c‘nmo tn Goldsmith Bros. and haw wm lugs saun. planed and (31035. d. madv Up 1w dv for [he in \mu H’puil‘ or nnw building. Am- thing \uu “ant ma!» from “0M. 1M: 11:: it “lung, and \w. are how to wmplvtv Hm “01k. .-\ light inh {it a mmlmatv p1imr~â€"4}nlcl~.xlllt!1 B105“ R. R. 2. Durham. IONICIPAL OFFICER WAIT!!!) TENTH-IRS WILL BE RECEIVED FOR Um position of Assnssm' fur Town- ship of (Hmwlg. dutivs to rommenro Frhruary 1.3. Roll to 1w returned rumplrtm! (m m- lwforo May 1. 1926. lmwrst Hr any tmulrr not necessar- ily arrrptml. Applications I‘N‘Pivrd up till Saturday. February 13. By orch'r of Hm Council, H“ H. MacDonald. Clerk. 1 2! 3 R. R. 1, Durham. PINE SALT FOR SALE CAR LUAD Jl'S’l‘ ARRIVED. BAR- I'ols. sacks and prvssvd blacks for ('attlv.â€"-â€".\. B. lemllan. 1 21 2pc! LOST BE’HVEEN DI'RHAM AND HAN- (New on Wc-dm'sday, January 20. spam Balloon 'l‘irv and Rim. vaard I". I“. Mollraith, Durham. 1 ORGAN FOR SALE IN 6001) CONDITION. APPLY AT 'l‘lw Chronicle ancv. worm WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- icle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the finest work on short order. tf WHEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. Highest price. PeOple’s Mills. 31523t FOR FIRE, TORNADO, AUTOMO- bile insurance and guarantee bonds, figcfioapply to Lucas a; Henrymllmr‘; grade gas with the“ yileage. Sold onlv a . Durham. Apply to 221 t! ARTICLES WANTED MISCELLANEOUS LESS gésqpmz, THE HIGH- i l 4 612 U By order of the Hunicipal Coun. cil of the Township of Egremont. Dlted Janna-y 19,195. APPLICATIONS WANTED SEALED APPLICATIONS AD- dresspd to the undersigned and en, dorsed “Application for Township Road Superintendent” will be re- ceived until Saturday, February 6, WANTED AGENT WANTED FOR DURHAM and district. 'le fast selling household Specialities. Write for full particulars. Consolidated Sales Book a; Wax Paper Company Limit.- ed. 800 Burlington Street, Hamilton. BAKING SALE THE TRINITY CHURCH GUILD will hold a sale. of home-made bak- ing on Saturda). January 30, in the A. Y. P. A. rooms. Ariernoon tea will be sprved. Doors open at 3 o'clock. 1 2i 2 Tofonto, January 18, 1926. Deputy MinigtPr of. Highways. Department of Public Highways. v ~v'w_â€" ‘ All bonds [fihSt be m'adé on do; partmental forms. The lowest 0:- any tender not necessarily accepted. A marked cheque for $500.00 paI- able to the Minister «of Public. W mks and Highwavs Ontario or 3 (mar- antI CompanI 5 Bid Bond for a similar amount must. be attached to tenders. A Guaranty Company's Conâ€"- tract. Bond for 50 per cent of the amount of the tender will be fur- nished in the Contractor to the De- partment then Contract is signed. 1285 Chatsworth 80th towards Durham 6.5 1286 From swamp north of Mark- dale Southerly 6.1 Plans. specification. information to bidders, tender forms and tender en- velopes may be obtained on and af- ter Monday. February 1, 1926, at the office of the undersigned or from Mr. W. R. Alder, Resident Engineer. Durham. Swarato soalml tondors marked. "'I‘ondor for Contract No ......... ” will bo recoivorl by the nndorsignod until 12 o‘clork noon on Monday, February 22. 1926. for the following work on tho Provincial Highways:â€" Contracl No. Mileage FOR TERMS and Cnnditinns of Sale), app}\ to C. C. Middlobrn’. Dur- ham. Ontario Datml January 18th. .-\.I). 1926. C. (I. MIDDLEBRU’. Barrister, Elm. l '28 3 Durham, Ont. I'NDER AND BY VIR'I‘ITE 0F tho powvrs ronlainml in a rortain mort- gago wliirh will ho producml at tho timo of solo. thorn will ho ofl'erml for salo hy I’I'BLIC AI'UI‘ION. by Alex. MacDonald, Auctionoor. at tho HAHN HOI'SE. in the Town of Dur- ham. County of Groy. on Monday, tho Fifteenth (lay of February. AJ). 1926. at tho hour of Two o‘clock, in tho aftm‘nonn. tho following pro- mrty:â€"â€"in tho Township of Glonolm in the County of “my. containing hy atlmoas'uromont Fifty acrvs. mm? or loss: bring Lot Numhvr Eight.‘ in tho Sorond Conrossion North of tho Durham Road. (in tho proporly is said to ho Pl't'Ctml a Frame Dwoll- mg. James Brunt- and Miss Mary Mc- Callum. Auditors. Prank Schmiit Road Suppl-intrud- ant. McGrognr-â€"- 'I‘urnbnll: That wo ad- imu'n l0 moot on Monduv Febru- an 8. to rvcoivo auditors I‘DpOI‘t According to By-I.ow N0. 101. the following officials wcl‘c appointml: J. H. Chittick. Clcrk. W. G. Hastic. 'l‘rcasnrci'. Dr. J. L. Smith. M. O. H. Alcx. Wilson, mcmlwr Board of Hcallh. - vw-' '- Magwoodâ€"McGregor: That the accounts he paid as follows: Elec- tion $87.00; Clerk’s postage 817.22; J. H. Chittick. salary $80.00; Muni- cipal World. election papers. assess- ment rolls and seven copies of World $40.90; Reeve. postage. phone 3200; Treasurer, postage. phone and stamps. etc. $33.61; Treasurer, pre- pare. statement $4.00; Reeve. pre- pare statement $4.00; Dr. J. L.;Smith. M. 0. H. salary $150.00: William Bie- man. pay sheet. $.50; 'l‘homas Ma- gee. halt‘ eost or Town Line Ben- tinrk and Sullivan $169.45. v-77 W66 avu McGregorâ€"Ii‘uiniiullf That giant of 85 each be given to the Sick Children’s Hospital and Elmwood Pqtflic Libpaqy. “Carried. Magwoodâ€"{iriersonz That Clerk advertise for applications for As- sessor for the township, salary 8105, applications to be received until noon Februayg 8 next. Carried. ‘- h Maéw'oodâ€"Lériefiiddgiv‘hat we sub- sqribe for seven copies of the Muni- clgal World. Carried. TlnmbulléMeG}e-g'03: That Clerk receive tenders for township print- ing until nexht .meeting.__Carri_ed. a. m. The declination of office be- ing taken, the Reeve took the chair and commenced business. Minutes of December meeting were read and adopted. Tumbutlâ€"Magwood: That By-Law No. 101, appointing officers and stat- ing scale of wages. be read a first and second time. Carried. McGregbfiâ€"vévrziérsafxvz'i‘ilzt By-I N0. 101 be read a third time flqqlly passed. Carried. The Council-elect for the township of Bentinck met. at the Township {la}! 0!; Morgdqy, January i_i_, at_ H NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS MORTGAGE SALE BentinckCouncil S L. SQL'IRE. Grading David Allin. Gert. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Ontario. Water! Water! Water! m Is Good Health my? THE MON THIY MEETING UP THE Womons Instituto “ill kw held at the home 01' Miss Anni:- \\ air. Dur- ham. on 'I‘hursdax Fobrums 6 Tho meeting “ill bn taken by th% mand- motlwrs. All are cur-dialh imitnl to attend. l FOXH()I'.\'D WHILE HITN'I‘ING NEAR Base Lino, concession 10. Bentinck. January 6. Medium size. Black rm back. head. vars and 103% tan. white on brpast. whim feet with tan dnts. Anyono knowing of such plpasn write Ed. Rothaupt, Elmwoml. Ont. t Prof. H. Ktltz will nxnminv 03:05 on his rounds again at ”w Hahn Houso, Durham. on Wmtnosctny. Fohruary 3, by tho mc-thmt that sot- clom fails. Hc-ad aclw. pain in tho hack of the nook. dizziness. inflamml eyns. twitching eye lids, defective vision. rnlieved through proporlv fitted glasses. By our (treat ski“ and long emerience and with our new PquipmonL we can help you even though others fail. Remember the dataâ€"E. Katz. RFIWHH) PRICE SM]! UP SPIR- vHa gumls' 1m ”In month of Fl‘hlll- an .â€"â€"â€"-\h.‘~'. J. (I. .\i(hnl. Durham. We must. giw yuu sziiisi'avim'y {ramps as well as pvl‘vat ll-nsvs and ('oml'm‘lalilv \‘isinn. \V. H. Phillips. Upt.l).. of ilin W. ll. 'l’zlylm' Optical Company. Uwvn Smmc‘l. will lw at 'l‘. M. MPFaililvn's Drug Slurp all fm'onmm and Up in 2.30 p. m. Friday, January 29. lie-surw appuinimvnis with Mr. Mel’sulllvn. Mr. Phillips will b0 glad in allVlSl' yuu in i‘vgurll in any vyv ll'Ollllll'. WOIEN'S IRSTITUTE MEETING I'NLES ‘S\\E. SATISFY H)! l.\' TWU 9:933. \w coursiclm' um (In!) undnnv. appninting Assnssor and trunsaotiun of general husmvss. Pastry ‘m' (-nnkin dnuch oquals fmn' mnasurns of flour tn (mo mva~ sure uf hqunl. sums of flou't' to'mw hwasuro- uf hqgud, ((sz knead}. , v wâ€".- vâ€"‘- '1"..." . \ \ I'I‘ Q‘.‘ A thin hatter vquals mw mvasurn of flour to mm mv'suru of liquid. ‘ _ I .. - ___l‘l!_ __- â€"â€" ---< "- "W‘..". A muffin hauvr vquals twn mnaâ€" sums of Ilnur to 0m- mvasurv of “mild. '[Inday noarly vvc'ry I'vcipn calls for lvvol mvasurvmvnts. Huwvwr. thnrn arr) sumo old time» rm'ipvs we all like to usc‘. and it is “'4'“ to haw in mind right. proportions in m'dvr to ‘um’lqrslaml sumo rpcimm. Sausages sometimes brnak while cooking. I find by first rolling them in flour and than frying them that thny soldom hrvak and fry 3 pret- tier brown. A pretty platter laden with up- ples fried in butter and a dash of sugar surrounded with golden brown sausages is an appetizing luncheon dish to sm‘ve to intimate friends, and it. is also a nice family dinnnr. Why take a chance and use water that is polluted and unfit for domestic use when Pure Water can be had by haying a well drilled. We handle Pumps and Pump Be- pairs. Satisfaction Gunmen! ED. J. PRATT / .. No. 4. Durban. Phone 98â€"1: .-\ ham butt. (Lahhago, Mothml: Cook Hu- ham butt. for .3on clough vquals “mm mm- DOUBLE SATISFACTION SPECIAL PRICE SALE PROF. KATZ COMING Batter Preportions Ham and Cabbage COOKIIG HINTS To Pry Susana LOST J. H. (lhittick. (Zlvrk By BETTY WEBSTER Readers, Note: If you have any questions concerning Recipes. and other Household Hints you would like to ask Betty Web- sterâ€"address her in care of The Durham Chronicle. (Copyright, 192.6, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) :_7/it3ts qut \Vitli llm lit-ginning nl‘ tlu- an .Yoar‘s arlivilins. many of ”W lmsi- m-ss mvn will lw ruplvnisliing llu-ir supplivs ur printml slnlimwry. Al. Um samv limv. am'nls (if cily print- ing mnrm'ns will lu- smurinu llm mmnlry sulicilim: mull-rs. ll's a {rm- munlry. and a man mm buy \Vlll'l‘l' lu- likvs. lml may “1- l'l'flllllll «mr lmsinc-ss l'riv-ncls that ii. is mm-li tho lwtlc-r unlit'y in louy (rum ”I0 lm‘al prinlvi' and vnmuragv lm'al Milt-mrisv? 1’?th and quality “l” Pinupplo Cake 1/3 cup of hum-r. 2 Pg: yulks. 2 (flips of fluur. 2/3 Clips Hf sugar. 1/, cup of pim-applu jnim'. Maspmms of baking ldevP. 0mg whites. [fl A? Method: (Irwin: huttvr and sugar. Add lwatvn rm: ynlks. flour. baking [mwdm' and pinvamdc- juivv. Last 1 quart. at grapefruit. mud. ‘Apcund of sugar. Mrtlmd: tlut grapvt‘ruit rinds in pircrs and snak in slightly salt wa- trr for a day and a halt. “win 011' wau‘r and put ruld “'illt'l' un. Boil rapidly for 10 minutvs. (filmma- wator and bail in this muum-r l limos. Drain all all watvr and know riuds pvrfm'tly dry. Add must at sugar and stir. tlunk slnwly mm slaw tirr. Stir \wll. Whvn it Im- L'ins tn ('rystulizv. stir rapidly. I'an- ty an nilc-d [min-r and qn-iuklc- \wll with sugar. , _- fit, .0--- ”mm, which has been cleaned and quar- tered. Boil tom‘thm' until cabbage is done. Skin ham. Place» on plat.- ter. Put ('Ehbflfl'l‘ :n-uund ham. By adding bailed potaimm. a mm! mm. plow meal is mad». at least. 2 hours. About % of an hour before; servipg, qdd qabbagv THE NECESSARY PRINTING For January Candied Grapefruit BAKING HINTS Read Campbell’s Dry Goods Sale Ad on Page 6. 'l‘vm pruhlvms uur piunovr women didn't haw m-rv vigarvltv Mains on llu-ir lingvrs and clmmu-d unwarâ€" [N'h‘nit Fl'ms Prom-z. I'omIIaI'I- I‘InIII'alIh wIIII IIII\ ('IIm- III-IiIIII', as IIIIIsI- \\IIII IIII\I- IIIII'I-II Ilm 'l‘flllhll‘ III I‘IIQIIIH‘ IIIIU- aIII I-IIaIned. BIIIIIIII‘II. IIII- IIIIal IIIIIHI'I‘ paw-I IIIClI IIIXIIII; IIII- ('IH man (IIH’S IIIII .â€"-â€"-'I‘II6 A-IIIIII FIN? I‘H‘ss 1 cup 0f sugar. M run of mold waim'. 2 rum 0! oranlwrrivs. 1 talilmmmu uf "our. 1 lahlvsimun «if hum-r. 1/, li'uspnun uf Vanilla. 2 09:8. Motlmd: Hail sugar and water inmiflwr. Whvu sugar is dissulmd, add craniwrrivs. Hunk until they all “mm." (2001. Mix yulks «if 0m, flour and UII‘W' taint-spuuns ranked i'l'alll‘ml'rivs. Add In ('imlml lwrrins, Simnwr a fvw minim-s until mix- turn tiiii-kvus. Add hqur and Van- illa. Pour mm liakml pin slwll. anr with mvringuv and lmko. 2/3 cups of milk. 1 033. 1, (‘Up of grllml pilli‘qiplv. - iahlmpoons 0f mmswrvli. 2 ialolospimns of numr. 1 laihlimponll «if Ivmim juicm l1|‘tl0 3‘8“. leiimi: Braid milk. Pour over mrnstarch and sugar. (kink 10 min- uim. Tin-n midi pinvapplv, 0m: and salt. Hunk uniil ii. lliirkvns. Ice with an iving as l'nlluwsz 1's» 1 ‘A'aS‘HN’II ul‘ ic-mun jun-e. pilwapplv jlm'v. i Iimvs as nnu'li sugar as puma“- [ili- juivi'. of all. mm in beaten egg whiten. Bake in layer tins. Cranberry Pie PAGE 7.

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