Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Jan 1926, p. 6

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PAGE 6. On Saturday afto-rnmm. UPCL’IIIDCI' 26. the Parliammil was c'iponed at 330 with a short address from Bi- shop Browing of Toronto. .\l this opvnim: svssion. hvlcl in lhn Parlia- mont Buildings. nvarlylll) boys worn prosont. ro-prvsonling all sm-tions of Ontario. Actiii'vsso-s \W‘l'o I’lflllViPl‘Pd by Albert Tuckvr. Spoako'r of the 4th Boys‘ Parliament. anal Frank Adams. [J‘alil'l' of tho» Opposition in the stamp parliammil. (Bordon Lam). tho ro-tiring Pro-mivr. thvh gaw his report. of tho- yoar's work in which he stab-cl the various autivilios of last yoar's parliament. and, inci- dontally, dated that he had tra- wllml uwx' 7.000 "liil'S in the impr- ests of lho- Boys Parliament. Tho numlu-r of l). S. _F.. '1‘. boys had been I (I... incrvasml, amt they had raiswt $11.- 000 by tiw bond selling campaign. Ttwy wo-m now in a position tn maintain “in twu-man stat! (iilharlvs Ph-wman and J. M. Findlay" whn wo-i'n olM‘utilu: all ”N'il' tinw and mn-rgy in tho- into-ro-sts of prin'incial hnys‘ work. tiarl Lyman. tlw roitii'ing provin- cial sm'i'vtar)’. gau- his rap-urt. The main its-m was ”in fact that ”mm“ wo-ro- nnw fmii'tm-n (-stahlishmt H. S. E. 'l'. ramps in Ontario. with a tntal mo-miwi-ship ..r 1.006. This want that ”It'l't.‘ \Vo-i'i- l.006 hays gottim: Canadian Standard l'lt'tii'ii-ncy Train- ing. and undo-i- tlw gnich‘ini'u nf tiw grvat, Imy worko-l's nl’ tlanaota and Ontarin. 'l'in- Hnys' Parliamvnt hail fni'mmi many ”1' tiwsi- ramps. unit that. almw was a “'t‘mt’litltNH achii-Vi-nmnt. All “in mo‘miwrs than Signml the» Oath of .\“t'.'..'|0'lli't’ anal mow-ling mt- jmii'nmt {rum thv I’ai'liamvnt Buildâ€" ings to tho- iii-ntrat Y. .\I. C. A. whm'v a “gut-:quaintml suppm'" was SN'VNI at. 6 n‘clm'k. At this nnjny- ables suppm'. PW'l‘yhml)’ pm! :u‘- quaintmi. and it I'vw words of wri- mmv Wo'l’o' giwn by H. B. \Vhitv- ho'adl. pl'vsiclo'nt of ”Marin Bnys‘ “'nrk ”Hard. and Ho-m'gn F. Wobh. go-nm'al summary 01' Um Baptist. BIHII‘II Hf Ho'ligimls Education. Premier Outlines Bis Platform At 8 p.111. tlw nwmhm's again mvt. at. Um Parlianwnt Buildings fur thn purpnso- ul' winning a Pro-mivr and a [mach-r uf the mmosition. 'l‘hrm valulioluhw “mm in HIP tivld. numvl)’. Rmmlol Fro-olo-I'Imrml of I’M'th. Jamws Grimmnn of I’M-tun and Edward Dnâ€" \'iH. uf Kitrhvnm'. 'l'lw mmlitlato‘s wvrn intrmhu'oro! to the! nwmlmrs, said :1 f0\\' \Vnrols. tlwn Hu- mum- bm's Vutml. As a l'o‘s‘lllt, Ronald Fro- do-nhnrgll was vlm'lml Pl'vmim'. Jumm m-inmmn lmaolm' of the! Up- pnmmn. and lid. Dewitt as Minister of Eolnmtinn. 'l‘hv platform ul’ tlm (3 That. a d M‘mhwt'd. this 'UH‘ vxpvnsu '1! Opposition. At ll a.m.. the members attended church with their hosts and host- esses. At t p.m. there was a meet- ing in Knox College Chapel. where Taylor Statton. the great .Canadian boy leader, gave an ms iring ad- dress on “Our Responsibi ities." At 530 we had too as guests of St. Paul‘s United Church, and at 7 o‘clock, all memhe -4I Ii-Onfinfl fin ’ U CIWI, in the c splendid I luv"--- much and hatched to address by Rev. W. A Report of the Recent Sessions of the Fifth Ontario Older Boys’ Parliament Held in the Parliament Buildings, Queen’s Park, Toronto, December 26 to 31 Inclusive. ' THE BOYS PARLIAMENT Saturday atto-rnnun. Dottembe Sunday, December .lark Mills nf ll’amwvr. Mvmhvr fur South Grey N] “I!“ 11;: ml- Build- whm'o' Young. whose t.0pic was “Youths in ”10' Seats 0! Power.‘ Monday, December 28 At. 9.30. thcrc was a caucus of all mvmhcrs in thc Parliament Build- ings. le l’rnmior lo-(l in the (19-? wtinnal pcriml and road the an- nnuncvmcnts. At 10 o‘clock, we were given a talk on parliamentary pro- cmhirc by Albert 'l‘uckvr. and at it u‘rlm-k. thcrc was a mccting of the standing committcrs. All mcmbcrs hrlnngud to some committee. There was the tinancc committee. health mmmittcc, amt 5n forth. with tho rahinrt ministrr acting as chairman. In thrsr committrns. all bills and rc- snlutimis which warp to bc brought Up in tho House wrrc fully (lis- rnssmt. and agroml Upon hcfnre be- ing prvso-ntml tn tlw Hmisc. At, 12.30 thvrv was lunchcnn and photographs. and MW cnn'iniittrcs rcâ€"asscmhlml at L’. .\t 7; n’rlm‘k thmw' was a I'olwal‘s- al nt' Hm fnl'mzfl npvning and assign- mvnts 0f Spats. and at 515’) tlm mom- 'N'I'." \vm'v gunsts Hf Hm Ontario Boys‘ Wurk “mm! for lnm'hmm at)!“ l‘lo'nh‘ul Y. M. Li. A. At 8.30. Par- lianwnt was formally nponml. Mr. S. H. Humlay 3140:! as Linutvnant- Hmw'nm' and PM“! Hm Spm‘ch from tho- 'l'hrnnv. This was an impres- siw (-o-rnmnny and was Parriwl out in o-xzwtly Hm sanw mamwr as Hm Hpo'!lin,‘..'.' Hf lhv Untarin lmgislutm'fi. Uwr 1’00 pvnplo' \wrv in tho. gal- lvl'ivs. 'l‘lw (lo‘hatv on tho Spmmh fmm Hw 'l‘hx'nnv lastml until 10 u‘vlnrk. :Iml Um Hmlsu thvn ad- jmll'nml in truv parliamontnry fa- shinn. M 9.30 ero was a canons of all [lll‘nllll‘l'34. and a meeting «if tlw com- niiltmw at. 10.31). Ml‘flllu‘l‘s \Vm‘v tho ,‘J'llt'sis' Hf Tm'nnln Rotary Club at :i snmptnnns Fallim' and Son ban- qno-l in the King Edward Hotel at l‘.’.l:'i. "Tim 9000”“ sitting Of the Hunsv vummvnvmi at 2.45 and lastvd until 3.30, fullnwml by luncheon at Hart llmisv. 'l‘liv Huusn Pei-assem- Mml ill 8 p. m. and Sat until 10.30. Wednesday, December 30 At 0.3!) there was again a caucus Hi all members, and mowling of the i-nniniitliws at. 10.30. At. 1.1?) we had a bus rialc- in all places of interest as gut-sis of ilw llnys‘ llniincil of ’l‘m‘nntn. 'l‘lw l'unrth sitting: of the Himsv tmik [”30" from 3 tn 5 p. m. and Min l‘VPlllll}: pi'ngram was ur- i'angi-il by vaini'ns. ’ Thursday, December 31 The House met at one and sat un- til 113m. when a 'ancns was held to nominate leailers tor the next Parliament. Three members were t‘lt‘t’lml to contest the Premiership; namely. Vernon l’roctor ot' telllathamfl Earl Lantensehlager of Kitchener.f llngh Scratch of London. The sixth and tinal session was held from 2 to ’i. with a closing: Speech from the Throne by S. B. Huntla)‘. What the Parliament Did Provided for promotion of pioneer H. S. E. 1‘. work; Made the necessary amendments to the parliamentary .\ct.; tmtlinecl a policy and program of the Parliament for the coming year: l'rgeil 'l‘nxis Squares to accept larger responsibility for leadership of 'l‘rail Ranger camps; Enthusias- tically and unanimously accepted the responsibility of raising $11,000 for co-eeerative C. S. E. '1‘. work throngtnmt Ontario by means of a Bond-Selling campaign (see article on the Bond-Selling Campaign be- low : Delinetl electoral divisions in Untario. and made some necessary alterations (there are now “6 seats in the Older Boys' Parliament, which reprew‘nts Iwarly every section of the province of (gntariol. ‘ _ '\2II_ In addition to tlin above six Bills. ”It‘l‘t‘ \wrn lil’tmin rosolutinns, as l'nllnws: ii For the. establishment of a i’ii'milating library for Members of l’urlianwnt; U37 'l'liat greater em- phasis lw plai'ml by (7.. S. E. '1‘. groups nil tln- olvx'ntimial pm'iml; (3') '1‘0 vs- tzililish a lll'WS smwiw syndicate to link up llw 11. S. E. '1‘. papers in llw l’l't‘n'llll'l‘; {4“, lie-affirming b0- livl' in lhv valuv and iwcessity pi a two-man statt' for the Ontariol Buys" \\'oi'k Board: "7) Expressed the. t'nllVit'ttHll Hi the need 0f the dewlnpnicnt. ot' a national con- sciuusuess in the C. S. E. 'l'. move.- ment. and that, a conference of the Premiers ot' the various Boys” Par- liaments of tlanada as the best means of doinc so at the present; {6) De- cided that. it' circumstances permit. Gordon Lam, he sent. by the Ontario Boys’ Parliament to the Y. M. C. A. World Oint‘erence in Helsingfors. Finland, next August. and that James Hrimmon and Edward Pickering be tirst amt second alternatives for same: (7; Approved ot a policy of promoting World Brotherhood; (8) Expressed the hope that a fair pro- portion of the delegates to the Werld Sunday School convention in Los {Angeles in 1928 should be peoph Iron Pumps of All Kinds Ranker Ranges and Separators Brantford Windmills Gould, p.901 and Inir Tuesday, December 29 WATER under 21 years of age; (9) Urged that the Members of Parliament ac- cept responsibility for the develop- ment of greater interest in the mis- sionary work of their own churches; (10; Urged that Mentors’ Institutes and Clubs be organized by local Boards and churches; (it; Again pledged support to and belief in the Beausoliel Island Leadership Train- ing camps; (12,- BXpI‘QSSt‘d the opin- ion that the business of subsequent Parliaments would be facilitated by distributing instructions in parlia- mentary procedure among the. mem- bers elect before the House assem- bles; (13,: Made recommendation to the National Boys' Work Board conâ€" cerning the Trail Ranger Swimming Badge; (ll) Resolved that the whole; C. S. E. 'I‘. movement should support efforts to suppress umlesirablo liter- jature; (15, Endorsed the principles and ideals of a junior League of Nations Society. and pledged per- sonal support to the Society. They re-aftirmed their stand of last year in supporting governing bodies in their efforts to keep amateur sport clean; discussml the extension of the franchise and membership in House to Canadian Girls in Training but defeated the resolution by a close standing vote: discussed the Nation- al athletic competition. and. while no rosolution was passed. various momhors slalod that, it. was in use in thoii' constituonoios and would be again in uso this year. Lively Discussion and Debate Evoi-y Bill and liosolution hi'ought‘ liofoi'o tho Houso was always given tho l'ullosl altonlion. ll' lhoi'o woi'o any flaws in thom, tho Opposition would notioo thom. and Vioo \'oi‘sa. 'l‘hoi'o woi'o somo splondid spoochos mado, and plonty ol‘ intoi'osting do- halos. l’ai'liamonlai'y prom-duro was striolly adhoi'od to, and tho Fifth ()ldoi- Boys” l’ai'liamonl, did husinoss tho samo way as any Ullifll'it) Logis- lalui'o. and poi'haps in a hottoi' way than our provincial l'llll'l'S. 'Addresses and Messages Addrossos woi'o hoard at various limos, gonoi'ally in caucus. from such notahlos as Bishop “rowing of Torâ€" onto; Hon. N. \\'. Rowoll. who spoko 3on tho work of tho Loaguo of Na- tions; RoV. (iooi‘go 'l‘. \Vohh. J. M. Findlay. l1. l-‘. Plowman. Taylor Stat,- ton. H. .~\. Hall. ll. B. Whitohoad, ;\ii)0'l't 'l‘nokoi‘ and throo foi'moi' pro- miors. .lnsoph Mollulloy, Allan Van Emory and Gordon Lam). [0 'I‘ s.----‘n nn‘n.‘ 1.4‘ll‘ I" uuu. \-u.._..,.. -_--‘ ‘ _ Mr. S. B. (‘mnday of Toronto acted as Livutvnant-tSowrnnr: Mr. Shl‘ov- vllm' of Niagara and Mr. Martyn 0f Riplvy avtml as Ull‘l'kh‘. and Mr. Bradshaw of Toronto as. Sorgvaut- at-Al'ms. but the Parliamentary stat! WIIO‘ work for us are all paid out of the; sum the members raise by means of‘ the Bond Selling Campaign. The main purpose of the Parliament is to train boys for leadershi ) and to teach all boys to livel‘T 1e Jesus way of life.“ The Bond Selling Campaign Last year the 4th Older Boys Par- liament. raised $11,000 for boys' work in Ontario. and to finance the On- tario Boys’ Work Board. This year the 5th Parliament passed a hill. ac- cepting the responsibility of rais- ing $11,000. Each ri-ling is given an objective to reach. and the. objective for the. County of Grey is $200, ex- ,clusive of Owen Sound. l This money is raised by the sale This money is raised by the saw of One Dollar Bonds. and these bonds are sold by the Tuxis Boys or voters in each town or village in the rid- ing. The security for the bond is your own personal satisfaction that you are contributing to boys” work in the province. There is no limit. to the amount o_f_ bonds one person '-.V “CC xiv-- may purchase. Méd'als app given to the boys for soiling certain numbers of bonds. ThqBond-Solling Campaign covers :1 pgqu 91' two weeks, February 1 Al-:_ -â€".--.n:11r. “ yvt-vu v- -..., "w" , 7 _ to 13. inclusive, and in this period of timr. Durham must. raise 3 rar- tain objective. Tho ritizvns ut‘ Dur- ham will hr askml fur mntrihutimns to carry on this splvndicl work. and tho leaclrrs of hoys‘ work in Dur- ham urn hnping for a gvnm-ous (‘Ontributinn from all citizens. Mvvt- ings are bring hvlit now to organizn this tnwn and in solvct. lhv imncl salvsmon. 'l‘hn fullcm‘s arr going into this campaign fuli _ut‘ «int/hus- iasm and 0110.111)". and Durham is bound to go (mu- thu top as slw al- ways dons. Hnlnw is a list, nf tlw itoms which go to mako up Hm sum numlml: lixmmscs Salaries of twu svcretarios and Office» 11011) ...........€‘72:fl.00 Traveling expenses for hold (\AI‘ I‘ll \xmk by mm 11431445....” ()fticn exponsos C.T.l‘.'l. printed mattmn. . Bond Svlling’ lewnsvs ...... Grunts tn \Vm'k Board and Rufunds. travelling oxpmxsnsfii 200 8310 of supplws :- . . . . _. . . . 75 Grant, from ()ntumo valgnous .00 .00 _.-‘ A- \. ‘jvvfiificâ€"zâ€"itifih Umncil ........ 1300.00 To Do laised by saln of $1 hands in campaign ........ 11050.00 Conclusion In closing this repurt. the writer eadership training camps 4:30.00 512.6230!) 900.00 1200.00 1025.00 1200.00 “ho would like to say that, if any person desires any furthm' information in regard to the work of tho 5th Older Boys” Parliament 0r tho Bond Sell- ing Campaign, he will lw nnly {no glad to answm' all questions tn the best of his ability and knowledge. The little leaveâ€"s _ and ti 0 from high mountain ten gardens. t at are used Durham Branch 1. A. Rowland. Manager THOSEwho have saved are ad ‘30 to buy,and the man with mm c y in the bank is always ready {or any opportunity or emergency. Determine to save a certain sum â€"say $100. That accomplished, save a second SIM, and you will soon have $1.000 in the bank. As mentioned before, 0110 nl' lho- 2 1; aims of the Older Boys" PHI'IIIHIIHM is to teach (he buys lu Im- “1.,“ Jesus way of life." Your ('«)â€"..;..-:-;‘, Lion is asked in putting: mm gm Christian boy mownwnt m >5ng Grey successfully. Ask for our booklet. "The Measure of Your Income." It will help you. “m, III“?! II. i925. DIS. JAIIESON A Oflice and XVI-ad! w. guce ens! of the 1m umbton Sum 1m. ()fllt P hnuv. - 0 pm. (except Nxm! p I. L. BIITB, M, a OHIO? and "cu m.» Countess and Lam».- .“3 Old PM! «my ,, omua.m..1.:w- . (Sundays «nu-um. .1 Physician umbmn st I'4 “e l'lli\vr.~ tested and . Except mi HOHUI‘ (il‘m out“, (innit Surgmms ' III N! I Block. Mm of Mach'H ’03, w. C. PICMI} ()"ll‘v. (MM 1‘. A Durham. lem' . branch ‘30 W |ocatml alt linl'l'lstc'r~. : oer ol' the» I'm Tuesday 01‘ m may kw mam ofl'fco Grcw. soualo It 'I in self. Licensed Au Made-m!“ ' sllvs. a- 1" . .t 'l‘ho- (Liz: Terms «m 1H l, I’m-hum. Grey. l‘mn 8011:1th tr! Illlm-d. “it Chronic]:- son, \‘zmn L.“ AND BESS” M ChirOpractom D :11: he SCH'IHP “5:; a _ LOT (jHN Dining 1‘ cultix'aim AdVCNISPlnvM‘ n ma wn‘n mum: of (our. 1‘1‘h‘lthn'iu ( Ilturday {Hum u? \\\‘ 25 cents. (m ui. war "I“ be and.- Hu'u w cult :‘ tn \\ Onta term ' bush; “- trnmv ! 9,0an oemmn Kl )R'l'H “nutty, Jan uary himm: H Ind m :1 “I8 [H‘Mh' hitting: ~ {ramp \\ well at «1' “is far": (Inn. 1': fight in q “culat‘s :r an. i. In a Lot 66 h 2% milw s hinim! 8*" “Miles. 7â€"? Msimx 1:" Well wnh‘r‘w‘. For furthvr “Mun 9mm if. r. GRANT. n n “nu-flu in The Lc’ed/ ' IIDDLBBRO rn FUNERAL Iew Modern Pu; Phone Hillcrest 01 [8342‘ Avenue Pu I'M! Wines Fumwm w Sum \V H't IIDDLEE Barristers, Solu FARMS I70 Medifdl I)": Classif Dania DB. A. M. B U REUBI ALEX. M Ill LUCAS EL 8 YARN Ill 02* 7h

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